HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-14, Page 8,,„ h „ . • „Chan o a Lifetime efTrtins-Atlantie ' • I . . , $105'ecittalatete,' Lund, Ap:ealtior. and sat ttp readk to turn ' Also 114aototi1ithoue. by.the • • fattier- of .13,adio)." 4 nd 5•-ttiloQ Sets. ..,,•,•,, The Wfarcioniphene :best..in"the • '*old and is.preatlydUCed,in•Prieer., •SEE TIS E .0EFOI5E'RTJYING. JOHNSON' Graduate of Toronto College of OptometrY Fine Jewellery and Repairs '• Next Ilovey's Drug Store GOOD WORHK, CLOTHES In workelothes— quality counts! They an he wall\ appearingr- -well fitting and well made hilt they mist possess the iion-elad quality that gives long service.- That is the kind.of clothes we sell and sell • at the very lowest prices. Look. over this lieof apparel and then notice the bargain prices. Overalls and Jackets, Snag -Proof, Lenox and Peabody brands $1.39 to Work -Shirts, Big B nd Bull -dog brands,,special prices $1.00 to $2.09 Heavy Wool Sox,HanSon, Penman's and Reiner's make 29c to '79c Heavy Boots, sed leather at $3.00, $3.'75 and $4.00 Leather:Mitts and Gloves 39c to $1.50 Get Them At Pliim.steel; Bros. PTIONE 25. .2110101IhNinglil•••3101111*.% We Solve 7 Day Problera s oughtful bpusewives make selections of well-balanced foods for every day in the week. h THE C, & S. GROCERS Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Ste. Phone 125 S. • • FREE! FREE! Box Seat ot the World's Series, When the umpire calls "Play Ball" and the fight is on -that is our opportunity to tune in and listen to every strike and ball-- very- play and 'Cheer. A. radio -will be your ticket -to every game! , This i only one of the many big sporting events that a radio rings into your home. Fall -and Winter w511 be one huge program f the world's finest entertainment which you can enjoy—with a We-earry a coinklete stock_Of radios, parts and assesspries, — We ill install them -rig,ht inyour home teady for you to tete in., anadian General. Electric Set $100, complete ready to operate. Suttet "EC _Perdu Sets 'Installed and Repaired. --r Batteries,Tubes. ARDWARE , RLUNIBING' ELECTRIC WIRING 1-10/nlesville 8. J. H. Lowery and her son, Mr. ett LoWery, of North Bay mot - down last week and spenth a few with the laclyls sisters, Nfro. R. rtney and the IVIissee_ Proctor, other relatives hereabouts. ltheoville tinted clinech held annual atniveroary on Sunday Rev Arthur Sinclair of Hen- ook charge of both services. The whieh wao filled t� its capac- At•the Q11.r.1\1*-°r:ohot:ing lot' canir_ aff'Olh'cY1 'aton(11:el)P°cli'.h:,weve3; sure -1Y' a w°1 • hem on aa - count "o theirood, looks have priced them 4-1, a "dispossess" inaygin f profit. • If .the are not a fbar;ain we would like some giganItio or other intellect to accurately define 'the meaning of the Word. The frame around the picture has •a good deal to do with -the appearance of the picture and *e havq. a good deal Ito do with good frames. ...You furnish the picture we do the rest, or we can -furnish the picture if you wish. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Beth Cartwright spent,the week- - end in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Torrence and Miss Maude are visiting in Toronto. Miss Eileen Atkinson of London Un- iversity was home over the week- end. Mr. J. L. Kerr and little Miss Mary of Brussels were in town Tuesday ev- ening. Miss Margaret Hohne,s. of Brantford is visiting friends pi Clinton and • vicinity. . Miss Gwen Holmes, who has been in Torento for 'some time, has return-. ed home ' Mrs, Winn of Stratford was in town last week' visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. Lucas. Miss Linnie Nediger, who is teaching at Lions Head; spent the week -end at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall re- turned Tuesday evening from a honeymoon motor trip. Miss Jean Bogie of Goderich was the- gnest of her cousin, Miss Edna Pennetaker, one day last week. Mr. J. H. Wylie has returned from a visit with.his sen in Toronto and is with his daughter, Mrs. 3. E. Hogg. Mr. James Ildahaffy was, in Mitchell last week attending the funeral of his brother, the late William Ma- haffy. Mr. and Mas. Wm. West of Tillson- burg were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes of Ontario street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1Shebbrook of Londesboro spent Sunday with the latter's parentS, Mr, and Mss. A. C. Vedden. Xr. and Mrs. Samuel Kemp attended ithe funeral of Mrs. Kerap's uncle, the late Henry Rath of Putnam yesterday. Miss Irene Brooke of Mitchell spent , the week -end in town, visiting her •grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oantelon, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs: Norman Howes and Mr, and 'Myr' Nelsot Howes and Miss .' Janet of Harriston spent Sunday as the guests of. Mr. and; Mrs. A. D. McCartney.- Mrs. C. Mair -and, ehildre'n of Allen- dale,_ who had been visiting relat• ives in Goderich, spent the week -end in town with Mrs. Mair's mother, Mrs. R. A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Moorliouse af Sarnia have been 'visiting at the home of the former's brother, Rev. IC. 3, Moorhouse of Ontario street United Church parsonage. - Mrsi Ellen • Burrows and Master George of Goderich and. Miss M. • )3ln:rows of Sheppardton.were vis-, ity, was beautifully decorated with flowers. .Special music was furnished. by the choir. The special offering amounted to about $175. Rev'. M -r. Kilpatricic took the see- . vicea in RetOall on sanday, W. Jenkins and Mrs. J. Jervis of Chilton spent Sunday in the- vil- g Mr. and Mrs, 'Witinore of .Zurich spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. W. 0,..j'ervis. ' itors at the home of Mr. and Mes. H. Pennebaker on Sunday, Dr. and Ida's. J. W. Shaw attended the marriage of Miss Gladys Jean Til- • ley and •Mir. Rex.. A. 'Chaff, which took place at St. Saines' Anglican church ,Stratford last week. cnb iFinest Wheat Products Ftnest OritariO V t' bl Puffed Wheat, per Pkg. ' ', 1 Jc, Wheat , , , . 1 CCrreeaammoof wheat:pk, g. II.' I b s' 225ce 6 lbs far Finest Roli!d Oats • • ••..5 i.b, or 25c Oanadiazi ns large siOe . i... 23c • 4 Cam ed PeaS, new pack ' ' ' ' , f or Coffee and Sala extra fine Corn Meal • • • • ''' ''' ' ptle,.pool and Bel , . 3 lbs. for 25c tvapola Creana of Bailey Per Pcg'. iiin'i '5e : . 'White Beans ' ''' ' '.... • . Per Tin 23o campbell'S on138 • ' '' '''' . .,". ;Z.' '. - , • ted Milk .. ,...... 4 for 25c i ' ' • Made from the finest of Wheat ---2 pkgs: S. W. 'Biscuits 25c. Maffetts, 2 plig% 35, • . , ' Fall House Cleaning Special's 10 bars P. & G. and Gold seal:, • 2 for 5155cc Quick Wash, per pkg. I Chipso, large plt pH anrdy lineAmm°nia 2 for 15c 10 1Sars Sunl'ight soap Nel5 ' + - ' • ' Fairy sap, , 4 for 25c ' _._ Gold Dust, 10c .6 bars 0 i s soap 11. • Bulk Starch, per lb. I , F,iritiati Haddie and Sweet Potatotbs Fancy Cheese—Roquefort. "' Baunnert, Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheese, CA'mbert Cream Cheese i i — In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. - In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early . . • v Cash• and - W. . -T 09.1Nell Phone I Servi--Oe - • 84 •- Where "Sells for less " price, prevails. em. Is. ... Ai A." . A • -.1111,1,1“11,111.0. aft Air.• An AL A . ,...... me.J1,111.. AM.... ,o94. Jai , - /16. ..... . - ..1 ... ..... ... .. . .. . . - ... -. - -RN ovkildvdmitippiwairvalrirWMPrrwwwwsWinallNIOWNRAMMitlintaiWiliW0001- a - —WARM — • 250 59c 250 ' 2 pkgs. 15: Our first\ship'ment of Grapes due to arrive this week, Friday and Saturday, 3 baskets $1.15. _ • Amiii•semirmsol 111•••••=. Bazaar and Hot Fowl Supper To be held in ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH HALL THURSDAY, OCT. 14th Afternoon and Evening—Followed° by a Dance - Bazaar will have Fancy and Plain Sewing, Homemade Baking, Candy and Touch and Take Booths, Bazaar -1:30 to 480 Supper -5 to '730 , Dance at 830 Orchestra in attendance Admission to Simnel', 50e; Dance, 25e '77-3 Bulbs! Bulbs! For Winter and Spring bloom Paper, White Narcisstia 5c eaeh. - 50e a dozen Also a fine stock of HYACINTHS, TIMIPS CROCUSES, SNOWDROPS, ETC. Give Your houseplants a ehance. Transplant them into good soil, now is the time. We sell: PREPARED SOIL 15e a Pail. J. Ctininghame, Florist Phone 31. Greenhouse 176w. '78-3. A Hallowe'en Supper 1 RADIO SETS Before buying a radio set, hear the newest, up-to-date one -dial set. Only one dial to tarn. Just turn the dial and station after *Lotion comes in clear as a bell, with great volume, or it may be turned down to a whisper. No squeals or howls. This is a high- grade set, only the best materials are used iu it and price no higher than the old style of three -dial sets of this grade. Have also full stock of two, . ithree, four and five tube sets. Three four and five tube sets all complete with loud speaker; storage battery, tubes, aril, etc., at $100.00 to $150.00.' You will save money by' buying your radio set here.' H. A. HOVEY Phone 89 Clinton Willbe served in the C,ouncil Chandler Under the auspiceS -of the , Ladies' Auldliary of the Presbyterian Church on, Friday, Oct, 29 ...Supper served from 5 to 7 (MENU: Roast Beef, Cold Tongue, Escalloped gotatoes, Salmon, Jellies, Pickles, Pie. ADATISSION---400 79-3 STOP! LOOK !! LISTEN! !t Mrs. E. R. Kniffen and Mrs. Orville Huron Athletic Association Jenks motored over from I)etroit this week and are visiting at the, Field llilee home of the latter's parents, Mr. *. and Mrs. E. Ward. Mrs. Ifniffen Recreation Paris, Clinton, on recently returned from a trip to Wednesday Oct. 20 Europe. Miss Frances Hawkins is taking a short "Observation" course in kind- ergarten 'work in New York prior to her deptiXture on S. S. Empress of Russia from Vancouver on Oet. 14, returniVg to her work at. Tagoya, Mid -Japan, aftel, furlough it Cat- ada.—Idissionary Bulletin, No. 4, " The Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs, John RansCord, Mr. M. G. Ransford and , Idrs. W. Jackson motored to Niagara Falls, N.Y., to attend a Meeting of the Ticket Sel- lets' A.ssoeid-tiot, which convened ' there last Week. It fell to the lot avxr. rtanooll to.".replY to the,ad-. dreep Weltome the„ nayor o ia. ia, .a o,,. , sure,'he would dee honour to the cir.;„, gariiation he was' representing 'ant alio...thenat,iet 'froth whioh he cattle,. At 1 ocloelt, pan. Field and'Track Events, , • Softball and Basketball Mitchell; Seafortki and Exeter High Schools And Goderich and Clinton Collegiate ' taking part .. • AdmisSiOn to, Ortrancls,--25¢.'i,. In the evening At -Home wllbe held in ithe toven hall ,. commencing a 1, at 8 clocit. Admission to hall--- 79-tf Poultry Wanted Now is the bite to get rid of your non -producing hens. We will do your culling free- of charge. We also want thickens and ducks. Wednesday and Thursday forenoons at residence, Vic- toria street,..five doors north of C. N. R. tracks. Call 231, Clinton central, for prices. A. E. FINCH 78-tf. DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Clinton offers to• local investors de- bentures issued for payment of the new...Collegiate Institute building, in sums of $50Q and $1,000, yielding. five per cent, to the purchaser, In- terest payable semi-annually on Feb. 1st and Aug. 1st. , Further information may be ob- tained from , D. L. MACPHERSON, Treasurer. Clinton, Aug. Syd, 1926. 69-tf -••••••-v;-',‘ Repair your, old one, or pat on a new roof. Now is the time to prepare for the winter storms. Bird's Roofing prices are lower and it 'wig pay you to haye that *job done at once. See our stock of Bird's roofing, the'best ) the market at the right price for every. p oc s e Ladies` 250' Gentlemen 75,1 , ii If Yen Dosnt'ats,-)Ya,tti:IrtioaniGood AitrEhortaend24p4i,tie77_0....: ' ‘" .4 •6 -et Ready for: Willtor The snappy weather iS coining fast, better get your plants and flowers inside. We have all kinds of Ferneries to hold them, all styles and prices. We also have a nice.,assortment of reed furniture to go with them. We have a wonderful new stack of Electric Lamps and Shades in Silk and Parchment Cloth. Just the thing for a wedding or ..0hristmas gift. And of course we are fully prepared for all your needs in Congoleure, Linoleum, Oil cloth or Rug,... HARDWARE „ The stove season will soon be here. and we are prepared better than ever to supply youroteeds Rages and Heaters, inade,.by the different manufacturers in order to give you a selection in price and quality. A Congoleum Mat given FREE With • every Stove Purchased A full stock of shelf hardware, Brantford Roofing (best by test). We do Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Ask us for estimates Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 • Hardware 195 FALL HITS A complete stock in all sizes •And the newest styles and colors just anived. At our prices the well-known Biltmore , -Hat can. ridt-be beat for .quality or priee. Look at Your Hat , —Everyone Else Does" Custom Tailoring For Men , litutort &Herman' 4 Davis• - Cleaning and Pressing THE MASTER HAT OF CANADA. loNSISSINSOINIMMINSIMINSEIMMINSIM ANTE') Men -or Wonaen. to Pick Chickens GUNN LANGLOIS & Co. Limited' BEAD OFFICE' MONTREAL, qtra., • CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190,