HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-02, Page 7GRANGE PEKOE Is net equalled br lig lar other 'tea.. Folding the Flocks. Shepherds all, and Maidens fair, Fold your Flocks up; for the Air 'Gins to thicken, and the Sun ,Already his great course hath run. See the Dowdrops how they kiss Every little Plower that Is: Hanging on their"Velvet Heald, Lice e Rope of Cristal Reads. Let one Eye his w,atchos keep, " 'While the other Eye doth sleep; So shall yoe good Shepherds ,prove And deserve your Master's love. Now, good night! way' Sweetest Slum" bore And soft Silence fall in numbers ,On your Eye -lids: So, farewell; Thus! I end my Evening knell. —John 'Fletcher. The Port of Saint John. Steep streets and the ringing of church bells; the distant sea; sunset; 'and the lovely irregular lines'of moats' ' and. spars!tind:rigging; the view of a 'hazy, hill topped :by a niartefo tower; —these' are, some of my pictures' of- Saint John.' An old town long ago linked by trade relations with the West Indies, : a port filled with foreign sailors;= it contains bales of romance never: yet unpacked... . When' this, city plays the pageant of her past she will h'aye. nearly every -romantic element of the. early days to draw from. . . Four years before Quebec was founded;. Champlain cast anchor at the mouth of the river and' christened the region -In honor of the saint whose day it was. That was. on the 24th. of June, 1604.. . As remembrance, the permanent pic- tures of Saint John have to do with her unique setting.: . • . Always the. :land has been harassed by the ticiee ot the Bay of Fundy; . murmuring, menacing . . . tides, full of mystery. . She can transport you on a morning's drive through Rockwood Park, to •Scottish hills and -gemlike lakes. An hour later yon are on the Atlantic seaboard, : facing daneing waves, or else black rooks and tawny sands is the tide is out. The faecina tion of her rivers, Is lnexhanstible.. T thought of Bliss Carman and his love for his "port of heroes;" 'the barren 'reaches by the tide," "the long dykes with uneasy foam," "the marshes full of the sea." Footsteps of beauty haunt one here, partly because hiss poetry had haunted one's childhood. In de- parting -we journeyed with him- - Past the lighthouse,; past the nun - buoy, Pastthe e crimson rising -sun, There are' dreams go down the har- bour' With the tall ships of.,llatnt John: —Katherine Hale, in "Canadian Cities of Romance." YniNature's 'Backrard•! . The amount of -life found to exist in a,gbarter of a square mile of tropical Jungle at Kartabo, British Gulona, is almost incredible. In one hour Mr. William Beebe, a naturalist, jotted down two hundred and' forty-six obser- vations on five hundred and thirty-six living animals!. In that small area he saw seventy- ' three different kinds of mammate. In • the whole of New York tate-180,000 times larger there are. only 81! He found also that the various birds were more. numerous than in the Bri fish Isles, there being four hundred: and, alxty-Sour distinct species. By digging up a square yard of soil he came across a thousand different forms of insect life. This dense nisei of life—ranging • from -tiny insect -eating bats to the huge cowlike tapir weigh,ing'hundreds of pounds --in the, result of ages of evolution; as is also the praline vege• the other side of tho.'Po were Parma e tation that comprises the jungle Itself, and Piacenza, dreaming • the year ,w' away; one cotild'�crosa over by a bridge Protection 'for Spare.' if one lilted. . Owiug to the thin 'walls of the bal- ' It was very old, this Town' ot Viol- ' loon. tire, It is important. to use care in carrying them as, .spares, particular. ly if;more than one. is thus 'Used. If the side w de. ails aro rubbing against any sharp ,poltit.ef the the holder Or the spare • e hole, will appear• in the tire's most vital part. The, 'efficiency of a balloon tire` de ends -upon the upkeep P of its` side walls an'd necessarily are things• to,'provide for greater next- , bllity. 5 lSID X ye agsalee by BY ARTHUR I3. R 'E. Ii The Water -Chisel here on; the wrinkled stream the viii lowsleap, And fling a very ocataey 4f green Down the dim crystal; end the chest- nut,trog kdmizee iter large- leaved shadow, eWlft A wateeousel came, with such a flight. As archangels might envy.•Soft and bright Upon a white. kissing bough she lit, CHAPTER XII.= --(Cental) the tires but the shots went wild as breast, though 1t • -^? And washed and preened her, sitvei• Kennedy quietly Stepped out from bhe tar. careened crazily. The gray Was dazzling fair before, Then twit- a moment. We thought he, was about unto case the protection of the ,bathhouses I racer was now off,k tennis _ hail almost:gad Dick safe, and he had l ? end me re obeisance to the soddenly spring beide Irteral'v snatched from our very Ste '" ' with our ie dock, wntl idly do into lifa, and literally, hack- ing, snatch Dick from the very ,hands of his earners. In fact it may, have been, his plan: But Dick, happening to glance up, caught a fall shot of Kennedy. Dick must have known more than the rest of us. He did not betray by word or muscle what „he had ;seen. His mind must have worked fast. This was the time, if ever, to make his getaway, before the arrival of -the car cause us to be outnumbered:' Without warning Dick rose, poised' an instant on the seat of the tender, and leaped. " "Man overboard!" sung out the man at the tiller, as the other was tying up 'at the dock. We now emerged from hiding, all., There was`' no, use in keeping under cover now. Besides, so interested were they in getting'Dick'that they did not see us anyhow. -- My heart was in my•month. Dick did not come up! Where was he? Drowned? Had his head struck some sunken .rock or' pile, Had he gone down and ha' we wrtneased; a tragedy? Itwas nearly a minute -that we were in this breath -taking, suspense= --all but Ken; our eyes glued to the spot. where the lithe' -body of the boy had disappeared. :--• '_There he is!" .It was Ken and he: was pointing Scene thirtyor forty feet away from the spot at which we were focusitrg our; attentibn,- Sure. enough there wee Dick, bobbing up, and strik- ing",out' with his powerful crawl for the -shore diagonally from the dock, headed for the epot where the bulk- head -ended and'the•beach again began,. "I knew itl. Dick's the bestkid.under water -there is in the troop. I've known: him to swim under water seventy-five boards along the dock at home, .and they're wide boards, too." n rin a p - but • ex Holies. Dick still a prison ,And in the wavering amber at her feet a The land, bhe tcndc;r from the "Scooter"I Icer silent shadow, with obedience II turned and picked up the sailor still meet, swimming off shore and chugged Made her quick, imitative curtsies, tb�o.' away, as Easton dragged himself on Maybe she dreamed a nest, so safe and the Sand, I. - dear, Genie', Ken and in self sat down Where the keen spray leaps whiteiy with Easton as he s retched out in :the sun cm the.bulkhead to dry. •There Was no uee'to pursue. By the; thne we got our care: the gray racer might have made a dozen turns: in the network of'sood country "roads aboutthe $in-. nacre, - "Now that we know: sheet this: transfer of Dick to the land," con•- siderde,. Craig, "I. doubt very much whether they will keep him' here. ,Their next move .will be to transfer him either to the 'Scooter' again or someother boat, I feel sure." looked about and his;eye rested on the Inn with its large fiat roof: "That radio room up there where we were must be some kind .of hang-an...for this sporty crowd of young people. Wye must figure out some way to find Out about it and what gees on there." Easton, too, had been looking at,the roof With -the aerial on it. "There's no use going back there PLAITS AND LACE EFFECTIVE FOR DAYTIME` DRESSES. Fashiondictates stress the import once of the plaited frock, and, since plaits are so smart, this little frock takes full advantage of this fact and Dick's suss had -been good. He had not only gained a long start of them in pursuit, but he had fixed it so that they were non-plussed and he -had the advantage of all of the -start He was likea submarine; you never could tell joins groups of plata front and back just where iee would' cense to the sur g p to a rohnd yoke. Fashion also dictates face the use of much lace, and wide bands of insertion serve as a trimming for the front and lower edge of the skirt as:.yvell as fashioning the round•yolce The long full, sleeves are gathered into narrow wrist -bands, and.a ,string belt girdles the frock at the hip line. Ne 1152 is in sizes 16, 18 and'20 years Size 18regtiires 3% yards86-inch•ma- tenial, with 81/1 yards wide lace inser- tion, and % yard allover lace for yoke. Price 20 cents. The secret of distinctive dress lies in good taste rather than a ravish ex- penditure of money. Every woman should want to make her own clothes Once they had seen him, however, they were not long in forming their plane _to head him off. The fellow alt, •the 'engine quickly cast off the doe and sterted'up, in as quick' a sweep as he could` to head Dick oft from go- ing too far down the beach. The other fellow, still unmindful of ifs started' up the dock to gain the bulkhead along the shore down which, he was go- ing to run to head oft! Dick Ih that direction. bad a bit of The man in the tender h difficulty in splsindng the engine, but at last, he was off and the speed of the tender quickly made up not only for Dick's start, but the slig`h$ delay. It.w s certain he would force the bey to swim inshore. Our part was to take and the home dresanake new Fashion a the care of the thug on the sea-wall.. designs illustrated in our new Fashion She hears, a presage in the ancient.' thunder Of the silken fall, and hersmall soul w In, onder Makes preperatlon as she deeme most right, Repunlfyiag what \before was white 'igafiigt the. day when, like a beautiful dream, Two little ousels' shall fly with her down stream, :And seen the poor, dumb shadow=bird. shall , flit With two small shadows -following af- ter is --Mary Webb. Heart and ° Head. and asking questions. They wont In this mechanlcal and;scientlflc age answer • any more than they • would , we are apt to set undue store. upon have done atthe Bine.Rooster.,They've things that can be expressed in horse- power,'and: to forget the things that got to protect their customers. i What about that wireless 'dictograph that I've been consuiing you about, Mr., Kennedy?" "Is it,perfeeted?.'r asked Craig. "Not finally. • But it's practical." "Just the thing, Easton!"'Craig ex- claimed. "They do not know us yet. We'll ago back to. the Radio Shack and get it, install it here and: listen in,on them when .they " don't realize it. Splendid!" By this time Easton had dried out. We climbed back into the car and soon Were on our way to the Radio' Shack. Back at - the Club where Mrs. Adams was, iso stopping she had been trying in vain to locate Ruth.. "Is Miss Ruth about?° Coralie Adame'turned at the voice of Professor Vario who wascoming down the porch: "No, Professor; I am looking for her myself." "Too;Kad. I was going to ask her to play a little golf.: You seem worried about something, Mrs. Adams. Can. I bo of assistance?" "I'mworried over Ruth—and that robbery has upset me." Meet thoughtfully he tried to re- assure her. '"Oh, it's not the jewels after all, Professor," she confessed at length. "Better to lose them a thousand times than.. to have Ruth go to the dogs the way I fear. Oh, why can't she listen to Easton?. Why can't Easton do something with her?" Vatic did not relish that much. Easton Evans was his serious rival for Ruth. "I thought he -was one of the crowd," he hazarded. Mrs. Adams shook her head posi- tively. "No, 1 am sure he ie not. I with, if you should happen to see him, that you would tell him I'd very much liketo see him." Vario promised, readily. He was very' ingratiating- with the mother of 11 to Book to be; practical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the mode of the moment. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size 'of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in ;stamps or coin (co`in preferred; wrap it carefully).' for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co, '12 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. t The Town of Violins.. Lombardy,' where the silver poplars grow and music is In the; ail* . and the yelIow sunlight falls upon you,— In Lombardy; fabled and sung by a thousand p'aiefng tongues, — there brooded ,and hummed, worked and. dreamed, a busy thriving town four centuries ago,—the Town of Violins. Its name was Cremona, and the' Heart of Musts was the_ heart of the world to the Weis who worked there: . On one side was the River Oglio, on another the''Adda; on the south the Po swept by, blue -purple under the war.. say, running down, down,.-' down to where the Adriatic waited `for'it. On. 3r" That a- li a - 9g °£Ivor of fresh s eves a new h,.:ffiX1ERHt.gt thrill.,t©;'every bite.Wri'r gle. 'S is good and good for you. ISOUl ,Nc. ins, and - its name, - from, the Greek, meant "Alone upon a rock." . r. A very pretty,.happy Malian city it • WSW, with . . golden light splashed upon roof 'and street;, the , music of children's voices, and magical south- ern skies filtering through . This from ..the year 1520 was the world's, centre' of violin -making, the,'Town :of Vfollns,-Anna Alice Chaplin; in "The Heart -Of Music." 'Easton in hie regard for little Dick, was 'quite. unable to restrain . himsef any longer. 'He waited as long as he thought was prudent. Then: he leapt like a tiger at the powerful thug wo was running to head off Dick. Craig forged ahead now in the effort to get to Dick as he scrambled out of the the.gir. ho won d like wan, Mrs. wrier on the beach. Dick was strik- ing Adams excused' herselftowaandthe filled with the joy V, .hay are also ing out:lustily as the tender decreased stared.thoughtful:y rd Radioario animaorderlyof eternity;capable,' hie lead over rt. Shack. ' our sense of emancipation' from the can -only be expressed by heart-beate. Yet it le s'tlll true that an ounce of sen- timent is a greater force ellen tons of T.N.T., -a more, subtle pomander than reams of, arid argument and faultless ' ,logia. - The things that are, in Tennyson's phrase, icily regular" are. just: as "splendidly null!.' The truth', 1s that we want more, heart in everything --hope, politics, business, even religion.' The hard face ie the vicious product of_a hard heart, unsoftened by sympathy. It sounds trite and "Victorian' 'to say that "kind hearts are more than coronets," yet it remains true for all its triteness. The path ..of true -conquest . always . lies through the heart. It Is balance we need. We sometimes say Of a girl in love, deprecating'ly,. that she followed her heart rather than. her head. The instinct lsright, What Is wrong Is the lack of theeight ce-or- dination between the two. Wordsworth has a fine couplet, one of the mostbeautiful ea our great Poetic literature, in his Ode tp a Sky- lark. The bird's nest is on the ground —the so11d ground of meson.' His. soul and his song •ars in, the blue heavens—the free, untrammelled, in- spiring air of hope and joy and heart expression. The poet puts his finger unerringly upon the just balance of•life when he says that the skylark is a 'Type of tate wise, who soar but never ,roam, .. True to the kindred points et heaven and home,- -.. Thus it seems to me that the. true end of -.education• la to nuke men end women who are good to lava with, Whilst they ars efficient, disciplined, I turned with an effort to see. how We had trrrived at the Shack by this cold calculations of the brain. Easton was getting.on. I bad had no time and had let ourselves jilts ,Ens- In short, the path through the brain fear of that, football hero,But I had ;ton's laboratory up en the second floor leads to pessimism; the, path through not counted, on muckerism and his oap� once the loft of the former Evans;the heart to optimism. There, Is a portent was a mocker. The thug h boathouse over the hangar where ho actually extricated from his packet a }ousel his radio-hydroearop:ane, !`The middle 'road betweeihheart and head, act l blackjack. -Easton had broken small of the blow Mit it had struck the Sea Scout'' Here in .the paraphere n die ofthis complete radio Tab -oratory him, hampered him. Next he had man Easton hurried to assemble the parte aged to wrench'the thing away fromof his wireless dictograph, the batter the man but had not been able to hold ies, antenna, wire and 'so on. It slid It. It fell in the avatar: I started to. not take long and we had just about ward: thein. Easton was recovering stowed the stuff away in the back of a ; but was glossy, as the , remark - Kennedy's car when, Varlo.dro've up. perceivbiting me made a lunge at him.thug. "Sorry you're leaving," he Theygrappleci an instant, then both ed. "By the Way, Evans Mrs. Adams tpppled into the water from the top just asked me up to the Club if T hap - of the seawall. I glanced over. The plunge had quite revived Easton. He had his man out of the running' any- how.. --and was striking out' for the beach where Dick was. headed. Kennedy was leaping along to. pu:l Dick out the, moment hid feet touched" bottom, Suddenly - a bullet clipped the Sand ahead of Kennedy.' I half turned. IloWn'the shore road now was roaring a gray racer! . Iranfaster. Ken was now strug- gling to hurry up to me" as Dick's feet evidently touched bottom and ha began to drag himself. to shore, just ahead of the oncoming tender. The, to prevent it running agroun circled. tender -turned nota moment too soon d Off it i • But Dick was.not safe --not Yet, He vias some fifty feet down' the shore The Can iprFire. Not the least of the charm of camp- ing amping Is your camp -lire: at,night. What an artist! ' What pictures are boldly. thrown or faintly outlined upon the \canvas of the night!,Every object, evdry attitude of`gourcomrade Is strike ing and meniorablo.;-, You see effects and groups every moment that you would. give money to: be able to carry 'waywith you in enduring form,. How the shadows leap, and skulk, and hover about Light and,: darkness aro An per' petuai tilt and warfare, with first the one unhorsed, then the other. The friendly and cheering fire, what ac- quatntanee we mak with it? We had almost forgotten there was, such an Felled to see you to say that she wants Lheir way round tete Isle of Wight mg - to to -k with yon as soon ab you can see' her. I.thought I'd run over; that rested to Dr. Watts his hymn, "Te perhaps you were interested in some le a land of pure deliglit.'t, The "There new work I am doing." known lines:''Sweet fields beyond the "What is it?" Easton was fidgeting. swelling flood stand dressed in living He did not wish to offend"Varlo, who green" present :a perfect: picture of the was likely to become a big man in the , scene on a bright summer day, and the and -it'leads to the land where reason .and affection reign "like kings of Brentford on one throne." • Holiday Hymns. Quite a number of holiday haunts in Britain . are associated with hymns. For instance, it is said that the view of the coast of England us seen across the Solent, by ehar•e-banes riders on radio field, yet there were many other more opportune times to talk about radio devices. Still he wanted to be polite, • - "Why, it's• my new Wave -meter, y a calibrating device so that amateurs can more easily find the wave lengths of stations broadcasting." "I should think at would be very Magri ' of "Death, like, a harrow. sea, 'dividing this`. world from the next seems: to point the•same way. There is a rock near Landes End which is called"Wesley's Rock," for it is said that it was there he wrote, a fa mous hymn which contains the lines: ecaicse you really Live with, aaour Lace... Curtains, d he ey .`7YtQlt'l Laundered in LUX 1'• EVERY hour of the see them, f they?have been poorly launder-, ed they area constant annoyance. Lux laundering will keep them idle in both colour and shape- will permit them= to drape in soft•gr.acef it folds.' Be careful to' get the genuine —.Lux. It is sold only in packages ._ never in bulk. Levet Brothers Limited Toronto L-541 ONE LITTLE WINDING ROAD One feels it must be wiadiug still, that little road. That Is an interesting thing about made, like the brooks they seem to go on forever. Asthe wind singe along with them they seem to be saying: "We are going—we are going -and you can't guess where." This element of mystery is one of the charms of the road. It starts from ne- body -knows -where, and when oho chances upon it, it has been going, for nob ody-k norm s •how -long. This enc has hardly gone a quarter of a mile from the Yorke when it sud- denly, seems to end in an old green wall running' across its path, with waving green grass stretching beyond, dotted all over with tilting white daisies. When one reaches this elbow of green meadows, sparkling with the gold faces of buttercups and wild mustard and marigolds, be finds a brook scurry- ing' across its pebbly bed to the old stone wall wh1011 stretebes away up the hill, dividing the playgroundofthe daisies from that of the buttercups. Then all of R sudden one discovers the road again,,etretch(ng away to the left, Sleeked withpurplish shadows going and coming, playing hide-and-seek from one side to the other, until they are lost In the haze of the two high hills that meet the blue in the vista aimed. A meandering rail fence, nonchal- antly_leaning against the green banks for,support here and there, its mellow, purplish -gray rails colorful with ripen- ing lichen beneath the patches of wil- low atod'btrch, straggles along one side of the road. It Is hobnobbing with the high timothy and clover in the pasture beyond, gallantly supporting a gay "Lo, on a narrow neck. of land twixt Easton was impatient to get de'd�aeas I stand. e• Anyone usefu,.-•.two unboun off. "T - certainly am interes ,d. who :has stood on •this point of rock Would you mind if. I dropped over at , the station to see it? PTring-,you will feel tlte• force et those lines., The: best-known ' of our evening from Kennedy' and had seen the av up' very soon. But just nee Mr. Ken- s "Glory, to Thee, my God,;this reaching racer in battleship gray. He nedy has something he wants mo to hymns,: ry, preaching He started to tun help on. l hope you'll pardon us if we night," is said to have been written by sensed- trohole: the shore. " • run along?" Bishop Koneln'the� palace garden at along h r h - fel ,.. „ ,:, - cathedra.' grayracer swooped ot£• thy; �Ckert m.y., It w s.evldent .that,.•VJeile,;. the beautiful : little cat The a• • n .. 'Ad came the two inventors- wets quite jealous hard road onto the wet sande q 1 city under the Mendip )dills, Not: far on' down .the shore, firing at 'Kennedy of tech* other •over Ruth, Ken, .wibh ahead as it rapidly overtook the boy and his pursuer, tele first? Who would get top ,. CHAPTER XIII. THE WIRELESS DICTOORAI'III, Wildly;j Dick was running in his heavy, ,:dripping clothes along the shore gradually forced down toward the water by the gray .racer as it swooped: off the beach, reed on,.the beach le purstit. He could not take to the water again without endanger- ing his recapture by the thng, in the tender of the `:Scooter." Kennedy wee stll'1 Many feet behind Dick and I was even further, away. than Henendy. -'Easton,. ;vas stil'1 floundering 'in "Shp water' trying to clement Ywe Batt er long known only aro .1 the second• slit or thuttr its darkoffspring, heat. ,Ivow we see.. One of the mon in 'Cho .gie1' racer the wild beauty unaged 'and note Its had cllmb1�o�d out on the running board, and as' hal ing far out as Dick ran manner and tamper..,. 13y diry`it W g .burrows in the ashes and sleeps; at into filo water as far as hp dared,•T e bu. nil ht it'conies lentil and_att's upon - its racer slowed up; and,* pox e�•ful glow on the r nhl board, i, "erase o throne of rude logs. and rules the ; u, fig 33 scoop: Dice up, struggling t ut- weak camp, a sovereign queen.—John•Bur enol end breathless after his long roughs, in "In the Catskills.'! : swim aped the his -small boy's sense of humor,,enjoy- ed it. "See you .later." At last we were oft', "Sounded as if he_ really thought that would be too soon!" chuckled Ken. • - " Easton silenced the boy with-• a g ante. He was•in no mood for chef - Our return trip to the , Binnacle was tirade in record time, for we must be there before the late' afternoon crowd began to gather. The -coast was not ae clear as it The dingy (ray racer, plunged 'on, The Way to Road. : through the clonal as the driver gave it Ihe,,gas' its wheea spinning but the Tr; to believe that he,moans some- inoinentum on -mg it en. At last it .Buil searcle loe�ingly wbat that may • soencd •the hsIck iced, with thio upas; :I've been earryin' `tire I be, Csslyl0. _ t.claaedy fired, at' it trying to get "same one, up and down all day," had been the -first time. The waiters were beginning to . gather. Craig he began to, write a hymn, now known :edout the head waiter and was gg convincing with his story that Vuite`con Y W 'away, amid the same hills, is the +"Rock of Agee" in Burrington Coombe, The rock is shown, with its great,eleft, in which the author, sheltering from a storm, wrote the hymn ;which is per- haps. the greatest favorite of all. Many motorists know the beautiful stretch—of road . between Gloucester and Towkeehary. It was along this road that the poet James Montgomery was riding with s friend when he saw a 'man' sowing:`seed as they passed a field: Even as their carriage rolled on, rro represented and,weie inspecting the" fire' a}}iid i � hazards of ratite !petal ia= t y -eke St gra odete fl Cess 1Z g lc t e her whir' tiro ;injiittiq$ia �q ed� h ]? d -waiter busy so :that we might Yio free to do our , quick Work on the roof. rye be continued.) lignin ng a lila t ori , o f tot 4 lfl ..� �e, wl� own tplYs �rla�' Wit T a G Who Was Cheated? Tke "Say, Mike,/ liow sonny palls of cement did you carry up the ladder this atternnon"' Mike' — "Sh-sir—T'm gettin' even compati- little columbine on a corner, and run - fling a.race with the spreading golden- rod and purple asters, and silken milk- weed. ilkweed. On the other side, the old stone wall hobbles along, .ambling down he differently at various stages, peeping out here and there from .behind elder and blackberry bushes, the ruggedness• of its surface softened gracefully with a mantle of clematis: Now and again old apple trees lean over its friendly stretches. Occaafonaily, in open spaces first on one side and then on the other, quiet, graydimmed farmhouses beckon one to enter. At the top of a hill; where the road Seems to meet the sky, one discovers In the hollow below, snug- gled into a bend, an old sawmill set against a partially denuded wood with stumps moss -grown and crumbling away; with underbrtiah and logs ming- ling in lazy confusion over the brown loam. Long strings of moss trail over the' ancient wheel, end one discovers again the little brook which so harm- lessly raced . across the -meadow cor- ner, new quite noisily but futilely scampering along, trying, perchance, to waken again the echoes of the time when the wheel turned surely at its bidding,.., Then, as if refusing to worry at this lack of response, it gurgles along over its pebbly bell, growing quieter and -quieter until it slips be. heath an old stone wall into the cool woods beyond. As one tarries there in the peace and (pidtnde, the little road runs steadily on, losing itself in a far-off point where it meets the blue. And In one's thought it is still going—to that sainewbere-one-wonderitwhere. • MEN AND WOMEN OF TO -DAY Sir Thomas's Latest. - dwell -known writer, has refused the Of all optimists, Sir Thomas Lipton Pulitzer, prize of $1.000 awarded to him is surely^the chief, -He is going to for his latest novel, reminds -us of -.a. have another' shot at winning the story that used to be current concern - America Cup, and despite the fact that Ing,hlm. theyacht acht has to be bulit with a view I When at work on a new novel, in or' to croasing the Atlantic, as well as par- ,der •.to .outwit unwelcome visitors 1t defeating in the rice, he remains for, was his custom to retire to what be Duet•. hopeful. To add the America Cup called his rummer -house, a sort of to the large .collecton of other, sport- bungalow -like building miles from any Ing trophies, he has acqulred ie the am- where, with two doors, front and back.' bitten of his life. I On the front door wee thin 'sign In Cups are not the only things Sir blg, bold letters; Thomas collect's. ' ""buelness.. He has a fine library "No admission admission except on Of music, which is kept on special: No business transacted here,„ sheivee at an office in Covent'C{arden.. 'On the bank door was another. big One moinin$> n, recently, he instructed "Sign,rivh11h read: his servant to P , ,P hone' u the aide and "'Da notenfer'wlthodt knocking. Dc tell one of the clerks there to bring -net knock.” . hili Linea Rhapsody. He wanted it The King's Doctor's Romano°. at «neer but an hour passed by, and : Everybody bas heard of the King's then the clerk rang 21r Thomas 1P- doctor, Lord,Dawsou'of Penn, but dew "I'm afraid,, Sir Thomas, we don't .people know that the May of his mar- quite ar quite understand what it le you re- ridge roads like a llrst-clasp lllm quire," said the clerk. "Your servant mance. Soon after he had begun his says we are to sand you -a net of rasp- career as a doctor be wee "walking,tho battles, but we think he has mistaken wards" at the 'London Hospital when this office for the market" an English girl fell ill with typhoid A' Fighting Finish. fever In: Constantinople: She was the The Duke of Abercorn; 'since '1822daughter of Sir Alfred Yarrow, the mil-; Qovernor-Geeera'•1;of Northern Ireland, , lionaire shipbuilder, and luventcr, and remarked recently that a lot of trouble ' Sir Alfred' determined to send out h re • - In this world is due to mutual reissue- !liable Engli&h doctor to pull her out of doratanding,;in proofof whiclf he told danger. the Y following story: _ His choice fell on ycung Dr. Bernard Two men were arguing about an Dawson; because, I am told, he felt,. chovles, the one asserting—quite right- that if his daughter 'should happen tp ly, of course—that they wore fish. fail In love with her doctor—as so often "Rubbish!`" protested , the other. happens :in story books—the match • "They're flowers. I've•iseeu then; grows would,be � 2uiteble one, •flute eneiigh the47,9-did Yellin love.` 'Alfred chow ,i l The grew More Hove wisely' Sit ,lire o s well iho ar emelt •won,.. an, ted Mid finally led to Blows, borne out,I think;:In the happiness 61 hoe Dna of the ;nen ltnocicodPtlie marriage and Lord Dawson's bill, Eventually, wide other. down. Then he' capered' llant career., igemid hit fallen foe, wafting for him Colutiibus's Mese to 00 8o1d, , T cin ,iris antics the.. prostrate purchase af, a col e.•' -oi heti g The p 1 Duni niau suddenly sat up, the 1!gh't of a manusoripte, maps olid dgoumnte newly awakened intelligence crossing Ida somewhat battered free. • I•Iang it ell!" lie:, cried. "It was capers I was'thinldn' of—not anchor - Sow in. the -morn thy seed,, , At, eve hold:not;tby hand; , To' doubt and' fear give thou no heed „pfoadcast.:it o er fire 1agd. Fro Zlfl010 to Kill Canoes. A German scientist" hes devised a method which he claims' ware -sire len. irony; It consists of -"freezing" the dis- eased tlesuss with -carbolic acid "snow." .. King's Color for: Navy,' For the first time in the history" of the senior eer"vtee,the king's color wag recently delivered to the navy at the naval barracks, Portsmouth. which once belonged to Christaphen Columbus has been sanctioned by a' royal decree of the S nuish.0overn•' anent, according to "The Dearborn In- dependent." .They. were In the poqe,.. Keeping' Out Intruders.' session _of the Duke of Veragu, a direct 'Phe°feet'that Mr•S1pclair Lewis, the .letevndant of dolunvbus: