HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-30, Page 8THUASDAY', SEPT, 30, 1.926,
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• ,' .
A specialSalof Traits7Atlantic,,5,;,,
., tube. Radio Sets,•' .
' itt„g5 c
neiuding ' Tubes,. Patti, Loud
,Speaker and set up ready to • turn on,
AlSo Marconiphone ,:"(inatie . by. the
father of Radio) 4 and, .5 tub set.
The iVlarconiphone the^hest; in the
World and is 'greatly redueed in price.
R. H. ..it)iiiltqS(E)iki,
Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry
Fine Jewellery and Repairs . Next "Hovey's Drug Store
ought tol
Two young Men arrested in Exeter
for the sale of subscriptions to non-
existent magazines resulted at God-
erich in •a jail term of "dm, months
for, one and six months for' the other
in .the reformatory. \One thousand
dollars' was collected by this decep-
tion. We /take' subscriPtials for'
magazines. -vv:e* want thern, at pub-
lisher7s price and take them only for
such as 'do exist., We're right here
on Main street, the same place every
day and if you don't get your maga-
zine s'' know we'll get your com-
plaint. ;‘,' !I •
Many people do like to buy from
strangers or in the city. Why? In
many (instances it is not competition
to far as underselling, the home mer-
chant goes,' but it is competition-4n-
asmuch as some residents in a small
town have an inborn desire to buy
goods out of town and the home mer•
charit has to combat and conquer this
in order to retain the trade that is
surely rightfully his. •
The Dollar you spend at
home you may, possess again,
the one you spend abroad is
separated from yon for ever.
Tii workclothes— quality counts! They can, be well appearing—
well fitting and well made but they inOst possess the iron-elad quality
that gives long service. That is the kind of clothes we sell and sell
at the very lowest prices. Look over this list of apparel and then
notice the bargain prices.
Overalls and Jackets, Snag -Proof, Lenox and Peabody brands
$1.39 to 42.50
Work.,Shirts, Big B nd Bull -dog brands, special prices $1.00 to $2.00
; Heavy Wool Sox, Hanson, Penman's and Reiner's make 29c to 79c
Heavy Boots, solid leather at $3.00, $3.75 and $4.00 "
Leather Mitts and Gloves 39c to $1.50
Get Them At
' •
Tile -W. 11. Fall Go
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
We Solve 7 Day Problems
Thoughtful housewives make selections of well-balanced Cos?* for
every day in the week.
Main Store, Phone,125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J.
Box Seat ot the World's Series
When the umpire calls Play Ball" and the fight is on—that is
your opportunity to tune in and listen to every strike and ball --
every playandcheer. A radio will be your ticket to every game!
' This is only one' of the many big sporting events that a radio .
brings into your home. Tall and Winter will be one huge program
of the world's finest entertainment -which you can enjoy—with a
• We carry a Complete stock of radios, parts and, 5ssessories. We
Mr. N. W. Trewarth was in Toronto
on Tuesday.
Mr. R. Warrens of Gedericle' was in,
town on Sunday.. I '
• •
Rev. L. C. Harrison was in London a
couple of days this week.
Miss Mildred Cook of Toronto spent
the week -end with Clinton friends,
IVIiss Ethel Hogg left Monday morn-
/ ing for Toronto, to enter Univers-
Miss Cora Jervis has gone to Toronto
V to commence a course at tha Uni-
Mr. and IVIfs. T. E. Palmer and child-
ren of Stratford were in town on
Mr:John Brown of Petrolea spent the
week -end with his sister, Mrs. R.
Mr. Nelles McNeil has returned to
resume his studies at the Univers-
ity of Toronto.
Miss Elsie Snyder of London spent
the week -end at her home in God-
erich township.
Mr. and yrs. McGill of Chesley are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. A.
Axon of town.
Miss Esther Tre.wartha left Monday
for Toronto to continue her studies
at the Univesrity.
Mrs. J. G. Steer -and Miss A. Steep
are in Toronta this . week visiting
relatives and friends.
Mr. Wiggins, local manager of the
I Gunn, Langlois Co., was in Mont-
)! real over the week -end.
Mrs. H. W. Steep, who has spent the
past couple`of months in the west,
is expected home tomorrow.
Misses Ruby .0hurchill and Jessie
Cress motored to Detroit on Sun-
day to spend a few days with
Miss Isabel Fraser and Mist Winnie
MeMath have returned to Toronto
to resume their studies at the Uni-
Mrs. F. Mcllveen left last week for
Landsdown, where she will spend
'the winter with her son and his
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Burrows and
. Miss Elaine of Goderieh spent San -
clay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
*Perinabaker, ' •
Mr. and Mrs:McKinnon and little son
left Tuesday for London. M. Mc-
Kinnon will be located in Stratford
,for,,, a time.
Mr, Thos. R. Ginn of Detroit, Mich.,
has been visiting his sister, M?s. D.
Steep, and his brother, Mr. J. Ginn,
during the past ,week.
Mrs. Allen MacDonald and Master
-Donald of Goderich spent a few
days during the week as the guests.
of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook,
Mrs, Carl Mair and children of Allen -
'dale are' visiting the lady's • mother,
Mrs. R. A. Bell of Clinton, and also
with friends in Gederich township.
Mr. George Horsley and a party of
friends motored over from Pontiac,
Mich., last week -end„ visiting with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hors-
ley of town and -with. Goderich
friend& •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Layton, accent-
patied by Mr. and Mr. John Pep-
per and sons of Stanley, spenti2nn-
day as the guests of Miss Vera
Pepper, who is teaching at 'Mount
Miss W. E. . Thompson of Toronto
'came up Wednesday evening and.
accompanied her brothers and
tel.'s to , Yale, IVIich.,' on Thursday
last, where they attended the fun-
eral of a brother-in4aw, the late
James Fulton.
Mr. Percy Wheatley metered up from
Toronto and spent the week -end in
town. , On histeturn he was mean -
will install them right in your home ready for you to tune in,
Canadian General Electric Set $1.00, complete ready to opera.
Sutter & Perdue
Sets Installed and Repaired. Batteries, Tubes.
• PHONE 147w
inningOct Friday and Saturdayand as, long as the
goods last during the following week.
• '10 bars & G. or Gold. Soap „, ... • • • , •
10 Bars 60mfort Soap and Preserving Tottle • • • • ,....$129
2 plugs. "Quick Wlash and Apron .... , , , „ , 50
•.$ boxes "Red Bird", Dominion or World iritches .... 29e
Borden's Milk, small size , .. 4 for 25e
Borden's Eagle Brand Milk 23e
Large (3 lb,) Jar IVIarinalade 50c
Corti Syrup, 5 TM pail . . . 38e
0161,V6 Amato or ye,9vire,hitAlbele,iShoey1111-asate,1,1 10e
Clark' d Boiled Dinner ..... 3,0c
,Loose Coeoa, per Ib.. Valencia Raisins, per 1.b. . • • • • • • • , • • • • • • 100
3 pkgs. Lux for ,.........., I,. 33c
,Sealers, quarts $1.35 dozen,"pints ,..$1.20
Black Tea, very fine flavor, per lb. ..'..:., 650
iieinz Tomato Soun , , . , .... . .
,Large, Can Circle' Pineapple • 15c
Kippered Herrings in Tomato Sauce .., , 25e
Cern Stal'eh, 2 Pkgs or 190
1 ,Loose 'Starch, per lb. ..••••••••••••............ , 100
Tapioca • , • .. . • ... 2 lbs. for 300
Rolled ,Oats .. • . 7 lbs for 28c
Corn Veal . 6 lbs. for 25c
Candied Cherries (new) per lb. ,... 600
Candied Pineapple and. Candied California Fruits to arrive
abut Nov. lst. Further announcement later •
Strawberry, 300 Pineapple Marmallade, 30e
Raspberry, 25c 'Grapefruit 1VI'armalacle, 25e
• Crab Apple Jelly, each 25c
tledpath's Sugar and Poaches
Another car due to -arrive about Monday, October 4th. Also
we expect a car of Grapes due to arrive following week.
Balance of car of Peaches,nuniber ape- graded, to clear
but this week.
We are not afraid to recommend them. They sell themselves
' 48
In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early
Cash andW
Service e) T
Where "Sells for less" price prevails,
Huron Rea East working far Mr. Noble Holland,
e Seaforth Fair on Friday last.
imng Branch have returned to their , .
A complete stock in all sizes
and the newest styles and colors
just arrived. At our price the
well-known Biltmore Hat ean.,
not be beat for quality or price.
Look al Your Hat
—Everyime Else Doer
Davis &Herman
0nstont Tailoring
Waning and Pressing
Bazaar and _
• Hot Fowl Supper
To be held in
For Men
• Afternoon and Evening --Followed
by a Dance
'Bazaar will have Fancy and Plain
Sewing, Homemade Baking, Candy
and Touch and Take Boots.
Bazaar -1:30 to 30
, Supper -5 to 7:30
Dance at 8:30
Orchestra in attendance,
Admission. to Supper, 50e; Dance, 25c
th$everal frem around • here attended
Mr. and Mrs, john Herishaw of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ball and familY
home after spencking two weelcs with
'A. Vanderburgh. Shep. Dale lost a valuabl
London during fair week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emmerson and
spent Sunday at Londesboro.
their'uncioand aunt, Mr.' and Mrs. G.
• Wrn. Ball and sons were in horse one day. recently.
• Mr. Ernest Vanderburgh and liar.. ,Miss Lela Ernmerson And. Mrs. W,
old Crittenden spent a day in 1.;911.- 'Weston of Godericli township. sPent
don during Exhibition week.
Mr. Geo. A.. Vanderburgh has re-
painted his hoUse,,Which adds great
ford on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. F. Weekes attended
the Harvest Thanksgiving services
in Seaforth on Sunday and spent the
day 'with friends.
Stalled Township
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon and Mr.
and Mrs. J. 'McKenzie and children of
Ashfield kisited at Mi. Thos. Baird's
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pepper and
Ray and Randal visited at Mount
Forest the first of the -week.
1)U. and Mrs. Walter Moffat and
Loisreturned from a motor trip to
Gravenhurst last week, - where they
visited her brother, Dr. Murray Fish-
*4 41
The Corporation of the Town of
Clinton offers to local investors de-
bentures issued for payment of the
new"Collegiate Institute lmilding, in
sums of $500 and $1,000, yielding
five per cent. to the purchaser. In-
terest payable Semi-annually on Feb.
let and Aug.,1st.
Further information may be ob-
tained from
• ' Treasurer.
Clinton, Aug. ard, 1926. 09-tf
IVIrs, L. • Beatty is in Yale staying
with her sister, Mrs. Fulton, after her
recent bereavement.
Mr. John Ilarnwell returned from
the West on Monday with very un-
favorable reports from that country.
1th% and Mrs. W. McAsh and Miss
Emily Beatty motored from London
Sunday and spent the day with.,
friends in the village.
Mr. W. and Miss -V. Logan spent
Sunday with friends in Goderich.
Quite a number attended the ISehool
Fair, which was held in the village on
Wednesday of last week'. Although
the attendance was not asjarge as
former years the exhibits Were well
-Worth seeing.
Enjoy This Chesterfield Suite
Now that the long evenings are here again why not have real
comfort while enjoying your radio concerts instead Of suffering both
the agony of a stiff old chair and the static. If it's something less
expensive we have all kinds of comfortable chairs and rockers at any
price you desire.
Our Fall Stock of ,Carpet, Linoleum, Cougoleum and Oil Cloth
Rugs is here, also Linoleum and Oil Cloth by the yard.
The stove season will soon be here and, we are prepared better
than ever to supply your needs in Rangei and Heaters, made by
the different manufacturers in order to give you a selection in price
and quality.
A Congoleum Mat given FREE with.every Stove Purchased
Ajull stock of shelf hardware, Brantford Roofing (best by test).
We do Plumbing and Tbmmithing. Ask us for estimates
Clinton Hardware•and*Furniture Co
Hardware 195
Furniture Phone: 104
Music Lessons
•. Constance 1
Mr. and 1VIrs. Geo. Troyer of .Stan- '
ley Tp., spent Sunday as the guests •
of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Eph.
CittOliiic.Friday night the young .people Vacancies for Pupils
are having a banquet in the church.
On Saturday evening Mrs. Adam Apply at Studio
Nicliolson fell and ,broke her arrn at , At home on Ontario Street
the wrist.
Quite a number are taking up their °I. Phone 163i “
petatoes. • . ••
Repair your old....one, or put on a
new roof. Now is the time.to prepare
for the winter storms. Bird's Roofing
prices are lower and it will pay yen
to have that jab done at -once, See
our stook of Bird's roofing, the best
on the market,at.the right price for
every pocket. ,
Harvest Thanksgiving serviee will
be held in'St. john's church on Oct.
10'th at 7 o'clock. Service will bacon- '
filleted by Rev. Arehdedcon Jones-
BaternEm. Special music by the un -
Sunday at the }feint of Mr. Geo. A. ited choirs of Bayfielcl, Middleton and
Vanderburgli, phnied by his grandmother, Mrs Varna,
Kr. rarklt GleW hes se'veral teams John tirinst.rolig, who has spent. Mrs. Wm. Park is visiting' in Sea -
engaged 'hauling gravel on the high- the summer in her own 'cottage forth with Ws, EVarlS.
, here, Mr, G. H. Beatty motored to Strat-
1I 'J7
• ly to Its appearance, Phone 244
• •
Mo. Moody Holland of Winthrop is way.
Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry
Bought according to Government grading
Broilers, Hens, Old Roosters, Old Turkeys,
Old and Young Ducks all bought according to size and quality
To insure satisfaction write, phone or call on us before
marketing your produce, \ Give us an opportunity to prove
that we giVe specialized service to you in eggs and poultry,
• The Place Where Quality Counts
GUNN. LANGLOIS & Co. Limited