HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-12, Page 8Ciliate ft Nem.- eccir°dasiveressanscauneacessan TIIUBSfAY, AUGUST ;12, 1226. CLINTON'S LEADING J'1WELEItY STORE' u the Evening,of the Moo light At that time the soft dight is kind to you. She is more responsive and is ready to listen toyouu. \Then she wauld be willing to allow you,to place ," on her finger one of those Blue White Rose Bud Diamonds—shown ,at•John- sen's Jewellery ;Store. 0 CPN. Graduate of Toronto College "of Optometry Nett I1ovey's Drug Store ine Jewellery and Repairs - Clothkug Sale Cotton _Worsted Pants, just the ;thing for hard wean , si 9S Speeial price for August"Sale Jl r aSeeecial Prices on Khaki Pants forAlen .and Boys. Grey Flannel 'Pants, Youth's sizes up to 34, $3.00 �+ Men's sizes at .. , . +� loo About 30 Pairs Men's Oxfords, (mostly black) $3®49 To clear at CLOS PRICES ON ALL LINES OF WORK BOOTS The kind that are built of solid Ieather to ensure satisfactory wear. 0 e Piurnsteel Bios. PHONE 25, And a Little Extra For Good Measure THE C. & S. 'GROCERS • n Main Store, Phone 125 W., Branch Store, Phone 125 J. ITS CANNING TIME • Preserve the Fruit Crops Arsamene It is absolutely essential to the health of your family that you provide them: 'with a pleasing variety, of succulcnt,.tender,.nourishing vegetables. and fruits at all trines. Prepare now for the long winter months ‚when they will not be available. -Preserve food whieh other- wise wuld go to waste. Canning time is here] We have a come plete line of all canning supplies. No matter what your needs may 'be, we can supply you with the very best equipment. ,kettles -4n all sizes of aluminum and enamel. Measures, steamers, etc., at lowestpossible prices. Sutter Perdite HARDWARE ?LUMS:BINO ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w ,DOG SHIPMIENTS BRUSSELS: .Archer Grewar, of Report of hog shipments for week Brussels, met with ,an unfortunate ending -Aug, 5, 1926: accident while playing' soft ball at the Clinton—Total hogs, 52; select. ba- Ilenfry+n; tournament. Wihile running con, 21; thick smooth, 28; heavies, 1; the bases he slipped and fell, free - extra heavies, 1. turing his hip ;bone. He was inimed- Londesboro—Tota; hogs, 53; select iately taken, to Stratford Hospital, Baton, 29; thick smooth, 23., where an X-ray- that a small Huron County—Totalhogs, 1,568; portion was broken off the upper por •, select bacon, 430; :thick smooth, 890; tion of his hip`,pone. The fracture is heavies, 110; extra heavies, 11; shop said by physicians to be a very un hales,"67; lights and feeders, 4. usual one. Considere Difference Between A window shade made of a - cheap loosely woven cotton and' caked with a ',paste size, which: soon .,becomes hand anc 'brittle, then cracks and,your shade is full of pin holes. ,AND" A window shade made of a fine closely woven fabric and filled with. a glue size thoroughly worked into the fibres with a brush. This is the way the; Cloth for STERRLING SHADES iA is trade and the reason why they outwear two, :Or three ordin- ary shades. , Is ltnot true: that , There never Iwas anything made yet but what some one else could make it worse and selLit for less, Tfle. W. D. Fair to. Often the Gheapest—Always the Best rJN4tj 1111, Miss Muriel Downs was holidaying in ',Bayfield last week. Miss Mary Caldwell of•I,ondesboro is visiting her 'aunt, , Mrs: • W. T. Her - Miss Verna Smith of Charlottetown, P.E.I., is visiting Miss Ethyle WaS- man. Mrs. Albert Hooper of O'linton spent last week -end in Exeter withell rs, • Banes. a' Mrs, W. S. Downs is; spending this ween at one of Jowett's cottages, Bayfield, Mrs. John C1uft is visiting at the home of .her son, Mr: R. Cluff of Goderich township. • Mr, and Mrs: J. D. Sterling' of Detroit spent the week=end with the latter's sister, Miss S. Powell, ' Mrs. Muriel Lottridge and Miss Mur- ton, both of Toronto, are guests of Col. and Mrs, It. B. Combe. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Liven/tore spent the week -end in Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheatley. Mrs. Wm. Brydone and Mrs. J. E. Hovey."spent.a few days list week at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 4 Mrs. Dr. H. H. Christie of Esterhazy, •Bask.,., and her daughter, Miss Sear, are visiting Mrs. O. L. Paisley. Friends from Belmore and Lanes vis- ited at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Holland on .Sunday last. Mrs. Thos. Ruinbadl and son of Hes. peter have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walkee of town. Mrs. B. G. Zinn and son, Warren, vis- ited at the lady's parents; Mr. and Mlrs.'Geo. Holland's, for few day;, Mrs. IT. R. °Sharpe, who is spending the sumiue lin Southampton, has been in Clinton for the past week, M7r. and Mrs.. Stanley Buckrel'1 and baby Marion were guests of Mr. and Mill \,W. A. 'Holmes over the week -end. Mies W]nnif ed Hunt has returned to 4 Toronto accompanied by Miss Edith Hunt, who will ,spend a few weeks in the city. • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russel and baby. Jack of Toronto are visiting at the hone of the lady's parents, Ml. and Mrs. Wit. Rutledge. Mr. anti Mrs. W. ,Lawson and two chidlren of Windsor visited then cousins, Mt. and lifrs.' R. B. Carter at their cottage at Bayfield last week. Mr, Edgar` Maguire, who - has been •spending the past three weeks in, Philadelphia, New York and Atlan- tie City, is now visiting relatives in t5!pringfield, Mass. Misses Edna and 'Ethyle Weisman motored from Toronto on Saturday. Miss Edna ,returned to `Toronto on Monday. .Miss Ethyle remains at her home in town` until the reopen- ing of school. Mr. nnd.Mrs. W. H. B.1jiiodd and M::' Wilfred •' Medd and :Miss Etta Col- borne and Mr. Hayes motored over from Trowbridge ' last Sunday and were guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs. J. G. Medd. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Durst and child - eon of Detroit spent ten days visit- ing relatives iso Clinton and vicin- ity, returning to Detroit the end of the week. Misses Ross and Elva Levis returned with then; to De- troit. R Mrs.' Sarah 'MeV-idle and Mr's. John MMVittie and Mr. and Mrs. 'Wen. MOVittie and children of East Wa- wanosh motored over, last Sunday and spent the day at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd, Mr: E. Carter and Miss E. Carter were visiting rngMr.andM,rs,Havof Brantford last week They mot- ored from there to Niagara Palls' along with friends, arriving home on Friday, accompanied by 'Mr. and Mrs. -Hay and Mrs. Burns of Ethel. o Auer Thiroceit We have a car, of pure cane SU -gar at'the store . wiiich we. are sel-ling at car price for cash. The market is firm and ad-: vahcing so BUY NOW. PICKLING SIJ: P ,I'ES Our spices in our estimation are equal in quality and flavor to any On the market. We 'have just had'a fresh shipment of exceptionally fine spices' from India and Ceylon.' MARMALADE AND. JAM Various Brands such as, --Wagstaffe, Aylmer, Keilers, Apex and Crosse & Blackwell 'WEE -END SPECIALS Preserving Season Bargains -6 qt. aluminum kettle with 10 bars Comfort or P. & G. soap 6• bars O'Neil's soap 25o; , Kraft Cheese, per pkg. 7 lbs. Rolled Oats' • 2$c Large bottle Olives 2 lbs.Dates.. 25c McCormick's Picnic assorted cakes or $1.29v 25c 50c 50c Fresh Tomatoes, YES WE HAVE Celery; . `Cabbages, Cucumbers, -Melons, Bananas, - Peaches, Pears, Grapes Inthe Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. .In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly .Order Early - Cash and Service VV• •. 48O'Nei! Ph° e Where "Sells for less price prevarhs. Hollmesvillle t:�za GROUP CHAMPIONSHIP • On Friday of last week the Holmes - villa Sunday sehool united with Eb- enezer and Shaven schools in having a picnic in Mr. W. H, .Lobb's grove. The afternoon was spent in sports. After the races a softball, game was played between Holn esville and Eb- enezer S. S., the latter winning. The mnpire was W. Biggins. , ,A tug o£ war between Ho1Tesville And Ebenezer men, resulted in the former winning.' The judges for the baby show . were G. T. Oakes from Chicago and N. J. Willson, Sa'ia. After the sports- the ladies provided a dainty I unch. About 150 people were present. The following is the list of prize- winners in the races: Girls, 1 to 5—]Gertrude Eason, Dona Lobb, Joke Gardner. Bays, 1 to 5—Dick Willson, Willis Mayfield, James Clifford Henderson, .Girls, :5 to 8—Irene Williams, Mil- dred Miller, Margaret Stock. -- Boys,-5 to B—Diek Willson, Jack Yeo,. John Williams. .- Giels, 8 to 14—J. Midler, H. Pickard, E. Sullen Boys, 8 to 14—C. 'McNeil, Hender- son, H. Glenn. Young ladies—A. Biggin, Del Cot, Helen Cox. Young Men—•W. Terris, I. Teiiimtt, C. Tebbutt, • Married ladies—Mrs. C. Cox, Mfrs, L. Jervis. . , Married men -L. Jervis, C. Cox. Free-for-all—C. Cox, W. Jervis, H. Snyder. ;Girls 3 -legged race—N, Potter and J. Huller, C. Trewartha and C. Miller, A. Williams and Biggin. Thread -the -needle rase, girls—alt. Pickard, Mrs. C. ;Cox, Mas. S,. Jervis. Wheelbarrow 'race-Jl, huller and N. Trewartha, Frank and Harold Yeo, 0. Williams and R. Riggin. Three-legged race, -boys—R. Teb• butt and 11, Proetot, H Hiller and J. ,Hutchins, W -Gardner and C; (loxx. One -legged race, boy-41..Tebbutt, H. Proctor, H. Hillier. , One-legged'iace, .girls -H. Pickard, J. Miller, R, Cudmore. - Running bread jump, -D." Glidden, R. Veneer, B. 'Walters. Standing broad jump—IW. Jervis, B. Walters, D. Gliddon. Throwing soft ball, girls—H. 'Cox,' A. Biggin, Del Cox. Baby show, under 2 years -.G. Mil- ler, Ray Potter, Bielen Yeo. TERBUTT REUNION PICNIC. The annual Tebbutt Reunion Picnic held' in Jewett's- Grove, Bayfield, on Wednesday, Aug, 4th, was a splendid sueeess. About 130 were in attenc'b' nice, The day was ideal for sport,', which were entered into very heartily,- An interesting game of soft ball he. tween the Reunion' ]boys and the boys residing near Hensall was, .played. The teams were pretty evenly match- ed. There were ark races for all the children of different ages, starting off with a peanut scramble. Among the races for.adults Mr. Edgar Tre- wartba tame first in - the fat man's race and Mrs. Wm. Merrill in the fat women's. The ladies gracefpi walk ing contest created great amusement, it being very hard for the -judges' to decide. Twenty-five or more ladies took pait..Mrs. Ira Merrill won :first eine. The judges were Mr. Geo. Teb- butt, Mr. John,Jervis and Mr. Wan. Merrill. 'A special prize was awarded to Mrs. W. H. Jervis; she being the only great grandmother present. A committee was appointed to arrange x for next n year's pierric. Since the last picnic two of the number, Mrs. J. Trewartha and Mrs. G. Hayes, have been removed- by death In a greater reunion with those who have gone before. Lacrosse St.Marys vs, Clinton Mfi=nday, Aug. 16 6:15 p.m„ Sharp B a booster 'and 'B there, To 'Cheer the Boys Admission -32c, 25c and 10e.. Women's Exchange Will close on Friday Night Aug. 13 at 6 p.m. for the remainder of Aug. DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of. the Town of Clinton offers to ,local investors de- bentures issued for payment of the new Collegiate Institute building, in sunis of $500 and 81,000, yielding five per cent. to the purchaser. In- terest payable senti-annually on Feb, 1st. and Aug. lst. Further infornmation may be ob- tained from D. L: M'IAGPIIEBSON, Treastirer, Clinton, Aug.8r6, 1926. ' 69-tf ecla urnaees Lead THERE I8 A REASON It+ Saves One Ton of Coal in Seven Call, in and get 'a price millet furnace you. are thinking of installing this year, or prepare for cold weather by having your old 'one overhauled during the summer months, • • Phone 244 and leave your order and we wilt look after your wont for you. HARDWARE and PLUMBING , Phone 244 . ; Why Not Take It Easy? Since the Spring Work is over spend more time on Your Verandah t We have a wonderful stock of verandah furniture of all kinds. Chairs and Rockers at all prices. Don't fail to see our new Cocotex Verandah Rugs, sizes ranging from 3x9 feet to 71/4x93b feet. They. will ;Year for a life time. and prices are very reasonable. Then we have Hammo Couches, Hammocks, Sun -Stop Shades, in fact every- thing to make the verandah comfortable and cosy, When thinking of installing a ;bathroom, of Eavestrougbs or roof ing it will pay you to consult us for prices, etc. Clinton If, rdware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS / MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 196 Coolness. Comfort, Appeara> ce and Value that is Outstanding ,g These good features axe all:toebe found in our- Suits. Light Suits just fill the biII for general summer wear, come in and look over our. stock. Davis erman - VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W Spot Cash ' for Eggs and Poultry qOS Bought according to Government grading' LIVE POULTRY Broilers, Hers, Old Roosters,Old Turkeys, Old and YoungDucks all bought c g according to size and quality To insure satisfaction write, phone or call on us before marketing your produce. Give us an. opportunity to prove that we ive specialized ecialized service toyou in eggs and P gg poultry. The Place' Where' Qualit'Counts Y gotourrumareloungssuoursumussumuutosiustuosumuumoguoug GUNN,:r�,� s S &'Co: llted CO:,9 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL,; . " . . YT CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PRONE 190 uu r