HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-21, Page 1itu IS HiconpooATEo CLINTON, 0 A IO, TOURSD4Y5 OCIrOBEn 21 1920 MINEMI.1611.1141000UMINII ,10iiger iglits- and Sark 2loi.taing6 This is 'also the time for ion. to use an alarm eloek. This is the...place to buy a ' satisfactory guaranteed A/arin fol�ak„ ALARM cLocKs $2.00 AND UP . These. Cloths axe s\ well constructed and reliable timekeepers, -Call and inspOct our stock, or .better stilt if you cannot call we will deliver one to your addvess on receipt of price, 1. Ieltqar JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST New Coats f Have recent- ly been added to our range. If you are not a- mong those who have already made a choice here, these new numbers will in- terest you. . - JUMBO SWEA.TERS in Sand, Blue, Red and White -Reg. Price $6.50, On Saleatt $4098 We have only a liiiiiteequantity to sell ,et_this. price .•1111•0. ,M•kmr1114.1•••••J ./(0/1001,101.14.1.M.Y. I Our $25..00 Overcoat On Our Line of $25 Over- coats We Spread Ourselves This is a very popular figure for a main's Overcoat, and we - are showing several models at this -figure,—Every one- reRre. senting the very best Overcoat value that can be ,inSde, shown and sold for this ' • • "- • • We have other -••1itis �fMen's •.-. Ov-ercoats frorn 12.50 to- 35M0. .•...of ptterns,.•.•• • 11 NG COD ‘‘ A Square Deal for Every Alan " A w, 1. WILL MEET, -•• • The regitlar inIonthijr"..• gatherin 'the Vabinen's. Institute :will. Mee thensual place Thurritiy after Oct.'28th„ 8 o"clock...rdi,.,N T.'rewartha wilL adchs the t ie nc •and there a demonStratie •pickles, by oil "menliiers• - ,ENGAIGEMENT,'AN*OUNCED. g Mr. and., 'Mab. ,Geoalt, Taylor an- t in 'nentee' the 'erigitgement of, their eld- noon, lest dangliter,-Leona Dilliat;:to. Mr. C. 3v.2 .ki,Ithnhettid of.Brucefi,eld. The Mar:, td "take,plaee this Month. , n of The roll:Call will' be...responded. to, With a Hallowe'en ;legend 'erriaitoffi. A quiet wedding took 'place -at two o'Clock yesterday afternoon et Wds- ley-Willis church manse'when the Rev. J. Ea Hogg joined in holy miteri- mony Anpie Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mag. John T. Turner -of Clinton, and David' Edgar Allan of Tucker - smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. James of•that towns*. The bride wore a ikeoraing „gown of blue satin crepe with trimmings' of gold lace and rosetands, rose colored hose andablack satin shoes with rhine- stone buckles and a small hat M tam eftect in. rose and black. She carried a bouquet of carnations and ferns. The couple, were unattended. Immediately after 'the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Allan left on a honey- moon trip to Toronte and other points. On their return they will re- side in Tuelsersmith. LITTLE 1A3aALS, .The Clinton branch of the U. F. 0. will1 meet in the offices of the local Agricultural Representative on Thurs- day evening next, Oct. -28th. At time of writing Mr. A. F. Joh»s is 'still very 111 1» Goderieh hospital but it is. hoped that a few days will see an improvement in his condition. The athletic 'meet 'of- the Athletic Association, which Was to have been -held in Clinton yesterday, had to be postponed .on account of the bad weather. It will take place twit Wednesday, weather permitting, The at-hoind was held in the hall yester- day evening: Mra Alex. Butler has token a poi - 1» Seaforth and 'will move hie family there. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Sirs. Biztler but their friends wish theist well in their new home. Mr. Butler will be missed in the field of sport, lie being an enthusiastic baseball player, • The Printer and Publisher for Oc- tober 'announces the fact that Mr, M. E. McFadden has pnrchashd, The Cookstown Advocate. Mr. llifeFadden last month As married to' Miss Ida Cornish, daughter - •of Mrs. James Cornish of Cliriton. The Clinton friends of the young couple wish thala , success in their. new venture. NOW HEADS CONSERVATOIY. Ernest .0. IVIaelgillan of Toronto has been appointed principal of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, suc- teeding the late Dr, Vogt. Tuesday's Mail and Empire had the following comnient: "Dr, MacMillan, who is Cenadian-born, is well-known in local musical:circles and is undoubtedly one of the finest of Canadian musicians and composers. Some regard him as the finest, , . When 'the Weir broke out in 1914.Dv. MacMillan chanced to -be in -Germany. -II% had been study- ing in Paris and was -on a week's Va- eation in Germany at the outbieak of the war amid was immediately Made a, prisoner, and xemained until after the 'armiatice was signed. During those years, pr.. MacMillan took a prominent part in organiaing the Musical work of the prison panda He made several Compositions; including ane for degree -as' Doctor' of aftisie." , Dr. Ignelgillan.is a nephew of Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn of Clinton and is very well known here, where he has yisited often. WALLIS—STEViTART. At noon on • Friday, Oct. 15th, at Riverview Perin, Stanley township, the home Of-' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ftewart, the marriage took place of their second slaughter, Abigail May, and Fred J.'Wellis, B,. Arch, of New asak 'City, younger • seri 'of Mr, 'ac Mrs. C. J. Wallis of Clinton. , Ihe Mile wore a moss _becoming wi dding gown ea, white gaorgette over satin, with' 'ribbon trimming, 'also the conventienal, wedding veil, with accompanying orange .Idoesoma, mid carried hottquet of Cphelia roses; ehdley arid orcbids. Hor father gaVe, her in, iiitr- e•age, and the eereitiony -Weaspor- foamed by the Beir:S2T, E. }reefs, assist- ed by the bride's Muole..the Rev, h1cSwan of ChurchPI, Miss Bettr Stewart, sjstee -of the, bride, Was bridesmaid, Wearing- a pretty blue georgette iinrsabin frock •-gold- shoeand hese anslacarrying ,a - bouquet of shaggy whitsOnuns: Mr. Harold Iganning was; hest Miss Anna 11Vra3iony of Arthur played the wedding march efissitee violin, and after the eeremony, Miss Ann Stewart, aieteta 04 'the •baide sang very sWeetly, "Till the Sands ot the Desert Grew Cold." When the ceremony was concluded ., • and the young eouple had teemved the ,congratulatamis of those PreaeOta, a buffet luncheon' was 'erved and later ie the afternoon Ma, and Mrs„ ciults left on a motor trip to Harnilton and • Toronto, returning the beginning of , About fifty guests, were present' thieffig from 'Arthur, Fovgas, Goder 104 charchiii, .London and . Mr. and Mits. 'Wallis left Ttiesclay morning for New,' York Oity, 'Where "Mr. 'Wallis has been employed hi his profession fin' the' Via 'pear 'sod."' where they tall 'make they home, . 4 NO FRUIT Sitavcr,*'ieTS YEAR, On an inquiry as to the holding of a' fruit show.thisfl1, the'Distriet Re- presentative said: • "Owing to the short crop of apples this year the Huron • County Frnit, Growers have decided to withold their annual Fruit Show, usually held in - Clinton some time in November, l3ut it is hoped that weather- conditions will not cause a finther postponement next year, as the value of this exhibit is well recognized" - DEATH OF LITTLE CHILD. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Betler in the loss of their little daughter, ?earl Elizabeth, who died on Sunday in her fifth year. The little girl eontracted a bad cold, which developed into pnemnonia, which,' in spite of all that could be done, Proved fatal. She was a win- som'littIe maid 'and'her loss is felt ly by by the parents. She<vas the eldest of a -little family;of four; The funeral was held on Tuesda afternoon from the family home, Vic .roJ • and. Afro,: Percy Biggart of ,Toronto,me visiting their- •,mother, Mrs. Agnes Biggart. • Mrs. John HTerd,left on Monday visit her schi, Leonard Heard, ir,Clin-f Iton. Mr. and, Mrs, J. Dixim and. 1V1iss Carrie Dixen of Galt spent the week-, end -with Rev. and Mrs. F.,H. Paull. Miss •Thelma, Ritz •of Stratford spqnt the :week -end with her mother, Mrii, T. C. Bailey, Mir. Chris, Parker arrived home from the west on Saturday;--, Miss Ruth likens of London sptnt. the week-end'wfth her parents. . The, pe4le of the community were very shocked on .Sunday evening to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Alfred Scachmer M. Kitchener at the home ''&f- 'son Fred in his eighty-seventh year, The funeral took place on Tuesday from, the home of his son, Wan. Scotohmer in Stanley toWnship. Mr.-"Scotehmer was very well known and veuY highly esteemed in this coriummitrand the .sympathy of all is extended to the bereaved ones. „. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett terned home Saturday from a motor trip in 'Canada and the United 'States littron'Road East • mf, Shepherd 1Ma -moved onto tl e farm he bought froth Ur, jellies Rands on the s co d of Mr: Noble I-Eolland is bpsy filling $i os for the farmers, .„„„ NIT. J. E. Magill is shipping a car load of potatoes from Seaforth this week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Glazier, spent sSonday last at Ma, Wm. Parson's ,Gbde.ih Tp. , Several from around here attended - the anniversary services at 'Turner's church on Sunday last. The many friends apd neighbors of Mr. Thomas Glazier, who underwent a serious operation,,,About two weeks ago, .are glad to hear that he is get- ting.better. • They. went via NiagardIlauia Misses Emily and Elva.proCtor re- ttueied on Thursday evelOg after having a very ejoyahle trip to Haniil- ten and Toronto, having motored to the latter place with Mrs. J. Lowery and Mr. Everett Lowery of North Bay, who had been visiting, for a few clays with friends here. 2 Mr. and IVIrsi Brogden • MaeMath • spent a few clays in Toronto lest week, y Buftelo and went down into Mary and and on their return, were accompan- ied by Dr, Cameron Gordon who is sPending a few weeks in this corn - =nifty. - The Holmesville Cheese and Butter CO. are „having a banquet on Thursday' evening., Oct. 21st in the factory. Ma. and Mrs, Lewis Proctor and Misses Minnie and Elva spent Sunday with friends around Whiteehurch. • toria 'street, being conducted ,hy the Re,v. C. J. Moorhouse..• The pallbear- ers were four -nudes of the little one: Messrs. Alex, Butler, L; Cook, E. Scruton and J. Cruickshanks, Mr. and Mrs. Cruielcalianks, Mr, J. Cruiekshanks, hfiss 'Cruicksbanlcs and Miss Iva Cruickshanka of Wingham were here for, the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Butler are deeply grateful for the sympathy extended to thein and for the flowers sent. AatiONG TI -I1 CHURCHES, The Rev. W, Gunton, DaD Baptist evangelist of Toronto, who recently concluded a tiv,p-weeks' mission in the Baptist • ehimeli, had recently conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity by 'the National Univeasity of Georgia. ' 'Baptist Church Service at 7 pan. Sunday. The -minister's subject will be: "Three Great Realities Concerning God and Man." Sunday school ut, 2:30 pan, All are welcome, Wesley -Willis United "Church The minister's subjects for next Sunday will be: Morning: "Onesimus." Evening: "A y-oung man who accept. *ed a ehallenge." Beotherhood nie'ets at ten ,o'Clock. Dr. P, Heath will give the addreas. • Presibyterian Church Service in the Baptist church on Sunday at 11 o'clock. &abject: "Do Ye Now Believe?" Sunday school at 10' o'clock, COnitaUniOn service on Sunday,' Oct, 31st. The Girl's Auxiliary) will hold Hallowe'en Supper in the enema chamber on Friday. evening, Oet. 29th. • °dads) Street United ,Churth Morning' classes meet 0-10:00 ams Morning message: "Joshua, Israel index, Divine -Leadership." Evening subject: "Godlessness and its Her - vest." Juniors Meet On Friday night at 7 'o'clock. Sunday school meet& at'2:30. Young People's League on Mond -ay evi, ening at 8:00. Constance Mra And Ms. ttobt. Moore and fam- ily of Stratford were visitors at Mr. Jas. Mann'. on ,Sunday. The silos are pretty well filled around here. Mr. and Mrs,"La•Stephenson arrived 'home on Sunday after spending their h'oneymoon 'hi Detroit. They have, ltaken up housekeeping in the store bttilding, , - Miss Blanthe .Wheatley spent Sun- day with her parents, Ilsfiv, and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley. , • The anniversary services will he held on Sunday afternoon, Oct, 24th. Rev. R. Fulton Irwin of Centralit wil; preach' at 2:30 and 7:30. A eoneert will be held en 1VIonday evening under a the auspices of the Ladieal Aid. The 4:Shile,nbperaonigro,CTale wfi4jeh rre.rt land, visiting a nephew of Mr. J ett's, D. Wright of Ifanever, son of Dr. and MA, Wright of Tot ham, who is in charge of a hosp there. They ..also visited Balthn Washington, D.C., Atlantic City, N York City, Albany, • Rochester, came home again by Niagara. I drive of over 2,200 miles they pavement all the way after t struck, it at Dublin on the Huron ro only leaving it' where repairs w being made heXe and there. The t as, can be imagined, was much joyed. • Mr. and Mas. 1W. E. Mammas a Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chamean,of L don were here on Tuesday to d their Cottages for the winter. Misses Hilda and Shirley King a Mr. Hugh Wilson motored from L don and were present, at the fowl s •a41' on Today night The reopening and Harvest Thant giving services in Trinity church Sunday last were both well attend the church being filled at both s vices. Hayfield parish is a very one, beings at least seventy-sev years old, and the church building almost as old. The first teeter w Reis. Robt. •Curambell. The church h been.very much improved and beau fied, td the honour and, for the Wo hip of.God. The walls have bee nicely 1W -decorated, a new havdwo floor laid and new seats added, No tartlet on the chaneel, sanctuary 42 choir floors, add much to the beau of the old building. For Sunday occasion, it was very beautifully de Orated with flowers, grain, ,fruit an vegetables. s Through the generosi of St. games' charch, Middleton, al St. John's phtirph, Varna, their se vices ew' oinitted, thus allowing a evening service to. be held in Trinit The choire from those two churthe very ably assisted at'both services. At the morning service the recto was assisted by Rev. Wm. Hind who read the lessons. The -rector' tlext was Habakkuk 2:20, "But th Lord is in his Holy Templer let a the earth keep "Hence' before Him, In his sermon he developed the ide of worship from primitive times when men worshipped out of doors to the ;time when man knew the ne cessity of erecting a temple to th honour of God. This church -has 'bee, 'beautified for God and to His honou and glory, Silence 10 Gal's isous must be observed by all who enter it At the evening service the Vener able Archdeacan Jonea -.Baternai assisted; who preached and gave the blessing. His teat was St. Luke 4:16 "And He Cable to Nazareth, Where lis3 Ilad Been Brought up and ,as His Custom Was, He went irate the Syn- agogue' on the;Stilbbath Day.''' In this sermon WAS Shown the l'eagOn why we should attend divine service in God's own House; because our .Lord did eo, We profess to follow _Him and HIS „example.' He attended °Mirth and His true followers wilt also do so W ow - Md., tan- ital ore, ew and n a had hey ad, ere rip, en-, nd on- ese • rid on- up- ts- on ed, e1' - old en 114 as 11,5 ti - 15 od 3.5 ty d ty 01 c- r- y. 5 e, e 11 0 e should not go to church to hear nser- on+ pr good Music, but to confess our ins to, God and ask for His grace rid mercy., - The chicken supper on Tuesday in he town hell, under the auspices of he Guilds was quite a decided suc- ees wd. Londesbinro 9'11, , fel Mary Cartwright was suceeiSs- lad ful in winning sixteen first prizes and, ina 'two seconds at the."Winghain fair last of week.' pr The -thank-offering meeting of ilia MI ass W. , S. will 'be held in Knox„charch, lOg Dondesboro, Thursday, Oct. 28th; at 2 the obloek. Dr, 1VloMa.ster of India Ma s, The begement was decorated th flowersageaia arid maple leaves, d the -tables Were also very, pretty, nptingly laden with provision. The les are very grateful tO Eate- n of .Seafoeth and Mrs, John Beatty Valma for assisting, so 'ably in the ograna, The Y. P. S. orchestra also isted: Mess Phil gave a mono- ue, Mr: A Dunn a comic song and n a, sketch entitled, "The Schoolter Entertains the Rthenville be, the -Speaker ,fos' the, afteriMem is 'leaped...22a,'00dr, :.yse speesent and -,n offerieg- given.ssei Bef,reshinerits.. Will: served by the 4. i Jadies :Of : c4gmegatida" the Ma wing' Circle," in w,hjelt a peogram s given by vaviousmerabers of the de and others. Igra F. G. Neelin Seaforth acted very ably as ehair- , ••• . '• • . ToNivinship One day last ',170.01t, ;,141% 1101'11'14n East:. shot, a "pair. 04! -$» geese .,on a pond en his farin. One weighed twelve pounds and the,other eleven. Miss Keay Snell, who has spent a very pleasant few months Viaiting 10 the west, retruiried last' week. and, is spendisig 'a short time at the home- stead; Ilayenharton 8`arin, before re- turning to resume hat professional dt1tie 111 Hamilton, , Stanley Township Mr. John' E. Pepper.,visited friends in Toronto for a few cla.y$ lest week. Mrs. Angus, Gordon of Shepardton,, accompanied- by 1VIr, Sage of Toronto, spent ,Su•ntlaP Iasi; st the home of heraister, Mr5., Tho. Baivd, and caged on a number of old frienitea Tale fiftieth anniveisary __Of the' laracefiedd United chureh will beabeld on 'Sunday, Oct. 31st, when Rev, Dr teattae ob Fast Clu Xc , n on, will, os, ay. • • Varna Mrs, A. McConnell left for the West on Wednesday, -where she intends spending a couple of months with her brothers. She also intends spending a. while with her (laughter, Margaret, at Peat Albevt,.• Mr, Horton returned to his homesin Hilpert after spending the past week as the guest -of his eousin, Mrs. J. Beiviatitsys. Bonily Beatty underwent an operation for tonsils, in the Clinton Hospital on Friday last and at time of writing, is getting en as -well 'as this be expected. Shine. of the ,village sports took in the fowl simper. at Zurich lest Thurs- day evenieg and report a good dines Mr. and 34rs. John eRathwell mot- .ored to London on Saturday. Miss Hogg„ Misa Greaves and Miss Welsh motored to Goderich on Wed- nesday last to attend the teachers' convention. • Mrs, W. Clarke is leaving for Tor- onto this week, where she intends *ending a while with her daughters. Owing to. the reopening and Har- vest Thanksgiviiig services which Were held in the Anglican church, 13aYfield, there Was nrsevvicesin St. John's church on Sunday last, the members attending both moaning and everting services in Hayfield. - Mr. G. Taylor, another of our Sta;:: ley boys, has entered the holy bonds of matrimony, and returned 'to his home .Saturday evening with his young bride. We -wish the young &mule every sueeess. elDirs- R. Cameron of Hensall was the guest of her sister, Mrs. CaiStekk, for a few days. Mb's. E. Troyer 5910111 Monday at the home of Mrs. A. Ings. . Rev, Mr Brown, former minister -of the Methodist church here, conducted ,service in the United church son. Sab- bath evening. Tuckerstnith Tovv,nship Anniversary services wave condi-tots ed in Tamer's United -Church on Sun- day, two services being hold, at half past two and half past peven. The preacher of the day was the Rev. .4. A. Ferguson 04, Duff's United church, MeEillop, Good congregations, were. present at both,,services andthe ser- mons were full , of inspiration and helpfulness. s". '0» TeeSclay evening a community banquet was .held in the church as a farewell to My. and Mae. Herbert Crich ,and 'family, 'when a bounteous supper of Toast fowl and all the things width go with itWas enjoyed by practically everybody in the neigh- borhOod, men, women and children. After the inner, man had been satis- fied the gathering was called to order by 'the pastor of the congregation,. 'Rev. C.. J. Mborhouse'and Mr. Lewis TeibhUtt read the' following address and also spoke in behalf of fl -"e day ischoel, while Mr. Ira W. johns expressed appreciation from the of- ficial board of the church: -- "Po Mr. and, Mrs. Orich, Gladys and Pearl. Ddar Friends: In view of the feet not you are about to sever con-. nection with -us, we- have gathered here both aeveChuith people mid as neighbore of a commis:My, to spen a few pleasant hours together. And while •we ?egret very much thel faa of your leaving us, we are„glad that you will be living bear enough that wenour rna•YeltuweelcTi'lleliercYlyu °013taree ckablll()ewill fn. I he .most marked. 101:0111 the time Teener's Cahuteli was built, 64 years ago, Mr. Oriels hal been one of its lusinhas', giving genexanSlY of Iiiin- aelf and his substance to, further the work of the Eingdorn. As work in the Sunday seheol„ther'e ars fisw eoUntrz schools which can boaeb. of thirty years el contititions, „faiths fat and effielent Neviide eiritho part Of its Supeelatenderit. Truly' in thie,'re,-, sped 34a. Cic1i san sa,, a edn ai duty, tafd 1» de inpt and, but also for many years member -a And not only in "Sueday schoel, the'Trustee Board and OffiCial Boarde sof theiChureh. With Gladys and Pearl we also part with much regret, The oldexpresa Mon, 'Like father like son' should this' case be thanged to. 'like father like dauthters'. Dming font years as organist, Glady$ has rarely been 'absent feorn her post of duty-, nor Pearl from her Pince in choir and Sunday school._ Both have given of :their talents generously, and We have appreciated greatly your services of song.• To lgrs, Crieh we extend thanks for the generoue way in which the ex, tended her hospitality on many occa- • sions to both Choir and 'ladies' Aid. As a slight token of our appiieeia- tion we ask you to accept this elec- tric floor lamp and we trust that you all may be spared many years to en- joy its light in your comfortable home, in Oilmen. Also we trust that its • bright rays may be to you an em- blem of the affee.tion you have all iwi.eofigt.hbf aoorthioondui:spehl vele,: from the people of Tnrner's church and. from the `We cannot all be heroes, and thrill With some great daring venture, Some deed that mocks at feat': But we can fill a lifetime with kinde lydeeds"and true; There's always noble service for noble souls to do.' Signed on behalf of Trustee and Of- ficial Boards, Choir and .Congrega- tion: A, E. Matheson, Ira W. johns, Geo. N. Turner, Lewis Tebbutt." Mrs. A. E. Matheson made, the presentation of the lamp, .. Mr. Crich replied fittingly, thank- ing his friends, ori behalf of himself and- his family, for the Many kind things said and expressing regret at the severence of the ties which bound him te-ithe old- home, comniun- ity. Others who spoke were: Mr. Fletcher Towfisencl, Mr. S. Whitmore, Mr. Joseph Odell, Ma Chris. O'Brien, who spoke for the community, and Mr. Verne Terryberry. Mrs. ,Ray Fear 'and Miss Marion Matheson also ton- tributed readings. Mr. Crich and family will be much missed in the church and community. where he has spent Ms. life. He has been -connected with this congrega- tion for seventy-five years, in the old _church before the preaent church was built, and for thirty- years had ;been superintendent of the. -Sunday school, only 'resigning on moving to (Clinton. One daughter, Miss Gladys, had been 'organist and Miss Pearl was a mem- ,bei' of the choir, The removal of the family has certainly left a 'gap, but their friends -wish them all good for- tune is the future. PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED; ELECTION TO RE HELD WED. DEC. 1st Premier Fergeson on Monday ev- ening announced that the Provincial election 'Would be held on Dec, 1, and that the Government was going t—., country on its record and on some changes in -the liquor law. The Globe, which is not friendly 'to the Govevn- mein, givel the following summary of the platform on width it appeals to the Country: ' "Preiriler-Ferguson will appeal teas the people 'on a:Policy of Government control of liquor, with local option, the features of which are: The abolition of prescriptions; The appointment of a high-class COMMiSSiOn; • • A promise that there will be no re- — turn of the bars. The protection of local option (trees; Provision for machinery for son - milting the people; ' • Operation of the' act with the Com. mission; ' - The jailing of "poison" vendors; • The reduction of taxatioa 1 rono liquor revenues. Other features"' which the Prime Minister stressed in an election state- ment issued shoitly, after o'clock this morning, and on which he bases his elaime for return to power' at the head of a Coservative Government, are the assurance of a 'balanced Bud- get; reduced taxation; motor licenses reduced; amusement tax cut; debt re- payment provided; municipal income tax reduced; highways poligy extend- ed; .progress hs Hydro administration; • developinent of the North Country; increased ',agricultural markets; and an honest Administration." One of the most notible results of the stand taken by Mn Ferguson was the resignetioe of Hon. W. F. Nickle, Attoreey-General, who gave his rea- son as being that he believed in the retention and erlforcernant of the Co- terie Temperance Act, and could not, therefore, serve under Mx. Ferguson in the present .eircumstaithea. Rah. 11, Price tales over the position vacated by Mr. Nickle and Bion, Dr. J. 12.,Monteith succeeds Mr. Price as Provincial Treasurer. Hon, W. Fin- layson has been sviorn in as Ministee of Caricie and. Forests and Hon. Dr., D. Jamieson, a feather speeker of the house, is made a IVIinister without portfolio. ¶ 11 It is teneoured that N. W. Trewar- tha, f or rSouth Huron, will not be a candidate in the coming election. Itaw is ell.knowe that Mr, Trewartha is great persbnal admirer of Mr, Nickle and his- Policy regarding the tkili°4oeit'lel,"iitot0itetialueSm0,12 risTgl 'ertdrWoipir.s' out for similar reasons to those of the late attornep.generoi. Mr. Tre- Wartha is a good man and the party / will be the poormi for his decision.