The Clinton News Record, 1926-11-04, Page 1TH,
• teeyeeSellt-1,"77
ICU IS 1.14C0R.P0.4#0.1. THE - CLINTONf' Ng!' 1
eh YCar
ONTA!110; 'TOUFi$1:PAY, NOVEMBER 4, i9t6
1116 fi)taster,'s
, 91.6dtiets .,
1A -re the best in their class We earl supply you with a Orthe-
.phorac Vietrolia. The latest improvements are built into this machine;
They are a -marvel. -Cr yeti can have a genuine Victor inachine for
• $17.p�. „come in and hem: it,
bout 5$!/% di count on hundreds of Red Seal Records
Ordinary'1Zecords-the Cheapest and Best on the market
01; Y(. - Ye ticir
Fur Fashions
We invite you to attend
par display of Fur.
coats on
Thursday, Nov; 11
This display will comprise
Persian Lamb, Hudson
Seal, Muskrat, French
Chapelle and Racoon
• Cats.
YOU will find here 'a saving of
from 25 percent. to 35 percent. on
every Coat.
Every Garment Fully.
- Guaranteed...
:Neater rfargairts
Ten dozen men'sr and boys' sweaters in
Factory Seconds at a saving of to I off
regular,price. These sweaters are prac-
tically the' same as firsts with the excep-
tion of a slight darn but hardly noticeable
which will not effect the wear in the least.
This is all opportunitY to get a good
sweater cheap.
LOT 'NO. 1.
Ccilvists of boys' pullover sweaters. all wool, roll neck,
sites 26,6 34 'creating at $1.25.
Consists of boys' V neck sweaters, roll collar, in several
different colours, sizes 26 to 34, clearing at $1.75;
Consists of fine jersey sweaters, all wool with button front
turned down collar in several different combinations, sizes 22 to
26 clearing at $1.2S. Sizes 28 to 32, clearing at $1.75.
491' 140. 4.
Colisilts of men's all wooll sweaters V neck rolled oilers
in shades of Castor, blue" green and black with gold trimmings,
clearing at $3.50.
Consists of mens V neck sweaters, heavy Iveight, grey and
Lovat shades, clearing at $2.50.
‘` A Square Deal for Every Man
; The Carter Scholarships this year
have ebeenwon in Huron as follows:
First, Henry Cr. West,:Goderieli; se:
c,ond, jean E. Winter, Goderiehetlahal,
Eurr$' M. Greb, Exeter.
The marriage 'took place at St.
Paul's ehurch on Wednesday of last
week of Leona Lillian, eldest daugh-
ter 61 Mr. and hfxt. George Taylor of
Clinton, arta Clarepee ;James -Aiken-
head; eon of ,Mr W11liem Anse/Mead
'of.Stanley. -The' ceremony- was per-
-formed i4 the Ite•v. C, Harrison
and was witnessed by only a few in-
thnate friends. The beide wore a
pretty frock of rosewood brocaded
velvet and Crepe satin, with fur trim-
reirigs,'small velvet hat, and shoes,
hose rand gloves in harnronizing
shades, and a corsage bouquet of pink
roses and ferns She also wore the
groom's gift, a pretty string of
After the ceremony the bridal party
drove 16 the home of the bride's par-
ents, where the wedding breakfast
was served, and later Mr. and Mrs.
Ancionhead left on a four -days' motor
trip, returning Saturday evening.
On Saturday evening a reception
was held at thd home of the bride's
parente, when between thirty and
forty guests assembled to bid the
young couple bon voyage on the sea
of matrimony. A very pleasant time
was spent in music and, dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Ancenhead are taking
up their residence in Princess street,
Clinton, for the time being.
The first annual meet of the Huron
Athletic .Associa•tion, held in Clinton.
on Thursday last, 'after a couple of
postponeMents owing toArad weather,
was a huge success. Mitchell, .Sea -
forth, Exeter and Clinton Conegiates
eompeted, and despite the fact' that
the day was not ver' . pleasant, a
crowd of several hundred spectators
enjoyed the fine program of athletic
events. Seaferth secured the Meet
championship, winning the highest
number of points in the junior, inter-
c,ediate• and seniors boys', and the
senior girls' events, while Mitchell
won the-4unior ,charripionship.1G.
Abrey of Mitchell, showing particu-,
lardy good form, won all junior girls'
events being a .fair margin.
The baseball games ex -cited keen in-
terest. . Exeter defeated Clinton by 7
runs to 4, while, Mitchell defeated
l8letifertli'bY 19 to 9. In a eleselY-
contested . basketball game Clinton
Proved victors ever Seaforth.
The various athletic events result-
ed as follows:
• Junior Boys
100 -yard dash---Desjardine, Exeter;
Ciuff, Seatorth- Rorke, Clinton.
High jump -Jennings, Exeter; Cluff
Seaforth; Montgomery, ,Seaforth.'
Broad jump - Montgomery, Sea -
forth;. Desjardine, Exeter; Middleton,
Hop, step and jump -Montgomery,
Seaforth; Cluff, Seaforth; Isar -
dine, Exeter.
220 yards - Desjardine, Exeter;
Rorke, Clinton; Jordan, Mitchell. •
• Pole vault-Cluff, Seaforth; \Vickie,
Mitchell; Middleton, Clinton. • .
Junior boys' championship wet a
tie 'between Desjardine, ExtteM Chaff,
Intermediate Boys
100 -yard dash - Daly, Seaforth;
Venner, Clinton; Taman, Exeter.
High jump -,Stewart, ISeaforth;
Daly, Seaforth; Venner, Clinton.
Brea') jump -Taman, Exeter; Daly,
Seaforth; Venner, Clinton.
Hop, step and jump -Daly, Sea -
forth; Venner, Clinton; Davidson,
220 yards -Daly,' Seaforth; Taman,
Exeter; Venner, ;Clinton.
Pole ye:la-Stewart, Seaforth; Day -
idiom Mitchell; Boyle, Exeter.
Shot put,--Nalan, Seaforth; Mathe-
son; Clinton, Venner, Clinton.
Intermediate boys' chempion-Daly
of Seaforth.
Senior Boys
100 yard dash -- Cook,. Clinton;
High jump-Willis,Seaforth; Bar-
• ber, iSeaforth; Reed,` -"Exeter,
Broad. jump-1,earst, Mitehelle-Wil-
lis,,,Seafortli; Cook, Clinton
Hop, stAli and jump-Willia; Sea -
forth; Cnok, Exeter; Speneare-Exeter.
220 yards -Coale, Clinthri; _Colear-
houn, Mitchell; Moorhorite," Clinton.
Pale vault -e -Campbell, " 1Xeter;
.115, Seaferth; Cook, Exeter -0 '
- Shot Put-lyilliS, Seater -tin 'Gettler,
Mitchell; Myers, lttitshelL
' Half -mile - Colquhoun, Mitchell
Hovey, Clinton; Cook, ;Clirston. • ,
Senior boys' elituripion-Willit, Sea
Junior Girls
50 yd. dash-Abrey, Mitch,ell; Mor-
rison, Clinton; Reed, Exeter. ,
Hop, step and jump-Abrey, mit-
ulheil.; Farquhar, Seater:the Hudson,
Seriforth: " •
' High jump-Abiey, Mitchell; Mil -
les, Clinton; Farquhar, Seaforth.
Broad junap-Abrey, Mitchell; Ar-
chibald; ISeafortin Clinton,
Junior girls' champion. Abrey,
Mitehell. • .
Senior ,•
•75 yard datili-ejWi1loW4 MitOrell;
;Cudstiore, Clinton; SalisburY,,Mit»
Hop, step and jump -Webster, Sea, -
forth; Love, Iiiketer; Middleton, Pin
High jump -Middleton, ;Clinton;
Johnson, Seeforfh;•Webster, Statorth.
Bedad jani-Trarnbtli, tSeafortln.
Love, Ettater;'Flynn,,Clinton,
'Senior girls' chainpionehip tied be-
tween Love of Exeter, "Webster of
The; Hallowe'en -eutpere under the
aiispfees, af the Ladieg ,AnxiliaTy of
tale -Freebyterfan eehnrch, held, laet,
-Friday, WAS'. a'. ,greire; 'emcee:se The
Cornea Chgthber Wire ',leappropriately
decorated:and tne srilseber' was taste
fully served.- A-,suth' Otover $112 was
'The following announcement ap-
peered" in Mondars'eStrettoad Bea-
Ccreerald' regal:ding fernier par-
iah' Prieiii" in '--Clinton The many
friends' of Rey. Dean Hanlon in Olin -
;ton and Vicinity will gre:atly regret his
illness: "
"Announeement was ; made in
Joseph's -Chinch yesterday that Very
Rev, Deam.I, A. Hanle's:who has been
Pastor of the church fq the past four,
and a half years has ,tendered his
resignation to His Lordship Bishop
51. P. Fallon,. owing 0- continued' ill
The Bishop has namhd Rev. J: A.
Mackesy as administrator of the pail-
ish until the appointment of a new
pastor is made. Father Mackesy has
been assistant to Dean Hanlon for
some time."
'he death occurred in Cleveland,
Ohio, on Monday of Iasi:week of Miss
Anna Reynolds, daughter of the late
Dominic Reynolds of :Mullett town-
Miss Reynolds was for twenty-five
Years with the Bell Tidephone Com-
pany, having been ten:years in the
Goderich Central. Later- she was in
New York for a time and for some
time before her death elie was opera-
tor at the Kensington Motel, Cleve-
land, She is surviVed hy two broth-
ers, John of Hullett and .Dominie, Nov
The remains -wok* beeaght home for
interment, arriving en Wednesday ev-
ening of last week and , being con-
veyed to the home of 'her sister-in-
law, Mrs. P. Reynolds, Hullett; from
which place the funeral' took place te
St. Joseph's church, Clinton, on Thurs.
day morning, and thence to the Hul-
lett burying ground. Rev. Father
Gaffney had charge of the funeral ser-
viees and the pallbearers were four
cousins of the deceased lady: Messrs.
Joseph, James, Martin and Owen
;Mattes Irene and Ros Marie Byrne,
nieces of, the deceased, accompanied
the remains and ether relatives who
wore present Inc the funeral were:
Mr D. Reynolds and daughter, New
Liskeard; Ivir. James Reynolds, Sea -
forth; Mr, Martin Reynolds, Strat-
ford, and others from Goderich and
other. points.,
The town council met en Monday
evening, all members being present
with the exception of Reeve Middle-
ton and Councillor Johns. Mayor
Jackson occupied the chair.-
. It was probably the shortest ses-
sion of the year, the mayor running
oyer the names of several eoin-
mittees with no response , except the
brief one, "No report, your Worship."
Councillor Livermore read the re-
port of the street Committee, in the
absence of the chairman, reporting the
settlement of the Allison complaint
re drainage.
The clerk read a communication
from Messrs, Town and Case, Iteee,
N.Y., asking that their business tax
be marked off, as they are not doing
any business this season The clerk
said this was ai matter for the Court
of Revision but the members agreed
that when the company did no husi-
nese they should not pay business tax.
The one committee chairman who
never fails to respond to the call of
the Mayor is the finance minister,
who presented the following report
for the month:
Street Account
Pay sheet ; . $27.00
A.111eCartney,'draWing tile .. , 4.75
Sutter & Perdite broom,,, etc. . 2.05
S. J. Andrews, tibe .. . .. 17.86
. Electric Light Accoriat
P. IL C., St. lighting, Oct, .155.16
Property, Account
P U. ;C., lighting hall . „ . .. . 6.84
Sutter ds, Perdue 14.44
Pay Sheet:, . 2.00
D. E. ;Closet Account
3. Steep, salary for Oct. 70.00
Cemetery Account
R. Hunter, salary for Oet. 60.00
D. L. Macpherson, 8 mos. sal. 176.00'
L. Stong, for October . , 70,83
Z. Gteelis, Tor, October 58.88
E. Graelis, col, Arnim fax .,•• 2.00
Printing Account
G. 11 Hall, voters' list, etc.... 127.75
;Stationary Account
Mum World, blank forms • 2.37
Grants Account
P, U. Cern., light for Hos, 21.15
_Fire 'and`Water Account
J. 15. 'Levis, &tick at Vire 6„00
M.' !Scheel-4141arz
, trek at fire . . 6.00
• Insurance Account
London, Lancashire,•town hall 21.82
Perth Mutual, on town hall 11.75
Ecenemical, prem. on town hall 14.10
Breiderital ACCoant 't
Tel, Co, rent and acct, • 4,G
1V/VT or, Clerk, Adsessoi:, se- .
teeth* jurors . , 9.00
proV..on 'Ontario license . , 8.00
L. Ston-
Market:Scales ...$16.70
Hell rent . 80,00 45.70
R. Hunter- ,
Caro in porpettritY .$20.00
The small boy,, (and somelicesgee
bees and alsosome of the girls); had;
14th especially good tithe this, -Hallow-
Voile as there Were threee. nighta of
Some ever: playing; a -,feW etyleke,
Sthular night Saturday was tire
big might," however, and in- spite of
the Wet weathe'r, the, spooks. were dut-
foeee. ' . •
di,eV2 W. 141,. Dunbar' of Tillsonburg;
tar erly incumbent of the Middle-
ton-Hohnesville parish, gave, an. ad-
dress before the 'Ingersoll. Kiwanis
Club on Friday- 'Met and a desPateh
from that town his this to say of ite,
"Rev. W. H. Dunhae , of TillSon-
burg, was the speaker before the -,Ki•
wanie Club here today. There was
buthper attendance,, and -Mr. Dunbar'
address on 'Impressions of Canada,'
was one of the finest heara by the
sdoke of his personal eXper-
.as a younTrish minister com-
ing to Canada to find Montreal ir the•
grip of 40 'below zero weather, and be-
ing sent to a run-doWn little parish in
the backwoods of Quebea, wherehe
remained for 15 montlisi He further
traced his movements in Ontario un-
til he was settled in the Goderich dis-
trict, where he can* to findhimself
loving this great country. That re-
spect and love for Canada had grown
since that time," •
• A quiet but very pretty wedding
took place on Saturday, Oct. 30th, at
Ontario street United church parson-
age, when Edith E., youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glazier of
Clinton, became the bride of Charlee
Elwin Pick son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Pickaad of Goderielf;toWn-
ship, '
The bride looked very charriiing hi
a becoming frock of sunset taffetta,
with silver trimmings, silver Shoes
and stockings and hat to match. She
carried a beautiful bouquet of OPhelia
roses, caught with silver ribbons. Mis
Irene Clark of Stratford made a very
pretty bridesmaid, dressed M old rose
georgette and (tarried a -bouquet 'of
Ophelia roses, Mr. Alfred Glazier,
brother of the bride, acted s best man.
The Rev. C. J. Moorhouse performed
the , cerenieny. The groom's gift to
the ;bride was a rope of pearls, to the
bridesmaid a pearl bar pin and to the
best 'man 0 diamond tie pin, '•
,,After the ceremony the bridal
party returned to the home of the
bride's parents, Mr . -and Mrs. Adam
Glazier, Frederick street, which was
very prettily decorated in pink and
white, and where thirty-five ef their
friends and relatives sat down to a
hearty wedding supper.
The evening was spent very soc-
ially, Mr. Fred Steele rendering some
very suitable solos whieh were very
much enjoyed.
Later in the evening, amid showers -
of confetti and good wishes, Mr. and
Mrs. Pickard left for their home in
Goderich, where ,they will reside.
Right Rev. David Williams, Bishop
of Huron, was chosen Tuesday by the
House of Bishops of Ontario to suc-
ceed Most Reverend George Thernlee,
Archbishop ;of Algoma, resigned, as
Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical
Province of Ontario. Dr Williams,
who will have the rank of Archbishop,
has presided over the Diocese of Hue -
on since 1505.
A union Thanksgifing service will
be held in Sl. Paul s church at ten -
thirty on :Holiday, Nov. 8th, Thanks-
giving Day. The ralter of the Bap-
tist church, the Rev. J. B. WieCor-
mack, will fbe the preacher.
Baptist Church
Thanksgiving service at 7 p.m. on
Sunday. The pastor, Rev. J. 13. Mc-
Cormack, will preach.
Presbyterian Church
Service of Thanksgiving and Com-
memoration in the Baptist church on
Sunday at 11 o'clock. Special music.
Sunday school at 10 o'elocic. Meeting
for Bible study and prayer oath,
Thursday evening at 7:80, beginning
en Thursday, Nov. 11th,
The Young Ladies' Auxiliary will
meet at the home of Mrs. 114 B. Sharp
On Tuesday evening at eight o'clock',
Ontario Street United Church
EellowshiP service at ten o'clock on
Sunday 00orning.4
(Shaft Thanksgiving service at el-
even o'clock, followed by the Sacra-
ment of the Loci's (Supper. The pas-
tor will preach at both services. His
evening subject ,will be: "No Mat
Save Jesus Only."
Junior League at seven 'o'clock en
Friday evening:,
The Sacrament of the Lordli Stip-
Per will be acIMinistered at the after-
noon service In Trailer's chreeth:
Wesley -Willis United Church
Thanksgiving services will be held
-moaning and evening on Sunday. The
morning:subject of discourse will be:
-"The' Law' 61 the „Harvest," and the
evening: 'Our Goodly Heritage."
;Special, ln5siewiul, be rendered by
TheGris',' blob ill 114. iiair ioh
dual Thanksgiving meeting; en Tues -
.day, NoVelaber
Blyth will bellie. speaker'ol 'the -eve
ening. A cordfal invitation is 'extluld-
ed to the ladies of the eongregation to
• The t thU hollae
of Mra, A, T. COoper'en: Thursday es-
anieg, Nov. lith. Mrs, Fewler,
Wale and. Mrs,' Vernier. will be in
12.42. charge of, the Meeting-. .
-A very ;regrettable death OCCIVrOd MT, W. S DOWIlS was the success»
in Clinton yesterday . when Mrs: Jo- •fril tencleve last week on a contract
siah Rattle passe away, , She lwsd far ,carved ornaiflt for a large Mont -
been 'in at -health for some time and real firm, to be handled at his Cline
it Was deditled,that she ought to have ..thn shop. While hjs-workinunship has
some teeth extracted. She was given. been favorably known throughout
an anesblietic id the teeth were -Western Ontariee these shipments
drawn -hut she failed ete rally and- held the distanee xecord to date for
quietlypassed away. Much eyraliathy business secured for his Clinton ShoP,
is felt for the in sband 'and family in.
their unexpected'bereaVelnent. RIMEMBR'S A Pl.°1\11•12.:
• "HatS off to Neleon W. Trewartha,
At time of wiiting •arrangeniOnts
have not been ,made for the Amoral, ,uribne'•-•sl..1,111,,t)°u131,11"44,ul.1$49tildeeiltie.d1.1.',1010:011:1!
word being awaited from a member
of her family in the west, but it will i0ati°11 r°1` 'S°11th 113-11"on' ‚becausehe
probably be on Sattirday:
once said he would lart -vote for gov-
1 ernment control until it had.been en -
W, I., AFT. doesed, by the people. He Still thinks.
_nstitute met in the the Ferguson government is a good
• The Weinen's i
. , one but he mar e is.promree some
usual place Thursday las1\11;0t a years ago and he keeps his woad, al.
splendid attendance. , ' . though it is driving him out of pub -
Mrs. Geo. Jenkins and Mrs. 0. L. ,lie
Paisley were appointed delegates' to
attend the Conwntion in London on DENTAL CLINIC,
Nov. 9th, 10th and lith.
The dentis'ts of the -district met for
The Finance committee have av- a clinic in Seaforth yesterday, mein.
ranged for a euchre and dance to' be
hers of the profession from all ;a
held in the town hall on ,Nov. 11th. towiis Iluron in county being present.'
Miss Donna Stevens entertained
Prof. Telford of Toronto was presenr.
the ladies with two instrumentals.'
; and addressed them on the subject of
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha gave a very Pyorrhea, which is recognized ae
profitable paper on the Institute's one of the most serious of dental ills,
motto: "For Homo „and •Ceuntry."- affecting not only the teeth, but the
The hostesses 'were Mrs. W. C. general health as well.
Cook, Miss Walker, Mrs. Geo. Jen-
kins and Mrs. Frank Jenkins. It is the intention to have these
clinics from time to tbne, thus giving
A COUPLE OF ACCIDENTS. the older practitioners a chance to
Mr. Hugh Cameron caught his keep abreast with new discoveries TO-
tlitinlb in a saw the other clay- while kiting to their profession.
at work in his shop and lest the tip
of it. The accident will lay him off
work for a spell.
Mr. C. H. Venner, while at work at
the new Collegiate building was
struck on the bead by aebrick falling
:from a newly -lard wall above him on
Tuesday and was rendered uncon- 'Mrs. S. Ilolly and her sister. Mrs.
May, who has been visiting with
SCiOUS. His injury was not very ser- E.
Ions but it was a hard enough Gime:: her at her cottage, "Holley Lodge,"
and he doesn't care if he never has forthpast two months, returned tn
their respective homes in Detroit and
Toronto on Wednesday Met.
De, and Mrs. King and Miss Betty
Iiingmof Detroit spent the week -end
at their cottage.
Mr. J. 0, Goldthorpe is in Northern
Ontario on a hunting expedition.
Miss Nora Ferguson left on Sun-.
clay to visit in London.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cotton and family
spent Friday iir-the village.
another such. He was crouching. 91).'11
ledge at the tine and the force of the
blow luckily, did' not cause him to
ITIOVOi else he would have,fallen ten
feet to a cenient floor\ below,
Mr. Venner went back to his work
yesterday afternoon, although he has
a very sore head. But he did net wish
to get behind with his wiring, or his
work would be very much hindered. MeSSrS, Wm. MeDool and Ninian
, Heard Veturne,c1 from the Western
•LITTLE LOCALS. eharvest fields on Monday.
See that yen 110101115ea th,e. voters'. Mr. Mrs. Geo, Beneed and.Mr.
list. and Mrs. D. Stafford and little 'Miss
Monday is Thanksgiving D05'and 0 of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards over
Marie Stafford of London were guests
public holiday.
;Col. Rance and Mr. A. F. johns are
now thought to be on 0 fair way to
the batter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.,
recovery. , 1 J. McLeod.
Unity Club, Goderich township, will ;Mrs. A. R. ;Seeds, accompanied by
meet at the home of Mrs, Ed. Far- her sister, Miss Irene Jones, of Ore
uhar on Tuesday, Nov. 16th. • Station, returned on Saturday lest.
Mrs Secds expects to leave again
Mrs. D. B. Cunningham has taken shortly to be with her parentmat Ora
,over the Women's Exchange, whieh ,Station, who have recently had the
has been operated by Mrs. J. Aitken misfortune to lose their home and all
'for some time.
the contents by fire.
Miss Annie McLeo4 entertained a
Mr. and Mrs. L. Curren entertained
• number of her young friends at a
a number of friends at a Hallowe'en
Hollowe'en Party on Saturday even -
party at the Shipley' farm„iust east
of town on the Huron road.
Mr, A. Neeb, candidate in the come
ing election, will address a meeting in
'the Lib,-Coneervative clubrooms en
Monday evening next.
Miss Hobbs and Miss Graham, Col-
legiate • teachers, are both off this
week owing to illness. Miss Kather-
ine Beaton is supplying en the staff
this week.
The menebers of the L.0,B.A, met
at the Mime ' of Miss Leona Taylor
prior to her marriage and presented
her with a cut glass water set, A
jolly evening -was spent by the ladies.
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs., Chas. Plater of De-
troit visited over the week -end with
ing. The guests were in costume and
masked and some very pretty and
quaint figures - were present. It ie
heedless to say that they all enjoyed
themselves immensely:
A. number a pranks were played in
the village on Saturday' night. Teic-
h:Le off gates and trifling 'thein seemsto have .been the chief employmtinlf
of "epooks" and so well have some of
them been hidden that they'have riot
yet been found, and their absence has:
caused much inconvenience to the
owners. itis hoped that the "Spoulce"
will kindly return those that have
net yet been fauna.
The Y. P. s. held their first regu
lar meeting in the basement of St.
POLITICAL NEWS- IN HURON. Andrew's elMeeh on Friday evening
last. The usual -business, rul °lee -
The LIM-Conservatives of South - M.e.e:l
tion of eers for th51 coming year
Huron met in convention on Ifriclay
last to choose a candidate in the cont
ing election. There was a fair repre-
sentation present, and the gathering
was addressed by W. G. Clysdale, Pro-
Floy Edwards; leadercommunitg
, of
vincial Conservative M
Ingram, St, Thomas, president of the
tided to hold a social on .Priday, Nov. ,
Western Lib. -Conservative 'Assbcia- 12th. It,is -hoped that there Wili be
tion, and Mr. Geo. Elliott, of 1Vliddle-
a large attendance' and that many
55'''. • - ' ' will become mernbers 'of the society, , ,
Mi.,Alex' Neeb, reeve of Stephen
A small entrance fee will be charged -
townsludr, was the Only one iromina.tdcl
for those who do not wish -to join.
as candidate. 'p.n... Nelson W, Itre- -
The annual -meeting of the Hayfield;
warthspeke, -praising fl -M"; work of •
Branch of the Canadian Bible Society
the Fergeson Government during the,
was held in the 'United church on Sun -
past three and a half years: ;"I.cla not day -evening last, when a fairly large
suppose there was ever a government number were present. Rev. II. F.
in Ontario that hab given ,the people Kennedy gave a very interesting talk
so much good legislation,"; he said. on the -origin and work of this very
But he would not come out as a can- impqrtant Society; the male quartette
clidate under a Government Control of St. Andrew's chureli sang Very ap-
policy. He said he- had given his word. propriately, +and Mrs. Jas. Fergeisoi-i
that he would not vote for Govern- ,,x,ead a repo.g, the
merit Control unless -it had first; been ., of work of the Bay- '
field branch foe the past three years.
endorsed by the People and he -would' Tho following officers 'Were re -elect -
stand; by his word. ; ; , ; .
sall to day, whenit will he known wire Jas. Ferguson, ' 8°eretaxY-t'laul'er.• '•
South Huron Liberals meet in Rene
yr. rv, G. Medd is in the ,field. for .ceili. be a
will carry the Liberal barrnee. ; - -
The. collectors will , •be makilig their
calls soon and it is hoped that 'there .
ell: ' F. Ag.,e'Enclewr aours'dsr,d:prpelslids :lit; id's. .
the Progressives and Will see the eerie Commencing' on 'St:vadaY, Nov; 711i, . '
test through, he declare, no ins,tter the services in Trinity church will be, .: ..
who collies- out for the Liberals. held It 7; pan. daring the. winter
' Tho --North HI'Lr l'''''1)--'athlei'va- months: The service on. Sunday will
tees:met in Blyth on Tuesday hat dui be of e.'10-petial Thanksgiving nature.
not choose a .enndithItt and. postponed
The hour for Sunday school will not
EtheiRr.ewiduvgelentloufll G-foudreuilelhe, we,ae..,t'euiM,Dalr% tecia.chaasimuldliartiliaist 'Sunday bTuhte,willeeltobre,
,ter ;Centre naran,.-wIliah. risiblit• has Ro, F. H.: paw/ ,i,iile take charge
been wiPecl glut, refused .te anew -lila itgain ea; ,satoar..' ' ,, .
nakne to go. before -the .consienthm, -itaV- - -•t
ug he had ' his own, reasons. ' Mr.' • l. ' . ,
Spottpri of Winglia'm was not Prepared ' tfur oitt. Townshi
to say thatlie Would stand and it will
not be known Until next week wy5will , ' ..,, Miss EVA, Hrown of HeSpler and Mr.
be ;the candidate,' , ', ' , . ' ',Wm. Brown" and-•MiSS Mattie and Mac-
, lVIr, Robineen Is the 'Liberal mond- tier Ford Breelth-of Detroit'are visiting
I ate ip:. North Hares". , ' ' ' their Mother, avlys. R. 13reWn. , :
. . '''' - ;
was held. Those elected are: P9051 -
dent, John Watson; vice, Edna
Seetchmer• SeCretary, Helen Seeds:a-
Treasurer, Don MacKenzie; organist,