HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-19, Page 3ale;
1nt0 Erie
Ce \V th ti1C' ail. `Wi'
tabling. Strealra_
v ,
Evolution isn't soinethtnfi'that happened lu the past'antPthen stopped
It's s ill going on to -day. The Australian frilled lizard; shown in the sketch/
here, is evolving into a two -legged 11,1111114 He gets up on his `hind Jags and
-runs for a short distance.
Secrets of 'Science.
Oldie", Mottoes. in Vogue Again,J
With Sun -Dials.
Fv >�rdials have become- mk0h the �'
vo6"ll0 ° '1,ri t'tb tea n yt, ire +44, '1 •'° .i q-
11 nae ,of llnuivlvity surrhu`ndh ren1•
and tbhy have lived over into this: n n
bt,cauiret Of their betatty and -anc1erit _as-
In Ole o,dcn DaJ's evety,'stin dials eat•
riea it& niesSoge, llere are some which
nave become aalamsc
AU thins do wan and \vane;
(Phe longest ihtymiuttl, end-
Maicc hay 'while tile son shines.
Tilers are many quotations worthy
and.slil'tablo fot`sueli inscription,`
Be true as the dial tothesun,"
"Improve each, shining liour.
Old. Tiune is still a -flying
••-Tinie': wasted is eEI tepee; used, "is
Time co gnetrEO
An old ;tial in a -garden of Sussex,
England, hears, Mien its .pinto these
-four tric2toea, onefoe each season:
After Darkness, Light.
Algia! How• swift.
I warn whilst :I move.
•So:passes Life':
A dial that stood in the Temple Gar-
dens in, London bore in itstday a rnotto
saki to have been furnisli,ed by, Loeci
Bacon. The famous .Chancellor, 'was
hard at work in his,chambers one day
when a student :dripped in ta•aalt him -
for et motto that might be:written open
this sundial which was juet then,'1 e-
bag .built,; Twice dial the student make
hid request,. but the abstracted Chan-
cellor'showed. no el$i ofhaving heard.
it. The student 'for the 'third ,time re
this. Organisms accustomed:to fresh!
water would find life disagiesabie and: 'Boated hie neques•t. Than Lord Bacon
By David Dietz,- i looked un and said: Sinrah, be' one - SHE DANCES -TO THE WATERFALL
for the most, part ini oseible in salt about ea b g'
The next step in the evolution'of life yea/ ustness!" The vendee/el setting of the little waterfall known as the Giants'Step9;
upon this earth was the evolution
meat water. A ,thousand thanks, mylord," was Paraels •Walley; near Lake Louise apparently
of the fish—the first b the ,deed animal,tIt now became necessary to combat ter .reply. "Nothing Could -be better with the spirit of fife and, with the g later ed leis.; nature -dancer
ev steal ftrome ewitt rUt t ",the streams or be then {het„a song of the water and the soft whistling
Previous forms of :life, as we have - of the bird-lifie abounding in the woods around, She was photographed while
• seen, from the one -celled animals to So, upon the dial was. placed ,that dancingto the'
There 7s t term of eel to -day, known scathing admonition: "Sirrah t e musicpof her soul: Miss Bozlee is spending a icor weeps at the
the sponger and jellyfish and mollnsea , he gond Canadian Pacific Railwayhotel, the Chateau Lake Louise, from where early
were all extremely s1uggislt Yorms of , i aboutyour usiness4"
1 as the stream borne: Lamprey which ' b
life: "1clingsto the stream beittot by i'ts
mouth nod 1e
t its b d b h
The Ash is the first form to show Y e , w ipped
i about'by the stream 'h the same way. WS'te Thngf and marvel at the rhythm of h
that characteristic activity which we p Y The use of water, Internally and ex- of movement.
that a flag is whiped. abnut.b
commonly thine( of as :the chief attri•'the,
every morning eels &addles a pony and rides to these falls whore she can .
dance undisturbed, with only the' blue sky and multi -colored birds.. to see her '
buts of animal life. breeze.
ternaily, in the tneatment..of disease
The.:goo gist finds the first records Biologists -believe that creatures- of remote antiquity, As e ° A N.
healing YOUR :' If ��0R •
of simple types f fish this sort weed the first t 1 t g aueasure its popularity
dates trom
o a not in rods o earn o Y s
formed• from sediment laid down in the ' mehlt-shi their places ' in the swift waxed and' waned many times. It is
ocean, but in fresh water
Eto exert ifs•action as a fluid or
and that ocean Ashes descended from the stream when It passively clings as a vehicle -to introduce into the bodyIf'yait, would regain your vigor and
fresh -water fishes which x'erefcarried to the stream bottom by,its mouth, ambition woolyour- ten people suffering from -'Pall Hay
into, the _ocean by the streams and (certain salts and minarals.disso] ed fn keep blood and nerves 'Livor in Ontario, a blameI
In this way, it is believed, the first it, as at the various $pea, ! in goad condition. Anaemia, or thin Th • en ragweed.;
learned to live in salt water. i' fish learned: to swim. Now the get of :,Since water contitut blood lowers the vitals This plant bootie to laolleuate August,
Thissemportant fact gives us a;•clew swimming requires a' pertain ;play .of large a ty,estarves the 15th. The -pollen, being as light an
to Itow to 1lv evolved. muscles. ,This' action is" such•ns'to be parvo[ ,the body, and since so much is nerves and causes a general run-down,down, Is; blown by the win
Itg •al'on t$e continually passing away:through rho condition, When the,U,laod in thin: th'e tante of 100' miles" . ,d toi a dis-
the result of'oneb£'thosp "re- facilitated by a etiffenin g' skin acid the kidneys, the necessity for .skin Irises Its. golor, fila shoulders „ in, all directions:
volutions" or upheavals of the .Land: axis of the body of the fish. falcine it jute the body r droop anti weight is lost:The via r - Cause•:, Some people can breathe -the
' which brought great mouutaln- ra Y ed'?iar1- and , - g victim Y pollen of certain plants and the lining
ages Ar a result of this, flee were first in adequate amount le evident. • lint ana'emiti loses appetite, goiters from is -i of the dose r
into existence. • ,evolved with a Oak eeltular mem, sometimes an unusual, urn digestion; headaches and sleeplessnees,s treats it as ordinary dust; •
As a result a their axis. In time this water is advisable in order that h 'aud'- is heivaus and exhausted after but' others suff'ei• extremely after'
land plaecfd� -'
streams: This Can Only 'be Done by .Iieep-
Tharefore it is evident This eel, in swiming, morel reJ>ro• I When: water is given internally In
r Tburo or fleece were evolved first l the' treatment of .disease it is drank ing the Bland Rich and l • ied,
that the duces the motions which are. to it bye either
just now -in„ high favor.
Hay Fever.
Prom thousands of, patients tested'
during the last few years, It has been
found that Hay Fever is seasonal end
caused chiefly by pollenating grasses
In Juno, rose pollen In July, ragweed
pollen in August. Nine out of . every
2.inR D ,wn:
;Acucar the -•da k llnsyl lOvci,aess of
1 kes'
A s f n gone nit l a Mini twaktee ;
A 'Els' a3 •t!iiue_-, e '.i < tJe 'thrush, '�
witosfo wing's
Shaine orf the dew tie mc.0neitt r i_on4h•
An13 like the, dtoe^.n
ground' ,
Arte, the sting th,eye 1F5 n , other sound.
Dim dims, Poli, beauty that, awaits. the
Gi'ay as an costals wing, aai,00ld,
Yet with me pansy a little vrhile; and
The ltloi5e fan2fliurconi.�tg of tlie' day; '
Bring lee 'faint sounds I cannot hear
I'hear the haunted waterfall and hill;
rite eche of tine night,"' among rite:.
The echo of the sligli�t, moon -shivered
Audi that calm . which enchants;
, the hills,
lnnom twildgbt an, and all the vaiioy.
i111a '
With.,dreams and dreaming .radience
• and hush-
Rlt1 Wait! Ali, wait, tilt once. again
the thrush?
—Maxwell Struthers Burt `jn `I1arpor'e
Millard's Liniment for Dandruff.
Only three varieties o "The ideal kit -for the„schooiboy
hives of Bre gin ; 'the are theare nay a soft shirt, wide: open et "the vol•1.
t - 3'dog nose, with shorts," says Dr.. E. Graham, L
the doubts Scotch rose, and the eweet ttle, my;
7.Tse on earthen jars--»
1 gallon vinegar
1 cttp R.een'9
1 cup salt
Add onions, sliced green to-
matoes, small cucumbers and
cover in the usual way. Ther*
pickles will be ready to cat at
the end of six weeks and will
keep perfectly.
This i's only one, of the many
recipes for .delicious homier
made „Pickles, Catsupa 'and.
Relishes in our Recipe Book,..
Write for a free: copy.
Cotmen•Ken (Canaan) Limited, DppQ. :17r
" 4. 1060. darnherat tlt.,Ilgontsear
It at this upheaval of the..branalongT q tity of
, , sluggish streams were developed into a supple rod': of card{ sYstetn 'may be flushed when it con- digiti exertion. .M you have any of laden., with pollen, due to
breathing air I
turned -,into swiftly flowing ones. Gage; --Next this •wad"eupplanted liy a,Ttains too•ntach"uric' acid or other In- thewts symptoms do not delay but be-• inflammation theton of the nose and eyes be.
Tl)e sluggish forme of ma`r'ine life bony axis-. When- this took place, the ..jurfous•.materia'l, and In cases. of . Sin treatment now with Dr„ cause lymph in their ,blood - (for
were swept into the sea,as a result. true ft h p°is some unknown reasoe) tries- to digest
s the first back -boned animet. ening or of autointoxication. • ..Pink Pii1e and you will be'- gratified'
There, 'twee great disadvantages, to -had been evolved,
Perfume Makers. Singers and Enunciation
grant ones, find a Y
whether the are young or old. Yet fir, ,
The, temperature of the fluid drank with the prompt improvement in your the pokier as it touches the lining of
determines in a measure its manner condition. ,Among the thousands who the -nose. -Once a person becomes sus -
of action; When_taken cold it is ex- have fotfnd new- health through the Ceptible to this irritation; he will suffer
creted bylite Iiifrom it tor the rent of his life.
More than any other blooms fru dneye, but when 2runit use of this medicine 10
Mrs Herbert
Way to our hearts, The subject of. enunciation is.: one hot,
whether ae hot water, or hot' Na.----' Ludlow; N.B. 'who soya: --"I Helpful Meta: Prevent the attack.
that could be studied with advantage lemonade, or hot `tea, t, lnduees Per, had not, been Peeling well tor some
by avoiding the pollen; during the pot-
grasice is difficult to definer -so fn2ang-!by tnany °f our professional vocalists spiratton.: ,time and was gradually growing weak, leuatmg seabon of the particular -plant
fails and immaterial it le. It eludes:.witoge singing is very. oftpn'complete.i When avatarisgiveti to stimulate the er. I would take dizzy .spells and,af•'which irritates you, go to a district
hod escapes us and yet it is the.quality b' spoilt by the fact that quo is unable l aation.of the kidneys, it is usually bet, ten faint. I vats `subject to severe, i where the' air is free from that Pollen.
of'fiowers by which we best remember • to understand a word of the Wing. This •ter 'to. , drink plain .or .distilled •water, iteadaohes and found it hard t4 do my ,Three days in such air, will, sea a corn -
them. Their perfume is their genius, (
article i& prompted .by hearing a re -1 thought sometimes: a more definite re worlt. I took doctor'smedicine for piste cure.
cent phonograph iegord Sir Harry snit is obtained in the treatment of aerie time, but ft did me no good, and Tr :tnient; No inhalation or other
Not tenet wonder about perfume is'Lauder, Who Ss an outstandnd ing exemp• i diemif the water holds some salt in I was st#11• growing weaker,,,: In this treatment for the nose is of any,use;
tbat it can be Collected and 'treasured 'lar of perfection in"Eft glish dicttdn.'auitttiiin; • condition began'tlte age of one WII�
—that the fragrance of a rase garden c nb patent medicine will cure hay fever.
may bottled for use in tutors ears• rA Llste�t to the singing of all our night--! Di'in,ldng to alit"►nate uric acid lfttnls' Pink Piiit! and -in a short time The only helpful, treatment. wound as
Because 01 this y lingales-1f you like;' once stated an in,lhhould be done at regulal•,Izourg, by Sound they were helping ,me. I' eon -!•yet is injections of an extract of the
great perfuiite malting is a tintuto friend of Sir Flurry's to a l roup' night as well as by,day,'or ease there timed the use, of the pills Eor a while {particular pollen cauaing the individe
centres.itudustry, with its fantouy f of vacali s, "but always turn an one' \vtIl be nal night elimination, although longer,and found that the trouble that o u.tl ease, It is effective and many peo-
Perfttuies' of Course can be built lip l.01 I�aut]e reeor1s at the end of your the formation of-the,poison-will go'cu• had bothered me Was gone. and I was 'pie who have been victims for yeaes
lesson and you will Understand at ince witlzout.li termission: once more a well tVomau" -have foundtizatreatmsut reduced their
in a laboratory. • Their chemical tom-",what'there.•is in 'the art of diction."Get Dr.:Wiiifama' Pink Pills at yaw g to about duly one -twentieth.
position W known and ,with -the eel Water is useful too:in too en ca t ed y° i suffering y W ntieth
erucibles p Apropos this Onbject, Sir Idarry kiln-' of constipation, which,is often carred • druggists or write The Dr. Williams' ! °f the usual time; it must, however,
of teetrtubes
d lavender the* bent of self ' said; "All my' professional life I igea tqo rapid absanrptn of water from : Medicine Co., Brockville, Out., and.the l be•repeated each year. The treatment
5050. But that after all is a dismal have placed a very high value upon Nie #utestival canal. This can be CUlln pftIs.will p..8001 postpaid at 50 cental is rather costly and can onlybe
diction 011.1 pnunclationy whether on terlleted by plentiful water -drinking ub
ave given it epecial studY.
substitute' for the eichesn'y of a rose +a box, - j rained from the few physicians who
the stage #trope*; in frontof the record- I and by the eating of feria containing a
garden or of lavender fields at dawn. i iug maahiue, or into the: microphone. good -deal of indigestible Cellulose— the Bridge ■�
The Prenclt are the worlds, expert" To my mind,'a s#ager is a complete bran, Pratt and Vegetable skins,-and'ao Fauna Never
perfumers, The little town 01 Gzatsse i failure if the Listener cannot hear what 'on. One in good health, who desires - Cross,
Lucked away in the. Maritime Alps Is lie Is saying, and this no matter how. to remain so, will do welt to drink one '
the most Sanious centre of the Indus -It's what you- think that nt
try, '• There are gardens everywhere lavish nature may have been in sup- °r two glasses of water on using, be-) world
plyfn the
kes the
with millions of flowers for the matin g e voice. Recently,, e have lie sides the normal, drinking et mealtime, Seem sad or gay to you;
iv scent i The quantities are faking tesierly on the tb singers of both sexes, partied- Your mind may color all things grey
otapendou§, During September it is'. ors alio, and. it has bean itis- ((,r gg,,ee�((j (1{ r g !D int Or mato themb radiant hue.
Said that anything ftp to a thousand p ibis for me to te,!L grieves of what: 1 ieli i 0111.i)t[ iN I it, rt Be glad to -day, be true and oris
, it wee till about, ' Tela grieves: ""i�
tons of jasmine, lavender; aspic 'mid,. nteudouai , T mo, ons [WHIG
' t in. Dlstiuguish gold front drose;
tuberose blossoms gra.. collected and like me Y here trust, be millions - �yl C i , Waste neither time nor thought about
ddatt4lad. The average weight of bier- i in this respect. •And `these � � �, The bridge yoit'11 cover cross.
offenders —fox groat offenders they are f
sums 'gathered: Su a single summer: is --will not Ever I
soniewhero about Elva thousand tops. be spoken to: l told a voting, Y ,mother knows.. how fatal thea, lhew's useful work for -you to do,
n girl vocalist „the other day • :to. pro- hot summer "conies are to small child. Por Band and brain and heart; .
Several million liawere are required to 1 noun her words, and s'he tarred and ren. Cholera infantum'' .
make a ton, so the Wild number Of dysenter ee z diarrhoea, ItI There's urgent human service, too.
flowers. may be anytihing a to' fl risked me what 1 knew sheet real -sing- Y, I C and trouble. 1 In .which to take Your . >art
p fry Ing" ate rile at this, time and efte•n'a pre•' Make every o brtimity Intro
thousand millions. _cions little life is lost after only 1 Y it g
Those Warm, sheltered Alpine slopes "��"" Y 0 fewA worth -while *tin; not "lass;
hours illness.' The mother who peeps :The Gest is yours,.eo do acct fear -
are than the home of flowers ivhtis0 r+ Baby's Own Tablets in lite izotise feels" The bridge you'll never cross,"
scents are gathered, and exported to i:OC�¢r Kej: '• roc ogq.r sate: The occasional Use of the Tait;,`
it parts of the world. Across the L •lets prevent_ stomach, and Uotvel'trou-'IC;,life -seems dl•ab.and,ditlleult,
borders. in the 'Italian Riviera are SO�]001 ;
II i e bass, or if trouble comes suddenly: --as Just fece'it wither will ;'. .
Italy's famous 'Alpine rosu farms. *Y I it -generally does -the • Tablets will You do not have to went alones
- Roses apparently love altitude, Pow- i ds 611?5 . d ru Q,
c I bring the baby safely tltrouglt Cltey l Sines
God is tvitlr you a101.'
0010 #t hellig fragrance. Certainly . IA
..f I'll }¢II you �})d� are sold by medicine; dealers cr. by mail ri'css p),i,\with conrgge totcard h`
some of -the most delicate flower. per. at 2t t the' goal
fumes as well'as colors have their
home In the heights, • Altitude, soli and
climate have combined W. Leake a
fragrant Eldeti out of those rugged -
,ntountain slopes;
Was seves tree -built nest,' you climbed
and took, of bird) -
(Rare city-vis#taut;. talked of, scarce j
.seen or heard),
But.,. When you would dissect the strut-
' taro, piece by piece,
You found, enwreatlted amid the coffin-
try-product.—fleece •
Arid feather, thistle -fluffs and bearded
Some'shred g foreign silk, unlltvcliing
But ntay „be of brocade, mid fur, and.
Iillclied plainly frons mankind, dear.
tribute paid by town,'
Wlttcli .proved how oft the bled had'
lyleeleed up heart of grace,
'Swooped -64-.4n
t waif and stray, 'Made
furtively oily place
Pay tax' and to11, then borne the U
to: enrich booty'
Her paradise i''the waste; the how and
- ' why of which, - That is the secret!
13rowniitg, "Piflne at: the Fair.
ivlinard's Liniment for C r
I'll do:_"•
rUt¢ for
eteteereettbellente. Wee"
' Fish -Age. Facts.
• Haw long ±10 fish llve? Mayor F. S,
Power, in a lecture before the London
Geological Society, gave some interest-
ing-tat/1. en a special• study he hale be shown cleared for action, With all
conducted 00 this subiect:' her guns run out. The`"Wictory's ;prci
Aneleetric eel in the London Zoo,'it 1. able armament at Trafalgar was thirty
was reported, lived twelve; yearn. A I king '-12poun ors' on the_lower d
Pear tsyenty-eight ion eclt'I;
optean:catflsh,ln ihs;ptl'vata aq.uar-I g'24-ponitdels;'on";',thea.
runt of the - Dake of 7Bedford is fifty l middle deck;',thirty long .12'nnundrers
years old and shows •little iliiicatioii:of en tile. tnaiu dcelr, twelve eiior•t' 12- •I
pounders on the quarter deck, and: two
long'):2-pounden-s and, two 08-pountlei-
carronadesn five forecastle,
Ltiglit of the 22 -pounders on the low-
er dreiilc and. four of the 24-pouude1s'on
the Middle, deck are In'the shin.; the
othei will have to ,be replaced ;by
Canada's Indiana last year ria Hate is the microscope oil faults
over a tuff:inn busheis t' grain aril1 and weaknesses: Love is' the micro-
bred 50,000 head of livestock 'on; Weir scoria of our good' qualities.
nal \\'
rn. 3
Liniment m
P me
nt ha
t cels a box.rrotn The Dr.. b[rie• ' With pure'. t ur shield ofnbote
]farts Medicine, Co., 131Ockviile, Ont. 'a.n
'Be strong, o ] -',d just ignore'
f -The bridge 1 never cross,
Nelson's ' l^ -mous. Flagship,
The „work of restoring \r inard's Liniment for insect
shiit'is making rapid progress at Ports. :`�--
mouth, and in. another'j'cat u, 1 the nail cit n of a bass singer
will:'present the perfect semblance-oP who zna2:ries a soprano wife: have the
the promd three-deckter, of'it,er fighting, same hypes of yokes- as their parents;;
days:' - I according a new sCito - ntific theory. •..
`'To'naval- .Men the Victory nfeans ---- more titan Nelson and irtfalgar, Inv
Iiepp•el, Hardy, Lowe, .ISood, de San
mares., Yorke and other admirals all
trod her rocks. Site was in action in'
tlshant,-Beek, GiJralte.r,"I'ouion,eire
St. Vincent, as well as at Trafalgar,
when she ie remixed, the (leckd WIN
Other e fi,i
age figures given g
g en by the
Major Were: Carp, .thirteen years,
goldfish,; twelve t'e'ars; , herring, font
years; salmon, three:.years; bull frog,
flftere,u years, tree frog, fourteen years';
female Spanish newt, eighteen years, -
and giant salamander, fifty-two years,.
Freed ills Skin of
The discoverer of SORE1IfA, .a
Oftuadian Druggist of 35 years'
ekperience, finally freed his skin
or Psoriasis. after 14 dears of the
usual treatment had failed. SORE -
MA has eines been used with equal
suceesa in long standing eases of
Psoriasis., .Eczontu, Acne, etc.
The NEW Skin Remedy
is sold at your Druggist's -or write
Ss direct. Sorema Ointment, $1.00
- per box 0Bloosl purifying Tablets,
75 cents per box.
` fid;MEN
Mrs. t¢$Filson's Experience a
Guide to Women ;Passing
through the Change of,Life •
Hamilton Ontario. --r have taken
several bottles of Lydia E, Pinkham's
rc; Vegetable Coro-
? pound and I can-
not speak too
highly of it as 1
wriest the Change
of "Liffe and was
all rundown and
had no. appetite:`
Iwas very weak
and sick, and the
pains in my back
were $o bad t
got very sad at
times and thought I had not a friend
on earth: I did not care if 1 lived or.
died. I was.v'e' ' nervous, too and
did not go out very ranch. A i3rirud
ed me to try a -bottle -of Lyd%a ia`,
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, SO
I did. I dm a farrrier'g Wife, and al-
ways •Woo'lted hard until lately, and
was m bed for two months: I'begati
to feel:)ilte a new,women' after the
first bottle and I recommend it with
great success, also Lydia t. "Pink
ham's Liver Pills. I am willing to
answer letters from women: asking
about your medicines, as I' cannot
'speak too highly of them.' --Mrs.
1' MtA Wtt OON, 471 Wilson Street,
Hamilton, Ontario.
Sold by druggists everywhere. C
gyp. Many wfmtvi
will /.1'now
05 ib), ened.
hgfragrapte.V Indo
le t4o Intest creation.
r pt * ry. lav(
a totic,h a Ids a
a r"co,
to each 4
»,,i1.' ,nonor a
o.h i 1 vdncd
l r,,1.02
a1 00 . n L, not
to yap raid
Write ni once
ori „ .ale.,
. ,e
t. ,. te., r r. .
.��.•7 F7:
ISSUE Nc, 53—'26.'`
a}'.tyat ,.. 7H QifhJ�a4.r
Handsomely illustrated with plana of
moderato priced heaenby Canadian At-
• ehitecte, MacLean Budden'
Guide will help you to decide
cane type of ho c, exterior
finish, materials, interior al,
rengement and deporadon.
Seed 26c far a copy,
MacLean Dunden'Guido'
SialMelilla alk .tear;
. Sbront5
YEW Minard'o with sweet oil or
cream and apply, Quick and per-
Menent relief, „
W.L s hi Agony Wit
Cuticura Healed
"Rccama brokePL�tin v sly eG7al
blietera on the backs of my filliqj
After a' few days the blisters w01
break end then dry up;' -.It itche
and 'burned terribly and scratchin,
ceased very red eruptions, L soul*
not put my. ha Girt water. ; d
any work without wearing °pb
gloves. I could not sleep' nights o
account of the irritation, snit was 1
agony most of` tbo brie. The trou'b
lasted about ayear. ,
"L read an advertleemeet• fop
Cutipura Soap and Ointment e
purchased some. After using`kh '
a shorttime I could see ad imjisrove
mint. I continued the treetmen
and. now. I•stn healed." (Signed
Miss Bernice Shgnnoit, R, F. D
2,'Orleane, Vt., !Sept. 15, 1925.
ICeep your akin clear acid vein
porta active by dally use of Cut:.
tura Soap. Heal irritations and
rashes with Cuticura Ointment-
Sample Each Pit, br 54a, pddr,n. Caandlap
Moot: "Stemma Lia; rloa0yat; - Prle.% soap
250. QJPlmeat G of 50<. Talcum 26n.
C'wV CunC,,a. Shooting aticli 25c.
of their, ti tie pext
Ffltl srf1 ; trtAt,reloolne slyest
ivro need to tolerate a single fly in your house.
IN Flit kills flies.
Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis-
ease -bearing flies and mosquitoes, ,It is elean, safe
and easy to use.
Kills All Household Insects
Flitspray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and ants. It searches
out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and
destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments.
- blit kills moths and•their larvae which eat holes. Extensive
tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate
Flit is the result of exhaustive research by evert entomol-
ogists and chemists. It is harmless'' to mankind. Flit has
replaced the old methods because it kills all the insects -'—and
does it quickly:. Geta Flit can anti sprayer today.
Distributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow .&.Co:, Toronto.
Plies Mosquitoes 14loths; .
'Ante Bed -Dugs Roaches
"The vcUow can with the
black band"
Proved safe by
nliiiti , ,
_ons and prescribed abed �y physicians for
Golds ` Headache Neuritis' Lumbago
Pails - Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism. •
Accept o '•'i3aye4' < package
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' Handy "Bayer"' pokes of 12 tablets:
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nadentcr of anaeyuencld tAretyt, Sauc l- 1
y cAcd Ambi A...!). i wmit its, wail known'
that Aap7h7u memm Bayer10< 0tn achtrc. to neat t the public against Imitations, rho Tablets
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