HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-26, Page 51.' 141'1 rest to`_.Yot'
:rt Al e
Another :vacancy in tile, Seiiato
--and nobody in position to urate an
.app ointmnent
The Tories are talking a lot about
`stable Government." The inference
is that they expect everybodywho
has "horse sense'., to vote for them:
"Slope, springs eternal in the
human breast," ,'Both Liberals and
Conservatives are '.confident , of' vein -
tke coming election. At least
both express themselves that way.
The Call fairs are almost with us,.
schools open for the Tall yterui next
'week, liolidaytime is about over and
it is tine to look into the coal' supply
and -turn over the *inter overdoat and
-see if *it will do anotherseason,
Septeurber 6th will be observed
06S .Labor Day, .but :•:'Canada's real
work -a -day will be September 14th,
when Canadians will perform the. im-
portant job of: electing a Parliament.
to transact their public business for'
the next four or five years.
Meagher who are, stating r a con
leact on the north Piet tt'Goderieh.
He, w is 6.2 years o6 age and tix•
as a
wolf kno`wii resident • of theDublin
district. ile- is survived by Mrs:
Meagher and one son. The body was
removed to Dublin and an inquest
was opened by Dr. A. C. Hueter, cor-
oner, but was adjourned until Sep
tembor 7th., :The oosonels'jury ap
•• pointed consists of -B. C. Mannings
I b
(foreman), P. 'Johnston, J. Robert-
cbertson, Charles Black, A. Hadden, Frank
Woods, Thomas Iiueeshaw, G. I3t,
Mark the name of• Beaverton on
the road snap. It is.'one of the few'
' Canadian towns where the roads in
the tOwn ,se. better than the high-
ways leading .to •it; -Kingston Whig,
'that used to he 4,said of Clinton's
streets before the speeding tourists
wore .'em all out.
The annual gathering_of thea Ivi-
•,:son family was held Tuesday at the,
home, of Mr. and Mss. William Ive-
1,son. Guests were present from Zion,
„I11, Teterboro, Goderich and ,B4pth,
-as well as from the; surrounding`
A unique feature of the event was
the celebration of the 'silver wedding.
of Mr. and Mrs. H. G Walker, of
Teterboro, and of the anniversary of
the marriage of the host and hostess.
Ganges were played during the af-
ternoon. The lawn was beautifully
decorated and lunch was served in
the rose garden. The .evening pro -
grain was conducted by Rev. Dr. R,
K. .Barnby and consisted of tdasts,
readings and musical ' selections.
'These were greatly enjoyed.
T§ iNt"iHA6I 1 :.azt<,l accident took
place early on T u qday enprnilg:
about 600 ,yards Haim 'the pavement
entering Wingham on Josephine
street, when Edward li. Kerr was al-
most instantly ;killed. 'Mr', Kerr, ac-
companied by ,Cecil Cook and Mervin
Templernati, were' coming home from
Mildmay when' their 'car ,Was over-
turned. Keir was driving the car
owned .by T ,J, Beninger and it is
thought that lie, Was driving too fast.
to ,make the, curve. The can took the
ditch and travelled about one Lund-'
it turned a Somer.,
red ands when r
,snultel The steering wheel, the wind=
shield and" the top were wrecked.
Templeman and (Cook escaped with
slight enjuries, • The deceased was a
son of Mr_: and Mrs. ,J. J. Kerr con
-cession 13 East Wawanoelt: The
fmieral leaves the: home .of ,his par
ents-,, on• Thursday' afternoon, Aug.
26th; at 2:30 o'clock. Interment will
be made in the Wingham • cemetery.
MITOH'ELL: Mos.- ,George .Gray'
has been .missing_ for a 'fortnight
and no trace has been found of her
GODERIOK:- At an' impressive
service ; in St. George's cathedral,
Kingston, an Tuesday, Rev. C. A.
Seager, D.D,, formerly ,provost • of
'Trinity College, Toronto, was 'Come,
crated Bishop of Ontario, succeeding
Bishop 'Bidwell, . who recently re-
signed: Bishop Seager is the son of
County Crown . Attorney Seeger of
this town and received his early'edu-
cation here,
WINGHAM: The Wingham annual
Scotch doubles lawn 'bowlingtourna-
ment was held Thursday. afternoon
-with an entry of 38 rinks. Ideal
weather, prevailed throughout the day
and the competition was very -keen.
The trophy event• was wolf by Heath-
er and Downey of Southampton with
Johnston and Johnston of`Lucknow
runners-up. The associationevent
was captured by Spiers and: Allen of
1 Mount Forest, with -Murray and
Crawford of Wingham second, The
special event Was on, by Thompson
and Ross of Wingham, with 1VfcCool',
and. Mason of Wingham second,
WINGFIANI: Winghanf and stir -
rounding district experienced one of
the worst rainstorms of the season
on Monday night. Washouts are TO -
ported from different parts of the
distniet.. Grain and corn are lying
fiat owing to the heavy dwnpour.
The C. P. R. train due here from Tor-
onto at 10:36 pan. did not' arrive until
8 o'clock Tuesday morning owingto
a washout :at the Cataract.
WINGHJAM: The robbery' of -the
je• ✓elvy store of W. It,: Hamilton at
an early 'hour Sunday morning still
remains a mystery, as there has been
no ;clue of .the robbers.- :Detectives
arid: a finger -print expert' are work-
ing ono the ease. ' -
The contract into which the farmer
enters when he gets his,. rural :mail'
box is that he shah; keep his name
printed on it plainly. 'If he doesn't
" the' mail man doesn't hay's) to. leave
any mail. Very few of the boxes
- that have been up for a few .years
have any trace of a name 'lefton
diem. A few farmers , keep their
names freshly painted on the boxes
but only a few. The -mail couriers
are usually local sten, who know their
patrons and who leave the mail all
right, But should a mail courier fall
suddenly ill and a stranger be re-
quired to take his route for while
• it might be ,awkward.' Also, it is in-
teresting to the passersby to know
who lives in, the various farmsteads
.along the public highv ays.
News of Happenings
in the Gounti and
• District-
GODERICH: 'Within the last few'
days ten dogs have died from the
effects of strychnine poisoning in this
town, The first .one succumbed on
Sunday and each day since then more
;have died, making a total of ten.,
They all belong to one section of the
town and the police, who are work-
ing on the' case, find it most myster-
ious- and as yet 'have found no clue
to the person:or persons who did the
poisoning. In one instance a Bound
carne staggering home in such. agony
.,that his owner. was forced to . shoot
him.` Another dog was seen by its
master to be all right; but in a few
ininutes toppled over dead.;
AG-ODER/OH; Thomas It, Meagher,
of Dublin; on the boundarybetween
Huron' and. Perth counties, was Milled
.a1niost instantlyhere about' 2:30
on Wednesday of last week: He Was
about to unload a car til, timber
when against the advice of these
assistinghim, he climbed to,the top
of the load and out the binding wires.
At once-the,timbers ' gnye ;way,'car, ry-:
ing MX. Meagher with them, a num-
'bar of the timbers fallingl upon 111115•
and crushing hint. Mr:IVleaglier was.
immediately taken out; but he died
before medical sttetion could he se-
currd. Tile body •and head were badly
Crushed, and several internal injuries
were also inflicted. The late Mi'.
Meagher'was a partner "- of Lobby es
A man north of here reports he has
a duck with three feet,. Probably, got
the idea from wbtching cars tearing
by with .a Spare tire, -Stratford, Bea-
con -Herald, , •
Do Not Neglect
Haring that Wedding l hotgrt'pn
taken, We esai.e a specialty of Wed-
Let us develop and print, your snap
shots for you and enlarge your choice
negatives. Leave: us your films on
Tuesdays or mail them to Mitchell
and, wewill finish them. and mail
them.,`back to you „promptly.
Our Clinton Studio is open every
Tuesday from 9:30 a.m.,to 5 p.m.
Portrait Studio
LITTLE FORD - At St. Philip's
Anglican church, • Walter's Falls,
Ont.,_ on August 26t11,',byi the 1Rey.
T. Digby .Dickson, Emile Rosalie,
only daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Fred G. Ford, Goderich ,twnshili,
, to Ernest. J. Little of Hol tf sesville,
only .son of Mrs, I. Dodds ;of Cris;
''-ton and the late John Little.
NEELY-T-URT EIR-At the home of
the . ibritle's parents,, 'Grey, town -
shill, on August 17th, ; by Rev. ' D.
M. Guest, of Ethel, Adam Neely;
of Windsor, to.'Olive E., .daughter
of George and, Mrs. Tnrnen; Gre;,
dine -township, on August 18th, by
Rev. 'S..11: Johnston, B.A., of Lon:-
on=don,-assisted by Rev. L. C. 'Harvey,
M.A., of Bervie,, John Leslie La-
mont, `baristo , of ICineardine;' son
of the late Hugh and Mrs. Lamont,
Brussels , to Mary Genevieve,
younger daughter of David A. and
Mrs. Sturgeon.
WISE-Itn 'Cioderich township, on
Aug. 18th, to,Mr. and, Mrs.Her-
bert -Wise, a on.
SOMERS-1u. Morris township, on
August 18th, to. Mr.' and Mrs,
Elwyn Somers, a son.'
• Deaths
JENKIN-Tit Colborne township, on
August 15th, John Jenkin, aged 68
WALKDR.-In Wroxeter, on August
• 16th, Thomas Walker, aged '72
You're late and rushing for a trainr >
At this important 'juncture, • .
The chances. are' just ten to one •
That you will have a puncture.
�.. ,
A. collection of articles of real
Sport 'in various parts of the Donna -
ion stuns ftp the contents of the 'Sep-
teniber issue of i, Rod and. Gun, the
Canadian sport' magazine, which is
just pdolished.
An interesting article on some
nose experiences; principally in
Eastern Canada by William 3. Mc-
Nulty appearsafollowed byt.an amus-
ing story of .a,,,British,Coiumbia trip,
"Poor Fish,' by, C. J. (Broderick.
,Bonnyeastle Dade in this latest issue
deals. with solhe experiences, "Living
at Close Quarters With the Moose of"
Nova Scotia.',' J. W. Winsept writes
an interesting study of the Saw Whet
and Screcch''ow1s. :"
Fishing>Notes, the regular depart-.
vent edited by G. P. Sladen contains,
several -'articles of diversified angling-
interest and C FS',''Landis' .Guns. and
Annmunitidn department, carries a,
number 61:mstrnietive articles for
shooter. In 'the ..contents is 'alga a`
good article on the silaughter:of ducks
by floating oil 'on -Hamilton Bay.
Rod and Gun is published .1n -orally
by W. J. Taylor,iLiniited,,Woodstock,.
Woeld'n largest Annual Expo.ition, "Roo acres -So pec.
mancut bu,Idinga.-Attendaicc 1925. 5,491,305.. Left^
New ontorio Govtrnm5nt Building to bo opened this year.
1926 Dates -Aug. 28-'Sopta 11
'Razor Blades Sharpened
Saints'Razor Blades„. sharpened.
Satisfaction guaranteed 00 asoncy,' re-
funded.Single edge Sc, double edge
4c. J.• 1:: Hovey Druggist, Clinton.
7o -t6
Mortgage Sale
Of" Valuable -'1,Property, Pro ett,y
, sit
uate on 'the Maitland Concession, or
>- S r The prop•
Clic Township of Colborne, ne
0 1 b 1 1
erty;.consists :of splendid farm land
in good condition possession to be
given early in 1927. '
Under and ,by virtue of the power
CI, sale contained in a certain- Mort-
gage,' whish will ire 'produced at the
time of the sale, there will bo of-
fered for ,sale by public auction, on
'Saturday the 21st day of August, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
premises, situate on theMaitland
Conpession, of the Township of .C61 -
borne, in the County of Hurou,'Pr•ov-
i1ice of. Ontario, being bomposeh. 06 all
and singular', that 'tcertain parcel • or•
tract of land and promisee situate in
the said Maitland Coneessiorr, County
of ,Hilton, Province of Ontario, con-
taining 11,8acres of lan 'more or`
to g land
and being composed of„Lot No.
12 in the Maitland Concession of:kthe
said Township' of Colborne, .
TERMS:- .Ten percent,,of the pitr„
chase price to be paid nt the time of
the' --sale, balance to be paid -in 30
days. The sale will he subject to a
reserved bid.
For further particulars and condi-
tions sof the sale apply, to -Hays and
Hay,o, Hamilton street; Goderich, On
'tario. .
Dated at Goderich, .this twenty-
ninth day of July, 1926.
Hays and Hays, Hamilton st., God-
erich,' Ont.; solicitors for the mort-
gagee, B. H. Cutt. 69-3
GREAIIIS--In. loving :memory of our
dear son, Clifford, who. was killed
in Franco -August -27th, 1918,
At the going down of -the sun and
in the morning, we will remember,
hire. -So sadi'y missed at home.
SEAFORTH: Mrs. M. Hutton,.lZin-
cardine township, announces the en
,agement of :.her eldest daughtelr,
Lillian E., to Mr. Joseph B. Grum-
mett, only son of Mr. and Mrs, D.
Grumn}ett, Seafor'th, Ont. The mar-
riage to take 'placeearly in ,Septent,
Mr; and Mrs. Henry Pickett wish
to thank the kind - neighbors and
friends' for flowers and kindnesses
shown them in their' sudden and sad
bereavement, the death of their in-
fant daughter.." Also for the beautiful
wreath .sent from the -Ladies' Aid of
the Clinton Baptist church .and the
lovely basket of flewer"S• for the baby
front the cradle roll of the Sunday
Baby's Buggy For Sale
" A reed baby's -buggy, in good con-
dition: Apply Mrs. W. T. Herman►.
Pups roe Sale
Two good collie pups' for „sale:
Apply to W. A. 1VIacDonald, GoddriCh
township. Phone 15-603, Clinton co-
bra'. / 72'-1
Teacher Wanted
For S. S. No, 11, 'Ilullett. Apply
not later 'than Sept. ist,stating sal-
ary. 'George McVittie, Sec., Londes
bolo, Ont, , 72-1"
Slaps For Sale, '
A quantity of good, slabs fon- sale.
Apply, to A. 1)., McGartney, ' Clinton.
Phone 256. 72-4'
Room For Rent
Comfortable room, with ori without.
-board, for two Collegiate or School:
of Commerce 'pupils, ,boys or girls;
Enquire at The News -Record' office.
The Movies Hurt Some People's Eyes.
Apparently ;these' folios Save' not
'heard of the special lenses we supply
for eyes that`are sensitive to -light
and the movies:, These .lenses pre
vent 'add_ annoyance ftom.thes9 causes.
Se there is 'no xonssn why you should
he bothered in this way, if you ARE
bothered- Glad to explain to you at
any time W. II, Hellyar, Optoine-
trist, Clinton: -` - 72-1
Roomers Wanted
Will 'take in: a couple oC roomers,
..convenient,to school., ;Write box 112,
.A‘ n e (`arm IIome For-5ale•- -'
• flim f 10
That desirable, 0 0acres
situated just outside the;.coiporatiou
o1 the --Towel of Clinton, on the Pro-
vincial .1-ligliwaY,
rovincial-IHrghway, being l'et 22, con. 1,
Mullett•- township 'Soil ° rich clay
loam, -.excellent water. For 'particulars,
apply' to Alex,') Brown, ,Box 94
Clinton;,. Ont. 71 -ti
AlfaifalIIay For Sale -
12' facies of .second •clot on lot 04,
Maitland eon., Goderich township,
lsnown;as hale Sclnwanz farm. Robert
Welsh, ,.Bailiff, • 71-1-p
Drill For Sale
A Massey Harris eleven disc fel
tilizer drill, as good as new. Apply
to L. W. MosriSon, R R. No 4, Glut
ton. 71-2p
• Wanted
A number of roomers, house cent-
rally 'located, -near • school. Apply
News -Record. 71-4-p
Comfortable House to Rent
With "or without furniture. Elec-
tric lights, town water; five minutes
walk :from .postoffice, ten•; minutes
from Collegiate, Public school and
School of Commerce. Apply to Miss
7Iill, Wellington street. 69-tf-lp
Satisfactory repairs guaranteed on
balloon as well as high pressure Aires
We use the Goodyear. Factory Method
of Repairing.' We buy your old
wheels and tires if you buy a new set
of Balton tires and -wheels. E. H.
Epps and Son, Varna. Phone, Clin-
ton, 626-21..-. 67-8:.
In the Estate of William Smith Han-
NOTICE is hereby given that all
perspns having •clairns against the es-
tate of William Smith Harland, late
of the Town of Clinton in the County
of Huron, retired merchant, deceased,
who died on or.about the 15th day
of May, 1926, are Required to deliver
to Russell E. :Manningand • William
Brydone, the executors of the said
estate, ori or beforethe7th day of
September, 'AD. 1026, a full state•
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities, if any, held by them
all duly verified by affidavit.
the said last mentioned date the said
executors will'' proceed'. to distribute.
the estate of;the said. deceased
amongst ,the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
they shall have received .due notice
and in, accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th
day of August, A.D. 1926.
R. E: "M4in ring and W. Brydone,
Executors. 71-3
N fir.,Tree rartha
We SPECIALIZE in Mille -Fed Poul-
try 12 months in the year. Phone as
early in the week .as possible for
We advise you to have the birds or
your la ing'- pen , culled % while the
Y d,
price is high. Culling of birds done
f'ree`of charge through our office.
Phones -Office, 2145 Residence, 214w
Bayfield Voters List
The Voters List, 1926; for the Vil-
lage of Bayfield, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have.
transmitted or delivered to the .per
sons mentioned in •Section 9 of,the
Ontario Voters List Act the copies of
the list made pursuant to the saki
Act,' of all persons appearing by the
last revised Assessment (toll of the
said municipality .. -to be entitled to.
vote in the said Municipality at elec-
tions for the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal -elections and the
said list was first posted up'in my of-
fice at Bayfield on the 16th day of
August, 1026, and remains here for
inspection. I hereby ' call .• upon all
voters to examinethe said list and
'if any errors or omissions are\found
therein to take immediate proceedings.
to :have same corrected according to
law. ;
Dated at Bayfield this 17th day of
August, 1926,
71-3 Mailiieipal Clerk.
Nedigers Garage
_ge '
For Gasoline, Oil acid Grease
Tires, Tubes andA cc
Let ns figure on your Trucking,
Some Wood for Sale
W\J. Nediger, Prop.
Farm For Sale
Part let 17-18, on the 8th on. of
Mullett,. consisting -of. 81n acres,
good buildings. Also 50 acres on Con.
9. Apply on premises or by mail to,
Wen. H. Hesk, Londesboro, R: R. no.i..
For Sale
In Village. -of.. Barfield, on Blue.
Water Highway, fernier •2VIethodist
church, white brick, on high base-
ment, size 28x44 feet, Lot 14 -acre..
Frame. sheds. (Seats, pulpit, altar,
railing, etc., reserved)- For particu-
lars and price apply to Samuel Cleave
Bayfield, not later than _Sept. ist.
A number of boarders `wanted, se-
cond house west of Baptist Church.
,Apply to Mrs. W. 'Cole. '70
Mortgage Sale,
OfValuable- Farm and Bush Prop-
erty, situated on the Maitland Conces-
sion; of the''`,Township- of Colborne.
The property consists •of 'splendid
farm" in good condition, possession to
be given early in 1927:,'
' ' Under and by virtue' of tine power
of sale contained in a certain mort
gage, which will be produced at the
time of sale,' there will be -,offered for
sale, by public 'auction,. on Saturday,
the. ;21st :day of August, at 2 •o clock
M. the afternoon, at the, premises,, sit-
uate .
it-uate: eni•;the. Mai Coneession, of
the ` Township of Colborne, in the
Comity of ISuron Province of On-
tario, being' composed ijf•all and sin-
gularr .that centaur parcel or tract of -
land .and premises situate' in the said
Maitlad Con/'ession,-County of'I-Turot,'
nd Province of Ontario, containing
218 acres more or less, and being
composed et the West.lnlf 'of Lot No.
10, and the whole of Lot No. 11, both
in the said Mn Ll ind :Concession, of
thc6 Township of Colborne `
TERMS: Ten percent o'f the pur-
chase money to be paid at the time
of the sale; 'balance to, be paid` in 80
days, , The sale willbe subject to a
reserved bid,
'For further particulars and Condi-
tions of the sale apply to Hays and
(lays, Hamilton street, Goserieh, On-
tario. '
Dated at Goderich,. Ontario, this
twenty-ninth' day of July, 1926.
1-{ays and 'Hays, Hamilton st., God-
erich, Ont., solicitors , for the Mort-
gages, 'William Rader. " 69-0
Two or more High School students,
gins or boys, to room or board. En-
quire at News -Record office. ' ' 70-3
Pickling and
Pre eirvin Time
is now going strong
Make this store your lieadquaters
for your wants `
Vinegar, blended and white, 50e. gal.
Parke's 'Tickle Mixture 35e
Coro "Sure -Jell" .. 35e
Fresh Stock of Spices to fill that
New Pickle recipe.
Fresh Cooked MCats of all kinds
at all times'- '
Delivery Service front 7.30 to 12-
Phone 111 ,
McCor isk Deerina
all conditions. ' It has the foilowiri
Adjustable Rear Furrow 'Wee
can be set to ,mate tate }wheel easter
oiler is provided regularly,'ant tvh61
dirt 03' sand from entering the ±0
be adjusted to fit as close to thea,,i
of cleaning. ,A hook is supplied whu
to cause the fear wheel to alt, as a;
- Three types of Bottom can be s'
for general purpose work in stubb'I
arid' the third which is especially. sU
The •Front Furrow' Wheel can
by the pole, or by the hand lever.:'
This DIow has a high arch bear
tweed the wheels insures' ample' el
eonditions are; exceptional y bad.
be plowed successfully with this plo
A Rolling Coulter which is stt.
stalks and trash easily, and thus ,h
MI 1eiHar
Deering and McC
Ford' Coupe for,Sale
1925 Model, in good running order.
Apply to W. J. Nediger Clintori.-62-tf
Cheese,' for Sale
Cheese for sale in 10 lb. lots or
more any time, present price, 21s lb.
W. H. Lobb, president and salesman:
R. 11. No. 3; . Clinton" - 40-tf
CIothes Cleaned and Pressed - •
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. ' Woolen goods dry cleaned..
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J. Jago. • -83-tf
Have a complete stock of
Toronto Asphalt Roofing the
best by test. Every customer
we have sold satisfied. Come
and see `our stock before fixing
your loof and compare ours
with any others,
A . complete line ' of Flour,
Feed, Grain and Stock Feeds
always on hand. Prices right
and our ain't- is to satisfy; our
Phone 123 •
Flour and Feed Merchants and ,
Grain Buyers
August Clearing
Specials fox
Men's Boots and Oxf
50 pails brown calf Oxfords reg
60 pairs brown Calf •boots
half price
All top grade shoes
��pp g i' od /S
Fillingyiour coal -bin in the Sum-
mer is placing a bet oh a sure 'Winner
with the odds all in your favor; noth-
ing to lose, and -everything to gain.
You really can't tall it a ^'alnbie at
all to ,buy your coal early; it's ,good,
sound business, which yields dividends
in health as wall as money.
'Place. your order while coal plen-
Call the E,> .'r,t151.R
Tier good, c1ea4coal
The Big Shoe Store
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, "t•tlihs
Wiring and Repairs.
Wo carry a line of high grat
bran, shorts: and, middelings. Also .•
• We have a car of Western
, r1c