HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-09-02, Page 1WITH WHICH s INCORPORATE ko 2373-481h Year INTON NEW ERA, CidINTON ONTARiIO, .l'lii'i.l!RS DAY, SEPTEMBER -2 i!lverw ,e Did�"t Sou earnestly 1 r nire yourself during last. Christmas rush that you _weregoing to start your shopping early next Year? This is "next" year--...- 'end it isn't a bit too early to start your Christmas shopping, taking a d v a n La e of the bys tri lazin •. ar�'ans we ,are 'P or- i bo. f inginsilver. s CoMplete stock, < and a wide selection, complete ,sets er 'seg :arate pieces. Graceful patterns, Bring year films' here to lne� developed. First class work and . quick service. Give us a trial, Fihns`For Sale - JEWELER .and OPTOMETRIST 1 „LastS pSales`1 for Fridayand Saturday I ,. y n a only we w><ll put on sale the remainder of our stock of children's sox at one half the regular price ni• . 1 P .Sizes � 2 to fly. Thereareu on still our racks a few saam- merde dresses whichwill s we clear at one- half the P regular Price. Special prices also on . several items in our stale- de �� anartmen Flelettes pillow P P � cottons, ginghams,\etc.,/at very attractive p rices. EN'S ehool .Sunt Sale t 20 percent0 ofd School suits will soon be in great demand:: Vacation days are hard on clothes and every strenuous boy•will need a - w outfit foit schools ne Our boys' clothing stock is too heavy and in order to qu q reduce its i• tly, you have the opportunityof saving 20 per.'< cent in ,any boys' suit lu't'e sto r e. 9. re'sa �e scla of y�yy1 q� sU8 opportunity t n ill. . .., 1D _ 2lt,a... .. , PP y saving !Cn f per rcent. For ten 'da s only, commencing oDnRYTet1cin Saturday 21st: ending d><n 3lst TIIE IORRISHCLOTHI-N8 Square Deal tar Every Man .. 6 LOCAL .MARKETS'. . E . ,. g„,s, 21e Lo 31e. , Butter, 32e. Wheat $1.15 1.Y t 5 0 $1.20, G0 ',Oats',35c to 40c, Bu'cl:heat, 60c. •Bayley, 'Id•. c Live Bogs, $12. i'i5, ' RA'LTPNPURY HOU D LfiA`;.ED. S art S. 5,o cr. a G n h s sold the llt- n tins and furniture of the✓Re:tten1ut y House imd .used the ,building for ten years to Mr. Louis Rousso of I -Tan over,possession to,be given -the--arid- dle - of September. IVlr•. Rousso has conducted d a hotel i '13 n vo n a b 07 for sonic year8 and is said -to understand the business thor- oughly. age, and Mrs. Cooper; hiss Hanna and probably Mrs. P,. Lladd -intend motoring toG lilornia'a boat the end of the month and d will spend the win- ter there. Sir. and Mrs. Cooper habe. not been: in' the be_st of health lately' and they think ai. *inter in the south will do them both goal. ILL IN WESTERN I-IOSPITAL. Last week Mr. and Mrs.' James Liv- manorsreceived word that their son, E. S. Livermore, is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever in the Sas-. katoon hospital,' He'has 'a light case and will soon the able to leave the hospital and come home.. Mr. -Liver. more, who has been taking up'mission work at Latchford' during the sum - mere is ,an. Osgoode student; and it is hoped he .will be ssble to resume his studies at the first' of October, and M Mr. a d rs. Livermore; have been kept posted as to their son's state by the doctors in attendance arid the people of the congregation which- Mr.. Livermore has been serving have been 'Most kind to him. TATE NEW SCHOOL Work on the nein Collegiate build- ing is going on fine,' the foundation is built and .a ;nice start made upon the walls. The inside of •bhe walls is tile, which will serve to keep out cold end beat, and the facing brick is the new •brown faced brick, which will make a nice looking wall. It will be a handsome building when finished. The grounds, too, when leveled and 'Seeded, will- be roomy and beautiful. It is -the intention to Mtn up the trees and to make use of all the natural beauty of the ravine, and when it is complete Clinton will have a,Colleg- fateproperty of whioh the 'citizens will have: every reason. to be proud.. It is not a Mate of money to provide. beautiful surroundings. for the educ- ation of our young people, it is money '-'Well-invested. The pld building will, of course, be reproved. We would suggest that the old gym, dear, to the hearts of cull for - met students of the Collegiate . who shivered in it on cold winter days, be retained. No, not for sentimental reasons,' but for use. It has appal-. entry, a solid roof, we should pall off the walls, perhaps brieks from the old building could ,be used td build pillars to "support the roof and we should 'then have a pavilion for use during' the summer. It is close to the ravine, would not interfere' With playgrounds and would add to the appearance and use of the grounds. LITTLE LOC_4tS. !Clinton `Public school opened yes- terday for the fall term. Premier. Iteighett is to speak at Blyth next Thursday afternoon. —The m'ernbers of the I '0. 0.'F. will dbserve',Sunday, Sept. 12, as'33ecota- tion' Day." The Sehool Fair Season.opens ill, Huron on Tuesday next, Sekt..7th; at Grand Bend, , Tile eClintoii Hospital Board id` busy laying plans for the ottet fair and Glance to 'be held 00, October 1st, ' . Rev. J., B. and . Mrs. . Mggoznac k have' arrived ClintonIntion and hiVe takenup their residence in Ole BaO tist parsonage', Iron. Hugh .-Guthrie .will address a mass meati • 1 n . of he electors t in the g town Clri ton on 'Monday ay cven- ing at;S &elect Why trot organize a` seftball-town ; lcag-Oe for sport foss the young' folk for the autumn months'? Some teal . " geed sport might be' bad before the snow flies. 'The Kiltie Band,' in full uniform, went to the County Home and -gave a concert, which tivas very much en- joyed by the inmates, on Sunday af- ternoon last. „ r. s The Clinton.' Collegiate 4oilegiate opens •foi, the'fall term on sTuesday next; Sept, 71.1111 Lower school'pupils register at ten o'clock, Middle and Upper school .pupils at eleven. The or 'antzations o both e , • d ,g f p ]itlelt parties in 'Clinton, hien and women, j ere lausy preparing for the 'coming election. • Judging from the enthus- iasm shown there should be a, good o 'vote polled on .Sept. 14th. e 10wing to' the obsta'ueticn ""on"lhe track caused by the-weeek of 0 way- reight, passengers for the afternoon• trains on Friday had. to:be brought from Goderieh by had, to meet a -t „train sent up froni' Stratford to Clinton. J.ambl n Ii of �x .te a 'former W.YF e ;r 1. Clinton citizen, Swept everything in S the gladioli line at the' -flower show a 'held in that town last week. "Will" always had a eat spot in hisheart a for those, stately flowers. He used to grow scene beautiee in his: 'Clinton. gardeg. • 926 -- ELECTION RETURNS , The Jfi]tie Band has ';secured the_ townnil 1 c 'e r hall' to lc t ou night, and will b - ut c t a ra ram waft the le•Yiou 1 program., s 4 t• returns announced as •t})et conte in. The banal will be assisted other to it talent' and a pleasing progi'a rn will be rtcndered, d°, r small entr'ance- �,�• ' • ee Will charged and ar'opporturi ity given lo listen to the :election re- sitlt zn c � it r <n ot,' FIRE IN COOPER'S SPORE. Tire Ctas: discovered', n Monday night ,shortly alter midnight, in the, basement at WO. zeaa'. of Cooper'. Variety .Store and( an al:mit sent The firemen were "soon on the scene and the fire was,--een£ined to haat pater. oS the building ,and was sorn extinguished. The room was used as a stole - room, rn, and contained Stoch of stationery ., ationei'y supplies china, glass; etc., which was pretty badly damaged by fire, smoke :and water, It is not -knows how the fire originated, as there had been \io fire in the building all simmer. ' MDDIC�l.L MEN MEET. The District meeting of the Ontario Medical `Association was held at the Sunset Hotel; Goderieh,'' yesterday, the „mothers being entertained by the IIuron ,MedicalSociety. The :modleal:nien heard a very in- 'teresting and instructive address from Dr. StelyaitPritohar•t of Battle - "creek, Mich., on "Differential •Diag- noses of Pulmonary Affections.,' the afternoon they inspected the God erielr Hospital and were entertained to tea on the lawn; About seventy-five sat down to dinner at the Sinaset, and saddresses- were given` ,bythe vire presidents, including Dr, Ramsay of London. • Drs. Guinn, Shaw, Hearn and B •own were present from' Clinton, also Mrs. Gunn, Mrs. Hearin and Mrs. Brown. , A COUPLE' Or ACCIDENTS Master + e Fred Axon, son' of Dr. and Mrs, Axon, had the misfortune the other clay while playing about the bowling green to fall'and fracture his arm. The accident is the, more re- grettable as e-grettable'as this -is the secdnd of the kind the lad has suffered. Last win- ter while visiting relatives at .Ohes- ley he fell in e barn and brdlce the same arm above. the elbow. This trine the fracture 'occurred below. Fred was about to start school this month, too, and this will delay' "commence merit of his education. • • 411,11 11 Mrs. D. W. L. Cantelen fell on the sidewalk in front of Nediger's garage the other: diiy and fractured her ankle. This was ars. unfortunate accident, which will-eonfiite,her to bed fpr some time. t IS YOUR NAME ON?' The wqrk of the registrars in Mo- to has been completed and the voters'' lists are posted up,itt the' several poll- ing places for inspection. Citizens Should take the trouble 'to examine the lists in which they are interested, and see that thole names are on. As the Dominion lists .are made up from the beginning there is a possi- bility of any name . being inadvert- ently omitted, Then . there are the new voters, those who have cone. of age since the last election, any Who have recently becom, residents or who may hpve changed their place of residence, etc': It 0 the privilege of every British citizen, twenty-one years of age and resident' in the rul- ing 2' months prior 0 the Signing of the election' writs to cast a'vote the coining election. It is a privilege' for which out forefathers fought and Which should be valued and,•used,: Those who refuse to exercise their. franchise'' have '3)o- right 0` criticiz4. the actions of -public servants. ;Cad your vote td put a :darty in Power,' and if it=doesn't please ;you, use, it: again; o put it.out. , AMONG -THE CHURCHES. a .,Baptist Church Thd' few pastor, the Rev. J. B. 'Mc- Cormick, Me- Corms k u has arri ed " , v and will l take over h duties toes inconnection onnectior t wit the }i Clinton and- 4uburri,Ilaptist churches on'"Sunday, preaching, ip'this :-ohureh_ aft: seven o'clock Sunday .evening, Pregbyterian' Church The.W. A. wilhiie retattliehome o,f' Mrs. T. K. .Maim on Tuesday aftern.gaa Service -in the ;.l3aptist'.chutth on Sunday -at 11 o clock. Rev: A. Mac- farlane will preaeh,,iiis subject being; Phe, ,Luggage of Eifel" Sunday ebbed at';10 o'clock. _ Wesley=G illis United' Ch :eh The Rev..J. E. Ilogg will' resume' the study. of the Sunday school les- son at '" s the morning, service , on Sun: py, his subject being "The' Tent -el Meeting," . In the =evening Os sub - ecu, -5011 be' "C1it,•ise,s Death and Christian Life.' The 'W lLS. will Timet 'at the home f Mrs IL B. Chant„on. Thursday ev- ning, Sept. eth, at, eight o'clock., Ontario Street ' nand .Church yL Fellowship service at 10 am, , Morning service, a message to the. hildren. Sacramental' service after the sermon. 'Evening: "A Message'` to Those• Who Labar. ” The congregation va s favored on unday by the visit of ISbn Walker, hold Ontario street boy. Mrs. Walker took the organ .foe .the day nd 1Vft:. 'Walker- sang atboth-•the; morning and evening. service. It was a real pleasure to hear Mr. end Mrs. Walker. n1_ YEA QTR HOME I 9• N 7)EATl1 OF G EI•LD, Yesterday Um little •nine -month's old(laughter of Mr. I• i and Mrs. Steep passed aw i}. The child pad beer, ailing .for Some 11110 time and it was thought her teeth were coming too last, she having more than a child of her: age usually has, ,Syinpathy is felt iter the bereaved' re aved' 1iar:ents. The funeral takes glade this afternoon. S BOWLERS VI IL W'N '[I I G Al4I. The following ' x •i nlc of women•lioul- ers went tip to Winghazn Tuesday at'." terttoon to take 'part in a :friendly tournament: Mrs. Zapfe, Mrs. W. J, ,Stevenson -Miss Amy' , IIowtion'annd lis, J. I5eManchio skip. They won Both games and enjoyed the outing, Rinks were present £rola_ a number of the-surt•ousiding' towns, PUCrII— iV II 5 TILS �l O , t ' On Th rs y afternoon On u da t noon last, Aug., 26th, a quiet marriage was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ford, when Miss Dellah Bean Smith- son and Sergt. Alfred 'Pugh of Lens ton were united in marriage by the Rev. C. J. ;Moorhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Pugh will stake up their; residence •'at Luca-'. DEATH OF MRS. COt;CLOTTGH•I, The funeral of, the. late . Aflis. George Colelough, took place yester day after r og.•:}from her late hone on t e h 4thcBn cession of Hallett. The services were .conducted by. -the Rev, J. E. Hogg, who carne down from Southampton to bd present, and the pallbearers were: Messrs. D. Lind- say, E. Farquhar, W. Colclongh, Wm. and E. Mason and James Hogg. 'bfr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin, Toron- to, .brother and sister-in-law : of Mrs.. CoIelough, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zer. back," sister and brother-in-law, and. Mrs. C. ',Miller, Stratford,sister of Mr. Colelough -were present; Mr, and. Mrs. Meson, Mr. and Mrs. Arm= strong, Mr. and Mrs. Hogg and. Mr. Ireland of Belgi•ave• were also present for 'the funeral. BALL AT STRATFORD• Tuesday's Stratford Beacon -Herald had the followingreportin its sport- ing page: "The Stratford Queensadded anoth- er victory to their ,tong string of suc- cesses, this year when they defeated the Clinton girls Last evening at Queen's Park, 18 to 0. The feature was the heavy 'hitting ;of the Queens, no less than three home runs being ,made. 0. Aikens; 13 year old catcher of the Queens, made one of . these. F. Helie, Queens ceptrefielder, hit 'ten' home runs. M. Mulholland, Clinton'. piteher also had a. circuit clout to her credit. j The Iineups M last evening's game were es follows: - Clintort— Campbell 2b, 111. Stew- rt;e,.J. Levis s,s,, M. Mulholland p, Flynn 1f, R. Shobbroole'3b, M. Cud,- mere ud,mere lf, R. Dale ef, D. ,Streets rf: • Stratford; -N, ,Moore 1b, G. Moore Olt, M. Basset 3b, M. Waugh:r,f., Helm o.f., M, Morrison p, B. tassel s,s,, B. Dueharme,1.f.,-0. Aikens c. Soore-byinnings: Clinton 400 05— 0 S atfbrcl ... 265 61-13 EAST BAND CONCERT.' The Kiltie'Bend gave the last open. lair concert of the season in the park cm Sunday -evening at eight -thirty. Quite a' number gathered to •hear their very enjoyable program and during thee evening a collection was received, a little token of appreciation from those who had enjoyed the concerts during the sun -niter. The collection had not been announced, or it might -have been larger. - The concerts have been given in the park this summer arid have proved very popular, There :0 plenty .of a°ooin to park cars and the grand stand accommodates conafoi'tably those who have no cars. It is .better for' the players also, than the cramped spacd they' had in the old bandstand. d nd The t r' at a tcix c ne at the concerts its this sunm '° I et wase e Y ver °lar g, peop1 e driving in from long distances to the weekly ,band concerts, GRANDMOTHERS' DAY. The Women's Institute met , on ;Thursday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. L. Lawson. The grandmothers Wire espec}a•1iy invited to .this meet- ing, .Aibout'sitty ladies were present, The program consisted of an 4 -dress by the vice-president, the presi- °dent being absent. There were sev- eral eweral selections on the viotrola.-Mr•s. :Sutteregeve tiro violin solos. Mrs. 'French, who was president of the first W'oriien's Institute ":in' Clinton, gave a .piendid address.' She par- "ticularly emphasized that all women should avail'thernselves of the privil- ege of the franchise. There was a 'vocal solo by Mrs. Downs, aecampan- ;led on the violindiby Miss Potter. The oldest 'gtan'dnlother present, 'tivas Mrs. Jas, Lindsay; The mem- bens regretted very much the iriabil- 'ity of. another • aged grandmother, 1VIrs. Sloman, to be present. The whiners of the prizes for the 'different lexeilt contests • for grandmothers were: Mrs. Sohoezlhals, Mrs. ' Nedi-. ger and Mrs. Peffer s. The Institute decided .to; conduct .a home -cooking Doth an g b d towel sa]e of the Hospital ,Street Fair. ME'. Flynn, was appointed convener, A vote of thanks was tendered those who so efficiently tools part in the program, and also to 'Mrs. TAW - SOD for her kindhospitality. An excellent tea was served by the embers,' ADVERT'S People YOU 1 IVIiss .Ida Walkinshaw 0 holiclaying- Toton o 'it's f t r week. Vle,,`,Inst 1VIus. 7. Cair.dwell r e • ,Strat.ioFd,yesicidayr ' Ids. Boles has s lei%triled from d vi wi4h Friends atSeaforth..- &I .s Agnes s C}udlcy: of Toronto is.t ue t S Mrs. 1 0 l' ) g I cl s CII Mr. 1 Toni ' Jac? ran of the Royal Ba staff is holidaying i11.1 lermito Mr. J. A. Carter 0.1 London spent the week -end with Friends in town- Rev.' C, C. Harrison and children halve returned from a holiday -sp at 1VI'; and Mrs. Gordon Lawson and little son spent the week -end with 'Woodstock friends: Mrs. Jaibes Flynn has returned bonne aftervisit i a, s with til a v t1 . and ci,Mts J. E. Reinhardt at Kitchener. } I he ter. Miss Grahaln of Rochoster,"N.Y., is the guest of Mrs. Robson and in- tends 'spending a couple of months in town. Mrs. J.-Flohner and soiz_.Jaclt'Isave•re- tureech,to then home in Detroit af- , tell a visit with friends in Clinton' and Hallett, township. Mrs and lift's Morgan Agnew and Miss Agnes Inc •having a motoring holiday. They are taking in the Toronto Fair this week. ° Miss Ruth 'Jackson, who has been spending the summer with het. o aulit, Mala. 'J. T. Clark at Go -Home Bay, returned home this week.' Mr. Fred Lawrence and -Miss ' Olive L3weenee lift Monday, the former to take Incteaching duties up s to ch ng d ties at. Milber•ta, the latter"at Coldwater. Miss Graee Shepherd returned: to Ot- tawa on .Mond<ay .tq resume her teaching duties after spending the summer vacation at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. GIen Cook, Miss Bessie Watt and Miss Jean Hamilbon of Londesboro spent Sunday week as the guests of Mr. 17., Armstrong of Brussels. Mrs. E. C. 'Cross and children, who have spent the summer with the lady's parents, Dr. and MVlrs. Gunn, Wetu ned last week to their home in indsor, Mr. A. McKinnon, manager. of the Dominion Store, Clinton, is spend- ing bis holidays -in Eastepa Ontario. Ile is being relieved by: Mr, P. Stotvick fram Stratford. ' Mrs, harry Twitchell and Miss Betty left Tuesday morning for their' home in Windsor, after spending several weeks with 'the former°'s sister, Mrs. Murray`McEwan. Miss Linnie.Nediger left Tuesday for Lion's .Head, where she will teach during the present school term, Me John Nediger and Miss Daisy ac- companied ter, going by motor. Miss Jean Chidley returned to To - onto on ISaturday after spending few weeks with her mother, Mr T. Jackson. Her brother, Mast Billy Jackson, accompanied her Toronto for a little visit. Mr. and Mars. Glen' Cook of Clinton accompanied by their cousins, M and Mrs. A. Mel wan of Harlock went oft on a lifee little motor trip on Friday, touching at London RidgetotsaT' -E-lenheim, Cedar Fail and St. Thomas. They intended going to Chatham but a piece of roadway which waS being paved de- tore(' them.. They thoroughly en- joyed the little jaunt, covering just 303 miles during the trip. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless and fancily returned last week from a very en- joyable motor trip through the Niagara District and visited Bid - kilo, Tonawanda and Fort Niagara. Mr. Carless `reports the peach ,crop rather light on the -Canadian'' Side, especially this side of St. Catharines but on the American side lie s.ys the crop is 'about one hundred per. cent, .They seta some wonderful displays of' flowers ' as well„ its fruit, at one point a forty -five -acre field of- gladioli, Huron Road East - •'Ufiel •iiir,;:�" Miss Maude -Stir-bin ('�•of Owen Sound amc c oiSaturzla 'tas end he Y p x In, holiday's with her pother, Mrs, Wan. !Stirling. sit Mr. and Mos, W. R. Jowett and Misses Ethel and Grace Jowett left on Saturday da to he Y visit in Tottenham and Toronto- and Bi•cechin, 'where Mise Ethel Jowett is -Leachdir g e M Kett x Mcinei left for Clinton on Sattittay evening where she'vis- ited before proceeding' to' New Dun- dee inhere she is p riuci. ah o' p I i the Lon- tinifation School. F • - Mrs,' Mai• McKenzie Miss ' Y G. Me - Kenzie and Mr, Donald 1<Ic$eneie, at - compel -lied by Mrs. Sherlock Keyes and babe: of Varna returned on Sat- urday alter a very ' pleasant- motor trip to Alienton and East'Tawas: -Michigan, vher' e v theyvisited st d fru n friends aind relatives and were present at the Golden wedding 01 Mr. and Mrs. James McKenzie. Rev, and Mrs, R, -H. F. Gairdiner '' and little aliss Betty'Cairdener, who ., have spent the past month with M'r, John Gairdner, left, on Sunday for Washington, Pa. Mr. John Gairdner accompanied -them part of the way. - Miss Jean Woods left Tuesday to take charge of her school at Orton. gr. and Mts. -Fred- Seotchmor and family of Kitchener visited relatives in the vicinity for a few days, Miss Nina Beard, who has charge of a school near Kitchener, accompanied them upon, their 'return on Tuesday: Messrs. Frank Erwin and Tea Scully of :Kitchener were guests of Mrs. P. A:Edwards on' Sunday. Mr._.and Mrs. S. Stewart left for their home iii Hamilton cin Saturday after visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Pollock.. -Miss - Evelyn Pollock aCeompanied then to Hamil- ton and ,went on to Sault Ste. Marie, where she is teaching. Amongst those who have spent the summer in our midst and who have returned to their homes are: Mr.' anti Mrs, David Hastings -and family,, Galt; Do.'Peeves' and family, Inger- soll; Mr. and Mrd T. W. Oates and family., Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillman and family, Mrs. Geo. Fraser and family,'' Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Thomas and family of London; Mr. an'd Mrs, L, W. Dippel, Renfrew; Mr. and Mrs; R. T. Orr and . fenny, Mr. and Mos. I3. A. Lawson -and' family, Mr. and Mrs. McConkey, Stratford; Ers. Stratton and fancily and. Mrs. Somerville, Tor- onto; Dr, , and Mrs. J. H. Smith and soil Carmen and ;Mrs. �iercher, Lou- don, bliss Cecil McLeod of Toledo 'is. spending a few. days with her moth- er, Mrs. A. McLeod. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will; be celebrated in Trinity church on Siinday morning next. This will be the last service held in the church before it is. closed for repairs. Der ing the time that it is eased matins nl< cut Y a s. eF t will be held In the: town hall. Mi Mrs. R. Fisher, Miss Rubio Fisher of Kitchener and Misses Ruth and Helen Fisher of Waterloo returned to their respective homes on Wednesday. Mrs.. F; A. Edwards accompanied 3 thein. • , . Miss Norma and - Master Ruddy :Brown" of Detroit joined their moth. er, Mrs. F. V. Martin, at her cottage here on Sunday, after spending the summer "in camp." Messrs. Victor Burt and Harry 13hker motored front London and spent Sunday with their. iitothe4, Mrs. P, W. Baker. .Mrs. Burt acid child- ren returned to London with them ,The Y.P.S. had a corn roast on the beach on Thursday .last.`at which there was a good attendance and a verb enjoyable evening was spent. Miss Helen Gerrie 'returned on Tuesday to resume her duties as prin- cipal of . the' "Public and Continuation school, after having spent, the long'. vacation • itt her home' in Ingersoll. Mr. CIf'ford- Clarke left on Satur- day to to se charge of a school near Lindsay, IVY S, Angus Welsh and little .Miss Agnes, who have, 'been visiting the 'ori er mothe e i n s t 1VIrs: A n s i ai't g D gsg returned ed to Toronto �e r 'Wednesday. lit 2 W n da , 0 y Mrs. WilberMcBride Wilbert Mo ide and two chiidt'en of Windsor ere visiting Mrs. - Mcl3ride's mother, Mrs: A. Currie, Mrs. Chas. Tours returned on Sat- urday after'- spending a week in St. ' Thomas, - M •s.Riley-,r Rt Miss � Lillian-�Rilev' and friends of Flint, Mich. spent' a day in the viilage last week. " Miss Jessie Ball •left On Sunday last foi New to tat 'charge of ae l. r hoo Ii, and M s Oliver Martyn, Miss Dorothy and .Master Willie Mprtyn of Leiden spent :Sunday last 0 Mr. Geo. A. Vanderburgh's. lir,• Wesley V•odden and family .01 Londesboro spent ,Supcley last at Mr. Win. Ball's. Mr: Noble Holland lost a cattle boast ofton. Sunday last. Mr: Herold Glew is spending a week in Toronto taking in the Ex-- hibit,,i- Farmers in this vicinityare very Y busy hauling, in their grain, ' Mrs. Archie Robinson of Htsllett was dawn taking care of her daug'n- ter, Mrs, Orval'' Phillips, who, has been ailing the past few months. Mre. John ' Phillips, sr., and her daughter, Miss Violet, • are camping at'Goderich for their health: Coderieh Township, 'Miss Elsie 'Snyder, ,who has just completed her term at Clinton Col- legiate, has gone to 'London :to take a secretarial course, • Mr; and Mrs. Al Middleton of, Susan visited Mr. James Ferguson over the week -enc}. 11Ias. Henry ,Me pby, es',, motored to Toronto and will make an extended visit.'ancon g her • ` relatives e r ti s. there, also taking in the Exhibition. Mr. and. Mrd West of Ilderton and Mr. Sturgess of Drayton spelt Sun- day with Mr, , and Mrs. Harry ry Thomp- son Mr.Alvin Leonard visited with his old neighbors on the 16th fast weep' Atahurn Mr. •and Mrs W. T.• Riddell have re- turned to the village from the West. Miss `Ruby Kilpatrick of. evern ii vr,sted at the home of MisEthel Washington: on Thursday/teat. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Straughanand familyand Mrs, of taut - a c Ton S r ghan vis- ited at;.Mr. Williams of'Holinesviile_ 00 Sunday: �'., Mr, It. 'Jenkins, 1VJ.iss1 `X,'Jenlcins and Misses Gertrude and Freida Wet. 10 calledon relatives' here on Sunday - Mrs. Hunk -ins is visiting her -daugh- ter, Mrs. W: Wibeon,' Miss Beryl Johnston and Mrs. Johnston of Belfast called' on the Misses 'Blair last Wednesday. A number : of the? ladies attended the '4V M, .51 district convention held at Vietoi•ia 'St. - Church, Goderieh, on • 'Thursday. Mr Frank and iss a t 1 M Ethel W:•islt- iegton left torr their schools at New Liskeard oat. Monday,° attending Tor.. onto Ex on the way. Nr. 0,.E. Erratt was at Toronto'oh Monday and Tuesday of this week. 'Misses Margaret and Flora .<Tones of Goderieh visited with 5\4r. and Mrs Amos Andrew on 1cllonclay.