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The Clinton News Record, 1926-09-30, Page 3
S• .MARKETING FISH Ike• Canada has wonderful f1ah-ery re- eourees, but the Canadian people ant comparatively few fresh flail, Many of ho -•fish caught -off the, shores of Canada, are shipped to the United States. On the Pacifies coast, where salmon are plentiful, Asiatic labor is largely employed, There le a prosper- ous canning lnduatry, but there are few fishing villagea like the pictur- esque communities which dot the shores of the Maritime Provinces. For the purpose of promoting contented home life, it is desirable that tbo.in- shore 'fishing industryshould be en- couraged. In the fishing communities whjb°the; toilers`o the free, can eche home before sunset; they find time to cultivate gardens. Many keep cows and poultry, and otherwise make them- selvesetanomtcally independent. They give employment to tradeesnen and artlesne,: Churches are established and schools, and the social amenities of country life are made possible. But in recent years thousands of the Young - ear people have left -the flaking villages. As part of the evidence submitted before the ,royal commission which is inquiring pito Maritime Province prob- lenia"at present, proposals tor the im- provement' of the marketing of Cana diaa Ash in Canada seem to merit ape- eial consideration. It is -submitted that an increased'sale of Canadian fish in the home market would stimulate In- dtistry in the fishing communities and improve commercial conditions in gen- eral. It should be quite feasible great- ly to increase the sale of flab in the in- tone provinces, but one first require- ment Is to improve the transportation service and other facilities 'of , di'strt- button: Coneda is wellproi'idei with. railway lines, but npthing ltke'the;Bri yiah"express delivery of has even been attempted; perhaps,tor good •res son, At certain hours, ih the ',ley + en the reilwaye between fishing ports and -markets in Great Britain, everyth ng has to ntdko way for the., Morose -tali trains. Fish from ; Grimsby are de- livered to the famous market at Bill- ingsgate with etb much' expedition as passengers are carried: in the fast trains to King's Cross or Paddington. It is rather a different problem, low- ever+, for Qanedtan Taiiway operators to run an express fish :train river a thousand mites from porta on . the At- lantic'coast to Montreal -not to men- tionom s e greater distances from the western aide of the Rocky Mountaiiis to potential inland markets, , But Canadian railway -administrators have never been lacking in enterprise They seen[ prepared to consider the possibility of cutting the tithe for Ash transportation between Halifax and Montreal from more than seventy hours to leas than forty. Improved cold storage facilities would be re- quiredto giveconsumers the full bene- fit of an improved express service. There is- possibly an opportunity, too, for An improvement in the refrigerator cars, perhaps even to eliminate the samowhat cumbersome ice -packing process- entirely by substituting me- chanical refrigeration. The problem is largely one of distribution. Once it_1 is solved, there should be little doubt Omit the increased demand for Cana- dian Ash in Canada. Memory. Like everything else in the world, memory seems commonplace until one begins to examine it. And then, still tike everything ease, it becomes i- vtantly so strange and mystical in con; teats and operation as to baffle every attempt at understanding, For ex- ample, at any given moment the mind may be utterly empty Of every con: of the sayings of St. Paul and Shake- speare are abie.to malcew rules for the better guidance of our own lives. Born 'Mothers. , You And then, in all walks of life, but there. are more lowly., folk than high-born. folk who are endowed with the mothering instinct. Perhaps they eeiotsaness of things past; and titan at have more time, or perhaps, hardship a word something Is recalled out of has sharpened their hies. tions and days so -distant as to seem antediluvi- winy ofththemr bymaren't an and that will bring up somethingMany of aren't married, let alone mothers, but they go around the else and, that again something more, world "mothering" those who appear until a book could be Oiled with their to need it. They have a way of say- deseription, And In a . moment all ing and doing things when people arca this heat of reinambered things will. tired or i11 which' le always just right. troophack again into the oblivion They have the oldest lullabies in the frown wisich they aurae to await the world, an the fairy stories that were next summons. ever written; can invent games, tell Where do all these remembered fox+tunas, and some of them oven seem things, er ghosts of things, stay in the to be able 'to cure broken lieartal intervals between? A. mental feat Elder Meters and girls who have that is positively uncanny in its ins shouldered responsibilities -at school pIications is the digging down Into or early in life usually do their share of caches of" stored teat, long -forgotten mothering. Indeed in large families facts and ideas and slowly, as if by', "real" mothers seem almost to expect some invisible forceps, dragging these their_edest• el. -le to share their do - back into eonsciousnese. Most men mystic trials end tribulations. and women who keep watch upon their Many maiden aunts tive far more Mental processes have learned how to motherly and do more mothering than practice'this sort of recovery.of the the, mothers of : the little nieces and t&-golten "and they all marvel 'at it.; nephews they, spell, And the questton ls, Where was the. "What a pity," everyone says that hiding piece of th • - .g tte ere oro n things these women have never married and arid howdoes the mind ':word - this cl ildren of their own.. Yet in such I da weirdje tof ail the magic arts'? circumstances their devotion wouId i th rS s..vmx.as,,a�:nxl , FOOTBALL TEAM TAKEN T,O'- ARMIN4 These -husky Scottish bens,ase-a1read, estab]is y hod in Canaida; and are seeking ;their Yol rfitivas an Canadian= , egrfculturel fields; They sailed on the`Caaladlee Pacific liner direction of Dr. G. C. Cosear, well known autharity on lgontlo , horstae .time ago frown of th w under the There- were 23 y boy emigration, who is seem at the right of the p'hotogra h." in all and eleven of them, here .phatographedy 'constitute Das Cossar's` Football : P play any julemile association in Canada. But footha I...1 onlya "se n , h rhes, boys, to they ie -rived in Canada inspired with "rose cts ler ro dutime nvstits Doin with these, boys, for got their buttonhole:; flowers I A o at was agricultural there- were rets Dominion. Where tchar ins Is ncl e mystery,- but it was reported that there were a $Irmber of very *hamming. young ia,cldes on- board the IVlontclaie.- ` se Beyondn T theWall. �PTIS _ RE CAME. BIRDS - Bend down and clip beneath the pas- Evolutio , I�tnsts Trace Ancient Histo[ of Feathered Birds. ..,fit Pfterodac%i%, d ,Archaeopteryx The upper sketch shows the pterodactyl, the reptile Whleir learned how to By. Evolutionists, however, do not -believe that he was the ancestor of present birds. Birds evolved from the teee-climbing reptiles. , The lower. sketch shows aroheapterex, Ono of the earliest true btrda as constructed from fossil remains . which have been found. Secrets of Science. of scales and in that the bird is a By David Diets, warm-blooded annual, - Just as the 'The birds axe first cousin's to •the mammals. Both represent a step above the reptiles in the scale of evo- lution. While both are deseendente of rep- tilian stock, they are not descended from the same branch, bianiimals, it will be remembered, aide are believed to have evolved from the c"s' urge every Behar mother of young dog -toothed 'reptiles or Cynodonts, Like the -whale, which ,eft dry Sand ` Children to keep a box of -the Tablets Birda, one might think, evolved from and went back to the- ocean, we find 1 in the Shouse." the pterodactyl,' the reptile which birds which have left the stir and gone' Baby's Own Tablets are e. mild but learned to iiy. But.biologists do not hack to flightless existence. - ,'thorough laxative writer[ fegnlate the think so: They think that the ptero• The ostrich is' the ch{el type of howls and sweetest the stomach; clyl represented a special branch of fitgbtleae birds in existence to -day, (drive out constipation: and Indigestion; e reptilian stock which died out at A second'typeof flightless bird is break up cold`s and simple fevers and the close of the Age of iieptllea. the peugufn. . There are many vane Instate teething easy. They are sold by Birds, so biologt8ts believe, de• lee of penguins, but all are found in medicine dealers or by 'email at 26 veloped from a weak type of reptile i the southern heanispheae, many in the Dents a box from The Dr. Williams' which was unable to bold his own in antatcttc ice Aelds. Medicine Go„ Brockville, Ont. the struggle for existence on land. Ae- The Penguin's wings have become cordingly, he took refuge in. the trees, I adapted for sivieurang. The largest where he was able to evade pursuit by penguin, the Emperor penguia, attains the larger reptiles, a height of four feet. In time they developed great agility Biologists believe that the early ed Lucius Flattens, a senator, to serve in leaping fro}n branch to branch, ancestral birds divided into two main There wafeeroba.bly a mid -way step branches 'at en early: date in , the as one of the sacrifices to Jupiter. The in the evolution from reptile to bird, i world's history. Medi of these brvancle senator thought that the work was be - just as in the case of mammals We l qs in turd divided into a number of heath his dignity. He refused to obey, found a mid -way stop between the other branches. _ but leas dragged to the altar, While tree niamanads such as the squirrel 13ialogia;ts believe ;that Rawles-- - the ox that Was sacrificed to the and the flying tna.iu'mal' the bat. les, heathen was being roasted, .the sena: tura gate (Thus close to earth we breathe the sunsweet grass). Up now and tread with happy feet • .-elate Daisies and buttercups, a blazing mass - Until we •reach the termed shaded edge - Of the'bright meadow, where great oak trees lift Deep virideseent arms across a ledge Of an olld•tumbling wall, and here a rift Serves ae a threshold to our land of dreams. Thus clambering to the boulders' lichened top, Then, - sinking through a leafy sea, it seems .-'. Out of the glare deep into shade we drop, From sunlight and the round of busy hours To . cool; -dim twilight end a world just ours, --Caresse Crosby, in "Graven Images." 'THOUSANDS OF THANKFUL MOTHERS Strongly Recommend Baby's 'Own Tablets to Their Friends, On0e a another has used Baby's Own Tablets for her Little ones she would use nothing 'else, The Tablets give such results that. the mother has noth- scales of the reptile were evolved into ing but words of praise for thean. hair in the case of the mammal, they !Among the thousands of mothers developed into feathers in rho case of. throughout Canada who praise the the bird. Tablets is Mrs. David A. Anderson, But though we think of birds as, New Glasgow, N.S., who writes: -"I characterized by the ability to fly have used Baby's Own Tablets for my there are some birds which have been 1 children, and from my experience I tracked in the evolutionary pro -:would not be without them. I would Ttnowledge is memory. History fa surely have become snore selfieh and memory relayed through many genera- more interested. The instinct to tions. All the great arts of writing, mother anything or anybody must be painting, sculpture, music, charters, entirely sediiess and ddsinterested, constitutions,, laws and creeds are the Such devotion is a boundless and very Goole and Inetaruxnenteliti:es by which beautiful thing, for It embraces the memory is even fixation' and perman whole world. encu as a precious possession of the•! [song But th o weirdest of an tis opera,I 1�00n-M8a11C. • Nona of memory perhaps are the! Patthee of moonlight on the sea moral, Intellectual and cultural uses Move alt my soul in eestasy; made el It to accomplish what we Something, I cannot tell just whet call progress. If we really Joie w what.Brings -back old memories, long tfor- m stew got— Bits of rdmance and bits• of song I btLve:not thought o_^ it. cd, so long; Faoee I loved in the long ago Aro there in the moonlight's pale soft grow. s Magic these 18 weird and eerie, ye snow In nights of motmligh�t Dir the sea, y y is involved in the growing peecfstoxiof our historic recollections, things remembered through the eon- tributing' memories of the- passing generations, we might fairly produce a shudder or two Of awe ih the pre - sense of memory's every act; for It is by this subtle power that 1 Plato as ifhe Were stilt alive and out — -- —George >ftfston, The Christian Science Churches- in Toronto coi'dialdy invite you to ,rear by v RA FREE s Rfntm lbw' ".,mn l+� T U - on Christian Science; -entitled ' ' "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE' THE t W' a Ai''T .. O'I' TRUE' KINGDOM" D O NI Froze Massey_ it Saar e Hali . Sunday Afternoon, Sept. 20, at 3,00 sharp. Station'C.K.C.L., 387 (Reliable and Maximita Battery Co.) , $ Cha rle ' Y sI -O' wren StE'ilI , C.S.B., of Syl'acu^ae, N.Y. as member of Ide Beard of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church -of Chalet, Scientist, Boston, Mass. Mustard Pickles—Chow-chow-India /Pickles -Sour Pickles -- Dutch -Ficities—Relishes atd,Catsup,- Our Recipe Book gives splendid recipes for malting all of.them: }trite for a copy—rtmited Free, Colman -Roca (Canada] Llmited,Dcpt. ID, 1000 Amhara S ,4 rT.f fro 1"..18 1, *�^r,,'s ,t ttftf?t t,uy +.i,1si33fe f•tr11' Origin of Beefsteak. • The Roman Emperor Trajan'order- es, vultures, Marks; swans, ducks and tor In contempt torn off a piece of the This was the flying squirrel whichlgeese 'all.represent. various branches neat anti ate it. To his has web-like ructions of skin between • which can be traced : back to one Of surprise it their"front legs and their bodies, the two main branches. Shniiarly Cho was very palatable. He cute other ry That front legd the beginning ,o of. the I thebelieve thatparrots,'o. Y slices and broiled then, for the slatvea • bird,•,,.Iola, song -birds, who were present. From that momentT- reap a harvest, giant a pee golds; cranes end a n mb i e. - Bt .the bird differs in that its be traced back to the secant an a ore orifi the old styles la ons body is •eoverecI with feathers instead br<•rligh, 1 i lain ]part cookery gave way to the I'laucits d3aste„';tlioo Ny,"nikhr awl bfing thea r Test and youthful 7o"11ty , rSpomt tilat WtilLtlled Caftt .d•erldaa, And Laughtsr 1>,oUi ng both lite ¢defy Cone nand trip tt as ye go• On the Sight t•ittuatic toej And an tby ois'li$ Stand. ]ea'd with tliee'- Tlre Insxutttafts Nytnph,l•ewit t t4scty And; ifi' I ,giva thoeatouor `duffs Mirth, ildanit me of •thy ds©iv To tiv ,"with heir, and, live with their, In uns'eproyeda`pleasure3 •'free; To hear the =lark, bggln kis, Aigbt, .;" And -singing edtLrtle the dell night,` - Frani •hla Watch -tower fn the •stkiee, Ti11 the--dappled;Dawn doth rise;. Then' io Dome, as spite';of •sorrow; And a't:'my window bid` good -morrow, Through the,[tweet-briar o> the Vine, 'Or the •kwistsd elelantlni' While the ploughman, near at hand, Whistiea`o'ei•^the fstrrowed loud„ And the milkmaid singetic blithe, And the mower whets hie. scythe, And every shepherd tell@ kris tate, '. Under the hawthorn Sir tits dale•, >esMilton, L'Al'egro. 'WORK RN PEOPLE Find New Health by Improving Their Blond. If yoir feel run down, it • nreen'e'that your' blood is thin and watery, that your vitality is Tow. You. do not ,leap well and are tired when you rise iia the morning. You find no pleasure in" your mealls and are listless and dispirited at your work: You have no energy to enjoy yourseld. Thousands of men are run down by anxieties of work. . Thousands of wo- men ere bro]cecn down by their house- hold toil, with tired limbs and aching backs, thousands of girls are pale, list- less and without attraction. It all means the Samna thing--•thlaw•and Wart- ery blood, vita•Idty run down, anaemia, poor appetite, palpitating heart, short breath: Do not submit to this, Get new blood and with it new vitaidty. There is no difficulty in doing this, Dr. Wit - Mame' Pink Pills build up and ennieh the blood, which brings with it new health and vitality: The man, woman or girl who takes Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is never run down. Their friends notice how energetic they are, what,a 'Ane appetite they have and how much they enjoy life. ' You can get these pills through any , dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 cents a box froth The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Random Remarks. What eau I do -it I retire? I have tried 1t, --Sir Harry Lauder, - It is safer to fly than it is to travel on a motor-bicycle,—Sir W. Salton Brancker, "' The "good old days' wore not good old days at all. -Lord Riddell, The longer I live, the more certain I am that the great difference between men, between the feeble and the powerful, the great and the Insignifi- cant, Is energy, invincible deter%hYa- tion,---Sir Thomas Foweli Buxton, Laughter restores our' sense of pro. portion,—Mr, Lloyd George. The greatest function of the teacher is to teach cllidren to teach them- solves,—Archbishop of York. The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy brooding, is to go deliber- ately forth and try to lift with one's empathy the gloom of somebody oleo. —Mr. Arnold Bennett. There are lots of folk willing to go an being fooled rather than admit they are foots.—Sir John Foster Fraser. Nobody is to important as some peo- ple -look.—Mr, Frank Roscoe. To be a wife is the greatest career in the world. --Dime, Marguerite D'Al- varez, The mark of a snob is a colp-,pjete himbpaelty to see his own snobbish- ness. --Mr. James Donglae, Heal economy is not sal/Mg money nht all; real economy 1s spending money wisely,—Mr' Wardiaw Milne, M.P. I would rather travel in an aero- plane over the Indian Ocean than in a motor -car between London and Bright. on on a Sunday evening, --•.Mr• Alan Cobham. - Mihard'sLlnitnentfortoothache. The bird stilla er hf thte Romans began to lice "beefsteak," into iii a Lank and [['siert it row lava eggs like the rep- others represent brenehes which can d 'before ] began 1f,Rinterest g With tile. , style. An Old Whistling Match,u4E. Obese? _rite. liingiaAt dinner one day -ire was It is said feat the sirloin of beef owes its • name to Charles 11,, Ring of ch Adcltclson, the English writer, was i.' Most people extend the right hand so much pleased with a s' present . at Bath, • England, nvh3n a on meeting a friend, 'but few realize piece of beef "whistling match" took place. 23s that, they ah•e-imitatin that lis asked the natthe t'lt; g the reveller 'IG is this-ioin," Wang, " iepiy., - says that the `Arlie was .Dna 'guinea., ' of the Middle .Ages, who' held out:. an "Them" xhichet said h was � d t e kin L' be lv "1 vt o et o g win ltn i g i L the best i t es gl nsr•trni ed hand C1 rhi5tler- that is, the boy.: who could n as .1 token that ;,hls it; henceforth it shall he Sir Lion!" sword was sheathed, and that lie was' whistle the most clearly and go a fliC dthrau t. his -time-- iaaghing,Ytacsoff •yehr n en whe nyou sot - was. toobe regarded as the champion tar a'llouse—bat svliy? .,,It is because Of the town, and the 'prize was to bey the knight of old doffed: lila helmet— awarded to torn as such, the moat' vital part, -,Of his.ai•mor— As son 1 n Its istiii 1 ry st ei b 'ail og�. • when lie arxived; tosllory that he Dame a "Merry 'Andrew," or clown, dressed in.peace, As he toncitacl ills jrelnot'on in fanoy',costume commenced to make meeting a Cricoid, to allowtilat ho was faces and cut capere directly in front prepared to' nnhelm, hisdeecendant,of of the:whietlel'. The great:crowd was to -day touches or raises 'hie hat.: made to: langh because of the clown's ` ' EV esti" the clothes wo "tvsar ars:-ilis- autics, ugly faces and strange pos- tinct iii showing allbgtarice to more 1 tc uteri nuclit was extremly tlifttcull, fort as ietit cues,' What ,ib, the Norfolk any oneto contain himself. ' The fleet jacket but a reproductionof the chain - two whletlers failed outright and mall hauberk, the oldtime wafenrok, joined in the nerrlriient. - The third whin ran worn over armor. • boy kept a straight fico anti whistled . Tireerg, elyns cassock •, ., yausoplt is !L sur - through two tunes with so settled a vivalof astir days when almost all men' countenance that lie 'bore away the Were Shifted; Wille the Wig Which to - prize, to the great admiration of the day's barrister dons Iinits us with the sipectators time when every gentleman lead ;his Nowadays, "straight -face witisstling' horse -hair peruke, Jo a source of great amusement to bots., Not one boy in fifty can whistle A savings account is a safe invest- a tune clear through if his 'r corn- sent, pauions get around hint and do all in =-o-- - their power to make him laugh, - Rub your §Carp With' Mlnard's Lln(merft A. scientist declares that 40,000; 1, The bonea of n:- flying birds are ho. - 'germs tnay be transferred by a kiss, :' low, and are,. filled with air, thus coin - billing the greatest strength With the "Wiry; tht •day after the moved 'Sit s y greatest •possib:edfghtness, J 1 -tried to bori'otiv these• things,' narti't Linhneritfoe bruins. bare is Small Hope- -For --Por Ilse luau who will let others do for him what he can do for him - sell. -For the worker who is satisfied if he just gets by. • —For the man who has never learn- ed to take honest ei'iticfem tilankfully, —rot the town that turns a play- ground into a factory site. --For Llie cirurclt whose' reiigion consists of theology. —For the teacher Who can impart information but not a love lot know- ledge. —For the man who thinks he is good How 1 -is Khew. , "Isn't it strange how conte :people try to got a;Ang 'with, no Itoatsolioid equfisnss of at, ail f" rema•rlce[1• ,iuggins... "Wily, those .naw -ireighloetiO of;- fiine' ltaveu't al Iseve-n or er, arbors, a step adder, a saw, or any, new books," "How do, yon'"irnote they haven`t?"'i Perfect Protection' ,ZWithollEvery �o\ \17tRE Every y roll of Prince Ed- ward Brand Fox Netting opens out 1 u s a-150 Met long wall of perfect I;ro- tection for your foes, Prince Edward" does not bag nor o sag and d t lA si0 more meshes than any other brand of fox netting, 'Writs or wire for delivered prices. llolrliuips Summerside P. E. island Spegtai ario Agents W. H. C Ruth vOnton, J, M. McGllllvra Y ills (ton P ries ' vrile After°;-Sha:vRji Rub the face with Minard a mixed. With sweet ail, Very soothing to CzdJ�lcdla7l /cr,�vo !' 4i ee oprtp loopp, with Canadian ArPhitrgt p drat 5 of ms'5b paled bone aro pttk-, lishe (n tie Pis as iluiidae Ou1DA;i DctaitaSl-lnfonnntfon q pieslliS ," u4 bgddrhg,befl,bin decoatuxg isdppyyna r{ s .dAenn pies( a( refire ilcluvstrott}I.: IsolRti. n t 1 F Send 00' ebti%fS t o sops. •MSaeLegn btil cera Goldo '- Absolute Rest, The average amennt of "abaelutq rest" that 10 got during anight's 'sieeo is only eleven and ons bait infnuten; According to Prof,essor`.Ii M.; a'obn- son, of the Mellon Institute at Pitts- burg. The remainder, of th-e`tfine, he says, there is usually muscular or men- tal action; such as 'takes place during a dream. - --o Mlnerd's Linlmedt relieves atiffffneee. -The crowd' , applauds the soaring rocket, but who notices the return of tire stick? Classified Advertiser cants. RATIS (LITTLE FRIEND) TO ` either sex; mailed in plain en- yelope... Paris Specialty Oo Montreal, i. ARIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at or spare time, Good payWorlwseont any distance, charges' paid. Send stamp for particulars, National IV/anu,: focturing Co., Montreal, Extra Money This Fall In opera or full time taking orders for Imperial Art" Xmas Greeting .Cards. 100 easily .earned in a month. Liberal commission, Sample book free. - BRITISH CANADIAN 11 Wellington at, Wad, - Toronto r. Tones, HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY • ,Mow, roe Now Ct,.,, ming t.r4Nn*W,,, �HM 1�rOro.la e+.M]i.a 1'it' at: Es"; 1" ag t; 1111. ALCOSEEL puncture*, elotw cleJte vatvle leak,, without taking tire, off tint,' PALCO E L makes tires puncture proof. A new scientific preparation that you inject Intoinger tube,, conte the wolfs with n ,amt- Aquid and seals iastentty and permanently, places, the, minute they ottur. Ounrand eorous ntced hermlest tavalvc orinner tube. INCREASES MI0EAGE by kcepins your tire et normal pressure. Drive as many nail, as you wants nto a PALCOeIELtreotcq tire and It Won tienk. AGENTS $500 a Month Easy We Wont aaenta and diatrtbutoreeverywberc todemoa,tratc and cell PALCOSEILL to ear - owners, Garages, Stroke Station,. Get par. ticutanofunusualmoney-rn kiagpropodtloa P, A. Lefebvre 8t Co., Atertandria, Ont. THISMOTHER T HE R GLAD' DAUGHTER A U T R IS WELL M's. Parka Tells How Lydia E. Finkhann's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Daughter's Health Poronto, Ontario, -47 daughter is 16 now and has been an invalid ever sinceshe was six months old and has been com- pelled to remain out of echo -el the greater "part of the time, W e have kitriednds of medi iffe drenticine but none 1elpes her much. I had taken Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vege- table Compound when I was run-down and it had helped me so much that I thought it might, help her at this time. She has gamed over since she began tatting It She attends school everyda rsiow and goes skating, and does other out -- of -door -spoils. I recommend this medicine' to any One who is run-down and nervous and weak."—Mra.PA1tKs, 105 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine for young women's troubles. Fora sale druggists ev er9wi ore. 0 FAGE WOULO SMART TERR8LY Hard, Red Pimples, Broke Out, Cuticura Heals, "My trouble Was caused hyeat- ing apples. My face began to break out with pimples that were bard and red at first and then festered and Scaled Over, They Spread all over my face .making it vexysore. Afterthescales came off my• face wottld burn and, smart terribly... "I used everything I could drink of without any benefit, A friend. recommended Cuticura- Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, and in four ;weeks I was healed, after using two cakes of Soap and one box of Ointment." . (Signed) Ma.: Edith ltrtiwn, 37 f+ortney Si., Barre, Vt,,..Sept. 24, 1021. Rely on Cut—an Soap, Ointment and Talcum to keep your skin akar. sewn Sat. I'm by i .a, "damsel r hndine Rena: ttenhons 'by Lidetre.a, pride, Sone Ole. IntMedt25 n C,Iicara Sloavtnt Sticie lac, Issue No. 32---'28..