The Clinton News Record, 1926-09-23, Page 123'0.-48tIrk. Year'
EfTEIVIBER•23, 0920
is 'the Oeason fer
leig4er d
Sark .2ierning4
This is also the time fo• r you to use an
alarm clock. This' is- the 1aceto buy a
tatisfactork guaranteed Alarm CloCk.
TIZie Clocks are well constructed and
relidble-tionelieepers. Call a'nd in'spect-our
stock, or better still, if you cannot call we
will deliver melte your address on receipt
We have just made a special..
purchase of eight pieces 'of flail-
nelette, 36 inches wide, in plain
colors, white, pink, mauve and
grey. Regular 35c quality. On
sale at_25c per yd.
In plain, white large size, extra
heavy quality, regular price $1.00
A limited quantity only, at 656
The Arrival of
We have now on display Our new Fall Ov_tre)atsSUits,`_Hats
Caps and Sweater Coats and Pullovers in Various
shades and patterns.
The Best Efforts of the Best iVianufacturars in their • *
111E 001113'11 CLOTEll G g1
A Square Deal for Every man;
••!Eggs;\2-54,clie 40c.;
Butter; 33c. -!-‘ •
Wheat; $1,10 to $1,15. ,
OaltS,''35c to 40c; • , „
Suekwheat, 65e;
tBarleYi 5Qc'to• 60c.
•-• Live Hog's; $11.50. ..."‘ • • • ,.
. •
The Homeand 'School Club
Its 'usual meetings with a soeial
evening, a 1e1 hoine. of Mrs.,'W. S.
Downs on Tuesday eviding, Sept.
28th at -eight o'clock. ,
.A good musical program provided
and a toccent tea will be served.\•Ail
members -urged to be present and .a
hearty welcome for all visitors.
The Pipers' Band went to Vain
yesterday afternoon, to play al the
school fair.
Mr. W. E. Perdue is planning to
'get the Denmsey-Tunney fight over
the radio at his shop this evening.
Clinton boys • and. girls softball
teams won the -finals in the •SoftVall
Tournament held- at Londesboro on
Friday last.
The school fair season is on, Vara
fair took placb yesterday, Clinton
fair will auntytwo dayi-this year,
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 4th and
5th. •
.A large number from Clinton
United and Presbyterian churches at-
tended the two Presbyterial and one
Persbytery meetings held in Seaforth
on Tuesday. -
Mr. Johnston of the Canadian Oil
Company has takenMiss 'Moore't
cottage in William street, -recently
vacated )5y Mr and Mrs. Teeter, and
moved in last'week.
The ministers and, .''leaders of the
United Church of Canada in Ontario
and Quebec are having a conference
on "Dominion and .World Service," .iii
the Metropolitan church, Toronto,
from' Tuesday, Oct. 5th, to Thursday;
Oct. 7th. The work of the Church at
home Old abroad will -'be considered
and •onganization for greater effic-
iency will be effected. Special mes-
sages will be delivered by the Moder-
ator, Rev. Dr. Endicott, and the ex -
Moderator of the Uniteci.Free Church
of Scotland, the Rev. Dr. Harvey of
Edinburgh, who is here for the series
of conferences, which are to be held
across Canada and in Newfoundland,
seven in all, duririesthe next couple
If Months. The motive of these con-
ferences is to instruct workers in the
extent of the 'work and to inspire to
fresh. zeal and enthusiasm. All con-
gregations are asked to send dele-
gates. The ' congregations will
no doubt -he represented.
Baptist Church
Special mission, MoW going on.'
Speaker, Mr. W. A. 'Gunton; soloist,
Mrs. W. A. Gunton. Come and hear
the Old Gospel Message in 'song and
story.: Each night at 8, Sunday at 3
and 7"p.m. You are, invited to bring
a fridnd. Ahrn book, a seat and a
welcome for all.
Presbyterian Church
Service in the 'Baptist church on
,Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject: 'The
Vision of God in Human Lie." Sun-
day 'school at 10 o'clock. /
The Presbytery of -Huron met at
Seaforth on Tuesday. Rev. A. Mae -1
farlane was re -appointed' osoclerator
for the ensuing six, months, and a
resolution was pasted that nenee-
forward the term of moderatorship
should be one year instead of six
months. A large docket of ,routine
business was gone through, and the
Presbytery was addressed by Mr.
Frank Yeigh of Toronto on the Brit-
ish !Settlement 'Society, and by Rev:
Mr. Vesey, a returned missionary
from Korea.
Wesley -Willis United Church
Next Sunday Morning: "Revievv,'
Early Leaders of Israel." Afternoon
at 2:30: 'Sunday school Rally Day
services, held in main auditorium. The
full Rally Day program will be ren-
dered. Let every teacher, officer and
student, "Rally fer Service."' Even -
Peoples Bally 'Service.
"A Message from. London Confer-
On Monday evening et 8 o'clotek the
young people will rally for reorgan
The Girls' Club meet this Thursday
evening at S o'clock in the d.ectui•e
Four ears of young people of this.
congregation attended the Young
People's Conference ,of the United
Church in.the London Conterenee held
in,London on Monday.,.
Ontario Street' United Church
The morning elasses meet at ten
„The. morning message: "How to
'win or how to lose."• The evening
subject: "A Pauline Statement of an
• Old rTruth."
The Juniors meet '011 FridaY even-
ing at 7:00
The Temperance lesson is the one
to/be taken up in placeof the review
in the Sunday school. '
tRev. A. A... Holmes was welcomed
by a good attendance at League on
Monday evening. 'there was con-
centrated attention while he related a
thrilling 6.isperionce in his mission-
ary work in Labrador.
Sunday, Octolber ard, Will be an-
niversary. The preacher for the day
will be the Rev, Dr, S. D. Chown, the
honored General Superintendent of
aL4341P't :happened, at:the new
Coflegiate building on Trie;clitY,Which,
while regrettable enough, might have
resulted more ,tersously,!siiill.,,' A wan
ty,` the naine of, , V/Iilleen- of Sarnia,
„Was:astisting in tinleading, heavy steel.
.airders • When , sohiethind gave way
and the 'prep' which was iagainst the
-girder fell. over on Willies's, who was
kneeked over and received ,a'fracture
09 the shoulder.• 11e vat, hurried'te
the hospital, where he received
mediate treatment and ia reported
this morning to be getting along vice-'
Mr. James Fulton of Yale, Micli.,
husband of Ida, Thompson, formerly
-of 'Goderich township,' died at his
home on, Tuesday, after a compare,
,tively short illness. A stroke. en
Sunday; it , :Wine thought c following
other and slighter ones, ilendered his,
recovery impossible and' he grad-,
ually sank. • • •
The ,funeral takes place tomorrow,;
Friday, at Yale. Messrs L J. and
R. G. Thompson of Goderich township
and Miss Bertie Thompson of town
left today to be with their sister in
her bereavement.
The marriage took place at the par-
sonage of Zion United 'Church Taber-
na,cle,..1-Iamihon, on Wednesday, Sept,
1st'; of Ella IVIae, elder daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rut
of Goderich township and only
sister of Mrs. Wilfred eeley of Clin-
ton, and Mr. Earl Laverne Shaw, son
*of.Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Shaw of Brig -
den, Ontario.
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. R. J. McCorinielc, pestor of
the ehurch and a former pastor of the
hride, The bride wore a suit of
powder blue persey, with grey hat
and grey° Alaskan fox fur, After -the
eereMony Mr. and,IVIrs. Shaw left for
a honeymoon trip to Eastern Ont-
ario. Mrs. 'Shaw will continue her
teaching duties for • year, after
which the young couple Will rdside in
• The local •a,uxIliarie's of the' W. M.
S. of' the 'United, Oherelt of Canada
made•a good srtoWing at the Confer-
ence of the Centre' 'Section of the
Boon Presbyterial held in Seaforth,
oil•Tuesda3r, Ontario street church re-
porting the largest amount ot money
paid hi to headquarters, and Wesley -
Willis auxiliary haying the largest de-
legation present,
W,hile driving from Goderich the
other day, Mr. E. Harness, who was
accompanied Mr. Asa Deeves, met
with' an accident which might, have
'proved more serious. While chang-
ing'hands at the wheel, or something
of the sort, the car got beyond con-
trol and' ran into the ditch, The car
sustained more. or less damage but,
happily,- the men got off with slight
injuries. ,
• A Clinton men chopped a ten-dol-
ler.bill out of his pocket somewher'e
in town one day -last week and he im-
mediately came in and advertised 'it,
asking -the finder to leave it with The
News -Record. At noon Saturday
Superintendent Chant handed us a
ten -dollar bill, 'which his wife had
picked up on‘the street, and we had
the pleasure of returning' it to its
owner, "It pays to advertise." •
A lady advertised a lost purse re-
cently and at last reports it had not
been returned. This was not because
advertising was at fault, however.
We fear it was because -the finder, if
it was foundrwas not strictly .honest
or was rather careless, as the lady's
mune was in the purse. We hope it
will yet be returned to her.
Mrs. Stephen Deeves 'of Goderich,
who met death so trgically at Wing -
ham last week, was' buried' from her .
home in Goderich on Friday last, be-
eing laid beside her husband,'who had 1
predeceased her by sone yeall's, in
Dungannon cemetery.
The first report was that Mrs.
Deeves had gone to Wingham to vote
on. election day., This was not cor- I
ree't. She had started from Goderich t
Dungannon to place flowers, on
e grave of her husband and was
vertaken by some Goderich people h
ho were going to Wingham, to vote. a
hey offered her a ride and she got
into the car and on their suggestion t
went with them to Wingham and they
were to go around by 'Dungannon bn ,
the way back. While in Winghtini
Mrs, Deeves (Iowa some steps in d
the ladies' rest rodin, receiving-.
ies from which she died shortly after-
The deceased lady was a cousin of
Messrs. W. and David Steep of Clin-
ton. Mr, W. Steep and Mrs. D. Steep t
and other Clinton friends attended.
the funeral.
Mr. and IVIrs. T. 3. Lindsay ann-
nounce the engagement of their elder T
• Bagfiel , .
• many friends Wish her a good resew.
he hoihe She •slipped and'fell. ler
elyM.iss Maud ll,iGregor hadlthe iitntilSe'
fortune:to break Iter wrist on Thurs-
, when going up t e stops at
7 going
Mr. Geo, M. Fisher and 1
daughter, Miriam, of Waterloo,' are
guestsof Mr, and Mrs F. A. Ed-
lVIr. David Dewar, jr., left on Mon-
day or Toronto where he is attend-
ing the Norma,1 Sehool. •
.Mr. Robt. Penhale shipped appIe.s
to the West from Goderich on Friday
last. He left for, the West on Tues-
cialcIrs. A, Carty and little son Junior
and Miss Edythe Green • of Detroit
spent the week -end with 'their mother,
Mrs. Margaret Green.
, .
Mr. and 111XS. E. A. Sander, Miss
Betty "and Master Bobby Sander and
Miss Ruble Fisher of Kitchener spent
the weelgend with their aunt, Mrs.
F. Ac Edwards. .
Bev, Mr. Wells of London 'conduct -
e,,71 the Presbyterian service on Sun-
day last, Mr, J. B. Rhodes, who has
been here for the past three months,
having gone back to College.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Miss Nora
Ferguson 11/18. J. Ferguson, Mrs. W.
Foster, Mrs, L. Buchan and Misses
Mary and Ida Reid *attended the
Presbytery meeting. at • Seaforth On
Miss Marion Daviton spent several
days in London last week.
A number of people from the vil-
lage and surrounding district, attend:
ed the Western 'Exhibition In London
last week.
The repair work an Trinity church
is well under way. The church will
berg -opened on Sunday, October the
tenth, when there will be a- Harvarr
and Thanksgiving service, , whieli
there will be •special music., The. fol -
owing Tuesday. the Guilds purpose
giving a chickentupper in the Town
Hall, accompanied by good pro
Mr. Lloyd Hodgins of Toronto is
occupying his cottage for a few -days
his week,
Harold Skinner and his orchestra
from London left on Sunday atter
eying played at the Pavillion here
nd at Goderich during the summer
ionth5, andat• lent. surrounding
owns during the past week: -
Mrs. Collins of Kincardine, is the
pest of her niece; Miss E. !Cameron.
Miss A. M. Stirling returned to her
uties as matron of the General and
Marine Hospital at Owen Sound on
Mrs, MeFaul of Toronto is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Atkinson.
The Misses Rankin, who have spent
he summer months in their cottage,
eturned to their • hothe in Mount
leasant, on Monday.
WA's. Calderwood of Ottawa is vis -
ting her brother, 110. George Ring.
iVferton 'Kerner is attending tho
eclinieal School, London
Mrs: C. W. Bingley of Detroit is
isiting Misses Martha 'Rathwell and
aehael Taylor. •
Mrs. •Biioc and Miss Florence,
Master Charles and Junior Brock,
‘!ho have been visiting her :brothers,
Messrs. L. IL and W. 3. MacLeod, re-
turned to Port Dover on !Sat ,d
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. IVIeLeod Motoiti
them down and spending the weel
The bride is very Well known in, „
Clinton, having attended Collegiate
here, and her friends herd ancl'in God- I .,".„
erich township extend good wishes. • "
„ .
Word was received' ,Clinton of
the death of Mr. 'John E. ,Stone, of
Essex, father of Miss A, L. Stone of
the Clinton ,School, of Commerce,
which'occurred on Tuesday. '
Mr, Stone had been ill for some
time and Miss Stone, Was unable to
return at the opening of the school
term on account of it.' Mr, Stone is
survived by a family of six sons and
two daughters. His wife dibd a little
over a year ago. Ile visited here on
several occasions, he and his younger
daughter, Margm'et, having spent a
couple ef weeks here last fall, and will
be remembered by many in Clinton.
Miss Margaret, by the way, is also ill
at her home. Mr. • Stone was ^for
'many years license inspector for Es-
sex County. He was a member of
the United, formerly . Methodist
church and a Conservative in politics.
'• The funeral takes place at Essex;
fornorrow afternoon. Miss Ward,
•principal of the School of Commerce,
leaves` tonight for Essex to be present
at the funeral.
1VIiss Stone has a host of \friends in
Clinton and vicinity who,. will sym-
pathize with her in her bereaveMent.
The harrowing details of the recent
stem on the egaSt of Florida, which
laid low so large a portion of the
beautiful city of Miami, and other
towns along the Coast, has aroused
universal sympathy, 'Hundreds
were killed and many More hundreds
seriously wounded, while thousands
are left homeless and deti'endent for
theirdaily bread, arid succour
ef icinds are being hurried to the
Canadians are especially interested
,in the happenings In Florida almsany•
-from here ob. from ,time to time to
spend part .of the winter hi the mild,
climate of. those semi -tropical lands.
Mr. and IVrrs. have 'spentsever-
al winters at Orlando, which is inland,
however, and did not 5tlf4er filom-the
storm. They, are preparing to go,
again this 'fall but may- not"ga-fOr tj
couple of Weeks or so. Mr• 'dull Mrs.
Torrance and Mios Maude' spent
last winter at PenSacolar4ohich was"
wake of the etorin and suffered
property loss and was cut off from
communication wan the outside world
fOr a day. or so, bat which escaped loss
of life: These people, who have
friends in Florida are naturally anx:,
ious until they learn how they fared.
• The relatives 'of Mrs. Frost, for -
Moly MiSs,Mar,jorie gebool., of Clin-
ton, who resided in:Miami, have heard
that :she and her husband are safe,
Mrs.•111eBrien has heard from her
daughter, 1Viiss Etta,' Whe, also resik
ed , Miami; Miss .11feBrien, Wrote
the letter before the disaster blot evi-
derlqY it was tested afterwardt,'ss
on the back of the envelope were the
words, "We are safe." She also wrote
e card to say that the 'mute in:which
she lived wiliztandilig and the roof,
remained, although every,wholow was
broken and the cellar was flooded. Mr,
J. r: Sheppard, Whose son Norman
has his headquarters at Mobile,•hap-
polled to he at Ftillsport, and is safe.
Mobile sullered property losg but
liyes were lost there, ,according to re-
ports. It was a Very anxious time
-the fernier 111ethodist The • :for the fahuhes of ,those who had re -
ongregation will appreciatedevastated region un
' they heard 11.6w
righter, Jean Ovver, to Mr. Thomas
anklin Rathburn, son of Mrs. Rath
rn elicit:he late Mr A. Rathburri a
nibra,• the marriage to take place
tly in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bunter
unce the engagement of their dau-
ter, Letitia Emny, to Mr. Albert
nton Loucks, eldest son of Mrs.
Louelct and the late A. C. Loucks of
Ingoldsby, the marriage to take place e,
early in Optober. •
I. It. Rettenbury of Peterboro
announces the engagement of his sis-
ter, Harriet' Dorothy, to Mr. ,Cecil
Wiatts Harvey, son of Mr. and Mo.'s.'
John Harvey' of Toronto, the mar-
riage to,take place early in October,
• Mrs. G. Dufton :announces th
„engagement • of her niece,, Glad
lean Tilley, elder daug,hter tof the la
Andrew and 1VIrs. Tilley, to Rei.
Cliff, RA., son of Canon arid Mrs. W
T. Chaff, both of Stratford, the mar
ridge to take place early in • Octobe
IM'd.i.t-,he:rt.ea Mrs. Ord of Wholsor left
r home on Monday after spending,
couple of week In 1Vir. C. Will's coti•
411/e;s. W. W'es.tialte,, who has been
siting in Pint Ilbpe, Mich,, returned'
Saturday, accom,papieil by Mrs.
. Vairney, who has. sold the prop-
YM!.°1WIniegLhitYina°Nnviloefd DbeytroMitr.s. Oowie
Congratulations are extended to'
r. Geo. Castle upon his marriage oh
turday ID Miss E. Hicks of, Goder-'
. The happy couple left on a trip
Niagara. Falls and will reside in
e groom's fine new cottage upon
eir return. The •coirmrunity 'Tel^
nies Mrs: Castle to this meighbbr-
d •
A. very -pretty 'wedding Was sol
s. • -
e at home ef 1Kr. end,Mrs.
W. J. McLeod on Wednesday, Sep=
tribes! the ,fifteenth, when their eld-
est daughter, Lucy lIarriett, became
the bride of Charlet-Arthur Plater of
,,Detroit\ . At .half past twelve the
brikle entered the parlor on the arm
er father to the strains of Loh wedding march, played by
s. P. H. Pauli, and took her place
ide the groom in front of a beau -
1 bank of autumn flowers. Rev.
II. Paull performed the eerenionY,
er which Mrs., Paull played Men-
ssohns wedding march and sang
y sweetly, "At ,Dawning," during
signing of -the -register,
he bride was "gowned in Navy
erene de chene and carried
duet of white KillarneY.roses and
den, ,hair fern. She was attended
Miss Izetta IVferner, who wore a
n of green satin crepe and carried
umbia roses and fern. John Me -
d, jr., supported the groom. After
gratulations had been' extended a
pimous Wedding dinner was
ved. Mr. and Mrs. Plater left at
ee o'clock amid showers of con
1 on a ntotor trip to Crewe, Viv-
a. The ibride`donnecrfor the jeur-
a, pale green coat trimmed with
y squirrel and a felt hat to Match,
hyowiglale:tessitwleelien lichertsropiti..00k, Port
er; and Mrs, C. RicharclS,
hdf:a°goillocl: difwtrias.,:n.• odf 13341thr:a:n.,:Loolyinhl:ou'f tht
r, ich
PeOPIP You Know th
Charlei, Colin ana -4iss Vera P.
., • •
were the guests • of David "1"
Steep on:Wednesday. • 4 • -
14.1n P.'.Areher and Claug,h"ter of Luck-
, spent Saturday with their
cirinatti'efWr 4. week coAko with
GihrOi Nsi iSpni 6ass:
11Ir. jack left:yesterday for Chi-
lli.. and IVIrs. j: A. McKenzie of Re- °
giria;.Sask., visited for a few, 'days
during, the past -week at the home
-of the former hi town, coming to
visit Mi' MelKenzie's father, whom
• • we regret to say, it still quite ill. •
Rev'. E. 0. Forde -and Mrs. Forde and
•children of Toronto visited on. Sat-
urday at the home of Mrs. L, Roth
• of town. The' were on their Way,
to Auburn, where 11fir. Forde tOolc
• special Services on • Sunday. Mr,
Porde has accepted an invitation
a thunish at T,ethimidge and kaVes
• shortly for the :western city.
lfr. and Mrs. Rowland' cif Fullerton
. and Mr. W. Taylor and Misses Ida
and 14ezie Teylo, of Science Hill,
fernier ).4sidents 8tariley town-
ship, motored' up to Clinton Sunday
morning, attended service in Wes-
ley -Willis church -A0 were after•
wards guests at the lorne of Mr.
• and IVIrs. John Jeryis of the hay-
field Road, -
Revs. A. A. helloes, J. 'E. Hog and
1Koorliousec Dr, Hearn, Miss
Esther q'rewartha, Miss Ruby Ir-
win, Mrs. G. Jenkiiis, Mist 0 ,Nell,
Mrs. Fines, Mr. Shipley and Mr, R.
3, Gibbinga took anto loads of W.
31,5. members to the' meeting of
thee centre section of the 'PresbV-,
teilial of the Vraed Church in Sea-
go with the • young ,couple to their
•, ,
who has for some years past been an
.sedieerned citizen of 'Clinton. Mr.,
Johns came to Clinton te take the
principa ships of the'Pablic schopl, but
resigned when it .,05caine a Model
school a feW years' ago. He contin-
ued to reside here, however, taking • ,,
charge of No. 2 Hallett, while during •
the summers he 'completed a special
course in manual traihing. This year
he accepted the principalship of the
Vineland Publicschool, which has au
up-to-date manual training depart-
ment, and commenced his new duties
at the opening of the ,school term.
His family' will join him in Vineland
shortly. Mr. Johns was a good citi-
zen while here and win' be much
missed in the various eireles in which
he moved. He was an official mem-
ber of Wesley -Willis United -church,
president of the Young People's
League and teacher -in the Sunday
school. He was a member of the
Orange Order and an office bearer in
the local organization, and in Janu-
ary last was elected a member of the
Clinton town couneil.
Clinton regrets losing a citizen at
his standing but his friends here wish
him and his family health and pros-
perity in their new 'abode.
The United Church will have a
Rally Day Service next Sabbath
morning at 10.30. The Sunday School
scholars will present the pageant
"United for 'Service" and special
music, The pastor will give an ad-
dress. An evening' service under the
auspices of the W. M. S. will be held
in the auditorium of the church at 7
o'clock. Mrs. 'Beaton of Clinton will
address the meeting, • 3.11 are wel-
come. .
Mr. and .MTS, 0. Tt, Forster hhve
been recent visitors at the home of
the latter's sister, in London.
Mr. and 11/Irs. W, H, Lobb motored
to Michigan on Wednesday of this
weelc. •
Mrs. E. J. Trewartha and daughter
returned home after spending a few
days with the former's sister, --Mrs.
H. Bennett of Windsor.
Quite a few from here took in the
Exhibition at London last week.
The Mission Circle of Holmesville
church ,held a corn roast at the home
of the president, Miss Elva Proctor,
last Friday evening.
Mx.andIVIrs. •Chas. ,Stritighati and
Mrs. Thos. ,Straughan of Auburn vis,
ited Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Williams on •
Miss Olive Sturdy has returned
home after having' visited,in Toronto
'and at Bond Lake.
On Friday night of last week 'a
number of the young people of the
community gathered at the home of
lifr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and present-
-pd .the newly-weds, Mr. aii& Mrs. M.
Clark„,with a miscellaneous, The young couple received many
useful gifts. ' •
The fanners' .are very busy these
days harvesting the bean erop. 1± is
• to be 'hoped the fine weather may
%continue as it is 5 great heln'te les-
-sen the labour in connection with the
bean haNest.-:
motored froni Detroit
one -day. jast. week, -returning Satur-
day, accompanied by his wife...and lit-
tle son; •whohaie been spending' the
• past few weeks -'with 'Mr. and;Mes.
Mr. E. Cinder is, busy' these .aa..k.,3
.deepreting the Aim -Bean, chuliet,In
• ••
IVIiitei Mary and IVIargAret Chutes
and,hoth Elliott u*sPent the week -end
atBayfield. • •V
and Mrs. tI,Ieng, Ne W Yerk, are
guestS"at the kblne, ethe,latter's
brother, Mr. A. ,aircConsiatl: • •
M1.-. and Mre. ,;Stephenson
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
MTS. J. Beatty.
3Irs. W. 0. Woods and son George
motored from Listowel SatuolaY, re- .,
turning Monday evening after paying
a flying visit with many of their -
friends and relatives over the Week -
A, great many of our villagers took
ongEtifigion last week
,Mis. G. FL' Beatty, „accompanied by
his soother, motored to Yale Mich
on Sunday -ID nee the•latter's bother -
in -law, Mr. Fulton,
•whe suffered a
'stroke, and who has since passed
. .
A, very quiet but dbeantiful wedding
took place at the St. John's Episcopal
ehurch, Detroit, Mich., on,. Sept. 9±11,
when R., Vernon 1V1c0lymont, son of
3D. encl.' Mrs. Jas. McGlynn:int, of the
village, was united in marriage to • • •
1VESs Constance M, Pearson of ,Lon,
den. Kippen friends of the bride-
groom extend eOogratulations and
good wishes. t
. •
• .
• • .