The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-18, Page 2iNTON, ONTARIO To of Subscription --p2.011 per year in advance, to Canadian 0lddresens; $2.60 to the U.B. or ether foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears .ar'o paid uniefs at the option of the publishes. Tho date to which every subscription is Paid is denoted on the laY el: Advertising hates—Tr'anetont adver- ... using, 12c per count Iine for first . insertion, 3c for each subsequent insertion. headier counts 2 hues: Small advertisements, not to exceed one inch snail as "Wanted," "Lost, - "Strayed,' etc., inserted' once for 35e, each `subsequent insertion 1$C, Advertisements sant in without in- structions as to the number of in ser"tione wanted.5vilt iron unxil order - out and will be charged accord- ingly, Rated fen display advertising . made Irnown on application. Communications intended for publi- cation ubihcation must, as :y I uarantee at good faith, be accompanied liy the .name of the writer, . E. HALL,.,. M: R. CLP.RH, PropX'ietor, Editor. o. D. McTAGOART. M. D. McTAGGART &TAGGART BROS. BANKERS A general flanking Business transact• cd,. Mites 'Discounted. Drafts Ieeued, Interest Allowed on Deposits. . Sale . Notes Purchased. T-1, T. RANCE NotarrPubllc, Conveyancer." Finaucial, Real Estate' and Sire• In- surahoe Agent, ,.Representing 14, Eire Insurance' Companies. . Division Court Office, Clinttin. W. BRYDONE . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. peke:. BLOAN BLOCK CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER Olflce Hours, ---1.80 . to 3.30 p.iu:, 8.30 to 8.00 p.m„ Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment duly. Office and RetIdencs -- Victoria 8t. DR. H. S. :BROWN, LM.C.C: a Office Hours 1.30 to 3.30 pen. 7.34 to 9.00 p,m, Sundays .1.00 to 2.0,0 pen, Other hours by"appointment. . 0 -Phones Otfice and Residents, Ontario Street, Phone 218,' DR - FRED G.'HOMPSON Onlce and Residence; Ontario Street Clinton,'Ont, One door west of Anglican Church, Phone 172. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. DR. PERCIV AL HEARN °Mee and Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Phone 00 Ont. (Formerly occupied by the Late Dr. Byes Examined Gl rise aspoa Fitted. Da H. McINNE Chiropractor--Electrical Treatment, ,Of Wingham, -twill be at the Commer- cial furs, Clinton, on Monday and Thursday forenoons each week. D teases .of alt kinds sueeesetutly handled. GEORGE• LE�tOT% Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptI.• answered. Immediate arrangements ean'be made for. Sales Date at The Ivews-Record,- Clinton, or by catling Phone 208, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction t3uaranteed, B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. Geheral Vire-and .Life Insurance.'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stook, Automobile and Sickness-anteaccideut Insuranee. IHeron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bunds, Appoietmeitts: made to ;next parties at n11100101, Varna and Bayfield. 'Phone 57, - 'TIME -TABLE Trains will arrive al and depart from Clinton es follows: Buffalo. and Goderich Div. Going Ewa, depart 0.25-a.m. o 2.52 p.m. Going. West, ar, e • 11.10 a.m, ar. 6.03 dp. 6.53 p.m, ere. 10.04 p.m, Londoh,' Huron &; Bruce Div. :• Going South, ar. 7.5E do. 7.56 a,rn. 4.10 p.m: Going North, depart 0.50 it„nt. " 1.1;05 11.16 a,Id, LM C'at}rarnpntarfalx Rtes•;' T. T. Slew rl,Couaeryative=member for. West TdatnUton front 7.909 to 1525, who died in Buffalo 1citigt••seett• He Wal born id W000dford;. tolynship, Oxford 000110Y, 111 X1848: • , Economic Importance' of the Farah. BY CisAauth W, F1STYtRSODT-. 16 is a fact that Canada's ,agricul- ture -loolnstip' as the largest single factor in her;economic life, With 'the farners as the largest group of do- mestic consumers, - consequently exer- eisinga commanding influence upon the general business' conditions of: the country. One-third of all revenue freight carried by our rai1waya origin- aced on the farm and another third was doubtless represented in oarrymg commodities ofall kinde back to the farm, and the transportation to and froof agricultural 'raw material; The Canadian farm not alone feeds the na- tion, but exports on such ascale that =credits are available: to balance our international obligations and create a favorable trade bsiance. ' Besides the millions et farm work. ers directly engaged in producing, them are other -millions earning their living by performing workecnnneeted with supplying the implements, .tools, shoes, clothing, etc.; for the .fernier, with the" manufacture of raw material originating' on the farm and the dis- tribution and transportation of such. commodities: •Who is bold enough to attempt eor- rectly to estimate the economic line partanee of agriculture in a country like Collude? It is perhaps -well' within the mark to assert that at least 80 per. cent, of Canada's total population, in every' walk of Iife, depends absolutely on the farm, directly or indirectly. 1 These are imposing figures und'should lead thinking leen to speoalate en the. Possible. performanee of Canadian agriculture in terms of national de- velopment, -were we in the happy po- sition where more than a mere fringe of our egricultural. area was on a producing basis. If, for instance, we were producing on one-half, or even on one-third, of our arable lands instead of only one-sixth, granting : t fair occupational bzt knee, our. present econexnle peobenis won tl vanish over night. The time is ripe for bringing such a situation about. We have the undeveloped natural resources, the markets are there, we only need the man -power and the capital to complete the circle. Afid that is purely a /pat- riot-11.0f at- teron. of intelligent business organza ti OSCAR KLOPP - - Honor tofteeete Carey Jonos',N5tionat School of Auctloneering, Chicago; Spe. cid caurso taken, itt Pure Bred Live Stock; Real lICtate, Merchandise and Farm . Sales: Rates ` In keeping with prevailiug market. Satisfaction as- sured. ' write or wire, Zurich, Ont. Phone,18.03- The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. DtRSCTOtty President, Jit:les Connolly,. Goderlelt; Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; See.. • Treeettrer, Thos. E,' l0ny s, Seatorih. Directors: • George IncC limey, Sea - forth, D. be, McGregor. Seatortit; J. G. Ghee, Walton; Win. "Ring, Sealorth;. 85. McIlwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, Flaritek; John TSenneweir, llrodhaben; Jas. Co;rnolly, Ootleric i. Agents: Ater. Lepel[, (Milton; J. W. Yeo. Coderich• Ld:' llinchray, Sea - teeth; W. Chesney, ISgmontltiill ;' ll. G..Iarinuth. Brodhagen. . Any money to be :paid in may be paid to Moorlslt Clothing Co. Cliitten, or at Cutt's Grocery. Goderieh.. Parties ;desiring to affect,lnearanes or 'transact otherbtisleess' will be promptly attended to -en application to ally of the above oilteers addressed to their respective post [.Rico. . I owes inspected by the Director, who, liras e ear3351 the: ecene, " 6 -more h'eadaa'ke for-you—take these" Dat`t just 'se:ether" the headache without removing the cans.. Tulle Chknilmeluln'q Stomach and T,iver Tablets. They not olds, cure the headache hatrtve sou a haot'nnt, healthful feeling i ecu tee flee;' tone tho fiver, Sweeten Cho stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try theme All hrelent,; 25c er br mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINEi;. Co. • Terudto, Oat.. 13 h; Your. 131cx0d Good ofi' Thin and Watery?. You can telt by the way you feel. You need hood's' Sarsaparilla to make ydnr blood rich, red and pure, 'tingling with health for evert organ. You need it if weak and tired day in and day out, if your appetite 19 pgoet,'Sleep unkefrl t lug, -- for; `humors, boils eruptions, scrofula, rheutnatisin, headaches,. nervous prostration. 11 is eiinpl+,r wvgnilerful to the strength. to your wht1e body: To is agreeable, pleasant and con- venient to take,'and' ciuhodies, n: long -tried and found -true fa•o:in. IKETS. TORONTO., Man, wheat— No, !North., $1.52%; No. 2 North.,$1,17Ve; No. 'i3 North„ $1.43. Man. oats— Na,'2 CW, nominal; No. 3, not quoted, No. 1 feed, 641,6e; o. 2 feed, ,nominal; Western grain quota- tions in c.i.f. ports. • Ada, corn, track, Toronto—No.' 2 yellow; 85c; No. 3 yellow, •830, -- Millfeed—Del. Montreal freights, bags included: Bran, per ton,• $29.25; shorts; per ton, $81.25;, middlings, $42.25; good feed dour, per bag, $2.30.. Ontario oats, 48 to 50c, fo.b: ship ping points. Ont. 'good milling wheat -$1.30 to $1.32, f o.b. shipping points according to freights. , Barley—Malting, 604to 64c, Bnekwheatr-85e, neininal... Rye—No, 2, 91c. Man. flour—First pat,, $8.10, Toe ionto; do, 2nd pat., $7.60. Ont, flour Toronto, 99 per Bent: patent, per barrel, in carlots, Toronto $5.80; seaboard, in -bulk, $5.85. Poultry—Ducks, ib., 25 to 80c; hens, 6 lbs., 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 23e; broilers, under 2'lbs.,_25.to 4'0e; do, 2'/ to 3 Lbs., 25c- do, over 3 lbs„ 26c. • Hay_New, No. 1, $20; do, No: 2, $18. , Eggs -Fresh . extras, 54 to 55c; fresh firsts, 44 to 45e; fresh seconds, 31 to 32c. Butter—Solids, fresh pasteurized, 34 to 85e; do, firsts, 33 to 34c; . do, seconds, 32 to 33e. Cheese -New, large, 20 to 20%a; twins, 2035 to 21c; triplets, 22c, SM. tons, 23e. Old, large26c; twins, 27e; triplets, 28e. Old 'Stilton, 30c. Beans—Cana band -picked, $3.30 to $3.40 bushel;:primes, $3.15 to $3.25. Maple products—Syrup, per Imp. gat, 62.25/to $2.80; per 5 -gale, 52.10 to $2.25 per gal.; mai.:o sugr.r, lb., 26 to 26e:. e Raney -00 -lb. tins,.121,t to I3e; 10. ib. tins, -125n to 13x; 5-1b. tins, 13 to. 181,4e; 2x,¢ -1b. tins, 131,5 to 140. Ccmb honey—$0.40 to $4 per dozen. Smoked meats—Tums, magi;, 30 to 32c; cooked hams, °'46 to 47c; smelted, rolls, 28 to 20c; breakfast bacon, 34 to 89c; backs, boneless, 35 to 42e. Cured meats --Lands clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., $23; '70 to 90 lbs., 521.50; 201/a lbs, and up, $22.34; lightweight rolls, in, barrels, $42.50; heavyweight rolls, $89.50 per bbl. Lard -Pure tierces, 10 to 173ttc tubs 17% to 13ex pails, 18 to 18%c; prints, 18 to 19%c; shortening tierces, 12 to 121%e; tubs, 12% to 18e; pails, 18 to 13%c; blocks, 141/ to 15e. Heavy steers, choice, $6.75 to 57.10; do, good $6.25 to 56.50; butcher steers, choice $6 to $7; do, gond, 55.75 to $6; c{o, cont-, 54 to $5; butcher cows, choice, $4.75 to 05; do, fair to good, $3.15 to $4.50; butcher bulls„ goad, :$4.50 to $5:50 bologgnas, $3'.50. to $4, canners and cutter's, 52,25 to $3; good misch cows, $70 to 5100; spring - ars amide, $80 to $115; fined, .cows, $4l to 560; feeders, good, $6 to $6.55; do, fair, $5 to 50;; do, med., $7 to $9; carves, choice, 511.50 to $12.50; do, good, $9 to $10; do, med.; 56.50 to 52; grassers, 54.50 to 54,75; flood lambs, $11,75 to 512; do, bucks, $9 to $$9.75; good light sheep, $6.50 to $7.50; heavy sheep and bucks, $4; hogs, thick smooths, fed end watered, 511.10; do, f.o.b., $10.50.' . MONTREAL, Oats, C.W., No. 2, 71c; do, No. 3, 136o Flour -Man, spring Wheat pats., firsts, $810; • do, seconds; 57.60; de, strong bakers, 57.40; winter - pats., choice, $6,60 to $6---70 Rol -led oats— Bag of 00 lbs., 58.76 Brian -530.25, Shorts, $32.25. Middlings -5+11..25. I$iay---No, 2, per ton, car lots, 514 to. Cheese ---Finest wests., 1734c; do, easte, 175. Butter, No, 1 pasteurized; 341%" to 115e. Eggs—Storage extras, 45c; do, fi-sts, 41e; do, seconds, 330; fresh extras, 30c; do, firsts, 50c, tiesti Theta Amu8in4 Stottts of SeCC ea .k.o.4 Ott 1 Iaro4a, 8J io3 I 45,:e ,' 6811 What theso mein Kava donee, yon salt dal' In 340r snore tints t home yon can easily m etor,tha serrata of selling that make Star dale:men. Whatever your experience hna been-whnioeq yeti may 110 doiw gkethar or not you think you con sell-- ,ust anawar this question: Are you emb tioua to earn 810,001 a year? Then get 1., touch with me ci onset I.will rtevc to you, without cont oro$llani•an that•:von can wally become a Stns Salesman. I wit! show you hale the Salesmanship Training and $rte Rmplo atentSorvie, of toe 1t. S. T. A, ‘,11I hale you to geiclt Rucccsa in Selling, -. $10,006 A Year Selling Secrets fhe ilenleteet 9i Sa .a Io hip .a chi •by th Y a 5 A 0,, m blwe th r a final n eht to laoa 3,000 for t!owtory, na sm09 pet 00 h171741-r11.71.Ono that 10,11 larOote, N6 MO lOot. t a w 0 1033, She held 0 ilfn, oleo, y e kin !.l e, 0,t th. laht,. Ce11 p, feel[. 'iaticea.l Salesmen's Tree:1Mo A$ ocietiott' G.ondlan. Mw. ties ma�rn!n so 653h ROWDIES IN DUBLIN MAR CELEBRATION Street Battled Are Staged and Police Charge .on Mobs. . A . desi:iatch from Dublin says: Excitahie` eo;dieus, returning from Phoenix after Armistice Day eolebre- Hong bot out of hind "in Lille ` city Streets' and the police were obliged to resort 'ho,ittltpzt clla.tges tq, ,tap the;; disorders:, Several parboils were in- jured and required hospital t atnient. One body of, youthful Republicans marched .'along Grafton Street shoot-,' flag: "Down, with Bing George." The: police clubbed themevevicey, causing a=• wild stampede, and later, to avoid further disturbances, large bodies pf police were ordered out, and patrol --.tad' the streets in vans, ready for enter- genius. It wase for the <purpose of avoiding the blocking of street, traffic by crowds, with poosibde chances of situ-, liar_ disorders to those which charac- terized former rcelebrations on Armis- tice Day, that the authorities selected Phoenix Park. .This ' park was the scene of the assassination of Lord Predericic Cavendish,, Chief Secretary .. for Ire:wide and Thomas: II, -13uxire, Under-Secretary, in 1882. ` Armistice Day ended with a series of riotous! demonstrations, end the paliee were again called upon' to die- perso the fightiing crowds with their batons. Nine persons' were sent to hospitals, and many others were hurt in the 'various ' melees: -throughout the day. Some of them were women,:whb were caught in the c'la0lies between -the de- monstrators aiid pollee: - The worst disturbance was in the 'evening in :O'Connell Street, where it party of poppy -wearers were inter eepted•by Republican rowdies. A wild scene followed, and civic guards club- bedthe disturbers, fellfng several of them. Increases Made in -. Ocean Rates Effective Dec. 1 A despatch from Montreal says:— Ocean freight rate advances have been announced by the Canadian Trans Atlantic Coufernee for the carriage of conference commodities to the Con- tinent from Oanada,.-these to take effect from. Dec. let next. Decision has a:te, been -taken to absorb the 15 per cent. surcharge on the transpor- tationof conference commodities -to United Kingdom ports, which has been 'in effect since ?38pt, 23 last, and to enforce a heel series of rates, which will become effective ou Jan, 1. These rates to the Continent and to the Un- ited Kingdom will run .tie the end of April. , Tito increases in freight rants will range from 15 per cent, n1 -wards, but it was made clear that such advances will be from the rates in force before Sept. 23 and not from those now me. ing, in the ease of produce 'moving to the United Kingdom ports, Commodities affected by the, new rates are only those included in the list dealt with tinder the jurisdiction of the conference.; J•attpe, flour and• grains are not affected by the new rates, these coming under the purview of the soperate'.lnes. Similar advances have been made by the North. Atlantic -Continent and North Atlantic -United Kingdom eon- f erenees. • Reasons for the Tate increases are attributed directly to the prolongation of„the British coal strike, which has resulted :in an increase of operating costs,. together with a decrease in available cargo carrying capacity. As a result of the -embargo placed on the IQUOR -advocates claim. that Ontario will get thousands L„,. s more tourists if it goes wet on December 1. These are ,the -facts ;_ The Dominion Government Report for 1925 states Ontario under prohibition had 1,290,000 motor tourists. New Brunswick . under Prohibition had 476,555 motor tourists. Quebec under government Sale had 11 1,983 motor tourists. Government Sale means increased: liquor 'sold and consumed, with inoreaaed daggers. DoYou want our highways thronged with hilarious joyriders and campfollowers of the liquor, traffic? Do you want to encourage and.promote reckless driving upon the highways on the part' of oui.own. citizens? Don't be fooled. Make your vote count against these dangers. ote f r yourii6 (,o ndidate ONTARIO PROHIBITION UNION 24 Bloor Street East, Toronto exportation of any available British coal, it has been necessary for coal- burning' vessels to take aboard suffi- cient supplies on this side of the A.t- :hntie to enable them toreturnfrom England. This has necessitated a re- striction in carrying rapacity of ships, which, in some cases, has amounted to fiver 1,000 tom. Eraser Valley Reclamation. The Brinell ; Columbia Government, which successfully reclaimed, 30,000 florae of rich agrloulturnl laxed at Su- mas, in the Praiser River Valley, will undertake another simtkuc scheme which will snake an area of 1000 acres available for egrknl8ttre. This land ties near Port Coquitlaui;. outside Van- couver, and will be Cleared of water by a ante= of denies and pu2nps. This 1 scheme is an uftermat1t of the Icing boom which sweet the Fraser 'Valley with the rest of t5ritish Columbia be- fore the war, The land to be drained had base divided Into etty lots tor sale but tell into the hands of the Govern- -meat for non-payment of taxes: The Government decided, to dispaso of it for agricultural purposes bemuse of Its remorlmhle .erMtity. Air Line to ATr•Ica. 18 is probable that an all line will aeon Link London and Paris , with North Africa. The Mr Union will most Likely al ss orb the ieenatt Contpegnde Aeronavale, which has run a flying boat ,seavtea from Prance to ,Corsica for some time: pest. ]sage NeWton'e Riddle. , Sir Isaac Newton, the distinguished meat.. of •science; oace composed a rid - 404, and sent it to Sir,Eloruce Watpote, The ,latter could not. guess* 11, -hitt to I•ad'y to ,whom Sir Bottee handed It found the ans•esr • in. a few minutes.' Here.is th8 riddle: "Pone people sat down at a tabid 00 ,pian- They played aro151 that night -anti some part of next day. This one thing observe, that, when 411 were seated,• Nobody played,wlth them, and nobody betted; ,. Yet, when they got tip, moll was win- ner a guinea. Who answers this 'riddle, I'm stere Is nn ninny.” Tbe.answer is "lVltl=sdeiana." Madame Alexandra .Koliantay Soi''.et Russia's only wowan:diplomat, ilea been forbidden ••by the tin testi States to enter that eotinitd5' elute en roalte to Mexico, where size has been arrointe:l'soviet amb.tiS tlpr, ' Two Days' 'Flu Cure. 1-1leshly boiled potatoes and greens, buttered.^" toast; water—anti iteifi tg else. 'This diet, says' a noted London specialist, le e certain. cure' for` tike. .ptt<5ent epiSemtc.at inliuenre is :Eng land. 1 have pt escribsd tills diet ill dozens Lir (uses in the last Yew `[ecus," tie Rafd,:;"and lir 110 0ap0 has, it faals�yl l3 have tisO d •sired effect, Usually`' the rare takes a cottitle of days. "ll'hen e person -11031 intiuenxa. 1120 ideal 1>aoia a0 1 alk101 iyllli sent. The duel 1 1050111)5351111 0,001.5iitt Ce ufl a.;kt a E11(h 000111etat1 it. ';.Po I 33 1115(0101` tr13, k ttay.re 11a51 10 Lis It;, 1'loud 1 yea Pae,. roeeonab15 lyIt zn il.'is, bt.115 Le be 1131. artd out et 10015. on9dt Gpverninent "control 9 does 2 1. BOOTLEGGING .'t... --"Bootlegging to extent of 5,000 cases a month.... in and around Vancouver." --The Hook (an Anti -Prohibition paper). • -: "Bootleggers handle twice as much liquor as the Government stores." ---Vancouver World. 2. FLASK. DRINK,ING:' 'The Sherbrooke Daily Record, speaking about con- dilions in Quebec, says:. "The hip -pocket flash is an institution to a greater extent here than --in. Ontario." boa. LAWLESSNESS OF YOUTH ; Andrew Blygh, - J.P., of Vancozwer, describing' the state of affairs in British Columbia tinder Government "Control", says: "Any night, cabarets are operating with 50% of those present showing signs of intoxi•. cation. The dance Balls are a public scandal: with young girls slipping to the back alley to get a. nipafrom the flasks of their escorts." 4e DRUNKENNESS ' There have been 851 names placed on the Indian List in Alberta during Government "Control", the majority of whom procured liquor without permits. s' 5. RECKLESS aIIVIIN : » Comparing Montreal and Toronto, MVtavor Duquette of Montreal stated: "Montreal has registered twice the number of automo- bile accidents with half the number of atitomobiles." What IVILIL c :4 -e these evils? The 'honest" sustained glAf Otstaria co Act. NTARI , Mat:6r St 9h11t: 1raai??`1`'[`Pia:. 93'�; Nayt�ei,N�Aw'9 t the