The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-04, Page 3o dgi.ou Lange, A Fier Harvest. I est night when, ovor the meadocra tight as cobwebs, the mists were flung ,1711entho full'Dnoon's golden circlet, taudly over the forest living, entreated my blossoming garden The hese jar I plaeed•there, to f111; land now l am ff opefully waiting x'111 it Bolds summer's gifts. Until The dew -covered rosea have fallen, 'And , September adds mignonettes' scent; Till• I find in my jar imprisoned All the fragrant summer blooms' vent, !Y orthe days when there is no verdure, ,Wben.the foliage will droop and fall, Storms -over the roof are sweeping, 0z• a great.agenoo broods over an. ;Then, in the dull hours of winter, ;Whan•tlle-countrylies barren end dim, I shall cherish the blossom aroma, That -will' fill my. jar to the brim. —Elizabeth von Flotow, in Dor Tur- mer. Trans. by E1, M. Cordsen.. Yoomoo HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY suo_ you now n fi e,h r1 „Altai N, o r. tai tiwn W af.1,.. TeaO"Tn e, o�T, to every householder 32 pages packed full of al:Uendid advice on selecting meats, fowl and fish, preparation of same for roasting, how to roast, giving time and method, how to carve and lull description of the new" SjP Covered Roaster, This book is profuse with illustrations and humor. There's a copy PREF for you; simply write your nearest branch of Inc Surer MErett. PaODUCT9 Co. ' CP.:CAt1ADA', LTD. Noteracm. -*conetro. • WINNtPto Sokom •0N' vsneouven CILoslit zia "`Sixty. Years orChrist. Along 'life of oonseera;tion end /3 - 1100 aaala to an end at fen- months aoio, whop Dr. Ciinlncey, Goodrich died in Peking. Doctor, Goodrich was in his ninetieth year, and ,he ihad, not, Long beforo his' death, ' completed .sixty'' years of missionary v£o,rk In the ser- vice ervice of the Aineddoan I3oard ealiereign Missions in 'China, _Ile teas due of-the £wo authors of the, Chinese liyinnal. whioh all Chletese Chr stfiau-s use',' and one Of the five.translatoa•s, of the Bible Auto the Mandarin tongue, whichh'. Hui Shite, tine leader of China's 1ltentary'"rte volution, :decohores to• be the most powerful Influence in the Renaissance movement that is awakening Chinese peholao'a aodliteraoy men to fresh and edger intellectual life, ' Doctor Goodrich was buried beside his wife' and many 'anti -Goer devoted missionary 'worker, Including the martyrs of the Boxer year, iu the cemetery at Tung Chau: One who w'ata present wrttee to ,the •Congregaa= ttonalist of the impressive scene. -"As the group fo11o1viug the eaaltet approached the oemetery, the run sank i o clear golden light behitvd the puaple,.hilia, and we heard the voices of young giris,.'C1ear and sweet, Sing- ing one of the hymns Doctor Goodrich translated, We found, them standing ou- either side bf the green' aisle through which we .passed to the open grave. Over all was tiie solemn mel- low debt trona the western hills. - "IIere the Chinese • took charge of their beloved dead. Forelgneta stood qUiet while hymns and. prayers.eand the single tribute were offered. A tall, grave man spoke his heart out, and, his voice failing him, •- he said, brokenly, 'It is fitting that I should weep at this place,' But he went on presently to glorify the Master who had become a living presence to hien aural to • others in the personai:lty of Doctor Goodrich.. That,brolten Chinese voice had pro- claimed this an hour of eonsecratdn, for. those who were gathered together in that place, and a time of holy triumph of. ons who might have said with; 'Paul, Tom me- to live 10 -Christ, and . to die is gain! And it was also very teals of the simple human fellow- ship which Doctor Goodrich laved. The young people front; the schools were piers, as well as their elders, Old friends were theirs, and little Cilhad e children played about in the green gloom and called to each other in their high sweet voices, and no one forbade them. Village• women were there and men burdened with•heavy internation- al, responsibilities, , They 'were all as one in grief and thankagdving .and praise." it was a fitting end, to a beautiful life. Duty. Head strange a thing lo- duty. They tell us that "self-presarvatou is the first law Of life," yet hardly a day passes that does not record some act of heroism or Bell-saorlfiee in whicilh mesa deliberately ignore that first, law, and smilingly`lay their liverson the altar of Duty. • Vice : Admiral C. 13. 14Iibier, of the British Navy, died recently in Eng- land" ilia death recalled an Maid -eat of the World War that had not pre- viously been published,. In August, 1916, Admrbnai, then Captain, Miller, was in comnmead of the light Bruiser Nottingham, when the vessel was tor- pedoed. A very brief exa11luatlun showed that she mush. sink in a few minutes, At taco all the officers' stood aside,' 'and the^'boate and Life rafts were filled' with man who cortld not swim, or ware poor awinzuiers. The officers then paraded on. the quarter- deck, and in the ardor of aemdority, from the yotinhgeet midshipman to the commanded saluted the captain, 'shook his bond arnd• gldTpat oven•the rail in their lifebelts . The captain steed alone on the'slittling, deck. Where at last it.was almost embalmed, hegave a final loolt, :saluted and in' full nil - form leaped Into the sea. Be remain - e t • fl ati?ng for : several heave; saint - ming about, his cap st111 on his head,, encouiegimg Ole men, and was on_ `of the )asst to he rescued. Yoga really enter stnnnny Cali- fornia the linonaent you step aboardonet5fthefnvefaznous Santa Fe croSB.continent trains. The new Chief—extra fare— is tine fnest and fastest of the Santa Fe California train S. 1 Only . O businea8 days on the way. No e zctra fare on the four other daily trains. Fsetl ,Harvey dining, service" Bats the standard in tiro transportation 'world. Enjoy the opt-offdoora this winter—talk: your faeaily. California hotel rates are Seasonable. aaa Iviey. 16end carr our 1,16o', 5161'15,52 h nr, fry, Pei hgGrjt Sa ctrl 1 c. 0't ailnur.p 40 t "J'r t f n, or t"tl, n hu11,71 n;; IJ troll.,. Mien. • L0oudolp110044 A Filling Station, "You say you've just come from a i111ing station? Why, 30011 don't own a car." No, but I've just eaten at a cafe." `Bert fer8u>y' A CANAOA1AN PACIFIC, ROMANCE Whether>or not It was the silvery same building for some time. voice atone , of a ;pretty telephone . "In the course et his duties, Mr. operate -i is the.Londom offices, of the White lies naturally been compelled Canadian Pacific Radlway, that wafted to ring Miss Cook daily. „Some time. Robert White'a spirit into the roman- ego he decided to "ring •11er" fn a-dif tf0 realms of matrimony, ie not de- fea'eut`manner, Miss Cook "answered finitely known. 'White, however,'who the call" and the result 10 ,seen in the 3s a•meanber of the staff of the pas- above °photograph'"whfah shows, Mr. eerier department, ;has suecnanbed to and Mre.: White being presented with the ellarnls of .Miss:' Dorothy_ Cook, a' lucky horseshoe; ,immediately after She hoe been merrily answering calls their wedding which took place at -the phone room at the top of the Fulham; London, recently. Queen Victoria's Cod-Daugh . ter Gets Marione Engineer's T ��� Certificate. The prospect tha.t }women soon may, be found on the bridges of Atlanta liners looms its:light with 'the taking of .a marine second engineer's•'"ticket by Victoria Drummond; twenty-eigbt- Year-old . god -daughter of Queen Vic- toria. She is the first 'woman to re- ceive an engineer's certificate. .She joined the Bfue Funnel liner Ancitisea as junior engineer two years ago end has made six- trips to. Aus- tra`Iia and the East. She is rejoining OF MIDDLEAGE Much of the Suffering: Women Endure Can be Avoided. Every woman approaeries middle age with considerable anxiety, be- cause oho knows this is the time of her life Nvhon trivial ailments maybe the first algae of trials and sufferings, to come. She' fears'. the headaches, the linar for more sea experience be -1 backaches, larshitude', and other dis fore taking the examination for a first treasing weakneeeee ;that -burden the engineer's ticket, which w1i1 make her a full-fledged MaoAudrew, qualified to performall the miracles expected from a Scotsman at sea—but content to use language which to him would he a terrible handicap. Mies Drummond has worked all the 'usual watches, and it is pointed out, tt ;would have been less . difficult and unpleasant to have her qualify for master's ticket. Sailor's Will on Egg Puzzles London Court .ife of so many women at this period. AMuoh of the anxiety and suffering that easel). wooden.:approaching nerd--' die age can be avoided, -This has been proved -by thousanfle `of happy; virile women who have relied at this time on the health -help (riven- by Dr, Wil- liams' Pinle Pills, To the middle-aged woman the one thing necessary to carry her through her years• of trial is rich, red blood. Because of their direct notion on the blood, . Dr, W3i- flame' Pink Pills are the one remedy 1n'alsod by women far, women's, needs. Among the thousands who have found benefit troth this :remedy is firs. Allan Nihon is•a will not a will? Whether Wager, Echo Lake, Ont, who says:— the answer is "when it is an egg" Is a • "I was aE a 0rltteal period in .the Iives problem whidlt all the solemn ma- 1 of all women and was sfolt and miser- clhDnery of the probate' court h. Lon- able, I became so much run-down that dorso IIlas been set In motion to solve. I was uuabYe to do my housework The The will is that of a sailor Who short- least exertion woatld cause my heart to ly before, his death at -sea lnst:rlped on flutter so violently that I would have a brown al>.eli of a hen's egg four to sit down, I had liealaohee and worts, "Mag everything I possess." • backaches, and was In' a depressed The egg isin custody al Somerset ooidUdttGn. T saw Dr, wblliams' Pink Iiouae while learned briefs are being Pita recommended and decided to give prepared for and against the wilt's them a trial. It' was- 'fortunate that I validity. The chief points at Issue are . did so, -for under tho used this meli- whcther a witness was n0eessary and eine I was restored t0 good health whether the sailor is entitled in this and strength and feel like a new wo- caee to the privilegegenerallyeon= nap. -I never neglect an opeortunity. ceded to sailors at sea of making wills to reocmmend -pile 'remedy to those without e0nfornhing to the customary who are run -dowse for I, am vary grata ruler.: iia for what the pills. did for me." • For all ailments due to weak watery blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11a will be Pound a speoide. You eau get the pine from any, medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil. Bene' MAdlolno.Go., Brockville,, Ont. The -Sportsm"a"n. Saida fivednch trout as he ecanrpered bask, "Not allof the human' race is black. "I've ,lust met sportsman in a• boat A feas'ful'man Ina leather coat, "I.fought.for any life, but this line was strong Anel I couldn't get loose from the hook's sharp prong, BABY'S °WM TABLETS �y A!9 EXCELLE T f isIIEBY For Any Of the Many Minor Ail-• literate of Infannts and Yotung • Children. . No mother can expect that her -child will eecaale all the ills to which babr hood and childhood are subject, bIt she can do nnuuh ,to lesson their severity, and to make baby's battles for: health easily won. • Nine-tentbe, of the minor allmente which afflict babyhood and childhood aro causal by some • derangement of the stomach and bowels. Regulate "And I r,111veled with fright as i eaw the dortatclr and bowers and t'heeo ° 1d c grin troulo/es w11I 'ditttppear: '1'o do this With terribie glee as he drew hno 11a, nothing can egdal Baby's Own Tab- lets. They are a Mild brit thorough "Then lhe-lioolt came out and his line laxative which through their action on grew slack, the stotna,ch and bowels clever fail to Ansi he patted my sides and he threw banish oonetipatton and indigestion; me back. ccide and simple fevers;' c$pet worms and make the dreaded teething. thne "Then T heard flim say as I dove down ea•ay., deep, Cbnearning Baby's Own' Tablets "Good luck to you, lad, you're- too' lhrs.: A 1{o'shan, Tla.m'iltbn Ont., email to ken)." wn.ites:— i{indiy eendome.your •.book- • -�, let, "Care' of °Baby ht Health and Mick- "Yes," said :the wisp ilsb, "now and aces:' 1 have two little'cltiidron four„ than - and a half and three years old icnd The human family (Mos ' breed lion," have used nothing else for CChem but Baby's Own Tablets. I thinks file Tab- lets are a. wonderful medicine for lit- tle ones." Harry's.Own Tablets are s'chi by all hueddoinie dealers or will be ascii by mail at 25 cents a box from Tire 13r, Willlama' Medicine Co:, -, Brockville, Ont. -Eldgar A. Guest. A tdise•Away. The mistress of the house was in- terviewing a woman who had answer- ed an adVertisonnent for a maid•of-all- work, The former nhininur.e1 the work, "lee reedy, very light," she ex- 'What's' in a Name? i^Upespoke the elsysa,r•eld (taugbitm',. An English l nteitriy in 1d11,h_a11¢hr btlua, had been I+s enWg ,attentively, during tl et w atllst' said to all old Yn,la con i, say haat, lnamzna, .w)1ea1 boatman. ,Angus do you know Where you ;are doing 1;t.,' she raid. 7 could got a ' mackintosh for my d atlg1ster 0' - ''I (lo not,'8ai;1 Angus,"blit there's, a. tine young ltardonalcl up yon'tlsr, and he a bacllo'.or, Alaybo hod_ suit', tla gout g lath}i:' • Corn'. to Daddy. Pi rIl : The say 'oohs' a word tho1i1r, oil cia'S 1t is yours," Edgar- le il,at so?' Phyilis' 11ij,1- liinard'e Lit.lrnela relieve, stiffness. 'iesiire "Q72Cof Inn etut 1G27i f.. 1n cn eperatun'iv lh Caundini /vein teals': 0 , l hurtc ntr pub,,' • fished in thre.ItlOoLken tl" Id n Gui, Detailed, information on 11 mn"Ut 5h:; 6mirhn;:fiir n LrnLt lc jriu rr un< r eenns,4 o0xl, An c•.I rr. (e ter e V uk Send 6 sink T5 Fv11-tow timid_,, Guido 1u910 -n "ye t 14/dwa o. cop.1'end r?ez1 Thede etac.0t water Fall: 31d falling lr'raqu tllo sirzmL gall; Intl calltvg, Did an me, tense Decide a iedga V,The:e I ibis; v cudered For e qui•ef whlia. Thera o c 01.n; c e 1 hear them singing lhrotgli the aisles Of ga;e.n and gold. civil" Jlotivlrera,, ing alvtay; Singing to their home, The.greai', wtdp sea. Anti so I follow, 21"110 p leisuro¢y, TolVrei•d the shore, 3 And p se t1y, Andy suddenly And g1•atetui1 re I saw The*inotheh' sea, Asinite with heaven's blue, And with a sting, The eweetost symp'liony, I ever knew: Robert' P1. Ken lu••tae Christian Science Monitor: • Changeful Lake Louise. Across a singing brook; ftp a hili where wild bees ewoop down to tow - ors' that edge the highwayt around a. band --and the glory of Lake Louise bursts suddenly Into view, • The water isaa ;, ," intense green, and so unrippled that. glacier and snow-waIi, forests and rook mous tains aro reflected as in a mirror. At the far end rises a snow-white wall, triangle -shaped 'as forested slopes on both aides+ fraane it, its apex a dazzling. lucent blue glacier reaching into the lake, the upper slopes massed snow. Only under -a bright noonday -sun Is the lake wholly green; It oonetant- 1y•changes its motor as''tlte light varies.' IT More isrntsya Ship:VOaar 13tT 0 To the H"ootae That Gives You f- GF-5E'S° PRrnES PAIR GRADING PROMPT PAYMENT ggCENpAT ONCC reit FRRE PRICe LIST AND TAO. FUR C In King East DEBT. 8 Toronto, Ont. OydGew'!'ge Rennes His C©w„'ponn.Builders Dnvi 1 Lloyd. George, l aegdarnd's war- tinie._Prhus Minister, p•layen-the happy rale 6f G o -mar recently whoa. lie' eater.' 1000d at luncheon- thirty empDayees because Ire was pleased with .their work on Ole new modtel cow pen, 112;. LIayd G,eon:ge recently acquired a small holding neat home at Chart and inemedlately set -Oa -at build, lug two cottages, several out buildings and a caw pen, ` He comlplimented, :the workmen on their speed and eflioienoy •and after the hinehean gave eat% a' pipe end a supply of tobacco. Ile has given, the first lrroduet from his near testa, a 1.1.1'8 weighing forty-four pounds, to the Thursley Churches for- their harvest festival, nalnar•d'e Linitis nt for toothscha.� The heart f a vegetarian o egeta zap beats,- aux. an average, fifty-eight times 3n e min- ute; that of a meat eater seventy -flea' times. ANTED 011 Postage Stamps. 'If on envelopes do not remove. If not, send anyway, Highest mires 'paid; Write H. MSRKtR With the first slanting of the rays, 347A Yonge St, purple begins- to creep over the sur- face 01 the water, and as the shadows intensify, •- the lake becomes _alive, amethyst, violent, magenta, purple -blue which near the shore turns to deep. Indigo. As if that were 'net enough, fleecy cioudmasses, puffs of white and s acre blue, hover above the lake and amid their redleetious down softly to the water. On a gray day Elie lake ie an ex :quisite apple -green tinged with mages to near the shore. In the delicate beauty of its 'coloring -and in the haunting loveliness of its setting, no Take can, compare with this marvel of the Canadian Rookies, Cupped in its mountain walls, glowing at the foot of its radiant glacier.—Vernon Quinn, In "Beautiful Canada." Fie--"Fes-I was brought up in the country:' She -"Wen, you'll never bring mo tip there? Progress in Dairying. "Canada Itas made subetautial pro- gress In dairying, mutt mere than people realize," said Dr, J. A. Ruddick, Ottawa, Federal Dairy Commissioner; fah a recent public address. "Dairy production of the Dominion has risen to 9300,000,000 annually. "'Exports of „dairy productsHave in- creased ncreased to 957,000,000 annually, boost of it being shipped from the eastern provinces. The eastern, section of Canada, produces shout 93 per omit, of tete ohecse 1st tho Dominion and about 71 per cent, or Um butter. However,. alio prairie provinces are making rapid' strides in. this direction. Oanadihn' cheese stood at the top of the world's marltet; Butter from Cahada was not quite at the top," the said, "but remarlt- able progress in improving its quality has lhesn made during rho last few years." Minard's Liniment tn.. brulet . Weighty'Mattor. Studeut--"I should have more credit on that first question. I, wrote six pages." - Professor—"IVro don't weigh • the papers'[ Dr. Franklin's 1RIGESTIN strengthens. the l,tomarh, relieves and prevents•Dyspegasia,l3illeueness,•bl art• burn, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Fiti, 10tnee, Ildada:rhe, and all othertrouble; Mimed by disordered Stomach and Bowels. Buy_ at your drug store or mail fifty cents to our address: Dr. Franklin Laboratories Toronto ;o •- 3e(-2z951g,? - 'rhos i^nconning ofacold, lalho the feet in Mirlard's:and list water, Also lnlialD. Toronto ;pry ,ea, SAWS 1y'.r,:.,, in iVltfN:WgNReQwNOfL. LoT'.aneMachine Kiill/ S nTCAL :• �rj'k1 TORONTO �' l4 i wn,..ws..1,.. n,.um.\ thatieads The Cunar.d Anchor -Donald- son ocean highway' wig bo the bonne trail • for many Canadian citizens intent on spending Christmas with the home folk in the British Isles `this *Christmas. Leaving Halifax December 12th and 13th respectively the two Christmas ships; "Letitia" and "Antonia" are scheduled to arrive at the irons ports three or four . days before Christmas; the "Letitia" at Belfast, 'Liver- pool. and Glasgow, and the " .Antonia" at Plymouth, Cherbourg and London, Ask your Sdaamah(p Agent for information, 0, wrtfe--• The Robert Relord Co., Limited Montreal, Toronto; Quebec, St. Sohn, NB„ Halifax, A one Reason. The following 15 told of Mark Twa'tn They were standing beside the eradlls gazing fondly down at tleeh' first -bole and the proud mother, In a burst o enthusiasra, exclaimed; "Ob, Sam, 'don't you love the littit darliig.l" "Wahl," calve the deliberate' .reply "I respect it for Its noble` father' sake." Rub' your ccaip with Minard'a LInlmen When dining tables first came int diners ners reclined on them' and a with their fingers, Classified Advert= -serpents, REMNANTS. LBS., y$2. 5 LBS, PATCHES '5' ; $1.96., A. MbCreery, Chatham Qntan0. The Family Friend Nothing purer, sweeter or more effective for eczemas, rashes, itch- ings and irritations, ,Bathe with Cuticula Soap and hot water to free the pores of impurities and follow with a gentle application of Cutf- Eura Ointment to soothe and heal. Semple Such Pre. Uyy Mea, Addroee Ca adorn Depota 'Stennoue, L1,0,1!oatred:" Pr1ke, Saap 26c, Ointment 26 and Dm Tnlcum 26c. atar". Cutioure Shoving Stich 266. STRATFORD WOMAN Restored to Health byLydia E. Pinkhttm's Vegetable Compound Stratford, Ontario. —"After my first baby was boom I started to work on the tenth day and did a big wash. ing on the twelfth day. Being so young (I was married at 19) I did not know what was the matter, so let it go until I was all run•downl weak and nervous, and had a bad drapiece- ment. For nearly two years I could not sleep and 1 wouldalwaya complain of having 'not a head -ache, but a brain -ache,' My mother is taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound during the Change of Life and she recommended It to me. After taking two bottles I began to get a little sleep aid to feel bettor and I have never left off since then, except for about three months. I can safely say I have taken tbirty bottles since . my second 'baby was born. 'I. think it makes child -birth easier as I had terrible pains with my drat three children and very few with my fourth as I was so much stronger. 1 am now able to do my work alone but I am still taking the Vegetabie Com- 0oun0p PAd as vn,i atnt 49 nursiClherr3rng, baby. ts "MrsSurat, 2 11Stree- C� �p or Ontario, O SV If are tarso, tering from any weak- ' nese which •causes such . Laynddiaauiroms barn's Vegetate Compound a trialCANA31A1dSERVICE nes nerpnsfehi•mh, geeE•Pik now, E Proved ov d safebymillions rrlt 1 � Ions and- re _cr bed physicians for i� by Rheumatism Colds Neuritis' . Neuralgia Headache Pain Toothache Lunlbager DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART, _---- ---—••�>n,.�,..�.• .,ice *--- 1300E No.`41--'<n. 744- Arcept only "Bayer" pacica e which contains proven directions. randyBayes" hexes' of 2 tablets .Also bottles of 34 and 100 -Druggists. l 1 frill 1n' Ills Err. 1 marl, (mrlalered in C5nmla) a, darer 11an,fao lire or atonnkMtic• enic,airr uO ill ancient (Acetyl • ;al/0411e Aeld, ) 8, A,"). Holts fl to foal( lony. it r Anplrlir: Int, cs Angel bC manufacture. 16 Nn, 11' (10 pnbilo 04,1u0t tmiin errs, the '1,7(¢10 decor Company n•W:, be •etenved Trlth their'Stnernl. trntlr murk, One "Lreser Cross,"