HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-09, Page 2E ' 0 1 tORD CLINTON, ONTARIO c, Subsm•iptiorr.-$2.00 a:ante, to Gan ,dim ad4t' ?r J to the t7. N. pi` cSet lifUlloiEff • countries :No :paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option. of I.he publisher. The - date to 'which every'. subscription is • paid is denoted on the Indica.. ittevottloine :.:nates -Trauslont wirer- •tioing, 12c per count line for first insertion, Se for each'subsequent insert Beading acounts 2 ones Small Iii evtisemeats not to'exceed me im h, such a5 "Wanted," "Lost,'" t`Str 1, rte, inserted once for I HC s.nboegnont insertion 150- Advertisements 50Adve tiseuients sent in without ,r • stractions as to the number of in-' serLrons vented will run until order- ed out and will be charged accord- ingly, -Rates for display aclvor'tising made known,on'.application. „ Cotmunications intendedfor publi- cation musty as a, guarantee; of good faith, be accorcrpanied"b-y the name of the writer. G. E. HALL; M. R. CLARS,- Proprietor. Editor; G. D. MrITAGGART M. D. McTAGGART t �°ACCAI T BROS. DICE P] I T OF• CANADA `l.l . „athcring of medicinal p.ants, b hole `suaceroot,'huh raw, yield tn< Canada bark and'loaves-pi trees, i?t.a s not eines; and the well avp -1 G> the ave age Canadian farm- Balsam ~comes from th resizxous oxu erpt:rltaps b cause, of tc1 of {:noVri- dat,on of the Balsam fir. 'cnotivn that ed�ga o£ the variaties'unc parts which It poi haps, not well 1. vertad into cash. ear.oads of the bark al the cascara And yet, cot . And of tii�many'dis�Cricts;,this would 'tree aro, "shipped nrmua-1y :From Brit=: Y , Brit - prove t; be', 'profitable employment •for. fair Co:uinbfa to firms which:ananufa;c 1' p ••> th 'Well" knetvn caseaipa sa�tada tree ud he cultival:ed'v✓ith profit, 'medicine from it.. The cascara co spare tins and certain medicinal tuts e lr:hare The ginseng li.art found in the belongs ito the north ';est coast of Am - synods of -Ontario has for many years erica, and British Columbia has the L, ;g:n much sought after because of the distinction. of being the only portion high value of SOVOS dollars or more or the British Empire in wench it' is roar pound which the roots command. 'a native: Owing to its rapid dople-' Tt has bac largelyexported to China, tion in +the States of Oregon and where 'it ie prized: as a tonic and Washington, manufacturing druggists stimulant shy •theChinese, Ginseng are looking to British Columbiafor and mandrake (the May apple or wild further supplies of the bark ;..but the ;mandrake is a native of the woods of tree is so, little known that m :and Ontario. and Quebec) are regarded clearing dperations it is ruthlessly with much superstition by the Chinese, slaughtered when, patches of it might l who ascribe to them' almost miraculous be" left to yield from time to time ; po , evs. According to an old fancy profitabie crop's, hoof, John•Davidscn' the mandrake shrieks when pulled of the University of British Columbia from the ground. The resentbiance-of say5.that on one lot 140 by 110 feet its' commonly forked root to the hu-• (one-third acre) which carate nuclei' his. man body,.aresem'blance also sbared'by notice, 94 cascara trees were burned. the ginseng, is probably the ground of The immediaile value of •the bark' on this 'superstition. The mandrake has these trees he estimated to be worth been regarded es an anthrodisiac, and about "$80. A .piece of, waste laifrl in d to yield BANKERS A general Banking Business transact- ed. Notes' Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed ph Deposits: • Sale Notes Purchased. Ft T. RANCE Notary Public; Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate 'and Vire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Cburt Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister Solicitor NotaryPub etb. , Offi1Icce': SLOAN BLOCK . CLINTON .” DR.J. C. DANDIER Office Hout•s; T.30 to 3,30 p.m„'•6.30 to 8,00 pati.;• Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p,m. Other hours by.; appointment Duly. • Office and R'8sidenea — Victoria St. DR.. -H, S. BROWN, L.M.C.C. Office ;hours ' 1.30 to. 3.30 p.m. 7,30# to'0.00 axe, Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.tn, Other hours by appointment. den chs t , Phones Among the trees or shrubs from a higher percentage of alkaloid than Office and Residence, Ontario Street: which bark is gathered` for medicinal the average found elsewhere: Phone 218.„ 4 used in amorous incantations, as a cascara trees may be`manage love amulet, etc, C. Elton, in "Origins a perpetual crop•"and new trees may of English History," says that the be easilystarted. from seed. Cascara mandrake was found beneath the pub- grows both in tree form and'ae spread- licgallows and was dragged from the ing shrubs, and harvesting of bark ground and carriedhome with many may begin when the trees are •eight• religious ceremonies., When secured ror ten years old, it beeame.a fami;,y. spirit speaking in I The climate of many parts of Brit- orae':es if properly -consulted, and ish Columbia, '.ash the Natural Re - bringing good luck to the house in � sources. Intelligence Service' points out, t which it was, enshrined: is particularly favorable to the growth - Ginseng and mandrake ane only two of drug 'yielding plants, ;but one -drug is not sufficient for the establishment of a":manufacturing industry and so Professors .J. Davidson and R, H. Clark,, of the 'University, of British Columbia, have been making an in- vestigation, with financial assistance granted "by the National Research Council, to determine whether or not other trees, herbs and plants can be grown to advantage. The results have been very encouraging. It has been found that not only the' bark of the cascara tree but also its wood posses- ses active medicinal properties, • The British Columbia foxglove has been found to be equal or superior in con- tent of the drug digitalin to that found dandelion. All of these foregoing elsewhere„while for the production of plants can be cultivatedas well as of the , drug stramonium similarly other varieties of • medicinaI plants good results have been obtained from such as coriander, dill, fennel, thyme„ the thornapp'.e which grows wild in deadly nightshade or belladonna, gar- many parts of British Columbia. The momje etc. spotted hemlock was found to contain of the many native' roots from which medicines having. weld -understood ef- fects are prepared for modern Usein the treatments of the ills of mankind, Among the medicinal plants which grow wild in 'Canada and for which there is a ecnsiderable'demand is gol- den seal, s•eneca snalOroot or mountain fax and wintergreen.- Many other plants!' of medicinal value native to Europe, but which -have escaped from cultivation, now'. occur as more or less common weeds in Canada, particularly in the eastern provinces.- Included in this category are white and black mus- tard, caraway, here/relied, peppermint, spearmint thornapple and even the DR. FRED G. T-hOMPSON Office and Residence; Ontario Street Clinton~ Ont. One door 4:' -es( of Anglican Church. Phone 172. Eyes examined.and glasses fitted: DR: PERCIVAL HEARN Office had':Residence: Huron Street r Clinton, Ont, Phone GO (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. D. H. MdINNES Chiropractor—Masseur 'Of Wingham, will be at the Commer- cial Inn, 'Clinton, on itionday, and Thursday forenoons each week, Diseases Diseases of all kinds successfully handled. , purposes are the cascara' tree, •slippery• The investigatio elm, witch hazel, wild black cherry or i British Columbia might well be car - rum chbrry, :prickly ash or toothache tied on, in other parts of Canada. The tree, burning bush or wahoo. Then medicine -man's drug chest must con - there is the fruit of the juniper•. andtinuously have its stock replenished Mexican tea, the flowers of the hop land why not with medicines made and the small roots or 'rhizome of Canadian factories from home-grown ferns couch grass, white helebore and plants., raced lir • GEORGE ELIIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County_ of Huron. Correspondence promptl; answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for. Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton,'or by calling -Phone 203. Charges Moderate and "Satisfaction Guaranteed. DIRECT SUNLIGHT NECESSARY TO HEALTH t of SanitaryInspect- ors nsect- P ors Points Out Principal Community Needs. Brantford,—The Sanitary Inspec-, tors' Association of Canada held a three-day convention here, presided over by Pres. E. W. J. Teague, Chief Health Inspecto'i:• of Winnipeg. Mayor , J. A. D. Siemin we:comed the guests.' Pres. Hague, in thb opening address, discussed °'Light and Health,” stress-, ing the necessity of natural 'tight in, living. and working quarters. Sun -1 light' was necessary for continued health: He summed up- by stating that the four principal needs for the health I of"'a community were: A clean atmos-! phere in cities -•and towns; the adms iI •-•----• . • - "- sion of direct sunlight to •411 working George„ Hall and living quarters, particularly to' homes where there ; were growing Iiamilton, employee of the Hand Fire- works Company, who. was killed at the easy; the perfection:tr Of a window the Exhibition when a. -fireworks "bomb" incus to admitinhe mi violet rays;ep,. exploded laterally instead of into the inculcation m the minds ofe the people airy He leaves a wife, and one young of the absolute need of direct sunlight, cltittl. in winter as we:h'as summer, if health was to be maintained. B. R._ HIGGINS ' Ctlnton, Ont: General Isere and. Life' insurance,'Agent for Mulford Windstorm, Live Stock, klutomobtle and. Sickness and Accident 3nsui'anee• Huron and Erle and Cana da Trust Bonds. Appointments,,made to meet parties at Brucefleid, Varna and 'i3ayfleid; 'Phone 57. OSCAR KLOPP ' Honor Graduate'Carey-Jo'nes' National Sebool of Auctioneering, Chicago.' Spe- Bial course taken in Pure Bred Live m is said by Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and 1 1 b fl t t 12.45 p wreck an hour after the to 26a, i 12c. Der ].14.50; sows, $9 to 310.60. eHoney-50-Ib. Lina, 11% to t� $ �LL Farm Sales. Rates in keeping wick f th t ff t s to have overrun Pine Siding, from the QUEF2EC Now .<< of lo,. .AV_a i s111,f' P .: e eed zee JarAi1f - 1 t.da Qaaebec, Ottawa ;1'h• riled statisticst or the month of January last have bean is- sued. b ilia Dominion Bureau of tta- tlstics, and are of more than cirdiuury interest in :that for `bite ,first time in such, reports ha Province of -Quebec se ere Tired ei :Pale lipod's Sarsaparilla. , 9.. we11. known Jetties of the Peace in fndi- 'iia raysFlood'o Sarsalrar nfla. makes feed taste rood.” Atter taking three bottles he eats 3 hearty meals a day, works hard and eleepii well. A grateful woman writes; " I earnestly --,recommend all women whowho wish to he mado new,`or-who arc troubled with that tirefeeling, to take. Hood's Sarsrparilla.It. wonderfully' relieved me of sour stomach, distress and belching Gel l-Iood's, and only Rood's. Hint O2 the total of 18,842 living births nuary, G 908 the flight made from Paris to Omsk, during the 'month qi h ,Siberia, made last July,} y two Freench Wereb repo,.Ontario re the 1 'o i1. - . of Dori'il . Quebec. � Ontario �reioited 5,dR1 For:, airmen, Giriet ted y the provinces, exelusive C Q teboc -LIC . V t6oaaod. le.shs etdh,1aannufaor 't'''etis ca1r2r;e0s3p8o,n. oifncgr Bki7netPtnrizMes alies ;B3�ehut. y Show month the yoai before, allthe prey=�,, prefer brunettes:'_, 'eros showinga lesser n>amb2r, The London.—„Lades i P infante lastJanuaryWe're 9,487 }n21es This NSW 'recently demonefrate5l,at Vie• and -9,Ou7, a 5 - females. Montreal, had 1, 7 45 .tcrla Pied•: Pa.�ll1on -, at Folkestone, births and Toronto 911. Winn'ipeg badF where a niale•'hoauty• show was held 892uebec 811, Ottawa 268, Van- and women, were the judges.: Fat, men, . couver-2886•-tied Hamilton 216.' Among thin men, ' Young amen, old --men and the 'provinces -Saskatchewan canienext fuddle -aged men. competed, :fifty of to. Ontario, with 1;664 births,` Mani- diem in alt, toba 1,182, Alberta 1,155, Nova' Scotia ',,Tack Dwyer, ' a tail, well-groomed; 839, New Brunswick 800, British Col- slender brunette, with Grecian fee- umbia 797, Prince Edward Island 118. titres, won first prize. His hair Is, The average .deathrate • for the slightly curly and Was cut short. None - month per 1,000 of population `was of . the boy• flappers • with plastered 11.1, with, Quebec the -highest, 14.0, I down hair got near; the prize mousy, and Saskatchewan the lowest; 8.5, Al- Jimmy Adams, 25, also brunette, was • berta being 6.8, Manitoba 7.9, British Srecond, Henry George Dodd, who has Columbia 9.3, whereas the rates in the such bight-oclored, brown hair that it other provinces -ranged between 11 and 12. HEROIC CANADIAN UNVEIL MONUMENT TO H•. NURSESe At a brilliant function' on Parliament. Hill, Ottawa, a monument to the hero c Cana fanamraing sisters was,piaesented to the people of ,Canada by i d Miss' Jean Brown, of Toronto, on behalf of the Canadian Nurses' Association, monument was unveiled and accepted by Sir /of whish she is president. The H.enry Drayton on behalf of the people. FRENCH AVIATORS conies tihngerously near being -reddish' gold, won the third' prize.' • Only olio of the competitors had a mustache. Ile was a tall sergeant lim- ier of fine proportions, also a brunette. HOI0,I) WORLD'S RECORD Though he ran the third prise man _ close rhe, his mustache" -defeated hien. Continuous Flight of 27 Hours and 20 Minutes Covered 5,200 Kilometres British Couple Hearty • At 102 Years of .Age Landon,—Probably the oldest couple in •Elis:and are J. E. Taylor and Mrs. Sophie Taylor, of Orpington, near Bromley, each 102 years old. Mrs. 'Taylor celebrated her two-over=the century birthday in August. Her hus- band passed this mark last April.' He enjoys an occasional glass of ale and is still a regular smoker. Mrs. Taylor retains a good appetite and reads ,and knits without glasses. Mr. Tai'lor's greatest, eompiaint •ja that his own opinion that he, is still • Forests' Pay Tastes of-Alsafian Villages Paris.—Further 'laurel's were added less fortunate parts of Franca are dig.- France's aviation accompl ishments duns, weary of the way "'their local when R brief message was received by taxes keep rising, may well- envy the the Aeronautic Division of the, War isatitrns who' I.phablt the three vat - Ministry abating 'Lieut. Challe and leys that run up into the Vosges from. Captain Weiser had broken the world's this "taws. k\ Ib sen villages awn the record for continuous flight in a timber -covered mountainsides which straight-line by flying front Paris to aurtouncl .them. Revenue from the Bender Abbas, ,Persi•a, a distance 'of forests pays all canununity expenses; - 5,200, 'kilometres. including the yildage church. The two Frenchmen 'Deft Paris'at What it left aver is distributed an - 6.20 a.m. Aug.' 31, and arrived in the nualty among the citizens—at about Perafan town at. 9.40 tem.; Sept.. 1, same time when the villagers in Paris time. They had been in the ail Wesserling, Alsace, =France. -Can - continuously for 27 hours 20 minutes„,ging down into their savings to pay the The flight beats by 500 kilometres' tax co-Dee/or. • TIIE WEEK'S MARKETS lb.; 10 -lb. tins, 12 to 123e; 5-15. tins, TON`CO. - 12% to 13c; 2tcab. tins, 141, to 15c. Man. wheat—NoRO. 1 North., $1.514b j, Smoked meats—Hams,, med., 33 to something of a youngster •doesn t e has I No. 2 North., $1.46; No, 3w'North., 34e;, copked hams, 48' to 60e; smoked aide with that of his doctor, who 1.89 colds,- 28 to 30e; breakfast bacon,,36 ordered him to give up the Man. oats -No. 2 CW, nominal; No, to 40c; backs,. boneless, 41 to 46c. recently :_ons 'country walks' of which ho TS'' 8, not quoted; No,. 1 feed nominal;to Cured lbs,, m$23;* ,o to 80 11.., 591, 50, t ti ns in c.i.f. orfs. ' vef•rht 2ijo. 2 feed, nominal; Western grain 20% lbs,and p $2234 • lightweight qua A P 2 rolls barrels 42.50, beavyt ,. A� track, Tor••nto—No , justice J. V. Testeel,• p �B ton $29 25• tube, 17th to 1tierce pails, 18 too 17c; 24 10 the Bar. firat fatality. direotly good feed flper g passed away on August London. --Tho j t E j 60• sono.• corn. Irons, $39,60 per bl. 'yeUcw, 89c; No. 3 yellow, 88c• Iihrd—Pure tierces, Millfeed—Del. Montreal �retbYnts, • , bags included: r 8125 ,• tints, 19 to 10%e; shortening; tierces, (shorts, per ton •,31.26; middlings, P •r ba $2't0 14 to 16c; tuba, 15 to 1Ktlae; pails; 16 Tax Blank Worries $ Britisher to Suicide Ontario supreme court judge, who - British -Made Cameras Favored at•Hollyvvood London to' Broedcast Music - - m of London, -Tho source of ma For Country' Welding Hollywood'smotion picture -machines • Y this week b : the became ltiicwn here Y pylonupFol the benefit w one _. . t a British firm had L announcement the happy couple, loudsnep tors• will e sent to America an enormous reflex and the full power o e , 3 Which take poster Size London and .Daventry radio broad- -' fa ha in file} scenes tvith- .tt1 hptog p �t LIVE LOST WHAM RADIAL RAILWAY „ 9tE V A4� R.t H f Y broad - $28.25; ee our, i to 16%e; bloeks,'14 to 17%c. Ont. opts -42 to 44c fro .b. shipping j Navy steers, choice, $7.60 to $8 Ont. goad n4sling wheat—$1..18 •tot o, good, , ' t eccortli choice, ' $7.40 to $7.75; do, good, he was• unable o on land's bewildering, to fr f.o.b. shipping Pom.s, $7 to $7.25; do., com,, $5,50 to 26,50; ordon twenty years old, iio Parley—Malting, 56 to 61c.- d to .4.76 butcher bin, When England's gardens Dome d to seek advice and Was Roan badoes. o ng d d $7 to $7 66 butcher•stoera from Enfield. The Income tax blank' b Jig C&nSSla• Produces Flower Seed. t fill t worried to freights. s hoicc 5,1 to $6.60, do, attributable ek points Oacome'ta.x sheets is reported this w butcher cow c • de bloomed George J d 'Buckwheat—Nominal,, fair to goo , $4 4 refusecod, 34.50 to $6,61);-bo:ognas, ",3,50 to this-year,Cnfan ee . Rowers were dead In a room with the gas Jet on and Rye—No. 2, 88 to 86 .$8.40, To- go; canners and 32.50 ,53 t; from Canadian heeds. Each year sees the tax blank on the table, nMn.,pat.,!Pod canners cows, cutters, $32 5 spring - business 88: ate increasing demand for Canadian He had been a wireless operator, but Tonto; do, second pat., 37.90. !,Ps choice, $80 to $115; mod• cows, flower seeds which are found,togrow his business . to that of a Ont. flour—Toronto, 90 per cent• rrel• in Carlota Toronto, $46 to..$60;�eadors, good, $6 to Sfi.SJ; in England w theremar n -e succe ' draper in ilio middle of the Year. ie 6.60; seaboard, 1. bulk, cbangcui stent, per ba k b' ss The ,$5�br0• do, fair, $5 to $6, calves, choice, B b d a' y are verdict f i 19 t '19%e; $12.50 to $18; do, good, $9 to. $11; do, coronetrated 37 to $9 grassers. $ British Columbia seeds especi •< recorded the ver is o Cheese --Nat'; ergs, ” o , 6 to .^,f; earning an enviable reputation with "suicide while temporarily deranged." twins, 19M to 20c; triplets, 22e; the British growers. Stiltons, 23c. Old, large, 26c; twins, goof lambs, $14 to $14.50; do, bucks, _ ••- 27c; triplets,30a $10.60 to 311; good Sight sheep, 37 to - Butter—Finest cre.:n.e'y prints, $8; heavy sheops and bucks, 34 to 86 to 37c; No. 1 creamery, 36 to 36e; i 35.50; hogs. thick smooths. feel and No. 2,34 to'85c.: Daley prints, 20t�r watered, 312.35;X11.60 f.o.b., 10 tears country M` , do, to Eggs -Fresh extras, In cartons; 43 312.761 select premium, 32.42. to 44c; fresh extras, loose, 42 to 48c; i MONTREAL. fresh firsts, 37c; fresh seconds, 30 to, Oats,. No. 2 CW, 68 e; No, 3 CW, removing the dead and injured. It 81c � 54c. Four, Man. spring wheat gats., that severan' passengers Poultry, dressed—Chick's., spring,`firsts, 38.60; da, seconds, $7.00; strong was reported k 1 y, 35c; do, spring,bailors $7,70winter pals., choice, , pinned beneath the wreckage. In , squabs, 1 to 1% lbs., , Ipolled cats bag 00 weds to these seriously injured, a aver 4 lbs., 42e; do, 8 to 4 -lbs., 40c• 36.20 10 $0.3 Brati $2.9.26• Shorts, addition o 33.20. number were badly shaken up and cut I lbsa 2% c t hems, over 5 obis ,)26c t do 41$3L215. Midi :4ngs,' 339.26. Hay, No. by broken glass. to Om., 95, , do, 3 to 4 lbs, 24c; 2 e; on caro , An investigation' into the cause of roasters, viol ducklings, 5 . immediately. An up, 30,' NINE CRASS ON. MICIIIGEN TRAINS Monroe, Mich.= -Nine persons were kil:ed and 19 injured, 10 of them ser- iously, when two interurban passenger cars ntet head-on half a mile north of the Monroe city limits. Among the dead is one Canadian, Wi:liai,i' kS. Rooney, 145 Rando:ph Ave.; Sand- wich, Ont. 2,000 -foot The wreck oceun'ed on a 2,00 carver The motorman of the north- bound interurban, which :eft Detroit city limits A north f' 11lonrte the -schedu' ton, Sots, 314 t0 315. Cheese, -finest \Vests., 166% to 16�,ic; finest casts., 1734 to 17'85c. Bitter. No. 1, pasteurized, 32r:., Eggs, fresh -extres, 45e; fresh firsts, 40c. Belrgna bulls, 38.25 to 33.60; cont. cows, 33 to 34.50; calves, 310 to „11; good vasi:r,, 36 to $9 fur drinkers and com, to 10188. suckers; hogs, selects, I •lbs. and the wreck wx's begun immed' effort will be made to learn why the •Beans—Ceti. hani-picked• $2.60 per motorman of the southbound car' fail ,t,ushel; primes, 32.40 per bushel. ad to stop at Pine Siding, as his,ord-1 lessee produce—Syrup, beer imp. rs read. The bodies of the dead and gal., -$2.25 to $2.30; per 5' .b.,•26 c th* 2.16 tnjurcd persons had been removed to $2,2$ per gal,.; nisi` -e sugar, prevailing' market, 9Satlsfactio,, as- installed e mer.t tv Ic i will o is a cured.' 'Write or wire, Zurich, Ont. n i wftl be, cawed on P e in of tc- Phone 18 4 casting stations t 'interruptin the tak g p accident o,iomrenor to , •lid m�.aiitg place' of the two inter, ,W •: in an inter -l` ' of`the std Sandwich, who was ki-,ed music through space, Tb tile, "strains' • The Production of t e' •sso s n e. e n oc a Ho :: wo for iitdsor: William E. Rooney, of ou o within a feiv clays to flash bridal tures A half south l f d' h gjg ' W d 1 ➢I taken tl the tai travelling from Sandwich ��g y� from Y bete r tr. 1 • It c., 2 was d Detroit. Each g �°�y ll c The McKillop ^en to • vjn lode l►ll,l k ha. To tial d WAS n home at1.14`liandolph Ave., and Many women with disfigured complexions urbane. ta, mile . car crashed• on the urban collision at Monroe; had. -teed, m •��' ,r never seem'to think that they need an occasional Clearrsm he s oak n thee° iter the southbound about three -years, nom ,. -• ,• � ,'ch for abo e 1 , > e11 as tlutvide. Yet ne leaf of this internal etc thee° ., ,o cwt t.e � m en •v , complexions --as �' • t nes a cat and sallow 114 l firm o f a _ t - • m P,uffa:o: IIe mads i$w 'lave in this city a young' men an les al: the Ivor shows itself in t y played. moat inside. as w g • � d it. td` ,tae b th ho P n t e5 an hour, and' �j i illsi n h' li'I•28 � p ss down aisle en) • He t hand, 7t b^ tire first t•• •v> 1'ng al nttt, v ttt f D . . kind bathing " 11 nr•adfulheadachesandbiliovsi,ess, It'sbecause a. the iv to t is e dote:. v... � e.roi� liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates , . t.a,- by tart - -- each Cat about .ntployed as a salesman for the by 8 The best • assistance. o. 1 � ., without a ass t.o •, eve w <+i•and s r o rem lure' I�����C� ^v church to Woltmi_ton, Cn-n,.. comp,atty. ,Surviving are tue.wido,,�, ;which Nature cane t .��•�,,�,,�,.,„ ® `d pp, . came.a o£ its United m t 1 tl k -. J north of 7:nsr.auti: • • that P,nsr.aattl uow huff its length.:, . ,. �: ., m the States. I t is stated h �. , " .` •••int• 1 e by members of Mrs; alniin Rooney, and daughter.{ Y , live• beide and room,, c with most state pollee, tided d , ea 'Office Oft nee , prgspec su lees the United ,.testes Roone ' arents'reside at Buf i i•� i v x.. + ®' ` ,, .pp ,,Y� F t;P, DIRECTORY Ont.. ch • e:a ed tv- - ... i... 'ore, wont to -the scene M,. ... , anxteus to rram th. max 1 Y of tl:•e inachnres,produ..mg Arid rho the Si DIRECTORY, . assisted- ' - zre unab• •t find an ci, rat^t a:ul- soon.,aftei:.the .crash end int :fa'o President. Connolly, Goderfcl• w.. .:., •.,v '-tiny cmanas.` �'•� able fcr th•tIr'tx 1'{in;•dsv. They an he Unite turn e o. Vice,. James /Ovens Beechwood;; Soc 1 Treasurer, Thos, 1 Bay's, Seaforth ir:aed to ilt•> b- oadrastir com^•any, �. S which arr an •ed to have th_ organist of St. Lawrence ,iew.ry, London, play the march'at the right moment for. transmission at the other end of, the country. The company wishes it under- stood that the.broadeast is to be staged only -because of the exceptional cir- cumstancss -and that the innovation must not be regarded as a precedent.. --eve-- Uses, _ -- Uses, for. Slag. Directors George elcCartney, ea forth; b f'. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Walton; Wm, Ring, Seaforth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, Harlock; ,TohnBenneweir, Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goder{ch, Agents: Alex.' Leitch, Clinton; Yeo, Goderich;' Ed. Iiinchray, , :Sea- fotth;. .W. Chesney, Egmondviile; 11. G. Jarmuth•;'Brodlragen. .Any .money to be paidin may :be paid :to alooriiii Clothing Co;»Clinton, or at Cull's Grocery,'Godericlt. Parties desiring ;to' ..affect Insurance or transact other business will he promptly attended to on, application to any of the above,ofltoers addressed to their respecterS post office. Losses inspected by the Director who lives nearest the scene:• TiME TABLE - Trains will arr:ivo at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. • Going East,,depart 0.25 a.m. ,... '2.52 p pan. Going West ar. 11.10 ant. ar. 6.08 dp. 5.53 pan ,. sr., 10,04 London, Huron -&'Brtice. Div, Going South, ar. 7.51 , dp 7.56 a.m. 4.'10, p.m. Going North; .depart 6.50""pan. 11:05 11.15 mat, Even slag Irom tits steel furnaces has meaty economic uses. Two of its major ape are as a basis for cement and, as a fertilizer. Soil requiring, lima and phosphoric' acid are improv- ed" by the addition of crushed or screened slag and some 15,900,000 barrels of Portland cement are being made each year in the United States with slag as an ingredient, In Nova Seabee s-ag is used in road Construc- tion and as .railway ballast. Just ae the presence of certain'ease metals in are need to snake the cue undesirable to iunndie, but now tht'ough new pro- ¢ i� a , cessos of recovery represent ,values sufficient to provide a profit, so, too,: {WENTI'-SGVrN FOOT BOAT . some day, the slag may prove a -source TY -8l to New York., The o1.. P. is 12. They 1..t1 s ==•- of; additional revenue to Canadian In which six Canadian ciscouLs s-ai .. :l from VI steel comltaniee. 1 adventure's and they are scan after ar_Iviuo at \1w Toric, - 5. aaaasenramor.Z.sr. t ed is Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets, which its y . stimulntothe liver tohealthy aetivity,remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable, - Ta.ke'one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Got Chamberlain's today -druggists 25c., or by mail from t' Chancberlaig M4dicicso Company, Toronto' '�., Wim' Vt9 V'.,. .M s what tllcso men have done, you can dol In your spare time , ui A rat hems • you eau es0ily.rooster ttte•seerets p1 welling that stake Star Saleompn. whatever your viper enc Chas.been-wl?atever you maybe doing now whether or not you think you con soli-' just answer this question Areyou ambitleUg to corn $20,000 a year? Then get in touch ten ma at once! 1 will prove to you without Cost or obligation that you can easily become R' Star Salesman. I will show you how the Salesmanship Training anti Free Employment Service of thole'. S T. A. will help you to Guiek success in Selling. $10 000'A_Ite r:Selling Secrets ; '1, 3C 1. et 5)C Sot h,o '� o 5, Ge be t L 't1 i $ •r 10. h0R enabled th d 1 c0 J fight' 11 d 0 0)10) for over l50 lhn0 you J alt r r dmag,ofhe e i el :Iii uo n 5)0 big' autu Gatti ia..t,. National Saiecnetr'a'Training Association C3373ndian Mar. Eua 352. Toronto, Ont. i.