HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-23, Page 3A Day. With Flier's -de.
it day with friends, away from care
nd,"all the burdens nen; must. bear;
Away from every urgent need,,'
From selfishness and petty -greedy
Where talk is all of (molts and plays
And bygone Joys ot yesterdays.
A day with, frielids—and let it lire
Beneath sa-me spreading 'Maple tree,
Where nolee and clamor• never break
The calm which skyand meadow
Where never traffic's daasty, para
-.Blots cuts the p
beauty of the, lace.
Where, each for ailand all for each,
is no sunning in the speech;
No -thought ofprofit, save the gain
In liveliness of heart and brain
Where ;thB Heather Sings.
The •heather was. singing-1>'ummingg
to itself to the heat, Perhaps it was
the beating of the air by a thousand
tiny wings that we heard as the golden
bees gathered their honey; but it
sounded like •the'song of flowers.
Rosy purple .bell -heather, rising .an
strong' tall stems, wooded near' the
.earth, and covered.' w,ith fine bright
green leaves, Isere and there a
clump of Sing, and here and there. a
few sprigs of pink heath„bobbing their
tiny round.bloomsrntop of -their 'short-
er stalks. We, heed hoped telin,d svhite
heather—why. does°'everyone cherish
that desire when the purple hasp color to
add to its charm ?—and, now .and then
we thought we "had come across seine;
but it was only: sun -bleached. with
And those more lasting rfehes'wrought frail lilac tones still. clinging to. IL
By friendly interchange of thought, , -. It was warm among the heather,,
and the rising scent, 'so very sweet,
A day with friend's -throughout' the the Incessant' busy hum, the crackle
years of the
big green grasshoppers with
But seldomsuch a day appears their funny ,faces, added drowsiness
Ween fame and money, hope and to the warmth. We lifted our heads
doubt to the lir trees standing up against the
And gain and loss are all shut out, s1{Y on the little hill, and pushed our
And every thought ' that's uttered , way thitherward, . knee 'deep in
springs bracken.
From dreams and sweetimaginiuge. We sat on a bed of fir needles, and
Eager A. Great: leant back against the tree. trunks.
---r ---- The ground wee strewn with cones,
Higley as itises women, who have some old and b ittl '
>., 1' e, 'and brown; timebeen: born buena, are said: to have Pref- quite small and most beautifully :green.
crone for certain 'colors to-hand;e, The air swept front• a great distance
'Usually they like blues,'. but don't care across our faces and through our hair,
for reds. coal air with all the scents of summer
in it. It centd across the fields ante the
river, and passing our little hill joined
forces with the winds . of the Downs.
Below us the heatherpatchesglowed
in their green setting like pools of
spilled color from a painter's brush.
We thought we could still' hear the
flowers' song rising to the pines. It
must have been a honey bee. on Re
way home.
There are more good manners and
het gr taste to -day than at any
in .my fairly long life,—Dame Milif-
cent ra*cett. .
Mthard's Liniment relieves stiffness.
High &herd Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by,iaw to establish
With the approval of thre Minister of Education.
May. be conducted in accprdance with the. regulations Issued by
the Department of: Education.
is given in ,various trades.. The ochools and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the' Principal: of "the
for -In the Courses ofStelly In Pubile, Separate, Continuation and High,
-Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments,
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
PROBLEM on the farm' Belk
it to any small gasoline engine.
We sell you this machine on
the condition that it must
satisfy you.
1, IT M17ST SATISFY you on
' 'its capacity to waah,'the flues,
clothing without injury,
2, IT MUST' SATISFY .you on
Its . capacity' to wash the
dirtiest, .clothes absolutely
clean, . ,, _
$t' IT ',MUST SATISFY 'you 'on
its ituproved aluminum agi-
tator' that forces the 'scaly '.
water through the clothes,
4, ft* MUST' SATISFY you on
its' elimination of hand rub.
its large four position wringer
that will wring from the rine-
lug or blueing, tub While the
machine 18 doing the washing.
..6. IT MUST SATISFY you on
its quiet, smooth running, '
7. IT MUST • SATISFY you el
everything you expect In a.
Power Washer.
It It does not, return it to us at our expense acid w.e will refund`'
you the purchase price, $70.00. •
If your dealer does not sell this machine, order. direct from us,
Manufacturers ”
(Order Yours Now) Ontario
,"..,011.,41- 11,1, Y:.1..
411 iiii�lgn�� iv'� .
filar rf � 11+,
x . ' a°w �•.ft+.•
wµ,vgi ire ,; lire 3Si`�, s l
The Rt. Hon, Ian NiacPhes•san, IC.O,, Bt., I -Ion. Arthur. Henderson and
the Rt. Hon. Sir Evelyn 'Cecil, G.13.17., treads respectively o'p
the 1dlberal•Bab ,
and Oonservative groups in the British delegation to the , or,
,fir A L',npirs P'arliameuir
y ssociationeonferenees in Australiatitle Ian, are here photographed
heard ,tile Canadian Pacific neer p tt at, Q ed e.
, rer Empress of Scotland on arrival at oche(
A study of the existing economic conditions in. Canada .will be'.mad
party proceed westward. The inimtertit a as the
4'it len pl^ailiein will receive, careful eon•
sideration during the limited' stay in tine Dominion.
SUMMER 'EAT -Simplicity of Sppec
ng the other lessons this should
No season of the year is So danger
ous to :the life of little ones as is the)
summer. The excessiveejseat throws
the little stomach out' of order so
quickly that unless :prompt aid le at
hand, the 'baby may be beyond all
human help before the mother realizes
he le ill. Summer le; the season when
diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentery
and eolio are meet prevalent. Any of
these 'tr•cyubles may prove' deadly if
not Promptly treated, During •.the,
summer the 'Mothers' best friend is
Baby's Own•Tablets. They regulate
the boweld, sweeten. the'staniach .and
keep. babe healthy. The Tablet's are
sold by medicine dealers• or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont; I
The Glory That Is. f
first be learned, • that we: never affeot
any- strange dniehern terms but to
speak as is Commonly received:.
neither seeking to be over fine, not
yet living over -careless, using ' oto'
speeches most men do, anis ordering
our wits as the fewest' have done.
Some seek so far for outlandish Dng-
lish, than they forget altogether their
mothers language: . And yet
these fine English ,clerks will say, they
speak in their mother tongue, if a man
should -charge them for counterfeiting
the Kin'g's English: Some far journey
ed gentlemen at their returb home,
Iike es they love 'to go in foreign ap-
parel,'so theywill powder their talk
with . 'oversea language, He .that
cometh lately out of Fleece, will talk
French English and Bayer blush at
the matter. _Another :chaps in with
lenglish Itallnated, and applieth the
tahlan phrase to our l;nglisbeepeaking,
the which is, as if an orator that prro-
esseth to utter , plain Latin,
would needs speak poetry, and far
tchee colors of strange antiquity. .
. The tine. courtier will talk nothing
ut Chaucer. • The mystical wisemen
nd poetical clerks will speak nothing
but quaint proverbs, and 'blind alle-
gories, delighting much in their own
arkpess, especially, wheel. none can
ell what they do say. The. unlearned
,polish fantastical, that smells -but
Little I know of Greece;
Why then is my thought abloom fs
When I hear that simple word??
Why the 7 find "Grecian" the loveliest b
of adjectives?' •,-'' a
Why in my reading •
Do Lpause, transported, over the tebrn
phrase-- d
"The blue .b gean."' t
And why do these old words' • 'or
f teething (such fellows as bare seen
Glimmer to me like stars 'over the °
sea:— ' ' I
A-Mycenas, Mitylene, Thermopylae, Sa-
Why should there be a quieting -
In ` drat old reference, "The Blue Y
A. 17. Sehuson.
When' washing eeathei gloves; put a
few drape of oil into the soapy lathes•..
Rinse in a second lather, squeeze as
dry as possible in a towel and Bang.
out : in the'air, The oil keeps the
leather soft and pliable. se
earned lame in their days) will~ so
atin their tongues, that the simple
annot but wonder at their talk, and
,Wilk surely they speak by some re.
elation. I lutot ».them that' think rhe -
tot ic to stand, wholly upon dark words,
and he .that can catch,an inkhorn term
by the tail, him .they count to be a fine
711(1553)ngiis,uiau, and a good rhetorician.-
Thonme,Wilson,,in "Arte df Rhetor'Sc"
"Is it common sense?" is a good
Bond thought.
Flying Bat, Swimming Whale and Porpoise Are,Euani I3"les,
The upper. •sketch shows the fo:; bat, The bat is a mamma, which has
Completely' conquered the air. The lower sketch 'shows the se -called flying
squirrel. its>volplanes from tr•ee,to,tree but docs not really fly.
•Secrets of Science. in the water as ou land—the polar ••
Dietl. .
bear and to otter, for example.
It is interesting to note that each The sixth eines lives on the shore of
type of lite, in the period of its ascend- the sea, This, clasp includes the. seal,
anoy has attempted. to spread into the `sea -eater and the walrus,
every type of environnnent. { •' in the seventh, class we find mem•
Thus in the Age of Reptiles, we find . mail 'who have deserted the landen-
reptiles which could swim anis dive tarely and gene back to the sea where
reptiles which could climb trees, and their fish ancestors originally came
even Winged reptiles, the so-called from. These include the whales and
'pterodactyls. the porpoises.
Man with the aid of the airplane and A type of whale called the deep -div.
,submarine is, conquering all environ- ing`5e-bacir whale dives into the deep -
merits to -day, er abysses of the eoean where a see -
When mammals gained the ascend-. (Sallied form of fish life is found Ac-
aney, they too spread into every type cordingiy this -whale is classified as e,
envii[,utn e,it. + ni'ammal which has conquered an
i roof That the Sten -tacit is Weals;
and Needs Tent,,,'
Are you one Of the many sufferers
's ho dread Meal* time? - fluugryjs and
yet afraid to eat, because. of the pains
and discomforts that follow,. When
the stomach Is.sat of order the wl-o,o
$Ys em suffers; and .as the blood: se
'comes thin and rvatery'ht becomes 1n
er slit ly dif Cult to correct the di-
gestive ,disorder.`here is no tonic
"fc>r the •stomaclf the isnot a tonic for
-the,. tilos ss. biaeIfni ilding
tonic:;suclLas:Qs Williams' Plnlc'Pills,
uot,pnly relieves indigestion, but adds
to the general strength: Mr. D. J.
Shaw,`. Seleii'It Road,'. P 17.i., has
proved the valve of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills Ina severe case of indigestion
'land relates liis eeeerie�nce for the
benefit of othet'sufferere. He says,:
"I buffered from indigestion for a num-
ber of years. My case was so bad'tilet
words fail to describe it, My . appe=
tite was "gone, -'constipation, was pre'
sent, and •my nerves were all on edge.
I•coulti-not steep well at night, and the
world was a dark spot for me. I tried
a number of ,remedies, but without any
benefit., Then Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
were .recommended, but without much
faith, after so many failures, I decided
to try them,. Attar. taking three boxes
I noticed a ,change for the - better.
Then 'I got three more boxes and..
found -I had a genuine remedy. I con-
tinued the treatment, took moderate
exercise, could take plain feed with.
out suffering as formerly, and proved
that these pills make good bloody. and
that ',hie good blood.wile restore. the
stomach and nerves, • Anyone suffer- b
ing frotri, diolnaeh pr nerve troubles
Will. make no mistake in giving 11)r.
Williams' Pink Pills a fair trials" .: • o
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold e
by all medlctne dealers, or will be sent d
by mate at 50 Cents u box by The Dr, n
Williams'- :Metllcine, Co., Brockville,
Ont,:_VlWrits) to-day'for a' cojiy of the
free' bookletr,'What'. tte.Eat and ROW,
Vfide Public Hestlt
'Pt aohimiseu , C3 be 1C
Great' SticvTacn,
The Ontario DcntaI, hearth Day to
�1a 1 I1 on 'els5 a1ay, October fOth
will be somsthf ,g,s ry in ab far asthis
c CUiltry 111 c0,.r(0rned;, We. 'have had
. pedal days ei various lsinsls' but ,we
1 ave DCA et hm d one sot aeid-e for •the
,15irp000 of'informing 'the public hot
protect themselves tram tlsn, taV-
ZB5s of Dental diseases The .import,
mice of rho novornent and the neces-
aity for solus Snell -activity. Cannot be
gainsaid and the.Ontirie Department
of elealt3i deserves ertedit fee initiating
tliis;,effort le -educate -the public -le re
gat+d to the 5ta•evention of tooth docay
and peerrhea:
Many i � i•.
not ttetive anis helpful' activi-
ties, are being arranged and the lead-
�ingdteaYtlh,'educational and social wel-
fare organizations aro aid co-operating
in a meet ,enthusiastic manner. The
dentists ef.the lirovince, will give free,
d:mete examination anal advice to all
who request it'uponthat day, Ih the
larger centres special clinics wile he
arranged and in the smaller 'places the
dentists .will recetva the petioles in
their ewe offices.'
General •educational events will also
be held. 'These will take the ;form• of
public meetings and mass meetings.
of school ehiidren. In order, tol stimu-
late interest fin' Oral Hyglene-among
the boys and .girls„ the, seryiee club6
are donating prizes to be given. teethe
pupils writing the »test assays or Pre-
paring the most attractive postterm op
thin subject,': Through the kindness
and courtesy of the Ontario Motion,
Picture Bureau and: the Termite' Film.
Board a -short motion picture film wi•11 '
e shown in •the leading theatres and
the Radio stations, wil broadcast use. : If babies could:be put out of doors
full iutorrnation oh Dental Health, One in the air;; colds would not occur.—Dr,
f the mpg, attractive' features of this 'H• Waller.
duoational ;effort. will be the window''.
isplays arreuj ed -by the druggists and l Classified ed Advertfisements.
rani, of tee, merchants who carry m,r Olt PART Tina:. TAIL eau •nc
fruit, vegetables and: other wholesome F1 alem,aonr, we manuracuue, dames, 50)rost
The: programme.: for . the .pre- 050,1 earnings .for ngrimta: "t0r5 152005 510,0,0,
8ammlea tree.. Planks Orifice Lont5Wt. Ont.
v• -
fo ' .1 `Cts•',
Those delicate, 'truo tints 115,fabripa/
had. when new!. -You can de such tiuirli
Ing if you use woad dye. Soft, but pees
iect shades for. al? your underthingsy;
stockings, ate.
And don't stop with tinting! You
can Diamond dy°_ dresses, even ye
old suit. Tke`true tones in Diamon
dyes make home -d dyeing just: as
y 93 erre
Ile any. proi'essloual Gould do. 'Auk,
material, any .color -right 'over t r
old, Diamond 'dye your drapes an
in o '
a too, So
s It's tai
how economical!
" FREE: none: nr druggist will' give You f :
the Diamond Dye ;*Cclo fl
able>euggestion Y yodir; ions,
s and easy dlractions
with pieee-goods samples of color, 04
big illustrated. book Color draft os
paid ---write DYES,. De ti9
lel, Windsor,, Ontario. •
a ll?ake iC 1VZW for IS (lel
Just as- duelling was stopped bg
public opinion, so, when we are reallq3
resolved to ,stop war,` war will cease.
—Lord Cecil,
Mlnard's Liniment for toothache. .
to Eat."
�? R
"Tents the Patriarchs Loved
Trees are indeed the glory, the • Military Strategy:
beauty, and the delight of nature. ,7n. Uncle William stood watching his
what one imaginable a tree, ute, that nephew and some other' boys playing
it ought t, possess, is a tree, pray, de- at soldiers attacking a fort. After a
Merit? Light; shade, shelter, cool- moment or two bad passes be called
nese, freshness, music, all.the colors his pe hew o
of the rainbow, dew aaci'dreams drop -I- p t him anis said:
ping through 'their umbrageous 1W1-, 'Zook here; Fred• "If your side can
light at eve or morn, -dropping direct, ie the fort within half an Hour• I'll
soft, sweet, soothing and' restorative, give you half a dollar"
from heaven: Without trees, how in Fred accepted the offer and hastened
tits name of wonder could we have had to Itis frlends1v[th the news,
houses, ehilpsr haidgea, easy Chairs? About two manures later be return-
Wstltou't"trees, one malt might ed to his uncle and said:•
have )seen born with 'a' afiver spoon iii "Uncle, eat i drove the half h dollar?
his mouth; but not onether with a YV"Te taken the Port all right," -
wooden ladle. Thin wee pretty Stuart,"remarked
Tree by itseSP Tree, '"such tents the Uncle Wiiliann, as he handed over the
by 1t cif To'e , " u h "the
ooin. "May 7 inquire as to bow you'
Vmitien. `ofdental disgeses , w31:1 'also
ire brought to .•the 'attention of the
eople through newspaper; billboard
nd street car advertisements.
m a to out-generalted the enemy?"
brotherhood of Trees,"—the Grove, "Oh," replied nephew Fred, ` ."that
the Coppice, the Ni ofd; the 1Torest,— was quite easy. 'l just oifered the
dearly, and after all different fashion, other elite a quarter to. give in."
do we love you •all! ,iollri Wilma_ w _ :.,.
(Christopher North). Minard's Linlment•fo; bruises.
Lightning Perils.
Whati lightning threatensIt le al
ways safer to ba In a building than
out of doors, and to be in a tower than
In the open country. In the open come
try •trees and 3high ground 'should be
avoided, perticitlnt•iy isolated trees and
those at the edge of a wood.
1'n a woody country the proximity of
M11. trees is dangerous. In a high,
open country, a. diteit er dike should be
sought when the storm is severe.
The insulation afforded to the motor -
1st by the tyres of his caris extremely
small, owing to the enormous energy
behind a lightning flash. In the open
a. motorist runs at much risk as hepe-
destrianeend cars should not he stole
ped under trees or close to wire lances.
Rub your scalp with Minard's Liniment
Rainbow and brown trout were
brought from New -Zealand in ice for
a recent London banquet, Although
tire was an experiment, the fish ar-
rived in excellent condition,;
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
We Offer 'Toronto's Beet Prices,
St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2
With Every
Every roll of Prince Del -
warts .13i•and Fox Netting
opens outtr
as a 100
tang• wall of pei•teot env.
teotion for your foxes,
Prince Edward" does sot
hag nor sag and has 10%
more meshes than any
other brand of fox nettieg,
Write or wire for
delivered prices,
i dolmans' P. . ieha ids
Special Ontario Agents
W. H. 0. Ruthveri,,J, M. McGillivray
'Allistgn Prlceville
Professor I3esry Pairflehd Osborn elglrtir typo of envh•onme ee—e-s"""'s""e"e'•
calls this tendency "adaptive radial Tlie remaining types mm
of amals 13URN.�.
tion." dehave attempted or succeeded ler con-
He distinguishes '12' different ear- quering the air. `` Always keep" Minard's handy for
vironmeuts which have been conquer -L Class the includes, the .mammals burns, sprains, bruises and 'flesh
ed by the mammals. which spend part of the time on,. land wounds,
First there are the terrestial )nam- and part in trees, - The, gorilla is -an •
mals Adie the elephant and the ante- animal of this type. '
lopes , The tenth cla55 hves alnloii entire.
Next are the animate which,. spend 1'y in the tress,—situirr.e s, tree -sloths
part sof their time on land and part andfleniurs for eiample.
borrowing in the earth. The rabbit i Next we ,find, in the eleyenth' Class,
is the best I,own of these,I the m�mnial' whish 18 beginning to
'The, thins type are true burrowers conquer' the air, The "flying sgtiirt•el,"
aline the mole,' whieh volplanes er pareclnilesti'osfi
Next we have' a class of animals one' tree to,anothee, is sin examp o
which frequent streams --beavers anti' Lastly we -have the twelfth type, tate
the 'so -Called '`water -rats." 1 stat, which lies actually learners to fly
The 11f111 class is as mach at .hoine and conquer the air. ISSUE No. 3a.,—'24.
In Paris there is a corps ot pro-
fessional thinner -tasters, whose duty it
is to test and pass judgment upon all
food prepared, for banquets and silni-'
lar occasions of State
GariadianP/an ook
in eo•operation with Canadian Arehitents
designs of moderate priec,l hones are pub,
fished in the Md,Lcan I3uikt.rs'Cnide.
Detailed information 011 planning,
building,ihrni;hingpoicc natinggandfrar-
denims. Pmfinely illustrated.
4 Sc idealtsforreference book.
Scans 55 cants rola copy
• MacLean Builders'. Guide
ams Artelaide 55, 01,
Terontn, Ont,
The Ideal Powder
For Daily Use
This pure, delicately med-
icated, antiseptic powder
does much to overcome ex-
cessive perspiration. It sooth-
es and cools, is convenient
and- economical and is an
ideal face, skin,' baby and
dusting powder.
Sample. Such he trMW. Adda,o Canadian
Depot 50obom., L°td, Maatraa 2 5isco, 80ap
a50. lntmaak 8u 0nd sae. onleom 55 ,
Cutieura Shsviss•5tick. 2Ge,
Mrs. Holm Tells how Lydia E.
Pinkllam's Vegetable Compound
Restored Iler Health
Hamilton,Ont —"I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's •Ve otabie Compound
and would not be
I without it now.
I had a female
trouble so badly I"
could hardly walk
and I was all run-
down and could
hardly get around
to do my house-
work. I would be
in bed three or
four days at a
time. I was told
by a friend to try
your Vegetable Compound. I did and
-+ by the time I'took two bottles I'was
beginning to get around again. I took
ten bottles in ail and now I am all
right again and doing my own Work.:
Y rasa mix grown-ups•to work for, so
I have plenty to do. I, also. used Lydia
E. Pinkham s Sanative Wash, and I
think it is good. Bat owe my health
to the Vegetable Compound, and I
think if more of it was used women
-would be better off. I would not be
_ -without it if it cost much' more. "—
Mrs, NELLIE HORN, 28 St. Matthews
Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario.
Do you feel broken down, nervous
and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Cornpound is excel-
lent to take at such a time. It always
helps, and if taken regularly and per- ..
will relieve ehev
i i
y. a th s condition, c
Proved safe by .millions and prescribed by physicians for,
Colds •,' Headache Neuritis • Lumbago
Pails ' Neuralgia Toothache Rheunnatisun
elranaert: rte, V=51.Yo r- .M1mv rmeov •.arw...
-ACCs? Only "
1"ay r'1 package
which contains proven tiirec1toiis:
1Ti t ij "Bayer" bo0a9 '+l 15.; tablets
Also hefide of n,t and 102.-1:lruggistg.
dnblrth I tic troa< t n (., a f 5' i ,,* Cenn T. i 05 ran nr iLinfacnttn er. A°onnacdl0•
nclue •u 01 ,E fls cult ( Ott 1 L u c t, S ). WAN 15 la t?^tl knnwit.
i, nk :1Nt IP d rl , "i Pant 10 p,55 55e Inial agonist hultdt sono. (150 runlets`
Ur ilia;•, r o ,i,,n.7 WSLI ,.r ;tp,. tyu, With gove_at tOgac -much, the . 5'5f0r 0=555."