HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-16, Page 4RSDAY STIPTEMIX • ••,„ , •
r Valhes areThe Best
This store does notclose Wednesday afternoon's'''.
• • during September. • '
. T. ,0001')E.
sese.eitetWilailistmmatesairiritesweasotina memeamisesiontarreepameatormettes.
Satisfy the demands and de-
. sires of the mot critical
buyers the world over.
Clinton's Musical Instrume-nt Representtive
Always at Your Service • Box 113 or -Phone 273, Clinton
los4Ohneton:nd' • _
here sCoderieh,:fb..Owesi,•Soisncl,
1nSl of. peolt 4'U3-1#°'-06111*.t410
ed, the 'Toronto Exhibitiini.rlast Week.,
2' Mr. ,setlbert King has, sold his.farm
gr.11. Yungblet, and is having. an
midi= sale ori,kaiday of this week.;`
Mrs: MoBrien of Detroit, who has
,bedn. „visiting her sisters,, Mrs. A. C.
Jackson and Mrs. B Patterson for
'the past two weeks, has returned
home. . •
Mr.. and Mrs. 0, E. Erratt motored
to London one day this week.
Miss Ellie Jones and Miss Annie
-McLeod have returned to Toronto.
_ Special services 'Will be held in‘the-
13aptist Church on- Sunday, at three
o'clock and at seven -thirty. The
preacher will be the Rev. E. 0. F'orde
of Toronto, a former pastor, who
shortly goes to take a charge at Leth-
bridge: !Some special singers -will be
present from Stratford to, assist in
the service of song on Sunday and
the church choir will furnish special
The Rev. J. E. Hogg'of Clinton will
preaeh in Knox United Church next
Sabbath morning. He will also con-
duct anniversary services at Donny-
brook the same day, afternoon and
eveniagi, 2.30 and 7.30. • Music for the
day's services at Donnybrook will be
provided by Iftringham and Smith's
Hill talent.
,"' Cdhilcle9of
i,414$ !..q,4*!'',',11r,',e,,?'i.t!'
".''Iisr.-'lla'`1'''' 6Oil'a' I:. 9,4g-','
i1i0yel:,-,7:::-:•;! ,,,,.:AtripliurP,:.,
,•',i:,! u9.Zirilh'IMi.,,,,;:.-;„41110',.::Ve.z.t':;:,1!.:-7
';!toCM,;": --,;!-.I:JI.T. !.!,••-: .• ,...,...„,„•,, i.lovitcl.
:,•.-•.,".-: H....,
School of Cormileice
reopens' Tuesolati, Sept. 7th, 19i15
Why notsattend the School that has the Highlv
Qualified Staff
-The School that teaches,,,
from start to finish.
vv here High. School. Students and Teachers are taught
specialized expert, tralning
'Aclininisii.ratitian and'.
•A . '!
Secretarial Science , .
are.snreOf a gooti.positioh,, rapid. proinotion
• '
- . - d 131 iiiaotho. . y . ..,•n .. ..,
-•.- - . .., - ' ..',. . :,- . . . - '',. ..
COUlt$,FS- Stenographic, ComMerciaL Secretarial, GePeral•,
'' ' , OffiCe; Ovil'Service, Cona,,,Telles.co,iii-6e . ,.., .,, ...
. ,..., ' .
and .specialequrses arranged: . . ,. .
'-'''F.M.11111 infOTn:' ationf.ivtite ,,to ,. . 1 ..,,
•-, H ....
....pn00e 198 . . .,.,:,..; .;.,:.", ., ,:,. :" ..R. F.,V Altb B -..A, Princiki,
. .
,The'sanctiary of St. Petes_os .eburch
was 'decorated r with beautiful autumn
flowers and ferns on Monday morn-
ing, When .Sydella May Brennan, elder
daughter of My, and Mrs. R. J. Bren-
nan, of Goderich, was united in mar-
riage:to Mr. C. J. Gibbons, of Detroit.'
The ceremony was perforited by Rev.
Father Campea-u, Who sang the bridal
mass.: The bride, who was given iriS
marriage by her father looked 'charm-
.ing in her wedding gown of white
georgette with insets of chantilly laqe
and bebe ribbon and girdled withloopa
of ribbon caught with orange
sorns.' Her veil was of tulle and sill
ver lace heavily beaded in pearls and
coronet of orange blossoms and pearls
She carried -a shower bouquet of but-
terfly roses and gypsopbelia with sil-
ver ribbon: Miss Josephine' Brennan,
sister of the bride made a dainty
bridesmaid, She was' attired in a
frock of wild briar georgette and
cameo lace, and wore a black picture
hat with Iainbow'facing and tied with
long velvet streamers. She carried a
sheaf of Premier roses and mauve
'sweet peas. The bride's mother was in
rosewood crepe satin with gold trim-
mings. She wore a black hat and
carried a corsage bouquet of roses and
lavender sweet peas. Mr. Harold Ken-
nedy of Detroit assisted the groom
and the two -ushers were Deanne Bren-
nan and Wni. J. Chisholm. ',Messrs.
P. L. and L. J. Gravelle, uncles of the
,bride, sang during the ceremony; and
at the'signing of the register Mr. P. J.
. Gravelle sang Ave Vernal. After -
'Wards a reception was: held at the
home of the bride's parents and a
dainty' luncheon was served. The
happy couple left for a two weeks'
honeymoon at New York and other...At-
lailtic points, the bride travelling In a
tailored frock and coat of jungle
green with black and gold trimmings,
and a maize felt hat embroidered in
black and gold. She wore the groom's
gift, an Isabella fox fur. The groom's
gift to the bridesmaid was a 'silver
mesh bag and to the best man and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn of Ter
onto spent the week -end with Londe-,
boro friends. Mr. Tamblyn is prinl
cipal of the Auxiliary school,for boys.
Mrs. Josie Tamblyn, who has spent
the last 'four weeks Pith her son, Will
of Toronto, returned to- Londesboro
Mrs. Wm. McCool has moved to our
village from the farm. We welcome
her here.
Mrs. Thos. Moon is moving this
week to the house she bought from
Mr. Jas. Fairservice.
We are pleased to see Miss Rachel
Woodman is able to be out again af-
ter her severe illness.
Mrs. Fothergill is moving In with
her father this week. Wo welcome
Mrs. Fothergill and her three child- ushers silver cigarette cases. On
ren to the village. . their return Mr. and mrs. Gibbons will
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake were reside at Detroit. Guests were pre -
visiting at -the home of Mi. Harrison sent frorh Stratford, London, Acton,
.Lyon 'hist Sunday. We are pleased to and Detroit.
know Miss Ida Lyon, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Patterson visit-
necilngt.heir daughter, Mrs. Alen
x, Ma-
. News of Happenings
Mrs. John Ellis and Jason spent in the Counig and
Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. James;
Elsley. DIStric't
Miss Olive Buchannon is visiting
Mrs. Archie Webater.' BLYTH: The entire community
Miss Alice Miller is • visiting Miss was shocked last week..by the death
Mabel 'Harvly. , of !Ars, Alex Smith •of the 8th, con -
Mrs. JIM. Tamblyn has returned af- cession of Morris.' She had not been
ter spending smile time' in Toronto feelmg well but it was not thought
Mrs. J. D. Elsley and children are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Elsley.
A good vote was polled on Tnesday.
The majority of the farmers came out
to exercise their franchise;
Several are having their houses
covered with asphalt shingles, improv-
ing the appearance ef the houses and
, 1
,•,!„!'! '
litli..4406"4!;."049911.!`..:O tha
N;s4i.%rriOtHut.,Poi,i'.o.p.:le, us.,wedues,
vice •
:Tha eieralae a 'Warn taken'
isy:'titeSilifferent4i,Uxillaries, Fourteen'
.eight Mit
tiet!y./•eriCoUrtiging des
Pert4..,'The.Jarticia. StssCirele present-
ed,asiviiesicinary:ErkerOse in a prac
Heal realistie'lriannerl•
Ws:iMilier, retiirned missionary
froni Trinidad, 'gave' a ViVid descrip-
tion of `that' land; ' •speaking .of the,
lives of the - natives :land what inia-
siona had -dime, for them through the.
life-long services of John Morton and'
other workers, Mrs. ,Childs .conduet-
' - ''; • . , „!
f 'Ora' T Hay - died here,
Mat' sseeic his i'7,7r1t,`!:
"lytiinit04; 'lied
beeii iieeidenli!bf
•fOL:Yea.rs,'-',Her.WaS.4*§#0;tolysjtklaT• o
4Wnitigr,somer,Iine: aninsala 'ilseli)g,
lookechcipen as -ane of 'the -beat rjUdg--
as oflierieS in this Part Of ,Ontario.
He beanhealth for
sone i -le is survived
widow ." The ,:fritneriil:. Was held! .op
rWednesdaY:afterriocar; fronsr]fris':iate:
residence hefe,' to the liensall 'Union
• •
BLYTH; 'The ftoWer show -held 7
the' local Horticultural Society Wed-
nesday and Thursday- Memorail
Hall was,2.nost suecessful. A „great
many fine flowers of every descrip-
tion were exhibited. • The gladioli
seemed to be the favorite this year
and the display' was especially good.
The Horticultursil rSociety .has done
wonders in the beautification of thevillage,
village, planting flowers at different
ed a question.drawer and spoke on the points throughout the village which
need of a quiet hour to be: ready for had. been eyesores. One of these is
life's duties: She spoke of the car-
penter shop of the Nazarene, of the
Samaritan woman, her need cliscov-
ered and •supplied, the fishermran on
the Galilean shore hatiing. theirneeds.
supplied and lastly of the:last night_
in the Upper Room, when. the.needs
of His disciples were carried an the
wings of prayer to His Heavenly
Father. Mrs. Lundy of Kippen gave
a very practical address en Mission
Band Methods in which She. gave sev-
eral very valuable suggestions. She
closed her address with an earnest ap-
peal to Mission workers never to.
cars against the sidewalks in front of
disparage their vrork and never to
stores has been limited to ten minutes
look upon it as a sacrIfice.
Should a somewhat longer time be re -
Mrs Gardiner gave report of the
quired, the cars are folie parked at
the old cemetery, where a number of
beautiful flower beds have been
CODERICH: rAt the consicil meet-
ing held recently a new traffic bylaw
/was passed which, it is expeeted, will
iniprove conditions on the square, par-
ticularly on Saturday nights. The
new regulatioils make all streets run-
ning into the squaye stop streets.
The new highway on Kingston street
and Victoria street will be desighatecl
as through streets. The parking of
The body of Alvin Alexander, sort
of Mr. and P.:Irs Alexancrer of Rensall,
who was droWned in the wilds of the
Northland, where he as employed by
the Hudson's Bay ssCompany, was
brought home last week for inter-
ment. The young man, who was
twenty-one years of age, was drowned
when his -canoe upset in the Kochech-
ing Rivet!, three hundred miles from
Fort WilhiOin, about three weeks ago.
Hector Trembley of Fort William, at
the 'behest of the parents of the young
man, went after the body, accompan-
led by a trapper and two Indians, ,and
after an exhausting journey they suc-
ceeded in their quest, the body was,
exhumed, placed in a sealed .case and
the return journeyi started. . The In-
dians, from some superstition, refused
to touch the burden and the two white
men had to ;carry the body, w,ith the
case weighing about one hundred and
eighty pounds, over thirteen portages
one of which was two males long: The
•body was buried in the fitmily pet at
Hensall 'on- Wednesday of last week.
, .
Is Your Child
Thin and Weak?
Cod LiVer Extract In Sugar Coated
Tablets Putsson Flesh and Builas
• Them p
In just a few days -quicker than
You ever dreamt of -these wonderful
health building, flesh creating tablets
called McCoy's God LiVer EXtraet
.Vabiets will start to help any thin,
Underweight. little -one.
After sickness • and Where rickets,
are suspected they are especially vain-
, Most people know that frontsthe
liverof the lowly codfish vitamines
of the rfiret 'class are extracted -the
kind that help all feeble, underweight
/pep, wornen.and children. -
-these wonderful tablets, for 30
difya and if your *41;ully childlon.'t
greatly benefit -get your money back,
very sickly child, age 6, gained
-12 Pounds in 7 months. •
"Isis any druggist for McCoy's Cd
L11 sandy and gb601et-as easy to
tablets, 60 cents.
Extract T b s
Presbyterial treasury. She appealed an angle or, where the stay is to be a
AuxiliaesCircles and lengthy one, to be parked against the
the ri-
London -Sept. 11-18.
Stratford -Sept. 20-22.
Exeter -Sept. 21-22
Listowel -Sept. 21-22.
• Seaforth-Sept: 23-24.
Lucknow-Sept. 23-24.
Blyth --Sept. 22-23.
Kincardine -Sept. 23-.24,
Bayfield -Sept. 28-29.
Mitchell -Sept. 28-29,
Brussels -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
. Zurich -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
to all
AT 367,157,366 BUSHELS
Winnipeg; Sept., 11.: The Manitoba
Tree psess ,crop -report, published to-
day, estimates .thc totalWheat yield
the:three 'Prairie ',Provinces at
$67.157,365' bushels: The oat crop is
esthilatect.0 26084,000! bUghelk;
barleycrop g 86,034,288 bushels; the
flax amp at 6,309,654 bushels; and the
r7e.,crop.at 10;118,716 bushels,
• • •
WING:HAM: A fatal accident took
place on Tuesday afternoon in ,the
town hall, • Winghain. Mrs. Stephen
Deeves, East street, Ooderich, who
• had come over for the voting, was 115
the town hall, and while going down
the steps she missed her footing, fall-
ing to the bottom. She was rushed to
the hospital, but passed away shortly
after her admittance.
Mission Bands to send their contribu- vase on the square or on the- side
tions at least ,quarterly.
streets 20 feet from the square. The
later move will benefit the merchants
In the Presbyterial are sixty-four
Auxiliaries, sixteen Circles and thirty on the Square. Hitherto many ears
Mission Bands with two associate have been parked in front of stores
societies- the allocation of the Whole -early on Saturday evening and not
being $18,950.
moved for several hours thus prevent -
After the closing words from Mrs. ing other automobiles from getting to
that store. No difficulty is expected
Molard, the National Antheni and' the
the first meeting es in enforcing the bylaw after the first
South Huron W. M. S.' cane to. a week or so.
elose„ the members. „encouraged and
inspired to "carry on."
survive. Mr. Grasby-was an indus-
trious and prosperous farmer and had
4tequilied a fine property and an ideal
home. He will be much missed in the
community having been trustee of S.
S. No. 6 for a number of Years, and
scereary-treasurer of the board at the
time of his death. He was a Liberal
in politics and a member of .Sunshine
United Church. The funeral was held
from his late residence on Wednesay,
September 1, and was largely atten-
ded. •
GODERICH: Word was received
last wek by Bandmaster Jenner, to
the effect that the Goderich Citizen's
Band was awarded 4th. place in
ClaSs "C" in the recent bandsconcert
rit'the Canadian National ExhibitioM
This is a much better standing than
that attained last year, when the band
took seventh place of the 12 bands
GODERICH: Tom Cook was
winner of a beautiful 2 -year-old Shet-
land pony, which was given away free
to the .child in town securing the larg-
est number of votes in the pony eon -
test which terminated Tuesday of last
week. All day long two men labored
that she was seriously ill; Mr. and M counting the votes and when every -
Mrs. Smith went to the home of thing was finished it was found that
Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. John Craig,
to spend Sunday evening and were
preparing to return home when Mrs.
Smith suddenly expired. Besides her
husband she is survived by two sisters
Mrs: John Craig, of 8th concession of
Morris arta one sister in Minnesota
also by one brother, Dr. David Smith,
of Omar, Michigan, Mrs, Smith was
a valued member of the St. Andrew's
United Church' choir, also of the Myth
Choral SocietY. Her genial dispos-
ition won for her a great number of
friends. The funeral ,which took
place Thursday last from the resi-
dence of Mrs. John Craig was one of
the largest ever held in the column:-
ity, The service was .conducted by
Rev; George Telford, of, St. Andrew's
United. Church. Interment wasmade
in the Union Cemetery.
MORRIS: Following a brief illness
there bossed away on Monday, Aug.,
ust 30th, James D. Grasby, a resident
of the .f ifth line of Morris. MH'. Gras -
by underwent an operation for the re-
moval of an abscess on his neck. In-
fection followed and the trouble lot-
ated in the -brain, causing uncon-'
selousness and finally death. He was
• born in 11-ullett township in the year
1868, being a son of the late Joseph
and Mrs. Grasby. He- moved to Mor-
ris township 21 Years ago and was
married two' years later to Elizabeth:
Michie, who passed away .Decembor
5, 1924. r Three children,,Willie, Adah
and Robbie are left without parentiaI
• StanIeg Township •
Misses Margaret McGregor and
Jean McEwan are entering the 0:
A:G. at Guelph this term.
Tom Cook had won first prize, the
Shetland Pony. There were also two
cash prizes of $18 and $12, .and these
went to Madeline Watson and Charles
1N:orrell, respectively.
St. Helens, Friday, Sept. 17th.
Colborne, Saturday, Sept. 18th.
Remelt, Monday, Sent. 20th.
• Zurich, Tuesday, Sept. 21st.
Varna, Wednesday, Sept. 22nd.
Blyth, Thursday, Sept. 23rd.
Ethel, Friday, Sept. 24th.
Walton, Monday, Sept, 27th.
' rGorrie, Saturday, Sept. 25th.
Goderich Tp., Tuesday, Sept. 28th.
Belgrave, Wednesday, Sept. 29th.
Dublin, Thursday, Sept, 30th.
Clinton, Monday and Tueslay,f0ct.
4th and 5th.
Wirigham-Ost. 7-8.
Dungannon-0cl. 7-8.
WINGHAJM: "At the regular meet-
ing of the town couneil last week a
motion was passed ordering restaur-
:netts, mto close at midnight, the bylaw
to be amended 20 bring same into ef-
GODERICHs. An important' bus.
Mess change took place recently when
Mr. A. L. Cole of • town, purchased
Porter's Book Store. Mr. Cole will
take possession of his new business
this, week. "
ETHEL: Fire broke out- in the
basement of R. J. Pearson's general
store in the village_on the morning of
the 7th. inst., Which did considerable
damage to his dwelling over the store,
alio to the brick block of stores. con-
taining the above and owned by Mr.
Thomas Vodden. The loss is fully`
covered by insurance.
Gould and Mr, and Mrs. 1 W. Hunter
returned recently from a motor trip
through Western ,Canada and the
Northern States.' They left Goderich
Jnly15th. The trip covered 6,400
miles and 'the only tire trouble they
had was a flat tire one morning and
just d little engine trouble in the
care, Two "brothers, Thomas H. of F]IESNSALL: Richard Pollock, who
Mullett and Charles of Blyth also was the first boy born in this seotion
• ---
for Economiced Transportation
ew Speed' Service.
.Distance calls while you bald the line
T /*SEES of Long Distance are finding
U our new high speed service a re-
raarkable time-saver.
On the majority of calls to distant
cities, the Long Distance Operator to
whom details of the call are first -given,
• at once endeavours to establish the con-
nection while the calling party holds the. -
line. The result is often only a matter'
of seconds. A constantly increasing
proportion of Long Distance traffic is
being handled on this new and speedier
-Extensive changes in Long Distance
equipment, as well as rearrangement
and intensive training of our staff have.
madethis new service an accomplished
fact.N-ottrco\ -operation in making careful
note for future -use of distant numbers
you may have occasion to call is always '
helpful. But whether you know the dis-
tant ntunber or not, the Long Distance •
,Operator will do her 'irtmbst to get the
party you want si?haesou hold the line!
"Almost as Speedy as a local call" is the
Verdict of many who have Used this.
new and speedier 1,014- Distance Ser-
vice. . . .
Mrs. C. Rumba
• Manager
NEW joys await you in the smooth
Chevrolet. Here the etthilaration
of speed is combined with a quiet,
effortless performance that betbkene
twenty rather than forty or fifty trides
per hour. Here is no need to raise your
voice to be easily heard, no matter how
fast you may. travel.
Here is an absence of vibration that
you never' dreamed a four -cylinder car
Here is Economical Transport4ion
coupled with a comfort ahnost luxurious
• in a car that, reflects in its appearance
the quality Which Melke.s possible buch
smooth, performance. • . •
-To realize how fully the smooth Chev-
rolet answers your every need and
desire -you must see it -ride in it -
drive it.
Then --and then only --can you appro.
date how amazing is its Value.
The GMAC Plan provides an econo-
mical method of paying, for your
Chevrolet on time.
The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet his.
teryIs selling at the Lowest Priee for which
tiheyrolet his ever been sold in Canada.
Roadster $040 Coupe $81,0 Sedan 8220
• SkPit.19'V' 16;11'Y'cbganiha,1:;e,fiChaia. 970
Utility Xpress Chassis
AI/Prices at Parteritt Taxes .Extra
11.,, vis Clinton
,--- ii , ' 4,1,„,
.., , ,
The service
. Thia%service
' FP'rite
, •
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y ,,„
i',1,,,,,oh .„ „,
. „.4.,k
. ril '.,'I The-
, -
of the Bank
enables customers
transact their
as if .they could
our folder,
by Mail."
, ,
of .
„ .
the postal
hi remote
by mail
make personal
n '
„ri -
los4Ohneton:nd' • _
here sCoderieh,:fb..Owesi,•Soisncl,
1nSl of. peolt 4'U3-1#°'-06111*.t410
ed, the 'Toronto Exhibitiini.rlast Week.,
2' Mr. ,setlbert King has, sold his.farm
gr.11. Yungblet, and is having. an
midi= sale ori,kaiday of this week.;`
Mrs: MoBrien of Detroit, who has
,bedn. „visiting her sisters,, Mrs. A. C.
Jackson and Mrs. B Patterson for
'the past two weeks, has returned
home. . •
Mr.. and Mrs. 0, E. Erratt motored
to London one day this week.
Miss Ellie Jones and Miss Annie
-McLeod have returned to Toronto.
_ Special services 'Will be held in‘the-
13aptist Church on- Sunday, at three
o'clock and at seven -thirty. The
preacher will be the Rev. E. 0. F'orde
of Toronto, a former pastor, who
shortly goes to take a charge at Leth-
bridge: !Some special singers -will be
present from Stratford to, assist in
the service of song on Sunday and
the church choir will furnish special
The Rev. J. E. Hogg'of Clinton will
preaeh in Knox United Church next
Sabbath morning. He will also con-
duct anniversary services at Donny-
brook the same day, afternoon and
eveniagi, 2.30 and 7.30. • Music for the
day's services at Donnybrook will be
provided by Iftringham and Smith's
Hill talent.
,"' Cdhilcle9of
i,414$ !..q,4*!'',',11r,',e,,?'i.t!'
".''Iisr.-'lla'`1'''' 6Oil'a' I:. 9,4g-','
i1i0yel:,-,7:::-:•;! ,,,,.:AtripliurP,:.,
,•',i:,! u9.Zirilh'IMi.,,,,;:.-;„41110',.::Ve.z.t':;:,1!.:-7
';!toCM,;": --,;!-.I:JI.T. !.!,••-: .• ,...,...„,„•,, i.lovitcl.
:,•.-•.,".-: H....,
School of Cormileice
reopens' Tuesolati, Sept. 7th, 19i15
Why notsattend the School that has the Highlv
Qualified Staff
-The School that teaches,,,
from start to finish.
vv here High. School. Students and Teachers are taught
specialized expert, tralning
'Aclininisii.ratitian and'.
•A . '!
Secretarial Science , .
are.snreOf a gooti.positioh,, rapid. proinotion
• '
- . - d 131 iiiaotho. . y . ..,•n .. ..,
-•.- - . .., - ' ..',. . :,- . . . - '',. ..
COUlt$,FS- Stenographic, ComMerciaL Secretarial, GePeral•,
'' ' , OffiCe; Ovil'Service, Cona,,,Telles.co,iii-6e . ,.., .,, ...
. ,..., ' .
and .specialequrses arranged: . . ,. .
'-'''F.M.11111 infOTn:' ationf.ivtite ,,to ,. . 1 ..,,
•-, H ....
....pn00e 198 . . .,.,:,..; .;.,:.", ., ,:,. :" ..R. F.,V Altb B -..A, Princiki,
. .
,The'sanctiary of St. Petes_os .eburch
was 'decorated r with beautiful autumn
flowers and ferns on Monday morn-
ing, When .Sydella May Brennan, elder
daughter of My, and Mrs. R. J. Bren-
nan, of Goderich, was united in mar-
riage:to Mr. C. J. Gibbons, of Detroit.'
The ceremony was perforited by Rev.
Father Campea-u, Who sang the bridal
mass.: The bride, who was given iriS
marriage by her father looked 'charm-
.ing in her wedding gown of white
georgette with insets of chantilly laqe
and bebe ribbon and girdled withloopa
of ribbon caught with orange
sorns.' Her veil was of tulle and sill
ver lace heavily beaded in pearls and
coronet of orange blossoms and pearls
She carried -a shower bouquet of but-
terfly roses and gypsopbelia with sil-
ver ribbon: Miss Josephine' Brennan,
sister of the bride made a dainty
bridesmaid, She was' attired in a
frock of wild briar georgette and
cameo lace, and wore a black picture
hat with Iainbow'facing and tied with
long velvet streamers. She carried a
sheaf of Premier roses and mauve
'sweet peas. The bride's mother was in
rosewood crepe satin with gold trim-
mings. She wore a black hat and
carried a corsage bouquet of roses and
lavender sweet peas. Mr. Harold Ken-
nedy of Detroit assisted the groom
and the two -ushers were Deanne Bren-
nan and Wni. J. Chisholm. ',Messrs.
P. L. and L. J. Gravelle, uncles of the
,bride, sang during the ceremony; and
at the'signing of the register Mr. P. J.
. Gravelle sang Ave Vernal. After -
'Wards a reception was: held at the
home of the bride's parents and a
dainty' luncheon was served. The
happy couple left for a two weeks'
honeymoon at New York and other...At-
lailtic points, the bride travelling In a
tailored frock and coat of jungle
green with black and gold trimmings,
and a maize felt hat embroidered in
black and gold. She wore the groom's
gift, an Isabella fox fur. The groom's
gift to the bridesmaid was a 'silver
mesh bag and to the best man and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn of Ter
onto spent the week -end with Londe-,
boro friends. Mr. Tamblyn is prinl
cipal of the Auxiliary school,for boys.
Mrs. Josie Tamblyn, who has spent
the last 'four weeks Pith her son, Will
of Toronto, returned to- Londesboro
Mrs. Wm. McCool has moved to our
village from the farm. We welcome
her here.
Mrs. Thos. Moon is moving this
week to the house she bought from
Mr. Jas. Fairservice.
We are pleased to see Miss Rachel
Woodman is able to be out again af-
ter her severe illness.
Mrs. Fothergill is moving In with
her father this week. Wo welcome
Mrs. Fothergill and her three child- ushers silver cigarette cases. On
ren to the village. . their return Mr. and mrs. Gibbons will
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake were reside at Detroit. Guests were pre -
visiting at -the home of Mi. Harrison sent frorh Stratford, London, Acton,
.Lyon 'hist Sunday. We are pleased to and Detroit.
know Miss Ida Lyon, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Patterson visit-
necilngt.heir daughter, Mrs. Alen
x, Ma-
. News of Happenings
Mrs. John Ellis and Jason spent in the Counig and
Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. James;
Elsley. DIStric't
Miss Olive Buchannon is visiting
Mrs. Archie Webater.' BLYTH: The entire community
Miss Alice Miller is • visiting Miss was shocked last week..by the death
Mabel 'Harvly. , of !Ars, Alex Smith •of the 8th, con -
Mrs. JIM. Tamblyn has returned af- cession of Morris.' She had not been
ter spending smile time' in Toronto feelmg well but it was not thought
Mrs. J. D. Elsley and children are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Elsley.
A good vote was polled on Tnesday.
The majority of the farmers came out
to exercise their franchise;
Several are having their houses
covered with asphalt shingles, improv-
ing the appearance ef the houses and
, 1
,•,!„!'! '
litli..4406"4!;."049911.!`..:O tha
N;s4i.%rriOtHut.,Poi,i'.o.p.:le, us.,wedues,
vice •
:Tha eieralae a 'Warn taken'
isy:'titeSilifferent4i,Uxillaries, Fourteen'
.eight Mit
tiet!y./•eriCoUrtiging des
Pert4..,'The.Jarticia. StssCirele present-
ed,asiviiesicinary:ErkerOse in a prac
Heal realistie'lriannerl•
Ws:iMilier, retiirned missionary
froni Trinidad, 'gave' a ViVid descrip-
tion of `that' land; ' •speaking .of the,
lives of the - natives :land what inia-
siona had -dime, for them through the.
life-long services of John Morton and'
other workers, Mrs. ,Childs .conduet-
' - ''; • . , „!
f 'Ora' T Hay - died here,
Mat' sseeic his i'7,7r1t,`!:
"lytiinit04; 'lied
beeii iieeidenli!bf
•fOL:Yea.rs,'-',Her.WaS.4*§#0;tolysjtklaT• o
4Wnitigr,somer,Iine: aninsala 'ilseli)g,
lookechcipen as -ane of 'the -beat rjUdg--
as oflierieS in this Part Of ,Ontario.
He beanhealth for
sone i -le is survived
widow ." The ,:fritneriil:. Was held! .op
rWednesdaY:afterriocar; fronsr]fris':iate:
residence hefe,' to the liensall 'Union
• •
BLYTH; 'The ftoWer show -held 7
the' local Horticultural Society Wed-
nesday and Thursday- Memorail
Hall was,2.nost suecessful. A „great
many fine flowers of every descrip-
tion were exhibited. • The gladioli
seemed to be the favorite this year
and the display' was especially good.
The Horticultursil rSociety .has done
wonders in the beautification of thevillage,
village, planting flowers at different
ed a question.drawer and spoke on the points throughout the village which
need of a quiet hour to be: ready for had. been eyesores. One of these is
life's duties: She spoke of the car-
penter shop of the Nazarene, of the
Samaritan woman, her need cliscov-
ered and •supplied, the fishermran on
the Galilean shore hatiing. theirneeds.
supplied and lastly of the:last night_
in the Upper Room, when. the.needs
of His disciples were carried an the
wings of prayer to His Heavenly
Father. Mrs. Lundy of Kippen gave
a very practical address en Mission
Band Methods in which She. gave sev-
eral very valuable suggestions. She
closed her address with an earnest ap-
peal to Mission workers never to.
cars against the sidewalks in front of
disparage their vrork and never to
stores has been limited to ten minutes
look upon it as a sacrIfice.
Should a somewhat longer time be re -
Mrs Gardiner gave report of the
quired, the cars are folie parked at
the old cemetery, where a number of
beautiful flower beds have been
CODERICH: rAt the consicil meet-
ing held recently a new traffic bylaw
/was passed which, it is expeeted, will
iniprove conditions on the square, par-
ticularly on Saturday nights. The
new regulatioils make all streets run-
ning into the squaye stop streets.
The new highway on Kingston street
and Victoria street will be desighatecl
as through streets. The parking of
The body of Alvin Alexander, sort
of Mr. and P.:Irs Alexancrer of Rensall,
who was droWned in the wilds of the
Northland, where he as employed by
the Hudson's Bay ssCompany, was
brought home last week for inter-
ment. The young man, who was
twenty-one years of age, was drowned
when his -canoe upset in the Kochech-
ing Rivet!, three hundred miles from
Fort WilhiOin, about three weeks ago.
Hector Trembley of Fort William, at
the 'behest of the parents of the young
man, went after the body, accompan-
led by a trapper and two Indians, ,and
after an exhausting journey they suc-
ceeded in their quest, the body was,
exhumed, placed in a sealed .case and
the return journeyi started. . The In-
dians, from some superstition, refused
to touch the burden and the two white
men had to ;carry the body, w,ith the
case weighing about one hundred and
eighty pounds, over thirteen portages
one of which was two males long: The
•body was buried in the fitmily pet at
Hensall 'on- Wednesday of last week.
, .
Is Your Child
Thin and Weak?
Cod LiVer Extract In Sugar Coated
Tablets Putsson Flesh and Builas
• Them p
In just a few days -quicker than
You ever dreamt of -these wonderful
health building, flesh creating tablets
called McCoy's God LiVer EXtraet
.Vabiets will start to help any thin,
Underweight. little -one.
After sickness • and Where rickets,
are suspected they are especially vain-
, Most people know that frontsthe
liverof the lowly codfish vitamines
of the rfiret 'class are extracted -the
kind that help all feeble, underweight
/pep, wornen.and children. -
-these wonderful tablets, for 30
difya and if your *41;ully childlon.'t
greatly benefit -get your money back,
very sickly child, age 6, gained
-12 Pounds in 7 months. •
"Isis any druggist for McCoy's Cd
L11 sandy and gb601et-as easy to
tablets, 60 cents.
Extract T b s
Presbyterial treasury. She appealed an angle or, where the stay is to be a
AuxiliaesCircles and lengthy one, to be parked against the
the ri-
London -Sept. 11-18.
Stratford -Sept. 20-22.
Exeter -Sept. 21-22
Listowel -Sept. 21-22.
• Seaforth-Sept: 23-24.
Lucknow-Sept. 23-24.
Blyth --Sept. 22-23.
Kincardine -Sept. 23-.24,
Bayfield -Sept. 28-29.
Mitchell -Sept. 28-29,
Brussels -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
. Zurich -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
to all
AT 367,157,366 BUSHELS
Winnipeg; Sept., 11.: The Manitoba
Tree psess ,crop -report, published to-
day, estimates .thc totalWheat yield
the:three 'Prairie ',Provinces at
$67.157,365' bushels: The oat crop is
esthilatect.0 26084,000! bUghelk;
barleycrop g 86,034,288 bushels; the
flax amp at 6,309,654 bushels; and the
r7e.,crop.at 10;118,716 bushels,
• • •
WING:HAM: A fatal accident took
place on Tuesday afternoon in ,the
town hall, • Winghain. Mrs. Stephen
Deeves, East street, Ooderich, who
• had come over for the voting, was 115
the town hall, and while going down
the steps she missed her footing, fall-
ing to the bottom. She was rushed to
the hospital, but passed away shortly
after her admittance.
Mission Bands to send their contribu- vase on the square or on the- side
tions at least ,quarterly.
streets 20 feet from the square. The
later move will benefit the merchants
In the Presbyterial are sixty-four
Auxiliaries, sixteen Circles and thirty on the Square. Hitherto many ears
Mission Bands with two associate have been parked in front of stores
societies- the allocation of the Whole -early on Saturday evening and not
being $18,950.
moved for several hours thus prevent -
After the closing words from Mrs. ing other automobiles from getting to
that store. No difficulty is expected
Molard, the National Antheni and' the
the first meeting es in enforcing the bylaw after the first
South Huron W. M. S.' cane to. a week or so.
elose„ the members. „encouraged and
inspired to "carry on."
survive. Mr. Grasby-was an indus-
trious and prosperous farmer and had
4tequilied a fine property and an ideal
home. He will be much missed in the
community having been trustee of S.
S. No. 6 for a number of Years, and
scereary-treasurer of the board at the
time of his death. He was a Liberal
in politics and a member of .Sunshine
United Church. The funeral was held
from his late residence on Wednesay,
September 1, and was largely atten-
ded. •
GODERICH: Word was received
last wek by Bandmaster Jenner, to
the effect that the Goderich Citizen's
Band was awarded 4th. place in
ClaSs "C" in the recent bandsconcert
rit'the Canadian National ExhibitioM
This is a much better standing than
that attained last year, when the band
took seventh place of the 12 bands
GODERICH: Tom Cook was
winner of a beautiful 2 -year-old Shet-
land pony, which was given away free
to the .child in town securing the larg-
est number of votes in the pony eon -
test which terminated Tuesday of last
week. All day long two men labored
that she was seriously ill; Mr. and M counting the votes and when every -
Mrs. Smith went to the home of thing was finished it was found that
Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. John Craig,
to spend Sunday evening and were
preparing to return home when Mrs.
Smith suddenly expired. Besides her
husband she is survived by two sisters
Mrs: John Craig, of 8th concession of
Morris arta one sister in Minnesota
also by one brother, Dr. David Smith,
of Omar, Michigan, Mrs, Smith was
a valued member of the St. Andrew's
United Church' choir, also of the Myth
Choral SocietY. Her genial dispos-
ition won for her a great number of
friends. The funeral ,which took
place Thursday last from the resi-
dence of Mrs. John Craig was one of
the largest ever held in the column:-
ity, The service was .conducted by
Rev; George Telford, of, St. Andrew's
United. Church. Interment wasmade
in the Union Cemetery.
MORRIS: Following a brief illness
there bossed away on Monday, Aug.,
ust 30th, James D. Grasby, a resident
of the .f ifth line of Morris. MH'. Gras -
by underwent an operation for the re-
moval of an abscess on his neck. In-
fection followed and the trouble lot-
ated in the -brain, causing uncon-'
selousness and finally death. He was
• born in 11-ullett township in the year
1868, being a son of the late Joseph
and Mrs. Grasby. He- moved to Mor-
ris township 21 Years ago and was
married two' years later to Elizabeth:
Michie, who passed away .Decembor
5, 1924. r Three children,,Willie, Adah
and Robbie are left without parentiaI
• StanIeg Township •
Misses Margaret McGregor and
Jean McEwan are entering the 0:
A:G. at Guelph this term.
Tom Cook had won first prize, the
Shetland Pony. There were also two
cash prizes of $18 and $12, .and these
went to Madeline Watson and Charles
1N:orrell, respectively.
St. Helens, Friday, Sept. 17th.
Colborne, Saturday, Sept. 18th.
Remelt, Monday, Sent. 20th.
• Zurich, Tuesday, Sept. 21st.
Varna, Wednesday, Sept. 22nd.
Blyth, Thursday, Sept. 23rd.
Ethel, Friday, Sept. 24th.
Walton, Monday, Sept, 27th.
' rGorrie, Saturday, Sept. 25th.
Goderich Tp., Tuesday, Sept. 28th.
Belgrave, Wednesday, Sept. 29th.
Dublin, Thursday, Sept, 30th.
Clinton, Monday and Tueslay,f0ct.
4th and 5th.
Wirigham-Ost. 7-8.
Dungannon-0cl. 7-8.
WINGHAJM: "At the regular meet-
ing of the town couneil last week a
motion was passed ordering restaur-
:netts, mto close at midnight, the bylaw
to be amended 20 bring same into ef-
GODERICHs. An important' bus.
Mess change took place recently when
Mr. A. L. Cole of • town, purchased
Porter's Book Store. Mr. Cole will
take possession of his new business
this, week. "
ETHEL: Fire broke out- in the
basement of R. J. Pearson's general
store in the village_on the morning of
the 7th. inst., Which did considerable
damage to his dwelling over the store,
alio to the brick block of stores. con-
taining the above and owned by Mr.
Thomas Vodden. The loss is fully`
covered by insurance.
Gould and Mr, and Mrs. 1 W. Hunter
returned recently from a motor trip
through Western ,Canada and the
Northern States.' They left Goderich
Jnly15th. The trip covered 6,400
miles and 'the only tire trouble they
had was a flat tire one morning and
just d little engine trouble in the
care, Two "brothers, Thomas H. of F]IESNSALL: Richard Pollock, who
Mullett and Charles of Blyth also was the first boy born in this seotion
• ---
for Economiced Transportation
ew Speed' Service.
.Distance calls while you bald the line
T /*SEES of Long Distance are finding
U our new high speed service a re-
raarkable time-saver.
On the majority of calls to distant
cities, the Long Distance Operator to
whom details of the call are first -given,
• at once endeavours to establish the con-
nection while the calling party holds the. -
line. The result is often only a matter'
of seconds. A constantly increasing
proportion of Long Distance traffic is
being handled on this new and speedier
-Extensive changes in Long Distance
equipment, as well as rearrangement
and intensive training of our staff have.
madethis new service an accomplished
fact.N-ottrco\ -operation in making careful
note for future -use of distant numbers
you may have occasion to call is always '
helpful. But whether you know the dis-
tant ntunber or not, the Long Distance •
,Operator will do her 'irtmbst to get the
party you want si?haesou hold the line!
"Almost as Speedy as a local call" is the
Verdict of many who have Used this.
new and speedier 1,014- Distance Ser-
vice. . . .
Mrs. C. Rumba
• Manager
NEW joys await you in the smooth
Chevrolet. Here the etthilaration
of speed is combined with a quiet,
effortless performance that betbkene
twenty rather than forty or fifty trides
per hour. Here is no need to raise your
voice to be easily heard, no matter how
fast you may. travel.
Here is an absence of vibration that
you never' dreamed a four -cylinder car
Here is Economical Transport4ion
coupled with a comfort ahnost luxurious
• in a car that, reflects in its appearance
the quality Which Melke.s possible buch
smooth, performance. • . •
-To realize how fully the smooth Chev-
rolet answers your every need and
desire -you must see it -ride in it -
drive it.
Then --and then only --can you appro.
date how amazing is its Value.
The GMAC Plan provides an econo-
mical method of paying, for your
Chevrolet on time.
The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet his.
teryIs selling at the Lowest Priee for which
tiheyrolet his ever been sold in Canada.
Roadster $040 Coupe $81,0 Sedan 8220
• SkPit.19'V' 16;11'Y'cbganiha,1:;e,fiChaia. 970
Utility Xpress Chassis
AI/Prices at Parteritt Taxes .Extra
11.,, vis Clinton