HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-10-07, Page 5THURSDA15 OCT()
Dr. Bon`, at nephew 'of I3oliby IIu�'ais;
who; though a medical doctor, taught
sctliool for some years in the Porters
Hill school, Ho.hadgreat admir.-
evention''Wcel ," atlon for the educational attainments
r a eek of the fy tutor. ifty- of this earl to tor- Ile also re -
twoLet5S TAO' ' every.
match, it. membered distinctly Seeing the late
George Brown, who travel:ea through
God rie,ll is talking,? about having its this 'Nit .of the coiintr when,he was
stares facing on the square membered
It might he useful as' 1 way of telling
ryrh�e�nj yon a:e all Lhe v,,aY aroiutd "the
;,',,feared ,the too ninnybatilel-`
t,',.all the credit :for not'inarry-
Gelatins she editor' of the Walk-
elescope, with commendable
and or,
Fools', aenlaxks+a e.chai>e pay
n v r b, ;
just as much attention' to the•counsils
of the Wise as the wise pay to the
words o'.Titols.". Isn't is enough to
make us all give up the advice -giving
"Wouldn't; it be 'a terrible„ world"
someone asks, "if children were a;
load as er�;�h o •s ahinlc ,hc `... e .
x r
n b r
'Yes, and ryouldnit, it be a-neaysnly
'one if they were as good -as s „then. pat•-
ants think iihem? '
Wonleix are said to be nlore''partial.
to flying than men; more than GO per'
cent. of the' cross-channel passer ors
to date'have leen women. Nobody,
:seems to .kztoty"tvhy the feminine pre
lerence• to flying. Perhaps itis than
women are not. so much afraid: of dy-
Mr, Gordon Waldron, a prominent
'Toronto lawyer and a'native:of "Stan;
ley township, has been getting some
newspaper publicity lately by publish-
ing' alt article' in which he says that
-Central Canada 'suffers from 'a lack
of moisture. The season just corning
to a :close has been. se wet that the
harvesting .of grain, `foots, etc„`'has
been greatly hampered. ,and much da-
/nage to crops has resulted. The gen-
eral idea seems to be tlfat IVIr.Waldron
•• chose a ,poor• seasomto have his theory
• •considered. We' fancy howeyer, the
article was not thought out
in a -hurry and that the
writer had no particular Sea-
son in mind, it is a general theory.
We have not here the dampness and
-the consequent rank growth of grass
of the sections near the sea and Mr..
Waldron' says "Population follows the
cow,” and as we can't keep vast herds
we cannot expects a vast population.
Time will show whether he is right.
-This theory of 1VIr. Waldron's may he
quoted one or two hundred years
'hence as a proof of his wisdom—or
the reverse..
Londesboro ,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McCool, Mrs. Wm.
.McCool and Mr. Wen. Moon motored to
Woodstock` on Sunday.
MrsSM. 'Maines and Miss Lizzie
Maines left .Fridayefor.Dauphin, Man-
itoba, where they .will visit relatives
for tonne time, returning to Chicago
to spend the whiter with the Misses
Bleaner dad Jean Maims,
Lr. • Eldred Langley of Niagara
Falls is visiting Mr, and Mrs, Edmund
The Rev. G. Williams, returned mis-
•.sionary from Forenoon, Will preach in
the United Church next Sunday morn.
Inge The evening service will be with
.drawn on account of Iti:ex church an-
niversary services.
Bev. B. Snell is in Toronto this week
Mr. Harold Richards spent a few
.days of last week at his home here.
'Misses Olive and Mae Lyon have ye-
'turned from Calgary, where limy -have
been visiting for the last two months,
' Mr. 32 McCool of Edmonton visited
'relatives in the community this week.
• Mrs. D. Mountain spent last weelc
'.with her nephew 'Dr. L: Whitely,of
Corrie, returning home Saturday+.
Mrs. John Grainger spent last 'Sun-
-04y in London with her aunt, Mrs.
Geo. Crawford.
' Mrs. Cameron end her ,sister, also.
;Miss Murray of Lueknow, spent Sun-
•xlay with ItIr,tand.Mrs: James Camp.
tit Mrs. Chas.. Watson, who has been
under theweather for, e few weeks,
is feeling bette>e and able to be one
Mrs. John Temblyn, who aeconpan-
ied her nephew, Frani Campbell, wife
and daughter,; on a : motor trip to
.Leamington, Comber •and -Dutton, is:
expected home the last: of the, week.
M1. and Mrs. Wan :I#i1es.of Gni-)ton
'visited at the home, of: Mr 3.:Elsley
`Saturday. ';
G('andmothei s day will ibe.obseeved
at the Institute meeting on; Friday,
.Oet. 8th. Prizes•will be given to the
oldest great-grandmother, the oldest,
grandmother,' the youngest grand.
',mother, uthe . grandmother with the
hest ..gr ndehildr'en, the most -old
fashioned costume and the oldest
;grandmother in the Institute '
The grandmothers will serye Ninth,
"Also supply the • px•ogr m.'�' rTer
colleetion will be taken at the close,
,Ali the ladies of the •community are
cordially invited. ti.
Mrs. Giles Jenkins, who has been
visiting her daughters, Mrs. WIm,-
Webster'ancl'Mrs. Wm. Snell, has re--
ttirned to her home in Goder ch
Coderich Township
The death 'occurred at his home In
ilEgmondviile on Saturday last of Wil-
liam MacDougilil, a'natiye-of;Geder-.
ieh 'township,' who had' reached the
great age of ninety-one.
Mr. MacDougalI •was the sot of th
late 'Petev Me Dougall,:. who. came; out:
to Canada Canada 2833 end'1he was born on
the old farm ha, the eat"tine,'in :1835.
-fie could-Yemeinber andwas happy to
•relate many interesting incidents of.'
early life in Goderieh'township. IIls.
father was amongst the first to, have
horses and the family of boys 'used
to do• a lot : o1 'teaming for the, per
chants of Gedenidh and other centres
before the railwa time through.
. V
trip=lie made for an Auburn merehatt
• tools -him threeWaite. lie Mules rho
stones for .the first ,railway )ridge
;built, at Holmesville in 7:858.
One of the thing's which Mr. Mc-
• Dougall always lilcel1 to remember
'was that as aladle went to school to
a lad, in the interests of his. news
paper, The Globe Mr., McDougal
was a Fenian Raid veteran and coup
recall many irtereot,ing events is of ilia
time, - In his early life ,tilt, MCDoug
all was much interested :;m piowin.
and tool:, part in nladv n plowin:,
match :See spent; an active Iiterand
used to say that there wzie little dan-
ger of hard work killing 'anyoire. In
politics he was ai Libera1 and in relig-
ion a Presbyterian, -
Nearly sixty -yens , ago her. Mc-
Dougall went to Egmondville, where
he resided until his death.: A month
ago he had the niisfortune'to'fall and
fracture :hi'i 1315. which seemed to he
mending, but complications set in
which resulted in 'his death.. Ile is
survived' by two daughters:'1lIiss bleb
lie, who resided with herfather, and
Mit el A Stewart of Portland Or-
egon. • Ilis,wiTe a son and a daughter
predeceased him. The funeral tools
place fiorl his late residence on Mon-
day a1.te(•noon to Mlaitland bank rein-
etery, the services being conducted by
the Rev, Dr, Larkin, assisted by the
Rev. W..A Elliott of Long Beach,
California, a nephew of the deceased..
Six nephews carried him to the grave:
Mowatt 'and Wm, McDougall, • James
and Colin MacDonald I1d Victor and
Thomas 'Elliott. Amongst those 'who,
went from here -to the funeral were
•Mr. and Mis. R.• G. Thompson.';
Mi, Alf. Tebbutt and his son, Mr.
Gordon Tebbutt,,have .teken over the,
Tichbett :hardware business in God=
erieh and made their announcement
to the public.last week, Mr. 'Gordon
Tebbutt has been with Carrie hard-
ware people for Some time and, 'con-
sequently, knows the bushness thole
oughly:''!`henew firm statttg under
favorable eireuinsteneee and will no
doubt do well. Mi. Tebbutt's old God-
erich township friends will wish but
good luck.'
Mr. Randal Cole, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cole of the Bayfield litre,
has gone to Toronto to attend Normal.
Reeve Herbert 'Cox returned hast
week from a visit to the Lake Moron
mining property , svhibh is situated
just over the line in Northern Que-
bec. Mr. ;Cox reports the finding of
a new vein, which is supposed to be a
rich one; Mr. Cox is a directar.'of the.
coinpany_end wished to see just what
the prospect looked like. He seemed
to think the 'spine a promising one.
Mr. Flurseevice of Londesboro was al-
so in the party. A railway now runs
to within a couple- of miles of the
Council met in Hohnesville on Mon-
day, `..A. communication front : the
Workman's Compensation Board was
filed, as wee one re -subscription for
Canadian Municipal Directory. )Moved
by )Messrs. Jervis and I•Taaacke that the
Collector be authorised to collect 5
per tent. on all taxes unpaid -after
Dec. 15th; total taxes being $36,089.
75. An aeeount from the Dominion
Road Machinery Co/was'returned`for
correction, The following account
being ordered 'paid: 'Goderich Manuf-
iectttring-Co., plank, $41.52; H. C. 'Cox\
sheep' claim, $10.00; John YSowerby*
sheep claim, $46.00; T Bmmerson,
eatery, 55.50; J. Harris, -overseeing,
$6.50; Fred Bell, bridge on con,4,
$200.00; Fred 13e11, other. bridge,
Council adjourned to 'meet Monday,
November 1st. at 1.80.-R, •G, Thome,
son, Clerk
Positions for 500 people any age .
We will give you a position in front
of 'our C tme1a any Tuesday al; . our
Clinton St idio.., Said ,p,o ition will
take about 25'zn nukes of yout,••,titne
and return Iwill give you the Best
1 ort'ait ,nett 'eier; had "and= just tire.
thing -for a Christmas, Gift 'for your
11 Burgess, Bur " Portrait Studio -.
Mr. John E. Howard returned front
the west on Monday Morning.
Splendid Relly Day;,Sgrvices were
held in both the Bayfield and Bethel
field in both the Bayfield and Bethel
United 'Church: Sunday schools
Both services wore well -attended and
the -offering for the day amounted to
nearly seventeen dollars.
On Friday evening of this week a
pre -communion service will be held in'
St. Andrew's church at the hour of
7:30 o'clock. Rev. 11Ir. Bremer of
Brucefield will preach the semon and
the pastor, Rev, H. F. Kennedy will 'be
in ehayge. The public is invited to at-
tend. On Sunday. morning Oct. 10,thr
at 11,•o'clock the quarterly communion
service wilt be held. The pastor will
relate the story of "The Cripple of
Lodebor," as related in 2 Sam., Ceap.
The.Iiriron Presbytery of the United
Church' will convene in St,.- Andrew's
Church, liayfield,;on the mornings of
Tuesday,' Oct 12th at 0 '
a o'clock and
, 1
*continne throughout: :the afternoon:
Over onehundred clergymen' and lay
representatives are expected to attend,
along with many other 'visitors, .• The
'sessions are open to the public.a The
ladies of -the 'congregation will serve
dinner and supper in the basement of
the church.
Several properties have changed
hands this season.' Miss Fairburn of
Detroit bought two lots' from F. A.
Edwards, Robert Blair sold twenty-
four lots to Joseph Terri of London,
amt. Burch of Detroit has purchased
three-hundredand ninety feet of Iand
and three cottages from'W.R. Jowett
and 'Mr. Counter of Clinton also pur-
chased a lot, MI. lxli^htinan'.of Det
trait has purchased Ino Cowie prop-
erty from Mrs. Varney of, Port Hope,
Milch., Thos. Bailey sold a lot on Chin
iquy ,Street to Mr. Dolan of .Detroit.`
Several building . impr:ovemehits have
also been made. Miss lfennsdy built
an addition to 1) '•cottage,' (Vlv.`
Hunt had "his'impz'oved with-tetueco,'
dotie'hy Weston Bros„ Mr. Burch has
improved'the cottages that he bought.
and is buildingmore, Work on trio
cottage on the lot which he bought has
also cornnleiiced Por'"Mr._Dolan. Mr.
George Castle and Mr, Percy Tippet;.
Have each built new homes and W'ni".
Ball- has erected a. bungalow on the:
Miller property, nshich `he recentl .
1 p y
purchased freta Mr. IL Dderow, It is
built on the site of ,toe house which
wasberne0 some few years 'ago. The,
1lethodiet'church, has been put,chase.
by Thos. 13rownett and the seats have
been sold/to another church in East-
astern -Ontario,
' lttz►rrrages
.s L I IS73S In St.rF aul ; e}urch
- Clinton, on: Oct, 5th;;; by, the key.. T ,
C. Harrison,: i, arion �Louiso, young,
est daughter. of Mr. and M1s;'11. J;
Hibbs „- to Gordon Leroy Flall,
younger son of Mr. and Mr's. G. E,
Ball; alt -of Clinton: .
LOdTiG:IiS—H3U!IiOF�R=In St. Paul's
church, Clinton, onOct. 2nd, by,rho
Rev. L C Harrison, Letitia'Ernily,
eider daughter e1, Mr. • an_d.Mrs.
Robert Hunter of Clinton, to Albert
V• inton Loucks, son' of'llr;s. Loucks
and the ate `` Loucks 1 A-C.Lotcs o'fIn:
g• oldsby, Ont.
Presbyterian church;" Goderieh, on
Oet, 2ell.•lby the Rev. C R. ,MeDer-
mid, jean Ower, elder• daughter of
1Mr. 2nd.Mrs. T.1. Lindsay of Clin•
ton, to Thomas Franklin Rathbun,
-son of iVlrs. Rathburn and th late
,A. `Rathhurn of 'Sombre, Ont.
brose. Church, ',Brussels, on Sept, 28
by Rev. -Fr, Metfugh, Marguerite
Viri.lton, Brussels, to Alfred Birtles,
of Toronto..
Millbank ;United Church pasisonage,
by Rev. Mr. Beit, .Annie E. Men-
zies. -to Alexander McDonald, both
of .'Grey Twp. •
SIfANAI34N'--In ' Clietton Hospital
on Sept. 26tH, to Mr. and .Ma's..ehas,
B. Shanahan, a daughter. .
EAST—In Clinton, on Sept, 23rd, to
lilt, and Mis. Tames East 61 Hallett
aa n.—Leslie. '
TOMSIn Bayfield on Saturday, bet.
2nd, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm'
Toms, a daughter,—Donna Joy, '
McISSNLEY—At Goshen Line, Stan-
ley, Township, on September 18th
to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley,
a daughter.
SPSERAN—In Grey T,wp., on Sept.
27th, Greta Urilda 1Feaneis, second
daughter of Luke C. and Mrs. tSpeir-
an, aged 17 years, 2 months and 10
Poultru Wa ted
-, . Now is the time to, got rid of your
non -producing hens. We will do your
culling' free of charge. We also want
.chickens .and dueks. W edneSdaty and
Thursday forenoons at residence, Vic.
Moria street, five doors north bf 0. N.
R. tracks, Call 231, Clinton central,
for prices.
Dispersal Sale
Of Aberdeen Angus Cattle and
.Farm Stock at Lot 68, Bayfield line,
3 miles east ,of rleyfield on .Monday,
October -11th, at 1:30 o'clock, the fol-
Aberdeen Arrgus• cow with heifer
calf at foot (reg.); Aiberdeen Aphis
cow to freshen in February (reg.) ;
Aberdeen Angus cow with hull calf
31/2 months old (reg.); Ajberdeen
Angus eow with • 'Mall calf at foot
(reg.); Aberdeen Angus ow with
heifer calf at foot (reg.); Aberdeen
Angus cow freshened two months
(reg.); Aberdeen Angus cow tdfreeh-.
en in May (reg.); 2 Aberdeen Angus
bulls 9 months old (reg.); Aberdeen
Angus bull 4 months old (reg.) Herd
bull, 18 mos. old (reg.); 4 1 -year-old.
heifers (reg.); 4 heifer calves (reg.);:
2 Aberdeen Angus he}fers'with calves
at foot; Durham heifer to freshen in
November; 2 Durham' steers, 2 years
old;: 28 Durham heifers, 1 year old •
sow to litter in December•, 5 shoats;
Heavy Draught geldhng, 7 years old;
Driving mare, 7 years old
heavy draught eolt, 1 year old; 2
geese and a gander;, 2 crates Barred.
Rock Pullets; 1 crate Barred Reek
hens; 2'Shropshire ehearling• rams; a
number of owes and awe lambs.
Everything.to be sold as proprictbe.
has sold part of his land,
TERM -S': All sums, of $10and
under, cash; over that amoient,'7
months credit given on furnishing
bankable paper or a discount of 458
straight allowed foi each. Wm. J.
Stewart, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott,
Auctioneer. 78-1
Get the New London Number'
Ori Saturday night, London's tel-
ephone system' was converted to an
entirely to* basis, and all telephone'
numbers there were •changed. Local
subscribers having occasion to call
London, should ::f2st-' askthe local
"Long Distance" operefor;1'or the new
number and then make careful note of `
it for subsequent, calls.
It is important, in the interestsof
both speed and accuracy, that the -new
London numbers be, used .le calling'
telephone users in that city. 73-1.
• Bailiff's Sale.'
By virtue of Execution issued out of
the Third Division 'Court,"in and for
tete !County of.IIuron, ,and to me direct: -
ed, againSt the Goods and- Chattels- 01
John A. 'Wren; atthesnit o1, Horton
vs Wree, 7 have seized and taken inti
Execution the under .mentioned pro-
perty of the above named Defendant;
viz:—One Ford sedan car, 1222 model,
self starter and spot light; One spare'
tiro; One Cayote robe. All of whirr
property will be sold by public auction
at liilcley's Garage, in, 'the Town of
tip"Saturday- the top on Snturda.lilt day d of
October at thehom of 3 o'clock in the
Dated at, Clinton this 30th day -'of
Sept. 1926
Bailiff Third .P1561oii Court,
Event of the Season
A fowl' supper will be given by the
laadies:oCthe Guilds of Trinity Ang
hcayl Church,
iii Otho
,Supper will'be served, 'from
followed, by a Food program,
A]missior. 50c, children under
_ 11:NU
Ilot roast" chic, ceu, with dressing, Ts-
_ealloped •pot. -ors, ;Sliced Tomatoes
S tad, 'Je'lly, Pickles, Tea, 001; •
fee, 'Biscuits, -'Rolls, .Pie.
8 to
12, 25c
tt -is, time to, help ,your .eyes'
,,For close work at least after you
reach 40 or. 50 year's of age. You
iraay never have had to wear glasses
before, lint from now on you are go-
ing to
o-ingto be reminded oftener and often-
er that your eyes are not as young as.
they used to be,Better geta
roildtllg -glasses and use then when-
ever you do close work. We can help
you conserve your sight. W. 11, Hell-.
par,' Optometrist, Clinton Ont.
Cheese fog Sale
Cheese in; bulk at, any time. Large
cheese,' 18e, 'Flats, 20c, 'Stamm, 21c
per 1'b. The 'Holmesville Cheese and
Butter Go. W. H. Lobb; president
and,saleeman, R. R. No, 3, Clinton.
Lambs for Sale
Some purebred Liecester,ppt.am and
ewe lambs, also some tw-b-year old
registered ewes. Apply' to 3.H. Quig-
ley, London road, R. R. No. h, Clinton.
Phone 3 on 619, , 78-tf.
Bricklayers, earpentees, laborers, to
work on the new Collegiate building
in Clinton. Amply in person on job; kir
phone 21, Clinton. :Evenings phone
243, _Clinton. ' Good men only need
apply. 78-1.
Tor Sale
2 cutters, _a 'sideboard and a dining
roolit heater. Apply to Mis. Lorne
peeves, Clinton.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements, on
tot• -24, eon, 2, Hay township, 1 mile
west and e of a mile north of Hensall
on Friday,' October 1558, at 1 pm.
Sale of sheep at 3 p.m.—Horses-1
driving mare: Cattle --Scotch Short-
horn bull, red, 14 months; Scotch
Shorthorn Cow, roan "red boll ealf 4
months old, by side; 9 grade Sho; t-
horn cows, in ealf or milking; 4 2 -
year old steers; 4 -1 year old steers;
4 2 -year old heifers; 1 1 -year old
heifer; 6, calves. Hogs—Pure bred
Berkshire Sow. Poultry Abont 50
Plymouth Rock hens. Sheep -35 Dor-
ot Horned Ewes and Rams, all reg-
istered or eligible. Impiehxents---
M. H. manure spreader; M. TI, binder,
6 ft. eut; M. 1i. .corn binder; Deering
mower, 0 ft. cut; Sweep rakIl; 1VI. kI.
Side rake and Tedder; Hay loader; M.
H. spring tooth cultivator, 17 tooth;
Frost and Wood stiff tooth cultivator;
Dise harrow, 14 plate, out throw; 2
wide smoothing haroevs; Grain Drill
and grass seeder, 12 hoe; Onion drill,
grass seeder; 2 furrow riding plow,
Cockshutt; Walking plow, Coclsshutb
21; M. H. Corn and ,Bean cultivator
and pulled; Auto power jack and ibelt;
Waggon, .hay ,and stock rack, gravel
box; ,2.14: inch logging sleigh; light
Bob sleigh, 2 ora seat; 2 cutters, Bug-
gy, light wagon; Fanning mill, bagger
truck, onion thresher; Heavy 'wagon
springs; 2 set heavy harness; 8 sin-
gle harness; Feed cooker; Sap pans, 4
barrel galvanized gathering tank, sap
pails and spiles; Chevrolet touring
car. Ilousebold Bffects—Beds; 'beau-
tiful Happy Thought steel range,
coal or wood; HWppy. Thought east
range; 4 -burner coal oil ,stove; hang-
ing lamps; lady's bicycle; quantity of
wood; also many -other useful articles
of house, garden and stable-„
75 acres Grass Fent :for .Sale:
Thera 'ruin be offered• for sale the 75..
acre grass franc, being the west
of 'lot 16, -con. 7, Bay; which isfenced
for sheep• has good shed, plenty' of
shade, and never ,failing water in
diteh, Terms made known on day, of
sale. The proprietor has sold the
farm and 'everything' offered. is for
sale, Terms: $10 and under,.cash;
over that amount, •7 months' credit, on
approved joint notes; or 5 percent.
9e,r ,amlune discount for casts.. Frank
Taylor, Auctioneer, W. C. Pearce,
Proprietor. 78-1.
Hoose Far Sale
Trarne hoose on Princess street;;8
roosts and ,bath, furnace', 'electric
light; quarter acre lot with chicken
house. In, first cents conditiop. 'E,
L. Mittel}, Clinton. Phone 2133
Auction Sale of Farm
The south 60 acres, more or less of
Lot 25 Concession 15, Goderieh town-
ship kndwn es' the Plntnhner Farm
will; be offered for sale -by Public
Auction at the :Graham house, Clin-
torl, on Friday; October 8th at 3:00
o'clock p.111.
',Phis is .a' grazing ;farm without
buildings; all the land is seeded down
in grass except )':few acres of wood-
ed land. The neeessary,fences are in
good repair. The Pari» lies within
two miles of.Glinton. -
Terms: 100/0 cash baland'e in 30.
days. . For' further ,particulars and
of sole p ' app y to W. Bry-
dgne; solicitor" for' the ,Vendor. Geo.,
7Y, Elliott., luetioncer°; 4,77-2
Const of„Revision
Notice is hereby given that a:conrt
of revision, fpr;the purpose of revit-
ing tele 1926 AsSassntent Roll for the
municipality. Qt' the - Village of Bay-
field; :will he held in the town hall,
Bayfield, at the hour' of one o'clock,
p.m., on Thursday, the 14th day of
October, 19 toe r i
c 26, or s der complaints;
f e1.1 err, =or oiniesions in the said
Assessment Roil., Anyone having
business with -elle 'said court are
tsked to attend' et the said time olid
51ace, Bated at Bayfield, this20th
day of .Se lion hex; 1926. 3. I -I. Reid,
Cleric. `•, ' 76-3
J. Trewariui:'
We SPECIALIZE in Milk -Fed POW.,
try 32 Months in the year. Phone as
early in the week as possible for
We advise
- you'to have the birds ox
your laying pen, culled While' the
price is high. Culling of birds done'
free of charge rb ;through our ,office.
Phones—Office, 2141 Residence, 214w
Go To
Nodi er s Garage .,
For Gasoline, Oil and grease
Tires, r Tubes and Accessories.
Let us figure on your Trucking
Some Wood for Sale
W. J. Nedi er Prop.
Euchre and Dance
The L. 0. B. A. will hold a euchre
and dance in their -lodge room on Mon-
day, Oct, 11th, at 8 o'clock.' Admis-
sion 350. Lunch.-, ' , 78-2.
For Sale
Pure Bred young , Yorkshire Boar,
awi5so some young sans; bred ,0, A. C.
stock. James Raithby. 78-2-p.
Men or women agents wanted to
take orders for„' an attractive,
exclusive line of up-to-date
Christmas cards. Very liberal
commission means good earn-
ings for workers.
AK -E.
• ,i
Write to -day to
33r'CIarence St. London, Ont.
We Serve and Satisfy
Quick Naptha soap ....17 bars $1.00
Bandy Ammonia ......10c, 3 for 25c
Sunny Monday soap ... 4 bars for 95c
Nap, Soap Flakes . . . 1.0e, 3 for 25c
Toilet Pape?, .. ... '.,.5c, 6 for 25c
Quick Wash and apron . - .2 pkgs. SOc
Matches, 3 boxes .,, 35c
New Jell, all flavors , 10e, 3 for 25e;
Harry Horne's Puddings 10c, 8 for 25e
Cooked Meats at all Tines
-14; LAWSON & CO.
Phone 111
Ci 9'
we HEAT FOL)<51. ARE' NOT.
s. �. jj
Without good coal. •
Many ' of the , winter's activities
would have to cease. Schools would
close. Business houses would close.
Churohes would- close. Everybody
would be 'busy at the one Occupation
of keeping warm. Extent the doctors.
They'd be busy trying. to get every-
body well, ,But fortunately, the coal
is 8e1'e, 'Better order, yours, while it's
Nen ti fit),
Call the •VentMin
good, ood `clean coal
McCormick -Dueling Line of It-nplements, Engines, Tractors; Trucks,
G lson Manufacturing' Co. --Silos Engines, Litter Clri•icso Furnaces
Otreboc Heaters, etc..;'
Doherty Move Co.—iEntire line of Quo(ec Cooks and Rootlets.
Good Cheerof
line Quebec Cooks znd.,fleaters. - • :...
Torontoind Mills Silos, 1 os, Water Systems,urn s '
P p , Wood and Steel
Tanks, Stable Lqurgnient, etc.
Pedlar People i t
ted s ,me of t
eel Roofs,Culverts,
Ceilings, etc..:.
Renfrew and. Primrose Crean: Separator's;
-Canadian' '
Cx eh Rubber CO.'S P.00dwcar '
Itulrl er "Boots Rtibi cis
and Zipper Overshoes.
When interested in any oftl the e above lines, our representative s
i e curative wdLli
an E$PEIR,T will call and give you an estimate. •
Dealers in Genera/I-Hardware Painte, n, Oi is, Stoves, Etc.
Rowland's •41d Stand -
Ford ,Coupe for Sate • - • 6-
1925 Model, in good running order.
Apply to W,-3. Nediger Clinton. 62-11 F.R.DA
Boarders and Roomers Wanted
A'ntmmber of boarders and ropmers
wanted, second house west of Baptist
church. Apply to Mrs. W. Cole. 70-tf
ClothesCleanedand Pressed '
Clothes -cleaned - pressed and re-':
paired. Woolen •goods dry cleaned,
Rooms r over Heard's 'barber shop,
W. 3. Jago. -88-ti
Western ars
Expect a car daily of old oats.
Special price off,. the car. Our oats
here this year-. are. too light .for
handling. -Western oats look like a
small crop with high prices. Let us
know your requirements and give us
a chance to got thein for you before
they ego too high.
Homing Peed
Expect another cat• of this daily.
Special price .off car for cash. Every-
body knows this feed. The highest
analysis feed on market for the price.
Ouster Shelli •
Have a carload e,ting the end o>;"
the month. Lay in your winter's
Ben Hui
Snow Witt
Maple Leaf
Puy ity
Five Roses
North Star
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
will be at his office
in Clinton each
From 3 to 6P. . m.
ng erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
Stove, Egg, Nut and Threshing Coal
Coke and Kennel Goal -
Also some Slabs
• ,lE. WARD
Phone 155. Huron Street,
Singer Sewing Machine
Sold on Easy Monthly Payments
,Spedial two-year terms given to
AIso a full stock of
Needles, Bens and Parts
for all makes
Sole Agent for the Singer '
Phone 1713 P.O. Bor 201, Clintod
For people whg prefer to
wear kid leathers in prefer -
once to all other kinds for the
real comfortwhich is found
in them, We are offering two
patterns which appeal to a`H
lovers of top quality .moder-
ately priced.
Oak ' tanned soles Goodyear
Welted , $6,50 and $7:00.
Special Fittings for
narrow feet,
The Bi Shoe. Store ,y
g Opposite the Town Hall
.11 �iElectrician
4 s `B '
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone ire Y.. 5Yw
Flour, Feed and Groceries
We will soon be •getting Flour in by the car load, and will ,be
selling the Five Roses. and Maple Leaf Flour of the car -a t • reason-
ebles , rices:' `We will also sell Brea and Shorts, orf the car. Our
price on Five. Roses, Maple. Leaf and Purity Flour is 4.70, - (Spec..
ial prices in 5 and 10.bag lots for.. cash.) It will soon be time to put
in your winter + supply. Let us know your meds.
We will,.also have a .car of Swift's w s Beef Tar a and '
ScraP -
coming in this 'fall and will sell off the car. It will i be a saving
rng to
buy oft the car. ,
Our Oyster Shell and Grit
1b of the best quality
4f °mA
7($ and arieg Wanted