HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-05, Page 6`OR,'the mutual use of two or more person' a Joint Account e nvenience.` is a great co With a Joint' Account, a. wife may deposit or withdraw rnoixey when her husband is away or canliot get to the bank during business hours. Our folder. "Por the Convenience of Your Wife;" explains Joint Accounts, Ask fora copy Vital. 8;.l Canada Clinton. BranchR. E. Manning, Manager BEAUTIFUL, AYFIELD. E UL BREEZY l3 • Mr. R. Nesbitt and daughter of `Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Robt. 'Scatcluner. Mrs. J.•Read of, Stratford is spend- ing the summer With Mrs. Harry -Lawsonin her cottage at Lakeside. Mrs. Albert Carty and -Master 3un- ior have eome •from Detroit To spend a couple of weeks with Mrs. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schoffield• of Detroit spent the week -ens with Mrs. Green„" lir Messrs, Leslie Pickles and Morris, George and, Carman Lindsay of Lon- don carirped on Mustard's flats over ..the week -end. An afternoon tea andsale will be held on the rectory lawn on Thurs- day of next week. Homemade bak- ing and handmade articles will be for sale, " Mrs, Laird of Hartford, Con., is visiting ;with Mrs. Annie Campbell. Miss C. A. Beath, Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Carter and party, Clin- ton' are cotbeging in Jowett's Grove. Mrs. W. Armstrong and Mrs: Hugh 'Campbell, Brussels, are guests at Mao. , (Rev,) Melfibbon'b cottage. Mrs. F, A. Jones, Toronto, is visit- ing with Mr. Fitzgerald in Dee Lodge. The following arta the guests at Miss Nora Ferguson's: Mir. James Stanbury, Mrs. Stanbury, Miss,D'ew- ier, Detroit; Miss 'Walker and Miss Grace Love, Aylmer; Mrs, and Mrs. Walker,' 'Miss Alma Dockings, and Miss Taylor, Hamilton; Jack Wallis Toronto; Mr. and • Mrs. Reid, ,Bob Reid, Miss Taylor, Mr. and Mm's. S. `Taylor, . for Mr and R. MRoos Ta r s Y , Mrs. Blackie and Mr. and Mrs, Merell Blackie, , London; Mrs. Emma Ed- wards, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Vier - hart and son and Mrs, • Kelley, Lon- don; Misses Henderson, Buffalo; Mr. ,and. Mrs: Spencer, Walkerville; Mr, a and Mrs. IL 3. Coods, Lowell, Mass.;. Miss Edna Seem, Miss Flossie Senn, ilii. and 'Mrs. ` Robertson and Mrs. 'Darcy, 13rairtford; Miss Margaret 'Darcy, Mrs. J. Coughlin and Miss Anne, Tillmann, London, and. •Mr, and Mrs. 'Cyril Cox, Detroit. Mr. and 13rs. Miller and son and 'MT. and Mrs. Williams of Detroit •.spent• Sunday with •Iitrs..Margaret 'Green. Messrs. Jack Hobbs, S, Gtahiim, Allen .Tharp' and J. Siniways of Lon - Of interest to You and IVJe Blas Clinton a weed inspector? 1f o is he taking a vacation? One way to prevent yourself from being poisoned by bootleg whniskey is tp'drink only pure water. Why all this fuss about 'the most popular summer ,resort? Isn't it a settled fact that Bayfield is it? Civic Holiday was a quiet -day' in Clinton. Some of our citizens went e G err h some :to the races at od c and o stayed at home and rested, „ • *. 1' Ni q' The Boston editor who suggests 1 g that Canada should be given to The United States in paynient of Britain's war debts must have gone- off Ms .Bean. * o +F 1 ;Surely the shooting of a man by a 'spinster at 'Marton because she could not otherwise discourage his attcn- ions ought to put to sleep forever' the myth, so fondly believed by .the. average man, .that a woman never remains a spinster if she can get any - .body to marry her. :a ,f, Lordon,,,Ontario's "Forest Gity," is 'this 'week celebrating the 100th an- niversary of its first settlement, One hundred years ago it was a' crossroads,. in the forest, . today it is a smiling, prosperous, up-to-date city, a"place of pleasant residences and a geed busi- ness centre. We congratulate it and wish it many happy returns. It will probably find that "the first hundred ;years was the 'hardest." don are camped on then Flats. Miss IL Douglas, , London, is visit- ing Mrs. John Heard., "Messrs. C. Gordon and D, 'Varga - son of Stratford, are guests of Mrs. R. T. Orr on the river front. Mr. and Mrs. Hs S Hine and son Harry of Toronto are sentinering in ;Scrimegeur's cottage at "The Pop - fait." Mr. and Mrs, : Salado, Miss Betty Sander, Master Bobby Sander, Mr. Frank Erwin, Miss Ruby Fisher, Miffs Ruby -Mandelson and Mr, Ken Bur: spivs, of Kitchener were—guests.' of Mrs, F. A. Edwards over the.. week- end. Miss Ethel Jowett ,motored to Port Ruroil en Sunday to spend a week or ten days. For the last week our village has been brightened by the faces of a large number of boys who have been camping up the beach under the name of "Camp Good Ti:ne." This week the boys have left for the States and girls are coming to take their places. Mr. and Mrs. Tixri and family of London are smnmering at Lakeside in Partridge's cottage. Dr. Peever of Ingersoll has secured a cottage in Deer 'Lodge: Park for the month of Aagttst. • Miss Margaret Baker, Toronto, -is spending a couple of weeks with her parents. '. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ring and Willie Parker, motored from Sarnia on 'Saturday to spend the,.week-end with Mr. and alis, Chris, Parker. A Splendid report ich pz po of the Go rde Sumner Sellout was given at the United church ,Sunday • school -lett Sunday morning by : David Dewar,. who was sent as a delegate from the Bayfield Sunday school.. Miss M, Garrett and Rev. II. 'r. Kennedy also. spoke briefly regarding the benefits of the Summer school. The anniversary services of St. A'ndrew's United church will he held next+Sunday, Aug. 8th, at eleven a.m. and 7:30 pan. Rev. Dt. Peever of Ingersoll will preach at both ser- vices. Special music will be -furn- ished by a mixed quartette of Wes- ley«Willis church, Clinton, in the morning and by the male quartette o Grand Bend. in the evening, Dr. Smith, organist of Wesley United church, London, . will preside at the organ. 'Special thank -offerings will be received at both services. ` Guests at the Ritz .house during the past week were: Miss S. F. Wool- way, Mr, Arthur R. Ford; Miss Heleri M. ''Barry, Mr. H. 3L Clarke Mr." F. G..H'oltham, London; Dr. and Mrs._J. 3, Thomas, Rockwood; r. Clarke; Chatham Miss. Alice Turner, `1Vliss Lottie Gook and Fred Bowling, Stratford; J,. A. Brownlee, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, 3, R, B.?ow-dee Miss Leone Zinger and Miss Anne Rehiner:, Kitchener; C. W. Mason, ,, ingham; Mr. Carl Burrows, Mr.Xeni' Burrows, Kitchener and -Mr. i Bates, Toronto kr, and Mrs, Wilson and Mrs. G. Weir; Seaforth ' and the latter's daughter,; Mrs. James Latimer, of Anderson, 'North Carolina, visited with Mrs, Frank Keegan' lust Mon- day. Mrs T. C Bazley went toStint-, ford on Wednesday to attend \thee wedding of her Mace; Marion 0. Eth- er ington.:' Mr, F. II. ,Crane, Mr. •G, Geddes. MT. eorge 'West r and 'son Harold M G g ol, , Detroit, ,F s visiting. Mrs. Richard Weston: Miss Margaret reek of Fond City is to be complimented bn the success of her entire clans .of thirty-four in the recent Entrance examinations, twenty taking honours, and one carrying , off the gold medal presented.:by the L O. D. E. of the town. Sumknnerhill Miss Marion Mason IS spending a holiday with her aunts, ;Mrs, Josling and Mrs,. Cotton of Detroit, Mieh. Mr: and M'rs, .Norman Ball, Miss Jean Dalt and. Mr. and Mrs, T. D. Ma- son motored to London and Port ! Stanley- on Sunday. Do Not. Neglect Ilavxnr that Wedding Plotograpn talc k We make a specialty of Wed - lap and print your snvp shots'• for yoLi�V?h enlarge your ehocee negatives,e us -your films ; ou Tuesdiiys or mail 'them 'to Mitchell and we will finish them and mail them back to 3>ou >ro?npt' Our-:Clin;on�-'.Studio is open every Tuesday from 6:20 a.m, to 6 p,rn. Burgess, Portrait Studio IIITCIIELL AND' CLINTON ' Births TAYLOR—At Auburn, on July. 10th, to Mf, and MTs. Gordon .Ta Vier' a daughter, ©eath% PEARSON-I i Bayfield, an July 28th, Elizabeth ',Chime -11, wile"'o1 `John Parsons, sr.; . aged 90 years and 11 months, H®gir esville We are sorry to report that Miss Lizzie Ford is not at all'well. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and children of Sarnia are visiting Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb, for the vacation. Mrs.. Harry Mayfield and little son of Zion City, Illinois, are visiting this month at the home of the former's uncle, Mr. Thos. Potter, and with oth- er relatives here. Many around here, havelistened`to gis. Mayfield1s sing- ing over the 'radio from - station WCBD. Mrs.'Mayfield was formerly Miss Flossie Potter. .Constance Miss Myrtle Lawson of Toronto is visiting her parents; 11±1. and Mrs. Robt. 'Lawson, and other friends here- abouts. Mrs. Cole of Clinton is visiting her daughter, Mks. Thos. Pollard. Quite a number of the young men acompanied the football team to Hes- peler on Saturday. James R, D. Stanley and son James of Toronto were callers on their cou- sin, Mrs. 11. Tudor on Sunday:after noon. We are sorry to • hear that Mrs. Peter Lindsay is under the Doctor's care. We hope she will soon be •bets ter, Mr, and Mrs. 'McArthur and family of Goderieh• were visitors, at her ter's, Mrs. Adam Nicholsor's., Comfortable House to Rent With or without':eurniture. Elec- tric lights, town water; five minutes- walk inuteswalk from postoffice, ten minutes from Collegiate, Public ' school and School of Commerce. Apply to Miss Bill, Wellington street. 69-14-1p For• Sale ° 1n Village of , Bayfield, on Bine Water Highway, r former Methodist chureh,°white brick, on high base - Mont, size 28x44 feet. Lot V& acre. Frame sheds. (Seats, pulpit,: altar, railing, etc,; reserved) For particu- lays and price apply to Samuel Cleave Bayfield, not later than Sept. lst. 69-3 Cherries For Sale Montmorency cherries for sale at the orchard just north of town. Bring along baskets. Charles Lindsay. • 6J-i.p . codef'ch TTownship Voters' List The Voters' List, '1926, for the Township • of Goderieh, County of Huron. Notice is hereby .given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lisil Act"' the copies of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the. last revised •,Assessment Roll •of the Municipality of the Township of God- erieh, to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at the elections, to the Legislative • Assembly . and at Municipal elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office in Goderich township on_the 27111clay of July,' 1926, and remains here for inspection. I hereby call upon all voters to examine the said list and if any errors or :omissions are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have the :same oevreeted ac• cording to law. Darted this 31st day of July, .1,026.' R. G. Thompson, iVlun- icipal Clerk. 69-2 Mortgage Sale Of Valuable Farm and Bush Prop- erty, situated on the Maitland 'Conces- sion, of the Township of Colborne. The property consists of splendid farm in good condition, possession to be given early in 1927. Under and by virtue of the power ofd sale contained in a certain lnort- gage, whjelr will be produoed at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale, by piliblic auction, on Saturday, the 218t day of August, at 9 o'clock in'the afternoon, at the premises,;sit- uate on the Maitland Concession, of 1 Colborne, orne i the Township of C o b n the County Huron, Provine e of 'On - r nt y of tario, being composed of all and sin- gular that certain parcel or -tract al Iand and premises situate in the said Maittad Concession, County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing 218 acres more or less, and being comliow.d of the West half of Lot No, 10, and the whole of Lot.No, 11, both in the svd Maitland Concession, of the T wns o ' r o Colborne. hal TER['IS: Ten percent of the pur- chase money *to be paid at, the time of the sale, balance Is,. be paid in 30 days, The -sale will be subject to a reserved bid. Tor further particulars and condi- tions of the sale apply to Ilaysand Hays, flamilton street, Goderich, On-. Sated at Goderieh, 'Ontario; ,this twenty-ninth day of July, 1926 Hays and Hays, 11m -oil -Lon, st,,. God- erich,Ont„ `'solicitors, for the Mort- gagee; V illiani Rader, 69-3 L intori Neva -Record Teacher ,g1 ar-tec A. Protestant teacher far' U,; S. S. No. 2, Belle t, dude to commence September 1st State eyperience and salary. Apply to J.; W.' Shobbrool.; bee.,Trcas, Ghnton. 66-8' CAItI> OI I`II V-VYsS We wish to express oat +haniks to the many friends tor their kindness and expresions of sympathy during the illness and death o; the late Jarm Woodman. 1VIi. and _Mrs. Woodman and family Mortgage Sale Of Valuable Farni Property, sit- uated on the Maitland- Concession, of the Township of Colborne, The prop- erty consists of splendid farm land. in good condition, possession', to be gigen early 110 1927. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained fn a' certain nwort- gage, which will be produced at the time ofthe sale,there wilt be of- iered for sale by public auction on Saturday the 21st day of August, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises, situate on the Maitland Concession,, of the Township of 'Col - some, in the -County of Iiirron, Prov- ince of'Ontario, being composed of all and''singular that certain parcel ox• tract of land.; and premises situate in the said M'ait'land Concession, Couirty of Ilbron, Province of Ontario, con- taining 118 acres• of land more or less, and being composed of Lot, No. 12 in the Maitland Concession of the Said ' Township of "Colborne. TERMS: Ten percent of the pur- chase price to be paid at the time .of the sale, balance to be paid in 30 days. The sale will be subject` to a reserved bid. ' Tor further particulars and condi- tiond'-:of,'. the sale apply to Hays and Hays, Hamilton street, Goderieh, On- tario. Dated at Gollerieh, this twenty- ninth day of July, 1926. Hays and hays, Hamilton st, God erich, ` Ont,, solicitors foii''the mor, gagee, R. H. Cutt. 89-8, Veterans Picnic The annual picnic of the Veterans of the County o;t Huron w)ll be held in Jowettls Greve, Bayfield, on the afternoon of Wednesday, Aug. lith. Supper at five o'clock, all together, Sports -.•consisting of races, ball games and boxing exhibitions by local boys and the best amateurs from 'the. city. Baby Show for the best Veterans child born since November 11th, 1918. Dancing in the evening. Clinton band will lie in attendance.. 68-2 Stir Y Heifer Strayed to the premises of the% undersigned, lot 15; eon, 3, Hulled, albout June 23rd, a Jersey bred heif- er, 2 years old, with white on fore- head. Owner may have sane by proving property and paying ex- penses. W. J. Miller, Clinton or phone 46. 68-3 For Sale.' A rubber -tired buggy ingood con- dition, also good cutter.. ApplylIohn Wise, Joseph St., Clinton. 63-2-p For Sale A quantity of lumber, consisting of timbers, joists, scantling, doors and door jams, windows and window jams, mostly pine and well seasoned; Also a few loads of building stone. Apply to T. H. Leppington, or at Castle's Meat: Market, Clinton. 68-2-p Cottage For Sale - A roomy and comfortable cottage, in R'uroit street, large garden, or- rehard, stable, garage. Very desirable home. Apply on premises or to S. B. Stothers. 67-3 Property For Sale The ,property known as, the Metho- dist parsonage, Auburn, is tow for sale. Parties wishing to look over property can procure keys 'from the undersigned, 0. 13, Erratt, Au'burn.. 67-4-p• Vulcanizing '" 'Satisfactory repairs guaranteed /on balloon as well as high pressure tires We use the Goodyear Factory Method of Repairing. We buy : your old wheels and tires if yo -u buy a new set of Billion tires and wheels. E. H. Epps and Son, Varna, Phone, Clin- ton, 626-21. 67-8, Cottage For Rent Comfortable 7'room cottage in Huron street. Garden with fruit trees. Possession :given Aug. °1st. Apply to W.:Bryslone,. Clinton. 67-tf Farm For. Sale 'Pax•, lat'17.18, on the 8th con. of' I ullett, consisting of 81'3'i'' acres, good buildings. Also 50 acres on Con. 9.' Apply on,.premises or by mail to Wm. II. Itesk, Lendes'boro, R. R. no.1, 62-12-p Cottage 'to Rent " A small,, convenient house, suitable for two, five minutes walk from, the Postofiice. . Apply address-• ing, ,Drawer B, care -The New's-Re- cod, Glintanl 6ii-If Stanley Township Voters' List The Voters' List, 1926, for the :st Township of Stanley, County of. Huron$ - Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned, in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the list,; made pursuant to the said, Act, of all, persons. appearing ,by the last revised :Assessment Roll •af the Municipality' •of the Township of Stanley, to be entitled to, vote in the said Municipality at the elections to the Legislative Assembly and at ,Municipal ;elections, and the said list' was, first 'posted up in my office, at Varna on the 19-th day of July, 1926, and remains here for inspection. 1 hereby call upon all voters to exam - is a the said list and' if any errors: or oinis" n re found therein to take 'szo s are immediate proceedings to have the sane corrected according to""taw, Dated at Varna this 19th day of July, 1926. J. E. Harnwell, Municipal CIc. 67-3` Tr: DEALER IN TIIL '636W6�AID LCG We SPECIALIZE in Mrll �ed pouf- try 12 months in the year. - Phone''as early in the week as possible .Tor prices. GOOD DEMAND FOR ,ALL 14TNDS� O:F NO. 1 POULT We advise you tohave the birds 'os your laying pen 'rolled while the price is high. Culling of 4i248 done free of charge through our office. Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w F° oR°'Sale, Cheap One Six cylinder. McLAUGHLIN- Five' Passenger Car, In good Condition. Only ran eleven thousand miles and in good shape. also some 12 inch rail wood at Nediger's -Garage PULLETS FOR SALE -100 March Leghorn pullets, 150 Ap- ril Leghorn g pullets; also .White Regal Dorcas Wyandottes, pullets and cockerels. A. G. ATKINSON BAYFIELJ , ONT. 68-2-p People Rave Abnormal Vision Because their EYES are abnormal. A�perfect"pair of eyes cannot help ibut give perfect sight, and an imper- feat pair are forced to give'inrper- fect sight. 1t requires so slight a deviatipn from normal to cause trouble that just about everyone's eyes are more or less defective: 'Be. interested enough ' in your eyes to learn their condition here. W. H. Heilyar, Optometrist, Clinton. 69-1. 'es For a tasty picnic lunch try a bottle of Crosse & Blackwell's pickles or a bottle of Lazenby's Mayonnaise Dressing and drink, Icemoncup. C. & B. Pickled Walnuts C. & B. Pickled Red Cabbage •C. & B. Chow Chow C. & B. Sweet 'Mixed Pickles C. & B. Sour Mixed Pickles •C. & B. Branston Picicie• C. & B, Pure Malt Vinegar Lazenby's Chef Sauca Lazenby's Mayonnaise Dressing We have a good'rstock of Cooked and 'Smoked Meats always on hand. SOME REAL NIPPY CHEESE L. LAWSON & CO. elivery Service' from 7.30 to 12— 1.30to6 Phone 111 Clinton's' *MOS lka MAN WHO FILLS HIS COAL- BIN OA 'e1N itj SUMMER REAMS THAT InHIGHQRTHC TEMPGCtA1TURG VIE, LOWED. 'THE PRICES BUY NOWT Yoer wife saves you many a dollar Iby purchasing the :farr1 ',s supply of linins and''slimmer 'dress goods dui• ing the January white sales—before she needs them. Show as much fore 1ight`aS she does; buy your coal dur- ing July, August or' Scpt6nsber, You, can Save 11101107, save w01ry.and even save doctor's " bills' by having your coal bin filled now. Call the 'tkrAtgiligg for good;"dean"coal PANY' COAL Co PHONE 74 CLINTON 11 LI,RSDAY, A(J6W 1 teh W o n S urcIa Serials 192$- It will pay you to vwateh these every aturday ille� hardware Cc TICLEP1iONE 53 Deering and McCormick Agency' 'Row-land's� old. stand CHI-NAMEL STORE lkohismasammahmeasimiaam Ford Coupe for Sale 192Model, 5 rnood running rd g n g o err Apply to W. J. Nedigcr Clinton. 62-tf cheese for Sale, Cheese for sale in 10 Ib. 'lots' or more any time,; present price,' 21s 1b. W. I1.' Lob); president and salesman. R. R:' No. 3, Clinton: 40 t Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W.'3. Jago • 83-tt. ROORNO - Have a complete stock : of Toronto Asphalt Roofing the best by test: Every customer we have sold -satisfied. Come and see our stock before fixing your roof and compare ours with any others. ' • A complete line of Flour, Feed, Grain . and Stock -Feeds always on hand. Prices right and our aim is to satisfy . our customers. J. A. FORD & SON , Phone 123 Flour and Beed Merchants and' Grain Buyers 1 iD ct F i.RROW } 1 BARRISTER will be at his office - in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6rp.m, 30-tf. - COAL; ' Having erected new coal sheda will have on hand full stock of coal for, • immediate delivery. Prices reason- able. Also a quantity of dry maple wood. R. J. MILLER . Orders taken at residence, phone 119 COAL Stove and Nut Coal,Coke, Soft Coat and Kennel Coal Alsa Some'Woocl E, WARD Phone 155 Huron Street, Ladies' Attention I ani prepared to do first class re* pair work for all -makes of Sewing Machines. Also a full stock of Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes Sole. Agent for the Singer W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713. -P.O. Box 201, Clinton 09i Jaokson's dull "Clearing Sale Specials for this iftfeek All Ladies' colored shoes must go Tan, Mond, Sauterne Grey and Parchment Regular $7.50 shoes Clearing at $5.50, Cash and No Approbation FRE tI JACKSON The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall Ce H. VENNEI , Electriciallt Electric .Ranges, FiNtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances, Wiring and Repairs. Phone 1514.r II F�ou� �r FEED We have/ -got in, a stock of Gilt ilt Ed e Twine and will We,havea full line of Flour and Feeds, cattle and daisy salt, Western Opts,Rolled Oats andChop always on hand be able to su pI or custnm er s with what theyrequire, re y Quality Gilt Edge Twine is of tliebest. SIVOrtil rt PHONE 199