HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-07, Page 8CLINTON LEADIlti
' flee
A speeial Sale of Tr ans A tl antic
tube Radio
Including Tubes, ' :Batteries, Lod
Speaker and set r1 ready t'o antan,
Also Marconiphone' (made by the
father ofRadia) 4, and 5 tube sets,
The Marconiphone is the best in the
worhLand is greatly Teduced in price.
Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry
Fine Jewellery •'and Repairs Next Hovey's, Dig Store
In workelothes quality counts: They can . be well appearing --
well fitting and.well.inade but they must possess the iron -clad quality
that gives long service. • That is the kind of clothes we sell and sell
at the very lowest prices. Look over this lint of apparel and then
notice the bargain prices.
Overalls and rJaekets, Snag -Proof, Lenoi: and Peabody, brands
Work Shirts, Big B rad 131111 -dog brands, special prices $Y 00 39tto o $2 2.00
Heavy Wool Sox, Hanson, Penman's and Reiner's make 29e to 79c
Heavy Boots, solid leather at $3.00, $3.75 and $400
Leather Mitts and Gloves 39c to $1,50
Get Them At
Plumsteel Bros.
We Sale 7 Day Problems
.Thoughtful h?usewives make selections of well-balanced foods For'
every day in the week
Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J.
1PR1 .® FREE!
Box.:.Seat of the, World's Series
When the fimpire calls "Play Ball" and the fight is 'on—•that is
your opportunity to tune `in and listen to Lavery strike and ball --
every .play and t eer: A radio well be your --ticket to every game?
.This is only, one of the ifiany big Sporting events that a radio
brings into your home. Rall and Winter, will be on e huge .program
of the worlds finest entertainmentwhich you can enjoy --with. a
radio; -
We carry a complete stock of radios, parts and, assessories.- We
will instalL,thein right in your home ready for you 'to tune in. ,
Canadian.General Electric Set $1.00, complete' ready to (operate.
SutterISt Perdue
Sets -Installed and Repaired. Batteries, Tubes.
PHONE 147w
!Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Craig and fan-
ily notated :to Flint, n'lieb, over the
week -end.
11'r•. and Mrs R. D. Munro and fam-
ily spent Sunday at.Sebringville vis-
iting Mrs. Munro's sister,
tile. Tom Johnston was at London
one, day last week.
We are sorry to report' that Miss
Edyth Mogridge has been ori the sick
list for the past three weeks.
Anniversary services; will be held in
Knox United cih'ureh on Sunday, Oct.
7th, , Rev. D. McTavish of James
]Street church, Exeter, will be the
speaker for the day. Services will be
held at 10.30 and 7. 'Special music will
be given by the choir.
The Women's Institute Ladies en-
tertained•''the Blyth and\Londesboro'
ladies in the Forester's BMMI on Wed-
nesday of this week,
The'Iaterrnediate Bible, Class of
Itnox United Church hell a social at.
the home of Mr. and MVI'rs, Frank
,Stanley on Friday evening. A very
enjoyable time was had by all.
Mr.' Geo. Howitt hasn urchased a
Ford Coupe.
Never Existed
tit ()Id and
fought for
Two youngmen arrested in Llxeter
for the sale of subscriptions to non-
existent magazines resulted ,at Cod-'
erich; in a jail term of nine months
for ,one aii'd six months for the other
in the, reformatory, One thousand
dollars was collected Ibs' this 'decep-
tion. 'We take stobscriptions for
magazines.'We want them at pub-
lisher's price and take them only for
such",as 'do exist. We're right here
on Main street, the same place every
day and if you)don't get your maga-
zine we know we'll get your corn
Many people do'` like to buy from
strangers or in the city. Why? In
many instances it is not competition
so far as underselling the home rater-
ehant goes, but it is competition in-
asmuch as soniie residents in e sma11
town have kn inborn desire to buy
goods out of town and the home mer
chant has. to combat and conquer this
in order to-2''etain the trade that' is
surely rightfully
The Dollar you spend at
hotue you may possess again,
the one you spend abroad is
separated from you for ever.
The M. II. Fair Cp.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
� idl" f�7 1m 111111auuionsti 1U1 1
11011 .11,
Mr. and Mrs, W. Walker motored t
iespeler last week -.end.
Mr. Ernest ,Hunter spent the week
'end with his parents in Clinton.
Mr. A. A, Kennedy of Detroit sisite
relatives in town during the pas
Mr. and Mrs, J Torrance expect t
leave the end of the week for vis
it in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Rouse of Hamilton ar
the guests of their 'laughter, Mrs
(Dr,) Heave,
Miss Elia J. Rogers of Detroit ha
been visiting her .,.cousin, Mrs
'Suieltzer of town.
Mr. and Mrs. ] . T. O'Neil left 'Prida
for Orlando, Florida, Where the
will spend the winter.
Miss Daintily Rorke assisted in th
program at an entz taitintent at At
wood on Monday eveping.
Mr. C. Tompkins of Winnipeg i
spending a few days with his
daughter, Mrs. T. H; Leppington.
Miss Libbie Gibbings of Toronto is
visiting her father, Mr, John Gib-
'bings, whose condition is not much
Rev, Dr. Chown of Toronto was the
guest over-the.week-end of Rev. C.
J. and Mrs. Moorbonse at Ontario
street parsonage.
Miss Kato Beaton is representing the
Young, People's Soeiety bf Ontario
street chureh"at the' United Church
conference in •Toronto this week.
Dr.' and Mrs. -Gunton, 'who .had con-
ducted special service in' the Bap-
tist church for a couple of weeks,
left for Toronto the 'beginning of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs, N. Holland returned
Tuesday from their honeymoon trip
and will take up their residence in.
their new home on the sixteenth of
Godericlir township.
Mrs. •Susan Leppington-has returned
from a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Wesley Lawrence of Sarnia,
and is staying with her: son, Mr, T.
Leppington of town.
Miss Grainger, superintendent of the
Clinton Hospital, who had been en-
joying a month's holidays, spending
them for the ;most part in Seaforth.
returned to her duties last week.
Mr.,anti Mrs. Kerr and Hiss Kate and
Master Lorne Ellison of Port iiur-
on; and Miss Forest of Seaforth•
spent Sunday as the guest of Mag-
istrate and 14Irs Andrews `of town.
Mi', and Mrs. Hairy. MarskIefi for
their' home in Detroit oil Saturday,
Alter a eouple of w eek"s spent- at
the home of Mrs. Maish's. father,
Mn. George Davies' of Clinton, and -
with Mi. Marsh's people at Auburn.
Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg have Ibeen
in Toronto this week, attending the
conference galled by the United
,Church of Ontario and Quebec ori'
"Dominion and World Service"
which is a session from Oet. 5 to 7.
Mr: and'Mrs. G; E. Hall, Mr. Gordon
Hall •ail&` Miss Evelyn Hall motored
to Langton on Saturday and 'spent
the week -end with relatives, Mrs.
Hutchinson, Mrs, Hall's, mother,
who had been visiting her for some
Cline aeeoinpanied thein -to her home
at Langton,
Niiss Bessie Lindsay, spent 'Friday,
'Saturday and Sunday 'at her Louie,
Broadview, the London road, re-
turning to Willeespori to resume
her teaching duties on Monday.
She' came home to attend her sis-
ter's wedding, whioh: took place'
Saturday afternoon.
Miss M. Garrett of Washington, D,
C. and Mrs. A. Garrett of Rockville,
Md., visited' their niece, Miss F. B.
Ward, in Clinton 'last week, leaving
here en -Saturday for Toronto,
where they intended staying a few'
,days befoi;e leaving for their home
!States. Miss Garrett spends' each
summer at Bayfiel'l, where she 'hos
a cottage.
1 JO
Clinton l evol-Record
Stra berg 30c ; Raspberry 25c. Crab Apple .Jell a
Pineapple arnialade 30c. - Grapefruit Marmalade 25c
IntrodtrRRin ` "Baunert" Loaf Cheese Swiss Cheese
Roquefort inported Cheese - Camembert 'Cheese
Special line of a
>�1Cy Cakes at 2�9c,
Beginning 'O L ;ist., Friday and Saturday and as long as the
goods last during the following,week.
10 bars R, & G. Si Gold Soap ... 55c
10 Bars' Comfort Soap and Preserving Kettle ,...$1.29
2 pkgs. "Quick Wlash and. Apron ..., . 50e
,•3lboxes "Red Bird",•Dominion or World Matches 29c
Borden's ',Milk . s ii5 1 size-. , , 4 for 25c*
Borden's Eagle Brand Milk 23e
_. •.-•Large_.(;3.Ih) ..Tar,Maxnnalade r .. 50c
3 Ib, Jar Jam . *' 60e
Cern :Syrup 5 lb. pail , '3g�„
Cl'ark's Tomato'. or Vegetable Soup, each ,.... ;' i0e
"While They Last"
Clark'd Boiled Dinner 30c
Loose' Cocoa, per lb, 10c
Valencia Raisins, per lb. IOC.
3 pkgs. Lux for 33c
3 pkgs. Ammonia for .,,. 23c'
Bali Sealers, quarts $1,35 dosen„ pints. ...... , . $1.20
Black Tea, very fine flavor, per lb. - 65c
Aylmer Soups 2 for 255c
' Heinz Tomato Soup 2 for 25g
,.Large Can Circle Pineapple .
Kippered. Herrings lir Tomato Sauce 25e
Corn Starch, 2 pkgs.for •...., 19.
Loose Starch, per lb,
Good Rice 3 lbs.for 25c
Tapioca 2 lbs. for 30o
Rolled 'Oats 7. lbs. for 2$e
Corn Meal ...... . 6'lbs. for 25c
Candied :Cherries (new),per lb 605
Candied Pineapple and Candied California Fruits to arrive
about Nov. 1st. -,Further announcement later
Strawberry, 30c , Pineapple Marmalade; 30c —
Raspberry, 25e Grapefruit Marmalade, 25c
Crab Apple Jelly, each 25o
In tie Morning First Delivery -9 am. .In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m.
Ca$h - and 9
Service ® l
Kindly Order Early
• � cr
Where " Sells for less" price prevails.
A complete stoek in all sizes
and the newest styles and colors
just arrived. At our prices the
well-known .Biltmore Hat can-
not be beat for quality 'or price.-
Look at Your 'Hat
—Everyone Else Does" .
Davis & Hermanl°' itintort,
Custom Tailoring For Men•
Cleaning and Pressing THE MASTER HM' OF CANADAsamorommaiftwitursaremenameammistuerzuramiatinattiwasouvinennitmaiews
• - Bazaar and
Hot Fowl Supper
To be held in
Afternoon and Evening_I-Followed
by a Donee -
Bazaar will have Fancy and Plain
Sewing,. Homemade .Baking, Candy
and, Touch and Take Booths.
Bazaar -1:30 to 4;30
Supper --5 to 7:30.
Dance at 8;30
Orchestra in attendance
Admission to 'Supper, 50c; Dance; 25c
' 77-3
Bulbs! Bulbs!
For Winter and ;Spring blooui
Paper, White Nateissus
50 each. 50c a dozen
AIso a fine stock of
Give your houseplants, ` a chance.
`ansplant thein: into good soil,' now
is the time. We sell:
15c a Pail.
JB Cuninghame, 'Florist
Phone 31,. Greenhouse 176w.
Mr. and. Mrs, George Foster return-
ed to their home in•Windsor Tuesday
after spending a few days with relat-
ives here,
&Mr. J. T. Reid of London visited•
with his sister, Mrs.;.. Rathw,ell, over
the week -end. '
Quite a number took in the Zurich
Fair fast Friday afternoon.
Mr, J.'1MeNaughton'and fancily of
London called` ori' friends here last,
week, •
Harvest Thanksgiving services will
be held•. in St. John's church on Sun -
clay evening, Oct. 10 at 7 o'clock: Ser-
vice will be conducted by Rey Jonas -
Bateman ,
ones-Batemana former VLexie
r an 11Iission sion,. returned to theirhoMes last
ary. week.
Mr, R. Doi=.son and Percy. Johnston,
Mr. George H. and Miss E. Beatty
who went west in the harvest excel.-- motor d t Y 1 M' h S d •
The. dorporation of the Town of
Clinton offers to,,loeai investors de-
bentures issued for 'payment of the
new Collegiate Institute building, in
sums of $500 •and $1,000, yielding.
five per cent. to the purchaser`:` In-
terest payable semi-annually on Feb.
1st and Aug, 1st.
Further information may be ob-
tained from
Clinton, Aug. 3rd, 1926. 694f
Repair your eld one, or put on a
new 'roof.,.Now is the timetoprepare
for the winter storms. Bird's Roofing
'prices are lower and it will pay you
to -have that job done at once, See
our stock -of Bird's roofing, the best
on the inarket,at the right price for
every pocket.
Phone 234 s,
Enjoy This Chesterfield Suite
Now that the long evenings are here again why not have real
comfort while enjoyinlg,your radio concerts insteatl 01 su ',ring both
the agony of a stiff old chair and the 'static. If it's, something; less
expensive we have all kinds of comfortable chairs 'and rockers at any
Woe you desire.
• Our Fall Stock of Carpet, Linoleum, Congoleunt and Cil Cloth
Rugs is here, also Linoleum. and Oil clout by the yard.
The stove season will soon be here and we are prepared better:
than ever to supply, your needs in Ranges and Heaters, made by
the different manufactures% iii order to give you'a selection/1n price
and quality.
A Congoleum Mat given FREE with every Stove Purchased
A. full stock of shelf hardware, Brantford Roofing (best by test).
We do Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Ask us for estimates
Clinton Hardware a d Furniture Co
Furniture Phone; 104 Hardware 195
Spot Cash for F.ggs':a11d Poultry
Bought according toAG wernmeut grading ,
Broilers, Hens, Old Rooster' -s, Ol?l'tirkey s,
Old and Young Ducks all bought according to size and'quality
To insure satisfaction- write, phone or call on us before
marketing,your produce. Give us ' an opportunity to prove
that we give specialized service to you in eggs and poultry.
The Place; Where Quality Counts
GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co., "Limited
ing' returning Monday evening.
The W. A. of St, John's church met
at the home of Mrs, F, Weekes Tliu•s-
lay last. Ther was a good attend-
ance..,The afternoon was spent mak-
ing quilts and dresses for the Indians,
after which a daintyluneh was serpefl
by the hostess:•'
Most of the village and. surrounding,
community took in hayfield Fair on
Wednesday last, some of them carry
big off the red tickets,'
Mr. and Mrs. Baines Wanless are at
I present in London, where they will be
properly eared for as the old people
are no longer able to wait on .them
Owing to the Anniversary services
which were held in Goshen on Sabbath
last, there was no service in the Un-
ited church here.
111. and Mrs. A.
Detroit Fridaylast, whore they motored
spending a few clays with friends,