HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-12, Page 1"•J•1100CLNTONII
d vert. d ,-
ising Ina e itthe iggest sfler for rears
They stoplie&advertisinr sales droppe
%xpert -
4,„ .
Your Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted and''
L tellqar .. -
neillialf Price Sale
Of Dres8es
•On Friday morning we will put on sale about three
dozen dresses, the majority of which are this season's
Remember this sale is for Friday and Saturday only
and terms are strictly cask
Sizes range from 16 to 44, materials are'fugis, broad-
cloths, voiles and crepes.
Regular prices range from$5.00 to $20,00.
SalePrices $2.50 to $10.00
Friday morning 'customers will seethe assortment at its best.
I ' S
Special Bargain Table
For Saturday.
Table No, 1. Consists of boys' wash suits .in white,
'blue, tan and khaki, sizes 2_t 6, "
Special for Saturday 95c.
Table No 2. Consists- of boys' bib overalls in blue
chambry and blue and white duck also a few wash suits:
Special for Saturday
• Table No. 3 Consists Of children's straws and wash
hats and white tams,
Special for Saturday 29e..'
Table No. 4. Consists of men's hose in fibre silk, lisle
and black cashmere, -
Special for Saturday 35cor 3.for $1:00
Our entire stocli of Straw hats reduced.
See our Window for price.
M001'11511, CLOTHINS• CO.
" A Square, Deal for Every Man,"
eat, $1.20.
Qat, 45c. ••
93uckWheat, 70c. , •
Bailey/ 60c.
Butter, 33c. •
Ego 2Ge to 28e, ,
' '" •
'Phe Progressives of "South Huron,
meeting in •the TOWILITiall, Hensall,
•decided not to place a candidate in
the field for the forthcoming Federal
elettion. ,
Mr. W. G. Medd,. of Exeter, Was
nominated ,on tEe Provincial ticket,
with substantial majorities' over the
other nominees, R. J. McMillan 'mid
J. H. Scott of Seaforth. •
There paeiarto rest on Wednesday,
July 28th at the borne a her son,
John Pearson, jr., a most highly re-
spected resident in the person of Mrs.
John Pearson, sr., .'she was in her
ninety-first year and was born down
near Toronto. ,
In 1856 she married Peter McGee
and when her family was quite small
he passed to the great beyond. Later
she married John Pearson, st./
She leaves to mourn her loss Mr.
*4,0 rt.. „11' C pfurib, ottawa,:,
..pret,t,anUIM njaJethert-Of •
their daughter; 'Reap] ranees,. toMr.,
'AleNalidet '0:;.,a(111- Of Mr, and
Mrs.' W. Ont.', mar-
riage t-tO take place next nioinh.:
;BOWLING .".. '
' - !
Thos bowlers ',.'Whot*,, Joky -Mr. W.
1cQueen of Vancouver, .formerly of
Clinton, Will be glad te'lleat-that'he
has 'been nelaimed as bowling. Ichain-'.
Pion of nhampions" fri vanoonver.
He 'represerithd the Terminal Bowl-
ing 'Club of .that city, and .1asf *eek
emerged from the finals victorious
.s. the other., city elialb represepta-
Mr.MeQueen is7a, ,brother of -Mrs.
Watts of -Clinton Re left Glintori
for the Wst about 201 years ago.
HoLLyupcics. I
We 'see and read a let about Holly-
hocks'noin the Globe"South-eat
Coiner" and. hi 'fact, in every other
newspaper picked up. We must needs
add our boast about some Hollyhocks
we have in Clinton.
For instance, !between the resi-
dences of Messrs. Lindsay and Pais-
ley on Princess street, thele is one
of the 'finest Hollyhock hedges that
John McGee and Ben Pearson -of God could be found anywhere. For pro-
erieh township, Peter MeGee of Stan- fusion of bloom and color variety, in
ley township, John Pearson, with our experience, they have 'hot been
whoni she lived, NITS. Chas, Sherritt equalled. Ihen white to -deepest i•ec
of London, Mrs. James McGool of - all the shades are there -and the stock
Crossfield, Alta., Mrs. Bert' Cooleyof seems to blosSoin from the tip -to it
Habror ,Springs, lVfieb„ also an aged- distance about one-third from the
brother, Mr. James Connell of Goder- bottom of the plant.
ich township. Two sons died some
years ago, Albert and 'William McGee,
In religion she was a Methodist, The Last Saturday morning, little Wil -
funeral was held from her late- resi- fred Martin, son of Mit. and Mrs. 'W.
denee to the Bayfield -cemetery. The Martin, Tuckersmith, was struck
service was conducted by the Rev. H. down and killed by a car 'driven b
F. Kennedy, of Bayfield, assistedi lax Peter Krupp of Zurieh. The littler
the Rev. F. H. Paull of Bayfield. The boy came around the side of a truck,
pallbearers were her grandsons, Wil- so that Mr. Krupp could not possibly
limn Pearson, Aylmer Sherritt, Leon- see him to avoid striking hiin. The
ard, Ernest and James McGee and sympathy of the entire community
Roy Connell. • • goes to the bereaved mother and fath-
The familY :Wish to eT.press their ee.
gratitude and thanks to all those who
If any of our 'readers have been
zo kindly manifested their sympathy motoring over the.Blue Water High -
by sending flowers and helping ..in way between Goderich and Hayfield
many ways during the illness and
they will see mute 'testimony of a'
death of their Mother.
bad accident. A car in the ditch;
VETERANS PICNIC. turned on its side, with everything on
it 'that will "-berm burnt, and only
The 4th' annual picnic of Huhn rusty saran, iron left. The coupe was
Veterans was held on Wednesday at °weed ,end driven by Thomas Glenn
loviett's Grove, 'Hayfield, and was 11 of Detroit. With' twoothers he was
wand 'success, about 500 veterans motoring to Ashfield. In attempting
with their wives and families were to peas, another car, the coupe caught
present. intbe loose gravel, turned over, and
The Clinton Kilty Band kindly dotook fire. The occupants escaped tin -
Dated their services to the Veterans. hurt, which seems a miracle.
The baseball match' between Wing -
ham and Goderich twas,won by Wing- CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION.
ham by a large score. The sports
The Conservative Association held
were/enjoyed by both ,spectators and most enthusiastic Meeting in the
contestants, some of the events hay- Old Time Dance Club rooms on Mon-
ing 18 and 20 entries. Suitable -and day evening. The hall, was crowded
valuable prizes were presented for with ardent supporters of the Con -
each event. Major Campbell of VVin,g- servativn cause and it is felt by those
ham, chairman of the day was a prominent locally in the •party, that
t hustler. Majoit' iSloare had charge of
the: enthusiasm augurs well in face
sportg and acted as clerk of. the
day. One of the . most interesting of the coining eleption. '
Col H. B. Conibe presided and on
was, the contest for the best the paltforni with him wereMr. Tre-
Veterans child, born since 1918,. arra the
member of the Provincial
John Snit ft And-Ma.s: W. J. Nediger,
House, Messrs: Holmes, Stevenson
the judges, had a difficult tale judge and Cantelon.
ing 28 entries, Another interesting • •
competition was the Ladies' Walking Mr, Andrew Hicks, -South Huron
race for gracdfulness. Col. Combo Conservative candidate in the Federal
gave a special prize for the best and election was the speaker of the ev•
you may know his finest line of silk ening. His theme was "Canada for
hose will decorate the winning ladY. the Canadians" and he enlarged upon
-The judges for this were Col. Combe, it to'the entire satisfaction of his
Col. Dunlop and Col. Heaman. audience.,
• The ladies' 100 -yard race was won
by Mrs. J. E. Cook, Clinton, after a The Women's Association was
close finish, by shoving out her chin formed' and ,,appointed its officers:
an ineh. A special prize for baby President, Mrs. N.eW. Trewartha,
twins was won by -Helen and Gordon secretary, Mrs. Thompson. The
Herman of ciinton. ' chairwpmen of the various ward cora-
' 'The supper was 'in charge of Mrs. niittees are:, St. Andrew's Ward,
Major Hays, Mrs. Major Sloan, Mrs. IVEsa D. Cantelon; St. James" 'Ward,
Clara Rumba% 'Mrs. Wes. • Walker Mrs. H. IVieBrien; Si, John's Ward,
and Miss Saults, and Nvhen yoU say it 'Mrs. McKinley; St. George's W.'ard,
was well done you are only half' right, Mise M. Torrance. 1
and the thanks of the Committee are FRACAS AT COUNTY HOME.
tendered them.
The last but at least was a 6 -round On/Monday morning Chief Steng
boxing bout by two 'gingham boxers, was notified. that one of the inmates
each corner ofithe squared ring. knife and, to be in an ugly temper, '
even the contestants. ,Scoffy Forbes 'Hiding severe injuries and was be
as referee with satisfaetion to all, 11-e•had stabbed another inmate, in-
liad Lock Cree acted as seconds hi lived to still have possession of his
Hal IVIeLean of witignam officiated the place and started into town, that
which was enjoyed by everybody. fiont the House of Refuge had left
Prize for the two • fattest War ..r.
• chief Stong snot the supposed des,
Babies was awarded' to Rally Me -
Lean and Rosey. Fik.zsinaons.
perado just on the outskirts of the
town. When told to put away his
The folloWing is the list of prize- knife, he obeyed atmice and „came
winnere: • • , with the constable to''his offices. The
man attacked, • Calver by name, who
Veterans 100 -yard dash--rIlud• acts as a trusty in the institution,
son,N•Geddes J nage. '
• ' cut in a couple of places and lodged
• Girls under 16; 511 -yard dash—M. complaint against his attacker, Mr.
'Powell, Aga Shook, D. IfeCreath. Pennington, an old, man of, about 75
Veterazils- Wives, 50 -yard 'clash-- of the conflict, a 1i.44 ;betties, 0-1
Mrs. J. E. Cook, alTrs. vanwyck, Mrs. head, so the damage was not confine,'
CasSela - en nely 'to the one ide.,
'Boys under 12-S. Cook, H. Hums The trouble, began, apparently, over
shaw, H. Glazier. • • work to be dorie Mr,Pelinin 'ton
Girls•under 12---M. Powell, D. ETC- very 04;1;mer'' and l'artla.11Y d'sai?led'
• , deleted that he was phymeally unable
Oreath'P Gr.ieves'• to, do the 'Work, end taking the .law
•",Children born since • 1918—Mabel into his own hands, came' into town
COultes, Alpine 1VIcEwen,' ,..Tean But- on. aei errand of his own.' Calves Was,
ler,' g. koiard, M. Feveler. sent after him and the trouble began.-
• , Best pah• of ' twins—Mrs. W. T. •• The Peaty Home' is a reftige fat
Rerun, ' eld- or disabled people through
nnfortunate enteumstaneee are fOrced
Veterans 3 -legged race—,Johnston
and Snazel, Cole and 1VIiklar Brittnell to accept help from the' C.,ourity. Of
and Lcalgaj, • ceursei-t is Only that, they sho
• Ladies, gnaeesei•
wantin do ae ninth as they can to diseharge
mita yryer,, me. ocedweli,, m,4, theindebt, to the people -who lielP
years of age. He too, bore eviden
ISlierritt, Mrs. Rudson. them, but, that ag- far as , it goes.''" oe
' • "As match 'they atn" d re
Oldest.Yeterartee-IL He,yles, aale- riot • niara;•crk;,,fncit's
mait'S • Sherritt,,
:ton T 1555 0r
• 31118grP‘te. them and the least We°ca do is guard
aVitteDonald, Dr, Atkingon. the,1± PbYsica.1 '`kl-1e4181118'.• travelled in a *late' .sPerts cestune. d
Veterans walking race—j, anazel; ,Mr,'Pennington was remanded fet 1 Mr, and Jis Elliatt will make their, g
Dr, Atkintott, Dougal. ..I • ' trial VIonday, August 16th. heme tfacipOrarily Snabury.
The_paving on the .II,uron Road
has bee almost finished as far •as
the 4th concession, where the contrae-
tots will leave this end -of it and go
back to Goderich, working from that
tort beck to the 4th.
seeiiis to be no hindrance to
motor traffic from Taylor's Coreets to
Clinton. There are no barriers and it
Certainly is a relief to be spared even
that much of the detour.
Devotees of golf and indeed those
interested in • sports and sportsmen
g,tenerally, will be interested in know-
th t WalterI , the wold
famous golfer, -and at one time world
champiemewas a visitor last Friday
at Bluewatei‘ Golf ankCountrY Club,
Goderieh. '
ffagert was,enjoying a Great
Lakes eruise and when their yacht put
,in at Goderieh, he with four others,
went out looking' for a'game of golf.
They found Bluewater a course to
their liking and played a round there.
• Mr. Hagen expressed his satisfac-
tion with his game to David Hastings,
the club professional. He congratu
lated Mr. Hastings on his excellently
laid -out Course and admitted he got
into difficulties on one of the _shorter
holes, the third. •
Peoplo' YOu Know
Miss Maine bluff is holidaying in
the former's parents, IVEr. and Xi's,
Jas, Finch,
:kiss lvIadelon Exeter: ‘spent 'the• e
1Vlivs7-eMs-ae.linedl 1•Cnlarke is enjoying
days for a couple of weeks.
Miss Jean ,Chidley of Toronto has
been holidaying in town. '
• Mr:" Frank Bawden visited his :sister,
MI'S. McDonald • in Detroit last
Miss Elizabeth Ford of town is spend-
ing a couple • of weeks at Wassaga
Beach. t
Mr, and Mrs. K mire] and, daughter
f --N'iagara • Falls m'e,„„, visiting in •
• Londesboro. with Mrs. Kunkel'a hith-
er, ,afr„ E. Crawford,
were a Tot froM Londesbore
'went to, Niagara Oil the C. N. It, ex
•' 1 tSt•
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford of Londes-
boro, Mr. and Kr% Kunkel and daugh-
ter of Niagara Falls, spent Wednes.
day in Clinton with Mrs. IVIontgons:t
Miss Bessie. Catley tit. Mount For-
st is visiting; with 'her aunt, Mis.s
Mrs. II, B. Cornibe returried on, Satur Mr. and 1VIrs. Hooper and IVIaeter
day from a trip through Eastern ladwinfwere /week -end visitors 'at..
'Canada, ' . . the home of Mrs. llooper's parents,
Mr. and IVIrs. James Elsley.•
'• VII% Wm. Robertson has returned
from a Week'S visit with Brantford Mr. Will Etaley arid Ids mother of
relatives. •
• Colborne' spent Sunday with Mr. Jas.,
Mr. Asa Bolton of Brantford is'sperid- Elsley.-
ing a week's holidays at his home Dr. Kirk Lyon and wife of Stint-
' in town... • ford motored 'to' Londesboro Sunday
Mr. Walter Selby of Philadelphia, afternoon to his' father's, Mr. Wilt
is a guest at the home of Mr. B. Lyon's.
1 R. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn an51
Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Sutcliffe of Mil- family of Toronto motored to Londes-
, ling -ton, Mich., visited at Mts. Will boro Monday te-epend a wedie or more
Jenkins' last week. with the forrher's mother, Mrs. J.
Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Tansblya
have" just' completed a 1,500 mile mot-
or trip through New York, New jer-
sey, and Pennsylvxania, where they
were entertained at various institu-
tions and training schools.
Rev. Mr. Snell, wife and daughter
are away for two week's holidays.
Misses J, Brown and Dora Voddem
gave a splendid report of the summer
school work held at Goderich on Sun-
day morning last. ,
The results of the Pony contest will
be announced on Friday evening.
Many Clintonians travelled to
'Mitchell on Wednesday to hear the
Hon. Mr. Dunning.
The date of , the Hospital Bazaar
has been definitely set for Friday,
October lst. Full particulars will be
given later. •
The Middle School examination re-
sults are not expected in this office
until the latter part of next week.
The Upper school results will be even
The weekly band concert will be
given as usual this, Thima-day, night,
but next week, August 19th, there
will be' no concert as our band is 'at-
tending the Seaforth Tattoo. The
postponed performance \will be given
at a later date.
• St. Joseph's Church
The, ladies- of St. Joseph's 'parish
are busy preparing for their annual
fowl supper and bazaar to be held on
Ontario Street United Church
On Sunday the Rev. E. Parker will
preach, taking as his subjects: Morn-
ing: "The Light of the World." Ev,
ening: '`The Name' of Jehovah."
Wesley -Willis United Chunih
Mr. Holmes will preach morning
and evening. In the morning his sub-
ject will be: "Tire DewofYouth,"
and' in the evening: "The Shipwreck
of Youth."
• Baptist Chinch
Rev. Anderson ot New Hamburg
occupied the pulpit on Monday and
gave an exeellent address.
The RSV. Mr. Geer of Sault Ste.
• Marie, who ably filled the pulpit a
few Sundays ago, is expected to
preach again next -Sabbath at 7 p.m.
Presbyterian Church
Service'in the Baptist church or;
Sunday' at 11 o'clock.' Rev. A. Mac-
farlane will preach on "What are we
looking for?"
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Macfarlane will bei on holiday
for th,e rest of the month. The ser -
Vices will be taken on Aug. 22nd -by
Rev, Foote, Exeter and on. Aug.
29th by Rev. Dr. Dickie,, Montreal. '
The marriage of Helen Wilhelmine,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George tOhanner, of Colborne street,
`London to"' John. Mervyn Elliott, of
Sudbury, son of Mr. J. W. Elliott and
the late Mts. Elliott', of Clinton, was
quietly solemnized at pm. Saturdo
at St Paul's Cathedral, Very Rev.
Dean L. N. Tucker officiating, while
Harry T. Dickinson played the wed-
ding, music.
The .bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, was charming in
her 'gown of peach georgette with
which she Wore a black picture hat
arid corsage of orchid sweet peas and
Sunset. roses. The bridesmaid was
Miss Lily Shillingion, of London, who'
'wore a pretty frock of orchid gepr-
,gette, large black hat and -corsage of
mauve and pink • sweet peas, Arthur
BUke, of- StulburY, w4 the 'best man.
,After the, ceretramy 6,..luncitemi. was
served to the'immediate relatives at
the 'Mate of the bride'e parente, Mrs.
Channel, receiving in 0 gray blue
georgette. gown with hat to match,
Miss MargaretChnner, yoUrig sise
ter of the bride, Wore #t'ettY 11'04'
of shot bide taffeta and Mlis.Dorothy
Weariacott, of Detroit, _cousin, of the
bride and a house guest for the wed-
ding, was gowned in aprieot goer-.
gette. Summer flowers were ,used ef-
feetiyely through the'teems. Later
lVfit. and atra. Elliott left on a motet
trip through the' Niagara. district' to
Neth Bay' and the „Sea The bride'
Mrs. Moron' and daughter of Holly-
wood, Calif., are _visiting Dr. and
Mrs. A. S. Atkinson,
Mr. and Mts. George Finch, Mrs. Rus-
sel Finch and Mrs. Jas. Finch visit-
ed in Stratford this week.' '-
Rev. Mr. Macfarlane and Mr. W.
Brydone have returned from a week
spent at Preston Springs.
Miss Bertha Crittenden leaves for the
West on a two months' visit With
friends at Wetaskawin, Alta.
Mrs.Wes. French, Kippen, who spent
a „week with her aunt, Mrs. Chant,
hels, returned home on Monday.
Miss Bessie Livermore is spending a
,counle of weeks' vacation with
Brubefield. •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sproat, Mr. anti
friends 'and relatives in 'Woodstock. 4%. George McKay, formerly a
-Mr. and Mrs. George Finch and son Tuckersaaith but now of Toronto, and
George and Mrs. Russel Finch of
Detroit, Mich., have been visiting
Mrs. Thos. Johnston midi Mr. Bert
Johnson of Chippawa are visiting
the former's son, hit% Will Johnson
of town.
Master' Glen Cartwright returned
bonte on Sunday from a week's vis-
it at, his uncle's in Lei-Wee/bora, Mr.
J. Cartwright.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Boles and, (laugh-
ter and Mrs. J. Fraser of Barrie
were visiting for a couple of days, Mr. and -Mrs. George Robb of St,
at Mrs. W. C,ole's, Catharines and their (laughter were
Miss Viola and Mr. Clarence Liver- guests at the home of Mr. arid Mrs.
more spent the week -end in Stint Moodie last week.
ford at the home of their brother,
Mr. Earl Livermore.
W. J, Twitchell of Edmonton, spent a
Couple of days in town last week
Ile left Rriday for Windsor before
leaving. for his home.
Mr. Joshua Cook of Sarnia and sons,
Laverne Cook, Royal Bank, Dundas,
Clinton Cook of Standard Bank
Penetang, spent a couple of days
here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt, "Wise
'Sheila and Miss Helen and Mr. and
'kits. Carr, of Coshocton, Ohio, were
visiting the former% brother, Mr,
MiW.. nGd. aMli!sfr.aGttti'y Routley, Miss
garet and Masters Bill and Jim of
Bright spent hist week at the home
of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Cook of town.
Mrs. Nelson Brady, Fenwick, Misses
Nora and Isabel Godfrey, .George-
town and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hedges
Buffalo, N. Y,, visited with Coun-
cillor F. W. Johnston and Mrs.
Johnston last week.
Mrs. R. Hawkins of Hamilton and her
daughter, Miss Frances Hawkins, a
• missionary in Japan who it home
on furlough, -accompanied by Miss,
Warren, visited with Mr, and, Mrs.
• Thos. ,Hawkies this week.
Mrs. A. IVIcLean, who has been.Visit.
lag sisters, Mia 11. Hill and, Mrs.
15. J. Wilkins of Hullett and other
friends hereabouts for some weeke,
'left last week for her home in Wine
nipeg. It is twenty-thre,e years
since -Mrs. McLean went west as
a bride and this ie her first return
visit to the' home location.
their son, W. N. McQueen, wife and
granddaughter 'arid their son took a
motor trip to Niagara Falls which
was much enjoyed. One thing that
impresses the motorist in travelling
is the great contrast in the scenery
One minute one is looking at well '
kept litWns and beautiful gerden-s
and thb next all;kinds of weeds which
are' allowed to go to seed on vacant
lots 'and the -roadside. Gee won•
dere who is to blame.
!Huron Road East
Mr. Noble Holland was in New
Hamburg on business one day recent -
.Mr, H. Wagner and family of An:
burn -spent Sunday last at the home
of Mr. Wm. Ball. - .
Mr:Andrew Jamieson • is helping
Mr, Noble Rolland with his harvest,
Mi. 'Geo. IVfonk and family of Por-
ters Hill spent -Sunday last at the
honte of My. Geo. A. Vanderburgh.
Mr. Ifred Cook has engaged ,Mr.
Ellis Smith for the, harvest;
' • Mr. Wesley Vanclethargh and fain-
ily of Helmesville spent Thursday af-
ternoon at the home of his parents,
Mr. and mrs. A. Vasiderburgh.'
Mr. and •IVIrs. Chas. Cook of Goder-\
ieh toWnship spent Sunday last at the
holne a their son, 1VIr. Fred Cook.
Nurse McLaren a • Clinton' spent
Sunday at'the home of Mr. FredCoole.
Ruben Tolovniship
11fte, George Hesselwond was taken
to ithe St. Joseph's /I,ospital f..one
den last week for an operation.•It
will be tometirrte before he will be
out again as he has been la a orit-
ice' state of health for the peel; three
The heavy raia.last Sunday 'eight
Put the oats and other spmng grain
• Miss Robb sang a solo in the Unit.
ed church at the' morning service
which Was much appreciated.
Mr. and Mts. Jas. McQueen re-
turned home this Weelc after•spending
a week with friends Preston and
also Mr. and Mrs. Landeborough Of
Port Credit, their old friends and
The Kelly ,Circle met on Thursday
afternoon, Aug. 5th, with Mrs. Geo.
Swan presiding. Twelve menibers an-
swered the roll call by a verse bear-
ing on 'call to prayer." Edythe
Bowey read from the Missionary Mes-
senger "A Heroine. of the North
Country," describiag. the work done
by Miss Jackson among the Cree In-
dians in the Nelson House district.
Mrs. Watson gave the current events
for the day, after which the presi-
dent took charge of the business. The
Meeting. was •brought to a close by
singing hymn 571, "Blest be the tie
that binds," and repeating together
the Mizpah benediction.
• Varna
Miss 1Vfargaret MeConnell, accent -
'panted by her friend, Miss Margaret
Johnston of London are Spending
fa* days at the home of the former's
parehts Dirr..and Mrs. A. McConnell.
Mr. and Ma's. W. 11/eAsh and Miss
E. Beatty and Miss Pearl -Reid of
London spent Sunday in. the village.
Miss W. Thompson of Toronto is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. E,
Mrs. Ferguson and daughter, Mts.
S. Webster and son motored from
Lucknoti -Saturday and spent the
week -end with Mr. and IVIrs. Nelson
Reid. Mrs. Webster also visited oth-
er relatives in Hayfield.
All those who attended the Angel-
-can Sunday school picnic at Bayfield
last Thursday 'afternoon had most
enjoyable time. • The afternoon was
spent' in the usual picnic style, after
,whieh all sat adown to a smnptuous
dinner of fowl, hot potatoes, veget-
able and everything to satisfy the in-
ward man.
IVI1r. Wm. Reid has completed MS
work on the Public Highway and the
next move for Billy will be attending
to the farmer's wante. • -
Da and Mte. H. Reid of Toronto,
are sending their holidays with Mr:
and 11Irs. J. W. Reid of the Bayfield •
Mr, and Mina F. IVIeKenzie of -5V
Louis are visiting frienda in the
IVIt, G. H, Beatty and Miss Edith
took in the ()1d Bos Reunion at Lon-
don one day last wee
• Quite cm- exciting runaway was
witnessed en Saturday last when the
spirited team awned, by Mk A 15eys
took fright at a stray dog with tin
•cans tied. to its tail, 'Fortunately no
dambge was done, but thie should be
leS80-11 to, the boys who",are guilty
• euch.manks ae it might have ellt
own prettyerbadly. • We' hope it Will • th t• ff. ' `
pt up again aa the wain will not fill the streets are seldom free ef ehilde '
f it is down onththe