The Clinton News Record, 1926-08-26, Page 8CLINTON'S r'LEADINO- JEWELERY STORE e aon A.l FIT Eyes .are bread winners; take care of then* and they will take care of you. Sight is priceless, save your eyss, If 7.n doubt consult. C6itezct Ne.gw]Idec THURSDAY, AUGU-ST 26,' iisai„v , ornert rt)e No Guesswork About our. Methods. Appointments Made by mail. Eyes Tested FREE. Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next 1 ovey's Drug Store'. seximiezeosaisamiernieemarairi a Cotton ,Worsted • Pants, just the thing for hard wear, CP t: �� Special price for A�i1"gust $ e ..' . . . . ........... o Special Prices on Khaki, Pants"for NPen and Boys.° Grey Flannel Pants, Youth's sizes up, to ,34, $3.00 $4.00 aVlen's sizes at .... Aliout.30 Pairs Men's..Qxfords (mostly black) To clear at .. ..,..,.. $3.49 CLOSE PRICES ON ALL LINES 0F WOIK.BOOT,S The kind that are built of solid leather to ensure satisfactory wear. 111 steel ros.:, PHONE 25, Let the Boys and Girls do their own Shopi They enjoy and proit by the experience, We'have, }list what is needed to snake school tasks easy. Opening day will be one of new impressions,, new acquain- tances and new thoughts. You will find here ample Variety of patls, scribblers, pencils, slates and the like to choose from and to make the students work easy and pleasurable. Intext books we've the correct kinds, prescribed by the Department of: Education as is usual with. us. Values are equal to any and of course we al- ways have a kw " Specials The; t. -D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best And a Little Extra For Good Measure THE C. & S. GROCERS mRsin Store, Pbone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone' 125 J. ITS CANNING TIME Preserve the Fruit Crops It is absolutely essential to the health of yourfamily that you provide them with a pleasing variety of suYulent, tender, nourishing vegetables , and fruits at all times. Prepare now for the long winter months when they will not be available. Preserve food„whicch other- wise would go to waste, Canning time is herel We havel a com- plete line of all canning supplies. No matter what your needs may be, we can supply you with the very best equipment; • ,Kettles in all sizes of aluminum and enamel. Measures, steamers, etc,, at lowest -poss�bde 1pncces. u '460,1liE mil S.: t ter et Perdue PLUMBING ' ELECTRIC WIRING. PHONE 147w HARDWARE WESTE.,N FAIR LONDON , — ONTARIO Septenliber $tth to fialth This year, add to your interest and, profit by having an exhibit of your own in the largest Exhibition ever held in Western 'Ontario. 40®i' 00 I n Prixes and Attractions• s Send for Prize List and information. Closing date September 2nd. Reduced Fares'on all Railroads • J. H., eAUNDERS President, • W. D. CKSfN,.Secretara, r LONDON,'' ONTARIO ' 1, ,• •rr It •• ,• Mr, and Mrs. Roger Pepper spent last week with Hensall friends. Miss Mary McMurchie has .been visit- ,ing in Sarnia during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke and Master 'Edward spent the ' week -end • in London. Miss Olive Johnston and nephew of Woodstock are visiting Mrs. Fred Leonard. Miss Florence Rorke, who has spent the past .Month with relatives at brand Rapids, Mich., has returned home. ` • Mrs. J. N. -Harrison of Brunswick, Maryland, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs, H. Penne. baker. Mrs. 'Sinclair of Winnipeg is visiting her sisters in town, Miss G. Rum- ball, Mrs. W. Pickard and Mrs. J. A. Ford. Mr. and i Mrs. Gordon Livermore of London were week -end guests at the home , of the fornier's sister•, Mrs. A. D. McCartney. Miss Beatrice Alcock and Mrs. T, Campbell of Brussels were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard on Friday -evening last. Mrs. J. Cuninghame, Miss Florence •Cuninghane, Master John Cuning- harne and Miss H. Baker of Mitchell are camping on the)ake shore this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Livermore and 113P9ses Iris and Helena of Mimico spent' last week as the guests of the former's sister, Mrs, A. D. Mc- Cartney. Miss Ivy Plewes and Miss. Vera Pep- per left on Wednesday morningforty Toronto. They expect to visit eeton, Niagara Falls and also at- tend the-Eioposition before their return. Mr. and Mrs: George H. 'GV"•ise and gra. Doty motored over from Cleveland, Ohio, and are the guests of Mrs. John Jenkins and are also visiting Messrs. E. and J. Ii. Weise and other friends in town and vi- cinity. Miss Leona Hearn, who carne up a week ago to spend a fortnight's holiday with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. R. A. Hiearn,returned to Hamilton' on. Tuesday to resume her position, being called back on ac- count of a rush of work. • Mi .Earl Campbeil, who has been visiting his mother. near Lokdon, arived'in town yesterday'and today he ,and Mrs. , Campbell, who hes spent several weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A..-Ford,left for their ho ' e in Regina. 'Capt. Tait is supplying in Clinton while the local S. A. offieers are on furlough. Capt. Tait served in Clinton for a time some years ago, ' while a lieutenant. She and Capt. Jones were stationed here at the same time and she will be'reniem- bered by many in town. Mr. Alvin Leonard, who has been en- gaged hi the grants department of. the Department of Education dur- ing the summer vacation period, is spending a ` holiday' with his par- ents, Mn and Mrs. Fred ,Leonard of town. He has accepted a posi- tion on the staff of the East York - High School for the coming* tern.. Rev, G. J. and Miss M•oorhouseand Miss Ruth, returned on •-Sat- 'urday from an enjoyable motor trip to the west. They left here on July 5th and went to , Calgary, on; .up to Banff, Lake 'Louise and op' `•a souple"of days' Joiine Yintothe mountains. They had very little tire trouble, coining-' home with the same inner tubes With which ;they started had geed weather and than- ough1y enjoyed( the„trip 1 We are unloading car of Redpath's Pure Cane °Sugar ,;end of this week or first of. next. . Special price, for cash;- while e - unloads Also we have on "hand car of Dominion Pure Cane-: Sugar On account'of the preserving season being in full swing, we .have big stock of sugar, hence your opp rtunity. Leave us your order for Bushel basket of best preserving Peaches. Sane_ variety as we handled last year. further 'Prticulars' Later. SPECIAL:— Red Star i; aking Powder 18c In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and Service In the,Afternoon First Delivery 2,30 p.m. 9 diillial:: � • J' Where ” Sells for less" price prevails. Kindly Order. Early Phone 48 Goderich Township Mr. Carman and Miss Grace Teta- butt left Tuesday on one of the har- vest excursions to the west. • Mx. G. R. Thompson of Toronto is a guest this week at the hone. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Thompson. He returns_to Toronto on Saturday. By permission of the trustees the school term in S. S. No. 8 will not be reopened until, Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Miss Madeline Worden has returned to Toronto after e 'visit with Mr. and Mrs, W. A. MacDonald. Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Wilson and fain: ily, who have been visiting Mrs. Wil- son's parents, . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb, returned to their home in Sarnia last week. Stanley Township ; Miss Grace McEwan is spending •a holiday in Goderich with her aunt, • Mrs. W. E. Tebbutt. Constance iifrs. Steep and daughter, Dorothy, of Goderich, spent a week with the former•'s.aunt, Mrs. Addie •Colclough: !Charles Wakefield has hired with Mr: Colson for a month. M. and Mus. Geo. Cook of Getter - township and and Mr. sand Mrs. Thos. Riley of Clinton spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley. , The heavy rains of Satudray and Sunday has knocked down the stand- ing tanding corn and outspretty badly. Mrs. Colclough and. son Clifford spent Tuesday in Goderich. Miss Margaret Love spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Brit- ton, Mr, Leo Stephenson left on Monday for a week's holiday with friends in Toronto' and Niagara. Landesboro The monthly meeting of the Wo- nieri b Institute will be held in the community h all oh IThursday, Sept, 2nd. The topic, '0•lir Duty as Can- adian Citizens," will be taken airy Mrs. 5.:Cartel!, Solo,' Miss L. Brighton; reading, Miss ,Mamie' Ross; piano duet, Mrs. (Rev.) Snell and Mrs. E. Adams. 'Hostesses: '•Mrs. ,Bert Nott, Mrs. Morrell, IVIrs. J. Radford; Mrs. Ewan and Mrs. W. Mountain. Huron Iliond East Miss Jean Pickett and her brother George, of Detroit are s few days at Mr; Wm. Ball's. Mr,. Charles 1Coole of the 73ayfie Road, Goderir:h.township, spent a few dais recently withh his son, Mr. Fred Ci>ol' .• Ernest Vanderburgh spent Sunda with Harold Crittenden. Ruth Engin spent a few days last week with Edna Cools, Mrs: MlaaDannidand her daughter, Tina, who have spent a eaup� of weeks at Mr. MacAermid's; liar returned to their home in Seaforth. Me. Wm. Crittenden, while moving some iinplemen�ts on Saturday ,la received an injury to his arm and leg. Mr. Archie Lamont of Milburn has commenced threshing in this v Mr, Earp St•elvaitand Mr. Donal Milne of Detroit are guests at th home of 14Isv.�i''ixi. Crittenden. spending a ld Y le. e st r d e WINGHAMe Following a short ill- ness, there passed away, in Victoria Hospital, on Sunday, . August 22nd, Sarah Hobbs,' widow of the late Whit- field' ,Terinyn, of the Bluevale Road, who predeceaed her twenty years ago. The deceased woman was in her 71st year. Two sons and two daughters survive, Russeil at home; Vietor, St. Marys; Mrs, .Murch, Toronto, and Mrs. (Rev.) A..Sinolair, Heusall. The funeral took place from her late resi- dence on the Bluevale Read Wednes- day, August 25th, at 2:30 o'clock. In, terment was made in the Wingham cemetery. PEACHES! PEACHES! I expect a carload of late AIberta peaches, guaranteed freestone, the last week in September. Orders taken any time Special Price at the Car Glen Cook, Clanton *Phone 171 72-2--p DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of, Clinton offers to local investors de- bentures issued for payment of the new `Collegiate Institute building, in sums of $50o 'and $1,000, yielding five per cent. to the purchaser. In- terest payable semi-annually on Feb. 1st and Aug. 1st. Further' information anay be ob- tained from D. L. MACPHERSON, Treasurer.` Clinton, Aug. 3rd, 1926. 69-tf ec1a unlaces- Lead THERE IS A REASON. It Saves,One Ton of Coal in Seven- Call in and. get a price on that furnace you are thinking of installing this year; or prepare for cold weather, by having your' old one.overhauled during the summer months, Phone 244 and leave your order and we will look after your work for you. flaWliillS HARDWARE And. PLUMBING Pho¢re: 244 This is Marshall Month During August we are giving- a good Slip Coyer with every Marshall Sanitary Mattress we sell, so it will pay you to buy now and enjoy real restful sleep ever after. We also carry a full line of all the better makes of Mattresses at most reasonable prices. Our Fall stock is in, all ready for your, inspection, everything to make your home comfortable and cosy including Chesterfield Suites, Chairs and Rockers of all kinds, Bedroom Suites in the new and nifty finishes. Dining room Suites in Fumed, Old -English and Golden Oak and Walnut, Kitchen Cabinets (some real bargains) Kitchen Tables and Chairs and Ferneries galore. HARDWARE The stove season will soon be here aril we are prepared better than ever to supply your needs in Ranges and Heaters, made by the different manufacturers in order to give you a selection in price and quality. A Congoleum Mat given FREE with every Stove Purchased A full stock of shelf hardware, Brantford Roofing (best by test). We 'do Plumbing and Tinsmithing-. .Ask us for estimates Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS , MONUMENT HEADERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 196 Does Your Coal shut out the penetrating fail winds and keep, you warm even in severe weather? If not, why not orders here an overcoat of seasonable weight TAILORED in a practical style : that will give service several seasons. You will find' it a "worth-.-.. while" investment. Iiow about a business suit? We are sole agents in Clinton L'..ti for Semi -Ready Suits. Over 100- patterns in Fall and Winter �f Suitings andOvercoatings. "Davis,,Hernta' 6E ET RAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry 'EGGS Bought according to' Government grading LIVE :POULTRY Broilers, Hens, Old Roosters,Old Turkeys, OId and Young Ducks all bought according to size and quality To insure satisfaction write'; phone or call on us before marketing your produce. Give us an ' opportunity to prove - that we give specialized service to you in eggs and poultry. The Place, Where'QuIality Colints GUNN,, L NGL IS & Co,., r,.Li ;.iced .; r. :L HEAD OI I'IC MONTREAL, E MO E. L, �U ..,t;..l l CLINTON BNCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190