The Clinton News Record, 1926-08-05, Page 5aswereameemennaHesaussananwernmssaMemese a:a m' 3t CO PER'S rites Speciai-Values in Hcsiery, Underwear, Children's, Misses Ladies' Dresses; Wall' Papez and C i h naware- "This is the store that leads with low prices" and -A. T. COOPER. CLINTON Clinton's usieal instrument Representative ve See or Call ®fin cNfIL Dealer in all Musical Instruments Box 113 or Phoue,273, Clinton • World'o lar, ct ,Annual Exposition. gar rtereo--Bo per. manent but dings, Attendance toner, ',491.3oo, Left - blew Ontario Government liuildlogto ha opened this year. 'CANAD!AN. NATIONAL, HI E. F .s,T 1626 Date:, -Aug. 28 -Sept. 11 -- i tcin. News- e.r i r nes›, .and lave and.-lu r.(1.-, to us,"1 also the 'foie and 1kindness of our Triends, Forgetting their criticisms and failings. Ile recited the 1 tuts Jul poem, `'NotUnderstood," by. xhoina. ,SSraeken, He said that over Since coming td 'l3rueefield-he had kept Jesus Christ ;the centre 'of his m serons, that as much responsibility rested upon the hearer, as 'with the preacher. His, parting adtise was "Love One' Another, Bear. One Another's Burdens," Draw Near to God in Prayer" and Remember the Sabbath Days to Beep it Holy," 1VIr, Arinou sang two solos, "Nearer My God to Thee" i nd "My Ain Countrie," with great acceptance,: In the evening the augmented'choir; added much to the service, Three anthems 'were given. "What are These," "Seek Ye the Lard" and "Still, Stili with Thee." Mrs, Armour' sang "Life's Little Day" which was listened to with „retic appreciation. Mr. Armour's sermon -was addressed_ to the Young People, His text being: "Let no Man Despise Thy Youth," He told of the great possibilities there are fog the youth of today. 'It is the age of youth. He exhorted all young people to cherish the very highest of all ideals. "To hitch your wagon to a stag." He said for each one to cultivate a taste for good read- ing, especially that 8f poetry; thus we would have good companions. His ;parting word was an appeal to .follow Christ: "Christ wants you for a friend." ' Next Sunday Rev. W. Bremner of Cobourg will occupy the pulpit, On Thursday last a vary pleasant, Sunday school picnic was held at Bayfield. We are sorry Mr. S. Allan fell anal. stretched the ligaments of his' leg while playing ball and has since been confined to his bed. • Last week a number. of Brucetield boys camped at Bayfield. Miss Laura Ross of Windsor was the guest of 'her grandmother, Mrs, Alex. Ross, last• week Miss Eleanor. Snider, pupil ,of Pro- fessor Anderton of 'London, was sue- cessful in passing the receipt Toronto Conservatory' of 1Vlusic piano exam- ination for .degree of A. T. C.' M,. OOr congratulations are extended to her. Mr. and Mrs. a. Maxwell motored from Grafton, N. pak., and are visit, ing relatives here. • Miss Laura Swan of Toronto is visiting at the home of her.. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan, ' Mr, J. Snider and -family are at present camping at Bayfield. Bast Friday Miss Annie McNaugh- ton ,returned from .Seaforth hospital, iwhere she woes, operated an for ap• pendeitis. YLre ar pelased to say she is doing' nicely. 'Mrs. T. Daynoond and children are this .week in London. Ba ucefield. The Flower 'Show being' jest around the corner, the first week of Septem- ber, all members: are urged. to give spatial careto their potted plants and Blooms and to. have as much as pos- sible ready to show. The officers and directors constitute the Work conlmit- tee of the Flower Show, but it takes the interest andhelp of all to mike Tor success. Bear in mind that the method of judging is as 'follows: 50 'percent for quality, 80 percent lot variety and 20 percent for arranges - anent. Look up•'the :Fall bulb list 'for :stock that may be shown\ With the lovely, gardens in 'Brucefield and vi- cinity this year, there is no member ' ut who May show something. A prize is offered for the 'best collec- tion of butt houses and four special 'sees for improved grounds. The Young People's Society of Brucefield United church held an open air meeting on Friday -evening last on the Manse lawn. -The solos by Rev, Mr. Armour and Miss Irene Snyder were much appreciated. ?Miss Mabel and ye. Bert Boyce gave violin aatections, accompanied by Miss i;'lor- ' ,trace Boyce, which were much enjoyed. 'Mr, Geo, IKnight "occupied the chair. Six scripture passages were' given by members of the Society. Miss Anna Haugh ,gave a talk oh "The value of the Out -of -Doors." Mr. G, Mc- Tonight led in prayer. The chief event of the evening was the presentation to Rev, C. G. and Mrs. Armour, who are leaving this week for their new ,home in Orange- ville. The following address was read: "To 1VIr. and Mrs, Armour: We, the young people and choir of Xirucefield 'United'elaurch, have assembled here to spend a friendly hour with you be- fore you leave for your new home tai Orangeville. It is with very keen -ye :,gret'that we see you leave us, for you have been k source of inspiration tnd help in all phases of Y. P's work. No matter: what we asked you to assist with, you were: always willing and ppleased to -comply and lend youm' wonderful talents of music to aid it. To you we owe the formation of this. Senior Society, which has been a- de - tided success. etided°success. Under your advice, we added the monthly song_ service toour program; it has added enthusiasm and ethical value to our Society, judg- ing by the large attendance at these meetings. The choir and Y. F.'s Ex- ecutives wish to express their sincere thanks rot the use of the Manse which was always so, freely and hospitably offered at any time for their use, The cheat wish to express their appreoia- tion for the time and energy spent m training'tlren'whieli made the'ser- Stansel' Teireship -Mr. and Mrs. Helens of St. Marys visited Mr. and Mrs J. H. Quigley over the week -end and holiclayt ' Mi J. H Quigley, made a shipment of his Leicdstel sheep tom breeder an New York ,State tl'ie other day, Mr. ;Wm. Sandercotk of Biggar, Se:a., ,, is visiting his uncle, 1411 N. Sandercoek or this township, Mr. Sandercoek is a son of' the late Rich- ard Sandercock oh Mullett; -who took his family to the west forty-six years ago, when this'niember was a very small child. This is his first visit back east and he is finding it most. interesting., Mr.. (Sandereock is a 'teacher at ,Biggar, Miss Agnes Glee has treated, her;: self to a new Ford coupe. Miss .Edna Alexander. , returned to Toronto - T,uusday morning after spending a part of her vacation at the home of Mr. John Innes. The rest of her vacation she spent in De- `troit and .Chicago': Miss 1VIarion McEwen has; been spending a„couple ofeeks camping near Balsam Lake.' ' ,Misses 'Jessie, and Grace Elliott of Stratfogd' spent a couple of weeks with Miss Erma Diehl. - ,itIr. and Mrs, Jones of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diels.' Mr.' Ed. C. Glen attended the,races 'at Goderich on Monday.' - 'Mrs. James Jackson and her-daugh- ter, erdaugh-ter, /Ire, James Whmren, and Miss Eileen and Miss Betty Warren' re- turned home Sunday after spending a week with Wingham- and Goerle friends: Mrs. John Iriipas entertained a few of her friends ,to tea on Monday. GODERICH: Rapidly the ranks of the early settlers of the }Luton tract -are thinning as one by one these hardy old pioneers are slipping away to the Great Beyond. With. the pas- sing of Mr. nines Young on Sunday, the 18th ult„ one of the few remain- ing links •with, those early days Was severed. Born in Bremner, Scotland, Mr. Young came to'Qmmada as a e'll's with his pa -dents, who .settled at f'or:- ter's Hill, her he grew to young manhood. He had ono of the kindest of .hearts and in a quiet, unassmning way he extended a . helping hand whenever opportunity presented. About the age of twenty-two he mov- ed to Colborne 'township. In the yew:: 1877 he was married to Bridget Dal- ton, of, Ashfield, who survives him, with two sons... and four. daughters: James A., of Goderich; Ernest,' on the homestead; Mrs. ISI. .Lamprey, - of Goderich township, and Mrs. . W. Whaling, Mrs. T. Quinlan and Mrs. D. Devlin, of Stratford. John..itncl Henry Young, of 'Goderich and Mrs. Agnes Austin, of Kingsbridge, are brothers and sister of the deceased. -On Tues- day morning the 20th, at 9 o'clock solemn requiem mass was sung in St,. Peter's church,''Goclerich, by Rev, J. N. Campeau, " assisted by Rev. J. 3. Young, nephew of the deceased, as deacon. Rev. Father Young :delivereii a splendid sermon, which jvas esphe- ially explanatory of the Catholic doe- trine of. Purgatory and the, Mass. The inrteratent took place in the Colborne cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs. Jahn and Henry Young, brothers of 'the deceased; John Gal-' Iagher, Thos. Carroll, , Alex. Yogng and Joseph Quinlan.-Goderich Signal congregation. Always remember that you will be welcome' among your friends at' Bmiucefield whenever you can, come. 'For friends are like sheltering' trees when the sun of criticism of the world beats upon you, you May turn to them for rest and shelter. As a slight'teker' of the esteem in which you are held we ask you to - accept this stun of money. We wish you much happiness and joy in your new home and pray that you will be blessed in ,your noble work in the conilntlnityp in which you are to re -- side. ' Signed on behalf of the Young People: George McKnight.- The choir: Irene Snider." &Ms. Armour made a, fitting reply. He told' of his interest in the work of the Y. P. and of the progress -it had made, saying that the. Society was much better tan many eity societies of which "he had been a member. " -The members of the W. M. S. had also. -gathered and presented` Mrs, Armour with a Life Membership Cer- tificate .and the folio -W . address:. "Dear Mrs. Arinou : The mg embers of the W,orrien's Missionary Society, of Brueefield United church wish to take this opportunity to say how' sorry ave are to have yon leave our congregation. 'We shall ' miss your cheery smile and your readiness to help, especially along tate 'musical line, Isut our loss will be Orangeville's gain As a slight. token of our regard alms sincere best wishes w . would like to'present you with a Li-fe Mem- bership Certificate of the Women's -Missionary ISaciety. We hope you will not forget us as you make new friends aed whenever you find it con- venient'we-will be glad to have you visit us at any time in the 'future, Our sinehtie: best wishes go with, you And Mi'. Armour as you enter your new field of work. Signed on behalf of the Society Mrs. W. Rattenbury, ptesldent; Mrs, 3. Addison, - sec- retary." ,Mrs. Armour replied by thanking the members and saying that she was. epii•itnally blessed by attending the meetings and `assuring them all that they would always" be welcome, to, .their, new home , The meeting was brought to a close by •: singing `"Breath on me; ;Breath of God" and Mr, Armour closed with prayer, , Rev. Mt. Arniou'r pi;cachecl his farewell sermon at the 'morning ser- vice, on Sunday. His text was ` Re member therefore, how thou hast re- ceived. and heard: and -hold' fast 'and repent." The minister spoke espec- ially on the word "Remembers,-- Ile said that in looking ( book over the - ^^+ ehoii1,t rPm.ember ed'R 's go clitrsss,�esnr.w. se,.r Varna ,Miss Frances Mossop returned to her home on the ,.Brunson line after spending th'e past week with her aunt, Was Mossop. Mr. G. H. Beatty, jr,,, Mr. A. Mc- Connell and blm'.' Wm, Dows-on took in the races at Goderich.' Monday after- noon.. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Reid and daugh- ter of Winnipeg_ •were the guests of Mr. and Mts. John Beatty one evert ing last week. -- aMrs,' Ferguson of Goderich has. been visiting at the home of her son, Mr. J. E. Hammen. Mrs: Pareant and Miss Roxy Col :lough have -returned to Detroit after spendingtheir vacation . with their parents in the village. Mt. and Mits. W. tVlcAsh motored from London Sunday and were the guests of friends r in the village oil Civic 1'Xaliday. r' Misses Gladys and Emily :B atty of London spent the week -end at their home. Dr, Lloyd, and , Mrs, Moffatt and guests haver'eturned to their duties in London, after spending a fort- night at their 'beautiful summer home here, The McNaughton Brothers of Kit- chener returned to: them hone after. spending a few clays with friends in the community. bit. Ellwood and . `Miss Eva Epps spent the week -end at the Summer School et Goderich. - Mtn and Mrs, F..Weekes, aocoiu- panied by Mr. Geo. Beatty, sr„ took in the races at Goderich on Monday: Miss larabel `.Pilgrim isvisiting' friends in Clinton. Misses .Ada and Ilazdl Steepe have secured positions ' in the new Cloth- ing Factory, Clinton. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1926 Grand' Bend, Tuesday, Sept, 7th. Dashwood, Wednesday, Sept. 8th Crediton, Thursday, Sept. 9th. Winchelsea, Friday, Sept, 10th: Wroxeter,.' Monday, Sept. 13th. Corrie, Tuesday Sept. loth, Biuevale, Wednesday, .Sept 15th. Ashfield, Thursday, Sept. 16th, St. Helens, Friday, Sept, 17th. Colborne, Saturday, Sept. 18th. Hensel', Monday, Soot. 20th. Zurich, Tuesday, Sept. 21st. Varna, Wednesday, .Sept. 22nd. Blyth,' Thursday, Sept. 23rd. Ethel,_. Friday, Sept.. 24th. Walton, Monday, Sept., 27th. Goderich Tp„ Tuesday, Sept. 28tH. Belgrave, Wednesday, Sept. 29th.' Dublin, Thursday, 'Sept, 30th. Clinton, Monday and ,Tuesday, Oat, 4th and 5th. , FALL, FAIR D4TES Toronto=Aug 2S-Sept.11 London -Sept. 1148. Stratford -Sept. '20-22. Exeter -Sept. 21-22 Listowel --Sept. 21-22. Seatorth-Sept. 25-24.-. ,-" Lucknow--Se rt. 23-24. Blyth -,Sept, 22-23. Kinoardhle'-,Sept. 22-24, Bayf ield-Sept.- 25-2:1. Mitchell -Sept. 28=29. Brussels -Sept. 30 -'Oct. 1. Zurich -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Dungannon -Oct. 7-8. 'lllgitanl--l)'et. 7--8. aThe EMion Sunday school ).ict. c, held las, Wedbesday, July 511,h, visa.. largely attendedand a good 'time en- joyed ;uy all, M,.:, and Mrs, Norman 'Garrett of Wroxeter visited witli the latter„ s sis- ter, Mrs, Wm. Robinson, o1 the vis- , lage, one day' last week: Nev. W211. Raithby and family of Petrolia are here -visiting the Raith- by,-,.. Mrs. Jackson of Wingham is visit- ing her son. James, of the lath con. ,Mrs. Walter Buchanan and daugh- ter Joan of -Goderich were the guests of Mrs. Antos Andrew a couple of days ;:last week. Mrs.Bert, Marsh and Miss Edith Mogridge are visiting their uncle, Mr. Thomas Manning of London, this week' Ae large number from here attended the ''corse races in Goderich on Mon- day, Congratulations to ' Mr. and MTs. Gordon Taylor on the arrival of a lit- tle daughter on Juiyr30tb. Miss -Lottie. Jackson and Mr. Frank Hibbert both of Goderich were ;hone over Sunday. 1VIx: and'1VI s, Jans' Johnston vis- ited their daughter Mrs: Roy Farren of Mitchell last Sunday. Mr. and Ms's ;Geo. Bean and family visited friends at Croniaity on 'Rater- , day last. M4•. and, Mrs. Ralph -Munro and. family and Mrs. D, -'E. Munro spent Sunday with friends in Mitchell, and Stratford, Mi': Gormley Thonpcoit, who works idn nro's store, is away on his heli" ays.,u Mass Mary Osborne of Toronto spent the week -end with Miss ; Edna Raithby. Mr. and Mrs. Autos Andrew were in London a couple of days this week.' is Your Child Thin and We.,;k? CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED IN CLINTON The treasures: of the Dtusk9lca Hos- pital for Consumptives desires grate- fully to. acknowiege the following contributions received in -Clinton by the field Secretary of the National Sanatorium Association: N. W. Trewartha, $5;00;X+', A. Wig- gins; .$3.00; W. Brydone, $2.00; News - Record, $2.00;,J. J. Zapfe, $2,00;' S. S. Cooper, $2.00; Small Sums, $1.75; A, J. Morrish, -$1.00; Plumsteel Bros., $7.,00; J. E. Bovey,. $1.00; W. R. Counter, $1.00; W. ID. Fair, $L00; D. F. Schwanz, $1.00; Fred Jackson, $1.00; F. A. Axon, D.D.S., $1.00; C. Bi" S. Grocers, $1,00; R. E. Manning, $1.00; W. M. Aiken, $1.00; Call. H. T. Ranee, $1.00; T. Churchill, $1.00; H. Wiltse, ,$1:00; _Mr. line's, $1;00; Gor- don Cuningham, $1.00; D. A. And- rew, $1.00; S. B. ,Stothers, $1.00; George East, $1,00; Bartliff Sc Caleb, $1.00; A, T. Cooper, $1.00; Rev. J. E. Hogg',' $1.00; Rev. T. J. Snowdon, $L00. Total, $40.75,, - Cod Liver Extract Itt Sugar Coated , Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days --quicker than you ever dreamt of-these`wonderfnl health building, flesh creating -tablets :called; McCoy's Cod" . Liver Extract Tablets will start • to help any thin, underweight little one. - After . sickness and where rickets are suspeeted•theypard especially vale - Most people ✓know that from the. livers' of the lowly codfish vitamins. of, the .first class are extracted --the kind that help ala feeble, underweight men, women and children; Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, puny child don't -greatly benefit --.get your money back, A very sickly' child, age 9, gained 12 pounds in 7 months. ' -Ask any druggist' for McCoy's., Cod Liver' Extract Tablets, -as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents. --Advt. . the Fields with the tanners r f fl tl�, 1 ilyA i eA ,1,f1i="t • N whatever section of the Dominionlon farmers till their e' t fields, there will be • found a completely equipped ui ed branch of l<? the Bank of Montreal. And in whatever branch of the Bank o Montreal you tnay,find it most convenient to do business, there you will find banking co-operation especially designed to meet the needs of farmers and the,farming industry. Bach of our 600 branches has the strength, ex- perience and services of the entire organization. Call at the nearest branch. rrA Bank Where Small Accounts Are Welcome" BANK OF NTT E. L Established over 100 years Total Assets in eteess-o{' $75o,000.obo UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Students receive personal attention in all Faculties and Departments. Mea and women interested in under- graduate or post -graduate, resident or non-resident courses should w ate to the Registrar. - - ' What career?` More than half of.,.tiie, university graduates of this continent go into business. This University ewes a special course in Commerce for the purpose of preparing promis- ing young men for business Careers. The University helps to place those who aro worthy.: For additional in-. formation writo - K. P. R. NEVILLE,. Ph.D., Registrar, .. London, Canada Clydesdale Stallion , RING JAMES - Sired by King Thomas Will leave his own stable, Bayfield Road, on 'Monday morning and travel by way of Clinton ams Base Line to M. Butlemfs, 16th con. of Goderich Tp. for tools thence by way of 16 con. south to his own stable for night. Wednesday will leave Isis own stable and travel by way of dlayfield road to Wm. Lobb's corner, thence by way' of Varna Road to Ben Rathwell's corner, thence west to Peter Cole's corner, along 91h con, ' Of, Goderich Tp- to :Reuben Grigg's-for noon, then by way of 9th con. Godetdch :lip. to Huron Road, then to Ilolmesville, to 14th eon, to Wm, Vodden's corner, then to his own stable, for night. Friday morning will leave his own stable and go by wady of Clinton and kluron Road to Alma Corner and .then to ICimburn. fornoon, then 'west ,to Gravel road and ...di on Gravel road to his own stable for the night,- where he will re- main until . the following Monday, morning., This route willbe oantinued' throughout the ,season, health and weather pertiiittirig. TERMS: To insure foal; $13.00, two snares, $25,00, to be paid on or before :hatch 1st 1927. All mares at risk of owners. Mares must ' be returned regularly to horse or will be charged whether in foal dr not, - GUTS ITIS;Bk0K, Propi'ietor. 69-tf ply 2 Days o 'c 1 r SaliAoribOrs Yoort - ny C 11 , 1, s€� i s • 5000 V; r ` rr New bscrip tius_ t �� subs. 40(��� V tis for s� �, aid to r 200CITotes for subs. paid Dec. 1926 dj, your a� ar-rears payfor 1927 andel favorl! e in� 1 ithe last lap. i L S--- ''i�err I regular ('R1 < I1 1'1 e one e � � iU�C BOYS ---Get �a�� new subscribe'. . get .... �. to ro1°.I926 and 1927.and receive��O00Votes