HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-16, Page 8CLINTON'S LDADING JEWELRY STORE v te 'Your Etjes The, Attctin Tileg Deserve. an Eyes are are bread winners; take care of thein and they wiIl take carof you. Sight is priceless, saveyour eyss. If in doubt consult. R. H. JOHNSON No Guesswork About our Alleihods. AppOintments Made by mail. Eyes Tested! FREE. Graduate of Toronto College of ,Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs • Next 1ro4ey's Drug Store „ • „ NEW -FALI../ SHIRTS You might wait months to lay in shirts for cool months' wear, but you'll not beat these prices for real quality, new pat- -terns, and the same high class workmanship which means fit and comfort. All 'sizes now ---14 to 18: _ 98c and $»2.75 Plumsteel PHONE 25, POS. HE'S HAPPY Ot course he is happy. Ile knows that when he delivers the grocery order to mother's door she will reward him with "something ' good" from the grocery basket. And he is healthy, too, because all the good things mother gives him to eat come from the C. & S. Grocers, where quality is the f irst consideration. Our °prices, too, are always lowest. •••• • THE C. & S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. Of coursea radio is wonderful any time of the year—that is because they have been developed to such a high stage of • perfection, But 'during the fall atmospheric conditions are perfect and srou'll get marvelous results. Clear, sharp and full! Then too—this is the beginning of the big broadcasting season. The air ts full of things you should not miss. - P. S. Won*be long 'till you get the World Series and the. Dempsey-Tunney fight over tbe radio. Get ready. Yo\ii. favorite chair will be a ringside seat ! kailios at Prices You Can Afford. Sets and Parts. 45 volt B. Battery $4.50 45 volt liver B. Batteries $5.75 S tter • Sets Installed and Repaired. Batteries, Tubes. HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w 444•111410.11•11,Mmanameilam.rnmws iVIiHinery A special invitation tendee to the Ladies of Clin- ton and surrounding country , to come and view the new ) styles in fashionable millinery ,' Our stock is no' complete. Including some very fine English Felts. »• '11 -IE V9UE . , For the splendid school opening business accorded us. Sincerely • . . , we thank you. For riext„year • and the year to folloW•we are eo=, couraked to prepare for yorand to endeavor to remain worthy of your continue.c1--patronage. The iany uses of a Flashlight are, too long to enumerate but no niiitter who the person is, from the lonely spinster who needs a light to look under the bed and into the clothes, closet the last thing at night to the brave boy scout out alone after dark, or the motorist who is stalled with a flat tire or engine trouble, night Tatehman, travclers, mothers looking to see if baby Is ,alright, and so on. There is no end to the many uses Of an Eveready Flashlight and it ie only to remind you of this -fact that we have named a few examples. • • Tile W. Be Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the -est • Miss »Shiriey Bawden visited in Strat- fad flast week. Miss Jessie O'Neil of London was home over the week -end. Miss Alice Slonfan was home from Stratford over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, George Watts were in Toronto last week attending the Fair. Miss Olive Josling, who has.been vis- iting friends in J)etroit, has re- turned. Xi'. and Mrs. Joe Agnew of Lucknow Was the guest last week of Mrs. Mary Snyder. . Ws..D. B. Cuntilrigham accompanied her little daughter to Alma Col- lege, St. Thomas on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. lhaIntyre and fam- ily of Port Huron Mich., visited last -week with Clinton friends: Miss Verginia Quarrell of Van Buren, Ark., is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Harrison, at St. Paul's rectory. Mr. Edgar Maguire returned last -week after several months visit with relatives in the United States. Miss •Cleta Ford returned Saturday te St. Thomas to resume her duties as a member of the staff oflAlma Cel - lege. Miss Jean Miller and her cousin, Miss Alice Miller of .Royal Oak,Mich., spent the week -end with eaforth friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nediger spent the week -end with their daughter, t Miss Linnie, who is teae ing at tions Head. • Miss Alice Niftier, a studentat the State university,' Ypsilanti, Mich., is the guest of her cousiniNliss Jean Miller of town. • Councillor F. W. and Mrs. Johnston have returned' from a visit with Fenwick, Niagara Palls, Guelph and Georgetown friends. Miss Mary Relines of Medicine Hat, Alta., who recently returned from „a trip to Europe, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. , Mr. Willis 0. COOpek, who is with a London, England, business firm, t sails on Sept. 24th for South Af- rica, On business for-ehis firm and 'will ibe there until spring, , Mrs. 1. J. qua accompanied Mr. and Mrs. G. Mudie of Goderich township • and Mrs. Lowell Misner on a motor trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Port ROltineon over the -Week-end. Mrs. Clara Rumball was a week -lend visitor with her son in Lorsdom» On her return she was atcompanied by her little grandson, Master jack, who will speed a couple of week's with her. . Mr. Wward CooPer •-• of Vancouver, • }LC., spent a» couple. Of days with his cousin, Mr.A. T:•Cooper of town last week, This was •Mr. Coopers first visit east and he was enjoying it ininvensely. , Dr. M. -Louise Hurrell, Mr. Anthony Ilurrell and Mies Rose Stahley, of Rochester N.Y., MI'S, A. B. Hut - roll, Bridgeburg and Mr. F. Stygall, Butialo, N.Y.:, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Patti- son. Mrs. R. A. Bell, who has been in North .Bay for the past six months or so, returned home last -tveek. • •Sheohsited her (laughter at Allen- dale and with friends at simeoe4he- ,„ foe she carne home:* Her little grand -daughter Miss Muriel Mair of Allendale, accompanied he:i ,home. Tuckersimith Township Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Brown of Durkie, Mich., ntotored over and deceased, among theta being many spent the holiday with their grand- frere her old hoiae township df Stan - parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Crich. ley. • • • Clinton Newt -Record 6 pkrup„§DAy, .SEPTEMBER 16, 1026:. - • . . • , alitelteeditegeoleidee.mi - ‘• .w.111..4,9,44V Or'4%.4641247^4/1444di gi3 Cornett eery Early »Fall » Slug estiolis Introducing Muffets "-something new The all -ear round 'cereal A MEAL IN EVERY MPF'FET Delicious if served with raw fruit such as Peaches, Gar »of Peaches due to arrive about -October lst, e are taking our orders..in» turn and will sell then] ,on arrival of car at $3 25 bus. - Heinz Spirits Vinegar, per gal. 75c. Special Preserylng Kettle and • 1 ' Another car of "Redpath Sugar" ' .VALENCIA RAISINS .. . (WilPeirielb,, They 110aest) • goap Deal this week. this week .special price it car— •. •7 lbs. Rolled Oats 28e » 10 bars soap and kettle • $1.29. . and at the store. • 3 lbS' Brealifast Food ...... 25c • . 2 pkgs. Lux ,.. . .... ..'22c 4., 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes 2 cans Pineapple 5 lb. Pail Syrup . . ...... 38e 3 lb. Pail Shortening 55c Clark's Vegetable Soup 4 lb. Sealer Raspberry Jain 60e SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK END . il . Loose Cocoa, per lb. 10e ' a Special Black Tea • 48c 4 Our Own Black Tea ••65c 1Sherriffs jelly Powders 5 iwbsi.thc:na Plltes l • 29c-» •4 lb. Sealer Marmalade .........50c 35e 6 bars O'Neil's, Soap . . . 25e Aylmer Soups, 2 for • 25e - »Ginger 'Slurps, 2 lbs. for • 25e' • Taney Mixed Biscuits25 f 3 lbs. Rice .. . . . 25c ' In »the Morning First Deliveg9 a.m. In the3Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash and IA/ Service Wu Ise To 09 ll Nedi Where " Sells for less " price prevails. Ph 4 Ilk 25e • 4 25c 060 rwalowswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwinwowevwrinsive--- ovomou,ow, 1896 Thirty Years 1926 See the New Fantyles • lien's dress becomes more practical, mbre serviceable and better looking every year. • Thirty Years have worked great changes, but it will be hard, well nigh impossible to make better looking or longer wearing men's suits than these new Fall models. •> Our Pall styles and materials are now in and we inyite your inspection. • Suits for Men .As Low as $32.00 Davis & • er VETERAN TAILORS . • HOT »SUPPER In- St. Pant's Parish Hall Under auspices.of the Ladies' Guild on Thursday, Sept 23 • Supper served from, 5 to 7 MENU: » Dressed Pork, Roast Beef, Escalloped Potatoes, Salads, Jellies, Pickles, Pie. • • Adniission 35e 74-2 LATE PEACUES! • Orders takesi for late Peaches• Guaranteed Free Stone Late Albertas "- And Crawfords $2,50 bus. basket Glen Cook, Cliritan Phone 171 • Goderich Township The community was deeply grieved by the sudden death Wdnesday, Aug- ust 25th, of Mrs. John Sowerby, well-known resident of the 3rd. cen- . cession far the past tidily years. De- ceased,' whose Maiden name was Sar- ah Louisa- Snowden was born on the •Sauble Lipe; Stanley township, where her two surviving sisters, Miiies El- izabeth and Rose Snowden,' still re- side. »She was e kindly ,,neighboP and of whoin it might have been truly said,"she looketh well to the ways of her houseold," - A largo concourse of sorrowing relatives and friende were present at the funeral Friday after noon to pay their last respects to the PHONE 224-W. EBENTURES FOR- SALE The Corporation of the Town of Clinton offers to local investors de- bentures issued forpayment of the new Collegiate Institute building, in sums Of $500 and - 41,000, yielding five per cent, to the purchaser. hi- terest payable semi-annually on Feb. 1st and Aug. lst. Further information may be ob- tained front D. L. » IVIACPHERSON, Treasurer. Clinton, Avg, ard, 1926. 6941 Fall is , Approaching Time for stoves and betters -1' See purs before you buy. Our specialty is th • Jewel Quebec Made by Clare Bros., well known and well liked by all. If you want that new Furnace, we • have just the thing • "The. Hecla " at the right price. HARDWARE and PLUMBING • Phone 244 s ' Enjoy This Chesterfield Suite Now that the lond evenings are here again why not have real comfort while enjoying your radio concerts instead of suffering both the agony of a stiff old Chair and the static. If it's something less eXpensive we have all kinds of comfortable chairs and rockers at any price you desire. • Our ,Pall -Stock of Carpet, Linoleum, Congoleum and Oil Cloth Rugs is herkilso Linoleum and 011 Cloth by the yard. '•• \HARDWARE The stove season will soon be here and we are prepared bettor than ever to supply your needs in Ranges and. Heaters, made by the different manufacturers in order to give you tt selection in price and quality. A Congoleum. Mat given FREE With every Stove Purchased A full stock of shelf hardware, Brantford Roofing (best by test). We do Plumbing and Tinsmithing. .Ask us for estimates °intim Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES W.UTII A STOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture »Phone: 104 • Hardware 195 55 egsmaarormossm ammuswriumniaceeteatosramiatsoncatemasmOsomomenona..rmssamon, usic Lessons Will take a limited nkunber of pupils Will be at home afternoons and evenings • Residence; Erie St. MISS E. 51 BECKER 73-2-p Music Lessons, MISS EDNA WISE, PIANO AND THEORY Vacancies tor Pupils. Apply at Studio Al home on Ontario Street' or Phone 163j .411/1131.* IMO& I. I Spot Cash -for Eggs and Poultry Bought according to Government grading LIVE POULTRY Broilers, Hens, old Roosters, Old Turkeys, Old and Young Ducks all bought according to size and quality 'To insure satisfaction write, phone or call on a -before marketing your produce. Give us an -opportunity to prove , 'that we give specialized service to you in eggs and poultry. • The Place Where Quality Counts - GUNN9 LANGLOIS & Co. Limit -1 HEAD OFFICE' -- MONTREAL, (WE CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO " PHONE 190