HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-28, Page 4a1 van 1avear-v ' i S r Q fal o-tisec`lea viiia i9 el a r ers at O w Paces T. 00QP CLINTON Snerlack-Mannint Pianos SatisfyiheTdemands and --de sir4.,of .the most •critical buyers the "world aver.-. o'McNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton School of ornrerce CLINTON • - ONTARIO reopens Tue i lzg, Sept. egsd7th, AO2iFi Wh' not attend the School that ' y has the Highly • Qualified Staff'' The School that teaches , REAL PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING from .start to finish; Where High School Students and Te chers are tau ght specialized expert training in Business .Administration and Secretarial Science and are sure of a good position, jrg P id roinotion P and big income. u COURSES—Stenographic, •Comnnercial Se cretarial,.General Office, Civil Service, Com. Teachers Course and special cotirses arranged; - For full information write to IU>sETT -Mr and:'. Mis Wm. Ii47 i:eeetved deently,.a' silver „.ser vice i>}edal won by then cell, >'dmutd, during ?tlte Gi t Wei ';`,The young: mart •.dzed sbme nmpnths after itis' ae tarn t.131n Ot erSPaS MORRIIS,-1lTiss Mar ';?I+ ,•Cd e 'tote Y, 0n fell ;While drivhi cows •in the" 4iin- yaid:mecoaztly,and lixo1 a tier .119 0'714 ":+Ayer $et vices': •will . 'be halo In the' ck Church `'0n 1Sunday next, Oet.;lst, The Rev D McTavish pf ' Exeter w111: the pte'acltet A reet,ure and aseeial, w?Illbe',lield ori nclay'evening,r' O , OD ERICif: ;: Miss Rt41`abei To.'n, w hrl• had beenvasitntg' netparents, Mro. and Mrs: J, . Elgin Toni for% the last three 1nonths, left;ori 1'nesilay' ,Oct 1 2h £'' o , t , or T Ionto and will Visit hereIand at othar.points before sail ing i1i a few weeks on' ben" rettirel trill to .Ohilia; where she' will` resutne•`hei• hcapittyl; work in; Pelting.' Mika Raba inson, Of :1St, Jpli i N • B,; ,w i accoin- panied`]4liss Toni: on het trip hgne fi'oni China; ,spent 'the Iast three weeks with .lien, "and •will• retttrn with' hex to• Peking, ••where: he ris eirgagecl 1n shnilal. worlc„-Goderieh Stay.' •'EXETER. Bev, A, A, Trumpet bes resigned'as recter of Trivitt'Memaplal 'Church here and'haeibeen transferred to' St.'Patd's Cliurcli, Windsor:'Mae Trumpery has beep 'rector• here•for more than 10• year s and has servedon the school board for a `.number of years: ” He will remove 10 Noveutber , In the-Wandsor :pariah + he succeed, Rev. Mr. Charlton; Who waearecently appionthd to 'Clarksburg, in Grey, Comity. • ;EXSTSIR: Cavell church held itte anniversary on Sunday week. Rev. David Perrie, D.D,, of• Wingham, con= ducted the 'services morning aecrer. ellen,;.,:. Monday evening a fowl sup • per was served. The choir ea New St, James' church, London, furnished the music ler the' entertainment; Both Main Street 'and. Trivitt Memorial ;.withdrew one • of thele services in favor of the anniversary' on :Sunday. Rev. W. R.- Alp, of'•Auburn, :co'ndnet- ed both services in James' -1 Street and Rev. Joseph -L. Foster of ICiritton, had charge of the evening service in Main St• t ' e" BRUSSELS: An evert ofet uch i terest took place in Morris recent] When Eadridge and Mrs. Snaith cel brated their .golden wedding anniver ary, _, The rooms were prettily deco ated with white bells and gold an white festoons, . and a happy 'crew , gathered there to, keep.the day wi the bide and bridegrpom of 50 yea ago. During the day 'they were pr ti. seated. with 'i; purse of geld by the ;family and friends, and were ale sio Bred 'with congratulatory tel grit s and best wishes, Before h marriage Mrs. Smith was ,Miss' hila. Agar. She was born in Vaugha. on October 255th, 1857, and moved t Mitchell, where on October 10th, 187 she wee: married to Eldridge •Smitl who was Vern a in 1847 in' Norfol -County.. About. 12 years ago the pprehased the farm on which the now reside in. Morris about two an one-half miles from Blyth. Of thi marriage three. children were born Alonzo, at home; Clinton, of Peter bore, ,and CGertrude (14110. John Sow eras), of Wawanosh, all of whom ever in attendaifCe at the festivities. •GODERICH: John Jardine, 48, was sentenced to seven years in Ports. mouth Penitentiary on a serious Outage against' a young woman: WROXETER The warpage of Wrox eter was visited by one of the woes conflagrations in its history,Fridn evening when the brick block, con posed of two stores with ti resident above, owned and occupied. by Wen Robinson, was completely destroye with,ithe elrtihe etentents. The fire wa first noticed at 7:25 ,by +tee° tlboys, wh thought it was a reflection: in the win •dowd but on closer investigation, saw. there teas' a serious fire. They quiek- ly gave the nlarin,'to which the com- nluntty readily responddd. As Mr.. Robinson' and family ' had left soave twenty-five minutes .previous to spend the evening +with relatives at James- town, the only way to gain admit- tance to the building was by breaking• in one of the front doors. 'As there was a strong weet-Windeblowing, the people directed,: their efforts' to sav- ing the adjacent buildings, in which they. were successful. The ;glass fronts~'on'' the i opposite side et the street,. in, Davey'.s grocery, Allen's drug stove, Munro's general Store, Miss :Howe's fency goods, and. R; J. Rann's house and telephone office were all broken :by the intense hent. The Brussels Chemical• fire engine 'wee telephoned for and soon arrived, and, with e Volunteer bucket brigade farm- •ing g line 'to the river, the •fire.was .Kept from spreading. Had it not been fol the moisture caused by'the recent rains, verty+little ee the east, end•. of the village' would have°escaped de- sanction. Mr. Robins n' came here from Tara eighteen years . ago; and has had a verysuccessful general business, and_-unieli sympathy, is :ex- pressed for himself and family in their ,severe loss, :whicie is .estimated at $1.2,00'0' with all insurance $0,500 The oi'igin of the fire, which gained -such headway in. so short time, is 'unknown, but, is • thought to have been 'caused by an ,explosion! in the furnace. THE 7III;E[ AIj.PARTY, • `TAKES ITS STAND Y, e=. S- d th rs 0- ir 0 ee. er 1`y n, 0 6, 1(.1 k y y 0 a' B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal. i0 tiP IC taroaz he Mails The service of the Bank of 1Vlolitreal is'as wide, azid comprehensive ,as the :postal syste;lba• etf This service enables 'customers Iiviizg; ni remote r` districts - to transact their banking by mail as satisfactorily: as if they could „make persona visits, write for. our folder, "Baazkl zg' by 161cziL ' CLINTON,BRANCH It• }t. SHARP, MANAGER', Established over X00 `t eats y. e 0 s. 0 At a banquet given inhis honour at the ,R+ingeEdward, Toronto, yester day evening, Mr, Va E N. ,Sinclair, Leader of, the. Liberal Patter' On=, terio, announced that ,the. party, if" elected, would e,)fercc the 0. T A until it wee' defeated by a ,plebiscite of the people. The •partywas-nat,unanitnoue in the_` de:Osten; are to of twelve members withdi,ewi and while ':the banquet was 1» - progress :held a 1heatnig of their mill It as, not yet'f'annouilce'd what they will'do. They Were fo>;-the meet t art trepreseatetivea ;; of larench Can aclian ,constituencies.' 00itAZIES ' +TOILE OW THE DAY "i4Slhat's "good for nay •wife's iyalleh arches? "Rubber heels." ' ' - What ,shall I Tib -em with ?"e=a, Unidentified Exehange, >ti ets« 1000141 nnI pF;R i►z NAL Interesting: Career fa dead"' W n, he . IYi'in =,tNlety Dles The death OkQecixiJ>l'ed in E mtindvidlo en. ,Menday' nalminiart.::Captain:T. R. Jaoleson, 'el :the•ReS 1 lol.th e :: Yf4 W St e14eounted_ Police, ;at 'the hoaite :of iris` niece, Miss, Jackson, ';where •he has lived;tea'the,,past •few years Oaptain JaekQdn ;`vas ev t ninety 'ears'oi age A, Iiz'iyato, service wa's oonducted at. the ;hotYse on Wednesday evening by the ;:iiv, T. }T Brown and Thursday, horning the remains iV:Oit Shipp d to. Montreal ^ for: cremation 'Relatives Iziesebt'tacoia ctxstanco for the`fun eralaneluded `Mxb S 'T:aecksaiz and Mr. FI Mi Jack§on; Torontg; ' G. A, and Ea C. JaNltson; •1Vlonttoa7l •,Mi•. ane Mxs. '.Loon,, 7llr W, O: Jackson and. Mv, e and Mrs:. „Tudore Jackson of Captain Jaeksori was : bite' .of Elbe "originals".' .of the Royal Northwest :Mounted Police and could relate:4neny interesting reniinisceneeb of the,eamay days in the West. •He *as a graduate of, all the military .schools 'and; pea sessed first e'lass . certificates from them, viz; cavaley;• artillery and in fantpy. ,By request 'of the Canadian Covell/remit and permiseion.ea'the Imperial authorities, he was' sent to England and: attached •:Le the King's Royal Dragoon Guards for instruc- tional purposes, for nine months„ be - ting the first. Canadiarr_ever appoint- ed Made 0 .superintendent .(captain) bf the Northwest 'Mounted Police, or- ganized drat force under Col. French in Toronto and acting adjutant p: o- ceeded'te the Northwe_ot Territories' in charge of and 'commanding the field baittalion attached; -was wchking officer for several years under .Col: McLeod at Fort McLeod. , One 01 the officers in -the camp, with him was a son' of Charles, Dickens, the novelist, who had come to Canada from India because of his health. After resigning• from the Northwest Mounted Police Force, Captain Jack • son spent.a numdber of years at Bay- field, dater romovieg to San Diego, Ca].,, with his sister, Miss Charlotte Jackson, 4where they spent twenty years. After, her death he returned to reside in Egniatdville. GRAIN S}TIPJMIENTS FROM PRINCE "111.1PERT Japanese Vessel • Takes Firet Cargo From New 'Terminal Elevator— Canadian National Forwarding Solid Trains of Alberta 'Wheat. 'Canada -added a new and important graih port to her: maritime facilities on October 21st when at,the rate of 50,000:•bsuhels per houe`, the„Dolnin- ion” Government elevator,recently completed at•Prinoe Rupert, B.C., be- gan loading with Alberta wheat, the S. B. Aden Meru, the first ship,, to leave this port carrying grain to the markets of the world. The Aden Markt Will take 0.000 tens of grain to Eur- ope by way of the Panama .Canal and as she proceeded to her wharf at 'the elevator, another Japanese steamship, the 5S. S. Yeifulcu Maru entered the Prince Rupert dry dock and shipbuild- ing plant to' be fitted for immediate grain service from the port. The Alberta grain pool has the new elevator underlease and has arranged for a continuous supply of ocean ton- nage, the Canadian National Railways bringing solid grain trains, .from the prairies each day to keep the million and a quarter bushel grain handling plant running to capacity. Although the initial shipments are going to 'Europe, the entrance of Japanese shipping interests into the commerce of the port, marks the beginning of a large interchange of traffic with the Orient and. Swedish tonnage to pily through the -Panama 'canal to Europe is now on its way here. The City- Council and .Board of Trade of "Prince Rupert entertained the captains and officers' of the two Japanese vessels at a banquet and the: Japanese .Society 18 also acting as host • Captain Honbo emphasized the .geographical advantage that Prince Rupert enjoyed in being 450 miles nearer the Qrient than any oth- er North American port, a saving of three or four days• time ,an a round trip; II.e had found ]navigation ,into the port easyy, and safe and the repair, outfittingand dockage facilities as all that could .be desired Hecongratu- lated the Dominion upon tho creation within the span of a few years of so Complete an ocean terminal. TO PREVENT 011 DESTROY - SOW THISTLE Sow,thistle is one of the mest. troublesome weeds farmers have to deal with, but with care it can be con- ' Sugggstions- for, its Suppression. 1—Bear in mind that a few patches - of Perennial' ,Sow Thistle, if allowed Jai mature, may seed down a whole neighborhood, - Therefore: take every precaution to , , prevent the seeding 61 patches in meadows, grain fields,. fence corners and on the roadside, 2. --Watch for the -first two or three I& Your Child Tied],and Weak? Cod, Liver Extract In• Sugar Coated - • Tablets Puts on, Flesh and Builds• Then' Up In just, a few 'days—;quicker-than• you ever dreamt, •of—these"wenderf+il. health building; flesh creating .,table -s called McCoys Cod Liver I'xttaet /Tablets will start to hdlp; any 111rih "undel'tveight little rice. e. After :siclthess - rind waere deicers• ai:e suspected they are especially vain- able 1 Most people. know that 'from the Givers of the'lowly codfish>vitae/lee-a , of• the .,first class are extracted --the, rind. that help all feeble, underweight • men, women and'ehildeeie, . - T'ry these'ivonderful tablets for 30 days, and if your ,frail, igtruycltilcl don't greatly ,benefit ---get your money back: A very sicltly child ego;; 9 gainoa l2 pounds pi 7 months Ask airy druggist for b.'IcCoy';: Cod Liver • l itlact Tablets -as easy to •take as cs ncly and 80 tablets, 60 Cents. -,Advt. inatelae in ;the Meld and desli'oy tiie before,the pest 'becomes e's'tablithed., 3, Be.oarerul not tohnrrow or cal: Ovate through patehpg•°anddrag the • li idefground rootstocks all over the field: I,, : 4 ei,ennlai :Saw a' Thistle°ithiives' most•linxuriiaiely bn eather,low, damp, lead, 'Undeed}niai.ng therefore would; liialp to control it<- 5.— Bheep 'ped . and'.: if :turned `on -a field after .harvest• will, ievent it =seeding' aud,by„thein erose ;cropping weaken_'the underground?' :eeg E 11 N E >) . MS 'ROD' AND .' ... GUN as A fishing- depaftiiaelit of more than: } ual,interest with ;a bood;aggtega- ;ti971 •ot other ,sport`fdg. articles, seems to feature the November issue of Rod and Gun,:whfeh is jut published, Two good fietion;.$toriee,are also -included. the agg ;egation of outdoor ,read.' ing matter, ; IMtLean of the Fiuciso,a's Bay" by William 0 )Millar and "The; Blue. Buoy"' by 13. G. Robbins, ".An EveltfuI Snipe Shooting Trip"" ,is a good "yarn` of I;hooting on -the' Tidal flats of . the St. ' Lawrence., Bonnyeastle' Dale • writes of 'E.3tiit Fishes of -the Bay, de Chaleur," while X. W.'Winson's article is 'this month on "Cuckoo Owls and .Cuckoos.". Among the writees in Fishing Notes this month are F. Merrett, a well- Icnown angler, Ozark Ripley and R. H. Moore, whose., articles are supple neented iiya nuinbei•,of others as well as' a good Queries arid Answers sec.'. tion.. C. S. Landis' Guns end Ain- munition department has 'also an in- teresting. eoIJJection of special contri- but ons. ' W. C. 1lfotley in Outdoor. Talk this month deals , with "The Wo0deraft Sign Language." . N ME MOLD+ HE .. GA EI+U1 1 X; IN `4'RX1G'I,EI) Ain iii lies' 9 t wasi'field 1 .. a ' w nto the deli h of Torii , Ralzdwll "Who wiis einotitered ztt y.. jk in of bran eat --the ei1e1!zi•±Canada;; +'loitm 'Mills, Oradea h the w c' eel .dieiole, 77v1dence..yvas Myonshowing etigt -Randall,- wha hail ]beer] on this •ipartieuilar ja7j; faVabout; tendays: boton'e rho accident, had been; an' noted at to .1110 duties and had been toba,:'not, to;go anto•'the eorner,of„ the bin ,:1vhere 'tirefatality; occurred do this was; eattsidered-dangerous, • The vea0i t of 'tire' ju was, in the •followin Words:""That he ' g N the: said •.Tohri Wesley Randall came to" -his" death front' saffgcation`> on the horning of 'October 13th, 1926, . at the Western ` Canada Flour Mflis•Co,'s„ plant: "We xeeetnmend that any new' man coin- • axre on is 17a'2itiatflar' ?pb sitouTd °6. lioi,'egiil : anst} .tcted , tis 'L'o"hour this V i r'shoald+b - dopa w t1i se04by. , Vice c?p',n'ot feet' c0hpetent,to suggest any•nea4Sazfical!; appliances that evetuld inake'it -more .sa#e, brit we thiix1 that something elio0J I b, 4cuiehi this re- spoct :? We zegi,et that' we •have not • received tate "Go'ror'nment' inspeetor"s report;. }Iaci 'e r'eeeived Mire 00100 we nuight'`inake ftitirer .,;suggestions re eshfety' deviee0," D0NQA+11tPIl Ti t rm. E, I'!@ 11'IAIC;S '' POW + The people who nralce inista"kea hose' the World, .The'perfect people work for 'them, ranning errands and c unt:. ing'coluinns'of figures. ' Pianos, 'Radios and Phony graphs. Weare now prepared to quote 'you the best •prices• on • pianos given for. years. -'':Don't fail to see me be- fore giving;ptyour order for any of`tlie above lines. Yours for business. Jonathan Phone 34 on 616' STARK) ELECTION A.CT, AN 'w ONTARIO VOTERS'. LAST ACT, 1823. THE ONTARIO ELECTION, DECEMBER 1st, •1926. :TAICE NOTICE that the sittings of of the Legislative Assembly for each and places, mentioned in the Sched- the Revising Officers for the purpose: of the Electoral Districts of Huron ale below, with `the names of the of hearing complaints or appeals with North and Huron South, will be held Clerk of the Revising Officer for each regard to the Voters Lists to be used for the respective municipalities in Municipality, and thcr last date for at the pending election of a member said Districts, at the following times making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk. Mnnieipality Date o Ashfield Township Colborne Township Grey Township • , . , ... , N Howick!To wnship N Metals' Township , , N Tureberr y :Township , , , N E. Wawanosh Tp. 11 W, Wiwanosh,Tp. Goderich Towii .. Nov. 0, 1 Wingham Town . N Brussels Village .. . , , , N Blyth Village , W,, . N n,,. er Village , uron• North f Sitting Place of Sitting Time .of Sitting. +Clerk of Rev. 011., Last day for con, Nov. 6th.. Township Hall, Ashfield , , 11 a.m...C. E. McDonagh; bucknow . , , Nov 3 Nov. 4th. ,Township Hall, Carlow .....".10 a.m., .Mrs. I, Hetherington, Goderich Nov, I. ov. 15th'. , Township Hall, Ethel 11 a,m.. , J. I -i. Fear, Ethel Nov, 11. ov, 18th—Township Township }Ta'l'l, Gerrie , , .11:30 0,01... Mas. C. E. Walker, Gerrie , , Nov. 15 ov. 15th.. Township Hall, llarris ..- 2 pan., , Alex. afacEwaat, 13Iuevale .. , , Nov. Il ov. 16th.. Township Hall, +Bluevale 1:30 pan., . W. R. Cruickshank, Wingltam Nov. 12 . ov. 130'..•Foresters' Hail, Belgrave .. 2 p.m., .Alex. Porterfield,. Belgrave , Nov. 10 ., Nov. 6th. , Tp. Hall, W. Wawanosh .... 2 p,m., .Durnin Phillips, Lucknow. • , Nov. 3 0, 11, 13.. Court House, Goderich .... 10 a.m.—Mies Edna Webb, Goderich Nev. 5 ov, 17w h. , Town Hall, Wingham .11 p.m...W. A. Galbraith, Wingham . Nov. 14 ov. 16th, . Town Hall, .Brussels 3 pan., , A, H. Macdonald, Brussels ,, , Nov, 12 ov. 13th.. Commalpity Hall, Blyth , , , 11 0.01.—Jas. D. Moody, Blyth Nov. 10 Nov, 5th. , Town hall, Wroxeter. , , 1 p,ni...y, Fred DaveWroxeter Hay Township y... Nov. 11th. Rullett Township Nov. Sth. Goderieh Township Nov. 5th, McKillop Township Nov. llth. Stanley Township , Nov, 12th, Stephen Township Nov. 9th, Tuckersmith Township Nov. 12th, Usborne Township , Nov. 10th, Clinton Town ....., . , . Nov. Oth, Seaforth Town .. Nov. 4th. Bayfield Village ...... , Nov. 12th. Exeter VillageNor. 10th, Hensall Village . Nov, 41h; Baron South .'Township Hall, Zurich , , .. 10 a.m. .Community Hall, L ondesboro 2 pm.. .Holmes' }Fall, Hohnesville 10 a,1n. .Carnegie Lib„ Seaforth , 2:30 p.m.. . Township,Hnll, Varna . , .. 10 0.01.. .Township Hall, Crediton .. 11 p.m, .Walker's Hall, eBrueefield 2:30 p.m.. .Township ,Hall, EIimville 2:30 pan.. .Town Hall, Clinton , , ..... 10 a n .Town Hail, Seaforth- , , . , . , , 1 p.m.. Town }11011, Hayfield' ,..,,. 11 a.m.. ,Village Hall, Exeter 1 p.m.. ,Town Hall; Ilensall 11 a.m.. ov. 2nd , . A. F. Hess, Zurich Nov. 4 .John Fingland, Londesboro ,Nov. 4 ..R. G. Thompsor,,Clinton Nov. 2 ,John McNay, .Seaforth No. 2 Nov. 8 J, E. Harnwell, Varna Nov. 9 .11. Silber, Crediton - Neva 5 .11 McGregor, Seaforth No. 1 Nov, 9 ,Henry Strang, }lensall' Nov. 6 ,0. L. Macpherson, Clinton Nov. 3 .J. A. W ilsbn, Seaforth . , , , Nov. 1 ,James Reid, Bayfield Nov. 0 .Joseph Senior, Exeter', . .,., Nov 6 .Alexander Murdoch, Hensnll Nov. 1 Mr. Charles .Seager, XX,, Crown Attorney, is the Revising Officer for the Municipalities of Goderich Town, :Colborne 'Township in North Huron, and the Municipalities of the Town of Clinton ' Village of ,Bayfield, and Township of Goderich. in South Hereon. The County Judge is the Revising Officet+-forall other Municipalities in North and South Huron. All persons are called aeon to ex- amine the Voters' .Lists to ascertain that their names are eorrectly entered therein. AND FURTHER 'TAKE NOTICE that any :voter in any of the, said • municipalities who desires to com- plain that his name, or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said list for that municipality has been omitted from the same,' or that the names of anypersons who are not entitled to be voters have been ent- ered thereon, may as abdve• set out apply, complain or appeal to hate his name, or the name of any other per- son .entered on or removed froin the list. AND FURTHER TAICE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form (in duplicate) signed by . theecomplaira ant, and given to the. Clerk of 'the Re- vising Officer, or left for him at his address as stated above. The list of voters may be seen at the office of the Clerks of the Revis- ing Officer. For further infornxation write to R. G. Reynolde, Goderieh, Clerk of the Election Board; for the County of Huron. E. N. LEWIS. Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Huron. Dated ,at Goderieh the nit day of October, A.D. 1926. 81-2 Every uscle Reston -evenly and gently su ported , revolutibnized sleeping comfort. - :Marshall Spring Mattress, built I t is a mattress scientifitally btiilt with many hundreds of individual ..e.• to give4eal body 814ppor for every highly resilient sPringunits gently . 'When. evety Muscle. of the body is conbAi • ' of the i body.. Every, orilY;to4arts of' the "body -the and ,real health,builtling sleep. TRAD