HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-21, Page 4SDAY, OCTOBT3IL 21•,- 1926".
ust ,.
time Or
fall h�s��SeCle nail
Wide Iia _erS.a
®;w -Prices
Sherlock -Manning
Satisfy the demands and de
sires of trio most critical
buyers the world over. ;;
Clinton's. Musical Instrument Representative
• • Always' at Your Service ` Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
School of Commerce
re& pens Tuesda>td, Sept. 7th, 1926
Why not attend the School that has the. Hi hl'
Qualified Staff
The School that teaches
from start to finish.
Where High School Students and
gTeachers are taught,
" specialized expert training in
Business nd?as dols° '
.� Inlstratien and
Secretarial Science
S leslce
and are sure of a good position, rapid romotion:
and bigincome, p
COURSES—Stenographic; Commercial, Secretarial, General
Office, Civil Service, Com, Teachers Course
and special,cour$es arraged.
For full information write to
B: F. WARD, B.A., Principal
Phone 198
Another �LL� ondcr'al
For Huron County, Residents
TO .save 25per cent Real-1l�ondy
on a Dependable Used Car
During our Three Day Fall Clearance Sale
Thursday Friday a d,, Saturday,
October -IA -15 and; 16
Fords Chevrolets and DO e Bros. ars`
9 res.'
Every car carefully reconditioned and ready to
give good service;
1Re• inembelr the dates. Coyne' early. Open evening s.
Place' of Sale
-Ask for yWIILF:'H J1 GINS.
C H i S,B oL"MSM.
Dodger Bi-others.Deaie;'r
70 York St'., 40 idoo
SEAI ORTTF: ', A q tat wedding
took place on Saturday,-17tttryber' 2nd,
a I home om
to eofiND:.
and s:I� it
112' en et
,Ferguson 647•, Elias st , Londot Ont
when Eiinily, daughter of 74Ir. and.Mr's
Harry Plant, 78 Gerrard'' ct., Toronto,
became the bride`,' of Dr; :,Edwdrd` :G<,
M•erner,;'son of 1V hr. and Mrs. J, rJ:
Memel, of Sea:forth• The, ceremony
was performed, by the Rey. W ,Light -
bourne, assistan't;iectoin df': St: Paul's
cathedral. Those present included
Mrs, 1; J. Mohler and Helen, Sea-,
forth; Mrs, Harry,. Plant,
XTMrs P' `
sons, Mr. Mills and'Wf C.or,nish, To:
route; ;Mr, and Mrs, It. Ferguson,
Mr, and Mrs, Baines, London, ])r;
and Mrs, 'Monier will bre at home after'
October 12th; Austin Apargneuts,
13lerre, and _Ottawa 'sts. ill indsor.'
{SEN$ LLj' Mrs. J; ssirtheriand'aeI `,
ebr.sted her.. muff firot birthday , last
week, when :she received: tl'id congrat
nlatione of'' many" ,friends. Amcrue"
Lthase who spent the dayjwitli her
Mrs. ;1V!nCrae of'Sudburk, Wife •af.the!
Miiiieter df Mules it the Qritario Gov
ernment, •
N The
death. aacurxed•
't' the' a ii
£tn aesidri
a e o r 'i t' '
Y• c n V c Cita
B.C,, ;lin ,> �atuiilay' of John Wesley
Cannell, a 'former. ,member of'.the-
Saska I e e '
tc a Groan ,�', gustatua°o 'ITC wee:
a ntutive ofnyangham: i
nheGt has been vis~
roohax°s ms's; las Mt4tc11
large nr;miser of people attended
he: • ntirtivetsa°ty;, services? ir1' �Ir1'tt�
fQuseh'oh] ei£ects;,by trgek to Gode'r
Ch, vli'ero Ito 'rptends lusting ha
hone jai'; futua@,r;
•lVr' ,,. and 14S s,„J. J Was;titngtoni sled
Mt,.,antl,Mts, 0,'.E`Egi'at "intended:
the . 'a'11'is-(Stetylint .wedding.'on
Mr. ata ss, I>rank $ a .�.
r and„Mrs, , Sta.n l Y, lett
tbis week for• ;Fierida,,.where they
have secttxed positions
Mr. axitl Mrs `'.Slater £ Se tfoxtlr
visited Then, daughter; Nr's,. Ed• Law-
son on Sunday:
M{'.Charlie Betidle is visitntg with
his brother, -Harry, in avetr!ott
l Mr. Erd. Helwig has returned from
the west, where,the spent the last two
months :vzsttmg• xeriends,`
Miss ?Freda Andrew is visiting with
rMr. andMrs, A nos'Andrew this week.
(Crowded: out last, week)
Mr,-atd(Mrs. Harry Tang• of God-'
eiich'spent:Sunday with. Mit. and Mrs.
R, D. M wr o.
Quite a large ini nber from .here 'at
tended' Westfield' anniversary Services
'afternoon and evening on;Sunday last
Mrs. Prost e;f -Milverton, is 'visiting,
Mr. Geo Dawson.;'
Mr. James "Woods has purSiiased
the personage of the f )rtner Metho-
dist clntt'ch here; a
On Saturday, Oct. 9th, a very quiet
wedding took place at Knox United
church manse, when Rev, W. B. Alp
united in marriage, Miss Mildred
King, only banghter of Mx. and. Mss,
Albert King, to Mr. Albert Kiliough,
of Goderich: They left' by train for
"'Toronto and other points,. Upontheir
return they will residein Goderich,,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Mills ani Mr.
Frank ,Hilbert of Goderich»were •Au-
burn visitors on Sunday 'last, •
United;•cltureh rou Sunday leer, the
ahurailyeang• cxb5vded to.ritmost. ca
^Irac>,ty i;;irtli mot'»ing and e(uentug. The
coilectiapr for th day ,a'inou}ttedut
4bout $250
tMtsses Elsie a'nd Lotttii Ia ittlai `o -E
London"v.Srd Hien relents here oirx
the week end
14pi.,A:lbeit { Iit'rg is .droving• ,'hi
The second annual' Young People's'
Conference of Huron _Presbytery was
held- in Londesbaro or' Friday, Oct.
15th: Rev. G. Telford occupied the
chair, The three sessions were well
attended and the meetings extremely
interesting. In --the morning Miss
(Allison of Tor•anto gave a very, in-
spiring address 'on "Thr Chinch's
Dream." . Miss Allison, does a great
deal of work with the younger boys
and gins -and seolce on the C. G. L T,
and Taxis work at .the Round Table
conference after dinner, ,,Rev, Mr.
Cragg, returned missionary from Ja-
pan, spoke most interestingly oat that
country and the conditions of the peo-
ple 'there. In the evening Rav, D. C.
atLondon, President of
the ,.Conference, gave .an addres't
Which will riot 'Soon be forgotten, In
;streaking to the young people he told
them to "be thankful they were young
People; that they belonged -to the
Uniked churth and .that they were
challenged with an alMost impossible
task!' The, following officers
elected for the coming year:
•Hon: President: Rev. C. L. Clarke,
President: Mr. George Knight,
Vieer. Rev. F. E. Clydesdale,. Ex-
;Sem-Treasurer: .Miss Marion Sear -
lett, Seaforth. Convenors of. commit -
,tees: ,Christian Fellowship -- Miss
Atuy Shapton;'Literary and Racren-
tion--Dr. McIntyre; • Missionary --
`Miss Maud Howell; Christian Citizen.
ship Mr. David Artnstrouig;. Devo-
tional periods were conducted by
'Londesboro Y. P. S., Seaforth Y. P. S,
and Rev. W. R. Ain. Song service era.:
conducted by Rev,' C. 8. Moarhouse, '.
Repprt'of Hing• Shipments for week
erlang Oet. 7th, 1.926.. •
Loidesboro--Total, hogs,191; Select
bacon, 75; Thick smooth,110; Heavies,
'Brucefield-.-Total hogs, 60; .Select
bacon, 12; Thiele smooth, 38; :Heavies,
8; 'Extra heavies, 1.
':Huron 'County-ToLl„Hogs, 1687;
,Select Bacon, 540; Thick smooth, 965
Heavies, 60; Bxtra, ;;heavies,. 6; Shop
hogs, 64; Lights and Ptrlers,12,
One Thin : amen'
Gained ltd . pounds
in, td days
illi weal , melt and wotne0 ;;
Ail nervous Frtren and ` n , 1
�. , wo tc.n.�
All skinny, tneli'and vr%omen, - 1
Can grow stronger.•, healthier and
more vigorous and. take”' on solid,•
needed flesh in 30 days just by tottring
McCoys good. Livor :Extract Tablets.
four tunes ,a day-'sitgdr coated mid
easy to take as candy
A1L� ivliatt a hri tl4ese tlgsli producu
hit tablets:have- made ' One druggist
tripled bis sales ur• _ane wee]
Everytbedy knows that from the
livers of, the ;humble. Codfish Gomes
Brat class i' tanui ''.
re that is
a 'iyon
ful vitalizo, flesh> producer and
health creator •
Millions of -11IcCey's•Cod Liver•33k-
tgadt Tablets are ;Hold eve'ity i-iveelc
and•7 thousands et Fieri, rundown un
de p'erg•Itt 'people are being. helped
• ..4.'430t., q? lib tablets for 60.ce is•,andr.
tf any slttnny marl 4r. womat,'cloesn't'
gait; art leat i pounds rn $0; days
m,oney ba Cah o`
. e!.`ititky g od ,di -it >•i t
gr s,
ori ;'
Yyzltere •in=:Atnet'ica:•,=,
Be sura• arid get •NioCpy s, "thy orig-,
iriat`and gcnuine: allot den't'forrget
theft is nothing on earth 4s d'
nape .
back.'d `:
w r is r
,, u de
s n
Y 7Ve1 h
e rl t'
d e
ow •i�
. Zr, s stron�i%tid rokiust
Ono of Stanley tori xshrp's widest
osjdgnts pass n away, fit the ]yin se of•
bus son in Kit'ahenett,,.'gn Sttnd'ay,rii
the .pexs ig of Altredl IScotehmer ' •}who
was,,netyrrng., ];lie completion • of firs
ughrl seventh, year'.`' IGC heel igfoue
borne' vnith'his soar a week,lrefgre7
just far a Kittle vrattt •tianii his deet$
Came' unex ret edly afteY a few k ou i
Mr Scotchmer had',spe'nt nearly all
b i
1 tr Stan e
hl i 1 to ”
'ht ea
t t
4 r.
Y S Edwazd, .Susses",
England, but tante tut. ns •a little lad
of - ix
�9 ~teen, lki`e only t5iem'bei+
family, to collie to C. ;aide - 1fe: came
to h 's. uncle • wlib. had' 1 "
?�• s t ted lnere•and�,
Here ;he rentaxned•,'� Q gzpwing to•
inanh'ood,he married Miss 111en-,W4at
Son rind they:Iived for'irrany ye is on
the.,'I'3ronson litre, which tar .;they
left.to ltherr soar W.,,J. °Sebte ei, in
:19.12.; d m
knoved . to Cliritan ,
t cothtner died in 1913 and. on rho
marr'iago of , his youngest daughteA
Mr. 'Seotchltiez ;went baelt to the :Earn~ •
and sine that has residem
aong his
children Last: year, on his .eighty-
sixtli"bnrthday he had the mist<itune
to tall. and fracture his hip: This ae-
eident kept hint to his bed fot' several
weeks' and it.•.Was thought he',wotild'
never> -fully alecovor,: but he did, sb
fuller-thathe Couldw,'alk, about;. with-•
'out ttie rise •of `; cane'and often Walked
out to the fields where his sen -was.
woriciirg, He went tut' and cast his
voteon Sept. ;14th. He had been in
nsua4 health• --when he went to Kitab.
ever- but When 'he -took ill he could not
long contend against it.
Mr.'Seotchmer was• a quiet, unas-
suminenran, He was a , member of
Trinity, Anglioanchurch,.: Hayfield. He
is survived by a family of three-
claug'hters and five sons:,Mrs. "Wil-
liam.Iiearcl, Bayfield,;. 'Mrs. .Tames
Porter. Goder;ieb; Mrs, Myron Sutler,
Goderich township; -John, Robert and
vilhiarrt. of Stanley' township, Alfred
of Grant, Sask., and Fred ni Kitxhen
er The eldest of the family, Mrs. A.
Townshend, died hist year, her funer-
al being held just one y'ear-prior t.,
the death o,f her father:
The remains were brought home for
interment. the fnrieral•takino place
-front the home of , Mr. W. J. Scotch-
finer, Bronson line, on Tuesday after -
eon to Bayfi"eld cemetery. The Rev.
E. H. Paull conducted the services at
house and graveside and the nallbear-
ers were four sons of the deceased,
John, Robert, Will and Fred,
Over one hunched delegates, minis-
ters and laymen; met in St, Andrew's
United»church on Tuesday, Oct,' 12th,
eoustttdtiug the regular autumn ses,
sion of the huron k'rilsbytery of the
United Lhuroh.
Tire morning sessiad• commenced at
10 o'clock with a devotional period
and presided over by the chairman of
the Presbytery, Rev. C. F. Clarke,
13.A., of taodorich,
Rev. Dr. &trilby of Blyth was the
The morning
was taken up. with roll
call and organization work.
Dr.. ,Salaudt of the Publishing
Mouse; Toronto, gave a short address
in which he emphasized the great
need of a more wide distribution of
church papers among the,families of
the Church and urged ,upon every
church and congregation the import_
once of group study classes and
church. libraries.
Dinner was served by the ladies of
the Bayfield congregation.
The firab address given in the after-
noon wit's by Rev, Geo. Williams, a re-
turned missionary from North For -
Mose. The address was very heart-
searching and inspiring, as the speak-
er unfolded incident after incident of
the wonderful transformations taking
place there among those people.
' The . Maintenance and Extension
Fund ryas discussed by Rev. Mr. Me_
Donald of Egmondvilte, -who is at flue
head of theft committee for the Pres-
- A new church is being built at
Molesworth and by resolution the
Presbytery is pledged to raise $1,200
,to suppiement an equal amount sub-
scribed by the people of 141olesworth.
Many matters of ' a routine nature
were taken, up, and prevision anode
whereby the work may be carried for-
ward with greater efficiency during
the year. . J"' -
A very splendill report was sn'iimit,
ted by Rev -Selby Jefferson on the
Work of Social' Service and 'Evangel-
ism and with very slight amendment
was'adopted by a unaoitnous vote, es-
.the -clause calling upon- all
Christian people Co stand` by our pre-
sent temperance 'legislation .and that
stricter adherencelbo given to the to-
tal 'prohibition
otal'prohibition of title liquor traffic.
• The' meeting adjourned about 5
I31RUSSELSt ' The annual field' day
of Brtssels Continuatt'ort•.School was
hdltl sit 'Victoria 'Park. on Thursd, y
afternoon. There was ,an the pro-
-grain am a baseball acrd basltet btt'11-com-
petition between „Brussels' 'rind Blyth-
pupils, to decide the ownership of. a
shielcl'donated several years ego by
Brussels business ine
H'ENSALL: Following the up-
rooting of scrub trees and the nacre,:
plowintg of the local b,asebali diaplon•1
a few weeles agyl, the manageritent
has had the ground leveled; and it is
note' lleing 'seeded down.,; 'With a
Pirtle dr:aining;,it will`be a;;first-class
bull yield. Adciitfan td the'btirnber of
Seats is: "eonternylated, .;sa; thtt' in-
table ' ea ler t er t
IrD • rlc
a wall' be -
p a
v ilable f
0 LY 1 `
1C -meetings ,., ... _,. p lr o ngs tno lir~.g`-�.
010 +g,
hi adv" ,'oDn1 , jnd
I� . AM. A`vo si 1 i ii
G iY„ tc do t tient
toolctplace Wednesday week, wilt the.
passing oi; :7ottti• Spark, 1Vlaple street.
: Vh lylonl. lrad•.been( ivolli .and. active
to ;the lgst. 1I had iwan ptlhtg• wood
tnihe yard' Wednesday nrprniing• and
hail 3y411ked_to the posh od ice`aiid up
on enteung: $he `house at noon 1 ex
ed t
wzh u
t b
a stu`
in q 1i e
1 h d
T e,
a a
d zrr n, s n, s t
wa i 83rd. e
hi a
a``lieee who -suivtve are his wife, tw
sons and "the ee . - daug , ters^>', i' W it l
at`.hon e; Di nald fzhi1 Ml s. Pied H
wood) D trpx_tt�; . IiLxs. Willii zit_ Mo
oliam . Po%t Huron', nn
T ntgilrt;, • Toronto. : I unet n1=„ s1Cxv8ir
vtis ennduc,tod at ;'his late yesiden i
Friday afternoon-at;Cwo o'cloelc. • Iz
ter Ment wars made in the Wingha
earned 0'', bouquet'' of T;u}tttly 2 oses
and lily" of %he: valley '; Mrss TiY•a �
Lal e w4''a•- thitttnnrg hrtdesn?aid..]
geirnetl lir oreltF3l•gcargotte with Ldf.
:fel r tris} anent; ,,,She carried a troll 'i
,quot of . ; Ophelia'', r ses A and 1bab.V
bretith: , Little :.Mose =.M r
neYa ot.:V4ani;,lnairy was dainty in a
frock of,eel.al geer'gette end lace arid'
carried a, `baslcat of (rosebnds, -Mr,.
IIar t y ,l ise,
Of, :Toronto was hes''
man TYTiti Plarencc' Tli4alcstene of;j
- Toie to; payed the wedtiit ++`tttaMh,;"';
e„ I)tuarrg` the'sngnRrg if the) regis'bg
Miss Hazel MaoDowell, `of Toranth
„sang' rt Un1
:. A•ftez a ... ..
n Yzuor
rt 1.
C t0 s•'
at ,: ,. n . }; d tiv ailing bxclldijst • Net..• „
ot- and 11frs Else 'lett wt a lioheyrnobii
Tlie bride lifuvelled " .l' r
n:.• an 'aalet rerT ;
ohif.fart velvot gown wiibli_ .bat 'to.
e ' anateh; alirgator Shoes' and bag, and
ce 'with this she wore a Hudson Seal
entit AMr. and Mrs. Else wilt resid• e in
tit Dettott, .,
$E•AFQR H: "At the • nnuari meet-
ing of thee•Seaferth Highlanders Band
,the fdllaWing• officers • were elected:
Conductor, 'John It. J anninan; pr e5-
ident, E, sD;.' Real'; vice-president, C
Ross; secretazy; E., W. Edge; man-
aging committee, GPeterson, Irvine'
Tyewartha and, Peter :'Simpson; laud
hors, 0. Id ,Snowdon' •and W, Smith.
The meeting. Chan adjourned ,and a
pleasant hour was 'spent at euchre,
the winner's being T. Phillips, lone,
band; W. ''Smith, consolations P.
Simpson, the first prize being livs
chicks, itt banquet, at the Commer-
cial hotel followed, when presentat-
ions' were made lo' twomembers of
the bandwho areretiring after man
years of valued service, Melvin 1flc
Phee and Charles Brodie, the former
being- the recijtient of a pipe and the
latter' gold cuff links. The present-
ation was made by D. L. Reid.
BRUSSELS:. . Last week Mrs,
f amuel Crawford, a well-known resi-
dent of this ];own, celebrated her 92nd.
birthday, having been born on the
13th of 'October, 1834. She is ,enjoy
•ing the best of health, with the.nse_of
all her faculties, and ,has every ap-
pearance of overlapping the .century
WALION: Ideal weather favored'
.the closing •day of the international
]plowing match at Lundy's Lane on
Friday. The crowd was .smaller than
Thursday but there was a large at-
tendance of heads of manufacturing
companies and hien prominent in
fanning life, who attended the ban-
quet in the Refectory in the evening.
An interesting series of matehes Fri••
day a:(ternoon was 'that for men over
65 years of age using oxen. Gordon
McGavi'n,`of Walton cleaned up on the
tractor championships. MtiGavin is
only 20, making his -success the more
remarkable. Following are the re-
High cut sod Hon. Geo. Henry tro-
phy)--l,Ed. Timbois, Milliken. 2, A.
E. Paye, Niagara -on -the -14w; 2,
Wm. Clarke, Agincourt; 4, Wilfred
Timbers, Stouffville; 5, David Tran,
'Youngest plowboy (J. J. Duffus
trophy) Geo. Hill,11.1uneey
Best work do '
done In sodstubble
with an Oliver plow --Gordon McGav-
inih, Walton,
Best crown in sod (Jas, Ley Silver
swivel)Winifred Timbers, Stotiff-
Best finish in sod—Floyd Steckley;
Best plowed land in sod or stub-
ble, tractor, boys under 21 years
(gold watch)—Gordon McGavin, Wel-
ton, t
Best plowed land in sod, tractor
or tpatii (Col. 'Cocksltutt 'trophy), to
be won twice, not necessarily in suc-
cession— E. Timbers, Milliken.
Ceo, Riehingd, Welland, 66, won the
special event for; men over 65 plow-
ing with oxen. - The awards inrthe opeft'tractor C0111,
petition were as follows: J. Coaperth-
wiate, Agincourt; W. Timbers, Stauff'
vil'le; C. Young, Milliken; Lloyd Tur-
ner, Stouffville:,
,GODRRICH: Although the majcS -
ity of its people voted against"build-
ing a, new- town hall, Goderich is to
have a new hall for ,the holding of
entertainments, etc„ the corner stone
having been laid an Friday last: The
building is being erected by Mr, Rob-
ert MacKay, who presents it to the
:tow. Mr, MacKay offered the cram -
ell $12;000 toward building a new
town hall and when a majority of
-the people voted against a new build-
ing he decided to 'build this hall and
present it to the town.
,SEAFORTH':. At high noon' on
Saturday a smart autumn wedding
took place' at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert- Archibald, Seaforth when
their only daughter, Ellie ISeltna, be-
came the bride, :of'3 r•, Clans. Else, of
Detroit, sol of Mr.' and Mrs: Erecter-
rick Else, Toronto. The ceremony was.
conducted by Rev. W, P. Lane, pastor
of Northside United 'Church, The
house was decorated with fears and
autumn flowers: The.btide, who was
given in marriage by ,ber ,father, was i
bodotitingIy froeked in -to -French gown
of shell pittk,georgette with crystal
trimmings, •s, and ' embroidered tulle
scaif�-of asure-blue, silver shoes and
(Andean Coit pleted hen.:ensetnble, She
Therllontreal .Gazette -refers to.
14Tas5 -MCPhatl as a "a barely figure
'the 'Honk: of .Coibiinon ,"' A prir,
ter with any sense''of, gallantry would;
an ed. !that t
'hut ariyWay, the "lour'
lyn isn'.t'.true, 1V1i8s ' Mbti'hail ;IMS
lit t `' ce
s tr 1 ep,.hez' aarnpattvi
than sorire of tho 'other. members
Toxento,Stai,` .
B);YT T. C01,11,1 • MARE ED
A quiet'ihut' pretty wedding tack'
place in St, 'Michael's Church, Dlyth,
when Miss Vipiet. Cecilia, daughter of
Mr, and,Mrs,, Arthro; Cronyn, becauite
the bride'ef 3tr. Louis D. Fortune,; of
The bride, who entered the church
leaning on the arm of her father;
looked charming in a dress of peach
colored satin Romaine :with silver
trimming, carrying a bouquet of.
,white. roses, lilies of the valley and
maiden hair fern. She wore a large
black picture hat, blonde shoes ford
hose to match. Assisted by her sis-
ter,•,R'Iiss .Anna Cronyn, who loekedi
charming in a dress of mauve geor-
gette trimmed with lase and shoes
and hat to match, carrying a bouquet
of pink carnations and maiden hair.
fern.' The groom was assisted by Mt'.
Sack ''Curtin of Detroit. Bev. Pathe,
Gaffney officiated.
After the ceremony the bridal party
motored to the home of the bride's
parents where a dainty 'wedding
breakfast was 'served. The happy
couple left on the 3.38 train, mrd
Who is being named by the King
Government as Canada's represen-
tative at Washington, ;Mr. Massey is
said to be eminently well -fitted for
eutI a position.
The United States government now
has, decided to put a portion of gas-
oline in the commercial alcohol it re -
'leases' for manufaeturing purposes.
This is the latest step in its unceasing
attempt to dry up the 'country by
making; it impassible for bootleggers
to make a drinkable liquor.---Orillia
Packet & Thi es -
The is a bunch spine `'
of, bones that
Showers 01 rice 'and confetti for looks like an empty banana stock; that
other points. The runs up and dawn the back and holds
Niagara Falls-andc
bride travelling in, a dress of Anter- the ribs. The he sits on one.end,
lean beauty rose cut velvet and geor- and I sit on the other. 1;n-ar-co-
i1 Netvs.
goat)and coat- of ,, rosewood needle
point cloth trimmed,„
fox fur.
On their return they will reside in
Detroit. The bride received many
beautiful-gifts.—Blyth Standard.
Inter'sting things, have happened
in 1926, Commander Byrd in a Fok-
ker airplane, circled the North Pole.
Photographs taken in Europe were
transmitted on radio waves to Amer-
ica, and publi bed in newspaper's a
feiv hours later. Gertrude Ederle,
daughter of a New York (butcher,
swam the English Channel one hour
faster than any of the five sten who
had swan, it before her.
Is there anything interesting going
to happen in 1927?
For -one •thing•, the Youth's Compan-
ion On April 16, will celebrate its
,1927, the Companion will contain more
interesting reading than ever before
during its century of successful life.
Consider what you will get for $2.00:
52 issues, containing,' 9 book length
serials, 260 short stries by the most
popular authors, more than 100 spec.
ill articles, a -weekly' section for in-,
genions boys, called the "Y: C. Lab,"
a thorough girls' department and 52
Pages for children. Also in each is-
sue, an extenesive survey of current
events, making it easy for you to .fol-
low the affairs of this busy world.
pont miss the greatest year of a
great magazine. Subscribe now, and
1. The Youth's Companion -52 is-
sues in 1927, and
2. The retraining issues of 1326.
All for only $2,
3. Or include 1GIcCail's z11'agatzine,
the monthly authority on 'fashions.
Both publications, only $2,50.
8 N Dept., Boston, Mass.
Subscriptions Received' at this Office`
"1 made my &A
to -day o a .92
Two salesmen met in a small
hotel. Said one: "Der you
know,' .liar, although 1 hive
been on the read ober four
yearn, 1 never ihnuplzt, of tele-
i.'_tc'nin hoe t:ii t nlnv rtes
l,',u cont^'it lir ':li'ep rt litre'
every cou, le of days. From
now on its going to he cliffs: -
mit! My wry'e was so glad to
hear my voice , sit' it would
brighten her whole day.
"T'l1'telephone lydr every second
night around nitre o'clock, or if
T happen to be en the train,
I'll tall around breakfast time;
she's hure to beat• home then."
Every day Many travelling
r:alesuren are using I,ontr Di. -
tante to keep in touch with"he
folks at Monne. At .light ex-
pense they enjoy L 1 L a few rill -
1 n
ores intimate talk tit;tt means
sa t11uth.
Pianos, Radios and Phonographs
Jonathan Rutin
We are IJOW prepared to
quote you the best prices on
pianos given for year's.
Don't, fail to see . me be-
fore giving your order for
spy, of the above line,
Yours for,lirisiness.
Phone 34oxn61?6_
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