The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-18, Page 1CEINTON-',NEW ERA prAvtio, TtlyrtsbAy, Nt,venfir FiEft 11). 1,926 .Ths • Space •IYOnated'hy • ^ 14/. H. fielfyiar Morrjs11 Clothing C()m'palIY. A Good is Is all Hight Enough it ivoll't buy anything' That's Where a Dollar has a Good Wish. Beaten r Next week the loyalty oi Clinton's community to its hospital will be tested. $2,500.00 is remiired for :the ;fitting of a pour te receive and provide accessories for an X -Ray machine, the $g,000 ofJ4r john Blowson. The extent of the.need ($2,500.00); should be the extent of the asSistance. Evar llap'yon'give will ,be /Trade to" yield, its maximum bi hinnan service and helpfulness. You k'that is what the dollars youiihiniat ecMtri- buted have done.- The need of 'the hone is the elreque, the bill; the coin. It is laudable to wish Well, to have generoud- emotions, lilt wishes' and emotions 'are only eifectiiie whekthey emerge into the concrete of the gift. The lifiest on the- aeriehp.roai414may have been in .syrn- pathy with the bleeding man, but it WEIS the man who, belped_ont of his oWn tne that didthe practicable thing.-Catvassers who call on you are not 'begging, they 1 are eitending to you a. privilege, an opportunity to augmerit the gifts of .111111, D. MeTaggert hos- ' pita building and Mr, john 'Howson in the Rontgen Machine which wikphotograph the bones and, internal organs of the body, destroy diseased tissue withont- surg.- . and tumors of certain kinds may be treat - '1 el:Y. CAneers ed rayahat d to your doctor 1 his . "Wan. aid • ,", The hosPit01,4r,pt,Psellt..$;91e tod emotions0 - ••• e• , ideal completeness Inakei „toe approaching bur • 4;74 our chance to hi' Clinton and, vicinity. New. is,your iti cur stade'velef ; ..;••=, , •.• -4.- ' • " The regular meeting of the Wo- • men's Institute will he lie/d in the usual Thee' At three p.m..Fricla,y, Nov:, 2(ith Members not the 'Change of - a the date,„ i\is„ ma o on acconntf o 4. Ang—1'Iicambazaer being held on Thura- Tlie delegates will report the con- tention-teld in London last week.:• • .The roll call is to be responded to ii.htChristrnas eake- red Pe. TUESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING. In site of the unfavorable•weather •on' Tugsdity evening a large number gathered in, the tewn hall to hear the ReSe1S, E McKegney .and Mrs. Longtu, eed of Toronto speak in the interests of the -Ferguson Government, •!Col. H. B. Combe acted as chairman. • The 'first speakeil called was Mr' N. W.' Trewartha, former member for South_Buron, who introduced the cam.- didate, MT. Alex. Neel). Mr. Trewar tha said he -had been- associated with Mr. Neel) in .0ounty "Council; where they had had some hard financial profblems to tackle and that tfiey had gained the name of "the watchdogs of the treasury.” He believed Mr. Neeb would make a compakent inemL her for this riding. Touching on the Government's temperance policy Mr. Trewartha said- there • was little to count on if, Mr. .Sinclaic should he elected, as one of his followers brought in a 3i11, asking for, 10 per cent. beer which was voted down, al- -though • a number of the .Liherals • voted for it, add last year another group of Liberals brought in a bill asking for Government Control, and he did not think the Progressives could be elected in large enough num- bers to be able to form a government. •He advised tbe people:to vote for Mr. Neel). , Mr. Neeb spoke briefly. He said the meetin`g was rather a surprise party to him. He acknowledged the kind things said about him by Mr. Trewartha said they had always worked well together in County Conn - Ca and never divided on any import - Ant Matter during the time they so worked .together, He said he feared that they had sometimes bad unemn- plimentry things said about them aa they were considered to be "altogetiv er'too near." Mr. Neeb-said he had had no intention of tomirig out 'as a candidate at this eleetion belie-y.111g that Mr. TreWerthii to ticeefitthe xioininatjon. "And had he, done so," said he,'"I should have been enthusiastically. behind hint in this campaign." ,,He said he would not attempt to discliss to any. extent the questions - before the electors , on this occasion as he expected to be able to hold another meeting in Chin - ton before the 'dose of, the campaign, , • Mrs Dougheed introduced herself as the mother of three sons, yining mem and ase temperance worker for twenty years. She said she - was Conservative by coniiietion, believing the Coniervative policy was the best for the country, She thought i, the 0: T. A. bad failed because it had had so many evils grow up about it.• She felt her boys would be safer under FerguSon's proposed system of Gov - eminent Control and believed that if there were those who would drink and would have it tbe country might as ,well have,' the revenue which it would bring in, She believed the bootlegger could be Controlled, as well as the liquor, -by the -Government. Rev, Capt. :McKegriey expressed himself as pleased again to return to Clinton and to see his, old 'friends, here. Ile reviewed briefly the record •ef , the •Ferguson Gevernment,.• hut dealt with, the miebtfori of Government Control. ,He said he had been 'working among boys and girls an4. he though,t, the, new legislation would •be, for•the good of the country, He said the 0. T. A. interfered with the liberty of the individual and was, supposed to 'deprive' the 'Mat who would take a glass -and stop with that' • in order to save the one who could not stop ::so eaSay, hut: there were too mAnyloaks in the Act. The PoVince could not ..have4 prohibitkin., while' " liquor was mannfacturee'in die.' Pro; vince,, he said, and. ,4the ProVincial Govefinnelit cannot4Prehiblt-thelhale, • -ininagnno'fer.liteo4rh, , are sent out fo1: export; Often. retinhing ; t,.? 0.41 fi a riir he haidi , We're , given fby the. . Liberal organizer, .not -going through .the customs offiGials at all, , Artoth-4, er leak 11,11S t1le ihlicir 111411i1,1g of liquor; Nobody knew how ntuoh was made and sold:, He scored theketh- perance people who failed to Support, NiMarAlleaTst, Who 'Pat- tlie""Aef• on the statute. hooks and those. who'. voted for the Kiiig GovernMent in the late Federal eleetion; wiroie fail are to stop _the, Tunyrunning and smuggling On the border inade.the eilferdernentlif•th44-A.A4o. itiachimoke tdeinaffi;r1titide41-14014' sl,?,apielb4.4eSt oquceoshtni4O.of "the,BOMinion eleetiori at all,.aithei liettierseaMtat the; t1sim.4.-He five,red'a, trial Of Gov- ernment Oontrol, No liquor 'stere whald •be opened -4n . Clinton, be saidt. 4-naeegterO iltirsis ,of the people ed ofitien• areas,,w6uld be ,,re, sped,-' q'f4 '11eizs:44.s4'44V consider whit they would have 1.,,,the Fargueon •GoveVniterkwre tlefeAtP(1t ''aikrrti'skeOlientalie 'titiptont.,4tifie''Perol.4' 44' Son Pandidate., Good ' .order , was throughout 'the meeting." After, urs; ••t,4 a2,P4,p' r.49)-(1 oeyste bL Ftli°e*GP0Velis'InIeeentellaerieellm3f' ow:!teheg4q4evnednidaf.otsr' eerti after the singing cif "God Save the tf Kin " • H ' ' citi fliulr LADIES TO ORGANIZE. The,,Liberal-ConservAtive Ladiea' Assocrdtion. of 'Clintoirlyill meet in their Centinittee rooMs,:--/Friday; .No- vember lOtle, -at eight elf:leek for the' purpose of organizing ft the preeeni, Provinoial •carnpaign. . DBA -Ta 00 FORMER tITIZEII. • 'Word was,?received in,Clinton this morning of the death, wineh oeeurred at Burlingame, of Mrs. J. Curtis Stevenson, a fofmer resident of Clinton.4She had beiOn in falling health for some time blithe immed- iate cense of death was a stro0. Further particulars will lie given next - week. AN ADVANCE POLL, An advance poll for .,•railwaymen; sailors and travellers, illoge• whose Jp.isittess win. take them ITom home on election day, , will be open for South Huron in Clinton on-ThurilclaY;Priday and Saturday of next weak The poll will be held in J. Taylor's7office, Isaac street, from two to five hr the after- noon and front seven to ten in the evening of each of theseitthree days. LITTLE LOCALS. " • The W. C. T. U. will meet at three o'clock/ on Friday. afternoon in .the sehoolSsind room of Wesley -Willis church. All members hrre urged to Attend. 'Clinton Militia • Company will be inspected at 730 on Tuesday evening. Nov, 23rd, hy. Gen. Armstrong, 0. C. Military District Hon. W. II. Price; Attelhpy Gener- al, will -give an address 4 a meeting in the interests of Mr...A2Neeb, Con- servative candidate in ,Steuth Huron, in the town,hall on Thursday evening next. • ‘44 goat or our advertisers' are jiving their space.this week to the ,big Hos- pital Drive butt look out next weeltfor a lot of real snappy, CI-mistines-is: corning .advertising. • , Mr. J. W: Elliott is' in the' hospital this - week, but his' friends hope he will soon be himself agaiM AMONG THE CHURCHES: • Weeley-Willis United -Church Next Sunday, morning and even- ing, Rev. Geo, Gilmour :Of London, will he the preacher. Presbyterian Chureh *--"Steviceln the '•Bieptisf.thrueb. on Sunday tlt ;11 OtelOCk. .$1.1bjed' "WI/it iS . Faith?" Sunday sehopl, at- 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting on Thurs. day et 7 o'clock, followed by choir practice at S. 'Baptist -Church • :Sunday -school at 230 Sunday af- ternoon. • Evening service at 7 o'clock. Minister's stibjeet: "One Thing Christ -Could Not Do," . All will be mede welcome. The annual Christmas , entertain- ment will he held on, Dec. 23rd. , St. Paul's Church A former rector, the Bev. C. E. Jeakinevoll „Brantferd,, preached at the, morning and evening-herviees on SundaY, good congregations being present on both oceasions. A special offering wag asked for and the con-, .gregation responded 'by plating six hundred' dollars :on the ' • Chtario Street 'United gburoh Morning ebasses at 10 "a.m. Morning meesaget "Why We Stand :for „WhiSkey Control," 4Even- 'Mg subject:, `,`The Word fef God." • - The Jtiniora. will niettin the ehereh. Ititthee/ at seven on Veiday night. -,Th.ore Will be an open 'session of. ilat S'...S.440n- Sunday in the -church auditorium, owing to the renovating of the lecture room. • SHOULD MARK THE DAY', Ojt Thvasday morning fast, Armis- tice Bay, Mayor. Jackson had' placed upon the memorial tablet at the post. office a wreath, whitrh will remain there -daring 1111 Nyinter. -.D111Ing the .surnmer a box of flow, ers ,underneath. were. kept bloorain..,‘,4 Mrs.. Johilston .. all of Tim] , and .baslreta beide ik were keptlilled wire' united in' 1)1 •IE k '44:711'itieth with ' fresh flowers,: vit, .ince the ,-0..4.14.411toorh .tiSe4..a 1 J-4 •he'''. v. frost 'eaine thee .had to be removed, 4, e lVtany bitizes,Were'pleaaed to se the .4 ,4'414`).4..46il''I''''".11iT4 l" 4th341oedieiga as,onTe' ear: for ;sail.' d Sw1:3th she 11,01.0 'EL. bine •and silver hat and Tifis hovy0 r t , 'n.y eilver sh esnd ate' 1 inks. . recognition o'91--4'.t3Y.hea:nn.Piivier4selery° corsage ApmioAce .PIty, Several fli Pofili---eseilsen6c1 "bineitlyeesebhVteheb• eetre°ohnLhel4esvtee:1• -The brid0 -vas attended by her 3; but there wee no general olisiterance. eosin IssIllisletabroPtehp.4elm,, ra,ndEidiehiel It ha beeninggeitecl;thiet futiin groom • by Warning be givert.hed the te-ivrt4belel niterthe 'car o y' he rung at the hour „of :eleven eelocit, 444;,1; happy 'e9Yttple met, amid saeawl omitthen that -the •whole town -the "'• people in' the offices; .atores -and' fac- 'ef confetti,. • for 'Toronto and 'other taenrdiesilieen ittilideosntirseeitri aide Y,r;ethhoeo'ilisol:teosp, .-.P, • It!tntethee'dtkeistise gresn nao:d.clisa e. point coat trin-inied -with,Mandel fur. jast wheee'Hiey are for two minutes., - When bit' and Mrs.`Johnaton eeturn. It•is a good'enggestion' end the. effect • 0..4„,,tahig-4U4,4:EFon:Would t� tEy 4;q416. us . h o road, South o r ce w.;;':`,',.w.`:tlir.$:{18,des., .0 • Bela. Congt.atulations- e,ti 'tied t t that -some; --en, sort: of a serVieelie held. on that day. D1410htalre, at:sholt one, ten minutes • - Tovviiship to a hall horn-,.. 'beside the memorial Coderch ablet; end for ,that,period foeget .our. • - own -affairs. and spend it in memory 'Releti.Yet,e/ -the. ReV. A. f those' Who gAve, theig, the uN'91b,tirye4 ctleeat.4heeeiavte wLooin.dgai-En -Beach, taipire„, prdyei.41":,4for • •our. Ountry 4-Z,M14 41,4'"i•Og'ofrOt'• time he had gone.only fey,' This, Might , eaSily be done, with.a lit-. daY -befole. r, • Elliott ad been 151aOrtfooriett,ohnotelgolilt plieviriltihheigvidetaiitli6et • 1)4 'brothera-and- si$terS4 :G9d- egioi jaramehip for -a couple ef hotild probe unfavorableit might,be .ehax,IFe b°,:4?ene'' iniderstood that the service would: to hie. 1:1Calt11, *111011,114C1 b0ell ale:place in.the rietreet It 159ort and left-laSt„-7Week !er twig sirnplest,servOelmagin- •P'eo" h..1.1e .artived lm ae '.1n# liirArt,7,1i'ffiffecrq..:6;;61,01.10kork,i;;;;f6i...; ,;41V$0 13.fterwaids be tOok 111 Oil rap - ting the atterificeS of -Our -4bi•ava' .faly an .e."0.1r=• cl,,and 'would have the- atlyantega. (10. " • 4. .4'4 4.4 tetehing'icli'e youth 'thee* ' 'yEll'ett'„ 'era's ,seri Of t1111,..late '20TiShi; • . • Williata (1,f thiS t01,411%1110 aid young ,C,0111110 ; received ninny useful ItS wEtidokE, fafienelPitieYr' "wgellr?'4,C8f4:14t1c4:1"1:s6;418i: spend the..winter, had no4diffietilty4,11 'seri, crossing theMorder, -He wrbte latfek telling hov:r he got 011.',01.1g11. Tit immigrationoffieor -him' and, asked ho -ti' nrany were in the early. - "Five,," was. the• answer. "What int, tionality?" . was the next. question, "Imptittetrirish," •replied -Mr. Cooper, • who could hardlygo back on his na- tionality even if he wanted to, which JtO cloesn%,, "All •right, go along -ported shid the ,officer, end, that was the end of it, Looks as if the hish were favored- some places; doesn't it? HURON BOY IN CAMPAIGN.. Xt. It. D. 1$tanley of Toronto, Can- adian representative of the 'Cleveland (Ohio) News, a former 'Constance boy, is the Liberal candidate in. the, Bred -ten, riding, rine of Toren:60's, addihgs, in the corning election. bh.. Stanley learned the •printnig trade in his youth and worked irf several of- fices in Ontario before going -to the United 'States, where he was conneet- ed with several publications, finally 'becoming .travelling representative for the Cleveland News, and in 1919 he returned to Canada as its Canad- ian representative, making his home in Toronto. His candidature has been endorsed by the Prohibition Union, A,MOTHER DIES. The death oceurred Ed her helix in '.Kitchener on -Sunday tiforning of Mrs. Zoete, mother of Mr john Zapfe of Clinton, at, the ate of -seventy „years, The late berg. -Zapf* had. been an in-. valid for over a year,'"hut though her physical strength Was low' her spirit was strong and her trental teen/ties keen up to the end, She is survived by a family of three sons -and three daughters, the latter of whom were tit home with her"_And all were about het at the end. Her husband passed away several years ago. 'She was buried at Kitchener. on Tuesday after- noon, M. and Mrs. Zapfe of ,Clinto'n were in Kitchener front' Saturday un- til after the funethl. THE MEMORIAL SERVICE. The veterans and militia .company paraded to St. Paul's church on Sen. day afternoon, turning out in fair numbers, although the day was most unfavorable. • l7haj oacuriled the' Centre 4,iiers the church, and a goodly congregation gathered With., theni to take part in the memorial .servico,, and to hear. Rev C. E.. (Capt.) Jeakine of Brant- ford preach La" very impressive morn- orial sermon. • -The church was prettily decorated with cut flowers, the choir wero,in their places and rendered appropriate music and, altogether the service was an iinDressive commemorative one. The rector,'Rev. L. C. Harrison, was in charge. CO-OPillATION WANTED. The Provincial Government have recently -been trying through a series of:advertisements to enlist the co-op- effitiort of motorists in helping to pre- serve the roadways by observing the laws against speeding, and overload- ingi trucks. W-arning is given that the observance of these laws against Weight and speed will be strictly en - forted, 10 ensare against farther It is t well known fact that fast 'delving and overloading are very de- structive to roads and with forty thousand trucks on the provincial' roads, besides all the eais, he 'wear arid tear is 'great: flletertati;4111' -he saving their': own rrionek..bY:.obseeving Carefully the jOHNSTON—TLEWES, -A 'quiet but pretty.,, wading took plaee'at the Ontario' street parsenagec Clinton, yeseetciktY.:',Wlien Ivy Irene .Plewes, only 'clang:lifer of.Mrs, Melvin. Crieh, and A1k±. JelinSton, eideSt soh of the late:".3-Olin,43-cilin toriand HOME PAPE • , --44 "-,",,.• .".'• 11' .„ • CLINTON PUBLIC HOSP.ITAL •• - Where a incfX-Ray machine has been installed during the past -fort - t• A reception and demonstration is being 'arranged for 0±'the hos- pitalon 'Wednesday next, Nov. 24th,,from 2:a0 tb 5:30 in the a-kter- noon and from '7:30 until 10 o'clock -in the evening, when all citizens - • of Clinton and community are invited to attend. The members of the board will serve re,freshrnents both afternoon and evening. On Thursday, Nov. 25th, a canvass will be commenced to raise" the S1/111 of $2,500 to meet the expenses of equipping and installing the X -Ray and fitting up a room for,it, It is fully expected that the sum"' will be raised, as the citizens of Clinton and vicinity are .proud of such a convenient, well-equipped and very efficient hospital. was barn and reared -here. itis abOtit giftS: twenty-six years since' he left heee, having taught school for some years before.tha.t. He vent several vearS in the State of Washington but for the past ten years had been at Long Beach. He was engaged in evangel- istic work, being connected with the Nazarine ,Churth, and was most de- voted to his work.,,-Ife did not believe in preaching for a 'stated salary but depended upon the .freewill offerings ;of the people He was gifted with a very good tenor voice and delighted in using it in the service of the Mas. ter whom he served. Those associat- ed with him in his work at Long Beach were most devoted to Idris, Anti sent one of his assistant, Mr- De-, Long, to visit hint a fe' few weeks a,,o, who remained until be was readyto go Moine and accompanied him. Ro. was eager to return to his work and his physician here considered hint able foe the •journey, but it evident 'proved too mixeh"-fdr,lris' strength:. • Mr, Elliott is survived by hiS*wif three brothers, Victor and Thomas this township and Ben of • Oma Wash, 'and two sieters, Jam Harrison -and -Mrs. R. G. Thompson, also Of this township. The funeral took place at. Long Beach on Tuesday. Mr. J. Anderaon has been in Toronto this• week. -- Mrs. Byrne, who -has been staying with her Mother, Mr. A. Maguire, left an Friday for Minneapolis, where she intends 'making her home. Mr. and Mrs Jack Reehill of London spent a few dais last week with the latter's father, Mr. A. Maguire. Mr, 'Reid Torrance sports a rew Chev. coach, Mr. and Mrs, R. It. Sloan are at- tending the Royal Fair, Toronto,'hav- ing taken down a large exhibit of apples, . Messrs: -Allan Betties and Freci,Em- mersott are also attending the Royal Fair. ' We are glad 'to -report that Miss Lillian Cartwright is improviog after having her. tonsils removed. A number of friends from London visited at the\ hone Of Mr, and Mrs. F. Picot. Tile many -friends of Miss Bernice Elliott are glad to know that -the is ifitroving nittely. •.fbliss Jean Ivison has been visiting titre last few days with her sister,. Mrs. Reid Torrance, The A. Y. P. A. of Sr. Jainea, 4tiburch, Middleton, will have a debate on. Tuesday next, Nov. 23rd, "Re..- oolved, That it Would be in the Best Interests of Ontario to Return a Con- servittive Government to Mr, and, Mrs, J. Hudie, Messrs.' Al - fled and Tont Hudie and Mr. Geo. Hudie and Misses 4Telisa and Muriel and -Mr. Geo. 1-Indie,and Mr, 41414m441 Mrs H. AleXarider'fitt:entied the tenth wed ding. anniversary' of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Mahe of' Walton, on Moliday evening • WS,' John. Stewart of Clinton Visiting her son,b1r. Brown Stewart -"Mr, Ben Rathwell.lest a valuable We are sorry to report, that Mi.. C. Stelck is,confined-to his bed -but hope , anon to sea him around i agan. . Mia. Fulton of Yale, Mich,, Id spending a few days at the home of her sister,.Mrs..L. Beatty. - bit's, .J. Beatty and Miss Mossop spent Tuesday in London. M. and Mrs. Morris Johnston vis- ited with friends in StFitford Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd IT -Sehell and babe of Detroit spent the week-eml at the home of Mrs, Schell's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Austin, Brucefield. Mr. Rebt. -Murdock returned home last week after spending a week vis- iting his son, Andrew, and his broth- er and other friends in Detroit. / Mrs. Brock returned , home after ePeudbig a week with 'her, daughter, Mrs. Hastings of Belgrave.. • - et. The Kelly Circle will hold their' or• annual chicken' dinner' on Th111'54(10- II, next. Dinner served faant six to es eight, followed by a prograM. • • COrlSiallCe bit's. Jaa. Moore and "family re- turned to Toronto last week after • spending some time in the village. Quarterly service was held in thr church hereon 'Sunday afternoon, A speaker will he present next Sunday afternoon to speak on the subject of temperance. Messrs. Leo iSte,phenson and H. Armstrong were in Elyth on Monday. Our hunters nae busy hunting these days, MEDD- .' Progresej;te,Ganclidate in South. Illtron in the coming election. Ildr. Medd has , not been endorsed by -the Lberale.of , South Huron, elthoUgh they lane not mit a man'in the field. • Mr. Chas. Middleton, while motor- , ing home a -few days ago struck a , cow; which started.aeross. the road in front of the carr -damaging the car a little', but net seentingdy, hurting the cow. . Mr. Fred Middleton has pnrchasecl. a -fine bunch of cattle from. My. ford Keys, Varna Air. and IVIirs, M. Johnston and fare- ily of1Iint Minh, --are spending their holidays witb Mr. and Mrs; C. Sohn_ wet4"tyA- rigng ki r daughtmr arrived at hih-honie Monday morning. •' • --Mr- G. g, 'Boa atY , motored "ta Yale` MteseS Irene end:Jean and .blilton, johnSton spent' Snrday in the village: Mr, M Elliott shilied a cal' load of .1iye to to Teronte 'Saturday. nalseelaneous shoWer Was IgIven at the home of iVtri nd Mrs,' G. Tay- lor on Thursday nig;ht, when the hense was filled to:overflowing. The :'• ' , • -ALEXANI)ER NTERO '. • Reeve of .-Stephen township f1114 C011- ' SerVatiVO candidate 'in"- South Iltron in the. ;election: Mr, Neeb has 1-ied.,a long municipal, exPeriehee4. ' • I ; ' '1 •