HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-26, Page 4NE
ird of Paradise design.
Sold separately.
D. S ld se a a el
rice Eh lush China and
sta t ble ' lits fir.
Yc asioli,s P.
Sherlock -Manning
Satisfy the demands and de-
sires of the most critical f
buyers -,the world over.
Instrument Representative
Box6-113 dr Phone 273, Clinton
sda> , Sept. 7th,'*9 6
School that has the:Highly
Italified Staff
Ithool that teaches'
start to finish.•'
students and Teachers are taught
id expert trainingin
dnlinisfratian and
arial Science
od position, :rapid promotion.'
big income. '
iia, Commercial, Secretarial, General
vice, Com. Teachers' Course
al.courses 'arranged.,
nfbrmation write to
- B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal
School Results.,
7.4 p4
7:0NCCg-w a
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3 2 i.
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C# I ERN FAIR GIt7 5 T1 it
During: the past few year's The
Westertit Fair has 'grown to an stn
13eltse exhibiticn; which numbers
among the ioxemo..t n this country,
but Juiver before hi,s it assumed the
great p'ro,poriiolis in size and interest
as this'ye<u.,,1922. ,
This year his iletind increased aeti-
Vity in every blanch of the Fair, and
entries arc; being received every flay
in g -reap• ntimbeve,
Permanent improvements have
'been made- throughout especially to
the live .stock' buildings which will
house a live stock .show of exception-
interest. Among the many' features
in this important event will be the,
showing of one of the chest Holstein
herds in the United States.
Extensive painting ,and renovating.
is being"carried on throughout the
grounds which will add greatly
the.'atttactiveness of the whole exhi-
bit oxz
Exceptional interest is being shown
by all branches of industry and hun-
reds of interesting •and educational
exhibits have 'been entered already;
The ever popular 'Midway- wilt say-
pass anything ever seen here before
with the largest and best .array of
amusements and shows. Johmiy Johns
has ever gathered together,
(Eachafternoon and eveningg�will
find anarray of attractions•r1fefore
the 'grandstand that will please both
,young and; old, and a great deal of
tli`ought has been'g'iven to the.nightly
dsplay: of fireworks which .will bo
More magnificent than ever.
Por the entertainment of those who
!wish to sit around andCrest. and as stn`
accompaniment while roving around
dos grounds music will be ,supplied by
the best Military, and Civilian bands
in the district.
^Members of the Western Fair
Association are :suite confident • that
1920 will be the greatest year in the
Fair's history andare making 'prep-
arations to handle record crowds,.
The week of September 11 'to 19
will find thousands of visitors from
111 over the cou'ntry.at the Fair the
tendency being among many;to spend
the whole week in London, so 'as to
;receive the benefit and enjoyment of
the largest and best exhihition ever
held in this part of the country.
ZEAFO1 TH: `The tattoo vat en
last ,Thursday night by the Seaforth,
Highlanders and the Lions', Club at-
tracted a hugecrowd end was a.most
enjoyable affair, The bands taking
part included the well known military
band from Guelph, the C. N. R. band
front Stratford, the Mitchell Citizens'
band, and inany others front the sure
rounding country. Peculiar interest.
attaobed to 'the visit of the Guelph
hand since the leader is Tom Miller,
formerly leader of the Seaforth band.
Following thin musical part, of the ev-
ening an impressive display of, fire-
woilcs was given. This was followed
by a -lance at the G. W. V. A, Club
rooms. and closed a fine evening's en-_
McCoy's. Cod Liver Extract Tablets
Fine for Tkiin Underdeveloped Kids
Children Love'Tliem Because They
Are Sugar Coated and as Easy
• to Take ae,,,Candy
It's your duty, Mother to see that
the frail, peaked, sickly youngster.
grows u> t6 be strong in, body, keen
in mind and robust in health.
Extracted' from the livers 'of the
lowly ,codfish 'ase. the health, weight
and strength producing vitanfines
that are found in; McCoy's'od Liver
Extract Tablets; which are sold by
pharmacists alt over North and South
Doctor's know about them and so
do all druggists and if your children
need building lip ask for these tablets
today if you want to give your loved
ones a good appetite and put pounds
of good healthy flesh on their bones.
But be Sure and get McCoy's.;
They are not expensive.—d0 tablets
660 cents and if you are not pleased
with the improvement after 80 days'-'
your' money back.
A very sickly child, aged 9, gaited
12 pounds in seven- months and is
strong .and' health.
Ono skinny woman gained 9 pounds
in 24 days.
Clydesdale Stallion•:
-Stied by'img Thomas
W h leaxo his own stable, Bayfield
,toad, on Monday morning. and travel
(byway of Clinton and •Base Line , to
M. Bubleifs, 16th con. of Gadorich Tp.
for -noon, thence by 'way of 10 con.
south to his own, stable ',for night,
Wednesday will leave his'.ntivri stabler
and, travel by way of Bayfield road to,
Wm. Lobb's: coiner, thence byway of
Varna 'Road to Ben Rath-well'sCorner,
thence'' west ltd'>Peter 'Cole's corner,
along 9th con. 'of -Goderich Tp. to
Reuben: Grigg's for noo'ti, •then byway
of 9th eon. Goderich Tp. to Huron
Road, them -to :.Hole esville, to 14th
con. to'Wni. Vodden's'corner, then, to
hs -own. stable .'for night. Friday
morning will leave his own Stable and
go byway of Clinton,and Iluron Road
to Mina' Corner and then -to Kitbi,rn
for -neon, then .west to Gravel road
and south on Gravel road to his own
stable for'the night, where he will re.
main until the' following Monday
morning, •
This route will' be ' continued
throughout the .season, health and
weather permitting. `'‘.•„,„
TERMS: To -insure foal, 313.00,
two mares, $25.00, to be paid on or
before March 1st, 1927.,`All nngres,
at risk of .owners. Mares must,' be
returned regularly to horse or will be
charged' Whether foal or not. r -
GUS. BISBA.CI{,"Proprietor.'
isz;ClilJt i ktielvte«ltecord
e True to Can
Oh the -14th of September next the
Repute of Canada will have an oppor-
tunity, at the,' polls; to save their
country .Cram tilie treacherous atyen
of the late King Government, to ruin
this country. and [dismember the Ent,
pire;evelywhere col be' seen the 'sig
of .the approaching storm of indigna-
n ig adonand ox„Sc1t: 14ti. will be the
deluge of ballots that will, place the..
ilea. Mr. Meighen and his •gov'ern-
mept `'in a --position to, 0avo Canada
and the Empire, In the, West even audience the , onlyvariation ".b
(Advertisement) { ;,(Advertiseilient)
not core that this branch of f ruing
4an' se is- one of the most important branch-.
The`l-andwritsng on the Wail
There was` considerable difference
it the speeches delivered inthe
p s d v dtown
hall; on Aug. 19th by .`Phomas McMil-
lan and 12'r.. 'Marshall;
• Thomas' McMillan ,,vas the; first
speaker and r l
c I e unrolled i, his. ratio
a ]c,
.ball al yarn, the same old story', we
understand, that he told the Stumps
in ,the bush when he` first started to
liratiee his oratory on his unhearing
the Progressives comp ontboldiv with o being
statpment that tr. .Ki ul have and
old cis has become thread-
e t M . ting ca d not ba1•e and shows that.. Mr. 14IcllrAan
be trusteed and that 14Ir. Meighen was and Isis old story have gone stale, the
more honorable,' they .realize . that only variation was his little tale of.
there is nothing to be gained vy bar woe.00neerning the success of Mr,'
tering :further 'with W. L. Mackenzie Aseighen and his scattered ..cab4
Ring, it is morel and more apparent ,net. Mt. illeMiII n apparently utas
that his interests are not Canada's
interests but rather the interests of
the United States. Very tactful in-
deed have been the methods employed
by 'ex -Premier Ring to carry out his
under groyund methods ' to align the,
interests of Canada with the :United
One has tostop and wopder if this
man4. really a human being, ,but on
looking .back into his 'ancestry we
find .:that . his grandfather, William
Lyon Mackenzie, was: a rebel and no-
torious. traitor, little wonder then,
that we have his, actions reincarnated
in hpis grandson, Mackenzie Ring, yes
glaring as his m tives and actions
are, he has --tried t'o -add impetus to
his inanoeuvers byhaving thele' lubri-
cated with Standard, Oil;
He it -is who prates to a loyal 'peo-
ple about the encroachment of Down
ing street, only to detract the people's
attention from hi - own destruegrive
role of entertainer •in'a light comedy,
foundout ddrin his ' short ex-
3 hit incl e
pensive sojourn at Ottawa that Mr.
Meighen and his cabinet are the kind
of men that insist on a clean, etaight-
fdeward. zidministration.
After floundering around in his
'speech; launching out here and there
without 'getting anywhere in ;particu-
lar,'he evidently sensed the approach-
ing storm and finally told the people
that ie they did not see tit to elect
hint, be did not -want to' be their
representative, Mr. McMillan can
resf; assured on that, point, he won't
represent _South FIuron - in the next
House of. Parliament, we psily hope
when he hikes back' home he will be.
wearing a sample'of the prison made
overalls simigleci' in from. the United
States, for which country he has
been spending his time and money
(luring so many, years. •
Mr. Marshall left the impression
that he was in training to fill the
Let us see' what has happened' dur- in fact the whole 'of his time was
ing the last 4 years of Kang Govern- spent in trying to divert the people's
attention front the real questions of
theday by Introducing considerable -
,levity and' frivolity. While MI'. Mar-'
shall was careful to avoid the cus
'tams Scandal and the pairing scandal,
and all other things of importance,
there was considerable truth in some
6f his remarks, in fact he stated
frankly that he thought Thomas Me -
lost 00,000 men, therefore our loss to. Milian was the best fireside fernier
the United States is •'9 or 10 times he knew of, and we can heartily -agree
greater that our loss it the war. with him, because Mr. McMillan can
The custonts.scandal, ivhi�ii has ie • sit around the fire nide and talk,
gently been brougltt•to light, is simply partwhale tire' the country
oarunti' .all do the workd run
another instance of the policy of j the skof tand have the worry of work,
selling out to the United States. Wpty, ing their stock, then comes along Mr.
we ask, do We :see the .spectacle of a McMillan and buys the cattle, put on
Canadian Govermnent openly assist-, the finishing touches . and reaps the
ing foreign exploiters to break the benefit'of other men's hard work.
laws of the country, ruin the citizens
of .Canada and -rob, the treasury of
millions.. of dollars. Yes, they were
so low; in honor and patriobisin to.
play into theltands q3 American boot-
leggers • and smugglers. One word
iilroni the Minister of Customs and the
whole..mess could have been stopped,
but instead of stopping the nefarious
traffic, it was amply assisted by ord.
ering. the Royal Mounted Police away
from the scene of their operations.
In order to get a campaign fund- we
have seen the,ini,portation of prison
made goods ' and 'manufactures ea
all kinds, thus driving Canadian
plants out of business, and robbing
Canadian workmen of over 3 millions
of dollars in 'wages?, resulting in the
breaking 'tip: of homes amt driving
more workmen out of the country..
The whole business under the smile ,or
the Ring Government: was so rotten
andrrepulsive that a.' decent minded
person would like to forget -it, and' if
such conditions existed in'some..coun-
brei; .as existed during the regime. of
Ding, there would have been quite 0
demantd for new rope, ' aiid• several
men now touring the 'country, would
not•be appealing to the country for
their support,..:
But we are thankful to say there
is 'still the power o the ballot; and
on ,the 14th of , September the Can-
adian people Will put country, and
Empire before' political '.party and
Conservatives, Liberals and Progrep-
sines will join . together to tell the
world that Canada stands for clean
goverumpnt, and the maintenance of
the British Empire.
Had 1VLr; ' M%oI,tillan not lost all
sense of honor, by rushing to Ottawa
to support a government that was
going. devil to defeat on a vote of
censure, he might -have-.-,hoped for
support, ' but the ..people of -South
Huron will -not` stancl for such ac-
tions as he exhibited,
We .are proud bo say we have a
candidate that came .'through the
testing time, 'and sto4ed for ,what was
clean, straight and hoftoreble.'- Yes,
Andrew Hicks, South Huron is proud
of yeu.. and all parties etre supportigg
you on Sept.' 14th to be their. repre-
sentative at .Ottawa in the Govern -
Mont of the Hon. Arthur. Meighen.
tient. I51, those 4 years 000,000 Can-
adians reluctantly left' their homes -in
Caineda and went to the United
States to get suitable employnieilt.
It is estimated that' one anon is worth
$5,000 to the country in• which he
lives, the resultis we have lost to the
United States .3 billions of Human
assets. During the late war Canada
The Candidate for ALL, the People
Mr. Marshall even went so far as
to make light of the egg question. He
apparently does not• know, or does -
audience that in the month. of March
alone there -a e millions of American
storage eggs shipped into tats coun-
try from the United n U r tet States and t r
y o
this reason, alone, the price of eggS'
has a diol,`which effects the priee.bf
our fresh eggs go•: much as' 20 cents
in a few' days time,
Bot we are glad to say the people
are alive to the situation and all the
people cannot be,looled all the tune_;
On the 14th of :September the peo-
ple. of
eople.of Canada will embrace the op-
portunity of sending to' Ottawa. s
Government that will. legislate for
the benefit of "the Cana'dian.citieen'e
rather than Torr foreigners.
Mr. Meighen when returned will
see to it that farmers of Canada- will
get such protection' ;res is necessary
for outside competition.
When the Great War was on;,
Baron Byng was at the front hazard-
ing his life and using his ability as
a military leader in behalf of civil-'
izatiou, in behalf of liberty, in behalf
of the British Empire, his efforts cul-
minating in that great decisive vic-
tory at Vimy Ridge, where he led our
brave Canadian boys to crimson eery
and undying fame.
Where at this time was William
z yon Mackenzie Ring? Be was not
even under the ammunition wagon,
where the bullets were the thickest.
Ilot he. He had found "a shelter
in the tinoe of storm" in the United
'States, ander the aegis of the Stars
land Stripes, while 'his fellow Canad-
ians had ,gone forth at the call of
duty to fight, to endure hardships,
to suffer' cruel wounds, and in thou-
sands of cases to die for those insti-
tutions of •civil and religious liberty
and for that oldlfdag which they loved
so ,well. •
We wonder how, with such a re-,
cord, he ban -fade the Canadian peo-
ple, and above all we wonder how he
can aspire to the highest peliticel
position to which itis in their power
to elect hint, One would rather think
that, if he cane back to this country
at all, he would keep himself in ob-
seurityand "peep about to find hint-
self a dishonorable grave.” .Small
wonder that he wants to scrap the
dear old flag for, which he would
make no sacrifice,,
Yet this is the, man who in every
province of the Dominion is shouting
himself hoarse in telling the people
what aty.awful injury Baron Byng
of Vimy has done to this 'country by
smashing its constitution into frag-
ments. -
Now' that defect of character,
which manifested itself in 1914 and
which would Imve disqualified. 2
'1or'heirg one of: the 300 who foul
under; Leonidas, showed itself in
moral aspect when( in August, 13
on being informed or 'the snnlggh
that was going on, he' tool[ no ac
1s 't
t interesting to read
statement of Russel E'; Sparks, -pr
dent of the Commercial l.';rotee
ASsoeiation, as to his repeated
ststent, but
b t unsuec s '
e attempt,.
t t.
get Mr.. Ring to talc some actio,
the matter. Indeed, the smugg
boasted of their immunity to p
ecution owing to ',influences 'at.
Mr: Spades added,. "it would_
from recent events that what
claimed was true."
"On February , 21, 1925,, Mr'..S
wrote again .to the Prime Min
This trine lie! complained definite
the actions . of George H. Bisa'
chief preventive; officer for the
inion at Montreal. Hb told Mr.
that Bisailion was the key to
whole smuggling situation. No
from Mr. Ring."
"It wasnot until after the el
and until itbeeame known that
II. 21 Stevens proposed to file..
elution ole the order paper: cabin
an inquiry, that Mr. King b
suddenly: busy, and Mr.:Bisailio
dismissed from the service."
Yet in spew, of all this eyi
covering two years' time, in wh
was shown that Mi.. Sparks had
pressing for action" from Me.
and secured none, the Liberal 1
and Mr. Dunning have the ne
say- they were responsible f
clean-upin the Customs Depart
Mr. King must bear much' of t1
sponsibility for a situation whit
disgraced Canada. , Mr. Ring to
action until forced by the Con
Lives. Although aware of the
heappointed to the,Senate
Jacques Bureau, ,condmned
committee of inquiry. Is it any
der that 'Nineteen's Magazine,
,pendent 1n politics, declares "se
lous as was the.conditiop of a
revealed by these reports, str
and steadfastness on the p
William Lyon Mackenzie King
have remedied it, In failing to c
it one atom of courage he ret
himself as a man whose flan
lead the Liberal party is op
grave question."
We would go further than
Lean's and say that his whole
duet in this disgraceful Cu
business revealsfhim as a man
ly unfit to receive the support
Canadian people.
Vote for
Plus c.ientper mica to points beyond, but aet,west h l Plus X cent per mile, starting
of Edmonton, MacLeod and Calgary - point to Winnipeg
Front Stations in Ontario, Sm lKa Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore
,gyp Lino and Havetnek-Peterboro Lina
Aug.. Jfl From all Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive.
From all Stations Burkelon to Bobenygeou, inclusive, Drained to Port ,McNrcoli and
adjacent territory..
From nil Stations on an
Toronto-Sudbur direct Lin
Ontario, ,m
From all Stator a in Ontario, SauthSouth,d West of Toronto to and including Hamilton.
Welland, Niagara Falls And Windsor.
Brom all Station. on. Owen Sound,, Walkerton. Orangeville, 'roeswatcr, Elora,. List*
Goderich,-St. Marys, Port Burwell, and St. Thomas Branches.
From all Stations Toronto and North to Bolton inclusive.
From all Stations in Ontario on tiro Michigan /central, Pero Marquette, Windsor E &
Lake Shore, Chatham, Wallaceinng: & ',aka Erie, Grand. River, Lako Eris &Nsser orthern
and Toronto, Hamilton &,Buffalo Railways.
and Childref--Special Cara wiil'bareserved for the exdusivo use of ladies, children and their escorts.
/Full information trona any Canadian 'Pacific Agent.
,00 0
Plus hall a cent per mile beyond to all points in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta—Edmonton, Tanis,
Calgary, ivl'acl,eod and East.
assteereaistri—Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg,
plus oho to destination.
Through special trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National 'Rys.'will leave
as follows; (Standard Tilne):
FROM T®li'$ONTio' August 31st 12.30 P.m. 9.00 P,M.''.
(Ulnton Station) Sept. arc 12.30 P.M. 9.00 P.M.
Siiecial through taws from other principal points eonnecting with the above special trains, For details consult local
Canadian National Agents.
Purchase your ticket tc1 Winnipeg via Canadian Netioaai Railways, whether or not your final destination in the
West is a point on the Canadian National, Tickets and all information frons, nearest Agent. •
for Ecolu mina/ Transpmtatia
,'ROM a movereat'• almost imper
cepdble—tftrough easy, quid< sweet
eration—to a thrttping display of speed
—all with unbelievable ease and
smoothness—Chevrolet sails serenely
over the hardest hills.
To the resistless power and ,supremo
economy of the Chevrolet engine has
been added ori smoothness --a• freedom
from 'vibration --'unexpected and hith-
erto unknown in a four cylinder car,':.'.
Never before was 'even Chevrolet cap -2
able of establishing such performance
with such evident ease and smoothness.'
Comparo the amooth Chevrolet not
alone with cars its its price class—lint'.
with cars more expensive inure tartly,
of „upkeep1 more difficult handle.
Chevrolet welcomes anytest or coni
parlson. you care to retake. '
The $nioothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet
history IS oelling . at the Lowest Price
for which Chevrolet has ever been sold
Ask about GMAC Plan of Deferred
,Roadster $640
Sport Roadster / 71,,
Touting" 640
'SportTolrring 715'
Coupe ` - 810
Coach . - - 810
Sedan - 920
/Landau Sedan 970
ConuntetcisI'Chassis 493
'Utility Express " 730
All Prices at Factory
Taxes Extra
See the advance showing of Canadian .National
i 1L+xliibition Models at the Showroom of