HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-26, Page 1WITH ;MHO, 037 -- 8th Year. N Fl O,, IS 'INCORPORATED 'T iE CU, ON ONTARIO, 'T'`HURSDAY,-r L cu ppryry rg qqpp % pith,. 3'oii c t1 iestiy, promise you1 _c1i luring lastChristmas rush That you were s•orng to start your shopping, early next year This is "next1' year -- and it isnit 0 -bit too early' to start your ,Christmas' shopping• by taking: a;dvanta•g e of the amazing bargains we are offer - in nn si v Complete stoek, .and a wide' ' selection; complete sets, or sep- arate pieces. Graceful patterns. Bring- your films here to be developed, First class work and quick service. Give nes a trial. Films' For Sale • y I� 213 0 JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST' Ti Our- First>Fall.Showint of Coats And we invite you and our friends to tee the range now, while,it is most complete. Ne*. Styles, New 'Fabrics. In all4, t he. , new . fall colorings. IRWIN'S 1 ehool:`Suit Sale at 20 percent. ..�tf School stilts will soon be ingreat demand. u d. Vacation days are bard n c ay a ci o clothes -and every strenuous boy will need a new intfit for'schoel. \ Our boys' clothing stock is too her Y v and iii .order to Y reduce its in you have. the o "` ortunif of quickly YPP Y saving 20 per cent in any boys' suit in the store, Here's ,s school c onl sn° ltopportunity: '. •at a' $' , �v lig of 20 per cearlt.' For ten days s dal y9 commencing Saturda, 21st. ending 31st. THE MORFIISH CtOTNifl6 fei quare ' Deal for Every Man 1 LOCAL MARKETS. Ergs, 20c to 31c. Butter, sde. • Wheat, $115 to,.p1,20; Oats, dye to 40c. Buckwheat, dOc; Barley, 60c.. - Live Hogs, $12:75. SEVERE` RAIN STOIRIMS. The excessive rains of the past< week omso have retarded the harvest' and in ome cases injured the stand- ing crops as well as' those in. stook, although this immediate vicinity- has suffered less thai"1'tn oxpe others. A very severe y mdstorm, ' accom- panied by.:heae y ra\n and hail, passed over here Saturday. It-Wasriot as severe iii'town as it was east' and ,south, Bayfield and some of the in- tervening teri itory suffered -consider - 'ably. ufferedconsider'ably. The wind and hail: beat down 'standing crops, blew off parts of been roofs and' dislodged' shingles, The yain, which came down like a cloud- burst, drenched everyone unfortun- ate enough to be out . in it and also found its way into every crevice pose sible. If is said that between here and Stratford sine fields of oats. were standinig in water almost ,a✓ high` as themselves. • RETURNS FROM ABROAD, • Miss Bessie McCatnus, of the Lon- don. •Collegiate Institute teaching staff, daughter of Rev. D. N. and Mrs. efeCamus,'i'oiif4rly ofClinton, returned to that city recently after.a year of travel and study abroad. During her absence Miss McCamus visited .continental countries, include ing France, Italy, Holland and Bel- gium, and also journeyed into -scot-. land and the Shetland Islands mak- ing particular studies of the water fowl, their nature and habits 'in the island. While in Engird,itXiss' Me - Callum specialized in the Subject of education at King's College, the Uni- versity of London, 'the first English College to open its doors to colonials: While there she carried on post -grad- uate work, having no difficulty in getting, recognition of her honor standing fu:onr, the University of Tor- onto' and receiving; every courtesy from the faculty and stueente of the institution. Miss McGanins sailed from Southampton on the G. 5, Car- onia, corning from New York, where the ship doeked last week, MR McMILIiAN'S MEETING, .. Mr. Thomas MoMiilan, Liberal can- didate in •South Huron, held a meet- iiag in the town hall on Thursday ev- ening last; when Aron. Duncan Mar- shall appeared on the platform' with hhrx. .Mr. McMillan spoke with bis usual force, denouncing the action of Mr. Meighen in takingoyer the work of forming a government and endeavor- ing to carry on the business of par- liament. _ Tse praised the record of Mr. King during his terns as .premier and appealed for support inthe com- ing election so that this,; work -night be continued. got, Mr. Marshall spoke in hum- orous vein, avoiding serious' subjects Metter much. Ile took up the matter.' of tariff on eggs, endeavoring to, show that the arguments put for- ward by the Lib -Conservatives were: without foundation 'but -treated it somewhat lightly, also. He appealed strongly for support fol; Mr. McMil- lab in 'the fortheolning election, There *at a very good attendance at the meeting. The chair was'occu- pied by Mayor Jackson. ST. MARYiS WINS ROUND: / Clinton 'lacrosse team was . defeat- ed in St..Marys on Friday evening last by a 'score of 5.2; the Stone Town thereby winning the round and the- group- •championship; by four goals: • The' -game was fast.,and-clean and devoid of •penaltieta. The. Clinton team -played ,good lacrosse, but the St. Marys ,team m was at its -best. . R. Middleton was' Clinton's star player-. on this occasion. • In the . first period both teams started off at a fast clip, but the stellar work of both goalies prevent- ed any goale being made in this per- iod. In the aecond-period; St. Marys 'had the most of the play- and gave the Clinton goalie some hard "shote. About the middle of the period, Wil - more received a pass from Noble, and in, turn, passed to A. Stevens, who scored. Three minutes , later, Noble went in alone and made • it 2-0.- The- period ended "without:, any further scoring. Near the end of the third period Noble again •scored. After' two minutes of play in the fourth, G. Stevens made it 4-0.:;N.' Cook. thein scored: Clinton's first -goal, -A, Minute later Wilmore added another for 'St. Marys.. Two minutes .later Jit Match scored Clinton's Second, goar and the game ended 5-2. As a result of their win, St.. Mary's will `.enter into the seine -finals,. ` `rhe teams: St. Marys1Stevens, Mossip, Yates, Near, Richardson, A. Stevens, • G.,. Stevens, Noble Wilniere, Bain, Sea- ton,. W. Lavelle. Clintone-W. Fulford,. 'McNeil, W. Match, C. Fulford; L. 'Gook, N. Cook, It. Rabeiton,, R. 1Vllddleton, ,J..Mnteh, F. Match 1d M E c wennaz. . W S el. Referee-e,S. E. Elliott of St, 'Cath; ines, The 'Clinton `team has played gobd lacrosse this season and have no need to "feel, depressed-•• even ,though they, are,eliin nated from the semi-` £mals, IS GTi,ATEFITT., FOR, SIE Jack -Cure wishes to thank his many friends for the votes grven him. _Jack hasbeen siek so hasnot been able to exhibit, Nettie .up town btiL many have called to "'sec her and he extends a hearty invitation to all to -cOme tied see; thepoiiY'he voxi, WILT., PLAY TONIGHT. The 'Clinton Kiltie o S;n ie 8... aTid will give an open air conceit .in the park ,this evening, if the weather is lair A;nd on- Sunday evening ' at. eight -thirty will give the final open- air conceit; of the season. The Idilties have beer- doing some' good. -work this sumlaier incl the coii- •certs have been enjoyed. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED, Mesa Annie Cornish •annouueee the engagement of her daughter, Ida' Pearl, to' Mr. 'Melville Elmer: Mc- Fadden, son of the late Mr. and Mrs Alexander McFadden of Cookstown, Ont., the marriage to take place emit in September. - The engagement is announced- of Mildred Evangeline, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, 41 On- tario street, Brantford,: to Mr. I-Iow., aid. Stanley Burke, eldest son of Mfr. and Mrs. A. Burke, 'Brantford, the marriage eo take, place early in -Sep tesobee. -, COLLEGIATE DEBENTURES. The Collegiate Institute debentures are ening rapidly taken up by invest- ors of Clinton and, surrounding.comt- 'try: A good proporon of the whole am'bunt to be issued -has already been It is gratifying to ' the Municipal Council' to know that our citizens and residents of the townships adjoining are showing such an interest in•the new school. With everything up-to- date in •building, equipment and staff it should go far to make Olinton the educational centre of '.Huron county, d'he tewn.treasurer will be glad to tell intending. purchasers .all . about., the. debentures. AMONG THE CltTIRGIIIIS Wesley-Wi11is United Church Morning subject on ,Sunday will -be:; "A Woman's Imperishable Act.',' Eve ening: "The • Program. of Christian sty." - • St. Paul's Church During the absence, on vacation of the rector, Rev, •L,C.''Mairisoi'i, B.A., the services onIStenday last were con- ductedby Mr. Geo. R. Thompson, Cur- ate of 'St, Philip's church, T ionto, In the evening lie was' assisted by Rev, J. FI, Colelough • of Creemore, ' ?Mario Street 'united, Chord;' The S. S. will ,convene at tete ,o'clock: am,a, Morning subject: "Peacemakers."'• The evening topic: "The Spirit of In- difference and its result" Rev. Id. Aiken. of Drayton preached very acceptably last Sunday, morning. He made a fine impression on the congregation with his sense of humor and adaptibility, and he made a fine appeal in h'ie clean, concise message. At the League service on Monday night• -Mr.' Schwanngave an interest- ing paper on, ""Making Business Safe." An instrumental solo was contributed by bliss Elliott,' A. good attendance is looked for at the next meeting... LITTLE LOCALS. Band concert In the park tonig*t. • The Hssivest moon must have been a wet one., ; ' The Pgblic schools open Wednes- day 'next; ,Sept. 7:st. '. Mr•. !Clifford ,Lobi has taken Mr. A. F. Johs's house for the fall and win - Results in :the Upper• chool exam- aations' in the 0. C. I. will be found on efour pa g four. Miss 'MaoDotalld has returned af- ter a short' holida''y, to take up her, autumn millinery work:: We thought we'd ,had enough rain to, do us a while without this morn- ing's shower, but we cannot control the weather. The kisses Beattie have ,returned, after spending • a holiday: ;at their home at Watford, dS' prepare for the fall millinery opening 1111 etre-Andrew Hicks, ' Lib. -Conserva- tive candidate •In• ,South Ifuron,, will leave a meeting- in .the tewos hall ;on Monday evening, Sept::: 6th: ' Hon. Iiugh-•Guthrie Will also be: a'speaker: PA ALIVERTISE: People.Yon Keelle.5W. IV 1i W Anderson of Toronto, nto visited GrrL,n friends Mrs; Ps . P. /feintosh-of Montreal called one i`siends in town this week. Mrs'. i4lcCallnn. and 1Vhss Florence :pent the ...week -end with Toronto friends Miss Isabel" :Lawson is visiting Mt.'s. T. Lay/son a 1n nlne ' o,.l i friends..—in; Stratford Mrs Wm. Cook and Master Reggie weie visiting friends;in Walton and vicinity last week. 141isses Marion'' and Beth 0t hard London are visiting Mieees Mary and 'Phyllis Collyer;_ - Mrs, W. Lee of •Londesboeo has been' visiting Mi, and .Mrs E. Lawson fox ; a few' days this week 11 s'. and Mrs. W. N. 141anning Queen's,. avenue, are holiday guests ill God- eeich:—London Free Press'; Mr. and Itibi: V. -Re Watts • of Ste at ford spent the. week -end in town at. the home of Mr, and MA's. Watts. M. Frank ea: Pennebal.ee of Taranto spent the week=end with his parr ent's, 1111. and Mrs. H. Peiuiebalcer, Mrs. Sohn Chili and Miss Marne Cluff have returned from a holiday spent at Bayfield and inGoderich town- ship. Mrs. Louisa "Greig returned to Toren-' to on Sunday after, spending a few weeks with her daughter,=Mrs, T. Jackson,' Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Quigley and fam- ily of Toronto motored up and, have 'been spending a holiday with rela- tives and friends, in. ' Hullett .axil •;Clinton. , Rev. M. J, and Mrs, Aiken and -two children of Drayton visited Mr. and Nies. W : 'M Aiken over the .week -end: Rev, J, H, Colclough of •Oreeieore spent the weekend visiting his mother andother friends in town. and vicinity. Mao. R, Lashbrook aid. sons, Master ' Gerald and Norman, of ,Tor hto visited 1lTtt and •. Was, R. I-To{slay over the week -end. idle, "and Mrs. ' Morley , Counter" 'and babe of Biutfalo have been visiting the fornrer's'parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, R. Counter of town. Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence Monaghan and children of Walkerton are vis- .. „Ring the for user's- parents, Mr, and 11Ti:s T. Managhan. Harry Richards of .Windsor has been' visiting, his sister; Mrs. W. Watts, and other friends-1mi'town: during the last few days. Mrs. 'Roy Grigg ' and son of Calgary •are• makiiig an extended; visit with Mr. Grigig's fatherandmother, Mr. and Mrs. -A. J. Grigg of Clinton. Mrs. Fulton ton o£'Yale Mich. and Miss Wickson of Battle Creek, Mich,, were week -end guests of the form- 'er's sisters,„.the Misses Thompson.. Mrs, (Dr,) Adams and child of Wind- sor and Miss Jenn Scott of •Cleve- ]and; Ohio, have been visiting their. • pas'etrts,.lifr, and Mrs. James. Scott Bar; 'W. G. Iiichardsen and family of W'a.terloo visited with their cous- ins; IVliss C. 111. Richardson and Mrs, Cwoeeklclough. . of town during the past 1111• BtJh ero neon' and little daughter and his 'mother, Mrs. .T. D. John-. 'son, have returned to •Chippawa af- ter spending some weeks with .re- Iatives in town. Mrs. Harold Zeats and son Bobbie have returned to their 'home in Toronto after spending a holiday With the formers. parents, Mr, and Mrs. ' R, Mennell, 4 Me'. and Mrs.. II: G. Buckley and Miss Mary Louise ,have returned to 'Flint, Mich., after .visiting the lady's sister, Mas.. R, •Cs;ee, and 'other friends-' here, 9 1VIrs, James McConnell was in Lon- don on Monday, having accompan- ied Mrs.. Chas. Manning of the London Road, who went down for hospital treatment. ' Mr. Douglas : ,Shipley . of Dallas, Texas, and Mr, ,harry G. ,Evans of D'etreit, Mich., are spending their vacation at at the home ” ofr . and a d etrs,' Wan. 'Shipley. • 14 Ir • C. M. Windover, accompauued by his mother, Mrs. W. E. Windover, and sister', Mrs, Jackson, Sarnia, spent the week -end with hiss brlh-" tlr. II P..Wfindover. Mn:, • and TVlrs. G 't B. McBride, Master Kenneth and little Miss Joyce of Flint, • Mich., and Miss M. Burrows 'of Sheppardtoii were -the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pennebaker last week. ' The Clinton. Hospital 'Board will hold its "reg'ular monthly meeting, .in' the ,board room of the town;' hall at;: - seve thirt n. y on Monday evening -next, Aug. 30th.. A. full attendance" of members is specially requested, as there is;busines of importance to'' consider.,.. " Auburn Mr. and Mrs: Alf. q Asquith and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ;Asquith and family' have returned home. after sper;ding a week at the Soo. ' Rev. W. Failis hunter and Mao., Ihrnter of. Scranton, Pr, Miss Eliza- betht A- mint Allenford and'Al e i o d 1 Miss .'A. Hunte r • 'of Br s u el,. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, 0. 'E. Erratt one day last week. -'Ma's.'Fre: Schoen Fred Seho 11 of Detroit !sis- iting ,her, parents, "Me. and Ivies. A::: Robhe sin of the 13th. We ,are sorry to report, ghat Mr. John Clark is in very poor•healtb. ss Doris Carter of- Oakville has been visiting with her'•cousins, Mr; Ray Carter and Miss• Donna' Coat- ' vane.. Miss Cochrane gave a little party in her honour -ern Monday ev- Mr. and. Mrs. J. C, Veitch; of Kirkton were in tower 'yesterday. calling op friends. ' Mn:, and Mrs. Veiteh were very :pognlar during their"resiclence in Clinton, when the former wa4 accountant in the Molson's Bank. Mr.- and'- Mrs. W. J. Phtmsteel and family,'•'eturned Saturday from a very pleasant motor ,trip to the 'west;: ' They travelled .with Rev," C. J. Moorhouse and family, and both, a, parties had a~, most enjoyable jaunt. Miss Lala Cavell of Owen Sound, whir has been spending a vacation as the guest or Miss •lova Catter at Bayfield, returned Le her home last week, She was accompanied APV.: DR. ALEXANDER STEWART who was 'for many,y'eai's pastor of Wi11is'•clterch, Clinton. Dr. Stewart leaves Toronto this week• to take up residence with his daughter in .Winni- peg Holnesvflle The windstorm. on,'.Saturday even- ing last did quite a bit of •itamage ill' the conn :unity- Mr,. Fred Potter had. part of the'roof tore\Off his barn and. Mr. D. Glidden had a ''shedblown down. ' • Miss Pearl WileoYi of Toionto has been visiting friends in this comniun.- ity. Mrs. J. Phillips and danghter;. Hiss Violet, have been visiting their cou- sin, Mas, A. Jervis, this week. Messrs. Waiter Bros. 'from Ben- miiler, are visiting 'their sister, Mrs, Dannie Glidden,' this week. • Mr.Vert • Tretvartha ' and . family visited McKillop friends last Satur- day.. Mr. J, A. Irwin of Clinton occupied the pulpit in ITolmesville church last Sunday, 1s3rucetjeid.'` At an executive ineeting':last Mon- day evening it was decidedtohold a flower show in the; basement of the United Church on Tuesday, Sept. 715, both afternoon and :-evening. Mr. natty of .Seaforth will judge the flowers. Each n\ember is eXpeeted t,x make at least one exhibit. The homes of the village willbe judged before that date: 14firts. J. G. Kaiser of Detroit and Jack are visiting friends • here this week. Mr. B. McKenzie of our village had the misfortune to fall while painting, and Will be laid up for some time.-- ' The ime .- The congregation of the ;United; church will be pleased to hear that the Rev. -W. A Bremne r i hass accepted the e call extended - to ilii on Aug,: 15th., The-indudti ' will take .place pi Sep. itennher. Rev. G. Telford of Blyth e •ill `tonduet iv •d in e service next Snni-' `day, Ang,' 2?J.th, 0 ,Mr; 'Hugh McGregor is visiting Mende in Detroit this week. '• Miss Vera Gould and Miss Dorothy Jervis 'of Clinton were- the guests of Miss Edna Thompsoc„last week." Last Friday night our softball team motored. to Cdin;bon and played a very friendly gaute,.of ball with the Clinton team. .Being very short notice our girreliord no practice but made a fair'showing 'against the other team tIio' are `real players. Th'e ganse: was i very even till the last three 'innings when Clinton scored. The final score , was 12-5 in their favor.' The return :s game will be field Here this Friday at 6'p.m.- Come and ,help your own team `w win this game, Mrs. E. Harrison is visiting friends near' Kindersley, �S�asic, • 'ry • n Rev, Frank ;Langford, of the On- tet•io Religious Education :Counee, will conduct a special service fee young people in Benefield United church at the evening service on Sept, li2th. . Mrs. Alex. Souter i r „ and daughter• Flora -have returned front visiting int t Detroit. a Miss Pearl. Brock recently, spent a pleasant week at Grand Bend. The regular. monthly meeting of Leamington, speak to them. A num- ber of ladies were present from Hen - sail to hear her•. At the close of the Meeting a very. dainty lunch was served by'the hostess, Barfield. • Mr. John Kirk, New York, Mrs, J. Kirk and. Mrs. Nichol, Toronto, and Mr. Jas. Kirk of Whitby spent a few days with i r•. and nd Mrs, Jas. a Stur- geon. sur- geon. • Messrs; Fred Leonard and Victor Burt and Miss Florence Holstead, of . 'London were the guests of Mrs. F. W. ,Baker on Sunday. Miss Hilda icing accompanied theta and visited the Misses C. and S., Parke,. Mr. W. C. Stirling of Hanna, Alta s' and Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaren and two little daughters of Port Elgin are visiting their mother, Mas. Wm. Stirling, Rev Melvin Keys of Dungannon conducted the services in St. Andrew's United church on Sunday fast.' M•r. Nesbitt Woods sang " a solo at the morning service. Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Kennedy are spending their vacation at Bay View 1lorpeth. • Mr. George- Drehmann, 'who lives near Wingham,;is visiting' his father,, Mr. Henry n )o ehinatin,' Messrs. John E. Howard, Chris. Parker, Wm.. McDool, John D. Woods. acid Ninian Heard:left last Friday front Goderieh en the -Harvesters Ex- cursion to the West. Mrs. E. Fisher and Miss Rubie Fisher of Kitchener'and Misses Ruth and Helen Fisher of Waterloo are guests of Mrs F. A, Edwards, `Mrs. G. Toms left on Sunday to... visit relatives in'St, Thomas. • Mies -Nora Beattie' of.'Win'ghain and Miss Florence Scotto . Belgrave were ' visitors at' Mr. and Mrs. A. E: Erwin a. over Sunday.' - Mrs,,,.W. '.Paull ansi 'little son, Mit- chill, of London, are guests' of Rev, mrd o12as, F. H. Paull; ' Mr. Fred Reid of London .was the guest oT 1141•, David Dewar over the rees-end. Miss Jessie Metcalf, who' has beta taking a. summer eourse'at Long sland, New. York, returned to her horn here Iast week. Mr, John Mitchell of London -•ivas the guest of Kr. and Mrs. F, ; A. Ed - yards over' the week -end. Mrs. W. H. Brandon and little Mise. ,Frieda Brandon of London are visit - ng. Mrs. G. Brandon. Mr. and 1idrs.: W. F. ;Buchan and iVTaster ' Ewing Buchan of : Dunnville pent a couple of days with the for mer's sister, Mrs. N. W. 'nods, last eek. 11111s. J. L. Buchan returned. to Dunnville ith t nem.on Saturday. w l Miss Lola Elliott and 'Mr. J. Miney totored from Detroit and spent the weep -end with the fornner's mother,, Mee. M. Elliott. Mr, and Mrs. J. Dixon of Galt spent the week -end .with their daughter, Mips. F. 11, Paull, Miss Carrie Dixon eturned to Galt with them. TSr. and Mrs. A. H. Jones returuerl o `Detroit on Tuesday after spending couple of weeks at Miss •Nera'T,'er- guson's. 1VIx. and Mas, W. A. Jowett and Miss Edna Jewett of Port Huron were guests of Mr, and Mrs W. R. Jewett t over the work -end, 'Guests at the Ritz Hotel: Miss 5, J. Clark, Thedfoed; IS,• Graham, Walker, Mery„Eth.el Teasdeil, .Mrs, 11. R. Tetisdell- and family and Mrs. E, N. Clarke, London; Mire. A. Yipntiltea and family,Ifenneth MeEwen,,Mr. R. Reenedy ' rind' Robert Kennedy, Strad- , ford. the U. I` II Wi• Cr.was hal at the 'home- ' 1 fete' ,en de, . o i i a b Miss Canter, ;v a s Y G zs . l T A ef Ira W.Ross, Stanley, last Wed - week with her. miss Helnekey, £oi moi lye -a member of' the Clinton Collegiate ' Staff, called. on :Miss Howson, "yestercday afternoon, She was on 'a "motor trip, accompanied by her mother, lead Como from Lurhain and was • on her way to Londohe- •- ' , • - neselay. Mrs. ':0lifton, the president, occupied' the chair, The paper -4 were taken by Mise M,- Gibson and Mrs. A. McQueen'ori "What the. Club•'11Teaes. to. Me." Special inusic; eras provided by .the. ,Misses Boyce and Mrs. Spear and' Miss Collins Th'e' club eras very fortien'ate un' "$itrvrn`g atiirs. •Oppereeilf