The Clinton News Record, 1926-08-19, Page 5'RHAD FAITH IN BANKS,
Watchb ,
; 500 AT •I0E
4dsurn Farmer ' Held: tap
,In :,His 01411110n*.
Ammo I
p@t I ur `tawi17a
bivit s:,Asi Anil
N& ItJ CiGAN'89X
'1°"°a" p9ltYaflaQ�^•$a
'1111EF REMOVES' $'88;
a .•
Where do
you ; keep'
your money •/
Th. Rasral
of Canada.
Clinton trench R. E. Manning, Manager:
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hart and little.
:son Charley who Nave' been visiting
their parents Mr. and Mrs. Gee,
Xing motored to Elmvale on Wednes-
•day last to spend 'a few days with
-Mrs. F... Richie 'before returning to
'Toronto. •
Ma. and Mrs. A. Ford King and
babe of Toronto came on Saturday to
visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Miss Ruth Higgins of Loncion•spent
:the week -end ,withher parents,
Mr. Alex. Aitken of the Standarcti
73ank who was stationed' here several
sears ago renewed acquaintances in
the village last week,
Mrs. J, llfaDowell :and Miss Irene.
:MioDowell of Thamesville spent a
week with Mrs. I. 111, Woods.
Mr. and Mia, W, •'R. Jowett and
Miss Grace Jowett motored to Porti
*Duron last Thursday. 1Vliss F,thell
Jowett who hap been visiting. in Port
Huron returned with them:
Mi. and Mrs. J. Dixon who have
.been visiting their daughter, Mrs. F.
H. Paull retuimed to their home in
Galt on Sunday.
alliss 'Ethel Jowett and Miss Izetta
Merner spent. Tuesday and Wednes-
day in London.
air - Harry Baker; of London spent
ithe week=end with Iris mother, Mrs.
Y. W. Baker.
Mr. Erie. York and Miss Margaret
Baker returned to Toronto on Sunday
Mrs. it, Welsh and daughter Agnes
of Toronto ,ate visiting her mother,
Mrs. J. Biggart.
Mrs. M. Darrach. of Toronto and
Mies E. Boughton of London are
guests of Mrs. W: A. Hunt,
Mr. Retold Pollock of Toronto 'is
'visiting her brother, Mr. C. Pollock.
Mr. Victor Burt, Mrs. Evisons and.
Misses Minnie and Susan Evison of
'London 141x. and Mrs. Chris. Howard
and family oT Wdndser spent tha.
week.end with Mrs. F. W. Baker.
'11iargaret and Glen Howaiid }remained-
to•visit for afortnigltt. -
Dr; and Mrs. Giardot of Ann Ahor
:.are oecifying Dr. Metealf's lodge.
The Bazaar held on Thursday last
'on the Rectory lawn ander the au-
spices of the Trinity church Guilds
was a decided success. 'The tea
stables svere very ,prettily decprated in
'white :and yell'gwl' and . a dainty hand
'painted menu.: graced each table. Tea
Vas served ,by member's of the Jun-
ior Guilt'. ,1VFrs F, A. Edwards pre -
'sided over the. sale "table of veget-
ables and flowers. Mrs. J, Mossopp
had charge of the homemade baling
.and Miss E. Cameron the fancywork.
.'An item., of great interest -especially
to 'the children was the bran tub of,
:wliidh':.i`i1Trs,•'E:II, Johns very charm-
ingly took -charge. The receipts
amounted ;to over eighty dollars,
Miss Dorothy Wright of ifbnden is.
;visiting at the Rectory. ,
Guests at the Ritz House are Miss
Vio a Calkins, 14Diss An Noltie, Mr..
E. It. Andersen, W. F. Richards, De-
„emit; Rev. D..Dunseith, Clearwater,
Flotida; - Mr. 1Sani Dunseith, New
York City;' Mn- and Mrs. Thos. Duna
seith;1Z. G. Peters and Mrs. S. Peters,
Stratford; C. M. Hallwan, 1113. R. And-
erson, M, Stevens,' 0, R. Rogers.' and
wife, J. J. Baulden, Hamilton, Arthus
J, C. Chambers, •li lorence I'., May and
Jacht Chambers, Stratford; W. Smith
and wife and Miss Ermine Smith of
`Akron, Ohio; D. F. Glass and. wife,
'Misses Helen and Eileen Glass of
London; Lula M. Wigle, London; J.
M. 1V1eXinley, London; James I{envy,
Mt• Clemens, Mich., E. Kenny, New-
port, Ey.; Beulah O. Wigle and L. C.
141, Wigle of Windsor; H. C. Lawson,
Ottawa; N&' Leith . and A. Norman,
St, Thomas.
Report' of hog shipments for week
ending August 12, 1926
~'Clinton—Total hogs, 43; select ba
con, 12; thick smooth, 24; heavies, 8:
Londesboro—Total hogs, 32; select.
Bacon, 18;, thick .smooth, 18; heavies,
B.rucefeld-Total hogs, 65; •select
bacma, 5; thick smooth, 42; heavies,:
14; extrahea''ies, 1. -
Hurort,• County—Total hogs, 1,042;
select bacon,' 287; thick smooth, 615;
heavies, 5; extra , heavies, 5; •shop
hogs, 24; lights and .feeders, 12. • ,
The gross earnings of the :.Canad-
ian ' Nationeal Railways for the week
ended August 7, ,1926, were $4,953,-
4,953;;;631 as compared with •$4,529,220 for:
'this corresponding week of 1925, an in-
crease of $423,943, on nine per cent.
SEAFORDH: Travellers , on the
Highway east. of Seefortli are loud in
...their praises of the work'being alone
by the Lions Club, under the chair-
manship of Lion Wesley Beattie. The,
old, unsightly toivn dump' on, the Mc-
Mann farm is now very nearly oiblit-
era4ed and with the grassing over the
covering this eye sore to our'town
approaches will be done away with,
thanks to the Lidos Club,
'BRUSSELS: Mrs. J L.. Kerr, re-
deived word on Saturday week, while
in Toronto, of the cleath'of her uncle,
Douses' D. Reading, of Windsor. De-
ceased had been knocked down•by it
bicycle on Tuesday >evening. and had
fractured his skull, An operation was
performed Thursday but it failed to
revive him.
The barnyard has its Siamese twins
too, as well as the circus. On the
farm of <Erngst ,Strombexg, 6f Fort
Dodge, Iowa, are two chicks, born
from one, egg and joined together -at
the breastbone as ,;far back as ,the
Do Not Negieet
Having that Wedding Photograph
taken. We make a-speeialty'af Weci'
ding . Photos.
;Let its develop and print your snap
shots for you and enlarge your choice.
e u u • ftints on
negatives.: Leave r :your
Tuesdays or mail them •to' PIriklaell
and we wifl finish' thein and mail
them bacic to you ,promptly,
'Our Clinton 'Studio is open ei•ec
Tuesday from 0:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Bargess� Portrait. Studio
McCAMti S DIOORE Oa August
11th, at Walkerton ,Ont., by the
.Rev. D. N. McCamus, assisted -by'
Rev, T. H. Bole, Margaret Irene,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
T Gifford Moore of Walkerton, -toy
Williairi''Roswell, on`"'o •Rev, arc(
Mrs. D. N• McCainus, London Ont.;
Births -
I`0RD—rip Clinton Ilospital, on Mon-
i' day, August 16th, to Mr. and -lilts.
Fred Ott Ford, a daughter (still
TIJGKER'— Irl- loving - memory of
Margaret Ellen -Tucker, who passed-
away August 221Jd,- 1925.
Her weary hours, her days of pain,
Hei ••troubled nights are past;
IIei ever -patient, worn-out frame,
Hra3 :found sweet rest at last;
Long -days, yong'nights, she bore- her
To wait for•^cure, but all in vain,
Till God Himself knew what-was-'b'est-
He took her home and ',gave her
"=Sadly missed 'by Mother; Sisters
'and Brothers,
World'e largqest Annual E%poaition, goo acre. -80
mancne bu5tingo,Attendance 191,5. 1.491.390. Len.—
etit. -New Ontano Govornoienr Building to bo opened 11,ie year.
926 ®attar ---Aug.. 28--,Sdpt.1'1'
'The seat to the.meanest thief has
turned up 'near• -Stratford. A little
child before she went in bathing, took
off her socks and pat her two gold
ringsin them for safe -keeping. Some
one who saw .herdo it, Stole the
stockings andthe child's jewellery.'
li?eta t1 db+le'a
e rt,
• Razor 1;1 tries Sli upenoo
Safety Rar,tiO Blades ,hzrpe t a•
Satisfaction guaranteed of money ie-
funded. ,5ingie• edge,. 3c tdoublc' edge
4c. d, :G7 Hovey-;, Druggist, Clinton,
Mortgage Sale-
Of Valuable harm Property, sit
'dated on the Maitland] • Foncessiom,. of
the Township of• Colborl,e.- The prop •
etty consists ot'splendid faint land"
in good` condition, • possession -to be.
givcn,early"in 1921
Under and by v ii ue. •013 the -power
o s Ie 'contained in a certain mort
gage, which vt'ill' be produced atthe
time of the sale, there be of
eyed dor sale ,by public auction, on.
Saturday the 21st clay of August, at
2 o'clock in the after -mien, at the
premises, situate on the Maitland
Concession, of the Township, of Col- • •
d TVevyartha
EAti 1t,
`ANEW-LA';I'D, Efr4*
, We SPECIALIZE. in. 3D5lls-Fed Poul-'
e the
try 12 months in, yta v. Phone its
[early in, tpas
tie for,
We, advise you, to, have: the birds or
your laying pen --culled, while the
price se high: Culling; of big'ds done
free of charge thnougliiour office: i'
;Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
borne; in the County of Hnio-t, 'Prov-
ince of Ontario, being composed of' all
and singular that certain piueul or..
`tract of land and 'premises situate 10
the said Maitland Concession, Concession, County.
of Iluron, Province of• OOntario,:'con-;
tauung 118 acres oS ' land ,snore• or
iess, and being-comrosed` of•Lot :No.
-12 in the Maitland Concession of the
said Township of Claiborne,.
' TERMS , Tenierpereent, of thepur-c
chase price to 'be paid at the" time of
the sale, 'balance to-be'paid in' -30
days. The, sale will be subject to a
reserved bid.' •
--For further particulars" and condi-
tions of the 'sale apply to Hays and
IIays, Haniltort street, Goderich, On-
Dated at Goderieh, this twenty-
ninth day of July, 1926.. - -
Hays and Hays, Hamilton st., God'-
erich, 'Ont., solicitors,. for the mort-
gagee, R. H. Cutt. - 69-3
Intae Estate of William Sniitiallar-
land, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the as-.
tate of -William Smith Iiarland, late
of the Town of Clinton in the County
of Iluron, retired 11larchant,.deceased,
who died on or about the: 16th -day.
of: Mor, 1926, are required to deliver
to Russell E. Manning .and •William'
Brydone, the executors ; ,of the said
estate, on or 'before the 7th day of
September, A.D. 1926, • a full state.
nlent of their claims -together with
Particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities, ifany, held by them
all duly verified by affidavit.
AND '3L2 Ek NOTICE .that after
the sa%d last mentioned date -the said
executors will proceed to distribute
the estate . of the said deceased
amongst the, persons entitled thereto
Jiaving''regard only to such claims as
they shall have received clue notice
and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th
day of, August, A.D. 1926.
R. E. Manning' • and W; Brydone,
Executors. 71-3
• .- .Roomers Wanted
Will 'take in a couple of roomers,
convenient, to school. Write box 112,
Brown Ieather case, containing au_
toreobile literature, betweenKG. N. R.
crossing on .8th. concession Hullett
and Clinton. Finder -please leave at
News-Reeord Once. Reward. .71
2 High school students .to board.
residence on Wilma street, very con-
venient'to school. Apply Mrs. Wind -
over. 71-1-p
A Nice Farts Home For Sale
That desirable Tann of, 10a acres
situated just outside the corporation
of the Town of Clinton, on the Fro-
vincial Highway, beinglot 22, con, 1,
Hullett township., Soil -rich , clay
-loam, excellent water. For particulars
apply to Alex. R. Brown, Box',98,-
Clinton, Ont. 71-tf
Alfalfa ;Hay For 'Sale
12 aces of second cut on lot 94,
Maitland eon.,- Godericli township,
known as'the Schwanz farm, Robert
Welsh, Bailiff. , 71-1-p
Drill For Sale .. •
A Massey -Barris ,eleven -disc fer-
tilizer`drillyas good as 'new. Apply
to E.W. Morrison ; R. R. No '4,. Clin-
ton.. d',: 71-2-p.
I A. number• of, roomers, house` cent-
rally located, near sehool. .Apply
News -Record: 71-4-p
Bayfield Y-oters, List - •
The VotersLast, 1926, for the'•
late of Bayfield, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given, that I have
•tr'ansh ipted fir -delivered to the '.per-
Sens;mentioned in •Section 9 of that
Ont trio; Voters List Aet,the copies a(•
the list made pm1111nt to the; said,
Act of all persons iappeiiine -by tlic
last revised Assessirient' Roll of the
caul municipalityto be entitled to
vote in the said r1iiunicipality at elec-
tton4, for the Legislative Asscinbly
and at „,11I!unkipal elections' and 'the
said list was first posted up in itiv-oE
fico at Bayfield on the 16th day of
August;- 1926" .and remains here :tor
inspection' I- hereby call upon all,
voters to 'examine the said
list and
of any er'ror's or omissions are found
therein to take immediate proceedings
to have same corrected according to
Dated at Bayfield 1diis, 17111 day of
August, 1926.
J. H R10ID, ,•'
79.'-3 Municipal , Glerli
Satisfactory">'epans guaxanfeed''on
balloon as wellas high-pi�essnre tires
We nse the Goodyear Factory Method
of • Repairing. We 'buy -your old
wheels And tires if yoti,buy, a new set
of Ballon tires.. and •wheels: E. H.
Epps and Son, Varna. Phone, Clin-
ton, 626-21. 67-$
Part tat 17-18, en the 8th con. of
F'o Sales• Ch
One Sin cylinder.
v Passenger. Car,:
• In good Condition..
Only ran eleven thousand: miles
hapeaand in good shape:-
lso some 12 inch rail' wood at
Nediger's G arage -
Cottage to -Rent
A small, convenient house, Suitable
far two, five minutes waHe Eton
thea• Postoffice. ': Apply address -
tog,. Drawer B, eare The News -Re-
cord, Clinton. 65-tf
For Sale
In Village of Bayfield, on Blue
Water Highway, former- Methodist
'church, white 'brick, . ma high base-
ment a 28x44feet. L `
ment, Lot .% acre.
Frame sheds. (Seats, pulpit, altar,
ete,, reserved) For particu-
lars and price apply to Samuel •Cleave
Bayfield; not later than Sept. 1st.
Hullett, consisting.. of 81% acres, • _ 69-3'
good buildings. Also 50 acres on Con. , '
9. Apply on premises or by mail to, Wanted "
Wein. H. Hesk, Londesboro, R. R. no's. A number of boarders Wanted,
62-12-p � nd house westof-Baptist •Church.
pp' y to Mrs;. W. •Cole. 7Q
A Person Wlio Sees Well
Cannot be blamed for believilig that
he ages not need' glasses. But with`
APy1?ARENTLY perfect sight there is
.nothing{ SURE about ,the matter,
Where ;tie error of vision is small
the Muscles of the' eyes are :often.
able to•overcome it; The strain in do-
ing so is very: great. So even those
folks who see perfectly MAY need
'our service. W. i -I. Hellyar,' Optoni
etrist, 1Clinton, Ont. - ' • '71-1
• Lost
In Clinton on Friday, August 6th,
ladies brown handbag, containing a •
Two or. more High School students,
girls or boys, to room or ]board. En-
quire at News -Record office. 70-8
Nailing and
Preserving Time
YIs now' going strong
Finder please leave at Constable's o•f-
fine, and receive reward,:
4 Comfortable House to Rent
With or without .furniture. Elec-
tric lights, town water; fire minutes
walk from postoifice, ten minutes
from Collegiate, Public school and
School of Commerce. Apply to Miss
Hill, Wellington street. 69-tf-lp
' • House For Sale ,;
.An eight -roomed frame house, in
good condition,. garage. Offere on
easy terms.: A. F. Johns, Jo ah
street. -4
Goderich Township Voters' List
The• Voters' List, 1926, for the
Township of Gederich,, County of
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or ..delivered to the ,aer-
sons mentioned in 'Section 9 of the
Ointario Voters' Lisil Act the `copies
of the list, made pursuant to the said
Act, of all persons appearing by the
last revised Assessment' Roll•• of the,
Municipality of the Township of God-
erich, to be entitled tq, vote in the
said Municipality at the `elections to
the Legislative Assembly and at
Municipal elections,, and the said list
was first posed up in my office in
Goderieh township on the ,29th day
of July, 1926, a d remains here for
inapeeticln. I hbreby call upon all
voters to examine the said list and,i13
any,. errors or omissions are 'found
therein to take inithedfate proceed-
ings to"have: tl e'nsaii a corrected ac-
cording to law, : Dated this 81st day
of July, 1926. R,. x. Thoinpsen, Mun-
icipal ,Clerk. 65-2
Mortgage Sale
Of Valuable Farm and Bush Prop
erty,'situated on the Maitland' Conces-
sion, of the Township of Colborne.
The property consists of splendid;
farm in good condition, possession tor.
be given early,. in 1927. `
Under and by virtue of the power
of sale contained iii` a certain mora -
gage, which will ,be•pt•oduced at the
time of sa
• 2e, thr Will 'be offered for
e v ,
sale, by pulblie auction, bit• Saturday,
the 21st day 'of August, at o'clock
in •the afternoon, at the premises, sit-
uate on the Maitland Concession, of
the, Township: of Colborne, in the
County, of .'thuron, Province'of.0n
t tt io, .`being eaxnjiosed , of all and sin-
gular that certain ,parcel or tract of
land and premises, .situate in the said
)'4aitlal1 concession,County of Huron,
„and Province of , Ontario, containing'
'27.8 acres more -'or•' less, and'.ben,,,
composed of the West half of Lot No.
10, and the whole of Lot No. 11, both
land Concession of
in the: said M,.as it ,
the Township ' of -Colborne
TERMS. Ten percent of the jinx
,chase money to be paid at the 'tinie
of the sale, balance to be paidnin 30
days. The sale will be' subject to s.
reserved bid:
For -furtherparticulars and condi•
tiorts of the sale apply to Hays -and
Hays, .tXanlilton street, Goderich, On -
Dated at Godexich, Ontario, this
twenty-ninth day 'of July, 1926. ;
IIays and Hays, Ilainilton st., God -
901211, Ont., solicitors • for the Mort-
gagee,' William Rader. 69-3
Make this sto're your headquaters
for your wants
Vinegar, blended and white, 50c gal.
Parke's Pickle Mixture 35e
Cero "Sure -Jell" '35c
Fresh Stock of .Spice's to fill that
New Pickle recipe.
Fresh Cloaked Meats of all kinds
at all trines
Delivery Service from 7.30 to 12—
L30 to
Phone 111
COSI 1.9,,10213.
McCormick-DeeringNo. 139 Sulky Pio
• A LIGI-IT ,DRAFT, LO3I1_PRI9ED PLOW especially designed for
all condituoris:..It h t. •• the followiiiy;< stlong,:faltules',
Adjustable. Ilea'( L'psi;i~ow Wheel. with. a: screw,'raent wliiclx
can lbe set to.make the wheel caster easily or hard as desired.' Hard
oiler is provided regularly, and when kept full of grease will prevent -
dirt -or•/sand[fr6to entering the hub bearing, Effective scraper can
be adjusted to fit as cl'oseto the rim do a good job
of cleaning. A, hook is.enpplied which: can. be hooked around a spoke
tocause the 'rear ^ wheel to -act as a brake 90 steep'liill5.
Three. typos' of Bottom can•be supplied,: one with cleep suck sbarc
: for general, purpose wor>'„n stubble land, : another • fbr•ravell soil
and.the'third' which is' especially.suitedfon^h00vgldla-y soil. Y
The', Front'' Ftn•r•ow Wheel can be controlled in two .ways either
by 'the pole ;or, by the hand lever,'
This Plow has Rs a high arch beam and the clein:wiile opening be-
tween the wheels insures ample cleilrante for trash even where field
conditions are exceptionally bad, Till sttidilyle and': corn' fields can
be plowed successfully with this .plow;, •
A Roiling• Coulter which is supplied' r•egulaiby'euts:itlixough the
stalks and •trasli"eaiily, and 11909 help;r• in covering..
CLIFFORD COBB„ Implement Rcproseatattice• -
Deering.. and Mc0orm%1c..Agency
Rowlands' Old Stand
Ford Coupe, fora Sale ' r
1925 Model, in, good' Twining, ortlier:
Apply to W. J. Nedigei:^Clinton.;62-1f
Cheese for Sale
Cheese for sale in+ 10' Ib.. lotsjor-,
more any time, present. price, 218 lb.
W. H. Lobb, president and.: salesman«.
R. R. No. 3, Clinton.. 40stf.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned` pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry, cleaned,
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,.
W. 3. Jago. =8341
Have a complete stock- of-
fToronto Asphalt Roofing. the
best by test. (very customer
we have sold satisfied. Come
and see our stock before fixing:
your robf and compare ours -
with any others.
A. complete line of Flour,.
Feed, Grain and Stock Feeds•
always on hand. 'Prices. right,
and our aim is to satisfy' our
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
will, be at his office
in: Clinton, each
Fibril, 3i to 6i pim,.
Havingerected ce newo
d coal sheds will
,have on Band full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able: Alio a,quantity of dry maple
Orders -taken at residence; phone 11a
•Stove and: Nut Coal, Coke, Soft Coal
and Kennel Coal
Also, Some Wood `
Phone 155; Huron Street,
Ladies' Attention
I am prepared to do first class re.
pain work for all makes of Sewing
Machines. a
• Alec) a full eta*, of-
Needles,Belts and Parts
for all makes
Sole Agent for the Singer
W. O11.416N COOK
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, 'Clinton
, m
August Clearing, at
g g,
-Jacksons Shoe' Store
Specials for this Week
,Men's Boots, and Oxfords at half price
it 50 pairs brown calf Qxfortis reg. $8.00,
Clearing at4.00
The Beat Folks represent a com-
pany which handles'`' such excellent;,
clean coal, 111.6' it -can easily insure
you ,fire witliopt •;loss from clinkers'.
or slato -
I( ypu take up their policy of buy-.
ine. early, they twill'lteep you insured
against any sudden cold snaps.
This Bainepolicy covers lite instlr
anee and health insurance.
Buy your coal tt'oun the Heat Folks
novo, and take advantage of this ex
gellent offer.
60 pairs brown calf 'boots
half price $3.25pp
All top ~ade shoes oes and.guaranteed
The Big Shoe Store
Opposite the Town Hall
Call the a1c.'ttti ft
rfor good, clean;coal
1111f 11
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring, and Repairs.
Phone 15Iw
We havea full line of Flour and Feeds, cattle and dairy
salt,, -Western -Oats, Rolled Oats add Chop -always on hand
We have. got -in a stock of Gilt Edge Twine:and
e what
able to supply our customers 1 ne s with wvv at theya•equii°e.
Quality Gilt Edge Twine is of the best.
* .Chariesworth