HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-26, Page 3Effects.
A rutan'rvellt to the shore to rest his
erves- In 111e rulrfd'ii eYe he saw the, ,'
mighty:billa;ts. rolling i' -t and spread-
ing 't tcir.,liise end their foam in placid
splendor r,11 the, outstretched eruifl5 and
tiled turning again to`€h'e hosotir-of the
deep"There I wtli ifii it strength and
calm, he sail, So he 1,, to A s;Attdy
beach and'.atced --beside tho cliurfdng
orators. 13ut the rolling- hillo3ve were
all far out from \ahoz•e, 1"Vhat he saw
at. his feet viae a tantalizing trlvlality
of. ceaseless struggle'. The sea:' rushed
upon ,the sands in frantic surf and
foam and back again;; lint neither gain-
od an inch nor paused in the 'broat.h-
Instoad of finding strength and calm,
the man with the raveled nerved found -
only a visible, materialisationof all the
little nagging frets and carte ' which
had driven him to distraction,. But'an-
ather 011ie. he wont agaha to the:name
thoro. Foy some reason his,oyea did
not fall upon the ruffled seam where
the sea and 'sands meet 'hi;. perpetual,.
teasing conflict. His: head was lifted-
and ho -gazed far out over the waters.,
And now hc; was surprised and felt"a
grand exhilaration in the slow breath
"Ing motion' Of the long swell's that
grow out of the distance and swept'
majestically iihorowaid.
And yet in both rasea-the.ma.n: found
exactly *hat was there; for there are
both littleness and bigness :where the
two empires of iend-and water meet ---f
the nag and tease and fret of endless
coiltiict and the slow majesty of ,the'
vast tides and currents which take
their .controls from sun and moon and
the mighty gravitations between the
-earth and stars.
The two ,effects, were all a matter of
the men's moods and- the antis of his -
gape. ,TT
isgaze... With eyes dewneast and bent
upon the scent at hie feat, he Saw only
the ocean's : fr'irnge ;.and fragments of
interrupted . motion. With, eyes lifted
and fixedeueon the horizon, be saw
those same motions in their uninter-
rupted swing aver vaster skates. And
•all :of life ls• that way. The cleat iu-
Ne w La e DeI g t!Arisitor
:0 deal
liRifsatworth Park Lodge, near Pictou; N.S:,, which was recently opened by the;Canadian -National Rail;
wayet, bas already proved its popularity :with .Canadian and American holiday-makers. , TheeLod e is
-located °on Northumberland -Strait, near Pietou, N.S:,and consists of a group-, of:rustic bungalows surround.-
_ing a central lodge. Guests, have the, advantage of both fresh water and sea 'bathing, boethig and fishing,
while the_Plctou Golf Club, onlya short distance away, is open to those who are lover's of the Royal an'd'
Ancient Game. ®
( Educational Value of Music.
in speaking ho,.a. group of musicians
with reference le providing increased
Why Many Men and Wenten Lire facilities for instrumental instruction
n the schools throughout our country, ;
Badly T$ardicappQd. i
a well-knovyn figure in the musical
world recently went on to say;
shore gaze gees the fuss and furor of When you are se -run down in health'
things.- The lifted gaze sees them in that it impalas the efficiency of your
their immensity. The one tears the work as well as your power to enjoy
nerves to -pieces, the other puts them your leisure boars, on obtain rest, it
together again. Fret and fear and con- 18 tial° 705 looked to the caude. If
fusion come --of seeing things M too you do not, a serious breakdown is al -
meet sure to result. la nearly all
cases this condition, which doctors
usually describe as general debility, le
due to 'pool blood—blood that is de-
ficient in red corpuscles, When the
blood :is thin and weak your whole
You lose appetit
short range. There is strength and
calm -and also »ntienoe—in'the long,
off -shore view.
Camp -Fires..
I:wonder if our oldest racial mem-
ory may not be that of fire; and if any have no energy, your nerves• trouble to the ea an •' p p , ".••u teed by a ilovern'ment'analyst to be
parents of this -country, thea . -
other form of fire, a coal. oft arty other yell &nd you feel restless; bb`Sututelq harmless even to the new -
Trot only b� willing to have inatrn-;
altar, ran: touch the imagination as What soli need is help to build up barn babe. rife, are especially uIa good
mental instruction introduced its iho'
the coals of a glowing camp -fire, 'And your blond and you should begin at in ,,summer because they regulate the
1 wonder if any other -odor takes us enee to make your; -blood rleli and. red school, but will demand that Wife in•' botsolu and keep the stomach sweat
troduced. Another point which ji think
by taking Dr. WiliiatYrs' Pink Pills. should be investigated, ib 'the educe• I end. pure They are sold by medicine
You will soon notice the difference in dealers" or by mall at 26 cents a box
tional value of music in creating alert-'
your health by a better appetite and nese of` mind' and in aidingGreefrom The Dr, Wllltams' Medicine Co„
increased vigor. The reason is that - Brockville, Ont.
Mental development, Some preiinthe 4 .,Y
"Music' has usually been advocated
purely as a cultural subject, but' there'
are other phases which have a strong-
er appeal to the public in general. One
is the value of music as a social and
moral force. In. these days, when It is
ascii a problem with many parents
what to do to place the proper in-
fluences around their growing Ohildpen,
I believe that the musical organize.'
tion. both bands and orchestra, can pe
made to be a powerful influence, .and
system suffers, e' that i£ this id a be ro erl
In Summer When Childhood Ail-
.xmenfs Are Most Dangerous.
Mothers who keep a:box of Baby's,
Own Tablets in the house may feel
that the lives.°of their little ones are
reasonably safe during the pot Weath-
er. Stomach troubles, eholera Mena
atm and diarrhoea curry off thousands
of little ones every summer, in most
oases because the mother does not have
a safe medicine at hand to give prompt-
ly, Baby's Own Tablets relieve these
troubles, or if given occasionally to
the well child they. will Prevent their
i Th T bl t
cng en, e a e e -are guar"aa
farther down our ancestral past than
the smell et wood -smoke, and if there
ie another alnolce so sweet asp cedar
smoke, ellen the thin, faint wraith
from the smouldering logs suds past the new blood created by Dr. Wil-,
your tent on the slow wind of the liams' Pinks Pills stimulates all the.
voode and drifts -.away. ; organs of the body to healthy 'activity
It 'does not matter of what the fire and so the system gains nourishment
is built' I can still taste thespicy and strength'. If you are weak.or out
smoke of the sagebrush in my last of aorta,begin gaining new strength
desert camp. And how 'hot that sage- to -day by taking Dr, Williams' Pitik
brush fire! And as sweet as the. apioy Pills. "1 was in a biidly,run down cou-
tsage Ie -'the ame11 its my ;Letrile of the dition,3' Says Mrs: T. Patter, of Winni-
cypress and gum en any camp -fires• of free, Alta., "when I began using Wil-,
Ary investigations have already been
made which tend to show that Children
who had takenmucic for a reasonable
length of time averaged higher in' their
school standing than those elide= who
had not. If further investtgation.bears
this out, this -will furnish an additional
very _ strong argument for 1nelnding
Musical instrumental instruction in the
.schools of our coutttry.,,
t e Sout r. waurp or desert or for- 1 alas n s s, a y u y e,
stored iny health, , I strongly recem. i
mend this medicine to all weak peo-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold lty
all medicine dealers or by nail at 60
cents a box from The Dr. Williams`
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
est, the fire le the Lure --the light, the'
warmth, the crackle of tate names, end
the mysticirtcense of the smoke.
It is the oarnp-fire, that !lures me to
• the woods 'when I might godown to
sea. T love the sea,' but give me the
woods and: my ne-bottgii bed, and 'MY
fire of birth: and cedar loge and the
rain upon my tent.—Dallas Dore
' Sharp, in "The Magical Chante."
Many 0•CA students nee successfully
sieployrd abating AUverasing Designs
and Illuslrailens, Interior Decorating,
Sotlplur4 Neral work. Slatted Olass,
),Wein,, and olket htghlypnid ems.
OAYA$a sVeNINi 51,554¢3 n,orrN ocr; 4
entre FOR 1,1015441114 OR-ARTIcULAVY'
The Golden Orchids.
In tho snow -born waterfalls we found.
the olden orchids
Nodding in the moss beneath the than.
Though many a snowstorm there had
come,and gone,
Though many a wind had deeply snpw-
ed them under,
They nodded there, and slept' in spite
of thunder, -
;delicate, serene-auci golden wonder..
Vachel Lindsay, In "Poetry."
irew visitors to London miss going
to the Zoo. Last year- 1,823,613 pea.
pie passed through the turnetites.
�a:ataa rctltl3s; .
ear for r>
TT'S so strong you could •stand on.
it without doing it any harm.
The rubbing surface is heavy S V}„lP
Pearl' Bnamel, positively smooth as
,glass; btztunlike glass, -icannot -
breakl. And it won't weer out, like
zinc. The back is heavilyre-inforced
with wood. It's a •washboard that
will last for many: years, and
remember, it js SMP made.
TFio-Shoot �otol 1reducts,C0 Limitod
of Canada
Montreal 'gOROriTR Mina IPOO
Edmonton ' Vaecauv*r Calgat•t,
al LED.`l
High School Boards anzd'Boards of Eiliteation
Aro authorized by law to establish ,
With the.approval of the Minister of Education '•
may be conducted 4lr,accordance with the regulate:ma issued by
the Department of Education.
la given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the:
direction of'AN ADVISORY CttMMITTEE, q
Application for attendance should' be made to the principal of the.
for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Scheele, ;Colleglate institutes, Vocational Schools and'Departmenta. ,
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may bo
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament. et:edings, Toronto.'
London's Lord Mayor receives an a1-
lowance of £10,876 for his year of
;office, as wei: as the use of the Man-
sign House as an official residence. In
spite of this, holders of this high
office have been known to spend es
much as £00,000 out of 'their ,awn
Keep Nln' a.
zi's inm
eat handy.
And That Accounts' for Man's Presence -on Earth To -day..
The mud-skipper`or Walicingiish, found in tropical African rivers, climbs
the roots of the maalgrove trees and makes his .way along the muddy banks,
using Itis dos for lege. This fish is going through the same process thatamil.
Irons of-ytars ego resulted-irt'lt£e moving out of the Sea onto the rand.'
"Secrete of'Sctenc • way onto the land. These developed yon!
e By, David Dietz, ,ii gills stink far back into thole" bodies
wh'ere they were protected- from the
Probably the mst important single rapid evaporation of the moisture.
step 1n the evolution of lite from orti' I, Orabs developed armored covering
vleivpotnt hi -that life expanded from , t
'the ocean and took possession of dry o er; tho,giius.whicll served tire.; nn$.o"
land purpose and enabled them to leave the
All fife is dependent upon Water. "'"
Man is just al much depeident uponi The invasion of retie by worms is tar
water as ie the fish.i pertabt for it ie the constant burrow;
Without water, we could :neither da !ng of the, worm ;which led eventually
gest our:food ndr ,breathe.: We think to M
the 'reeking of fertile soft upon .the'
1 land, Certain ones of these worms
o£ breathing ah•. But theairxnust'gs •are also -believed, to have been life' an-
dissolved in Vas. o elatuie in out lungs "castor of present day insects. ;
before We can maize use of it I
" ' • Mont Blanc. •
Possasaell dl' to t t et:act.natd I -nag'
nt.itT rite:t.er,r•,brkftordter,:Samuel.
Cay lorCotg'ihist•migictaiti (,atgod sit.te
by Sale. with } jil'uon'end 8hakeopearo
Su due poetical'literhtuio had ltisc cl,Ilu•-
actn:;i' uoett ,as •tpleldid LIS his genius.
Ila• xnyaa lanierft.tbly wr ctic of ,'1tt, and
tide weakne as was aggravated by bit'
addiction to =oltlum. Novertheiutm 1ta
iz�fin'" Lae very front i'a:uic of lyrical
Bast thou a'uharm to stat the"morning
Ixt bit"steep churne? So long he seems
On 'thy bald, aavful Read, 0 aovoreigu
The Arve and'irveiton at, thy base
Rave ceaselessly; but thou, most aw
ful Yarm;
Triacet^ from forth thy silent sea of
'HOW silently! Around' thee, and above,
Deep is'the,air and dark, 'substantial,
An ebon Maas: meyth0n1m thou`piercest
As with a wedge; But when I look
It isthine 'Own earth home, thy crystal
Thy habitation from eternity.
O dread and silent mount! I gazed
upon thee •
Till thou;' still preeent to the bodily.
Didst vanish•,:from. my thought; • en
Menem]. in prayer. -
I worshipped the Invielbie alone,
, W
Motorcycle Runs Twelve Days
Without 1VlotOr Stop.
The Toronto Motorcycle Club, of
Toronto, Canada, xecentiy,. conducted
an unique tad, and in doing so broke
two world's records In co-operation
with a Toronto-nvotarcyole dealer that
Club furnished three riders who pilot.
ed ,a Harley-Davidson sdnglecylinder
motorceele, in'relsye for twelve days
and nights without stopping the motor.
The object of the test was to establish
the efllciency of this new, type - of
Walter Andrews, Lhnited, local Har-
ley-Davidson dealer, reports that in
the Toronto teat tlfe new tingle tzar
veled a total of, 7,344 miles without
stopping the motor and averaged ex-
actly 85 miles, per gallon of gasoline.
Although the riders were forced to
drive through heavy rains for seven
days end experienced a heavy hall
-storm, never once did the motor falter
or was it permitted to stop, There was
$c attempt to make record time in this
Mee We driver: being' held down to
an average of twenty-five Miles per
hour. The previous World's' record for
a test of this sort was made at Am-
sterdam, Rolland, establishing a mark
of 6,213.7' miles and anaverage of
82.02 miles per gallon of gaeoline.
A Summoner Wish.
Live all thy sweet lite through -
Sweet rose, dew-sprent,
Drop dowrr.thine evening dew
To gather it anew
When day is bright.
I fancy thou wast reliant
Chiefly to give delight.
Sing In the silent sky,
Glad soaring bird; •
ins out ;thy notes on high
To sunbeam straying by
Or passing cioud;e
Headless if thou art beard
Bing thy full song aloud.
-Christina G. Rossetti.
Hay Fever.-
ever.-Cati we hope to rid the Province of
-b'Iay Fever? The ideal would be to
exterminate the irritating plants, .Since
pollen is scattered 100 miles, no local
effort would- avail—it must be a con-
centr.ted; movement throughout each
and every district. This may be too
lunch to expect, but in certain locali-
ties which have prided themselves ort
their health resort advantages, a real
effort is being made to pull all ragweed
before It pollenates. Prizes, are given
for the •largest number of uprooted
plants and contests ere peen between
groups of children and grown-ups In
the various school, sections.
If ragweed and other irritating plants•
cannot be totally deetroyed, and if
It to true that large members of our
people in Ontario •ate sufferingfrom
this distressieg condition, let us hope
the treatment,4or flay Never -Wilt very
soon be 1'eadily available throughout
the .Province, and at._ a price which
even the pooreet of se San pay,`
Minard'a Llrtment'ter Gandroff.
liiider+ly Lady (boarding street
cele): "Conductor, you' i be sure and
net let tre go past the terminus; won't'
Creatures which live in;;the water But,the Inost'ituportant invasion gf
abaonli the air dissolved fir:ttto orator. i the lend yeas the „invasion by the
The'fiilt does thole by means of its fishes•.
Bills. 'The gills aro tnembrnnes
1 the f thofl h th ill
arvilttd. ¢6
When Dawn slips on her ncgllgee
Of aloud, chiffon In rose' and gray,
To greet the seats first gladdening ray,
She shows me many lovely things:
The silver beaten, lamp that swings
In morning's corridor and brings •
I-IIer down dim stairs blue -carpeted;
The silken web -spun doilies spread
On face bush and illy had;
The poplar trees that Wt their: arms
In green and silver ruffled obarma
When she descends to little farmer
And morning glories, yoivet-blue
With didiamondgems distttied from dew,
Like jewel cases spread to view.
Hut likelikea ,startled "woodlaizd fawn
When Day ,draws nigh oaprioloue
Without adieu to me is genet •
l azei Flprper Harris, in Ohrlstien
Science Monitor.
Topsy-Turvy Land.
We should have no cense to 0000-
plain of lack of excitement if some:of
the strange` things that happen in the
Malay jungle were transported to pro -
slat Britain.'
For instance, in that part of the
world fish wink their eyes and climb.
trees, as they don't like water; wo11'as
parol to . each other in the morning;
birds prefer to sleep upside dower
rats neat in the tree -tops,
` There is no scanner or winter. Di-
vorce is obtained by saying three
times, "I divorce thee."
These things,sound strange, but
science supports Mr. Catrveth Wells in
Iris accounts of recently explored por-
tions! of the Malay jungle,
Nature is upset by the absence of
marked seasons. ,'You may have a tree
in your garden with fruit upon it, while
your neighbor has the same kind of -
tree jest blossoming:
As a safety precaution, all brides
have theirteethfiled before marriage,
and :afterwards the happy couples of-
ten live. with the bride's; mother.
There is the largest insect in the
worst; 131n. long; and the smallest
mammal, leas than an ounce In weight,
Ani', to cap everything, forty kinds of .
monkeys and twenty_ thousand wild
Restoring Twin Faits.
The restoration of Twin Falls in Yo
ho Nwtional parein'British Columbia,
Was • carried out Iast year. The ob-
struction which interferrei with the
action of one of the fails was removed,
and a continuous flow of water over
both,fallsla tali' assured. '
Minard'e Liniment tor"inseot bltea.
7.'.he pride of inti 'ect is more vul-
gar than. the pride of the nouveau
riche" For the new rich man has
made his money himself, whereas your
intellect is a gift of God.—Stanley
Poultry, Butter,-. Eggs
We Otter Toronto's Best Pricer,
St. Lawrence Market Toronto a
Sheat s1ea 54I*ngei',
Cutecasier. dawsfaster
0050543 iOANAGA SAY/ CO. LTD.
vg tcwwn,
.tRrtn' n • te' case o s ,•, e gills were f'
through which the .air dis'togr.tdaaily replaced by blrgllkograwtit lved 1n the. neer
water -1s absorbed and taken directly
from the throat, the .primitive lairs,
into -the b[ood, swirrimim;=bladder.
Th'e`r0; Diavo been 3nany;diffe'ent n:: ` F,QUtlnately. ae. r tvq Mari' 0x11)br-pl.e
. t._
wasions cY UK) laud by life, frbm thus tripoli earth to=tlay of:how•,thts came
water do tee sariy history of the certif. about•
The first was probably that of.plant. In Australia' there are certain rivers
fife. Ceiitain se Et plants i ich grew' Which' dwindle to 'ahD.Ilov pools in'the
near the silio'ro were -left without water dry'soasott.
a 'hen the tides reefele t Here 'we•find it fish known' as tate
At flrft•,those died,. but gradually" lung-tiah,.;which, T,ilten the water in
pin)itst developed -;with tougher outer the pools .heepmes stagnant' and, the
s)cros' whloh, enabled themto head air dissolved M. them r,becomes es -
more" moisture withln'themselvea and haustod, rises to the serfitce and gulps
thus to exist for periods away, tronl air.
the ocean. Sinelar luny fish aro found 'ht Bari.,
Arxtmals followed plants let the oxo',` of South Amerism ape Africa.,
dui of the sea. An ancient fish; Biro tite presortt-fury
escort{onl ti c•
rawled Tuxlg•fish is nnufi
to.tito early nncsi;store
about the 01500 bottom made titeir' of moat.
for Disease Germs
That's why CORiililMA te.so ei'fce-
' live as a ILlI11DY for `skin'dfs•
.eases. Seroma Ointment is ieatiily
• absorbed late the 3rd anti ' 4th
layers • oe the 'skin and attaolcs the
cllsteaseygernis of Psoriasis. ,.Lcze
cosi, • Aeno,' Ilarber's'; Itch,. etc.
. acme:ea Tablets are it• yelttable
blood Verifier.
e. „OR E MA -
The: New Skin.: Remedy
is ;sold at sour Druggist's, or -write
direct. SoromaOintanent, $'1.00
box:-131ood Pci•tfying Tablets,
75 cents her box. l
1100 ;BAY ST, •• 'TORONTO
lesUC No. 34—'25.
Proved safe by millions an
Coldsache' - ea '
Il d Ne
Pain Neuralgia '. To
napleln tt. Ole trite math: (reg;r,'terel in Son,
aaidceter er Selle1lei,,li -(Acetyl. Sslleytic Acl
thatAapirin-menet toyer tnhnnfnetnre, to 08515
of .Boyer Company tall tw.utempod With that