HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-12, Page 2NTON ( L AND WIND FLATTEN WESTER NEWS -REG D AINAND RUIN •REGINA GARDENS CiLINTON, .ONTAR10 • :Terme of .Srhocrlptior 3.2.00;1 p soar in advance, to Cadadhin addreo 3; $2,50 to the U.S, Or other foreign eountrise. o eigncountrise. No paper 1L dp,contiourel until all arrears aro paid unless at the optloir of tieiaeblbilloc. The date to-ttthieh every subscription is..' paid is denoted- on the label. Advertising; Rates—Tpausiontatter-i tieing,- 12e per "count lira for first{ insertion, 8c for each subsequent, fnsothon:: I-loa,dints7 counts 2 Aces, Srnall adyertfeoxnente. not to ex sed ono 01Cil,-'such as "Wanted," "Lost." ', "Strayed," oto., Inserted, once for , 35c, each subsequent insertion 15c;. Advertisements seat in without in-: et.ructlans' as to the number of in serelotis wanted, will rim until order- ed out,. and will ba charged accord- ingly, '1Riites for display -advertising- made known an application. : 'Communications intenced ltipr pub11- cation (Oust, es a ,guarantee' of good faith: be" accompanied by the name or the writer, G.' E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, Proprietor ' Editor. G. D. MoTAGGART M. -.D. MOTAGGART M C T , BANKERS A general "Banking 0usinesa transact- ed., Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest ` Allowed on Deposits. Sale Notes Purchased. H. T. RANCE. Notary Public, DonveYancer. Financial, Real Estate and Firs In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Firo Insurance Companies. Dtvistoii Count Office, Clinton. " W. BRYNE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Public, eto. Office: 8LOAN BLOCK CLINTON $5 90; .seaboard, in bulk, $5.80. $3.50 to $4; canners and cutters, Winnipeg, Man. --Heli. and wind tical loss Wag sufi',red by househo,dar-e in soirl with broken windows and ruined 'gar, caused consider ifla cloning -9 clans, t Mrar: 7pv e s, a , City reported c -n v districts chcivan. Other districts report henry re' as loss t.a -ocn Li ul;h,:noaen is of Manitoba and Saskai , alight dani e. The storm brought its i ee ao • rain, which will bo, of insetimab:e .and east of M sr Jaw, while onthe va;ue to grain el -op„; p81tieularly farm of C. 0. Smi-.e, 100 miles south some sections of -Saskatcheewan. 'of Regina, the crop is a coin,::ete :oss. The Rill:don district, 00 mOre west In addition, every window in' the oP Winnipeg, reported hail and wind Smith:house was broken and damage p y one to buildings. which'were areas -reported heavy rain, but' l.tt'o n..�. Some districts., be - hail damage. lieved -to be in the direct path of the Reports from Regina and Moose storm 'escaped when the high wind Jaw, Sask., told of heavy hail .and- sent the heilic;oude off the course to wind damage, with crops flattened, 5 take :their toll in another section. Such to 100 ;Ser cent, Loss in the latter close -in places as the Jail Farm, north- torritory, was confined to interruption east of Regina, and the City Farm at to telephone lines, and datnage to Boggy Creek, reported no damage and buildings in the rural areas,- mainly no bail. The heaviest loss iri the Re !the smashing of many windows by the gine area occurred east unci northeast. hail stones. In Regina City the prig- of the city, , damage atten-arS in pile northwest d crop -sloes. Southern and eastern' The storm acted in a freakish man •:rE..S THE WEEK'S T TORONTO. Man. wheat—No. 1 North., $1.62;. No: 2 North., $11.58; No. 8 North., $1.524, ' a• Man. oats—No. 2 CW, nominal; No. 8,- not .quoted; No. 1 feed, 49c; No, 2 feed,'- 4$%c; western grain quota- tions iny,c.i.f. ports. Ani, corn, track, Toronto—No.-- 2 yellow, $1 No. 9 yellow, 99c. Millfeer?=Del. Montreal- freights, bags included: Bran, per ton,. $27.25; Shorts, per. ton, 529.25; middlings,; 536.25; good feed flour, per bag, 52,30, Ont. oats -42, to' 44c f.o.b. shipping points.' • Ont. good milling wheat—$1.23 to $1.80, f.o.b. shipping points according to freights. Barley—Malting, 56 to 61o. Buck hee.t—Nominal. Rye—No. 2, 90e. Man.` flour—First pat., $9.10, To- ronto; do,=second pat., 53.69, Ont. our—Toronto, 90 per cent. YIeavy steers, choice, 57.85 to $8.25; of. Canmore, Alta., who carried.on his mauntaui, lidded to this is the ways do,good, $7.40 'to- $7.75 ;.'.butt'nor back over two miles of treaeher :present danger; of rack -slides Brom steers; choice, 57.40 to 57.85; do., sus above,. elides that shoot tons of bout- geed,, $7 to 57.25;, do., common $6,50 xock•and glacier, a companion who had dere down the slopes with a sound like to: $8,50; butcher heifers, choice, :$7 been injured. during a descent from -'the `discharge of a'- battery :of field_ to $7.75; do., good, 56.75 to $7; but -i the top of Bastion Peak • of the Rain- guns. The Drawbridge GI' tier li es cher cows, choice $5.50- to. $5,75; do, part Range, - - 's steel slope; and: is bout a mile wide r o P Pl'; lb.; 10 -Ib. this, 11115 to 12c; 5 -ib. this, 11 to 121/2c; 21/2 -1b. tins,, 14 to 14',, o. Smoked meats—kiams 'med., 34 to 86c; cooked hams, .52 to otic;, smoked lis; 25e cottage el to 82c;' break- ro " fast bacon, 85' to Loa; sp elalebrand b'i•eakfast bacon 39 to ^42e; - backs, boneless, 42 to 4�Ic .;. Cured meats=Leireg' cloak'bacon, 80: to 10 lbs., $24.25; 70 to 90 lbs.. 523.76 80 ilia, and up, 522,84; lightweight rolls in barrels) $$42.50;, heavyweight rolls, 539.59 per bbl. of honer of the Alpine Clubs' e the l Th upper, slopes of the Bastion are bard—lure tierces, 18 to 1811sc; Pformed of shale and rotten rock an tubs 131 "tc...19e• pails- 19 to 19eec n"ord`era rail already bright with piece of which liable Y 1 , , pails, le laced the i er man 16 to 113eic; blocks, 17 to'171-ec, F a name of Lawrence Grassi Y feet down the side of the Thos( three young.Caiiadians were rescued oy President Coolidge's boat When their yawl capsized opposite his campy near Paul Snrith'e,,N.Y, Mr. and Mrs: Coolidge. sew the accident and sent help. , Left' to right:'. Alan Walsh, Arthur Donner and Leonard Green. ALPINIST INJ `'' ON BASTION --' a CARRIED t r • SR Tonquin Valley JasperPrk be s t b th a . was I --N me y e. rescue party sent new' frame ,has been. added to the. roll out from the main camp. prints, to she- is : i e to give way p 1,5 retying, tierces, many deeds of: lar :sin, On this list at any linos and precipitate the climb- 141(2to' lbc• tubs' 15 'to lb;bc• ails O fl g The, accident, .of which Dr, R. patent per barrel, in earlots, Toronto bulls, good, $5,50 to $6;' bolognas, Wil” DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 `p.m., 6.30 to 8,00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other liners by appointment only. Office and Residency — Victoria St Cheese -New Targe, 191¢2 -to 20e; twins, 21c; triplets, -22e. Stilton.% 24c. Old, large,. 28c; twins, 29o; triplets, 80c. Butter—Finest creamery prints, 86 to 37e; No. 1 creamery, 85 to 35e; to 29?,0c, Eggs -Fresh 'extras, in cartons, 37 to 38c; f'res'h extras, loose, 36c; fresji firsts,-S2c; fresh seconds, 29c. Live poultry—Chickens, Spring, lb., 305; hens, over' 5 lbs„ 24c; do., 4 to 5 lbs., 24c;•do., 3, to 4 Ibe., 20c; roosties, 20e; ducklings, 5 lbs. and up, .30c; No. 2, 84 to 35c. Derry prints,. 27 DR. H. S. BROWN, LM.C.C:' °Mee Flours 1.30 to 3.30 4p ,m. 7.30 to 9.00 p,m, Sundays 1;00 to 2.00 p.m, Other hours by appointment Phones_ Office and Residence,.Ontarl, Street, Phone 218. DR.' FRED G. THOMPSON 01300 and Residence: Ontario Street • = Clinton, Ont. One door west of -Anglican Church. Phone 172. • Eyes examined and Wessel dtte3, DR. PERCI IAL: IE Ofilce and -Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the " late Dr. C. W. Thompson), Eyes ExaniJned anti Glasses Fitted, D. Il. McINNES Chiropractor.—Masseur Of Winghain, will be at .the Commer- cial Inn,- Clinton, on Monday and Thursday forenoons each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully. handled, GEORGE ELLIOTT- Licensed : Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. immediate arrangements eaa be made for Sales Date at Tb.e News -Record, Clinton, or by eallisig,Phouo 203. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction • Guaranteed. B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. GeneraI.Ftre arid Life Insurance.'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Lim Stock, Automobile and Sickness and -Accident Insurance. Huron.and Erie and Cana. da -Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meets -parties at Brunefleld; Varna and flayiteld. 'Phone 57. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' National School of Auctioneer ltig, Chicago; ire tialeour`3e taken in Pure Bred Live Stehle.. Reel Estate, Merehi��endise and Parra Sales. ,Rates- In ke"eplbg with prevailing market. Satisfaction as- eared. Write or wilt, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18.5$: , The - cKillo Pfiutual Fire Insurance ompaRy Head Office , Seafortl , Ont. DIRECTORY: - President, Jamea Connolly,'Caderice, Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; . Sen• Treasurer,' Tiros.5E. Days,:Seaforth, Directors;- George McCartney, Sea - 'T forth; D.'. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seafortb M. McEwen; Clinton; Robert Ferries. Harlocict John Besineweir, Broehagen;. Jas.. Connolly, Goderich: , Agents: Alex: Leitch, Clinton 0. W. y'eo Goderich Ed. HinChray; Sea. fort(n; 1V; Cheeney,• legmondville; ` R. G. Jarinuth,.Brodhagen. Any money to be paid in may be paid to lioorfgh Clothing Co,, Clinton; or at Cutt's Grocery, Goctet ich. Parties -desiring to affect Insurance or transact other business will bo promptly.attended to on application to any of the above officers ad:tlresisod to their re,spectivo 'post office, Losses inspected lay the Director : woo Jives near$st the scene.' turkeys, 30e, Dressed ppou'ary ":Chickens, Spring, c• ch c ens, age,soc' hens, over 5 lbs. , 7c • -doto '6 lbs„ 27c; do., 3 to 4 lbs.; 28c; roosters, duck:Imge, 5 lbs. and up, -35c; turkeys, 40c. Beans—Can. hand-picked, 52.60 per bushel; primes, $2.40 per bushel. • $2,50 to $4; Good milch cows; 585 to $95; springers, choice, '896 to 4115; medium cows, $45 to 560; feeders, g�od, $6,25 to 56.75; do., fair, $5 to 6; . calves, choice, 510.50 to 512; do, good, $9. to 510; do, light, 55 to e6 good lambs, $15.60 to 516; do, med„ $14.50 to 515; do, bucks, 513.50 to $14; good light sheep, e6 to 57,50; heavy- sheep and bucks, $4 to 55,50;, hogs, --thick smooths, fed and' watered, $12.85; do, f.o.b., 512.25;, do, country points, 512; do, off cars, 513.25; 'do, thick fats, f.o.b., 511.75; select pre- mium, 52.51. MONTREAL.... Oats—•,Can West, No 2 file• do No. 3,'67e. Flour—Man, spring wheat str'dng bakers', 58.20; winter pats„ choice, $6.50 to 56.60. Rolled oats —bag of 90 pounds., 53.20 , Bran— $28.25 Shorts -530.25. Middlings— Maple produce—Syrup,. per Iinp. 537.25. Hay --No: 2, per ton, car lots, gal, $2.30 to $k.40; per 5 -gal, $2.25 to 517.60 to $18. 52.30 per gel; maple sugar, lb., 25 to Cheese, finest wests.. 16%c, Butter, 26c; maple syrup, new, per gal., $2.40. No. 1 pasteurized, 32iiic; 'Eggs, fresh Honey-501b..tins, 1132 to'12c per extras, 37c; fresh firsts, 33c. Jams of Calgary was the victim, was a simple one, a compound" frac- ture, of an ankle, caused by a' slip from a loose rock near the, peak oe the mountain, but it occurred under conditions' which might have been serious' had there not heeti�present some one 44 such resourcefulnessas Grassi. • The point where Dr. Williams was injured was one where the rock slides are imminent at all hours, and where to leave airy one unable to 'help himseef was to court disaster; Real- izing eal izing this, Mr. Grassi' carried his un- fortunate companion on his back down the steep slope, across the Drawbridge Glacier, and beyond it to the foot of the rocks into the timber line, where •pats first9 $B 90 do seconds, 58 40 Migratory Birds Convention Act. A summary of the Migratory Birds Convention Act is given below. This Is the law—which is basad upon the Treaty with the United States. Any enquiries concerning this :'aver may bo addressed' to the. Commissioner of the Canadian National Parka, Dept. of the Interior, Ottawa. OPEN SEASONS. Both Dates Inclusive.--Ontarlo. Ducks, Geese, l3rant-and Rails, Sept. 1-Dee.15. •: Wilson's or Jack Snipe„ and Greater , and `Lesser Yellowlegs, Sept. 1 -Des. 15. Woodcock, Sept. 15 -Nov. 30. CLOSED SEASONS, There is a closed season throughout the year in Ontario on' Band -tailed Pigeons, Eider Duck (the latter may be taken. during the open, season in that portion of Ontario, north of the Quebec,: Cochrane, Winnipeg line of the Canadian National Railway), Swans, Cranes; Curlew, Wiaets, God- wits, Upland Plover, Black -bellied and Golden Plover, Avocets Dowitcbers, Knott, •Oyster Catchers, Phalaropes, Stilts, Surf -birds, Tungstens, :and. all the shore birds notprovided with an open season in above schedule. , throughouts I- a closed season Theis the ,rear- on this following non -game bird:: Auks, A.uklets, Bitterns; 'Ful-'• nears,' Gannets, Grebes, Guillemots, 1 Gulls, Herons, Jetegers; Loons, Murres,' Peteele, ' Puffins, . Shearwatete;