HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-19, Page 117,
, . ' , , ' • •
.6xp ert
our Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted .and 11
4. Itewiar
or Friday and Saturday.
ChildretCs Sox, values up to 60'c for 29c
Children's 'Hose, black and brown, values up to :70c for 29c
Ladies' Blomners, shades sand, peach and`White,
reg.. 50e naair,, or 29e `
-Craton crepe, bright shades suitable:for children's
dresses and rompers. regular 35c, for • .29c
Art Sateens and Silkines, 36 in. wide, reg. 35e audIO.c.
for :29c
• Elastic, 11.-4 in. Width, reg. 5c yd., .7 yds. for
A11 linen toweling, reg. 18c, 2 yds. for
MN I • MOO .111F
+1101111011••••• 111•11=110111111MIS•1010111,11011111
School Suit Salp
ercent. off
SehOol will soon be in „great demand., 'Vaeatiell
days are bard on clothes and every strenuous bay will peed a
new Outfit for school.. f' ,` •
. • , . • •
Our •VoYs' clothing stOck is too heavy and in 'Order to
reduce its quiCkli`yoli have the opportunity of saving 20 per
cent in any boys suit in the 'score.. '
Here's\ aitscheiol7suit oploolrturiity ata
saviog of 20 per -cet:,
For ten days only; col mencing
Saturday 21st. ending 31st.
11111511' I
'A Square -Deal for.- Every Ma
• Eggs, 20d. tb 30e."
Sutter, •
Wheat, 51.2,q..
Bucicwheat, 70c. , • ;,
Live Hogs, 81.2.
The Public sehoolsSand the Separ,
ate schools 'will open this year on
Wednesday, Sept.- ist.
The High Schools and Collegiate
Institutes open onTuesday, Sept. 7th'.
,A1 pupils should he present on the
slay of opening, so that all' may start
even and the work not hindered by
• late comers. All heingspresent on -the
opening disy is", an advantage to the
teacher and to the pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Ford, Holmes --
vine, announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Emile R., to
Ernest J. Little, son of Mrs. I. Dodds,
Clinton. The marriage to take place
the end of this month.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart, Proton,
Ont., announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Ottilie M., to Mr.
Robert E. Bowden, youngest son of
Mr. and Mirs.W. J. Rowden of God-
erich Tp. The marriage to take place
early in September.
All roads led to Springbank on the
15th for the members of Downs -Mills -
Chute families,'who gathered at Lon-
don's beautiful resort to the, number
of seventy, primarily to celebrate the
birthdays of two of the ladies, in the
persons of Miss. W. Dorms, of Clin-
ton and Mrs, A. Downs of Iona, who
by an unusual coincidence, while
wives of brothers,' were also born on
the same, date. , s
The occasion while to a large ex-
tent impromptu was such a pro-
nounced •success in enabling the mem-
bers of the different branches to re-
new old ties and get- up-to-date on
family history, etc., that it is more,
than likely to be made an entitle! af-
fair. " .
The folloWing places of resideme
'were represented around the beunti-
fuily spread tables: London,' Inger-.
soil, Iona,
Aylmer, St. Catharines;
Fairgrouncls, Verschoyle, Detroit arid
Clinton. • • .
. -
Mrs. Sara Downs who spent tilt
past eight months in Clinton and her
brother, Mr. Jas. H. Chute,
of Tnger-
sill, were the ,two seniors present.'
About the year 1870, where Me-
Taggart's Bros, bank is now situated,
:stood a store•Owned by a Mr. Pugh.
In 1872 when 'one of his sons, Alfred,
'the subject of, our story, was 2 years
old "the family left. In 1887 Alfred
came back, apprenticed to Thomas
Tinting in his 'blacitsmithing eatab-
lithnient, but the lad had the'soldier-
ing Instinct and 1888 sasssitini away
for the wars.
From 1892 to 1895 Tie was with the
and Hatt.alion of the Grenadier
Guards, serving under Colonel Ric-
ardo, In "189,5 he transferred' to the
n y and was stationed at Plyniouth
When trouble broke out in Cuba,
young Pugh enlisted -with "Teddy"
Roosevelt's mRciugh Riders," and
served With them throtigh the Cuban
trouble and the • Spanish-American
War. For Ifs services in these•Cam-
paigns, he was awarded the , Cuban
°c4Trais tO°vnelasi.PMiiegliaIw,a's•' mustered''out
and re-enlisted With the 29th U. Z.
infantry as senior color -bearer, but
at his own , request reverted to.the
rank of quarter -master sergeant.
Then Came the Phillipine Insurrec-
tions and we find Sergeant' Pugh in
the thick .„of it under i‘f,ajtor Cronisn,
• To. these people, and tesstira,Cpbans;
our veteran hans the paltriliii-devis-
ihg varied atiCislagenions . fornsf
torture for PrjAnners, :
*When the •,130xbr
out "'III China, Sorgeant• •Pugh was
sent there participated in the re-
lief of Pekin and Then'
back to the Phillipines suntili=19.01.•
Wine seemed a:. bit desirable,:'so'
this soldier " returiled.to' Xifigateri
joined Battery A,:.:..Wheraliesreitrained.
until 1908; .-Wheri:,,;:thai,',Gieat
brolt,eput, *ha'.
attachedto staff. lieliAtia.Ae`ia. Under
Colonel; Rance: he :Wet sergesint-major
of the 813.,,d Battalion andsweat,
seas .Witli. Ili:, France It' was
.attablied to No60;"Minitreal Rifle,
• but when this CoMparly.WaS•absointe-‘
ly broken up after Viii Ridge he WAS
transfered to. the. '07th inperia1 Gren-•
adieeili Guards: At Lens •'Sergeant
Pugh was hadly, gitased was. at-
tached to the' ;4th 'Canadian Labor
Sergeant Pugh. has ,wondeifist,
diSplay of ,rnedals,, ,the ,.laz2v‘., the
OroiX-tigguerre,':, the .General Service
•.Medal'; • the Victory Medals the. :Long
,SarviSe 'NfedA' 21" Years at.Otheci"ial,'S.
vibe. are '' neASserYs'•;tes•,,'61Stait.:flliat,
Spanish-Arnerienn„., Modeil; • Phillipine,
Medal; Boxer E.prising, i8ed1.. ••
si-Sttirkt Pt4rs'
ing through tlis,sfais.coinstrieS ..efs the,
earth for 42
always fighting/ :Auelting: .ehe'S:.
every infinite, and Sems
these toutitrieS..ShaVe ,rate; Obit'
with 'their prisoners—they •are'
todie, poor devils • .Bie came- home
bon it all, battle...searred, but not 'a
bit Weary, 'to, the little town Where he
wits• ,bor. 'Sergeant ',Pugh..,finds few
o his,poieii4g, left liore,, but we .41,e
,glarte 'Welcome beirie ah old reattlent4
'We hae marlY war 'Veterans..iii
but.'den't 'Yowthirik', h deSerVes:
our 'title) "Veteran.' of VotertinS.
°LIST 0; 11'0,06
TICE Iff5ME rAitakit
TRY.IT!, - • .
This is fprsmarriedsteaclers,
,,Some ,ene:lias."discoVered:that the
figures -•3852 invaris.6 y 'seine 'from
adding .the folloWing;' :The yea
bne's birth, Q116',S ag the Yoar , of
marriage ad -the .,nuMber of years
The puzzle, which is bewildering to
most people, rests on the obvious fact
that 3852 equal* twice 1926, and that
the year of birth, plus uresent.age
always equals 1926, as does also the
Year of marriage plus the number, of
years of the duration of the marriage.
- The ladies held a very successful
bowling tournament on Friday even-
ing. The ladies had been flirting des,-
perately with thefrain,for a week of
so, endeavoring to set a date ttor
their game, but the Prislay attempt
was most successful.
The prizes 'were dpnated by. the
ladies of High street, Mesdames Fair,
Jackson, Scott and .Berman. The
first prize, boxes of mite paper, was
captured by- Miss R...linvin's rink .and
to the rink skipped by Miss A. HOW -
son fell ,,.the consolation, nice, fat
round all -day suckers..
Everybody was at the,enovies last
Friday. Who was going to get the
pony? The results,flashed on the
sereen,were as fedloWst
Jack Cree , 1,104,575
Peter Cantelon . 1,002,475
Douglas Kennedy 936,825'
Kenneth Elliott 444,150
The iipiLy was jack's 'with a maj-
ority of 102,100. •Wo believe the lit-
tle -anirnal. has 7 been christenei
"Nettie." Nettie is :a 24ear-old pow,
black, with white sputa on her head
and sides, and she has •a band of the
most devoted .admirers that have ever
fallen -to ,±,the' lot -of alt
In St. T.honias, a young man who
eras driving a tar, and ,attempting th
force other motorists into races to
pass him, was -fluidised a "smart-alee
motorist and fined very heavily. St.
-Thomas the .caily place that has
these.people; we have them, too. They
•will.•:kig-zagticross :the road .until the
Sar behind gets to them and then
iarey the,Yill fly. "To •get ahead one
• must go faster than they, or -take
their dust for miles.
$1:talrls-Max" huggY-diivess ave
comnion to those of us \\Vim live orithe
wider streets.. 'Away they tear, thc.
horsei neck and neck and •death and
destruction loomsup for anyone et
anything that gets in thelP•road. •
About 200 people :attended the pie-
nie in Hayfield on Wednesday as
guests of the Masonic Order. The
weather was ideal, the supper was
A-1, the smelts were fast and exeit-
ing, so what more could one wish!
.The program of sports le as follows:
Girls race, 12 sifid under--L-Dorothy
Holmes, Irene Veinier.
Boys' raee, 12 and under, -...Owen
Combe, Ray Cox.
Single ladies race—Margaret Cud -
more, Grace Evans.
Ladies' Balloon Raee—Marion Hud-
son, Mrs, G. Cook.
Ladies' Walking race—Mrs. •W.
.Hohnes, Mrs. 11. McBrien.
Coat Race—John SciMenhals, Miss
Softball,game.• The young ladieS'
team eomPosed of Dora ' Sehoenhals„
Freda ..:Schoenhals, Margaret • Cud
more, Carol, Evans, Mary Walton,
,Dorothyi Holmes, John Sehoenhsils,
Walter Ifoln,ies :and Perry. Plunisteel,
defeated the Men's feeds composed of •
W., Mach, Dr. iTlionipsnui, Wen-
dorf, 1. 11 Garitelon,sWaltjar Ilown.se
Chas., Mka dieteuV 1'0 Cal% . m14; '.1VIrs,
• !.."'
. 4 ' • ' ' " •
xiieekt.eliievii3i,iim.":in VMS
iv4.7J-Milei,,Maleolin AllSairk,'„Iraw
York State.. ',111i","`IVIalebintrissone",os1,
Pit fOrsper ,.reslifents," and 'one, ,wheSis
ree.641414 added initchrto.4•thehneirs
gai.ned.'e'ethe:•.-honia. toWn bydsstnlgdzshed *]d boys and gI,IS
I,t 187 Jne 'left Chn
he had "heen. .working for
his uncle,.. pdniund.-lyllounteadtlet who
oppi.4ted,„a,SaWattll •..on Surou. street,
:Lohdori, Was his firAt. stopping place,
,and, front there he, went to trampton,
.Where he 'was employed' as stenogs
taPher, in, the ;offiees ef Haggett
Brothers, • In. 1884' Mrs 'Malcolm
moved -Aar Chicago. ip' the "ernplby• Of
Deering.; Brothersr ninnlifactitrers'
of harvesting -Birt•gr.
gocobri. as, :destined.' for literary
fame and::the•Chicago, 41.0tivct
hhn art editorial writer.• ..Among
:other offices held.during- his, :.1.0„ years •
ate: Board
itl00 • he. nioVed.,:tio-tuffaloaiiit
*erVed'Osi the , staff ., df the -Thafralo'
.000i1:1" for 12 yearSi,
Weal 'Writer for gnickerhocker'
'PreSS .,ef. Albany, 'lie travelled ,w.iiieV).
attending national .ainj state'S."conven-
tient. Since 1.9l71.11.0 bas -been editor,
•df,;'41 in.Alhauy, One whitli•
•IS gotten Out Joy the "State:.
feat Writer, we 'feerte." should be in
hiS-eleinent. mor cotintry $it the
nresent ,time, and oiily regret that
hit. Stay, h se as,.so alert, andhis
edgdgiieiil, Pa, rinalerona*:' that ,we
bpjd note privileged ,to present
bui„retittorC.W.i.th neutral': survey :of,
aur''shalatioriprOente•• coins/re',"
hensively 'esan expert like Mr. Mal -•,1
cohn ooiild prosent It,, •
' • •-•1
Monday's papers announced the
results. of summer courses in Art
and physical ,ctilture Congratulations
are extended to Misses Jean Hogg,
Mary R. Stewart and Ruth MeMath
for their success dn obtaining their
Art 'certificates. •
The' newspaper is being asked at
all times to do all it can to boost the
to merchants .and/ others benefit,
ting thereby, which in turn !benefits
thecommunity in general. The News -
...Record has always done its share in
these things, but how is it to continue
in the face of town officials sending
Werk out of town.
The -Wornen's I-nstitute will hold
theirregelar meeting on the lawn a
Mrs. Luke Lawson on Thursday next,
•Aug. 26th, at 3 pm,
TO this ‘neeting "Grandmothers"
• are,espeeially invited. A special pro-
gram is being prepared to please
Grandmothers. There are also con-
tests for the grandmotherkfor which
prizes will be given.
All grandmothersare cordially Hi-
vited to be presents,. , •
Baptist Church
The' Rev. IVIrc Greer of Sault Ste.
Matte -will occupy the pulpit next
Sunday &ening:.
Presbyterian Church
Service in • the Baptist churn. on
Sunday at li'o'clock. Rev. Mr. Foote
of Exeter will conduct the service,
Wes14Willis 'United ChuiCh
Rev. A. A. Holmes will . take' for
His morning ,subject: "He Made it
Again." Evening: "The School of
Remember—No Band Concert to-
Peter Cantelon wishes to thank his
many friends for the votes given him
in the recent Pony Contest, and also
to congratulate the -winner.
Miss Carrie Lnils entertained a
few of her friends to a Birthday
Party on Monday afternoon.. A very
pleasant time was spent by all.
Honorable Duncan 'Marshall will
speak in the Town Hall tonight. With
him will he Mi. Thomas
Liberal 'nominee for Federal honor
in South Huron.
The Gi`ids' Softball League had A
successful bazaar latt Saturday.
:Homemade baking in the afternoon
and hot dogs and ice cream at night.
They cleared aboiit $37.00, whicl, will
help them along a hit.
LAcansst GAMES.
(Clinton team played off a tie gams.
in St. Marys on Friday, August .13th.
Our boys won with a score of 7 to, 5.
The game was fast and elean, the
home team taking the lead from the
beginning and holding it throughout
the match.
On Monday the first of the group'
finals was played in town. There
was a large crowd present and bet-
ting on the result was pretty even.
The grounds were ,in bad shasSe, due
partly' to the excessive amount of
rain we have' been enduring.
The game was a very fast one and
.few penalties were called. 'Yates of.
St. Marys as the outstanding figure
fer the visiting team, but they area
huskyt bunch of extra good lacrosse
players and our boys will have their
own times regaining the lead. Not
that we don't think they can do it, we
are sure -they can.,
For ,Clinton, Middleton, Cook and
McNeil starred. The score by periodi
i'4$ 1 to 1, 3 to 2, 3 to 3, 5 to a.
On Friday at 6 pan, the return
gable will be played in St. Marys.
The teams: •••• " •
- Clinton -4W. Muteh, N. McNeil, C.
Vtlford, J. Nediger, R. Middleton, N.
Cook, W. Snazel, F. Mutchi T, Match,
1,) (ook, R, efeEWan, X Roherton.
,Marys—j. 'Stephens'C. Mown),
•F. Yates, J. Richardson, R." Near, C.
Smith, A. Stevens, O. Stevens, W.
Wilniore, V: Noble, 11. Bain.
;Stanley Township
Mrs. Fred .PleweS of Meosomin,
,spent Thursday 'last at the
'bane of her uncle, gr. John Pearson.
• Miss Zetta Jacksonentertaiged, a
number or her girl friends to alter•
neon tea on Friday last,•
,' Mrs.:Glen of Gederich is spending
weeks at "the home of sher don,
Mb'. Edward 0. Glen. . •
• Miss llfat..garet Elliott of Toronto is"
ll'Ondingfew holidays with iter•ra-
.1atives here;
Miss' Alsisie Stewart spent a feW
days with friends id SoutliaMpton.
.Mits2Jyrt1e Pearson is spending: a
IfeW wielcCat Aikenhead's
near Brucefield.
• Miss Maigaret lVfcGregos was with
Bayfield friends teat week• :
'.1Vriss.Edna Hodgson,' who has been
Vititing;her sidtess Mrs, Haseld.
for the past two Weeks-, has re-
tnrried to•her home near London,
IVIr. Ivan ISteekle Motored to lis
ener'one day recent y. •- • s
• Mr. IChasSeetchtter "Spent, Saint, -
day evening with Ghderich'friends.
' Alfred ••Westlalte. motored. to
St Thoinns • on,Sunday. last, • • ' S
Mrs, Herold •Penhale, is the guest
of her mother;• Mrs. Geo, ',Hodgson of
• People You It.novvl
Mr. Wilbur Wallis left on Tuesday
for the West. • ,
Mrs. Anderson, of Belleville is visi,t-• '
ing IVI-rs. IL Plumateel. ,
•MT, ThGru
omas of elipli it a guest with,
Mr. E. G. and IVIiss IL Courtice. •
Mrs. Spencer of Ottawa,has been vis;
• itipg her cdusin, Mrs Dr. Shaw. •
Mrs. J, 1. McCanghey is visiting her
"Claus -liter, Mrs. T. Mahon in Mont -
Mr. end ,Mrs: John' May ',af Toronto
spent the week -end 7with Mis
Hooper. . -
Mr. and Mrs: J, H. McKay of Ailsa
Craig visited Revs. Snowden
on Tuesday.
Miss. Margaret Cree, nurse -in -train-
ing in Victoria' Hospital, has re-
turned to London.
Miss F. H. Burke of St. Thomas, is
, visiting for ,a few day S withsIVIr. E.
G. and Miss H. Ceurtiee: -
Miss. Reta Elliott ands Miss Freda
Schoenhals are visiting 1Mr. and
Mrs. Russell McCaig of Galt.
Mit. H. Pennebaker has returned
horne'after a two week's visit with
friends in Oshawa and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrse..J. C. Bogie and Miss
Jean of Goderich were the guests
'af Mit Pennebaker on Tuesday:
1VIrs. Herb Schoenhals and family of
".i.,West Lorne have returned to their
dhome after a two week's visit in
• 'town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zapfe have re-
turned from a two -week's motor
trip to Kitchener, Barrie and Owen
Miss Ruth Walkinshaw is holidaying
this week at Bruce Beach and is
the,,guest of Rev. E. J. and Mrs.
Roulston. -
Mrs. Wilseh. Rath and little son of
West Toronto returned home on
...Friday after spending a week, with
• , Mrs. L. Rath.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton and
Irene, Mr. • and Mrs. Fred Pepper
and Hazel spent Sunday with then.
brothers, Mr. Jno. Layton, in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burrows and
lVfisses Margaret and Nina. of
Stratford were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Pennebaker last
IVfes„ J. H. Johnston and two children
and Miss Clara Steep were the
guests on Saturday last of theis
brother, Mr. Earl Steep of the Pos-
tal staff,' London.
Mrs. i-Iay of Brantford has been a
'vest at the home of, Mr. E. Car-
ter. Mrs. Hay, while in this neigh-
borhood, .visited friends and rela-
tives, in Dungannon, Carlow and
The Misses Hodgins and Mr. R. Hod-
gins- of Toronto and Hayfield were
visitors in town on Thursday. Mr.
Hodgins has just."returned from. a
fishing'trip, which from all appear-
ances, was a great success.
Mr. and MTS. F. J. Redmond and
their daughter, Miss Helen'of
Lethbridge, Altas,„and Mr. andMrs.
Vernon Redmond of Chicago were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mb'
Kinley and Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Levis
on Monday last.
Mrs. J. T, Crieh and Miss Ida Ball
returned' home Wednesday of last
•week on the steamer Huroriie.from
an extended vacation to Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., and Gladstone, Piek-
ford; Rudyard, and Escanabo, Mich.
Both report, an enjoyable 'trip.
• •
•• Hullett Township_
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bayley and fam-
ily spent Sunday- with. Mr. and MTS.
Bert Habkirk.
Mrs. Wsn. Minter and son George
spent Sunday with Mr. Win., Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ITunter spent
Sunday with Mr. Win. Moore.
Ed. Price and Mgt Taylor of
Belmont spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Habkirk.
IV's'. and, iNks. Geo. Johnston and
family and Miss Jennie Mann spent
Sunday withfriendsin Brussels,
Mr. James Campbell of McKillop
spent a couple ryf days with Clinton ,
-mr. and Mrs. George Forsest and'
Mrs. Stewatt of ...London were the
guests ef Mr, and- Sir's. Win. Forrest...,
this week. '
aVIrs, (Dr.) •MeDenald and mkw.,.,
Laing of London and Mrs. Baldwin
a Algoma visited at the home of
Mrs. Alex. Ross, sr, last week,
,Messrs, Hugh s and Frank Aiken, `
headsmotored to 'London last week So
see their 'brother Mac who has been
seriously ill. His many friends. wiN.
be glad t`o hear that he is imProving.,
The Rev. W. A. Bremner • Of Co-
bourg ,condueted'Hivine service mean-
ing and evening in the United church
on August 8th, and also preached in
the Morning. on August 15th, and was
listened to with much acceptance bY
the. congregation.
In the evening ofthe15th Rev. G.
'Telford of Blyth, ehairrn,au of the
settlement committee•conducted Di-
vine service. At the close a meeting'
of the congrbgation was held with Mr..
Telford in the chair, when a wanal- -
mous call was extended to Rev. Kr.
Bremner to become pastor of tire
. •
• Lonciesboro a
, The Mission Band of Knox Unit
church will hold a silver tea in the
.church on Saturday at 3 pan. Mrs.
Grierson will be present and tell us
of her work aniong the children of
Korea. The ladies of the congrega-
tion are cordially invited to attend.
Mr. Toni Adams, who is visiting his
father, Mr. Richard Adams of Blyth,
was renewing aequaintances in the
village last week. It is thirteen years
since Mr. Adams has been home and
his friends here were very glad to
meet him again and See him looking.
so wel. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and
children expect to motor back to
Seattle ver' soon.
Mrs. W. P.414Intosh of Montreal is.
visiting with Miss L. Young.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Aruthur Kerslake
and fantily 'of Exeter spout Sunday
at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Miss Esther Lyon and Misses Olive,
and. Mae Lyon left Tuesday morning
by 'boat for a two month's trip in the
Western Provinces,
Miss Muriel Loudesberry of Delhi
is visiting Londesboro friends.
. Mr, Win. Webster is having Isis
house shingled.
The MiSieS Medd Of Exeter are,
visiting with Miss Mary'Cartwright;
Mr. T. E. Lyon motored from 13a-
troit on Sunday to visit his fathers
Thomas Lyon, for two weeks. His
wife and,family will return home with
;gin. 7
Miss Laura Snell Is visiting at the
home of Win. Elsley in Colborne
„Miss Nornia Snell spent the past
week with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Web-
Mr. and Mrs. Rice and. son Garth
have returned after a two sve4cs"
camping tour.
Mr. and Mrs: Phonies Manning and '
„daughter spent Sunday at the home
of Herb. Mogridge. on the ,base
Mr. and Mis..John Robertson, Mk -
mid Mrs, :Charles Robertson of God-
erigh•and.1Vri. and Mrs. Ernie Robert
Son of- 'Toronto Visited the home ei
the Munro's and Blair'S Stmday.
Mr. Wilmer Wallis, ,Misses Gest -
rude and Freida Wallis, of Cinders.
called on friends here Tuesday.
• Ildr. and Mrs,' Geo. Patterson were --
visitors at Dr. Weir's last week -
A number from here 'attended. the
"Jenkins picnic" held in Ball's bush
last Wednesday s•afterrieon, There
were abdut 80 people present.
Mrs, Chas. Wright of Toronto mut
Mist 'Matgaret !Tones of Goderich
were .guests'at-the.home of Mr. mut
IVhi; Amos Andrew .on Wednesday of
this week, ,
The Women's Institute meeting was.
held at 'the home of Mrs. Meg-,
riate on Tuesday last' Missit
'Wallis of Clinton took the subject.
,Liineh was sesvc:and:,argoode
Ti end s. • „ .eiljoyed ball.
•poderich ,Township
Rev. W. A. Elliott of Long Bran -c -h,
Calif., is' spending a few weeks vis-
iting friends in Goderich toWnship.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hudie enter-
tained a number of their friends on
Friday evening last. All report a very
enjoyable evening.
V ,arrita.
.Mr. George Coleman and _IL El-
?liott shippedlive stock to Toronto on
nnie Foote of the, sfaff of
Victoria Hospital, London, is holiday
big With her brothel. at Bannockburn
Knights in 1„Jiddri church Sunday ey-
tes oeilnains mLnSseini bae sdeolbfmrsotaBn les y irate, vocewpi pre.: .address t6 the Members of. the Black
r 01
spending a few days at the` home of
• MT. and Mrs. R. Webster,
'Mb. Wm, Beatty of Onion Bank,
Mount. Brydats spent' tilt week -end
'With his sister, Mrs...F: Weekes.
'--The many friends of Miss'El , Mos. -
sop be :sally to hear she is at
present in Clinton hoSPital 'and we
hope Soon to see her •at' het post of
duty, • • •
Rev. A. il1et, a fornier ratsta,
wAs renewing acquaintances here last
••• week.
'HuiOn Road East
• Mr. and Mrs, J. Tufford of Detralt
are spending„a, few days at the home
of Mr. Mac MeDermicl.,
Me. and 'Mrs, Hadley Padgett of,
New Toronto and Miss Edna Pod-
gitt spent Saturday and Sunday last
at the home of G. A. Vanderlsuyghs
Miss Sadie Hall spent 'Sundry last
with friends in Clinton.
Nohle Holland has eilgaged Mr.
-Smith from near London to help him
with his:hits:vest.•
Farrners-sin this vicinity are boss,
cutting their oats. There is 401710
wheat otit yet •
Miss Margaret Proetor of Goderiels
spent Simday last at the home of G.
A. Vanderburgh.
114.rs..• D. Cole and MTS. Sherwood
and children of Flint, Mich., 'visited at
kor. and Mrs. Pollard',s one day last
weelC. ' ••
Mrs. R. D. Stanley and son, James,
and grandson George Stanley of •
Toi.onto, Miss Dorothy Cornish, Mrs.
',lea. Graham and Mrs. W. Stanley of
Clinton were visitors at Mrs.
• 'Tudor's on Friday evening.
•9uite' a nuntber from around kens
attended the funeral of the late jamas
• D. ninchley, formerly of Ttailat.,;. ,
Howard Snell of torideslOoro gave.si
line address on the liVes of
Mad "Itosea." 2, •