HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-28, Page 8CIaIN OI+T'S TAM)IsTLr ;SEN'cita, Pm. $$toltE Now that the -'ton, bights are here Came in and see the new ='- /orris Phonograph, ;with the new .Fibre sound fox. Beiter 'than ever before. 'Very; large cabinet san'lie as° cut f ®r• $55.®® Graduate of To Fine Jewellery and Repairs JOHNSON onto College .of Optometry .. Next, Hovey's Drug Store W00--00`QO_ Watch' Out 'Tis the Eve of Hallows' Gracious! Staring owls, . ,Spooks and• solemn Jack -o -lanterns every- where. very -where.=- Shivers' down. your •ba& and laughsup, yew! sleeve, but the fear,, ,some things are only'harmless ;'dee- orations for Halloween, the observ- ance of which"origiated'." in the old' .days when superstition hedged about the homes and awesome fear lurked in the darkness. Today' it has become e gay and frolicsome gala event, to participate in fun. Our novelties 'and decorations will contribute to the success of the jolly occasion._ Will you see them. 11 e ' ' ajamas, Made from the finest quality striped pajama cloth and heavy. weight English and Canadian flan- nelettes. Comfortable easy -fit- ting garments that are a delight to the tired body and look at the price, 1.98 and tip Tliel. D. Fair Co. Often the_Cheapest—Always the Best Ther] are 'Real Values. ;..steel gyrus, Plur i- . PHONE 25_ 5lr _- " What'Jl I Order Your, everyday ;problem, "What'll I order?" will. quickly .be solved here, where a great variety of choicest gro- es: les are attractively .displayer] and serve as suggestions for many varia- tions of the menu. Ybu , will find tempting foods that will satisfy the most` fastidious appetite. ` Leave Your -Order Here for Good, Winter and Cooking Apples The C,1 & S. Grocers &air Store. Phone 125 W. Branch Store; Phone 125 J. Link up Your Horne with Furnace-' atisfaetio 1 . Why spend a winter of di'scoutent, with,the dangers at- tendant upon the installation of a poor furnace, or even the- poor installation'of a:.good furnace, when you' can equip your home with a McClary s Sunshine steel -furnace and linkyour, home and future` satisfaction with McClary's"guaranteed instal- lation service? McClai'..Y'Sunshine Sunshie Steel Furnace is made int! oth the pipe h and i Bless systems.: Here,;a again the benefit df. McC1ai' 's pP Y g Y guidance wilLie found'valuable. to eref HARDWARE PLUMBING ' • ELECTRIC, WIRING PHONE 147w Miss Gwen Holmes returned last week to Toronto." Miss Jean McMurchie left this morn- ing' for Toronto, Mrs. David Steepe visited Goderich friends on Friday. Mr...Harold, Kitty of Toronto visited his wife and bribe in town over the week end Rev. J. F Hogg is hi London attend• ing the Qnta?.•io Religious Education Convelrtion. - Miss Carrie May of Toronto is a vis- itor with her aunt, Mrs. Hooper 'of town, this week, Miss Margaret Holmes left Saturday to visit friends at Whitechurch and 'Corrie before returning to Brant- ford. Mrs. Wilfred Tanner and babe of Wallaeeburg are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker of town. Mr. and Mrs,. John Wiseman' return- ed Saturday after a week's visit with relatives at Kirkton and And - Miss Hobbs visited her home at Thorndale on Saturday and Sim - day, being accompanied home by Miss Houston. „ Mr. and'Mrs. Norman Fitzsimmons of Detroit spent the week -end with the former's ,.parents, Mr and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons. Mr, and Mrs. Rossiter and Mr. and Mrs. Rawlings and Miss Acheson of London spent. Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell _of Port Huron are spending the week with the latter's mint and grandmother, Mrs„ C-. H.'.Elliott and Mrs. James Graham. Mr. and M%•s W. J. Ford and children of Glencoe visited- for a day or so during the past week with the fortner's father, Mr. John Ford,, who has been suffering,from an in- jury received when he fell while' working on the repairing of S. S. Cooper's building a few weeks 'ago.' Dr R. A. and 'Mrs. Worthington of Canmore, Alta.," spent a week with theiformer' cousins,. Misses M. and E./ Wiltse of town, and ether friends hereabouts. . It is ;thirteen years. since .Dr. Worthington left Clinton and his old friends were glad to` welcome him beck to the old. town. Mr. G. A.111oLaughlin of Detroit has been visiting, relatives in Clinton and vicinity this week. Mr. Mc- Laughlin talks of going to Florida for the winter, as he thinks there will he plenty of employment at his trade of house carpentry, in the cities visited- by the recent wind- storm. Mrs. W. Walker of town and her sis- ter, Mrs, Thos. Kenny of Fenton, visited their sisters, Mrs. Chas, Mason. and Mrs. R. Greenside, Lon- don, last week. They also attended the concert given in that city by the fainous Glasgow Orpheus Choir, a'.member of which is a relative of the ladies. Mr, and Mrs.. F. S. Whitmore and babe, who had been visiting rela— tives in Clinton and Goderich town- ship for a 'week or so, left Satur- day for their home in Hamilton, Mrs. Whitmore had been :calla home on acconut of the illness of her mother, :Mrs" R. A. Hearn,' Who is somewhat better.` ' Miss Lucy Levy and her nephewv,rMas- ter Donaci1 ,evy, left this morning for Galt, Calif., where the lade , father resides Mies Levy, whcs will spend the winter ire California, is very fond of Winter sports: and Will find this- a'complete, change from skating, hockey; etc. She, may enjoy it and she, may not, »)7iecord Pop Cods, j er plsg, Ne✓ $rpzs1 nuts; per Ib ' Fancy mixed pekes, per lb, 10c 25c 20c an Cranberris, Sweet Potatoes, Grapes, .Honey DeW Melons, Chest Nuts. ,y 10 hers P. & Soap UesdaL 55e Lees., ,Cocoa, Perl'b. (She)1ed Walnuts, per ib.. lOs 59e' melt's Fancy Btbes e. , Vile iIneSda • ;Matches, "Red Bird" 3 for : 29e. 2 PTt s. Corn Starch . 19e 5 lbs. Corn 'Meal ', 25a 6 lbs. Rolled Oats for , 29c 2, tins Peas . 27e ti pkgs. Corn, Flakes , . 29e Sat'aerda •Sugar l Siigar 11 Redpath s Sugar The market is -firm Special price this week ONLY' FOR CASH Fancy Cheese,' Roquefort, Beaurn.ert, Piirnento Honey ]Dew Melons, each' 35c Specials 6 lbs. Epsom Salts 2 Brooms Baking. Powder, lb. i 2 tins corn ti Syrup, 5'lbs, i io o o o tivP i toovoimeivikowsiviriMsallWavIPWWWNTIMPRIMIMOWOMMOW 25c 95c 18c 25c 384 New •Frneits New Valencia Raisins, per lb. .. 1.8c New Figs, 2 lbs. for 25c New Prunes, per ib 19c New Peels, per pkg. ., .. 27c (Orange and Lemon) New Cit Peels, 1/2 Ib. , 20c Spec alS • New Pineapple, •candied -Shelled:Walnuts, per lb. 59c, Asparagus, per tin 25c Toddy" 35c, the new food:; drink Cranberry Jelly for Thanksgiving Ten minute Cranberry Jelly—A11 you need: 2 cups water, 1 t cups sugar, 1 lb.,Cranberries. All you need to do: , Boil sugar and water five minutes, add`the Ccagberries and boil without stirring until skins are broken. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Fn the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Os der Early O'NeiI W. , ®- Where "Sells for less" price rare its. Cash and Service ho 48 •T versary services in Dungannon en Don't Wait Until Sunday, Mr. and .Mrs' 0. E. Erratt visited friends at Clinton on Wednesday. -January. Do Nov,, Give us the measuremeints and we'll get started on your storm sash as quickly as possible. Thomas McKenzie, Everything in Lumber and Builders' Supplies Pine, Fir, Hemlock, Spruce, Gyproc; Rocboard, Lime, etc. 80-tf Stewart Warner Radio Sets Tubes and Radio Equipements .THIS IS STATION S.W.R.D. . which stands for Stewart -Warner Radio Dealer • You wil] get full value for your. Money here. 'Service at all times, Before buying a radio set see and hear the 5 and 6 tube sets, which for clearness and purity of tone' have no equal"at any price, and th'e price is within' the reach; of all. Sets sold on easy monthly pay rnents. Every set-guaraniteed 60 days, CALL AND; SEE THEM Or';Better"Still, have a set installed• in your home'oe, 5 days Free Trial Sets installedanywhere in town or country, free of cbierge, ' Musical Instruments For Sale 11; A. HlOVEY • - 'Phone 89 Clinton, Ont. RETURNING OFFICERS 'IN THE COMING ERECTION The following :;Returning officer, have been appointed for Huron, Bruce,, and Perth: ' ' North` Huron: ;George R. Milldam, Tlrussels; South Huron: Wm: Consitt, Hensen. North Bruce ,I.. B. Ui'iderwood, Port Elgin; South Bruce: W4. G. Me Callum. 4 ' North -.; Perth:.; Thos. Magwood, 'Stratford;`iSouth: :'Alfred Paul, Kirk - ton. In North =Huron three women aro. acting as 'clerks' of Revising offi- cers, namely Mrs. Hetnering'ton, Carlow; Mrs C •J. Walker,, Gerrie, and Miss Edna Webb, Goderich, A Hallowe'en Supper Will be served in the Council Chamber Under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church on Friday, Oct, 29 Supper served from 5 to 7' MENU: Roast Beef; •Cdld Dressed Pork, Escalloped Potatoes, Salads, .Tellies; Pickles; Pie. ADMISSION --400 79-3 DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of . Clinton offers, to local investors'de- bentures issued for payment of the new Collegiate Institute building, in SUMS of $500 and $1,000, , yielding five per cent. to the purchaser. In- terest payable semi-annually on Feb. 1St and Aug. let. Further information may be ob- tained from Aitiinb rrl Mrs, A. M. Rice, accompanied by,, Mrs. C. Asquith, ,Mrs. Alp, Mrs. A: Andrew and Miss' Ellen Phillips, mot. oreci to Lpndon• on Tuesday this week. Met and Mss Finlayson of Seaforth and Miss Murray. of Bayfield were visitors of, Mr, and;I(i'a, E. 'Lawson' on Tuesday. . The Women's Institute aro having'' their annual supper on Friday even- Mg' ven.ing• of this :weep,, After the supper, Ithere will be a' play entitled "The Old Oaken- Duckett' Rey W. R. All - oend rteted aims. Ii L. MACPHERSON, Treasurer. Clinton, Aug. 3rd, 1926. 69-tf CLARE ,,EROS. STOVES FOR RTAS COMFORT" We ate the sole agents for the fain. ous Jewel Quebec Heater, made by Clare Bros.,- Preston We,- have sold many in this comnnurv'y and Any olie ;es 1,.0 many satisfied air. '.v ill add their' recommendation to our t,u, a a.ntee. Perfectly trade and beautifully nickelled and enamclle T , great heater as well as cooker. ' See them now at our store. Heaters :yea Cook stoves, A . 0 HAII.DW UiR and UMBII4G .Phone 244PL, &et Ready for Wiatep. The snappy weather is coming fast,, better get 'your plants and flowers inside. We have all kinds of Ferneries' to hold them, all styles and prices. We also have a nice assortment of reed furniture to go with them. , ! ' We 'have a wonderful new stock of Electric Lamps and Shades in Silk and Parchment Cloth, Just the thing for a wedding or Christmas gift. And of course we are fully prepared for all your needs in .Congoleum, Linoleum, Oil cloth or Rugs. -HARDWARE The. stove season will soon be here and we are prepared better than ever to supply your needs in Ranges and Heaters, made by the different manufacturers in order to give you a selection in price and quality. . A Congoleum Mat given FREEdwith every Stove Purchased A full stock of shelf hardware, Brantford Roofing (best by test). We do Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Ask us •fo"r estimates Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 A. complete stock hi all sizes and th,e newest styles and colors just arrived. At our prices the well=known Biltm.oro' Hat can- not be beat for quality or price. Look at Your Hat --Freryone Else Does" Davis &Herman Custom Tailoring. Cleaning and Pressing For Monet THE MASTERHft ' OF CAIA0A, Men or Women: to Pie3 Chickens , G NN, LANGLOIS & Co. Limited MEAD OFFICE ' '— MONTREAL, QUE. CEINTON, BRANCH, i CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190