The Clinton News Record, 1926-09-09, Page 1-49111 )(ever ITH WHICH �s CLkNTON INCOdIPOIIAT'EO 1 HE CLINTON NEW % ERA, NTA R110, . TIJL,J SOA:Y,.. l'EIVIBE11 O 1926 IlHOME PLIPER.: EVFBV SIICGESSFUL. !USIWESi HOLJSE IS BUILT llPUN THHEE. SOLID HOB. Silverware' Didn't you earnestly promise yourself during last„ Christmas rush that you were gging to start your shopping eail next t. .year? ry This.is "next" e1t , Year--• 'and it isnit a bit too early to start your; ,Christmas shopping by taking`sdvaetage of the amazing 'bargains we are offer- ing in silver. -- Complete Complete stock, and a wide seleejsop, complete rtets,:or sep- arate pieces. Graceful patterns. Bring "your films here to be -- developed. -First class, work. and- quick service. Give us, a trial. Films For Sale Ytelhjar JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST • 1926 all Fashions week we wish to:. articularly em- phasize particularly Coats for Misses nnhasize. Women's and - M C , seen be Autumn .a n nd 11Vanter. These may in all the newest s and shades and; materials at prices rices . �vithi� the read of all. Our quality and superiority garments. suggest q of workmanship. If Purchased at "Irwin's" it . s'r. e Sure 'he�t is� Sv .e to to -.T1 0.411:.0...10powealsoilimosommeaserraseezmaroo The Arrival ai , +display ,n aye now cal ' o. new We have Faf-.,Overcoats, Snits�at s !C CapsS an S wea oat�.and-Pullovers :`; tet C Priti ,�ario :.:s shades an atternss. Best Efforts of the_ st Manufacturers in f.: rent diff lines. i - _ 011119511 A '9 Man Deal fur Every y COMING TO CLINTON. The 1\1usical Eckardtshave, en gaged ° four new performers `since their last visit to Clinton,' four` years ago, and promise` an entire change of program on Thursday, Sept. 16th. FETING• MONDAY NICrHi''S M A meeting in the interests of And- ew hicks, Lib. -Conservative condi-' date in South ,Huron, was held in the town• hall on Monday. evening. - The speakers were Mr. Hicks, Mr. H. F. Fester, Hamilton, .Labor min- ister and Ontario', member' of the Ielittimum Wage Board and president of the Educational`Associa- tion, and Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Minis- ter of National Defense in the Meigh- en Government. LOCAL MARKETS. Eggs, 23c to 36c. 'Butter, '3.30. Wheat, $1,10 to $1.15; Oats,35c to 40e. Buckwheat, 65c. 13ai•ley, 50c to 60e. r . 2 0 , (Ciro Hogs,:$11. 5 t `t1Z.2o CLEVER YOUNG MUSICIAN. 9' JiViCF:, DVLRTI5LN[1 GOES WEST. :Rev, E. 0. Porde, for some tirnc pastor of .the Clinton and Auburn Baptist churches,' leaviltg here to.,take the pastorate of the Beveeleyestreel: Baptist church, Toronto; has resigned his charge and has accept o -a charge in Calgary, SEVERALO W ERS. M7.ss Made ine A. Roy, of Toront0, One evening last week Miss Emma niece of Mao W. J. Paisley of'Clin- Plumsteel gave a shower in honour of: ton, carried off third pure for piano Miss Ida .Cornish, who was,. wedded playing in the musical contests at the on' Thursdays Iasi to MS":"M. E. 'Mc, Canadian Na Tonal Exhibition the oth- leaddeei : of Cookstown, . when about ei day. The Toronto Daily Star had thirty of the bride-to-bI. 0 kirl friends the -following comment on Miss -ROY s ga;;thered and ,. spent a jolly evening playing: "The playing of Miss Mad-, with her. A. large number of very cline A. Roy, who carried off third' handsome -gift,§ ,„,,,,,,.ere presented, in_, Col. H. B. Combe presided and on, the•.•platform were Mr. D. Cantelon, Mr. J. J. Merner, ex-M.P., N. W. Tre- wartha, M L.A., Mr. 11. G. Fester, Mr. IL. Cox, Mr. W. S. R. Holmes, Mr. J. Noble and Mr. C. G. Middleton. Mr. Hicks was the first speaker. Mr. Hicks said that as he went up and down among the people he found that, owing to the disclosures of_dis- honesty, not only in the ,customs de- partment, but in regard to-electi'ons last October, many , people who" had never voted Conservative before ex- pressed d the t. determination to cast their, a vote. for the Conservatives this time as a protest against such meth- ods: He said he stood/for honesty in government. While whip r of the Drury Party ho Ontario he came'to understand that matters were- going -wrong in the ' treasury department. and, after calling the attention of his leader to -this on two or three ,occas Bions and not getting any satisfac- tion, he had considered it his duty to resign as whip and, at the close of the session retired from public life. If elected~ as /member for South Hur- on on this occasion he,said he would stand for honour and honesty in, gov- ernment. Canadians, he• said, were honest people and wished honest gov- ernment. ov-ernment. He thought that farmers should have more attention frpm Govern. inerts and said if Rt Hon. ,Arthur Meighen were returned to power he was prepared .to.. put a measure of protection eh farm produets. At pre- sent the Canadian. fanner was selling his products in competition -with the world, and noted particularly the case of beans and eggs. Mr. Hicks did not speak long, as he tivished , he Said, to give the audiehce the opportunity Of hearing the other speakers, whom they might net again have an oppor- tunity of Bearing • In introducing Mr. ' Fester. the eheirman said he \vas a man avho looked after the worker, made manu- faeturers ;pay fair wages, eveli when. ope>ators •were ' learning,, and might be 'wasting -more than their wage's. "Le is not any particular friend of mine," he added, but he believed he would have.:soniething worthwhile to prize, was vlgoroes and Zich in the eluding many pieces': ' of chi china, and stronger `passages: and. she, gave 0 'linen., T"'° ehai ming enteepretation. of the recta'- , , ,.The choir of Ontario street United ring 'spinet -nil e.;theine of the chap- church, of which Miss Cornish was a sod • a e Y .0• i� member, presented herr• ,with very i AN7—PHELA•N.pretty satin -finished candy jar, prior to her marriage, and the students of St. Joseph's church was the scene No. 5, Hullett, of which Miss Ootnish of a very pretty wedding on Satur had been teacher• for the -past eight day morning, when Anna Loretta, years, presented her with a pretty elder daughter of the late William fernery. and Mrs. Phelan of Blyth, was united in -marriage to Wm. -Andrew I1ahe ,of , HIS FATHER'S OLD FRIEND Clinton, son of the late Me. and Mrs. Thomas Land. The ceremony was Mr, Dodds Holloway, who is with conducted by .the Rev. Father 'Gaff- the Royal Bank at -dn. ng, Sask., got mire ' Latta talking. with the H•dn. Sa 1 + s .Goetz and Hey, assisted bRev. Frs. who happened to be specking at a Mentzer. The bride was .charmingly political- meeting' and in the course :dressed in toast.crepe romain, with within at to match and were a corsage of the conversation Air. Latta men - boned London. Holloway said fiftynine hie home oras s of roses with fern andbaby's breath. -London and . on Mr. Latta's asking She else wore herl grandmother's .him where his home was' and being wedding cameo pin, Her cousin, Miss •. told it was Clinton, he exclaimed: 55. Cleary of Seaforth was brides- "Why I • attended Model School in Maid, wearing a grey georgette ever Clinton. : Do youhappen to know A bue with hat to match and a cor fellowthere by the name of Ab. Hol - sage bouquet' of Freed% roses with wsYq, + fern and baby's breath. The;' grocer loMr Dodds Holloway was very was supported by his brother, Mr, . much •surprised to find an'early Francis Lane of Ctintoh .arid ushers friend .of. his father in fair -away were M>. Janmeslt teary, Seaforth, and, Saskatchewan and wrote telling him Mr. Leo ISelly`"of Rlytll. rho music + g was, supplied by,vIiss Ella y'an'• of about it, ' Mr. Holloway has a very Win hale assisted `"by ltlie metnbe1 s ` vivid - recollection of, "Sam" Latta, g ' , who is. a' cousin of Mrs, ,Ben Cole of of St. Joseph's choir: After the Gere- tomvn, and who was a jolly lad when nrony the happy couple lett-orea Siort'he attended Model school in Clinton motor trip to Niagara' Falls, via Lon-. don and, Toronto, -the ,oxide, tray -•I about forty years ago; but he had not cling in a blue, needle 'point cloth he him with the Hon. S. Latta, Mr. rester said he ivas a believer in. protection:. He believed in protecting wages, children, old people, etc., and he believed "there' should be i`eason- able protection of investment. He wentback to the time of Sir 'John Ma'edonald, when a deputation of far- niers came to him asking that Soma' policy -foe the building up of Canada be formulated 'and the National Pol- icy was. adopted,. In five years he paid capital *investment had trebled, immigration ;followed -and Canada had•an era of prosperity, which' lasted during'Sir Wifrred •-Laui:ier's regime Sir Wilfrid, he said; was elected on a free trade ticket but' he had, very wisely, done,' little to interfere with the working -of the old N. P. 'On the advent of the King Government the Progressives, in return for their sup- port, insisted ,npote '.tariff reductions: and immediately trade began .to, fall., off. He 'cited the case of a glasses company, in 'Hamilton, which 'em- ployed five hundred. men: and menu; faetured a' very .fine grade of ,glass. Wilien; the, small protection on 'glass was. taken oil" this company closed down. 'It could manufacture -glass Weeper', Sin Belgium and ship, it to• •C na da He .also 'cited the ease of ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. a3;3 Mrs. George D. McTaggart announce', the engagement oC their daughter Margaret, to Mr. Douglas Gordon Higgins, sort of 'Mrs, Higgins and the late Thomas 155.; Higgins, of Toronto the marriage fo t51, e place the latter part of September. AN UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT. Mr, John Gibbings, Clinton's oldest native-born citizen, met with a pain- ful accident the other day when he fell, from a ladder and sustained a bad 'fracture of his shoulder. - Mr. Gibbings • had been plaiting some, apples and, seeing some nice ripe ones'neae the top of the tree; thought. he would like to get them, and mounted the Iadder, with : the above result. It is thought he may have taken -a dime', spell; ' Previous to this he had agreed that he had better not do any mere climbing, when requested by -Mrs. B, J. Gib. bungs not to mount a ladder, but the nice fruit high', en the -tree tempted SHOWIEREID BRIDE-TO.tBE. The members of St. Joseph's choir ,gathered at the rectory' on- Friday ev- ening last to preseut.'Miss Loretta Phelan with an . altininufn shower, when a every pleasant- _evening was spent: Mr. Tighe i • read the follow- ing g he ing address. !Pear Friend: In View of to -morrow's happy- event, we, the members of Gt. Joseph's choir, have gathered here tonight to express our good wishes to you, and toaskyou to accept as a small token of good- will these: few pieces of ware which, we -hope, youwill not only find ever useful, but that they may express the esteem you• have won while with vs; .with all good wishes for your fv ture happiness. Members of St. Joseph's choir." Miss : Lucy Levy then pre- sented -the gifts. Miss Phelan re= speeded. Rev. Father Gaffney then thanked the members and Miss Phel- an for her untiring efforts as organ- ist- and commended, the donors for their love and kindness, which hds al- ways.been•in evidence both •towards ,himself anidtMiss Phelan. coat. On their return they will re-: side in Victoria street, Clinton. McFADDEN—CORNISH: who came within one of being chosen Premier of Saskatchewan when iron. Chas. Dunning :'resigned -that post to take a, place in -the King Govern-. A quiet wedding took 'ple'ed"at high meat last' ~intor. noon on ThuxsdaY,.`Sept. 2itd;'at the THE OOUNCIL MEETING. home of the bride's mother, Ratteh- • bnry1street, east,• when Ida Pearl, Owing to Monday being aholid'ay Tuesday ev- the town eounicl youngest daughter of Mrs. Cornish met on, and the late lames Cornish, became the bride of Mr. !Melville. E. M'eFad- den of Cookstown, Ont. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse officiated. ' The bride wasgiven in marriage -by her' brother, Me. Glen Cornish, and wore, a. dainty gown of bellieee geor- gette over silk crepe. She carried, e. Shower bouquet of pink roses, baby's breath :and ferns, and wore the cleaning,also some filling ijg in work groom's gilt, a string of pearls. Lit - and recommended some tiling. : The He Misses Jean and Margaret Cor- report was adopted. nish, nieces of the bride, made pretty flower girls in peach voile, carrying !Councillor, Paisley -,and Reeve Mid - baskets of pink and white asters. dleton moved that the mayor and Miss.•Zemlie Cornish, slater - of the treasurelele auth'orizeed to enter into bride; played the wedding music. a contract' with 'purchasers of, Colleg iate Institute'debentures_ h i.e I rvodei. • A reception was, held later„when adesire it,to redeem their' eben u es t• buifet`luncheon was served to the d t x at pa guests, numbering about thirty. Later` en or before Aug. 15th, 1931, out of J\Si.. and Mrs, McFadden left on a an accumulated ,pset apart fox motor trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls the purpose. zmcl and Buffalo, the bride traveling in z Reeve. Middleton and Councillor rust' silk crepe' dress, with coat of Livermore made, a, motion' authoriz- rosewood,trrimmed with fur, and hat ing the treasurertopay the account to match. ' of theSouthern Prress, Limited, .fol c The ..Mguesta from a distance were the printing of the Collegiate'deben- Miss McTadden Of Orillia,'sister of tures as. soon as received, the groom, , Mrs. 'Densmore and Miss Owing to lack of space we are 'up,•. Densmore of4S'ault Ste. Marie, Mrs. able to publish the, monthly financial Mitchell and' Miss 1VTitehell. of. Pont- r'epor't. t`„ iae,. Michigan, and Mr. 'and Mrs: Clif AMONG THE CHURCHES. ford Keys, Varna. ening, all. members dieing present with the exception ,of Councillors Johns and Langford, Not much business carne before the eounciI. Same residents . of Orange street asked for 'a light between Dun- lop and Joseph Streets.This was Chairman Middleton of the street committee reported the •ubbiial. street • 'Mr. and' Mrs, McVadden 'will reside • `. Presbyterian Chul'ch at Cookstown Servico m,the Baptist chlireli on Sunday at 11 o'cloek Subject `Spiv - A• '1'RAVELT ING ;SCHOOL, : ;it.ual ''; Simoi:tsightedtipss ,'' . ' Su' dui •school at, 10 o'clock: Tlie Department be Education 'iii' • Ontario is determined to see=•that tted 'WesleyWillis Wilted Church youthful eeitizeti& oahmst Prov'inNektSindayeithe”minister's; s ubs` have an opportunity,; of aleplaizi•'and -jests will be: Mor•ning:. "Gifts for, useful education 'to'3it them' for the the Tabernacle.' Evening:.` The; EX- tees;vo' Grotiitb of the' Kingdom "z.; farm implernentse woollen goods d ftitui'e and ; if there' is nodittte red binder twine 'etc.'"To:'throw open' the school for Young Ontario to go to, Markets of Canada to the 'mass pro; duction of the United .States and the low wage countries' of Europe," hA declared•would,bedisaster to Canada "We '•need industrial development and we need'. agricultural develop- ment," he said,: "EY.ery dollar spent. for imported goods Means that ninth less prosperity:' for Canada" Hain. Mr. Guthrie "spoke principally of the customs. scandals, He told the story hi -ought out in the customs probe. No real effort :was made to clear things ,up until H. 13. Stevens forced the band of the Government" ,and a commission was appointed to investigate. He.,,deemed that the fact that the chief preventive officer was in league with .smugglers' and l " t bootleggers, was well known to the Minister' of ,.:Ghistorns and also to Premier 1fing but that; so many Gov- ernment officials and supporters were implicated. that Kings hands were tied and he was unable to .clean up liberals are not being nominated in many of the riditvgs in this elec= tion,::" remarked Mr. Guthrie. "I can well`.understalid why Liberals do not wish to offer themselves Tri this.elec Mr. r, Kin ` says he will clean tin tion. M Y King the customs mess,' but do you think he is the ratan • to do this work? I :think there will he no uzieer•tainty in tlid,i•eturnson Sept.Scpt, 14t and we shall . h have a stable government; headed by the Rt. Honorable Arthur Meighen, and a retuep of prpsperity and de velopmient; '. then the school will :come to, Young. •Ontario { To this end the Government las• fitted, rip two school ears, one to be T ' Northernhe operated on C. P. R. mil Ontario, and the ether; on the 0:N. R„ for the use' of children ofeettlers` who are`',•outside, the 'range of the rural .sibool;proper. The'sars are fitted up as'sehool rooms, with "desks, black- boards, libraries, ete., and at one end living quarters for' the teacher: They. will bemovedfrom place to place, r•e.; maining five or six days at, a place, when, the children, within reach will, spend the time "at school," the teach- er leaving each-er'leaving 'Chem, "noire work" enough to last them irntil'•his return, The tea.chex• chosen for the car which will be operated on the C. N.' R. is"a&Ir.. Fred- Slolnan of CIintone.and' wethink the Department lias,miade e wise choice. Mi.. , Sloman • ,has spent some time teaching in Northern 011 tario, he knows' conditions them end is keenly interested in the. Northland, He will bring ent'husiasnt to the work and under 'his guidal]oe it, ought to bo n surCess. The ears: have been on eehibition at the •Ga Canadian all this. week and iSfr. ,ISlonian has been in Toronto preparing ;for his new exper- ience. Mrs; Slotnan and babe.have; joined him 'there andthey start north the beginning of the week.. Clinton, citizens will be especially interested in this new venture of a:school on Baptist. Chtrrcht eCaiiynaek' .M n'iniste r ISundey'school azrd llible classes at 2:30' pee. 'Gosp'el,Sebyice,r7 p.m.,sub:;: jest, "Fa'ith's Touch " 'Bright services, Ail a%e weleoine, Ontario Street United Church 1i/foreleg classes meet at 1:0 a m for Fellowship . Morning 'messa •_ niu e: ' "The'. Value''of. Vision. ` .in� : Evening subject: ,An address to our. youny•,people' and students: "Heart Discipline." " • ion. Army Y The Stratford S. A. Silver' Band will visit Clinton on the week -end of Sept. llthand 12th, Musical program will be given on• Albert ,St. Saturday evening. 'Sunday services) :' 1.1 a.m. and 7 p.im. A musicalP rogram will be given in the Park after ;church services. St._ Paul's "Anglican Chutch . harvest Thanksgiving services will be held next Sunday at 11.a,m. and at 7 `p.m. Rev. Herbert ` Naylor, 5 7'h., of Hensall, ill be the :specialpreacher ht the 'morning. service. The rector• will be in eilai ge of the :evening; . ser- vice and will preach. There tvi11 be special music at both sertic,es. ,Owing; to Decoration Day being et for next Sunday Y the aminal Rally Day exercises of the Suiide ,t school will be postponed ;,for one week There- will be no session of the Sun- day, school on Sunday next. DECORATION' DAY. The L 0, 0. F. Orangemen and Vet- erans' will observe Sunday neRt,-. as Decoration Day. The procession will T'arrm at half past one and, headed by the Clinton Kiltie Batid, will march to the Postoffice square, where the memorial tablet will , be decorated, then proceed to the'Lernetety, where the graves of .the departed members will be visited. Rev. L. C. Harrison will be the speaker at the mearroria service at the cemetery. -ELECTION RETURNS IN HALL. On Tuesday evening, election night, the Kiltie Band will put on a.. concert in -the town hall, at which the election results will beannounced as received.' These taking part in addition -to the Kiltie and Pipe bands, are: . Mrs. Wendorf, Miss McMurchie, Mr. Mor - gen Agnew and Mrs. Sutter, instru- mental, and Mss Annie Stewart, tewart Mr. J. E.oherty, Mr, Fred Steel and Mr. C. Cdok, vocalists, and probably oth- ers. • It will be a good concert and ar- rangements have been made to re- ceive the eleetish returns, which will be promptly announced. Small admission fee, proceeds to go to the ,Kiltie Band. BURKE- BROWN. The following from the Brantford Daily Expositor", refers to the i ule- riage of a formes Clinton girl, a niece pi Mrs. R. Horsley of town:. ' "A very pretty wedding,was sol- emnized at. Wesley United church by Rev. S. Edwards, when Mildred Evan-' geline,eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vied Brown, 41 •Ontario street, became the beidealMr. Howard Stan- ley Bielce, •eldest son of Mr. and IVla's.. A. Burke. The bride 'who was ,heau tifully gowitted' in ivory geongetite, with tulle veil and carrying a shower bouquet'of sweetheart roses, entered the church„, pomptly.,, at leaning ori th'e: