The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-18, Page 3Hese Is tits Secret efiessege.-'Caro yo,1 so "Italic; yr n a prize'i $1800 p19.'�IZE 1141/3rRM,M) /4 OIOPZRS %XUUN Xill Q3' t BVFM,'NAF 11,11(S R(-TR58a- O13ALSe:L3C 2onow three dIrootian0 to solve ah message; -. (eY May to the secret •, ,,o,opo stands for THE, (2)Telco dret lotto -of scent nmeon0, ` This Is 01,' 10,13 1 In ton Iib of Phan Movu straight down to F. Now irons F move to extrema left' o csort,• The 'otter thus to T. This is+ the tetter y aro IooIdno for. now take' 7, Find It in 010 100 0110. of chart. l3ovo streluht deft to F. Then to thy . o%trotee left, The 03110! there 0s R. Tido is the second 1 ttgf you m•0. tutting for. • (3) In the dame way f;hd' oat what eneh letter 01004 tor, enoh limo polos Walsh> down to. 7 afo X30,3,, to dines, lett r VERYONEFINS A PRIZE Tho ent39 gaining nearest 600 points.. win got tits • beautiful Whippet Overland Sedan, (high, Prises from $000 to 46.00 -wftl also be awarded ;tb the twenty next beet cntriea. Besides- this, everyqualified. contestant will receive' a valuable surprise gift. Bo neat and careful. Comply with the rules, Send your gg3Awar !o.•das. da anon Ira ttic Judges novo examined sour eater. • 3000 shalt notify yob how "many' yolply *her have awarded you, 1'o shall then ask you to show a few Paragon Pro- ducts to 0'9qur frlorfdb and neighbours. That is all you will need to do to I. qualify your entry coal' make yen elt- glble for the highest prises. rot, any .further efforts you may stoke to intro, ,duce Paragon Products, we elonO ay You ea,ra. Send your ears t ay. • 9 Do not lose this. opportunity. dl 1stPrise Automobile $1,0e000 .5th Peize Cash: 475.00 Rad Prize Cash.-,_ 800,90 Otte Prize, Gash_ s0.00- ars..Prize Cash. 17 00 7th Prize Cash._ 215.00 $ earize C4ti�1.,- - 10O 00 Sth Prize Cash ,._.. 10.00 9th tui dist Prize, Each 1$33.00 A Votuoblo Prise to Each ;Qualified .contettont. WIRY THIS CAR OVERLAND WIMP= SEDAN, LATEST MODEL PARAGON KNITTING Sc TEXTILI3 MILLS »J1PT. 'i6A;10-2I. RICHMOND ST. W.,,TOILONTO, +HNT, We are 'giving Stead mat;ntaoent pea Just to. further popularIne Para - Products..• Then, ptyxlueta,are gold mill to coosemor.from catalogue, and:,personal represon#itivice, This di.. rent [service to your borne a3Voe you money WI has become extremely popu- lar, ' We wish, however, to acquaint more: people with this service, sothat more home," rtnly take advnntag, of Paragon d1allty and vateos.- f17T TILE 3'AliAGON SiADI'i Thereto: n Piketon Product for every: member of the fantik'. DIMES =Ols CONTEST ' ' 1 -'Write your owe= gieraiy n Inti In the 05503 right hand corner plat the agreeof. this parer: also your -none nodaddress, stating whether 1vlr„' Ors„ or Mtge. the only ono aide of paper putting anything else' you wish"- to write' on.08parato 031543,,. 2 -Contestants must bo 15 years (40 ago "or over. &-Emmpplo ees of Paragon Mills. or their 4rteada. will nos be. allowed to compete. 4 _ Entries Will be Judged and points awarded, co follows: 40 potato for each word of the messaan correctly, solved, making a total of 400 Potato;. for ful- filling the oondltione of the agates* 70 Points; for neatness, style, and general a 310820aos, 20 points; for handwriting, JO points. Thus the 'tithes* ntunber of aoeanests e ob1eto obtain is G00, and the potato takes first prise. s Tho cottuaitthe' of Judges'vIlo wl11 hinge the ;anal sward is compoae,r of three iientlemon prominent in the pub - lie life of Toronto, They have no cen- neetlon whatever with this firm nod their terriers In this contest are purely voluntary. Their names SSW be made known to every, contestant. 0 -The .feat day of the comsat to April s0. tarot,* should be sent at once, 7 --Foch contestant 'Wilt be sent o e�oppvof theP.aratton fainting Catalogao 133300E and will bo asked to soled therefrom, Eight Dollars' worth of Par - anon Prelude. to introduce amongst friends, This is :not -n sales contest. The only qualifying' condition is fut. tilled anon completion of Cho •above' requirements, Everybody's opportuni4 of 'winning is equal. . Classified Advertisements. 1 EMNANTS. le LBS., $2. b' LBS. PATCHES, $7.6tl. •`A. McCrory, Chatham, Ontario. SAtpp6 �p,ayayssVire Offer Steady °ma il!<[6e . employment and Pay weekly to sell our. Complete and exclusive lines of guaranteed quality, whole not, fresh dug -to -order trees n,id plants, Attractive illustrated eamplee anti full co-operation,. a money -making' opportunity, Luke Brothers Nurseries. Montreal' Long-Servloe Eyries. Golden eagles are stillto be found in the .westerei and central 'Scottish 1•Iighlanes, where the same nests, ee eyrie; have been used regularly for halt a eentui'y... Little! age.' Leat anyone ;think that the little things don't ;ecunt, naturalists esti- mate that Insects comprise four-bifthe of the anitna,i kingdom. s ' Dont: get a sensation ot pressure ea the heoirt3 indignation, Stigcl+s boort up Nit' f00 15. A3(y drugstore, • •It is 000nlnlol1 knowledge to Arctic and Antarctic explortero that sea -ice more than a year old is entirely free from Bally although new ice contains ho Snme •nmennt ofsalt as Sex water, After 8having--•114 erd's L'fnime et' with.the morningllglit, upon the broad mre L aro W 1 Cloud. Architecture. The Heritage. You 'nay .tail:e any stogie fragment .James Russell' Lowell wrote much iuy gaud in the sky, and vol will region y+ersa, but his "BigloWPftparsi" of i11ns1 It put together as it there had u^rittea during the American Civil boan tt year's thought over the phut War, are perhaps his most distinctive df 1, nrramgawd with tli•e moot studied work, jttequatity---with the most delicate eynlmetry-with the moat elaborate f O, rt it man's son! there le n toll. contrast, a pletetre-fu it5e4f, Xou may That'with ell others level stands; try 070.07 other piece of cloud in the Larga elia•:•ity doth never soil, Leaven, and you will find them every , 13ut only whitens soft white hantde. one as 11•erfeet, and yet not one 1Ir the This is the best crop from thy lands; least like another, A Heritage, it s0ms to me Stand upon the peak of eau/' Iso- North being rite to Itold in fee. fated naonntail, at daybreak, wljen the 1 r se rom efft to p, Moor mane 80111 scorn not thy 1111ains, and watch their white and rake- state; !like fields as they float in level lave There is wore weariness than thine and winding gulphs'about the tentacled Tn reerele being rich anti great: 3o,ntmita of Lite lower bite, untouched Toll tear glees the soul to shine, yet by more than dawn, older and • .dad makes 'r'est fragrant and be- ' o quiet than a windless sea 'undo ' uign; the moon of ulldnight,' Watch when A heritage, it seems to ,the,: the ling aunbcanf to sent upon tlreeell• 'Worth being poor to hole in lee, of channels, how the foam of their ttndtleting surface pinta and passes 13oth, helve to conic slx feet of sod, away: and down under . their depths Are equal In the. 0102311 at last; the glittering city and green pasture Both, children of the mime dear pod, Ile; like 4talitie, between "the white Prove title to yourheirship vast Moths of 'winding rivers; the flakes o3 By record of a well-filled past; light falling every motnont faster and A 1•eritage, it seems to me brander •autong' the starry sigma ; as the wreathed 8urgas break and vanish above them, 001101 the confused crests and ridges of the dark hills ,shorten their gray shadows upon the plebes. Wait a little longer anti your shall see those tottered mists refiring lit the ravines :and floating valleys, till they couch in quiet maesoa, lrideseent Swans on the River Thanes belong either ' to the Ding or to the Dyers' or Vintners' Company. These two bodies are the only City Companies perm1dtid to ewn"'serans on the Thames. V'1rc11 worth a life to hold here°. . MOTHERS PRASE -. B ,J Y'S OWN TABLETS - zsasa of the higher hills, wlioso wa, a ton, N.S., t leagues of mercy undulation will malt says: -•-"I owlet" recommend Baby's back and back"into that robe of meat own Tehlots too highly_loo'th I have`teund tonsil Ugh*, until they fade away, nosh them invaluable for the allnients. of . little on -es," lass, Itoffee: zoyirith lusere, to appear again above, i8 life same Aa thatto)t ilianthe scalene hovel, like a bile, usa11dm bright, in po103108 s'diusam, fwiiidatjon- other moth era who have' used the Tale, `La 1ess;a, innceegeiblo, their very foundation- Iem'' To use them'emce'lea sure guar - A fan3shtng in the unanbntantia0 and l'nteo Haat they will ajways be kept in Dr. Fran1Ciinlr9 DIG STIN Str*ni these the' Stamach.relievect 1.revents DYseeps-ty Inedg•estton, Heart- burn, flStoinacll, 1�aueea, Flet11• lt0neee leadaobe, anti all other troubles muted "by dlsOrdered Stoma -eh andBonels.' Buy et;yottr'dine etoee es nraii f0Tty •oent8 to am 0(040.esls • [3r: Era. Alin- Laboratories: Tor. :Its... niookin,g blue • of thefir deep lake below.-' the fiolyoung noche.sildlrongento asbe therecaro. fo1118 rb.ab: Thhtos John Ruskin. Tablets ,aro n laxative - mind but 'rile Best Reward- -Per Wnrk is the conscious - nese that we have clone it .• = • I e --Our ehildree cen eye us le to .1 merit cur easel/Ices, FA 0017E :AK VTQ' ItIOV1 The $300 wagon In quetitton with 'Thomas Melghan up;, wagon, but tthe farmer didn't Iceove this whenwas asked if he would sell, •. "What would you do with a wagorl. like teat•ii1 Aew'eerl ?" he• waked. "We sometimes have to g9 dowai *0 the sleben to bring • tire actors' trunks tip to the studio,"Abe prop man anatteered without a em 1.0. - After two days of dickering the farmer agreed to sell the wagon for nee 'and the haameee Tor 325, Later he was overheard telling a neighbor how he had sold the outfit for $126 and: had received $262 for fourteen d`a8g work. "The funny part or it," he -explained, "wars that they, even had ahs or -emir own mein drive'tlo-e wagon ter me. All I luad`to de was sutoke." The driver was Thomas. Meighan, Friend farmer will probably Seel that he has had 'more than his money's worth - when be recognizes himself in themovie film screened in his - home town this winter. After a man hug nrie+d 11. tains wa,g030 0.31 the'wheat ran ellen /mound Ca) gary LiD1• flys years acid 11as left it ou31003e during the winters, it ceases to he - Milne a'thcing er 'Beauty, It may sill he useful but not ornamental, 'traces: ee paint may Will be found; but it takes a long search. The lvheels web. bie. Some of •ihe •boards are cracked' but it works. Such a wagon figures in a number of scenes. of Thomas Metghan' now Picture, "The Canadian,' filmed near Cel„ary amid prairie country tri- versed by the Cauedlan Polite Rail .Sway. -A prop mar hired it .and., two bereft from a farmer about 40 miles. south of Calgary. 1'or two weeks the farmer drove it fiooni place to place and °reported for duty when called. I:le ree•eived $i$ a day for los services and 'was- satisfied. - At the clad of the second week the. prop 01410 decided that the wagon would be necessary to complete some or the 'scenes in their Long Islam* • 8001410. It bad to be that particular REGAINED HEALTH IS NOW HAPPY The Experience -of ' a- • Quebec Woman With Dr. Williams' Pinlr'Pills., Mrs. L. D. Bernier,' 89 D'.Argulffion Street, Quebec, to one. of the thousands of women who, when she found her health falling, resorted at enee •t* Dr. iVnittams' Plunk Pills, and new lInds I1eeeetf In perfect health. Mrs,` Her - /der says: -'I 'was very esoak, sub- ject to eeadechee and was unable to SIeep 'tledl. Teptimonlais in the 0g'ig13- paapers persuaded mo to try Dr. Wil- liams' miler/as, and the result hes been most eatlslactory. I have re- gained my health, tiro headacime Have left me; I stoup ,we11 at night, and I have gained in weight. Naturally I amfeeling happy.. I strongly"recom- mend Dr, Williams' Plnlc Pills to ell ell, to ensure the removal of any kox- neeelt people!' ins or poisonous materialfrom the' di• Try Dr: WI -Nicene' Pink Pills for gestive tract.' anomie, rheumuti8101, neuralgia, ser- The dies Should consist largely of vouseees. Taira them ee a tonics If you milk, to which lime water may be aclrclr aro detain the hestphysteeil condition ed,, un,0 also of such foot's as are rich anti cultivate a -resistance that will In lime: cabbage, turnips, oatmeal, keep you well and strong. If you will' and• Vegetables and fruits in general. send ns your name and address a little' Bggs eontain'a fair percentage of Wale, book, 'Banding Up the Blood," will'and so de most mute, but beef and be mailed you .prepaid. This little! other meats have very little-' Nuts book contains many useful health should be ground and Mazda '21,30 it hlYcu can get these pills through auy 1 puree, alod, •.+*en SP, should' ' be eaten 1 1paringly,' for they contain muoll fat dealer or by mail' at s0 cents a box and are not always readily digested. from The Dr. Williams' 31I*rlloino Coe; Cod-liver oil aids In the ,assimilation Brookville, Ont. - of lithe, so alas do extracts of re3tain glands; hut ' here we are encroaching en the province of tee medical attend- ants, who 8ltotrld of course be consulted not only about the ante treatment, but also about the diet.. The•attaok Itself may he treated and 8onietime0 arrested betere• the, doctor comes, by putting the ehtld In a hot bath and applying cold compresses to the head. The severity ot'tho sirup attacks may often be redtioed by Re- plying heat to the larynx by mewls of a sponge or soft 'cloth 78011g oitt of Trot water, If it cart iia glean without disturbing the' child too march, .an enema' Is so3.0-31nrea of service. Montreal. ' Nervous Chit ren. - • There are some children, otheawisre in apparent good health, who Suffer from art over -meltable,. weakness of the nervous system that manifesto it eft in., spasms of 'various muselcs or in general- e0nvtr:s1010. •5'h4.. larynx is very apt to be the seat of thistrou- ble, nhicli,sliowe itself in attacks Or spasmodic -crop; again, sometimes' as seciated with croup, 60n25tiln$H eceur- ing independently, there are Cramp• Mite spa03310 of the handl/ anal' Seat. In gel/cral..all the mtiselee react Saietantl- and strongly to • any stimulus, such as a sharp tap with the finger. This muscular irritability hat been road to he due to a. fault of nutritive, namely - all inability to absorb or as- similate lime, and .the- medical .prob- lem is. to olereemo Ude defect, two bring about a mermat lime digestion, An ample supply . of llme•containing' food roust be gives[ and i1 there aro- other forms of digesstive trouble they must be treated, It Is well to start the treatment . with a dose of castor Rolling Stones. 1t ie wine, it is,well' That stente 0lioutd»ro11 Nor smother in bracken feed moat, 1Yae13_11 Slane grow morewhcte Being eteiped across 'With parasite Rehm? But it enters esperienca Arid 50e0 a new world .. It It roles -1r 1t rolls - After petard, or toss. , Leh it Tole - Roll when uta Scuffed out eound'ly From cluttered -up rut, ot'tirole. . Let it adventure . Beyond the straight Lente. thorebgh• la action -which hover fail to regulate the stomach and bovrele' make the dreaded teething ' am": In fact you' baeish all 'the from whieh ente teller.. Th Tale t ne dealer r by -Marna 25 cents'a box iron/The Med icinn, „Co, l3ronItyllle yell let 0.t go Like a meteor, hike d- '3's'oa1 .and 111 another woe0di Moos is a parasite. petitei A ; a parasite, rust let a stereo roil -off its rough; o Let it chip; 8 Let, It wear off old crust. tame r dye Evan n rare. thing Might spring e,•,..•: t3t313;oI1&1}�+. t"3 . t1�JP . t • g 110t the hernia, hut the aerobia- 0 'For geod serinon is ia the. lee '0 Dear Pri.ends You talcs th with your D3reing or Tinting if you. 'ups --or thrift is the mestere,' we'estab. Ugh ovin intpetuous desires. '' plegeure of cur emote. nos rig the - induetry is the eerteo of self- 1 respect that follows. * 'Tin SIM:, Iltirigter is a fine time saver. You put the,housPereo0ylt in the oven. The roaster dace the reit, begtel, 'netts to perfection. It roasts with Verylittle shritikage thus saving dollars every year. Nene of the teatit moat Suicee arc lost; MI the. rich flaehr in retained. Besides you car, buy, cheaper • - etas; for it makes cheap cuts taste • close fitting C0700 keep, all the cooking otiose and the gronee inside tho .e.td clean. Dont of ell.,it °inane out la a jiffy ',tiler the roasting, These. art . splendid yeaecle. Price 315e. to $3.50 acceraing,to vire and finish. Sold in elt Amohg rae-es in Europe and ile rriorta:ety cede. This is said to be argely dee to the fact that Jewitch • ,Wtee it if; done, that lag long veyage, Have oomo to whets they tell us there ie not, eViien it le done, that Met long voyage, Whatever -neater you will, so let it bo Shall we remember ail the friende Upon tine dear old Earth, the, haunt- ing dayn of , Aratigtimer:fs coning: all tin Of English minx -ran? Or shall we fin And greet hig silent nt"..as ree es 10 W1.11 clic be theye with 'm101101' in her VeZdata.lelt, It' rain, Or see the dark df. -g egai? Minard's Liniment for Colds. QUeCli Mary 'ware the first English rti'me to date her coins, end Edward the Sixth firat 1.18ed 111. veil:tee/ark when be put Roman =mercies on 'the twelve - pence aloe. Oliver Croineve:i is ac- credited with Introducing interiptions Yours sincerely, Service Dept. Dep. T. Limited. mint chopped „easily if coaree sugar .10 mixed with it, Before pour- ing on viiiegar, cover with a 'dozen- speonful of boiling svater Le preserve 81271g. ozt face- or kends. Mix a With "Isal. oil- and oil "Mra, joins sold yale were the, hatiel. 'inmeat man on Our ti1tT4et." "W"lutt's that?" asiced the tether. Kerese's true?' asked the retiree "That' evera, time you. e,ornelement mall he makes you „ropent it.' asinard,s Liniment for Neuralgia., secret' is what etevonlen MILS an- other woman not to tele because she We derive ,greater benefiteirem eriticiam oar enemies than from flattery ef friencle.---j: B. 7? cairn'. ortitv ng, fa. htilnticg. deoorating gar ening, re artily. Ilittotrated, 344 Adelehl. §t, Vto Taranto, Ont, , 7011011T0 theirlosen cutting edge t▪ on- , dee every usage. . ..ensonots canape 'CAW CO. USA. 1 ..• tortorno nen (neon highWay will be the home trail for rnarty Canadian citizens intent art spending Christmas with the home folks in the Britiah isles this Christmas. Leaving Halifax Decem▪ ber 12th and 13th respectively the two Christmas ships -4Letitia" and "Antonia" are scheduled to arrive at the tame porta three or four 'days before Christmas, the 'Letitia" at Belfast, Liver- pool and Glasgow, and the " Antonia " at Plymouth, Cherbourg and London. 40 your Steatnah(p Agent for information, or write - The Robert Reford Co.. 1.1mIted Montreel, 'Arena), Quebec, C AR Ulm Shaving Stick A Luxury for Tender Faces Tbis freely lathering Slaaying Stick sontains the . emollient and medicinal properties of Oedema, enabling tender -faced men to shave without the etiglatetearritatten. leaves the skin softened and re- freshed and free from rise tense, dry feeling. soup]. mob nee iv men Addrog C.amoden poet; .2,fechosse,106,11/1110111100,10 Price, SOAP 20c. Ointment 25 end Cee. Toterowdo. Cutidora'Shaving Stick 26c. DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION FOB MRS. PENN She Es_caped It by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. table Compound Windsor, -Ont.-"After thebirth my first baby I Ivo vety rinieli run- down in health and the doctor said I mug hale/ opeeetion as I watt suffering from a displacement A friend wanted me to try your medi- ate -Lydia E. Pinichanee Vegeteblo Compound -and I tookit steadily for 4 year. During this tiraet was carry- ing my second baby and I felt real Well ell the time and did not have a hard confinerrient. I feel sure the Vegetable Compound did' me a lot of good, and all ray people do, too, One sitter Leenengton, Ontario, takes it, and both nistera praise it as a ;mod medicine. am pore than pleased Windsor, Ontario. Mrs. Corhia Relieved from Pahl* Stewitteke, N. 8.- "I had pains across my back and in my tide for two years after my 3040 baby was born. lify mother had taken Lydia E. fink. bara's Vegetable Compound and 1 read about it in the papers, so I tried it and the alts all left me. I have a family o three 'children now, and the medicine helped me during the Months before they, Trete born. 'rec. . ommend it !to my frienda.v-L-Mra. CAltY W. Comm, Main Street Stew. lecke, _Nova Scotia. FO Prove -a safe by old prescribed 'brphysicians for Cold.s Neuritis WARNINGi Pain Toothache r„ - • • neware of Counterfeits let is offc ed as "A I Boyer Croce' -refuge ,t E HEART Olt Done take chances! Accept oniv "Baver'' package 1,,.111c11 cord -anis provee diredionF. needy ."11ayer'' hoxes of 12 W024 GP, Hoyt: Cosnpnts w1,11 be ketone/1 th,ir nrop1a1 trt[In sohrlt, the 111nrtr (Vent.' am ' h.1 t'$ .�i�ii��ry.y.i;1��iF� ithililitAliiiiliNiffit ^�. 1��fLidM&l�i� it liii ffiy ICC tQ9F1C�" 711 i�ICdr Ott .mC�ummEmomm E I t CAW��Pr�OMB MMNOMMM gugMMM Op {' uOMMMMMIMONMB [!lE1itiRC11��0 Qf©©itit�'�t�11u"J�i pM�1®t t3L5C�1 CiGliCl'` III vii MCMLIMI MI7 qd E1ME1M1MgriMN n '", Wpali C�L�iEam li•:1®Ei�Pel�*uElWRG1 dLgaF�®C�IgaCl®C�CJL��C©f�� iFiL<J©OiE3QEg9ta5111G�11C�ClID.i !" i t irr " RmIl9p��Qgimjmmnimmmmm©�fl�l�9l�u1®y piH(L��i iE�MOPAGi/f`O M M[e�lMIUM©011t!©MO r©/1�eu�i r� ' RENNENR4• (©�C9fr3gC111r,,�( 110\JIe1MEMIaM4,1M� INNag • I- ARIAlgpluirpME111OWEl,,, ©t9A B A QBM®IM NH , ' Hese Is tits Secret efiessege.-'Caro yo,1 so "Italic; yr n a prize'i $1800 p19.'�IZE 1141/3rRM,M) /4 OIOPZRS %XUUN Xill Q3' t BVFM,'NAF 11,11(S R(-TR58a- O13ALSe:L3C 2onow three dIrootian0 to solve ah message; -. (eY May to the secret •, ,,o,opo stands for THE, (2)Telco dret lotto -of scent nmeon0, ` This Is 01,' 10,13 1 In ton Iib of Phan Movu straight down to F. Now irons F move to extrema left' o csort,• The 'otter thus to T. This is+ the tetter y aro IooIdno for. now take' 7, Find It in 010 100 0110. of chart. l3ovo streluht deft to F. Then to thy . o%trotee left, The 03110! there 0s R. Tido is the second 1 ttgf you m•0. tutting for. • (3) In the dame way f;hd' oat what eneh letter 01004 tor, enoh limo polos Walsh> down to. 7 afo X30,3,, to dines, lett r VERYONEFINS A PRIZE Tho ent39 gaining nearest 600 points.. win got tits • beautiful Whippet Overland Sedan, (high, Prises from $000 to 46.00 -wftl also be awarded ;tb the twenty next beet cntriea. Besides- this, everyqualified. contestant will receive' a valuable surprise gift. Bo neat and careful. Comply with the rules, Send your gg3Awar !o.•das. da anon Ira ttic Judges novo examined sour eater. • 3000 shalt notify yob how "many' yolply *her have awarded you, 1'o shall then ask you to show a few Paragon Pro- ducts to 0'9qur frlorfdb and neighbours. That is all you will need to do to I. qualify your entry coal' make yen elt- glble for the highest prises. rot, any .further efforts you may stoke to intro, ,duce Paragon Products, we elonO ay You ea,ra. Send your ears t ay. • 9 Do not lose this. opportunity. dl 1stPrise Automobile $1,0e000 .5th Peize Cash: 475.00 Rad Prize Cash.-,_ 800,90 Otte Prize, Gash_ s0.00- ars..Prize Cash. 17 00 7th Prize Cash._ 215.00 $ earize C4ti�1.,- - 10O 00 Sth Prize Cash ,._.. 10.00 9th tui dist Prize, Each 1$33.00 A Votuoblo Prise to Each ;Qualified .contettont. WIRY THIS CAR OVERLAND WIMP= SEDAN, LATEST MODEL PARAGON KNITTING Sc TEXTILI3 MILLS »J1PT. 'i6A;10-2I. RICHMOND ST. W.,,TOILONTO, +HNT, We are 'giving Stead mat;ntaoent pea Just to. further popularIne Para - Products..• Then, ptyxlueta,are gold mill to coosemor.from catalogue, and:,personal represon#itivice, This di.. rent [service to your borne a3Voe you money WI has become extremely popu- lar, ' We wish, however, to acquaint more: people with this service, sothat more home," rtnly take advnntag, of Paragon d1allty and vateos.- f17T TILE 3'AliAGON SiADI'i Thereto: n Piketon Product for every: member of the fantik'. DIMES =Ols CONTEST ' ' 1 -'Write your owe= gieraiy n Inti In the 05503 right hand corner plat the agreeof. this parer: also your -none nodaddress, stating whether 1vlr„' Ors„ or Mtge. the only ono aide of paper putting anything else' you wish"- to write' on.08parato 031543,,. 2 -Contestants must bo 15 years (40 ago "or over. &-Emmpplo ees of Paragon Mills. or their 4rteada. will nos be. allowed to compete. 4 _ Entries Will be Judged and points awarded, co follows: 40 potato for each word of the messaan correctly, solved, making a total of 400 Potato;. for ful- filling the oondltione of the agates* 70 Points; for neatness, style, and general a 310820aos, 20 points; for handwriting, JO points. Thus the 'tithes* ntunber of aoeanests e ob1eto obtain is G00, and the potato takes first prise. s Tho cottuaitthe' of Judges'vIlo wl11 hinge the ;anal sward is compoae,r of three iientlemon prominent in the pub - lie life of Toronto, They have no cen- neetlon whatever with this firm nod their terriers In this contest are purely voluntary. Their names SSW be made known to every, contestant. 0 -The .feat day of the comsat to April s0. tarot,* should be sent at once, 7 --Foch contestant 'Wilt be sent o e�oppvof theP.aratton fainting Catalogao 133300E and will bo asked to soled therefrom, Eight Dollars' worth of Par - anon Prelude. to introduce amongst friends, This is :not -n sales contest. The only qualifying' condition is fut. tilled anon completion of Cho •above' requirements, Everybody's opportuni4 of 'winning is equal. . Classified Advertisements. 1 EMNANTS. le LBS., $2. b' LBS. PATCHES, $7.6tl. •`A. McCrory, Chatham, Ontario. SAtpp6 �p,ayayssVire Offer Steady °ma il!<[6e . employment and Pay weekly to sell our. Complete and exclusive lines of guaranteed quality, whole not, fresh dug -to -order trees n,id plants, Attractive illustrated eamplee anti full co-operation,. a money -making' opportunity, Luke Brothers Nurseries. Montreal' Long-Servloe Eyries. Golden eagles are stillto be found in the .westerei and central 'Scottish 1•Iighlanes, where the same nests, ee eyrie; have been used regularly for halt a eentui'y... Little! age.' Leat anyone ;think that the little things don't ;ecunt, naturalists esti- mate that Insects comprise four-bifthe of the anitna,i kingdom. s ' Dont: get a sensation ot pressure ea the heoirt3 indignation, Stigcl+s boort up Nit' f00 15. A3(y drugstore, • •It is 000nlnlol1 knowledge to Arctic and Antarctic explortero that sea -ice more than a year old is entirely free from Bally although new ice contains ho Snme •nmennt ofsalt as Sex water, After 8having--•114 erd's L'fnime et' with.the morningllglit, upon the broad mre L aro W 1 Cloud. Architecture. The Heritage. You 'nay .tail:e any stogie fragment .James Russell' Lowell wrote much iuy gaud in the sky, and vol will region y+ersa, but his "BigloWPftparsi" of i11ns1 It put together as it there had u^rittea during the American Civil boan tt year's thought over the phut War, are perhaps his most distinctive df 1, nrramgawd with tli•e moot studied work, jttequatity---with the most delicate eynlmetry-with the moat elaborate f O, rt it man's son! there le n toll. contrast, a pletetre-fu it5e4f, Xou may That'with ell others level stands; try 070.07 other piece of cloud in the Larga elia•:•ity doth never soil, Leaven, and you will find them every , 13ut only whitens soft white hantde. one as 11•erfeet, and yet not one 1Ir the This is the best crop from thy lands; least like another, A Heritage, it s0ms to me Stand upon the peak of eau/' Iso- North being rite to Itold in fee. fated naonntail, at daybreak, wljen the 1 r se rom efft to p, Moor mane 80111 scorn not thy 1111ains, and watch their white and rake- state; !like fields as they float in level lave There is wore weariness than thine and winding gulphs'about the tentacled Tn reerele being rich anti great: 3o,ntmita of Lite lower bite, untouched Toll tear glees the soul to shine, yet by more than dawn, older and • .dad makes 'r'est fragrant and be- ' o quiet than a windless sea 'undo ' uign; the moon of ulldnight,' Watch when A heritage, it seems to ,the,: the ling aunbcanf to sent upon tlreeell• 'Worth being poor to hole in lee, of channels, how the foam of their ttndtleting surface pinta and passes 13oth, helve to conic slx feet of sod, away: and down under . their depths Are equal In the. 0102311 at last; the glittering city and green pasture Both, children of the mime dear pod, Ile; like 4talitie, between "the white Prove title to yourheirship vast Moths of 'winding rivers; the flakes o3 By record of a well-filled past; light falling every motnont faster and A 1•eritage, it seems to me brander •autong' the starry sigma ; as the wreathed 8urgas break and vanish above them, 001101 the confused crests and ridges of the dark hills ,shorten their gray shadows upon the plebes. Wait a little longer anti your shall see those tottered mists refiring lit the ravines :and floating valleys, till they couch in quiet maesoa, lrideseent Swans on the River Thanes belong either ' to the Ding or to the Dyers' or Vintners' Company. These two bodies are the only City Companies perm1dtid to ewn"'serans on the Thames. V'1rc11 worth a life to hold here°. . MOTHERS PRASE -. B ,J Y'S OWN TABLETS - zsasa of the higher hills, wlioso wa, a ton, N.S., t leagues of mercy undulation will malt says: -•-"I owlet" recommend Baby's back and back"into that robe of meat own Tehlots too highly_loo'th I have`teund tonsil Ugh*, until they fade away, nosh them invaluable for the allnients. of . little on -es," lass, Itoffee: zoyirith lusere, to appear again above, i8 life same Aa thatto)t ilianthe scalene hovel, like a bile, usa11dm bright, in po103108 s'diusam, fwiiidatjon- other moth era who have' used the Tale, `La 1ess;a, innceegeiblo, their very foundation- Iem'' To use them'emce'lea sure guar - A fan3shtng in the unanbntantia0 and l'nteo Haat they will ajways be kept in Dr. Fran1Ciinlr9 DIG STIN Str*ni these the' Stamach.relievect 1.revents DYseeps-ty Inedg•estton, Heart- burn, flStoinacll, 1�aueea, Flet11• lt0neee leadaobe, anti all other troubles muted "by dlsOrdered Stoma -eh andBonels.' Buy et;yottr'dine etoee es nraii f0Tty •oent8 to am 0(040.esls • [3r: Era. Alin- Laboratories: Tor. :Its... niookin,g blue • of thefir deep lake below.-' the fiolyoung noche.sildlrongento asbe therecaro. fo1118 rb.ab: Thhtos John Ruskin. Tablets ,aro n laxative - mind but 'rile Best Reward- -Per Wnrk is the conscious - nese that we have clone it .• = • I e --Our ehildree cen eye us le to .1 merit cur easel/Ices, FA 0017E :AK VTQ' ItIOV1 The $300 wagon In quetitton with 'Thomas Melghan up;, wagon, but tthe farmer didn't Iceove this whenwas asked if he would sell, •. "What would you do with a wagorl. like teat•ii1 Aew'eerl ?" he• waked. "We sometimes have to g9 dowai *0 the sleben to bring • tire actors' trunks tip to the studio,"Abe prop man anatteered without a em 1.0. - After two days of dickering the farmer agreed to sell the wagon for nee 'and the haameee Tor 325, Later he was overheard telling a neighbor how he had sold the outfit for $126 and: had received $262 for fourteen d`a8g work. "The funny part or it," he -explained, "wars that they, even had ahs or -emir own mein drive'tlo-e wagon ter me. All I luad`to de was sutoke." The driver was Thomas. Meighan, Friend farmer will probably Seel that he has had 'more than his money's worth - when be recognizes himself in themovie film screened in his - home town this winter. After a man hug nrie+d 11. tains wa,g030 0.31 the'wheat ran ellen /mound Ca) gary LiD1• flys years acid 11as left it ou31003e during the winters, it ceases to he - Milne a'thcing er 'Beauty, It may sill he useful but not ornamental, 'traces: ee paint may Will be found; but it takes a long search. The lvheels web. bie. Some of •ihe •boards are cracked' but it works. Such a wagon figures in a number of scenes. of Thomas Metghan' now Picture, "The Canadian,' filmed near Cel„ary amid prairie country tri- versed by the Cauedlan Polite Rail .Sway. -A prop mar hired it .and., two bereft from a farmer about 40 miles. south of Calgary. 1'or two weeks the farmer drove it fiooni place to place and °reported for duty when called. I:le ree•eived $i$ a day for los services and 'was- satisfied. - At the clad of the second week the. prop 01410 decided that the wagon would be necessary to complete some or the 'scenes in their Long Islam* • 8001410. It bad to be that particular REGAINED HEALTH IS NOW HAPPY The Experience -of ' a- • Quebec Woman With Dr. Williams' Pinlr'Pills., Mrs. L. D. Bernier,' 89 D'.Argulffion Street, Quebec, to one. of the thousands of women who, when she found her health falling, resorted at enee •t* Dr. iVnittams' Plunk Pills, and new lInds I1eeeetf In perfect health. Mrs,` Her - /der says: -'I 'was very esoak, sub- ject to eeadechee and was unable to SIeep 'tledl. Teptimonlais in the 0g'ig13- paapers persuaded mo to try Dr. Wil- liams' miler/as, and the result hes been most eatlslactory. I have re- gained my health, tiro headacime Have left me; I stoup ,we11 at night, and I have gained in weight. Naturally I amfeeling happy.. I strongly"recom- mend Dr, Williams' Plnlc Pills to ell ell, to ensure the removal of any kox- neeelt people!' ins or poisonous materialfrom the' di• Try Dr: WI -Nicene' Pink Pills for gestive tract.' anomie, rheumuti8101, neuralgia, ser- The dies Should consist largely of vouseees. Taira them ee a tonics If you milk, to which lime water may be aclrclr aro detain the hestphysteeil condition ed,, un,0 also of such foot's as are rich anti cultivate a -resistance that will In lime: cabbage, turnips, oatmeal, keep you well and strong. If you will' and• Vegetables and fruits in general. send ns your name and address a little' Bggs eontain'a fair percentage of Wale, book, 'Banding Up the Blood," will'and so de most mute, but beef and be mailed you .prepaid. This little! other meats have very little-' Nuts book contains many useful health should be ground and Mazda '21,30 it hlYcu can get these pills through auy 1 puree, alod, •.+*en SP, should' ' be eaten 1 1paringly,' for they contain muoll fat dealer or by mail' at s0 cents a box and are not always readily digested. from The Dr. Williams' 31I*rlloino Coe; Cod-liver oil aids In the ,assimilation Brookville, Ont. - of lithe, so alas do extracts of re3tain glands; hut ' here we are encroaching en the province of tee medical attend- ants, who 8ltotrld of course be consulted not only about the ante treatment, but also about the diet.. The•attaok Itself may he treated and 8onietime0 arrested betere• the, doctor comes, by putting the ehtld In a hot bath and applying cold compresses to the head. The severity ot'tho sirup attacks may often be redtioed by Re- plying heat to the larynx by mewls of a sponge or soft 'cloth 78011g oitt of Trot water, If it cart iia glean without disturbing the' child too march, .an enema' Is so3.0-31nrea of service. Montreal. ' Nervous Chit ren. - • There are some children, otheawisre in apparent good health, who Suffer from art over -meltable,. weakness of the nervous system that manifesto it eft in., spasms of 'various muselcs or in general- e0nvtr:s1010. •5'h4.. larynx is very apt to be the seat of thistrou- ble, nhicli,sliowe itself in attacks Or spasmodic -crop; again, sometimes' as seciated with croup, 60n25tiln$H eceur- ing independently, there are Cramp• Mite spa03310 of the handl/ anal' Seat. In gel/cral..all the mtiselee react Saietantl- and strongly to • any stimulus, such as a sharp tap with the finger. This muscular irritability hat been road to he due to a. fault of nutritive, namely - all inability to absorb or as- similate lime, and .the- medical .prob- lem is. to olereemo Ude defect, two bring about a mermat lime digestion, An ample supply . of llme•containing' food roust be gives[ and i1 there aro- other forms of digesstive trouble they must be treated, It Is well to start the treatment . with a dose of castor Rolling Stones. 1t ie wine, it is,well' That stente 0lioutd»ro11 Nor smother in bracken feed moat, 1Yae13_11 Slane grow morewhcte Being eteiped across 'With parasite Rehm? But it enters esperienca Arid 50e0 a new world .. It It roles -1r 1t rolls - After petard, or toss. , Leh it Tole - Roll when uta Scuffed out eound'ly From cluttered -up rut, ot'tirole. . Let it adventure . Beyond the straight Lente. thorebgh• la action -which hover fail to regulate the stomach and bovrele' make the dreaded teething ' am": In fact you' baeish all 'the from whieh ente teller.. Th Tale t ne dealer r by -Marna 25 cents'a box iron/The Med icinn, „Co, l3ronItyllle yell let 0.t go Like a meteor, hike d- '3's'oa1 .and 111 another woe0di Moos is a parasite. petitei A ; a parasite, rust let a stereo roil -off its rough; o Let it chip; 8 Let, It wear off old crust. tame r dye Evan n rare. thing Might spring e,•,..•: t3t313;oI1&1}�+. t"3 . t1�JP . t • g 110t the hernia, hut the aerobia- 0 'For geod serinon is ia the. lee '0 Dear Pri.ends You talcs th with your D3reing or Tinting if you. 'ups --or thrift is the mestere,' we'estab. Ugh ovin intpetuous desires. '' plegeure of cur emote. nos rig the - induetry is the eerteo of self- 1 respect that follows. * 'Tin SIM:, Iltirigter is a fine time saver. You put the,housPereo0ylt in the oven. The roaster dace the reit, begtel, 'netts to perfection. It roasts with Verylittle shritikage thus saving dollars every year. Nene of the teatit moat Suicee arc lost; MI the. rich flaehr in retained. Besides you car, buy, cheaper • - etas; for it makes cheap cuts taste • close fitting C0700 keep, all the cooking otiose and the gronee inside tho .e.td clean. Dont of ell.,it °inane out la a jiffy ',tiler the roasting, These. art . splendid yeaecle. Price 315e. to $3.50 acceraing,to vire and finish. Sold in elt Amohg rae-es in Europe and ile rriorta:ety cede. This is said to be argely dee to the fact that Jewitch • ,Wtee it if; done, that lag long veyage, Have oomo to whets they tell us there ie not, eViien it le done, that Met long voyage, Whatever -neater you will, so let it bo Shall we remember ail the friende Upon tine dear old Earth, the, haunt- ing dayn of , Aratigtimer:fs coning: all tin Of English minx -ran? Or shall we fin And greet hig silent nt"..as ree es 10 W1.11 clic be theye with 'm101101' in her VeZdata.lelt, It' rain, Or see the dark df. -g egai? Minard's Liniment for Colds. QUeCli Mary 'ware the first English rti'me to date her coins, end Edward the Sixth firat 1.18ed 111. veil:tee/ark when be put Roman =mercies on 'the twelve - pence aloe. Oliver Croineve:i is ac- credited with Introducing interiptions Yours sincerely, Service Dept. Dep. T. Limited. mint chopped „easily if coaree sugar .10 mixed with it, Before pour- ing on viiiegar, cover with a 'dozen- speonful of boiling svater Le preserve 81271g. ozt face- or kends. Mix a With "Isal. oil- and oil "Mra, joins sold yale were the, hatiel. 'inmeat man on Our ti1tT4et." "W"lutt's that?" asiced the tether. Kerese's true?' asked the retiree "That' evera, time you. e,ornelement mall he makes you „ropent it.' asinard,s Liniment for Neuralgia., secret' is what etevonlen MILS an- other woman not to tele because she We derive ,greater benefiteirem eriticiam oar enemies than from flattery ef friencle.---j: B. 7? cairn'. ortitv ng, fa. htilnticg. deoorating gar ening, re artily. Ilittotrated, 344 Adelehl. §t, Vto Taranto, Ont, , 7011011T0 theirlosen cutting edge t▪ on- , dee every usage. . ..ensonots canape 'CAW CO. USA. 1 ..• tortorno nen (neon highWay will be the home trail for rnarty Canadian citizens intent art spending Christmas with the home folks in the Britiah isles this Christmas. Leaving Halifax Decem▪ ber 12th and 13th respectively the two Christmas ships -4Letitia" and "Antonia" are scheduled to arrive at the tame porta three or four 'days before Christmas, the 'Letitia" at Belfast, Liver- pool and Glasgow, and the " Antonia " at Plymouth, Cherbourg and London. 40 your Steatnah(p Agent for information, or write - The Robert Reford Co.. 1.1mIted Montreel, 'Arena), Quebec, C AR Ulm Shaving Stick A Luxury for Tender Faces Tbis freely lathering Slaaying Stick sontains the . emollient and medicinal properties of Oedema, enabling tender -faced men to shave without the etiglatetearritatten. leaves the skin softened and re- freshed and free from rise tense, dry feeling. soup]. mob nee iv men Addrog C.amoden poet; .2,fechosse,106,11/1110111100,10 Price, SOAP 20c. Ointment 25 end Cee. Toterowdo. Cutidora'Shaving Stick 26c. DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION FOB MRS. PENN She Es_caped It by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. table Compound Windsor, -Ont.-"After thebirth my first baby I Ivo vety rinieli run- down in health and the doctor said I mug hale/ opeeetion as I watt suffering from a displacement A friend wanted me to try your medi- ate -Lydia E. Pinichanee Vegeteblo Compound -and I tookit steadily for 4 year. During this tiraet was carry- ing my second baby and I felt real Well ell the time and did not have a hard confinerrient. I feel sure the Vegetable Compound did' me a lot of good, and all ray people do, too, One sitter Leenengton, Ontario, takes it, and both nistera praise it as a ;mod medicine. am pore than pleased Windsor, Ontario. Mrs. Corhia Relieved from Pahl* Stewitteke, N. 8.- "I had pains across my back and in my tide for two years after my 3040 baby was born. lify mother had taken Lydia E. fink. bara's Vegetable Compound and 1 read about it in the papers, so I tried it and the alts all left me. I have a family o three 'children now, and the medicine helped me during the Months before they, Trete born. 'rec. . ommend it !to my frienda.v-L-Mra. CAltY W. Comm, Main Street Stew. lecke, _Nova Scotia. FO Prove -a safe by old prescribed 'brphysicians for Cold.s Neuritis WARNINGi Pain Toothache r„ - • • neware of Counterfeits let is offc ed as "A I Boyer Croce' -refuge ,t E HEART Olt Done take chances! Accept oniv "Baver'' package 1,,.111c11 cord -anis provee diredionF. needy ."11ayer'' hoxes of 12 W024 GP, Hoyt: Cosnpnts w1,11 be ketone/1 th,ir nrop1a1 trt[In sohrlt, the 111nrtr (Vent.'