The Clinton News Record, 1926-09-02, Page 5,L%li* to i
Aleve ti-Recc.rd
`C)E, sendingmoney.
by mail. Royal ;Sank
Money Orders are 'safe,
convenient and econo n-
icai, ..
flhn br4nd Payable United Statee
dollar£ and Sio4iig
John Brown
Dear Sir
Enclosed pleasein,1Royaj,,.
Bank looney oi'derfor><.zsa*due'
toyonforthis auonth's d.Fct.
fob; 23 7215.
The Royal: Bali
of Canada
Clinton Branch R. E. Manning, Manager
Of Interest tYou
and Me
�Yesterday was the first of Septem-
er, Monday next is Labor Day.
Pooh.; Swiznminig the. English
• Channel seems to he merely a wo
-:man's job.
4 * *
Is your name on the voter's dist. If
it is not on election day it will be
your own fault. See that it is there
now, before the day arrives.
The Brussels Post is taking a holt
this week; Suppose its happy ed-
itor id taking in The Canadian Nat
ional,Exhibition at Toronto.
* * * •
How do those people get dressed
after swwimniing. the English Chan-
nel? Do they carry: their duds in a
rubber bag in their teeth or do they
have to swim to the other side for
a a n u
Americans are being brought in to
Assist in harvesting the 'Western crgp,
not enough men going from Ontario.
.. and the Eastern Provinces to do the
work, It is to be hoped that a large;
percentage of them are Canadians re-
turning home,
The amalgamation of weekly news-
papers goes on, Last week the prop-
yrietors 'of the Sinrcoe Reformer took
over its contemporary, The British
-Canadian, which has ,been published
continuously since' January, 1861, .It
was founded by i 5iliaiu Wallace,
father of W. Y. Wallace,' who 'sue,
seeded his: father in the editorial
•chair in 1887 and continued that pos-
ition apish the paper was disposed of
last week to The iRefoniier,
. e s
Election methods in parts of -the
west last October seem to have theca
very; corrupt. According to evidence
being presented in a probe which is
now in progress ballot boxes at Ath-
.abaska were 'shamelessly stuffed in
more than, one polling place. This is
the sort of thing that plain, honest
people cannot allow to go on We
want clean elections and the only
-weapons the people have to'punisb
such acts of dishonesty are good, hon-
-est ballots,
. 0 * 0 *
Whether periodical guests aboard
the customs steamer "Margaret" de-
ported themselves, decently or not,
the investigation, seems to have
brought out the fact that the bot, :aa
it has been operated, is a distinct toss
t o the country, It, and any other,
govermt,'ent-owned boat, which can-
not be used for -the 'purpose forwhich
it was intended,phould be disposed of,
Canada cannot fford, in the present
state of her finances, to mantain ,plea-
sure boats for the convenience Of the
members of parliament who wish a
e beap holiday,
Occasionally a • newspaper like The:
News -Record is asked - why nat-
ional or internatiotwl• weeklies can
give. inre'bulk for the subscription
"price. The reason ,is' that it is not
"the subseriptiou :'-pricewhich makes
'such a newspaper. or 3nagazine"pio-
'fitable, it is the 'advertising. The
yfo114wang.will-give some .,idea of what
• advertising means to a 'publicat'i'on
_ with a
-have circulation.:_
"The* cost, of .the ailvertisnients
• printediii,ahopt thirty of 'Ehe:leading
Anrericah.:inagazines last-
$134,000,000' of 'which tremendous
sem the Saturday Evening. Post re"-
- 1:ceived $40,000,00, -and 'The -Ladies'
Home.. Journal, $14,000,000."
s s 0 *
Who says Canadians are "slow? The
feat performed last week at Brant-
ford ought to lay that•lie. Sone lamb;,
were shown lag .''Saturday morning,
Ilia wool washed, dyed; spun and
-woven into char, up
into a m'an's 1 II.
light fa overcoat and
delivered at the Exhibitiong rounds
"by aeroplane the saine evening.' It
was a., wdnld record -breaker. In the
snorning•,th'e wool adorned the backs
of tboso.,Slilopshire ramlbs at Brant-
ford: In :the eyening,it adorned the
bac; of Quebec's lieutenant -governor,'
-in the, shape of an'overcoat, which,
protected Barn, from,
the lceen lake
'breezes as to strolled about the Ex.-
'hibition grounds iu Toronto. The
aeroplane pilot whocarried the, pack-
age to; Toronto was "Jack Elliott, who
operates[ ,an: ' aeroplane here during
:Old Home Week last year,
Mr. and 'Mrs., 'Gordon, Marks. o-,
turned home to Toronto oh Saturday
after spending %two weeks With. the
latzs'• ar t
t e ' p •ants
p Mr.' and
Mi•s. Geo.
Connell o.f Varna.
The W. M. S. of Burns and Knox
churches will give a 10e tea in the
Community hall on Friday, Sept. 3rd,
at 2:80 • pan. • Miss Grierson willbe
present and tell of her work in far
away Korea. The, ladies of the, con-
gregatien and community are cor-
dialllyinvited to attend and a good 'at-
tendance is looked for at this meet-
- Miss Eleanor Alines of Chicago
is visiting her mother, , Mrs. M.
Mrs, (Dr.) .Grey of Walkervilie is
visiting at the Manse.
Miss Susie Sampson 'of 'Palmerston
is visiting old friends in the com-
munity,' )
Mu. and Mrs. Wm. Weymouth and
'family o Walkerville have been
spending the last week with relatives
in the conelnunity. •
Mks. Edmund Crawford spent a few
days of last week in London,
Mr. Ted Crawford, who spent the
summer months with relatives Stere,
returned,to Manitoba on the Harvest-
ers'" Excursion.
Mrs and 1VIrs. A. Peters and family
of Clio, Mich,, spent the week -end
with Mrs. E. Bell.
Mrs. Moore of Perth is visiting her
nieoe, Mrs. as. McCool.
A Very uniqueand interesting 'ser-.
vice was held on Sunday evening in
the United church, the young girls
taking charge throughout the entire
service. ' The Misses Jean ` Holtz-
hauer, Alberta Snell and Marjorie
Lyon, who attended the Girls' Camp
at Vail's Point, gave a report,ou how
the camp was conducted, which was
well'. worth hearing The choir' was•
composed of the C. G. I. T. Group.
Mrs. Robt.. Grierson, a missionary
an furlough from Korea, who is vis-
iting -heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Fingland, will .speak next Sunday ev-
ening,in the United church. It is
hoped all who can do; so will come
and hear her message..
The Family Night gatherings,
which were discontinued during; the
summer months, have been resumed..
The Tuxis boys will -continue their.
studyofthe book' from "Youth to
Manhood." The C. G. I.• T. girls will
begin a hook entitled "Confidences."
It is hoped every girl and boy :will
come out and make these studies a
We are glad to• report that Miss
Rachel Woodman is improving,
Miss blhn'iel Lounsberry, who has
been visiting friends in the com-
munity, returned, to her home in Delhi -
1111 Monday. Itermany friends were
glad td see her; again. •
bI1ss,. Gertie Roberton of Toronto is'
visiting Ter' mother, Mrs. 8±. Ross,
Mr. James Roberton it relieving .the
station agent at Wyoming. • •
8±r, and Mrs..Iierman Saunder'coek
and son Clifford, are visiting the lat-
ter's .sister, Mirs. 'Wm. Stnallaeori!be,
Of Purves .Man,
Mr, Murdock Ross is visiting rela-
tives in Detroit. ,
Mrs, N. Huaking and children of
Clinton have been visiting friends
and relatives here..
Hohn e8uille
Mr. and Nfrs,- J. B ,Miller and fam-
ily-spep;t' the weep -end, at the heals
of the for'mer's; sister; Mrs George
Watson of Belleville
At'five o'clock '•on Thursd uy after-'
noon 'of"°;last week the marriage toots
place at •St. Philip'sa A1iglidan church,
'Walters Falls; of Miss Emile Rosalie,
only daughter of Mr. and NL,ts, Fred
G. Ford, and Mr. Ernest;J.,Little,
only son of the late John d3„Litt`le
and 14rr4, 'L Dodd: ' Thd ceremony was
performed by the Rev. E. Digby^Dick-
son, formerly, in charge of the Mid-
dleton-H'olmesville parish; After the
ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Little loft ;on"
-a motor trip through the Brace Pen-
insula,: and Muskoka and will also
'visit Toronto^and: Niagara Falls Oh
their reborn they, will reside', at
tolniesville, in the house recently
purchased' by the"bridegroom from
the }Iolines estate, The friends of
the young coupic'extcnd.good -wishes
for their -'suture lappinessland prds-
Mrs. 'W . C..Jervis• and Miss Mary
Howell of Godea"ch motored to TOY -
onto on IV%nday to take in the sights -
at tho Canadian;National.
Rev. 1Cilpatrick'and family motored
to Toronto on; Tuesday.
The meinbbrs Of the junior bible
c soithe
Uni ed church, n ioI
iill e u
et t t
a e`hme
h o 0f illi. SIei-.b
Oso aldeston on iMonday evening and
presented his daughter,' Mrs• •0. Po -
'cock,' who was married recently, with
a handsome rocking chair., The fol-
-lowing is the address,
Dong Eessir: We, the members of
Do NO/ Neglect
Having• that Wedding Photograph
t uken,. We -make a- specialty as Wed
iron Photos,
Let ,P11'
develop and print yaur "snap
shots for you and entlalge pour choice'
negatives. Leave us your films on
Tuesdays -or; mail them to) Mitchell
and we will.. finish them and mail
them back to you ipiwmptty.
dur Clinton Studio is open every
Tuesday from 9100 a.m. to a p.m,
• Burgess, Portrait Studio
ldl arriages
PUG1d-SMITS3iSON-At the home
of Mr. and .Mrs. M+, Ford, Clinton, on
August 26th, Dellah Bean :Smith -
,on to Alfred Nigh, both of Lon-
don. -
pst.l8th, 1926, at 1St, Andrew':,
1VEanse Wingham, by the Rev. D.
Perrie, D. D., Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Wilson of Culross, to, James'shrin ,
strong, V. S. of Gorcie
hone of the bride's parents, -God
erich, on ,August 18th, by Rev R
C. McDermid, Isabella• Elizabeth
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James A, Strachan, to Sidney E.
Donaldson, of Toronto, son:of the
late Alex. Donaldson, of Port Qu'v
Appelle, Sask.
COLCLOUJGH-In Clinton, on Aug-
ust 301h, Annie M. Martin, wife of
George Colciough; and daughter ok
MTs. Martin, aged S8 years.
STEEP -In 'Clinton; on •September
1st., Emma -Ruth, daughter of. Mr.
and Mrs, Ed Steep, aged 9 months."
SGWERBY-In Coderich towehip, on.
August 25th, Sarah' Louise Snow-
den; wife of John,Sov•erby, aged61
BATES -In Goderich, on August 21,
Catherine 'McDonald, widow of the
date Charles Bates, aged 70 years,
CLUOAS-At Nichol's Hospital, Pets
•erboro, 30th. ,.Auguet, Annie Am-
elia Clucae, wifeof the late Harry
Micas, 'mother of Wm. L. and Hell-
nttith of St. Louis, 1VIo., and Harry
of New- York City. Service at
"The Funeral Hone," 525 Sher
bourne Street, Toronto, Wednesday,
lst..September, 2.30
the Helping Hand plass aiid•Epworth
League,have- gathered together to.
night to o'il'er you our heartiest good
Wishes on your marine and hope that
your married life may be a long and
happy one. We will miss you at .our
meetings as you were always so
cheerful and willing to help in -every
way you could. As a slight token of
our appreciation, we ask you to ac-
cept this ebair and hope that we may
often have the pleasure' of having you
with us at Hiolmesville. Signed: Wil-
liam Jervis, Dell Findlay, Elmer Pot-
ter, Elva Proctor", ' F .
Stanley Tovvreship
Miss Lizzie Hunter of Clinton vis-
iced on the 2nd and 3rd concessions'
this week,
Miss H. Isabel Graham of Seaforth
visited at the home of Mr, Geo.
Baird last week.
Mrs. Thos. Baird, sr., and ,Stewart
Baird, who were visiting at Mgr.
Angus Gordon's Ashfield, -returned
home this week.
Mr.- Will McGregor and wife of,
Montreal are visiting at•the.home of
his father, Mr. Neil McGregor,
Sl. Helens
•The, following left for the west last
week; Messrs: Wm. McDonald, Harry
and Reg, Levi ,s John Rintonli Earl
Cranston and Miss Della Cranston,
''Miss Vera Woods left . on Monday
to attend' Shaw's Business ,College,
Toronto. Mrss Winnifred Woodslac-
companied her. ,
Miss Gladys Webb left for her'
school en Saturday, going to Fort•
William; by boat from Sarnia.'
Mr, and Mrs, Richard • Mai tin or
Huron. township spent Sundayat the
home of Mr, Wm. Woods.
'Miss Bessie.IVIlurdie'spent the week'"
end visiting around St. Helens.
,Miss Dolly Pegdegnat of Guelph
returned home last week after spend-
ing a week with Miss Clara Woods.
Miss Dorothy Webster hes returned
home from Taranto:. '
Mr. Winford Thompson fropi near'
Fergus is spending a few months
with Wilson Woods. conduct-
ed in the United church, St Helens;
on Sunday, Aug. 29th, and were
largely attended Rev, J. Lovell Mur-
ray Of Toronto conditeted the services,
both morning'' and' evening.'
Mr. and Mrs. Tigert aiid son,Arthur
of Hamilton '' are the ;guests of Mr,
and Mrs: 'Geo. Webb.
Cons hn.cL' ,;...
r. and Mrs: W. Cole, ,;aan and wife
ai Mr. ,Savage of Ethel were'caliera
on, the farmer's mother,Mas. W. Cole,
sda .
IVrrs, c
D Dale, x., and
Miller `'of Clinton •and Miss Bowes of,
Plyth were' callers on Mrs. Geo,
Stephenson one' day last weelc. '
dories Phoebe Wakefield 'spent a
few days last week at Ethel.
The sound
of ,the thrcsher_ isn ' ow
heard, as several are ,getting whoa;••
Ottawa, 'August , 21 -The forty
thousand harvesters Who will ,be in
the wheat field's, of„fiie'west on'Sep-
11th •. 'l
tuinot ,
l e Pei
h matted t�
vote in the elections, unless the •• go
home or else are --working in then• own•
electoral /division:-. Those who- -go,
fromhe e
t a
sttvii1 l disfranchised' '
i di fry
anchised if
away ori oleetioii day.
"The law makes no version to cover
such cases, ,declared this chief elec•
togas r y, Lvexy'el,
depp ndinroitice.µpolitodawhat month it occnreeetion
in, -'s001 siinllar.things` come -tip. Last
:Oetolbe many university, students
could not vote. If an lection were,
in •sulntner, fishermen away to the
banks would be, affected, or l unber-
inen in the : winter. The ',only•way
the; harvesters 0011Vale is by govrg
home where they are qualified. There
is no other provision in the law nor
can the government do anything
"Purse .1,ost.
In' Clinton, on S
aturn i
dlac1,pateitr ]eat oz underarm purse,
containing ,a'small sum of-iiroiiey. 1
Finder kindly leave at TheNews-Ise
cord office.. • ,. 79-1.
'We SPECIALIZE ;in Til'Cilk-I"ed Poul-
try 12 :months in the year: Phone, as
early in the week a4' possible for
d Pse
i .
0 the
you to,have. at L' _ buds os-
vour laying. lien culled while the
price is. high:' 'Culling of -birds done
free of charge through our office.
Phones -Office 214 Residence- 21
J 4w
Pi ino Wanted -. ..
A used piano wanted. Gave make,-
age, condition and price ibi.) cash . or.
on. time. Address T. G. Elliott, R, R:
No. l ,Bayfield, Ont, 73-2,;
,' Two good men,. who Blas outside
work, to cheek up business for re;
liable Company: Must be neatly
dressed .and. pleasant, Write Drawer
B,,:,Clinton,' Ont, 73.1
One good mall, with car to take
charge of protected territory for
large -sales organization, Write
Drawer B, Clinton. 73-1
Brown leather -cast, containing au-
tomobile .literature, between, C.N.R.
crossing. on 8th, coneessaanr Hallett
and Clinton Finde1 please ;leave at
News -Record Office. ,Reward.' 73=1-p.
If Your Child'syes Are Abnormal'
Your child is handicapped.• " And he
will remain handicapped so long as
the eyes remain in that condition,
Every .child has aright to demand' of
semebddy that his dyes,_do not pre -
&vent his progress. Thousands of
children are e3'ery day studying with:
imperfect eyes. Parents shopld give
this subject the thought it desei1ves.
W, H. -Heli ar
0 met '`
Y , pto ivst, Clinton:
Baby's.Bua`gy For Sale. .
A reed baby's buggy, in good con-
on-dition.• Apply Mrs. W. T. Herman.
Slabs For Sale
A quantity of good slabsfor sale.
Apply to A. D. 1VIcCartney, Clinton.
Phone 266, ' 72-4
A Nice Farm 'Monne For Sale
That desirable farm of 100 acres
situated just outside the corporation.
of the Town of Clinton, on the Pro-
vincial llighway, being lot 22, con. 1,
Tiullott townehip. Soil rich clay
loam, excellent water. For particulars
apply to Alex. It. Brown, Box 98,
Clinton, Ont. r71-tf
A number of roomers, hose cent-
rally located, .near school. Apply
News -Record 71-4-p
Razor Blades Sharpened
Safety Razor Blades sharpened.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Single edge, 3c, double edge
4c. J. E. Bovey, Druggist,, Clinton.
Comfortable House to Rent
With or without furniture. Elec-
tris lights, town water; five minutes
walls '1.'om'' postoffiee, ten minutes
from Collegiate, Publie' school and
Scheel of . Commerce. Apply to Miss
11111, Wellington street, 69-tf.lp
Satisfactory repairs guaranteed on
.balloon, as well as high pressure tires
We use the Goodyear Factory Method
of Repairing. • We buy your old
wheels and tires if you buy a new set
of Ballon tires and wheels. 'E; H.
Epps and Son, Varna.. Phone, Olin-
ton, 626-21. •67 g•,
In the Estate of William Smith gar-
land, -.Deceased.
NOTICE 'i's hereby given" that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of William "Smith Marland, late
of the Town of Clinton in the County
of Huron,' retired merchant, deceased,
'Who died on or about the lath day,
of 'May, 1926,• are required to 'deliver
to; RiisseIl' E. Manning and William
Bryddne, -the executors . of the said
estate, on or before the 7th day of
September, A.D. 1926, -a lull state.
moot of their 'olefins. together -with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the .securities, if any, held by ;them
all `duly verified' by. affidavit.
AND TA1'S.E- NOTICE that after
the said• last mentioned date the -said
-executors will proceed to. distribute
the 'estate : of .the ..said ;deceased
anigngst`the pdrsons `entitled thereto
having -regard only 1:6 such claims as
they shall have received due notice
and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, ,this 16th
day of August, A.D.*-1926,
R. E. Manning and W. Brydone,
Executors: 71.-3
Bayfield Voters` List
The Voters List, 1926, for the
lage:of BaYfi IdCounty of Huron.
Notice is hereby given n that.I
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in; • Section 9 of the
Ontario Voters List' Act the copies of
the: list made pursuant' to.the said
Act, of all persons appearing -'by the.
last ;;,revised :;Assessment Ecu 0±
said nounicipality to he entitled to
,vote in the, said Municipality' at elect
tions for the .,Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal' elections and the
said list Was'fiiist posted up in nay of-
fice at Bayfield on the 16th day of
August,' 1926, and remains here for
inspection, I hereby call upon all
votersto. examine,,'the said list and
if anyert.s r.
0 or 0ihissi ons are found
therein to take immediate proceedings
to .have same• corrected according to
Dated at Hayfield -his 17th day of
August, .1926.
• J. II..REID, '
714 Municipal Clerk.
Go To-
Nediger s Garage
For Gasoline, 0i1 and Grease
Tires, Tubes and Accessories,
Let us figure on your Trucking
1 Some Wood for Sale
NW.Nediger, Prop.
. Farm For Sale
Part lot 17-18, on the 8th con. of,
Hallett,' consisting of 81% acres,
-good buildings. Also 50, acres on Con:
9.Apply on premises or by mail to,
pin. . Hesk, Londesboro, R. R.,no.1;
Boarders and Roomers Wanted
• A number of boarders and roomers
wanted, second house west of Baptist
Apply to Mrs. W. Cole.'70-tf
Corn Flakes 3 for 29e
Bran Flakes 2 for 25t
Bulk Tea, black or mixed 70c and Re
Coffee, per lb. .. , , . , , . , 70e
Loose Cocoa, per :lb 104
Cocoa, per tin 16c and 25c
Jelly Powders .:" , , , 3. for 25c
Tomato 'Ketchup,per, bottle ... 25c
Heinz Ketchup, per bottle 25c and 35c
-Tomatoes, Celery, : Potted Meats
Peanut Butter, Sardines, Olives,
Pickles and Salmon.
Phone 111
PPT.EM.BE:L 2; 1.92(1.
21017 THE
cCo ,mica. eerl g .Noa 139 Sul �
A LIGIIr. DRAFT, LOW-PRICED PLOW e1pecially.ciesigned for
all conditions IC has the following stron feature:: ,
Adjustable Rear Furrow Wheel with a screw adjust eat which
can be set to make the wheel easter easily or isard as desired, "Hard,
oiler is provided regularly, and when -kept full of grease will prevent
dirt or sand from entering the hub bearing Effective ;scraper,
be adjusted to Jit as -close Lo the, rim as necessary to do'a good job
of dloaning. A honk is supplied which can be hooked around a spoke
to cae the rear wheel to act as a brake on steep hills;
•Three types 'oi' Bottom can be supplied, one with deep suck share
for 'general purpose"wor
eln stubbie land, another ei for gravelly soil
and the third which is especially suited for heavy clay soil
,The F•ipnt rmxod'y •Wheel can be pensioned -in two ways, either
ihy the pole, or lay the hand lever.
This Plow has a high arch; beam' and the 'clean wide ;rpenin be..
tween the, wheels -insures temple clearance for/,trash even where field
conditions` are exceptionally, bad, Tall stubble and colza fields can
be plowed successfully with this plow:
A Rolling Coulter which is supplied regularly cuts through the
stalks and trash easily,' and thus helps in covering.
CLIFFORD LOB•B;;Implement• Representative
Deering and McCormick Agency'
1to,wland's Old Stand
F6id Coupe for Sale
1925' Model, in good running -'order;
Apply to W. J.1Nediger Cjnton. 62-tf
Cheese for Sale
Cheese for Ole in 10 Ib. lots or
more, any time, present price, 21s Ib.
W. H. Lobb, president and salesman;
R. R. No. 3, Clinton. , 40-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes .cleaned pressed: and re•
paired. , Woolen goods' dry cleaned:
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J. Jago. -83-tf
Have a complete stock of.
Toronto Asphalt Roofing the
best , by test. ,Every customer
we' have sold satisfied.l'y�Dome.
and; -see, our stock •before ixing
your roof and compare ours
with any others.
A complete line of Flour,
Feed, Grain and Stock Feeds
always on , hand. Prices right,
and our aim is to satisfy;'our
Phone 123
Flour and Feed. Merchants and
Grain Buyers
will be at, his office.
• in Clinton each
From 3 to 6P . mi- • "
Havingerected e
to a h
d n w coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate de•very.- Prices reason-
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
wood. '';
Orders taken at residence, phone lilt
•Stove; Et :TrCoal
gg•,Nuand Keandnnel.hGoeshingill
Also some .Slabs '
Phone 156. Huron Street,.
Singer Sewing Machine
Sold on Easy Monthly Payments
Special two-year terms given to
` Also a full stock of ! !
Needles, Belts and Parts
for all'inakes l
Sole Agent for the Singer 1
. W. GLEN 0001C
P.O. Box 201, Clinton;
?hone 1713
HERES Ps TIP ®uy Yous.
IN tTHE swims?.
A coal day in ' August prevents a
cold day in December, "
The Heat Folkscan defend your
home against cold and storms,
But don't wait too- long'
to engage
their protection.
LetAtliem Sill Your coal -bin now,
then they'll be ready' to battle with.
Whiter from the earliest frost until
the last.
Call :the pjaelkitn
for' good, . o ,
g cleats coal
S oe
Comf rt
For people who prefer to
`wear kid leathers in prefer-
ence to all other kinds for the
Peal comfort which is found
in them. We are offering two
patterns which appeal to all
"lovers of top quality moder-
ately priced.
Oak •tanned soles Goodyear
Welted $5.50 and $7:00.
Special Fittings for
l' g
narrow feet,;
Opposite the 'Town •Hall
The Big Shoe Store
C H. VENNERElectrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and . Repairs.
Phone iC n11w
We carry a line. of high grade
b g bread andpY
astr'' floilr
br=an,: sliorts and - in °ddi
"foods, •
We have a
of at5-:ooniri