HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-30, Page 5"The Finest Stock in the District:" HIS farmer realizes that better live stock means 'a bigger bank account, and raises his stock from pure-bred sires only. His milk cheque is larger- his cattle fetch better prices --- his farm is pointed out ,to visi- tors -he is a power ''in the community... Royal , ank of Can. . a Ask for,ourll?ilk 1{/eigktBook for keeping track of your doily shipments. $+632 Clinton: Branch.. R: E Maiming, Manager f interest Ice you vestigate conditions in all parts of Canada. and Dille ! Premier King may rest assured that, no matter what politicians wish, {he rank and file of the people want the eistoins matter cleaned up and. those who have been guilty of m'is-' 1doing exposed and punished. Another announeement made by the Premier was that he had had no in- tention of doing other thanattending. the Imperial Conferencein London hi Oetober. He will be acocmpanied by Hon. Ernest Lapointe. This will give general satisfaetion. Canada should certainly be represented at this eon- ference. "The date was fixed' to allow this country to be represented, and. a feeling of uneasiness was nfanifest when the suggestion was made that the Premier would not attend, We _do not know 'anything about rthis' but we. fancy that legis. Dead Inge must be a very poor cooly, "We will meet or beat the prices of the Mail Order Houses" is the slogan of one of the merchants of "Windsor; Nova ,Scotia; That's the way to meet the mail' order . house eompetition. The only way that will be effective. -Tomorrow is the beginning of the tenth month of 1926. Twelve weeks from Saturday next will be Christmas Day. No, we are not going to ask you if you have begun your Christ- mas shopping, not yet, anyway. It's up to you. * * * * W. D. Euler, editor of The Kitch- 'ener Record is the new Minister of Customs. When Premier King .want - ,,ed somebody who wasn't afraid of •work and who could• be depended upon to: -clean up a bad mess he ap- pointed a newspaper man. ▪ * * * The most satisfaetory household appliance ever invented was the old- fashioned wife, -Exchange. 'And she might have been with as yet if the old-fashioned husband had- n't begun to show such a keen inter- est in the new -fashioned flapper. The announcement that Rt, Hon, Arthur Meighen will resign the lead- ership' of the -Conservative Party and retire from public, life has been received with. regret 'by many outside' of the party of which he has neon leader for several years. Mr. Neighs en is a man of sterling integrity, of brilliant talents and of high courage, Ills retirement from public life would be a great loss to the 'country and it is hoped that if it is possible to have. Mr, Meighon reconsider leis• decision • that it will be done, Canada needs men of his calibre in the house of •• Commons. Amongst other interesting , an- nouncements made over the week -end was the, one to the effect that • Hon. Vincent Massey will be appointed Canadian Minister at Washington. This is a new departure for Canada and there are differences of opinion as to its wisdom. It was fust sug- gested by Sir Robert Borden but no • such appointment has ever ibcen made. To the ordinary lay mind'he need of such an official seem small, Mr. King will discuss the Shatter with the British Government and probably Mr. Massey will also visit Lo"ndon during the progress of the, conference.: "There is mighty little to be said -for modesty on the one hand or for. decency of business methods on the outer," remarks the Kansas City Star, commenting on the matter of beauty rt contests. It is well if the thoughtful people and the reputable newspapers 'begin to speak ,their mind about suggh 'things. The .idea' is repugnant to • every refined feeling. It seems strange that the <average person can- not comprehend the fact that beauty -contests are nothing but the using of the physical 'Charms of our young girls to advertise something, summer resorts' or'ssome commercial eommod- ity, to inhance its sales. A beauty contest is a wanton' wrong done to our young womanhood and the girls as a rule are forever handicapped as a result .of partieipating in such a contest. The 'girls, however, are not linearly so much to blain as the pro motel's. The' girls are young; and ins 'experienced. They love admiration, as what girl does not, and they are for the Most :part drawn into such a contest by promises of advancement and success. Such sucbess -seldom comes to • them. The promises i ,are given by promoters to draw them into the contest, for the purpose of advertising : whatever enterprises they have do mind, and when A is over they cane nothing for the wei 'fare' of the girls whom they have duped, ,Canaclia'n' cities should set' 'their feet stubbornly against the -un- holy practise n- holy'practise o£ araclisi the beast p >; y of their women.'• The KingGovernment is again in power. Premier •King is in a very much better position than lie has -over bean as_leeder of the Government and can reasonably be expected to give ef- fect to his 'poltoms\ The co entry has given him a mandate., to govern and will hold him responsible for the ac- t tions of his Government. Premier • Xingn an ounces his inten- tion of having the customs probe con- tinued and declaredhis intention of trying to find mote effective means of 'suppressing smuggling, IIe will ap- point two other judge's to assist Judge Lemieux and they will visit and in - Positions for 500 people any age We will give you x position in front of our Camera any Tuesday at out: Clinton Studio. Said "position will take c about 25 minutes of your time and in return I rill give you the Be^,t Portrait you c orhad and jus, the ting for a Christmas Gift for your 'friends. Burgess, Portrait Studio MITCHELL AND CLINTON 77-2. **** The -return to power of the party of its choibe doesn't seem to :put The Goderich' Signal into a good humour at all. The Liberals hereabouts are to good-natured since the election that it is areal •pleasure .tonneet ona; they positively radiate sunshine. But• not so The Signal, Last week it gave The Newt -Record a regular raking over the coals for remarking that the Liberals did not expect to win in the late election, It says we must "asso- eiate only with Conservatives, and ill- informed ones at that." No, we count our friends among ,both Liberals" and Conservatives. We associate with all. parties and creeds. Some are well infoemed and some are ill. They're just eommen folk,• but we likethem all, But as for the. surprise of the Lib- ,ertal Party, at their success in the late election 'we have the word of several Liberals for it. One man said to us after the election: "Whatever way the swing would go we didn't expect it to go the way it did." A. prominent Clinton Liberal said to us only last week. "I don't know what turned the tide. One thing sure is that the most .surprised people were the Liberals themselves.' This was the attitude of a great many Liberals, and if The Signal knew so well how the election was going it must be conceded that it was cleverer than many others. One thing The News -Record cannot do is' to look so lightly'' on the Cus- toms irregularities ,as " The Signal, The Toronto Star and some other Lib- eral papers. If Canada is to have a clean, honest government it must'ins- press' upon them that it will not con- done laxity in dealing with wrong- doing, ' To do so is to media -age all sorts of graft amongst public offic- ials, a rotten state of things. The Liberals in the ease of the customs investigations, seemed to- 'comfort- themselves omfortthemselves - with the thought that - probably the Conservatives were well -se, if you only knew about it. In - taking that attitude all hope of clean- ing up the trouble ' is laid aside. If the Government which' is found in wrong -doing ' is not punished it gives .the other party, if -it is as bad or worse, a new license .And as•long as, The 'Signal, The Toronto Star and other party newspapers, gloss over faults in thele own party, just so long will there be fa gilts to be glossed; over. If one party can get off, why not another? "The' trouble is,"- re- marked a thoughtful, man the other day, "that 'people have eone to ex-' pect a certain amount of graft and corruption in politics." If this is so the country is in a bad way and it is time clean,: honest men and women determined that it would have no more of it. • Premier Xing says he wiii continue the customs probe, audit is hoped he will make a thorough job of it. The country does not wish him to apphint• a commission to go from customs point to, customs point across Canada to prove that the 'Conservatives were as bad as the Liberals, Bur; it does want the whole tiring 'cleaned right up, irrespective of party, and t it does- n't want' any more; wrong -doers ap pointed' to the lSenate. Gutting Box for Sale Listen Cutting Box, 12 inch mouth. Guaranteed in good condition. Pipes: A-1, C. R, Holland, Ontario , street, Clinton. Phone 1.51w. 77.1 Court of Revision ' Notice is, hereby given "that a court of revision, for the purpose of revis- ing the 1026 Assessment Roll for the municipality of the Village of Bay- field, will be held in 556 town halt, Bayfield, at the loon?" of one o'clock, p.m., on Thursday, the 141,5 day of October, 1.0 to i •i ..0 Col s cle •comm oust 1 s I of exxozs or • omission s m the said Assessment Roll. Anyone having business with the said ::court are asked to attend at the said tin e and place. bated at Bayfield, this 2015 day of September, 1020. J; II, Reid, ',Clerk, 76-3 ci'darrnages HOLLAND-NhDIG]i3R-1n Clinton, on Sept. 29th, by the Rey. Albert A. Relates, Daisy; second daughter or 11I'r, and Mrs. W. J. Nediger, to Norman James Holland, son of Mr - and Mrs. G. C. Holland, all of Cliaa., tori, MILLER LAWSON-At' St, Paul's. rectory, Clinton,on Sept. 25th, by the Ileo, ti! 0, Harrison,'. Florence E., (laughter of the late William Lawson and of Mrs: Lawson of Hui - lett township, to Arnold R. Miller of "Goderich township. AOWNEY- 'SAU•NDE,RS-In Goder- ic1i, on ,Sept. 21st, by the Rev.. J. N. Champeau, Alix, daughter of Mr. AIexander Saunders of Blair-, gowie, Goderich, •io George . A. Downey, son of the late J, 'P. and Mrs. Downey of Orillia. 1VIe13RI'EN-LAND,SBOROi1GH In Bruceficid, ?'in .Sept. 25th, by the Rev. W. 'A. Bs•emmer, Grace M,an- son, eldest daughter of 1VIr. and Mrs. Williams Landsborough of Tuckersiinith, to Elmer Secord Mo - 'Brien, son of Mr, and Mr's, W. J. bl;hBrien ,of Follett, • IIIGGINS-McTAGGART' - In Clin- ton, on September „25th, by RRev. �A1belt A. Holmes; saViargaret, " se- cond daughter of 115. and Mrs. Geonge D. McTaggart, to Douglas Gordon Higgins, son of •'Vire. Hig- gins and the late Thomas 61: Hig- gins of Toronto. CASTLE-HIOKS-In '•Goderich, on Septa 1855, at North •street United Parsonage,- by Rev. C. F. Clarke, Fella Mae Bricks, of 'Goderich town- ship; to George Castle of Bayfield. CLARK S'DLLERiS --At - the Blue - vale parsonage, on Sept. 15th, -'by Rev. A. V. Walden, Mabel Lillian, only. daughter of• Wen. and Mrs. -Sellers, to Win, T. Clark, eldest son of Thos. and. Mrs. Clark, all of Morris Twp.. Dii:ths CARTER -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sept. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Carter, the Huroii road, a daughter. RUNDLE-At the Alexandra General and Marine Hospital, Goderich, ,on • 'Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. R. ,.Rundle, Huron Road, a daughter.- Maegeret Irene, MAIZE --In Ashfield Tp., on Sept. I6th, to bfr. and 1VIrs, Harvey Maize, a son. ARBUCKLE - In Providence I•Ios- pital, Detroit, Mich., en Sept. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs: "Garnet Arbuckle,; (nee Bedour), a daughter. Deaths HEN1i.Y-k-In Goderich, on -Sept. 20th, Emily Ayton, wife" of Mr. W. R. henry, in her 66th year. You May as Well Have Eye Comfort If, you haven't eye comfort, the chances are you haven't any sort of comfort. The. eyes are closely con- nected With the net'®ous system, end, when they are strained the•results are likely to be noticed'jn headaches- and other ills. If you will. spend 'an hour hero -tole day we will tell you about your eyes, and supply glasses for their comfort if needed. I WANTED a. Members to help stock our Gift De- partment. Fee fpr remainder of 1926, 50c, We have house Dresses, Child- ren's Clothing, Middies and Pleated Skirts, Bloomeys, Cosy Woollens for the nvlrble fanvily, and all sorts, of Fancy Work, Home-made -Baking to order any day; delicious •, Candies always in stock. ,See ourtIist of 'Salads, Band- wiches, • Cakes, etc,, for ' Afternoon Tea This is the "PEOPLE'S STORE" Make it Yours Women's Exchange Phone 17 Hours 1:30 to 6 p,n. Euchre and Dance The L 0. B. A. will hold a euchre and dance in „their lodge' room the 1t1h elf Oct. - .77-1 Fos' Sale Finest xegistered silver -black foxes; well furred healthy pups, also proved breeders. Loolc them over, It, E. Laidlaw, Blyth, Ont. 77-1-p Telephone changes at London Extensive changes in the telephone system of London will culminate: oan Saturday night, when a second ex- change will be pelt into service. Local telephone users having .occasion to call anyone in London should first a,sic the local Long Distalce operator for the new number of the -party they are calling and ` then nralce careful note 65 it for subsequent call's. It is important, in the interests of both speed and accuracy, that the new London numbers be -used 'in call- ing telephone users in that city. 774 •• Auction Sale of Farm '. The south 60' acres ,mere'o • les 25 z sof Lot Concession 15, Goderich town - shim Known as • the Plummer Farm will be offered for sale: lby Public Auction at the. Graham Hiouso, Clin- ton, onSriclay, October 8th at 3:00 o'clock p.m. This is 01 grazing farm without buildings; all the land is seeded down in grass except a few acres ofwood- cdland. Ther necessary cess•iry fences are in good repair. The farm lies within two miles of Clinton Terms: 10% 'cash, ''balance in 30 days." For further particulars and 'conditions of. sale apply to W. Bryn- crone, solicitor for the Vendor„ Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioned: 77,2 tAintan -Rccard TJ T11SDAf."•, SEPT. 30, i926a Hospital Bazaar and Dance Fridag, October is t In the Town Hall,Clinton Following are the booths: Christmas Gitts--rllospital Board\ Convener, Mrs. Mason. ,Touch and Take Gii•ls Auxiliary Mz:s; Stevenson. Ilomeraade baking and Towels-'Clin- ton'.Women's Institute:;' Mrs. Flynn 1V'Iiscellaneous= Londesboro Women's 'Institute Miss Brigham Aprons --Lady Bowlers Mrs.�Fair Candy Booth FIome'' Cookitsg and Produce -London. Road Club Mrs. A, Wiltse Fish, Pond "' Mrs. F. Thcmp on `Baby',Show-"ILospital.'babies," Prizes given, 'under 6 months, 6 months to 1 gear, 1 year ' to 15 years;\ 1x/ to:,2 year's. Mrs. Combe Rummage ; 11liss Zetta Bawden Afternoon Tea Mrs. McTaggart Donations may be left at Miss .Baw- den's home any time staring this month. EVENING iVloclern Dances do the Town Hall Old Time Dances in.the OId Time Dhnce Club Rooms Commencing at 8:30 Admission -Gents,' 60c, Ladies, 25c Bazaar will be in Town Hall 74-4 .geoInatoes Special canning variety, ripe or green at a special price by the bushel in your baskets. W. Jepkins ':& Son, Glebe -View Greenhouses, Clinton 76-2 House For Sale. Frame house on Princess street, 8 rooms and bath,' furnace, electric light, quarter > acre lot with chicken house. In first' class condition. E. L. Mittell, Clinton. Phone 2135 79-31) Auction, Sale Of Farm, Farm bStockand Imple- ments. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell ,by_Publie 'Auction on Lot 24, Con. 12, Stanley 'township, on Tuesday, October 655, commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp. Tarin --Contains 100 acres, -about 8 acres mixed bush, bank barn 40x60, good stabling underneath,comfort- able frame hoose. with kitchen at- tached, plenty, of water, 7 acres fall wheat, some fall plowing will he done. Farm will be sold by duction if . not previously sold.. Term: 10 per cent. on day of sale, $2,8005may re- main on i,sortgage, balance hi 30 days without interest. Live 'Stock -Bay mare 10 years old; bay mare 12 years old; cow, a years old, due Dec: 10th; cow 5 years o'Id; aged cow; heifer 2 years old due April 13th; yearling 'heifer; heifer calf 8 months old; heif- er calf 4 months old; about:.75 hens; 2 guineas. Implements -Massey Harris binder; Deering mower; hay r#lke; Noxon drill; spring tooth (inti- veter; wagon, gravel box; set bob sleighs; top Deggy; Portland. 'stutter; hay rack; wagon box; set 4 -section harrows; Floury 'walking plow; scuf- fler; double set heavy harness nearly new; set plow harness) set double light harness; single harness; horse collars; rope and prtileys; set sling ropes; quantity of lumber; Renfrew cream separator:; 10 lb. weigh scales; some hay; forke, shovels, cow chains, hoes, doubielxees, neekyokes, mail box, long ladder, spring seat, and numerous ether articles, Terms of Sale:; $10 and under, cash; over that amount, : 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent. off for cash on credit -amount. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer, W. S. Johnston, Clerk, Sol Kiiifer; Proprietor. 76-2 Auction Sale Of harm Stock and Implements. The undersignedauctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction at Lot 35, Con. 15, Godeo.'ich Tp., 13s miles southwest of Clinton, on Tuesday; October vth, commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: Horses -.Carriage 'mare,, 18 years; driving horse, 10 years. Cattle. Durham cow, 9 years, with calf at foot; 2 Durham cows, each 7 years, freshened a short time; Jersey grade cow, 6 years, ffieshened a short time; Durham cow, 4:' years, bred June 13; Holstein cow, 7'years, bred April 25th; Polled Angus heifer, bred Sept. llth; • Polled 'Angus ow, 6 years, bred'' June 25111; Ayrshire cow, 9 yeafs,::•bred July 15th; Holstein cow, 6years, _bred June 555; Durham cow, 6 years, milking good, Calves-, choice heifer, 6 Ings.; •choice heifer, 4 Inas.; choice' heifer, 2 mos., these' delves' are of ,milking strain; 3 young calves, 2 Durham, : 1 Polled Angus; Hereford heifer, 4 . enoe, Sheep -9 well-bred Leicester ewes, 2 ewes, 3 years of age; 2 2 -year-old ewes; 5 year-old ewes;. pure bred Leicester ram, 1 year. Pigs -11 pigs 8 weelcs old; 12 pigs 6 weeks olcl Intplements =-6-ft. Heal Deering mower; 6 -ft. McCorrnick 'newer in excellent con- dition; M: H. Cultivator; M.-1-1. drill, JO ' hoe; M'.11, harrows; Deering dump rake; M, -H. riding Mow; Fleury No. 21 walking plow; hand scutler; horsepower; lVlelotte Cream. separator,' capacity 750 lbs.; set bob- sleighs; set light sleighs; cutter; tale wagon with box and stock rack; light wagon; rubber tired buggy;' steel ,tired buggy; • .Clinton"fanning mill; root pulper; wheelbarrow; deep - well pump eep-wellpnnnp with brass cylinder; 2 hay. forks; hay fork ear; good Manilla rope for 60 ft. .barn; '075 ft. steel .cable for hay fork; 2 logging chains; set; team harness; 3 leather collars; let single harness; :set new single, harness; 2 goodhorse blankets, and other small articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: n DR 1 All sums t f '.'$10: and under, .cash; over that- amount, 7 months credit will be given on furs-; iShirg approved jointnotes, or a dis- count of 3 per scent. will be allowed for cash on credit :amounts, Clif- ford G. Leith, Proprietor, ' Geo. III: Elliott, Auctioneer, 76-2 Tr e%va!itlaa DEALER JN THE NEW -LAID EGG We SPECIALIZE in Milk -1'0d Poul- try 12 months- in the year. Phone as early in the 'week as possible for prices. GOOD DEMAND FOR ALL KINDS. OF NO. 1 POULTRY , We advise you to have -the birds o1 Your' laying' pen called while the 'price is high. Culling of birds done free of charge through our office, Phones -Office,, 214j Residence, 214w. Go To- 'Nediger 's Garage For Gasoline, Oil and Grease Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Let us figure on your Trucking Some Wood for Sale Wo J. Nediger, Prop, September Cheese For Sale Now is the time to place your order. for September cheese. Lange cheese 18c per lb.; triplets 'and. twins, 20e; Stelto'ns, 21c. ,..Hoimesville Co-opera- tive Cheese and Butter Co., W. H. Lobb, R. Ib. No. 3, Clinton, ,president and salesnfan. 76-2 Shampooing and Marvelling The ladies ofiClinton and vicinity. will be interested to -know thatTh am nob' ready- to do shampooing and mai-- selling at ml home in Queen street. Appointments may' be inade. Mrs, Ross Forrester. - • 74-4-p Elevator' Equipment for Sale 'We have the complete equipment- for a grain elevator, consisting of cup belting, pipes, head, foot and also some chutes. Several split wood and steel pulleys included._ This lot must be sold at once to make room. May be seen' at Charlesivorth's Store. W Jenkin & Son. 76-2 We Serve and Satisfy for week of Sept. 27 to Oct.' 2 Quick'Naptha Soap..17,bars for $1.00 Gold or P. & G. Soap .... 10 for 65c Sunny Monday Soap 4 for 25c Randy Ammonia ...s 3 p]sgs. for 25c Neb -Soap Flakes, per pkg .. 10c Chipso, per pkg. .... 26e Baby Puffed Raisins, per lb. .. 15c Thompson ;Seedless. Raisins, lib, 16c' Valencia Raisins, per lb. ...... 15c Apple ,and Straw. Jam, 4 lb. pail 66c Orange Marmalade, 5 lb. pail 619, Honey (Bee -Kist) 5 lb. pail ..., 80c Libby's Pork and Beans 15c, 2 for 25e ,Camlrbellls -Soups .... 18e, 2 for 35o Aylmer Tomatoes , , , , 15c, 2 for 25e Finite -Vegetables -Fresh Meats L. LAWSON & CO. PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 111 Clinton's A WARM HOUSE` WILL KEEP HUBI3V AT HOME- WHEN , EVERYTHING ELSE FAIT -S LSolid colzfort! FTappine, s and warmth! A senseof well-being caused by a good dinner, a mellow cigar and a home madr comfortable by the, Heat Foils. Don't lose any of these happy ev- enings. Don't shiver around a cheer- less house daring the first .cold days, when a little forethought now willin- sure comfort later, Buy your winter coal now. Call the 5QI I I forood, clean coal g v sl 4 . COAL COIPAN. PHONE, 74 CLINTON' MILL :'HARDWARE CO. CLINTON"--- .. lr a• ,rrAgctsr;ir.W McCoi•ntick-Deering• Line of Issvptemonts, Engines, 'Srtetotis,,,Trueks. Gilson Manufacturing Co. Silos, Engines,' Litter Carriers, Furnaces, Quebec Heaters, etc, ' Doherty Stove Co. Entire line of Quebec` Cooks and Heaters. Good Oheeh line. of Quebec Cooks and, Heaters, Toronto Wind Mills, Silos, Water Systems, Pumps, Wood and Steel Tanks,' Stable 'Equipment, etc. Pedlar People-Limited's line of Steel Roofs, CulvertsCeilings, etc, Renfrew and Primrose Cream Separators. Canadian Goodrich Rubber. Co.'s Footwear, Rubber 'toots, Rubbers and Zipper Overshoes: When interested in any of the above lines our representative with an EXPERT "will call and give you. an estimate. I. 11 or Dealers in Go TELEPHONE' 53. Hardwa e Co. 55 11 Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Etc. Rowland's Old Stand -e • CHI-NAMEL STOR3f Ford Coupe for -Sale 1925 Model, in good running order. Apply to W. J. Nediger Clinton. 62-tf Boarders and Roomers Wanted A number of boarders and. roomers Wanted, second house west -Of Banpe,ist church. 'Apply to Mrs: W. Cole. 704f Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired.. Woolen goods dry cleaned: Rooms- over Heard's barber shop, W. J. Jago. -88-ti Western Oats • Expect a ear daily ,-of old oats. Special', price off the car. Our oats here this year are too light for handling. Western oats look like a small crop with high prices. Let us know your requirements and .give us a chance to get them for you before they ,go too high. 0.•i Horning Feed Expect another ' ear ,of this daily. Special price off car for cash. Every- body knows this'feed. The highest analysis feed on market for the price, Qnster Shell Have a carload coming the end of the month,. ' Lay in 'your winter's supply. IN FLOURS WE CARRY: Ben Hur Snow Drift Maple Leaf Purity Five Roses North' Star A J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and (Frain Buyers Y:. F. R. DAR CSW BARRISTER . I wit be at his office in Clinton each IV42N i. lAY From 3 to 6P,m. 80-tf. COAL Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand full stock of coal for immediate delivery: Prices reason- able. Also a quantity of dry maple wood; . ,1 R. J. hillILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 1i _- COAL Stove, Egg, Nut and Threshing Coal Coke and Kennel Coal Also some .Slabs E. WARD Phone 155. Huron'. Street, Singer Sewing Machine - Sold on Easy Monthly Payments Special two-year term's given to fastness Also a full stock of Needles, Belts and Parts 1 : for all makes • Sore Agent for the Singer 11 W. GLEN COOK Phone 1711 • P.O. Box 201, Clinton 09 Abs lute Shoe Co : .;; fort For people who prefer to wear kid •leathers in prefer- ence to all other kinds for the real comfort which is found in them. We are offering two patterns which appeal to all lovers of top quality moder- ately priced. ' �. Oak .tanned soles Goodyear Welted $6.50 and $7.00. Special Fittinlstfor narrow feet. F ' ED JACKSON Tbe Big Shoo Store Opposite the Town Hall C. H. VENNEK , Ekcctrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances PhoneI5lw Wiring and Repairs. r sir, Feed and Groceries We will seen be ,getting' Flour in by tlre eau` load, and will be selliing the-Fivc Roses and Maple Leaf Flour off ,the car at reason- ables prices, We will also sell Wan and Shorts•' -off the ear. Our price on Five Itoses, Maple Leaf and Purity Flour` is $4.50. (Spec- ial prices in 5 and 10 bag lots for cash.) It will soon be time to put in your winter supply. Let us know your needs, We will also have a ear of Swift's Beef S Cnap and Tankage corning in this fallmidwill sell oft the ;car. It will be a saving to buy off the ear. 1 ,, Our `Oyster'h 11 n r' 5 e and Grit .is of the best quality H. Charlesworth PHONE 199 1 nsrxsmmsoraara» repanclazwommemank ......I; ... ..�. ,• - . _.,.:-- ... :