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The Clinton News Record, 1926-10-28, Page 5
'Wits Tones steaks Policies' .. Ton,ily Recordsa, eeeelkry 00.7115" Y\' /•s 11, N:, a' less enl gl feted ige people .- fought to safe�'uardthelrvaluables. Often tlicyp laced thena an a strong box which • tlrey lied in sot -he secret placed . hoping to protect them.' , Toda tlie.safet and(secur'it of stee vaults elitiiinate- Y Y y }, thee;dangcr of loss by fire or theft, and give peace of mind forthe safety of valuable belongings. Documents lying unprotected' lie your house ori office demand the security ofa Safety Deposit Box. eeeNe Clinton Branch`' R. E. Manning,lylanager • Of Interest to You and Me: "Gold fields in the north," says an eexcltaiige, "are jumping up like mush- -roost -M." If they .only wouldn't wilt •down again, like mushrooms.. Thanksgiving° Day has been fixed for Monday, Nov. 8th, the Monday nearest the 11th. Two - minutes .o'f .silence will be observed at eleven o'clock on Thursday, Armistice Day_. in honour of the Empire's dead. The weather we've been having has' been "discouraging, ,hut still we have suffered little ` but discomfort and some monetary loss from inability to harvest late crops. No lives will •be lost'"ovee ' it. It is different in the "Sunny South." ;Since the above was written word has come of the loss of life on the At- lantic coast. . Loss of life .from storms at sea, however, are all too • common at this season. Itis estimated that out of 23,041 -fires in, Canada in 1925 whose cause are known, no less than 10,064 weird caused by`- over -heated stoves, Turn - aces' and pipes, sparks on the roof, defective chimneys, coal oil stoves, portable lamps and hot ashes; 2,541 fires were tensed by lightning, and 1,963. 4y carelessnes with matches. Surely .an intelligent people like Can- adians aright improve on ,this record of carelessness. / THignIfA`ll''!i OCTOBER 2 ,- 92G• Cia'riWitnas tGI' it� Nothing so nit's toe friends at home or the ones far away ae a GOOD Portrait It is 'only` 8 weeks 'ental you• will need them Or Gilts ' Our Clinton Studio is open every Tuesday from ),6 a.m. ''to 4:30 p.m, Put it off nolonger, come iii any soon. if you de o4 want to be disappointed. • 1 will: not promise any Photos for Christmas that are taken after Dec 1st'. • -'' Our Work and Prices Will'' Please You Burgess," Portrait Studio MITCHELL; AND "CLINTON }, Tuckersmith Township The following is the report of the pupils', standing in S. S. No. 4 for ISeptemlber and ` October. Those who were absent are marked with alt as- terisk:. , sterisk:., , Sr. 4tle-Reta Fear, 75%; Carman Roweliffe, 67; ` Will Pepper, 60; Mar- garet Fear, 50. 1 i)I1CY1 esvriii� Jr. 4th -Edna Cook, 65; Verna Lay- ton, 50; Norman Lloyd ` Sr. 3rd Leslie Pepper, 87; Mel, bourne Ball, 72; Walter Pepper*, DK die Layton*: Jr. 3rd - Marion Matheson, S0; Frank Garret, 56; Beatrice Snell, 50; Wilma Rowclife, 47; Dorothy Wal- ters, 43. Sr. 2nd -Alden Crich, 77; Bert Gar- ret, 75; Harold Pepper, 57, Jr. 2nd -Norman Pepper,"34. Sr. Primer -Wanda • Rowcliffe, 80; Kathleen .Falconer, 80. Jr,i. Pruner -Clifford Pepper, 60; Eldon O'Brien, 55; Glen Layton,' 53.. Number on roll,' 25; average atten- dance, 21,3. F. Talbot, teacher.. . The banquet given by the Cheese and Butter Co. in the Hohnesville hall ,on Thursday evening last was a de- cided success. About one hundred and fifty persons sat down to well -laden tables of fowl, vegetables and all the delicacies of the season, including cheese and whey butter provided by • the Company. After all had done jus-, .tiee to the good things provided the _president of the company, W. H. Lobb, called the meeting to order and` asked 'the I Rev. I. 3. Kilpatrick to take the ehait. After the chairman had given a humorous address he called on the Cox orchestra for the opening num- ber, which was -followed by an ad- dress by Mr. Lobb, who . extended a welcbme to 'all present, patrons, stockholders, employees and the coin pany's banker, Mr. R, E. Manning of 'the Royal Bank, Clinton, and Mr. Frank Hearn of London, chief dairy instructor of Ontario. Mr. J. Sterling rendered a couple ee Scotch sons in good style and Mr. "Herb Cox, reeve' of the township, gave a short address. Mr. Manning's interesting addrerss prayed that he was well versed in dairying, es. his father founded the first cheese fee - tory in this part of the country and kept eighty cows on his farm. -Mr. Hearn, in a very ; .pleasing manlier, gave instructions hs' to selecting si herd of the'right type, also cariisg for the herd and the milkto make No.' 1 cheese. Ire.. showed that this care -would also help the oheesemaker to procure a ' higher certifidate, as it -would-be based onethe: number of Na: 1 cheeses•niade eahh•year. • The Cox orehestar rendered', soy - -oral numbers• throughout the evening and was much appreciated Thee -very pleasantr gathering closed with the :National Anthem. . a Constance Liberal -Conservative CONVENTION 'itVXen*er's to help stook' one Gift -De - Pertinent, Fee for xekaaindee of 1`926; 50 .. We have Ifonse - Dresses, ' Chaldh zen 'Clothing; Middies' aka' Pleated Si irts?Bloomers iGos��'Wo611ens for the ''wlroe: falnaly, and all sorts of Fancy' Work.. •.Home-madel3aking to, order' any day; d'chcious', candies always' in .Stock See cin- list of ',Salads, Sand- .wiclies; Cakesil etc , for, Afternoon, Tea.•... Thio is. the "PEOPLES $TOIL Make it. Yours O • xchange ITECII 5 E Canyention•- of tyre Liberal -Con- servatives of South Huron will be'heild in the Town Hall ` $lenSaut Friday :'Oct. 29th at .2 p.m. To .nonfinate ai candidate for the Legislative Assembly Each mnmcipality is entitled to send three delegates for each Polling Subdivision Several Prominent Speakers will be present including a Cabinet Minister Phone 17 Hotirs ' 1:30 to 6 pent, • ' `li•ewaritha 1)E _t IN WA NEW'LAID e SY'ECIALI�Il illi lltillc--Fell Poul - 12 monthsift`trhe yeas ' Pbtelie ars,. eapi ih the ti0'eek' as ppssilsle for 'puiieear, -GO01D DEMAND. F0I3, ArI:T:1(iI1VI)S QF NO..1 P0,101,TIIsY We advise you to have•the pitds year laying pen culled while the.. price is high: , 'Culling of birds; done free of charge tlegeie0ti .our• office,.. Phones -Office, 214j Residence'214w Poultry Wanted Now is the time to eget rid of your non produtinghens,-We db your culling freeoJ' .r • charge. We ala w s wan ii chickens and ducks, Wednesday and Thursday forenoons at residence, Vie- toria Street,- five doors north of G. N, R: tracks.. -gall 281, 'Clintoncentral,. for prices. . A. R. FINCH GOD SAVE THE'KING ROBT. HIGGINS,-VVDI.uCONSITT, Secretary , - President. 81-1, Mrs Fred Anderson and son and. daughter of Hurst, New Ontario, are visiting the former's father Mr. Jas. Brown and other friends. Miss Thelma Dale of Toronto spent a couple of_ weeks, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dale. Mr. Win Manley , of -Clinton visited his slaughter on Tuesday afternoon of last 'week. Mr. Oliver Anderson is at Swift Current on business. Quite a number from outside points- were out to the anniversary services here on ;Sunday afternoon and even- ing. Rev, 1t. F. Irwin o'f Centralia was the speaker. The entertainment on Monday evening was not as well attended -as would have been but for the storm. (firths • NICKLE-In Clinton, on Oct. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nickle, a son. SMITH - In :Goderich, on October 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Smith, a daughtei:j - McMILLEN In GoderilS}t Township, . on October 17th, to Mr; and Mrs. Jas. A. McMillen, :a son. . Deaths MtLEAN-At Gederieh, on October 16th, Hannah Hopper, wife of Capt,' Alexander" 'McLean, in her 66th year, CALLOW -Suddenly, at Detroit, on October 20011, bin'. Win.' Callow, formerly Anna. Moss of Goderich. IN MEMORIAIIL PERDUE -In loving memory of our little son and brother, William Ron- ald Perdue, who passed to his 'heav- enly honne Oct. 26th, 1925. Ragfield Road :Miss Clara Potter of Stanley was the .guest over^:the week -end of het. cousin, Miss Winnifred Jervis , The home of Mr. Gus Bisbaek was destroyed by fire early yesterday morning. Mr. Bisback arose and af- ter lighting his fire went out to do some chores at the barn. Wheh about half through on glancing toward the house he noticed signs of fire and int- nnediately ran to see about it. A neighbor was passing at the time -andhe also came to assist but water being scarce it was found impossible to subdue the flames. Most of the contents were removed, 'by the help of neighbors, but the house was de stroyeif. . Valetta $5,000' ONTARIO ELECTION CONTEST The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are having an Elec- tion Contest for the Province of On- tario, in which they, offer a total of 55,000 in prizes for the best estimates as to the total number' of votes cast in the forthcoming Ontario'Election:' This Contest is open only :to readers of the Family Herald in the Pleevieee of Ontario. ' - : ' ; ' The annual subscription ; piece 4f the Family Herald and Weekly Star is. 51.00. One year's subseriptions en- titles NEW 'SUBSCRIBERS to' make FIVE ESTIMATES in this election d h RE - Potatoes im ted Potatoes are wanted by the under signed. ,Por prvr,es and • particulars apply to J. E. HUGILL, Sc' sONs 'k .11. R. No. 2,'Seaforth Phone 34 on 616, Clinton Central 80-2 "Forgive our grief for one removed, Thy creature, whom wo found so fair. We trust Ise lives in Thee, and there We find him worthier to be loved." Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. • House For Sale -� 8 -roomed red brick house, corner, Orange and Wellington streets. Hot water heating, bath and all eonven iences. Apply on premises ole.to F. A. Jenkins, 'Clinton Phone 129 or 141. ?30'4 P Go Apples . Nice winter apples for sale. Bring your own bags. C. Hoare, Clinton. 80-2-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank very sincerely all my friends and neighbors 'for their kindness in my recent loss by fire. The hearty, practical sympathy ex- tended to myself and family has been very much "appreciated by us -411. George Cook, lith•coneessione,Goder- ieh township. Me. cAs 1t of Lo , .M Mrs, W .and Mr Weekes. Mrs,:C C. W spent (Sunday with Mrs. Willington Johnston "is visit •ing with Toronto friends. Quite a number took in the fowl s' Tuesda night. -supper iit.Bayfield last Y Mr; . C Wiley, who has been work- ing in Detroit, ie horise"forie couple of• '` weeks. ' -s •hat'Mr� rt t report' e�tor We are pleased i? Emil Beatty. is again able to resume Emily ondon to 'her duties and:returned L ••u r re to,his home returned ct Ward Mt..1Jd. r , Art ,the village. on Saturday evening :after art ; absenco of a great many' 'years. Mn. 'Ward - has travelled ra g000 Uea1 and seen much of the world Band `intends, spending the, winter at• the. old home :in the burg, Mr.' and Mrs James. Wanless grave ieturned.to their home an the village We are sorry to-report•the•old people :are not having very good health, , nn '' f to"u ent o H stud Mr; Appleyard, a College, 'London, preached in St. •John's'. church Sunday evening'. Mr G. H. Beatty, our enterprising coal merchant, has handled several cat' 'loads of coal ;this season, ' ' Sheep For Sale Registered Oxford lambs of both sexes. Prices reasonable, Frank Weekesr Varna. Phone 31-r_622, 80-2 Baking Sale The Girls' Club of 'Wesley -Willis church will hold. a saleof home-made baking in Mr. Mittell's store, Huron steed, on Saturday eftertiden, Oct. 30th, commencing at43 o'clock. S0-2 For- Sale or Rent - Comfortable 8 -roomed house with good cellar unfler all, corner of Mary and North streets. Town water and / acre good land. Apply to 3. R: Butler or life's. R. Tanney, Clinton. 81-04 `Neer's Garage Grease ' "Per Gasoline 041, andS C� Tires, Tulles, and Accessories. ;1,et-4 figgre on your' Trucking ;Some -Wood for Sale W. J 'Nediger, Prop. rr Apples for Sale : Winter apples, on the trees; also poaches, pears •and grapes. All sprayed fruit. A. Romphf, Con, 3, Bosanquit, mile north of Thedford, R. 1, Thedford, Ont. 80-3-p Illustrated Lecture on Holy Land On Wednesday evening, Nov. 17th, Mrs. Chant, wife of Prof. C. A. Chant of.To'roeito University, will give an it lustrated lecture on "The Holy Land", in Wesley -Willis church, under the auspices of the W. M. 5. A silver col- lection will be takon during,thc even- ing. 81-3' Auction Sale of 75 Hofs Mr, Ernie Townshend has instruct ed_the undersigned auctioneer to eell by public auction at Connell's sale been, Clinton's, on Saturday, Oet. 30th,_ at 2 pen., shore. 75 choice bacon typo. hogs, consisting of seekers, chunks and sows: This 10" are exceptionally good lot, . easefully' selected and, will be. sold .•without' .- reserve, • 'Terms:. 6 months credit gt�est -on, furnishing bankable paper, ot; a discount of p Per cent,,rer.'annuee allowed for cash. Ernie Townshend, Proprietor. 0. H E11ir�tt, Auctioneer. Mare and Colt for Sale General purpose mare and a first class Percheron spring colt. Will be sold separately if desired. Apply to John Woods, Bayfield. 80-4-p, F. ARROW BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6 p.m. ' 30-.tf. • By Trying to do Without Glasses When you should year them you harm your. eyes. But that isn't all of it nor the worst of it. Strained eyes have a bad habit of upsetting things generally. There are -many conditions outside of the eyes that eye strain causes. And proper glasses remove them all 'almost at once in }nary eases, WO fire and eliminate the cause of eye strain 7. H. Hell- ean, Optometrist, Clinton, , Apples For Sale Choice Spies and Baldwins, will sell by barrel or bag. Ernest' Town- shend, Goderich township, R. R. Mo. 3, Clinton. Phone 609-r-22, Clinton eentral. 79-tf • contest, Present readers who Auction S fle NEW their subscription for 1927 00 - Polled Angus" and. ' Durham: NOW are entitled to ONE -ESTI= cattle. The undersigned will offer for MATE, g rovidin g the renewal le sent Contest. t •` in during the Cn „All previous 'Family . Herald Con- te ytts' •have been, well conducted and' have proved`very popular. The Contest will. close several days before the election actually takes For Sale Comfortable seven -roomed house and adjacent let on Victoria street, south -end, to be sold together. See F. R. Darrow, Solicitor, Clinton, or Mrs. S. Govett. - 79-tf We. Serve 'and Satisfy IC lifoC©xmick tearing x t 6, ofi linplementss, .'engines,: ;Tractors, Trueks, ikon, h nufacturmg Co.-Shlos Engines; Litter Carriers, Fuenacee, Quele?,i Heaters„ ete let, erty Stave' Co Entire line of Quelsee Cooks and 'Heaters. fi Geed' Cheer line ,of Quebec Cooks and' ;Eaters, Toio'ritee`Wlmd'Mills,'Silos, Water; •Sy^stesns', Pumps, Wood -ad Steel Tanks, Stable Equil?merst, etc. Pedla9'People. Limited'e ilin'e of Steel Roofs,, Culverts, Cetllege, etc. Renfrew and Primrose Crean* Separator'..' Canadian Goodrich Rubber Co;'s Footwear„ *,ubber ..Poets, Raebters', and :'Zappe?: 0verskcccS.. - When interested, i 1 ahy of the alcove limes our repratsentative: with an EXPERT will tall, end give''you an.estimate. flier Hardware Dealers in General Hardware, Faints, 011s, Stoves, Ete. • Rowland's Old Stand.CHI-NAMEL ST9RE' . TELEPHONE 53 ■ Feed Roliliny car load has arrived. This feed is very hard to buy now' and we would edvise laying in your requieements. S-'ECIA. �Y. Naphtha Soap 17 bars for 51.00 Swift's Borax Soap .... 20 bars 51.00 Castile Soap, large bar 22c Castile Soap, cakes . 6 for. 25c Handy Ammonia 10c,'3 for 25e Neb Soap Flakes . 10e, 3 for 25c Water Glass ... 20e Lard (20 lb. pail) $3.95 Bran, Shorts and Flour - Will have two car loads in very shortly, one Maple Lef and ane Five Roses. Flour and Feeds are down a little at present and it is a good time to book ,'our requirements. Shortening, 3 lb. pail • QOc Salmon, pipk , .. 200 Libby's Pork and Beans 15e, 2 for 25c Pilchards .... 20a Fillets of Hoddie ... ......... 22c Bananas, Oranges, Sweet Potatoes Cucumbers Grapes, etc. Fresh Meats at all Times York Hogs for Sale' 2 .boars of splendid type to goDOW for 535.00 each. 2 `young boars at $18.00 each. 1 sow with litter of 11 pigs at 590.00. 'Get into a good line and prosper. Phone for partictilars, to 616-r-34, Clinton„ central. J. E. Hugill and Sone.. -79-3 Cattle Estray Strayed from the premises of, the undersigned, Lot 30,•. Maitland con- cession, Goderich township, 3 yearling steers. Information as ' to"'their whereabouts will 'be thanlsfully ,re ceivede A. Sturdy,. Phone 33' oft 601, Cliniton 'Central. For en annual subscription fee of $`1.00 the reader receives riot only the greatest family and farmtipaper for "due year, bet also. thio' .opportunity to. w'il is-crish::prize'of 'S?,SOOI By entering' this Contest:r eaders , as woll.'as new subscribers have nbth- insj to lose -yet possibly much to ,gam, DON'T DELAY! The -time i5 NbW! -Alyn. Young Pigs for ale• 22young pigs, G weekold. Apply l Y to. A<tehibald T J)ale- Let 12 (on. 2, IItillett Plione 6 on 636;• Clinton Cbbtral.' t ' . 81-1.. to Bruce. Hotel Stables„ . •' Ho n W ker s 5ale l$ 4 { the Neve '"loo] field, 051 hon. 1Qth, at 1 ole following; Po11ed Angus, cow, 4 ,gars old, due • Jan. •21;. Polled Angus cow, 5 years' o1d,••clue pee. -14; Polled Angus heifer with calf at foot; Reg. Polled Angus 'now with belk calf '8 months, old.at.foot•r Reg : Polled -Angels bull, , , 18 months old;•6 Po11ed Angus steers, 3 years•h ld 9 Rolled -Angus steers 2 z years eldi' Durham cow, 6 ;,years due Oot:27; •Dui:hair cow, 6'erecne olii' due May-lst,°2-year-6Icl steel; -7 Year'- Old steers; 3 calves; 14 piles; 5 sheep. Terms: 9'months credit given on tip - proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 Per ,cent. allowed for cash. Wni. Ross, Proprietor. Gco, • 11. Elliott, Auctioneer. ' 91.2 Cheese for Sale- - Cheese in bulk at any time: Large cheese, 18c, Flats, 20e, Stiltont, Ole per lb. The Holmesvi?le • Cheese and putter' Co W. H. Lobti president and salesman, R. R. No. 3, Clinton: 78 tf. Sow Qriebec Ilcater fo'r"Sale .'A'Naw Qttebee %,.eater, nearly now,: 30 inehes high: Apply to Mr's, How- ar,.d Trewarthe. Phone • 11. on 436, Clinton Central. 81-2. Lambs. for ,.Sale Sonne •purebred. Lieeester ram and ewe lambs, also some two-year old registered ewes. Apply to 7.1i. Quig- ley, London road, R. R. No. 5;e Clinton.' Phone 8 on'619.' 78-tf. -L. LAWSON & CO. • PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 111 Notice. to Creditors Notice is hereby given. to •all..p'eir=' sons having claims against the Esc tate of' Susanne, E. Rutledge,; late of the Township., of Goderich, in the County 'of Herron, widow, deceased, to. send thesame duly -verified to the undersigned on o7 'before;tlie 30th day of atelier, 1;926,'affter which date the Administrator will•.proceed to distri- e • distri- bute the estate among no i sonse`n- g p titled the•eto, having regard only to the: claims pf . whish they, then "have \had notice, and that they will not be 'liable for the.proceeds of .the estate sodistributed to any persopersonof whose hose claims notice shal itot'tlen have been , received. tari o. Hay's and Hays, Godeii•'ch , On soltcitors fni 8 k Ford, ` Geer • •e Frederic Adminisrtrator'of the estate of Sus- Oo1'legiate bulldnng, Apply en Joe, or 79 3, anted Laborers WRutledge. ti h E. a ' 1; . L nn h a n new 2 ,.'. Laborers w^tnted to wail o 'pated';at Goderich, Qctober 12th, 19 E House for Sale or Rent - House' on corner o:f.11uron artd Or- ange streets, old: Mottntcasele place. Apply !to F. W. • Jobusten, Clinton. 8R-tf. Clinton's OnttititSS Oyster Shell, Beef Scraps And' all poultry necessities always on hand. Prices :are right and. qual- ity high. • Buckwheat We are, in the market for a few cars, Call ug when you have any threshed for sale, J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed 'Merchants and Grain Buyers • COAL Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand fell stock of coal for immediate delivery. Prices reason- able. Also: a quantity of dry maple wood. . J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 118 COAL, Stove, Egg, Nut and Threshing Coal Coke and Kennel Coal Also Dry Hardwood E. WARD Phone 155. - Huron Street, Singer Sewing Machine Sold on Easy Monthly Payments Special two-year terms given to farmers .1 Also a full stoclt of ' Needles, Betts and Parts ' for all makes{ Sole Agent �for ' the Singer .4 .l W. O LA:dN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201,00 Gsiin£oii 11 r 3 . hers l� High Pressure r Low Temperature PROCESS What if the early Colonials had•ig- nored Paul ` Revere's warning -And had 'stayed in their - • bedLs when he rodethrough the night calling' to them that the British were coming? ]fat if you should ignore the Heat W Folks warning?,. h" have .:to' stay in your i .t You g. beds for the Test of tlse.witerl'- r_1 50i 'l. now, and Get in •your ao pp Y be for any emergency. prepared he � Call.the �' C ,{,,r a co l , for good clean n Pressed., d Clothes Cleaned a y Clothes cleaned, pressed,and`r.e- paired. W'ooi'Icn goods,:4ry cleaned, Roonts'• aver Hears!'s • ,Barber ghee. W...3. Jago. 2283-tf, gill COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 Ci,INTON This New Kaufman process of building Rubber Footwear is so superior to all other_ processes that we can confidently recommenr them and guarantee perfect service hi every pair of Life Bttoy Rubbers. Thee Kaufman Laboratories have found the way to cure Rubber LIFEuAND the lELASTICITY At RSE LEFTheretof oreIN THE UNOW BIE RNATURAL, Extraordinary wear in all types of Life Buoy Rubber footwear 18 guaranteed' by -this New Kaufman High Pressure' Low Temperature Process. • • A specially woven fabric is used as the base of ,all Life Buoy Rubber. Footwear, every fibre of which is permeated and impreg- nated with purest fluid rubber. Resutl: A moisture -proof, non - rotting base for the high-grade Kaufman -cured rubber ,surface, J We. therefore recommend and guarantee to all our customers and friends Lite Buoy Rubber'Eootwear. We knowfrom experience and actual test that at tieY will ill sta nd Up. day after day .sine the hardest kind of work and ,give the wear it is expected to give, All Life Buoy :Lte bermen's are Snag Proof: OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE IS; BEHIND EVER-Y'PA%R FRED JACKSON The Big She'd -Store . ' Opposite the Town MU /11 VOZNIMMILEM1001.011000100, C. H. VENNE , Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Phone 1,,i'11 Wiring and � Repairs. 0.110,010C. 44.101.6014.1•1•10 il'aESTERshoArElcarlotefrW.eSstseernes-Ofaotrs w1iille' sarorfifvethae ocuart .N.vember lstor Potatoes wanted witi OAT' �� • ani. Fe eco �o u r We.11ave,a car "of -Fives' 'Roses, Flour, Bran Shorts and'' Ground Screenings coming the last of this month and will sell it off the carr:: Special, price on five and ten bag Tats of flour. r esworth PHONE 199