HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-16, Page 5f11'
TI{UIt'SDAY NEPTti1yiaaur1^ 1.6 ,1 g
e t . i o
t � e� 1b d >e+ batik as
ca Yes, . p,
• MarketRemains rirm'With•..
Prices' Well Maintained,
There is. a; keen„ demandfor'
high-grade ;" cattle','Witir' prices
rematnrti „him..• "t'he �contin`ued
stehdmess,,o£ the` market
ppliustzes' ,the 'tact'`that. betiter
1'v 'toil. ' ns bigger hank
s .mea . a .btgg , n �
secotint far'tlre;farmer w o
heres to high st;xndards.obreed-
iaag and" seieetion,,•-a , reward
hatch the : owner of .the scrub
erd' cata,'never hope to realize','
the -Cattle tecei.
yal Ban
Clinton Branch R. E. Manning, Manager
m �..
interest ,to You
an c , a�i`I e.
Well, the Sovereign—Peoplc have
:spoken. You may or may, not like the
'verdict,•but you will -have to abide by
We had a fine day for the erection
but, in view of the weather since, the
weatherman seems to be mighty
sorry over the result.
"Never advertise .without having
. something to advertise and 'never
have anything to advertise without
advertising," is the pertinent way the
Kitchener Record puts it.
w a . .
It will be a serious thing, for the
country if the powers that be eon -
:elude, as they have, some reason to
• do, that the people of Canada ap-
prove of public officials joining hands
with rascals in breaking the laws of
the land.
The Stratford Beacon -Herald had
an editorial in Saturday's paper about
the' delights 'of sleep. Bet the editor
has been •out late at night attending
politieal meetings bird was promising
himself a few good snoozes as soon as
the election'was• over. •
Mr:• 5. Bruce Walker, European
Director of ,Canadian Inunigration, in
. an address lately made the assertion
that Canadian husbands are'the best.
in the world. There is scarcely a hus-
band 'in Canada but will agree with
Mr. Walker's statement. •
awn « I
Hamilton refuses to grant a ,taxi.
license to a woman. This isnot be-
cause thewoman isnot considered a
capable, driver but because it is felt
that women are butting into men's
, jobs too much. The,itiayor.is reported
to have said that "it wasn't fair for
them to break into this line." The
woman iniquestion :said the men want-
r•ed to save all the"soft" jobs for them
selves, So thele you are, a sex war
a w M T
"There .are many citizens," remarks
the Wetaskawin' Times, "who ex-
pect to pay their butcher and their
: groc,er every month, but they think
that ,a,newspaper .subscription bill.
:can be paid any old time. Some of.
them will let it run for .years,. if the
Publisher does not cut it off. And it
it is cut off, they get huffy, tend de-
, Glare they will never take the paper
•.again. They feel indignant •because
doubt has :been thrown upon their cre-
• dit, They should reflect that] the pub -
licher gets no good out of their credit.
What he- needs to• pay his help and
settle his paper bills, etc. is cash, and
nothing well take the place of cash.
This irregularity of income is the
curseof many newspapers that would
be in•a thriving condition, ,if they
•,•could• depend' upon the saute -pay-
. ments that the drygoods pian and the
shoe, store can lodk to."e••
It-would•'be a, good. thing for 'rural
"'weekly newspapers of they could do
,.as daily papers and national weeklies
do, insist upon cash in ,advance. • A
lady subsdriber aaid..to us not long ago
• when ,she carie in to renew, her daily,
which was just due, 'and The News-
Recdrd, which was somewhat poral.
due: ";Lt is really a shame for us to
allow our subscription to The News -
Record to ran' behihd, ,just b'ocause
;you don't stop it; We hurry to pay,
up our daily paper because we know
• that if we do not we shall be deprivek
of it; but we allow you peoplei;o wait:
until it suits 'us -to come 'in and pay.
It:,isn't fair.' This lady looked, at it
• from the publishers' standpoint,
who is representing Canada at the
League, of- Nations. Sir George has
proved a worthy representative, ono
Canada has reason to be proud of.
1�iatxuve have had•naitssealser
in f r °Chrlstmao rPort
4 „
It is;:ohle aboiit 16 veeeits till Ghyiet
}nap••and stint ' is the'tiane,ypere ant,
those Photos 'fon, Gifts,. l;Bettei• eo ate
in airy'Tuesda4now and we "'will fin-
ish yoir..Photos, and pus" them aside
until 'you want'' them at Christiakae
(We twill not promise any" -Photos tak-
en after • Dec•"l'at fox Cltristmaq •),• .12
Portraits take:' caro of 12 of`yout
ftierids'•as Gtftsi
,la e"` a na s oruein now, h(d l th t
; to 1)4ither with lot
's `i a for Anerteura:.
Wie''cio f m It ? g. .
rfrait `.Stu
Burgess, Po
A big Softball Togrnainent will be
' at 2 p.m. •
The following''teams will compete:
BOYS:- • Ashfield, Auburn, Blyth,
Brussels, •Seaforth, Clinton, Bruce-,
field and Londesboro. • •'
GIRLS: Ashfield, Brucefield, Clinton
and Londesboro.
ADMISSION 25 -and 10 cents.
SEAFORTH: Mrs. - M. Carbert,:
"Seaforth, < announces ,the engagement
of her daughter, Alice Marie, to MT.
George Edward Holland, son of Mx.
and Mos. George K. Holland, Dublin,
Ontario, the marriage to take place
the latter part of September.
LEPPINGTON—In Clinton, on 'Sept.'
12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lep-
pington, a daughter.—Mary Edith
WHITE—At Victoria ' Hospital, Lon-
don, mts.Septenaber 4th,'to•Rev, and
Mrs. L. C. White, of Nile,. a daugh-
ter, Mary Elizabeth.
'SHIPLEY—At St, Vincent de Paul
Tlcsdiital, f'rockville, on SePtembei',
13th, to Dr. and Mrs. Manley Adair.
Shipley, of Morrieburg, a daughter,
.Maayy Ann.
By a working man, a $10 bill on
Saturday, Sept' llth, in Clinton..
Finder please leave at The News -Re-
cord office. `: 75-1-p
Card- of Thanks
Electors of South Huron:
Quite regardless of party political
leaning I thank you for the splendid
victory given me at the; polls on
Tuesday* last:. The victory is yours
not mine. . _
I take it as a striking vindication
of my record ne your servant in the
parliament of'Canada, and a fitting
rebuke -to those who sought to cover
my name with obloquy at a time when
I was humbly endeavoring to do my
duty and had to meet and experience
the greatest Material loss in human
May I say again that words fail to
convey in any Adequate terms a just
appreciation of the fine tribute you
have accorded. It shall be to me an
additional inspiration to render to
you and to my country the best and
noblest service of nay life.
Yours sincerely,
R. R. No.' 2, Seaforth, .Ont.
Sept, 15, 1926,
STEEP In Goderich, on September
3rd, Annie Wilson, wife of Mr.
George Steep, aged 28 years.'
PL EWES — At Moosomin General.
Hospital, on Sept. 8th, Joseph
Plewes, son of the late Robt. ancd\
Harriet Plewes of Tuckersmithy'
aged 64 years, 11 months and 18
,Brucefield I•Iorticultural Society was
held on Tuesday, Sept. 7th, both af-
ternoon and evening. The exhibits
were all beautiful and very numerous,
surpassing all expectations. The as-
ters especially were wonderful. A
silver collection was taken at the door'
to defray expenses and the choir girls
made over $30 serving tea. .Follow=
rag area list of the,prize winners:
Collection , of glads—Mary Me
Naughton, Mrs. 3,,Thompson, Anna
Caldwell. `.
6 Glade:—Mary' McNaughton, Mrs.,
5. Addison.
Display of ,,Asters—Mrs. C. G.
Armour, Itlrs W. '. Nesbitt, Mrs.., D.
6' Asters -Mrs. D. reeheringltapi
.114s. C. G. Armour; Janet Ailcenli,ead '
Display of Dahlias --Mrs. J rhomp-
son,;4VIs H. Dayman..
6 Dahlias -=Mrs. J.:Thou;psora, M.rs,
D. Fotheringham, Mrs. J. Kitchen,
Display of Annuals ---Janet . \Aiken-„
bead, Hazel Haugh, Eleanor 'Snider.
Display of Pehemaials-Mrs. 5. Mc-
Queen, Mrs. C. G. Armour, Mary -Mc
Tuberous Begonias—Mrs. J. Addi-.
son, Mrs. W. Stackhouse, Mrs. H. Mc-
Hosie Display- 1VIr.' J •.Addison,
Mrs. A. McQueen, Miss Marks. •
Mrs. Rathwell of Toronto > is the:;
guest of Mrs. Win. 'Rattenbury this
week. , ,
• Mr, -Prank ;MCGreeor' is visiting
friends in the village and vieinity.
Me. and lVirs. Wheeler and daugh-1
ter :have gone to Detroit to .attend
the wedding of their soil, Austin.
Mr. and M°s. Mae ,Aikenhead of
London are visiting friends, in Brace -
field end vicinity this week.
e • on hat.n;,. a n, toffs of
fall;vrheat bran,and shorts, tivhieh we
will'k,sell et.•seasonable; prices iia far'
niers begs: `
c 0 h
'John S
Phone 8::
Cleeeee •-`
reet�� ..
)tial S# ,
> •
Friday, October 1st.-
In 'Hospital Bioeit on Shipley street
F,ollo,wing'are the booths:.
Christm'as Gifts-•-11o'spital Hoard '
Convener, Mrs. Mason,
Touch and Take—,Girls Auxiliary
.'Mrs. Stevenson.
Homemade 'baking and ToWels—Clin-
ton Women's Institute Mrs,`': Flynn
Miscellaneous—Londesboro Women's
Institute Miss Brigham
Aprons—Lady Bowlers e
Mris. Faux
Candy Booth -
•Horne Cooking and Produce London'
-• Road Chit Mas. A., Wiltse
Fish Pond Mrs. F. Thompson
Baby Show "hospital babies,"
Prizes given, under' 6 months,, 6
months to.1 year; 1 year to 1,/s years,
1A to 2 years. ° Mrs. Combe
Rummage Miss Zetta Bawden
Afternoon Tea Mrs. McTaggart
Donations may be loft at Miss Baw-
den's home any trine during this
Clearing Auction Sale
Mo. Henry C`Zapfe has instructed
the undersigned to sell by public auc-
tion at Brucefield, on Wednesday,
September 22nd., at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following:, Mason & Riseh
piano, nearly new; Gold Med-
el phonograph, with forty-
six records;' Buffet with mirror; Din-
ing room table and. sial -chairs; light
oak bedroom suite, complete; 2 dark
oak bedroom . suite, complete; Ray=
mond sewing machine; Iron bed;
Wooden bed; 2 wash stands; Kitchen
,table; six .chairs;, •2 arm ; chairs; 3
rocking chairs; Morris chairs
strethcer; 2'•snnall•tables; 2'hanging
lamps; 3 table lamps; zink; New Per -
Ration coal oil stove with oven; Coal
heater; eight day clock; dishes; .pots;
'pans; crosscut saw, nearly new; 2
axes; spades;.shovel•s; bucksaw; forks
handsaws; planes; step -ladder; meat
grinder; 5 cord maple wood; 2 tons
hand coal) .31, tons timothy hay;
double barrel breech -loading shot
gun; fur coat, nearly new; driving•
horse, quiet and reliable, rubber tired
buggy; cutter; .2 sett single harness;
collars and hames; wool horse Ulan
ket and other articles, etc.
At the satire time and place the de-
sirable property .will be offered for
rale if, not gold previously con-
sisting of good frame house with two
good garden lots and an abundance of
good water. Also a go'od stable on
'diprtioopeotyns,} ". , (buildings are in' good con-.
Terms=Terms on property made
known oe day of sale. Termson ef-
fects, 4 months credit on furnishing
bankable paper, or a discount," of 6%
per ,annum allowed for cash on credit
amounts. . • .•
Everything to be sold as proprietor
is leaving` tBrueefield "- Henry. C.
Zapfe Proprietor, George I3 Elliott,
Auctioneer•. 74-1.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moor of De-
-troit are visiting at the home of. Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McKenzie:
ar aiser of Detroit
Mr, and Mrs.,K 1 I�
spent the week -end with friends here.
Mr. Frank McGregor of Flint,
-Mich., is holidaying with his father,
Mr. Hugh McGregor, Sr: -
Miss Laura Swan is: spending her
,vacation with her parents, Mi: and
Mrs. George Swan
Miss•Graee Ross has returned from
'visiting, friends in Brantford.
1Vliss Mayme;Swan is'visiting With
her sister,,Mrs. C. H. Haat, ,Toronto. '
Mr.' and Mrs, H. Zaphe and family
,are intending before, long to move. to
Detroit. They will be greatly, missed
;from ort: village., as they;; have been
•g 00a
leaves Miss Gladys Adiiisan shortly
-to enter the hospital as a nurse;ii
' _ On Monday evening.. a number of
the young ladies gathered 'atthe, home
of, Miss. Addison and presented her
with a shower ,of handkerchiefs
The first Flower•. Show 'of , the
Report of I4o • Shipments for Week
n Ii w
enditg" Sept.'9tli, 19216.'': • '• -
Clinton—Total bogs, 62; seldet.bac-
on, 36; thick .smooth, 24; heavies,1:
Londeehoro-•Total, hogs, 69; select
boot, 22; thick smooth, 47. •
;Huron CountyTotalAloes, 1347,,
select bacon,; 398; thick srnooth,769;
heavies, 57; :extra hea'el'68, 9; shop
hogs, 52; lights and feeder's, 38,
Commencing at 8:30
Admission --Gents, 60c, Ladies, 25e
Should Weather be Unfavorable
' Bazaar will.he in Town Hall
i warttli .
EA'L77B , IN
W SPk3-CIAL1'ZE in Milk Fed Pout -
try 12 months, in tate year. Phone ae
'early in the week:: as possible for:
n to have the ird o
We advise u b s
y ,
e while'
;your laying peh cu1 1 d the
price is sigh. Cullin ;of :birds done
free of charge through u our office.
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
e' For Sale
3 -burner oil stove, high bac):, oven,
Beady,new; good cream reed baby's
buggy and bassinet; mahogany dres-
ser and corrode; ironing' ' board and
clotheshorse. Apply to Mrs. A. Mc -
7 5 -1-p.
Ot House and Lot and Furniture
The., House and adjacent lands
known as Lot Number , 503 on the
North side of Rattenbury street,
Clinton, will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at the premises on
Tuesday, September 28, 1926, at 2:00
o'clock p:m. •
The house is a ' 6 roomed cottage
with an attic. It is'lighted with elec-
75-2 Solicitor for the Vendor.
• -. Calves Astray i
Strayed from the Lavis farm on the
Base line, about September lst, 3 9 -
Months -old calves, one ` roan; one
Guernsey with white spots and one
red with white spots. Information re-
garding their whereabouts thankfully
received, Call Phone 189w or 189j,
Clinton. ' 75-1
The gross earnings.pf the Canadian.
National Railways for the week ended
,September 7, 1926 were $4;8941117 05
compared with $4,456,739 for the
seine period of 1926, an increase of
$443,738 or ten per cent.
Go To—
Ne Tiger's -Garage
For Gasoline -Oil and Grease
Tires,' Tubes and Accessories.
- Let us figure on your Trucking
Plums For Sale , ' .
Many varieties of good plums at a
low price for sale by Mrs. Argent.
• 75-1
Auction -Sale of. Farm Stock .
The uedersigned has received in::
structions from Mr. Ernst 1 own-
sliend-_to sell by pulite' auction -at MIN '.
George Holtmd'a pann, 1 :mile south
wesiw01:Clinton on the•Bayfield road
cur Saturday, .$eptetriber ,25th, coan-
inencing bI1:3Q o'clock, . sharp, thmY
-following.: General-purpose horse, 4
years old; • ' aavy draft innie, 11. 1 years
old;"Durham,cow with calf at foot;
8._Holstein cows' with calf •at foot; 2
peat Jersey cows •wit'h ,, Calf at foot;
Hercford'cow with calf, at foot; Here:
ford, coW due to freshen, in December
H -refercp cow due 't0 freshen ' in
March; .11eireford ,cow ,due„ to freshen
ie April; Durhem cow due to freshen
'in March;, Iolstein•cow milking good.
These cows are all y`dung and a choiejp.'
'lot: -3 H•olsteheheifers'due to fresheli:
this fill 3 Durham` heifers • to
freshen this fall; 10 2—year old heif
ere; 1a last :fall calvesi 2 spring
calvod; Heirefoi d bull f So ,i' with 1Q,
.pigs 6 weeks old, Term1
s 6l -months
credit to be given o't, 1o'ntehang bank-
able paper of a discount of 6 per dent.
\per annum ; off .forcash, or an adds
tioi'tal 6 rionths'eredit givcn•with 6%
pereannuni,odded (no reserve :.as,pro-
,prietor has no stable:), Ernest'Town
steed, Proprietor., George H. Elliott,
Auctioneer.;-, 75.2
Some Wood for, Sale
W. .f. Nediger, Prop.
No Two Person's Eyes Are Alike
That is why we must give the clos-
est attention to every 'mase. And
where lenses are furnished, they must
be prescribed and prepared to suit the
needs of the individual. We have can-
fidenee in our ability to render a sat-
isfactory service, and to giveeas near-
ly normal vision - as conditions will
permit. W. H. Hellyar, Optometrist,,
Clinton..* 75-1
Slabs For Sale
A quantity of good slabs for sale.
Apply to A. D. McCartney, Clinton.
Phone 25G. 72-4
Razor Blades Sharpened
Safety Razor Blades sharpened.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re-
funded.. Single edge, 3c, double edge
4c. 5, E. Hovey„ Druggist, Clinton.
Barn For Sale •
Small barn, 18x26, in James street,
to be moved from property, for sale
cheap; A, L. Cartwright, . Huron
street. 74-2
Boarders and Roomers Wanted,
A number .of boarders and roomers
wanted, second'house west of Baptist
church. Apply to Mrs. W. Cole. 70-tf
A Nice Farm' 1Io;ae For Sale-.
That desirable. farm . of 100 acres
situated just outside the corporation
of the Town of Clinton, on the Pro-
vincial Highway, being lot 22, con. 1,
Hullett township. Soil - rich clay
1oam, excellent water. For particulars
apply to Alex. R. Brown, Box 98,
Clinton, Ont. • 71-1f
We Serve , and Satisfy
Shampooing anis Marcelling.
The ladies of Clinton. and vicinity
will lie interested to know that I'am
now readyto do shampooing and mar-
ceiling' at pry{ home in Queen street.
Appointments may be made. . Mss.,
Ross Foetester. • • 74-2-p
'For Sale
Open buggy, wire wheels and new
rubber tires; Massey -Harris 11 -hoe
fertilizer drill; good asenew, a
6 -ft. Deering mower, in good repair:'
W. W. Higgins, Bayfield.
Money Wanted.
$1500 wanted immediately, on.good
mortgagor Money well toured. Will
pay 7 percent. Write postoffice•box'
325, 'Clinton Ontario. 74-2.
Notice to Creditors
the estate. ofeJohie Robert Hol-
mes, late of the Township • of Goderich
in the County' of Huron, 'Retired Far-
mer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Seyaion 56, Chapter 121 of R. S. 0,,
1914, that ,all persons having claims
against the Estate , of John Robert
Holmes,. who -died on or about the sec
and day of May, A.D. 1926, at' the
Township 'of Godenidii, are required to
send to Dudley` Holmes, Wingh,ain, or
M. H. Howell, Goderich, the Execut-
ers, on er before the twenty-eighth
day P of ' September, A.D. 1926, their
names and addressee with,. full •par-
tieulfrs of their claims in writiltg and
the -nature of the- securities (if any)
held. by tli'ent. "
And further 'telco 'notice that after'
the said- ,twenty,-eight)j, day of'Sep--
tember, A.D.' 1926, theessets.•of the
saki Estate will bo distributed by the
said Eitecutors among the parties'. en-
titled thereto, having regard only to-
cloam • of which, they sit
a1l then
notice and the Estate will not be liable
fors any'elaim not filed at the time of
the .said distribution.
Dated : at Wi'ngham this twenty-
eighth da of August, A. D., ,5926.
Dtidle Holmes, M, W. Howell;
>' Executors.,
Ball Improved Sealers'
9A h
"eery 0:13 S. 'P
cCorIInac D ni' , .,N . .
;A -LIGHT DRAFT, iLOW-PRICED P1,OW especially designed for
all conditions.' It Ilea the following strong features: •
Adjustabl Reel. Furrow Wheel with a screw- adjustment which
can be set to ma
alcethewheel easter easily or hardas desired. hard.
oiler is provided regularly, and when.kept,.full of, grease will prevent
dirt, or sand from entering the hub bearing. Effective scraper can.
be adjttsted to fit ageless to the,rim as necessary to do a good job
of Cleaning. A hook is supplied whuch.can be hooked around a spoke
to cause the rear wheel to act' as a' brat e/ on steep hills.
Three t s f Bottom can' -be u plied ono, with deep,sucic share
ype o Bottom b s r .
" esao5 al , purpose, work' in 'stubble land, -another for ,gravelly
and the third which; is" 'especially suited for heavy clay soil:
The Front Furrow Wheal can be con r fled lir two ways, .e
'by the pole, or' by the hand lever,
:This Plow has .it high arch•:beam and the clean wide opening bo -
e ••
tween the wheels insures ample cl
learance for trash even where field
conditions are exceptionally -bad. Ta11,' stubble• and corn ,fields can
he plowed auccessfuliy; with this plow.
A Rolling Coulter: which is supplied regularly •cuts through the
stalks arid trash 'easily, and thus helps in covering.
CLIFFORD LOBB, Implement' Representative
Millerr w ref Gorr
Deering and McCormick Agency.
itowland's Old Stand
Ford Coupe in; Sale
1925 Model, in good running order.
Apply to W. J. Nediger Clinton. 62-tf
Cheese for Sale
Cheese for' sale in 10 lb. lots or
more any time, present price, 21s lb.
•W. H. Lobb, president and salesman.
R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 40-11
Pints, per dozen $1,20
Quarts, per dozen $1.35
Half Gallons, per dozen $1.65
Parawax, per bottle 20c
Zinc Rings, per dozen 20c
Rubbers, per dozen 10c
Bulk Black Tea, special, lb. ..70c, 80c
{Bulk Cocoa, per lb. 10c
Coffee, per Ib, 70c
Corn, per can ... 15c
Peas, per can 15c
Tomatoes, per can .......... 2 for 25c
Pinlc Salmon, per can 20c
Tomatoes by the basket, Celery, Cab-
' bage, Peppers, Fruits, etc.
Fresh"line`of Cooked and Uncooked,
' Meats at all times
Phone 111
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re.
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J. Jago. —8341
Western Oats
Expect a car daily of old oats.
Special price off the car. Our oats
here this year are too light for
handling. Western oats look like a
small crop with high prices. Let us
know your requirements and give us
a chance to get them for you before
they go too high.
Homing Feed
Expect another car of this daily.
Special price off car for cash. Every-
body knows this feed. The highest
analysis feed on market for the price.
Orjster• Shell
Have a carload coming the end of
tho month. Lay in your winter's
Ben' Hur`
Snow Drift
Maple Leaf
Five Roses
North Star
-Phone 123
'Flour and. Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
F. R. DA _R W
will be at his office
in Clinton each
From 3 to 6 p.m.
Having erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
Orders taken et residence, phone 119
Stove, Egg, Nut and Threshing Coal
Coke and Kennel Coal
Also some Slabs
Phone 155. Huron Street,
Singer Sewing Machine
Sold on Easy Monthly Payments
Special two-year terms given to
Also a full stock of
Needles, Belts and Parts
for all makes
Sole Agent for the Singer
W.\ GLEN cam -
Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clint09
' For people who prefer to
wear kid` leathers in prefer-
ence to .all other kinds for the
real comfort which is found
in them. We are offering two
patterns which appeal to all
lovers of top quality model.:
ately priced.
Oak tanned soles Goodyear
Welted $6.50 and $7.00.
Special Fittings for"
narrow feet.
A -.d_ .
The Big Shoe Storei - Opposite the Town Hall
_ . C. H. VENNER, Electrielan
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wii ing and Repairs. '
', Every winter ,you promise yourself
thatenext season you'll put that coal
in early. •
t er's here S
Winter's cooping just as surely,
and Christmas time :will bring you
sleet: and snow,'not roses':
'Send teethe 'H'Heat:Folks, get your
coal in 'nobly and forget, your heating
prdblem for therest of -the year,
Call the,
f r' good, deandeaneoal
PHONE 74 --------CLINTON
Phone 15 Ivo'
1 'r
We carry ,a of high grade 'bread andpastry flour
bran shorts and middelings. Also different kinds ds of Poultry
1 y
We have "a cap' of Western oats -corning.
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