HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-21, Page 55 ;010 ,th lit ,(111 an go fe • to du tr 511 vvi -do ba Fe be th , tie 1.; • - ... =,. t7' it4 04;0, ekieetiVe ,,,if -.Witat':Pa.r-PY; A ' ',.',.. IQ' 11-1118,1101a18 '8:: ' : ' , . , . .., J1espeakers,-torright , ,,„ „. ,, The ;difference:, het*eenit,'1,:earinnet ilt'::attral'Mbthitin-g,,',,,'Sriyel, Maeleati?,4 S:"01-lart""in" golf- at. 'first'Ayeti'lift„rtiti;h1 li-:+a,44.t.i.a0:',4,,hts,-,.'00.rg'4 i • '' ; ' '; . ' ' ' ' ,,, Alberta-'', T s noungg eri',-adVertiSing,..., 'in hei -Ctial, iiterS,'"green".41; eirky-:-.-, IT Mid Y'a,".` i)lit V,:aeL''AtiV/4-rtisers -,:kiii(5.1.ii ::rit,:tiiir,e•ighi'll.'4,..hit-of4,\ViSe, 4' '}-6tiS.,.' g.intiesSI:-yei,,Cari,t4011Ver'the,-,gered4, ,..,,..,„::'....„:".”...' .-, .,•': ,..I 41,1 '-winter .`vall-;. ''.'-Cahriei4atiVe'.. neWSPaPerg,..,0.- 1:0 ' analte, of 'the ; mit , 400$.,.**,4,,,,Is.:,4i.litigf.:tild.,top64c4,±11,::. ..t.iOiri; :th'6:. Ind -. Aelhaine.::.,tliattheY"; ".Were "the.Worttihrit \have.: stained •the tery". of „Canada. flirOver,.-Lithlf.',a. 6941347-'mak.'dxtotit.g.,,onii..alieloie: (4.0.1it0,,084:10;;If; any:',1.4170.1' ne*O4p-.. -er'whieltiwe.'have reVd.felt'Vei Muth '0i -belted' eyer- "themrjt:.e„de.a, in; hitt-:, In it''fedyng'S,14iili-'*4j.l. ', The.Sl,,o; flar''Slielte.: tif"'"laxityP,,a.'inild'-tWord.',., i'elyrnot. ear.iying much eontlenine..., ilert.:',,NOrtlilr,aP.'/'': .P441.14.'"0/1- trti.all-ah-'.. etar.,side 'Who' '.a.plieareel:l'.04,a;.;1/311.)iiC 'Platf.errn in '61,i40*..4i.iriliii,:th0 ' C4'41 paign' de. , enything-r:bitt ... bl'ilah-"the- ,.' - 'Yr- .-'.. ...',-;•-.t,". , .'..,...,, , ,,,,;•,;„: -t":". • •;''' , .. o . Ing „sa.nige 'for Pi , , In. c4.7 tii0,,01108. ;,,;:i0i:'8•70q,`:„,'.0,:•R,,.. pp.R, ppo..._.p#,,, P.',,,,,..,,o,:.".04,:',:P-#0#,:,4114,,,i. OW Will'-',xteed. ,thelli!.-fer:GiftS.....(;,,:r:;:,... Otti:- 0114en:Stn4iri.4,:s",4inei.i.".terY" '.Tilqid4i.r. ,Thiltikoff,'0.1:1-0:0:e.ri-;rq,4P3,71 .'TheedaY'toCoi ifyou'`i10:"0..*t toL:lie- , „_1s4PPOillita. :V=.... 'me. .P.0, t Pl 0)9, , I,a,ef aril', •01STEOS Viy,•21*i#6,•40.,';'P4't arer.:51*e,P.:Clifli„,',- Lafter',-Ree,...1,''TSt.. ',...1'.1., . „,„ .. , ', " , 'OUT werk...ano 1-.1.7ices -,. iltylelte,eiyou ' '::: :"...'il.'1,:;"''' ''''..n.:.'" -';..'.",'''.,,/':•o' :...':::./::%-/'' PuTgeSFf .ko.rq.43t,t ,1_@.1,ZP.,:-= .•.',:. iilfirdi.1,1,' '',*.kil.j);.:01:;1*00 : .. ' '' : , ''''' ',., ; ''-''':' '''' ' ' ''" ''' ' : berP to' help rstock Oth, Gift De' ere. , . . , ,. - . ,,, ., .. .„' . . .,.. .... 1 inent.....- ll'oe.,Oi", .1.''.eiritaindei.,-Of,:',1,926 ",§ ' .:.'," :. ' ' " ..," :- ., : ,,, l,r.,." ', ',4: ....i, ,i., ': ,We "Itrive"..:.11ousr,:. Diteseet,',T Child ea01:0thirlii...MicidieZatai-LPlearted P.h9':411.,.,„,°1e...:041:11,4i...P.d,l,Allaar,',.S': 'Triney',yrelk..-..."-. :-- ...,' ''•',.-- ' .„... „. - •. ,-, .. n to .. ,„„ .• 1de an'.,,,,, _ .„... ,,,..,..., ::ltl,191r!l.„8.,',',''';txi°,1.,;',8,,,,,,;,4;,,,r7,,Ii. ',IP:, 's?0,•''. '',"?..`.1P. .".3,4,'*-,'I''';..7!':-):...fr..,°--',T, -9Y",!,--,' ,igkes,..„.p.e4ce, ...et .....gor.. ,,. ,..gternoon, sla' . " ' ' , .1 • . . . , ,,..., i' 14'41 4.1ktS:.11:4',,E4,'-§„..:T", ' '...l.....'"':.:''); '......•,..' ',:: :... '' .0"015'facti . pU4E4•,;IN,;• ', UIg•NEW.LAD EGG ,pp0,.A.y,'.4'zt in ,Itjt.irk...voLd ,"Doog_ th.4.‘,6r,.'..m.p.r; .ly ,in77,tio 7,;,k;e1c ane;:;g- ...,, . -, rieee,..„.,,. , .., , . ., - r '' ; ;. : - • , . • • . - • . - • ',C40.Plir:*p,Airj),:•., -,,,E,T4.,•,,:qi\p,-.!" ,:."...'-','Z7...i7.4-14: 1 '1:6i.Jt.ziliY‘. ,,' ' ' 7- ; . ..,,, , . , . , , , .. .,, ,.. weit'cliiige;.irailil&hav the: hirdt. oz Yo".11.V.rlai'ing '.;,..P.en'',C'tille'd :-.01-4sule:in' e• prite. is,:high.- ,..Culling, elf birtia done ,.,, 1 INT .., . 0 ';,-MCC,Orliiielti•UOring °Lite :q.lniplinen'ts, Pogthea, 'Trade 's, Trucks. .., ,,,. Onion. Igen.ufa'iettir'Itil,:ta-:-,c,Sile: '''Ettg":' " iidtt.';'6'ailk).-0. ' -t'i. ac t,,•':--',' ' ' ' ' '-.:<.quelsic. lieater4-s.' 1 .'e's.' ''1'sd' ' ' '1' 1:1 . A 0 i' . e .,-,..-Entire:-Iine• of lebec ', Gooksan ea. ers - .,- ' • ' , . . -Li ..".:,. q, 0:0;d:'•:bha 0,r...1i/ie. ,"Pf.,4,10e.1), 0,e. ),C, ,O.e,14,740„..11eaters:,..,,-:,..\ ';.Torontb,LWIlnd :Mills;': Silos; SysteMs,... PlImps, -W,00d. and Stee ...aDitt : .1,1,y'UOtoher .. , Ill1A6-."..0:teIl tO0',,,,S-don.'-tV: snit . us. e : 'shall.. r...,ber.'', glatl...,,""when.,.... the. dejlei,'"'vaiiii:r.her ,riallty whole thing :aside,- ,as Of; little,.0i no , . , . , . . .eoncern;,. as,.Soinething introdudecl-,by the,-,oppositionririere-gainnalin-slan-. deo Why theto shotild;he'any limos- : ,...- -". • :. -- - • ; ,: , ' ,artlEgeas ,.-' .. _ ,: , . L......,.... ,.,, 'ATI.A..1,t.,:rtniNgAi 4',:t4 ilie,:ifykpalsef. , 7" .E ' i' . ... ± f -h ... ihv ' it.- • "ff• ' - ornen,;,., x-clango ,'' - . , , ., , ...- - ,f,...,. , ;. :..-..,,., , . ,-.....:,...,..7, .... , . , , ,., , „ph' r, . 1 • • ' ' • ,...ve•,• ••• 1. ,• ',• •• • • P PneS ....4•Jf.tt 0, 2143 rcesidence, 214vy : ours:A.:6o ,-to./6 'pint, '. .: ''',... - . ,' . : . , ' • . ; ' -; '.3x1' '' • ... . . .. ,.. , , . • - . , • ' ' ' - .:. . • . ,' ;Water, ' - ,Tanks, .stable -Equipment, etc, Pedlar People: 1.... InittetPaline of Steel R'oefs' "ChiVerts' deilingt etc : , . -.. -, . . . , • - .. ',. . .., , , .. ?. - • R. f . .. en rew anct,Prmarose Cream, Separators. .... ritida'"-and":=,cenieS.'h,ack'tcr tib Withthe illiant'-'aiittrinnt ..:,:•Whieli. ' tbave -: been i.liA(1•04. gl6ify.:41••• ,irtaii•$•,,Ija§t,. - • '. ' Last 'week.," ov,,,,ing,',"te. ' tii-er ereWded 8t0 ' 0f 01:11' 0(1:iiiiiiii8, 4e,,lArere 'obliged' tigation: into. -a", state, of ,!thing'S •tha t .only -existed in the imagination:9f .the oppesition. 10 l'aii1103,' )10•I'd- to 1,01d0r7 . Brit the ,Star and Signal insis that :we are to -. 'have . 0 regular•thorengh . - :, (gluten; 'en ;;Oct. 20.610,.• by .."the;:;Itev, . . ....„• .. .' , ,,j''' 43;1'116.4c4rnii'4"' :'•-'se°'114. '"-HOineinade'Caoking' ' Ga..1°- .'' 'claiiik.01.• 4,'., r. 'and. IVIrs:',Xehif.: T.: .,- : .. , . , .,, •:.., \,. :,.- ' , ' '' .. ' • ' . . „ '' '.teii.• Of Igr..,ancill/Irs. 3aineS.Allalr c?:' L ' A. t an. - ternoen.. ea . e ig.er s7. arage .. ' Trickersmith,.:.:- ',": "..... , , .,',...'„, 7 ,;, - . ' • ' '. , : -.. . , • ; ' ' - - . ' ' ,,,,,' ', .' ' , ' Canadian Go.odrieh' Rubber ' s ".Foritwear," lt,tilitierBoots,- knitters and' Zipper: Overshoet•-• ..,-..'... • - : - . ' ", . - . , , , „ . .., .. ' , ... . . . When interested .in any of, the abovelinet ,etir 'representative with an EXPERT will .call, and give' Yon .an ettimate. . - • ' l. . , hold..0i,ei., hiaieh.poi'rOp'011annen Lind her ..news , Ai -10, . at the taist minute; ,drder to , Make remit. for ig- much ws as.Dossible,. we deeided to held . el: :an... editctrial ' in .ailswer to the cletin-;up; fla little 'there . tlichough, perhaps says The...Star, ".f.`thari, Weald', have been looked fdit under other din, cumstances than those which exist. . . .We hope the AStar ls . right, . but 'we WAILIS:--STDWART :•—,: In /;Itaril.e'y - ifrilldtil-a.teliaendarteeo'::c('Zhith, .' . . . . ,.townsliip,." Oil: cyat.11.5ththi 'tlie Reir. ' ' . • : . For .GasOliiie Oil, ancl.Grease ' - ' j 'E Hog of iClinten '''Ssisteil '1)Y. . , . the ReV. .J.; lyfeElyan.- .Clinrchill; .„' : . . ' Ts; Tubes : and Accessories. , ,, ill be held in the ,: ', uncle of the' bride, ' Aoigail Mar; • . , , ..-- , 111eP . . „ , -ar . \Vare aortto Daily Star -and the Godeaieb gnat reiarding the customs scan al, lielf:\Ve 'a -re publishing this W08k• - , mutt. confess that the action _of the . ing Gov nmen in ectum, .that OnlY Liberals should iopapose the, in- ..vestigating comMission ' is, not very • secend tdaughter 'of Mt.. and 111-rsi- , , • ' COUNCIL CH_AMBER Adam /Stewarte,Ralierview„ ?01710; ',. Let us figure on your Trucking ..,„,-St,anley. township, .to Fred, tl.: Nal- .Satorday Afternoon, October 23rd lit, Arch,' New ' Yorlt„.•011ty; .. .. , Dealers , In ,General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves Etc , . TELEPHONE ,53 ,CHI-NAMEI, STORE; • ,•,!.* ,i;;'.* ,,' . The:members a ithe Eu Eliot Elan reassuring.. iv tried to blow Up St. Ron = The foliewing -is the by-. ening -the leading „ ,13:: 'commencing at. 230. ', I. younger son of Mr,"•micl Iiirt.'0..ij.. . . .. . ' ',.:;'. , _ ,Igary's 1 Catholic church, in I3arrie some . . onths ego were tried in Barrie.last Paragraph of . edit- oriel in lgenday's Globe .regarding this, matterr 7-'"-- - --, : ;', Wallis of Clihton. ' - • ' ' :. • Premeds to be applied to defray ex-' SonieWood. for Sale': ' . ' ' . 7 perise 'of. musical training in the Pub- 'Births - lic school: ' . . in ,, COAL; iek and, sentenced to a term in the, nitentiery, This will occasion :sat- . . Iaetion to most people.' We have no oin in -Canada for any organization "It is regrettable that'the_newly ..' elected" Liberal,. Party "has. ,left. itself °Pen to he charge that the . , , -prosecution of the investigation i, • .. - ,' ' , , 1 , ., . , - r. BLAaCE—In Goderich Tp., on. FrIday,, ,Everyone kindly ,assist by cont i- •Oct..15th. W J.- Nediger Prop, to .' Pfr. . antiMrs. Earl butler,. ,or attendan, ce, or both.. • 79-2 ' - . ' Blake.:. a ,daughter. , : , : ' ' ,.. '0111illy roe / .., . • ., • • . - 111. Car load has,-,tirrived. Thi feed Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand full' stock of coal for immediate delivery. Prices reason- able. Also a quantity of dry maple :deli puts itself oboYe ,the law and, into irregularities and misde- '. ' - - is very hard. to buy now and -we wotald wood. • • • 'tile 'title Klan repudiatect,the. use •of ch means, after -the men were ar- meanors in the Customs Depart... • merit has been wholly entrusted .. Ueett.11:8 • .. : Pigs for Sale: . ' Ten, little for 'sale. Appiy to ..,, 6---- - . advise laying, In your reqnirements. . , --t J..MILLErt sted, there seems to be little doubt at they cosidered theeir were' Carry- ' to counsel and officials whose pol- itical affiliations are . with the .-', pigs ntUTLER—In Clinton, on Oct: 17th,- - Jean. .Elizabeth, eldest . daughter -of .A., E. Matheson, Tucker,smitli, Phone Mr, and .Milt. ,T, 1/,... Butler, aged 4 83 on 614, Clinton - Central, '-• . 80,2, . . . F ,R DARROW . . .. , , ' ' '' — , ' . • Bran, Shorts and Flour . . . Orders taken at residence, phone 110 . .. , 9, out' the will of the Klan. . The .. it appears; is losing =ground in e United Sates,, where it originated. rat ir ever gained allY ground in made is . rather amazing and its 55ing will be mourned by few. ' It me out in the Barrie trial that the k Liberal party.. ' The action ef .. Preinier King in summarily (Rs- ,pensing with the services of Mr. W,. F. 0,Connor, EC.,.the.one 041 - , servative who i'VEIS retained in ' connection with the Investigation, has net -created impression , Years 9 :-nuiviths and 5 ,days.' SCOTallglEit—In Kitchenes on. Oct • Winter Applea, for Sale' . . ''', 17th, Alfred •Scotehmer. of' Stanley,' A ,quantity of 43•nidwin and'SPy ap- in hiS 87th year. --- ples for sale. Sprayed and a goLod , sample, „Norman Ball, R.. R. -No. `1, . IN MEMORIAM ' Clinton. Phone 5 ' on 040. , 79-2, "- ' ' • ' BARRISTER . will be at his' office, 'in Clinton each - !word' ,AY ' Will have two. car , leads in very ,shortly, one Maple Lef and one Five Roses. Flour end reeds are down a little at present and ft is a 'good time to book your requiremqnts, • ' -- C ' AL • Stove, Egg, Nut and Threshing Coal Colse and Kennel Coal ' tamplain monument at Orillia was have been destroyed ' but the men lose ``draw" was responsible for its a good in the 'public mind, nor has it ad- ,cled to general confidence that the inquiry is to be conducted HERBERT—In loving memory of our dear mother, Alice Lewes who Apples For Sale • ' ,Choice Spirit' ' and Baldwins, will 1 . passed away October 27,. 1907. , =You sell b barrel or hag. Ernest Town- t„. forgotten, dear Y Tron-i 3 to 6 p.m. ' ,,,. — 30-tf. - ' . _ ..„- .. Oyster Shell, Beef Scraps ' ' Also some Stabs ,..„. , B'' wARD Phone 1.5t - ' ' Huron Streak struction were unable to get to Or- along the line or the Premieeb are not Mother shend, .Gederieh township, R. R. No. -...-- - And till poultry necessities always . • La, so they took it out on the Bar- pre-eleetion promise." . From those you left behind. 3 Xlinton on hand. Prices are right and qu - t church- r. ' ' --, * * $, A • • ' It is wholly in the hands of the Gov- ernment, however, there is nothing As Tong, as life and memory last,' , . . • Phone: 609-r-22, Clinton cello:al.. , ,79..t± ,An Imperfection of the Eyeball We shall' rementher thee. . • ltY high- . , .. It is said that the customs offieers the -Canadian border are very busy 41; now halting everyone coming is way and seeing that they pay ty on anything they happen to have anyone else ecu do. But we think ftwill be achnitted ttat it seldom happens that a commission 'appointed by a 'friendly Government ever bringssouth-end, Teport pnfriendly to -the Governitent Worthy of everlasting love, • , Results in imperfect focuting of From those she left behind, , • ' For Sale, light, and THAT is what causet Comfort/I:9R seven -roomed house . A better mother never lived, - . most errors of ViSi011. Nntil- and- adjacent let ' on Victoria street, Nor one so true and kind. ing 0521 be -done to lter the eyebolt. to be. s.old. together. See P. —Daughter and Son. Bit wecari by overcLing -the defects It, Datrow, Solicitor, Ohnton, or Mrs. cause the to be for rack wheat . - We tire 'in the market for a few cars. Call us when_ you have any threshed for Singer Sewlug Machine Sold on Easy- Monthly Payments special two-year terms given to farmers . Also full licit is dutiable. This it said to be result of the cnstorns • investigation which appointed it. We shall see if this one is any exception, ' eyes all medical' S. Goyett.,. ------ 79-tf purposes normal. Wo meastiro anti sale. •,. . . ... a stock of N Needles, 13ritts and Parts d a. desire 40 show that the officials , ••• ltrw.,Warkted I York Hogs...for Sale ' 'correct all errors of vision„ W. H. ' . for -all makes e attending to their business. The eat trouble, however, in the con- Bellyar, Optometrist, Clinton.' 80-1 . _ -, .. , 2 boars of 'splendid type to ge. novV, Now 'is the 'thne to get rid of your for 2 J. A. FORD A SON ' Sole Agent for the Singer et of the customs officials in the it has been, not hi, allowing a few bple to carry in a package of cig- ettes free of duty, but in allowing Goderich TavatrasEirii) Mr. and Mrs, William • Elliott 4 Ripley are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. George Hudie.' ," $35.0(Teech. young' boars at nan-Prcallieillg bens. We will 50 Yrnir 818.00 eacli. 1. sow with litter of 11 . , . culling free of charge. We also want pigs at $90.00. Get into a good line ' ti We Serve' and Sa sfy chickens and duelis. Wednesday and. and prosper. Phone for particulars Thursday forenoons at reriidence, Vic- to 61G -r-34, Clinton central, E • • Phon,01.23 Flour and Feed Merchants and . Grain Buyers W. OLEN COOK _ rhotte 1713 P.'0. Box 201, Clinton 09 tole . cargoes of goods, which ,were own ,to be for sale, to go, through Mr. Herbert DeLong of -Long Beach, :California, last .J. . toria street, five doors north of C. N. Hugill and Sons. 79-3 It. tracks. Call 231, Clinton central,1. ' . thout paying duty and in- the offia- s themselves .going into partner- Ip with these smvgglers,A. little bit fussy interference on the part of !Wilds is not 901109 to satisfy 'the arrived Monday to visit the Rev W, A, Elliott, who has been very ill and who is staying with his brother, Mr. Thos. Elliott. Mr. DeLong is an assistant at the mission of which Mr. Elliott is in • , 1°1' pr'ee• Cattle Estray Strayed from the premisbs of the A. E. FINCH undersigned, Lot 30, Maitland eon- ' 78-11f. cession, Goderich township, 3 yearling ,Napht : Inftirmation la Soap I ' I , S 17 bars for sLoo I e- - aloy : A „ * * * * The Ontario Parliament haS been ;solved 'and Premier Ferguson has charge. and he hoped Mr. Elliott would be able to return with him. Mr. Elliott was very ill last week but is much improved and it is hoped the improvement ,, Steers. as to their ,Swift's Borax Soap .... 20 bars„,$1.00 -"'" ' whereabouts will . be thankfully re- Castile -Soap, large bar 22c ' VV ceived, A. -Sturdy. Phone 33 on 601, 'Castile Soap, cakes 6 for 25c i'ota. U anted Clinton 'Central, 70-8-p, Handy Ammonia 10c, 3 for 25e Neb Soap Flakes - ,,,,r,,, ,„ ,..) * will . 100, 3. for 25c . High Pressure nouneed the 300110105 on which, he is Mg th the 'country. A prominent continu.e. • . --• Cheese tor Salo Water Gast . . . 20e Th e NorthPotatoes are wantedeb Northern Miner' of Oct. 9th hadthe tinder- 'Cheese in liullt at any time. Large/" the following, y4' Low Temperature tturb is the announcement of Such • m oposed changes in the 0. T. A. as practically wipe its out and intro- co a system of GOvernment Con- 5... This announcement is such a :appointment to -Conservatives Who part of a report of the • cheese, 1.8c, Flats, 20t, Stiltons, 21e . 'Signed. For priceand particulars per lb. The 1-Io1mesville Cheese and -1 manager of the lake Maron Mines se '' garcting a new vein -recently struek: ' apply to - Butter Om W. H. Lobb, president Lard (20 lb. ;mil) 0.95' .- "Further work on the vein discov- . •To E. IIIIGILL & SONS and salesman, It. It, No. 3, Clinton, - ered last week has disclosed a Very , 784± strong vein ' which is fully six feet 'Shortening, 3 lb.60c ,ti ¶91 - : . ,,, PROCESS ,7 , ...?:•:,;,;•:::"-la" ,i77, 1O1..0 sir to 4ee the 0. T. A. retained and ;idly enforeed that many will no ubt feel that they cannot support: It, It. No. 2, -Seetorth pail tvide-2The vein is striking north 75, n en la phone .34 on 616 Cli. i C t; 1 Lambs for Sale Salmon, pink , . 20e on , degrees east and has an apparent dip Some porebred Lleeester rani and Libby's Porlc and Beans 15c, 2 for 25c 80-2 of 80 degrees north, The porphyry Int.' ewe lambs, -afso some two-year old 'Pilchards . . , . oac . I This. new Kaufman process of building Rubber Footwear is 80 superior to all other processes that we tan confidently ercommend, them' and guarani -1'o perfect, service in every pair of Life Buoy n. ;Hon. W. P. Nickle, who s acted as attorney -general in the rguson Government and in whose nds the enforcement of the At has trusion is 160 feet between the Kee- • registered ewes. -Apply, to J. H. Quig- Fillets of Iladdie , . . , 22e t' • ' wa in gleenstones on the north and , , 'Apples ley, London road, It. R. No. 5, Clinton. Nice winter a ples for sale. Britt Bananas, Oranges, Sweet. Potatoes the Temiskaming sediments. on *the Phone 3 „on 61p. 6 78-tf. . vom own bag.sP 0. Hoate, Clinton g / Cucumbers Grapes, etc. • south. Another vein has been dis- - - ' ' ' ' _ Rubbers. . . 'The Kaufman Laboratories have found the way to cure Rtilibet. without the perishing- heat used heretofore. NOW TIIE NATURAL 101, felt so strongly regarding it , - 80-2-p Fresh lgeats at all 'Times covered 40 feet to the north in the . ._ Notice to Creditors LIFE AND ELASTIOITY .ARE LEFT IN THE RUBBER. it he has resigned, ' , fractured porphyry. This vein has Notice is hereby given to all per - Ph is much to he regretted -that this estion has been tumbled into the ddle of the political arena, and -Mr.. rguson must . take the -blame for , it there; sir .-winisin . not not yet ;been 'blasted into'but at sur- ' --. Sheep For Sale sons having claims against the Es- . where exposed 'shows ,a width of Registered Oxford lambs of both tate of Susanna E. Rutledge, late of L LAWSON . 18 inches of well -mineralized quartz sexes. Prices) reasonable, e, the Township of Gotlerich,. in the • " and is paretic]. in strike and dip .th the Weekes, Varna. phone 81-r-622. 80-2 County of union, widow,- deceased, to • larger . PROMPT DELIVERY Extraordinitry 100110 in all types of Life Buoy Rubber footwear is guaranteProcess. ..,, ed by this New Kaufmtva High Pressure .Low Temperature , -... . - , . ,i A Loing Hearst, o plateethe A.et upon the 'statute in 11)16 vein. Nothing is said in Mr. send the sante duly verified to the • - 11.1 ' Pltone Dalby's report regarding gold values. • Milline,rY Sale ' undersigned on or before the 301110 day Five the directors: specially woven fa -brie is used as the base of all Life Buoy -Rubber Footwear, '. totted with pure A every fibre of- which is permeated:fluid rubber. Resutl: A moisture-proofand impreg- 110 a war measure,later ve the peoDie 'a rm eferenduon the , tthr, when the Act was overwhelm- ; endorsed, w.hile his., Governme b s defeated. • On thd defeat of ti ;ivy -Government' and the coming of Frank Bell, A big tale of all millinery and mil.. of 0dLober,1926, after which date the , E St. Pants," j. . Fairservice, Loncles, lineral Y novelties half price and Administrator vvill -proceed to distri- ° Imre,' Herb. 'Cox, Bayfield;. C. W. under at The yogue.:FrIday and Set- bute the estate. among Dersons en- C1.10t011 9 S .- .Baker, :London, and 3. M. .Childer- urday; October..22 arid 22: Come early titled thereto, having regard only to ' , . hose, Toronto, recently visited the and , get your choice. ' 894 the -claims of which they :then have ' ' . • had that they "a , non rotting base for .thie high-grade xanfman-caved rubber surface. , , We therefore recomutend and guarantee' to all our customers d anfriends Life I3uoy Rubber Footwear. o power .01 the Ferguson Govern- property." notice, •and will not be. . . - , esae , Baking Sale liable for the proceeds of the- estate ' -ft . o We know fr m eiferience and actual test that they will stand . nt another' referendum: was talten, en the, Act ,was again instained, - . 1, ma.02,.. ..,.. . , a sinalie , , 3 Ity. Lavtei FL mge was Made' and a stronger beer .. . . . . c - . . , • The Girls' Club of Weeley-Willia so distributed to any person et whose #tAlle /ROW CANADIAN WHEAT ' ' church 'will hold a sule of home-made claims notice .shal not then ha:Ye, been . IN ENG'LISII. GARDEN , Q, . . • baking- in Mr. Mittell'. store. Huron received. . , ' / anipte oags . ' ' .of No 1 "Marquis" ' . ' _,,," 1 IT C d "' .1 0 t '-' -ro .uii day after day in .tie. hardest kind of • work. and give the wear it is eitpected to give. All Life Buoy Lumbermen's are Snag Proof. • OUIt PERSONAL GUARANTEE IS BEHIND. EVERX PAIR s allowed, for which 'change Ilmt.. ,' Oct.I-1 eta. I., n auo., ..___ ,__ _ , _ _ ‘ street, on Saturday , ternoorn, /aYs ant a,ys, Wheat were distributed. some time ago 30thicinumencing et 8 o'Cloelt. -804 'solicitors for, George 'Frederick .Ford, ' r -0(.70c) -T° r'EEP t. :-- „ - . F. Niettle took full responsibility- through the the Depart.' ' ' " '' Administrator of ' the white of Sus-.4:14e1 .. cently Premier Ferguson announced re Would be Tie more referOridninS officials of WIIEN YOU entGAGe.-1-He. nient of Colonization, Agriculture and 'To Rent ._, annah 'E. Rutledge. -. , , , er 12th 1924 HEAT FoLiz.s- To HELP HER. Natural. Resourees • :Canadian Nat- = Eight roomed house ,• furnace heat- Datedat Goderich, Octob ,. „ , • '' F. E J CKSON R D A ; that the Government wOulti,make .. atever changes. it considered, kinal RailWayS, and. attracted .censid.. 4-electric:lights; • wiredfooelbetric '' - ' . .. 79-3 , • ' fa' ' ,i,:„., -West- , .1-10- :tory and take .the responsibility ' them The result is seen in the erable attention. not only in the range, town water, hath; -alto garage,. efn section of the UnitteciStates hat 'Splendid location • : o , Gibbings St.,. ' (OURT Gr .REVISION / - (W/ . Ig' 1111111818 also in 'Great Britain and Europe, One ,Clinton. Ininiectiate possession. A. ' Town of Clinton ' ' : *0 ollir 8111 The Big Shoe Store - Opposite the TOWLI Hall • ,e `,., aomicerriefit Of the: Gdvernment'0 , • .. • , AlY..,' . .,„„, , : '... Vile .greatett objection . tO this is : feet that the temperance peOplo, t not all. on one si,d6, Many people 0. * ava well,' plerited. with, 1., 't -E" liev.ements 'of ' the .' Feritison 'Gov- mama in=othor matters ,canntIt siiii- , of these bags was TetuTned to.Canada J. -McMurray • )30x ' 193 Harristom. Notiee is hereby given that a -Cotirt • . . . . filled -with .gold pieces in. part pay- Ont.. .. ''''. ... . , : . ' . ,. ....,. 80-tf . ,of •Revision wilibe.held in the •Cooncil ,t ment for:a section .of western land, ' . . , Appleefor. Sale, .- ,, : Chamber, Clinton, tin Thursday, Oct, V- and now W. J. 'Black , the Director of -Wlinter. armies ow: the ..talees"' also .28th, at 8 o'clock,' p.tri,.,.te. he,ai; :ant.,. the depaittrnent, . haz--,juat veceived p.a eaches nd, 'pears. .:'APPly :, tO...A. determine complaints . against the ' from the I.,ondon office 'a, saMple' of Rortmlif Con'',":3' Betaiiquit mile north .ArisessMent'R011 of the Town: of ,Clin- unustial ,character. \ . . of Thedfoixi It:. R. No.. ii. "Tlietlforcl, ten, Tor 1926:, Persons having hisinese ' .. . . ., ' .3, W."Short, 'of Tendon 8e6Yrecl one (nit, , . ..... with the,. Court w11.1 please attend, at i k 1,-- viC 4 11:5 ,,d 00',.„ _-- • • iii,,,,,, ,,..„, ,,, r,,i,,, :, s ,,,-.0. •;. ^ • -. C..14, VENNER Electrician . 9 . , . Electric Panges,„Fixtiires, Bulbs, .Krons, Fans and other . . • • . , . Appliances , Wiring:, and ,Repairs. Phone linty. ..jt it; in They do mot believe ___,, the the time p. Mae- log go -"--- • .. .thlt, 'Government of sample § from -Canada and con- - said and place p. ..1.--.1 '' 1100'° , iit, ,-17L . t system, of -Centrol ceived the idea Of -planting the wheat, .14..are ler 4ale. '. ,. pherton,' Tow,ri. Clerk. ; ' 79.'.1." tool •r" "-- -,.-... - ........../.......,/........................... ,1 bettGr.•!Conditions Mut feel. that , , , T, ttr0 'vving -up everything for tell they have been, struggling. for, 11.5. 'As . an , Illustration of this, t for South Enron:, 'a•ther"-- . . , ' Pereheron mare 0 yeart old in ' . He a p o In .ris et, y,gai ,en • , - . , ,. ., , , . , ,. and his efforte Were rewarded by a good condition and -right. in every .. . : Privnte:sitio.• -;•. , , - .What. f' theiearly Colonials hal "Crep!„',,whiah was • harvested.' Mr.. way, . Applyvi',. y.. Roy,- bth...con. . ' 0 0.33 head of chbiee. ttockers and. -norect pant' RiVere'a warning—An.d •Slicint showed his Wheat to Canadian Hullebt.':. - • •' ''. .- ' ), . 804. :feeders.. Can . be 'seen at lotsmen- had ' stayed- hi ' 'their beds" when •cifficials ' ' . ..tiorte4' ..below; ' At , - g -fl - he t ,rimniber .ah believer • hi. ConservatirCan.... nes,' and .. a . man who: is:in every y fit,ted to _represent the riding; N, ' 'Prewar:the, - will not accept: the nmation ;In, m.- the . ericumetances. 0 riding- we believe, •Wilf be the and' they aireed;'; that the. .„, , , ., , , .Lot.. ,„32, ,6011.".1.0) rode through the night 010111419 to them' English -grown Canadian wheat 'would , .', . We ,and .Celt for Sale ,' ,.., , Goclerich"Tp.,' 25 'steers, average 1,000 that the British- were coming'? grade No. 1. 'Then dsaMplerWas:.sentGeneral 'purposerintiie ,and.. a, :first Po,- At T..,0t..29, qqh..;i4:, Gedlirieli T.P.; , 'What if you $110,111d..1k110re-t1elleat , to Canada...and it 'was also •agreed that 718.10- Perelleroll..SPrhig Milt. ' .Will be 2bl:steers from spo,to.:900 lbs.., A.• 10o11 ,Folks Warning.? .' : : • ,, ' ' , : : - the sample was an'unitstallY•geod•O'ne Sold riephratelY, it desired.,-ApPlY„ to ,80,.Q9,11, -.12, GPLIefiCh-' Tp 12 heifers; • ., you inight. -have to stak, in tiic,111.• of "Igarquit" wheat. .' • .John.„ Woods, ,.1,3ayfitticl. - 80+p, 6 bf,:them sprInget.s..., At Lot 31, Can .beds :Ear 'the rest of ,the, , -water!. ' l • • ' ' - ' ' ', GoderichTp., . :V/0 have a'' ear of F lye Roses Flour, Bran ', , • . , : - - '. , , ,. , ,. ,. • Shorts and Ground Screnithe e ngs coming „ er.--b.the retireine,.0 nt 'bf .aVir.'''.0- no illatter'whe iS 'elld$611.' ,. rhe Inettief- should have been- 'left ere Sir-. 'William Heartir. left . it .in : hands of : the -, Tt', should , . . . , . , . , 14', 20 tis 800018(111148 ., (let'in yotir coal supply no*, and .. , . Three Real Barimi n•s „ ., , . ., ,"' Atittien Sale ' , ' " ,.. 1,0001:6s. ' :At ,.:the Sitaight0r..1-Iorise.' • he prepared for aiiii einergenoy. ' `; 'An -Overland-TU.1., -,ri, :Etna ' car and 'a . : :Of cheiee-battle, liit '1011 27,' ton., • 4,. farm; on IIttron Read, 20 steers ,aver- .. . - •nearly.new buggy.. Prieed at ,i1100.00 ;Stanley toWnshin, 4 ,kni.14,- south-west'. aging'850 Ibi. At Lot 26,-0011.2, 141.11. • , . . each Bert Langford.,-.01inton.' 80-1-n of 'Clinton, : en, Wechtesday,'Oct., ,21-tli,. lett 130 .8 choice .heifers. ' At , Let 17,. . , ' ' : ' Coll the Mitt ' . ' '', ' ' ' ' . - - ' • .-ii 3::30„9',eleekr:sliaTp; Com Eullett.'Tp.; '' ' ' '' . , t. . . ,. , ' - ' ' . .. '. s • - • l'• i ; 1 . •I ° 44v ,' WY" 4, na - ti last of ' this montn anct.will sell it ' off _it e , . , ' _ ' , , . ' . • . . . . , . . . car„,, Special on hve.• ten bag ,p.e'Ople, /- be matte 4 '''pak.T. .2.0):SA.11.,., ,,.,Pie ;tof ' friends' telyiperattri:e hive 'al.:: ,k,s sill/Z.01.i, tO -118.an` it "as' inuahl as stible out. Of .DolitieS...: ' ' . . , , .. . . . ,' . , _ , ,.,,. , ,illn'tolloviing: 2, 2a steers, avel:ag'; , . ''..; ' :,. , ' - ., : • . ...''';' . ,Tiollige toi' ,S41,e': or' Rent.. - ' . .25' Polled 'Ailing:Steers...and :heifer,S iiie...., 000 lbs. r. Also a . useful ' mare, a, ,.......- . . .,-,... . _ ..,, . 7.1totise.,on COrlier'ref;,,Ituren 'and.'01,-' 2 YNO: 'Old25 Polled Angus ...Steers and, :little, pavertient S.Liyp„, or), front:feet:but.. . for.gotul,,-..clean Mtge .streetty "old 'Meittitdriatle, place, heifers .1 yr: old The 'above .Cattle::',usetul •to a. farmer for fall Work or ' - . : . ', ' "APPIY.k9 1,?.: '.,W...:;-.N1,1,itol-i,. ,Glinto-4, -a;re an ::exe'eptionallycholde,lot in the ',driving., For farther.inforMation call, ';',",..-- ': ." , :.;',....,:•:l'' ' ' ' : :, '-' :' ' " .130-0, pink' of ,conation; • and will 100 sold,.W-,'D....".0onliell; b'llOnb 6381 5, 'rtii.., „ eoal ' , , ,, ,. price and. ibis' of Flour. ,. ..., Phe Toronto ' rDal'1y St'ar' atd•The deiehSignal both declare tha iy. have not taken the tuStoint.seah,' ,..,, , ,.Witlntreter,v'eia-,l so65 cords .dr,y dall, phsue 170opr'Connel.l and,yn: ---,Honse"FOSale lriedMeted Motleenibeieli rind 290`5.ri31#01er Shoi-Dhote 162 '1') 4± ..--p-,vooreed, red ' brick, houSe,, Cierner 'Coder 'Poets,. T,erint:' 12 'Mentllt :::' - • ' '. ' - . . . . ,. , . • is lightly and that' theY, Wittto sec, thorongh.„houtecleatling ..of the de.--, ft..iit.,.. BLit "that they are not 'Wit.' g to take the Conservative .010*, , • - 0 , , ere:, ,..' .'' . - ." ..'; , .' ,' . .'-: Orange. and ' li,Vellington, Streets., , Het' tlit giveh. .011... furnishing' . bankable. . , :Clothe:S. Clealied and Preesed' Water he.ritini, ba.th - and .allOetiven- paper;. dr..ri dise.dunt pt.s.,.iiereent; piothe,a'- eieamtv 'pressed,' and re- COMPANY ,leneet. Apply. 011900.01111S00 0., trill'. A: lowed fer eashAdara'Stewart,:Pro-. -paired, .. Woollen' geode; :dry': :cleaned,.PTIOTE Inekinri,. Clinton. Phone 141 Or 129.`, Iprietor. Geo...IL Elliott 'Auctionem,, :Rooms aver -.Heards, Bather. shop1±059 , .., PHONE - 74.. .. CLINTON 81)4 80 ,. '11;ar lesworth- . 190' , ...