HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-08-05, Page 2V P K, U16d ha 0-aqh �t Ri Upowl MIT A:r olSAAWA I EXPLOSION A 'LIS TWO: WORKuEV-S TGN ru Appenloto everyfamily in day rom no otber reeeliciiie , con 'Ou i, E uVro*m Dist@(n8e of N E, Ws" R R I h real'inedidnal of�ut ,ts fj,ora Fifty Fe�-t Whan`Gas�pline this, It is a bi'lJy CLI NTON, -0,NTARIO ­,�Ooj)cj, yu 9 Tank,W&5 Bein Repain-, ertract.0 several Vajuabic Tryls of fA; aed�eritsj plire and in ady'aneo "0 addIC1,2cs'; Oshawn­-Tw�, worhmell" wero 1111- Vlle dose is ornali, only :L $2 ; UO to tha 'U,S, 0" 0016i`401"i-P! 'injured and- another three tinaes a day. -lood's Saroaparilla io a ivo�iderhil Countries. NO � Va-,Cl� 6scoutinued ive,d Ininor injuries "llell a huge 1 "", the blood, Lwie- Ulitil 11 11 arroara n'c paid, unless at I gasoliine tank " having t - capacity of tpjdo.. wedicine for. aill, optioa, ot tho pablishqr, The I ach, liver , and kidn(�y8, Prompt In date to 'which overy subaerli)tion IS 14,60 gallons: expoder-1 whi:e It was giving relief. It is plea.q1NIt to take, during which an c vCS a 1)�jd is denoted on,tlo label.' mid-rgoin.- ropairs", I agreeable to the ofo'�,�ja h. �,,i 3�p';tialng' adver- Dxetylene tor(,],, was used. thrill'ol. now life, why not.try i.t 7 linu for first, tising, 120 per count THE DE��D eactj subseqixI.Tit ,�3, InNortion, PC , for i�rcd G�apj�'el, a:g aTMC lanibs; -,ro to < �Qd Insertion. Heedirig oplints 2 lines- '0 0 V) 8, to Small advertiseraeutsd t to U%0'62d can&r McNabb, aged mod,, $15 to $16; do, buckri $18.5 one inch, �uch as "Wantcd," "Lost," G.,�f stree�`, ilN . . . . . . . 1,$1,4; good,Aight slipep $6 to'V.�D'l '0 (Nad Grin& Down— heavy ' ��j to $5.60; "Strayed," eta., insexted . onCe 1,11' SEWOUSLY INJURED. shsep 'and bwlf.5, t Shoploid 1"� 35c, li subsbqnont insOrtion 450- ats�Queen at Peak j, Miirch,to Sea h,g-N thick rilloot -fed a- 0 ganders, 526rSIm .1 h8 nd watored, llllelr`tli�, Georg' coo S Lmi� M u� In without In- seraofits'! so Bitit K�e�a Job -do, I.U)�; :$13: do., cG��tl'Y' r StrUCtI0116 as to tbo number Of in South I4urriber. Cordova, Alaiflm.-Hen y Glacier.. eill Z, $19-75; do, off cars, $14; do, P� 'ebt'PrOni- gort1ons wanted ��hrill ran until Ordjor­ MINOR INATRIES. has Changed its age-,Old�course and IN 1 11 fats, se. ed out'�lxj Will be obarged n<!cord- t London. -A London. sbopgirl h as 11OV), pushi I wil ever tha, top of a ium, $2.664 ingly. Ratesjordlspla3r advei't-612­9 Harold Godfreyi N8 Nassau Stree ; , Ing its y k"amed di!,tiricblon by nuytseying Eo the n,ountaia to rtach the'627a� What ro. molTiiEA41�. made known on application. -water boy, 'aged 15. Conlrounica-tiono intended 1or publi- The'tragedy'oceurred at the site of King and, Queen at a royal court one canbly returned Observers thought was, Oats -Call. West., No. 2, 601/2, to, Ption rau . et, as a guarantee of good tile, new -P t! ant, where� thi� gaso- -ovening an d showing up for work the smoke Issuing from the top of�,,a peak I 60-IY4 c; do, No� 8; 56 1�,c. F1Our----M8n. on so pl� dh,, be aecompanied byjlj'0 name 09 line tank was being settled. , It con - is moral g as Miss, !burned out -to be great clouds of dust,. spring wheat pats., firsts, $9; seconds, tained 1) 0� Lady -To,' K80; winter Is �writer, Ot y jg_g caused. by -the break-up of the Neil 1 $8�60; str6rig take no gasoline, but was half filled I ) lZolled ' However, : when the K alld& pressure� a the ice rlV&r. �ats choice $6.60 to K6( -b _.g8 lig -in Pais E. HALL M. R, CLARIC, wit water, "i'd g Vroprl�tor. acetybene torch was applied.to weld . I�lrgc West r Henry Wolkins, sourdough, who has 10 _��bjjg <yj go �lbs., $8,20. Bran - Editor rui a eertqdn_ spot there Were eviden1717 Miss Knaffga has, a bent for design r traveled over a large part Of the terri- 1 $28.26 . Shorts- -$30.25. Middingg­ '-NO, 2, par ton, car lats, ART wint*r -Ty inyestigating geologiofa- freaks ;87.26, HaY G. D. McTAGG sufficient lurnes- in the tank to ea:'dSe Ing aiid drawing. ' One'day last to at -mtigated the glacier's.actions. He 17 to $18. M. D. McTAGGART it toi� explode� , 'Five Ine-11 were.. e stepped'into'a store With Some in Glsmse�Firlest.lwests" 16%c. But - T wo�jk,obout the tanl�, 'and a water boy her' own. skatchb� vndW ha� arni, went tb the, scieiie of the smoke appall-, '11, ' Pozge- I I : was standing Watching, the Progress These were her only credeWals, She tion and heaT.d the tons ofrock, Push- F resh 'ext-rao-,87 to 3&; by the glaci6ri, fa in g in canyons of, tile -acetylene welder. d her Work to the chief of thq ed lu -, to 82e. 1JAGGART Mot, Alexarider-MeNabb, the w4der,amd .8% -hes hogs, $1 1� Hired re? department, and helow� causing cras -audible for five Conner cows, The lots of good, quillti, $14.760, Fred. Gankel, a rigger, wore InStaTitly!, the,next day at 8 arn. ap %Led as peak of the mountain _pe to being ilisiritiij�ated is about 3,000 -feet 0aies - were) shattered uu'de ni killed. Their b ough the one-of:the tiatq Pltthe designi - in C�mp Bard to Torion, high, and pectors - believe the BANKERS and torn;'and 'were hurled till partmeiat. .$h he held her position to pro$ din Riclantand Rill, Flight whole mountain will soon succumb to TWelye Cents uy LOM �.general Banking Busirross� transact- 50 feet. ever an..., a, 11 a 4 Notes.Discounte(l. Draftslesued aira-distanceof some lar killed. , Tbe� 7 ploturG hn Bavarian Highlands litexest Albqw�od an Deposits. Sale George Saunders, i plumber, *he " Few of the OtheT sholigl,ris know officer A, W. 13, StsVensbil was alroostlinstAPUY -had Previously put compressed air in that Misg Knag�s, When her day's �Ots Purchased.. at the upper left shows a ving of the Plane; which was torn off b.Y the .,Chinese Cand�. the tank was burlid -several. feet. He Work is over,�goes too a Mayfair man- ap-lady f-rcan Barjii_-It poseflyis, to obtain ANCE was ruah;id to the Ifospitaill, where slon the Sront door of wi-Ach'is opened collusion. At the im3ar rigLt is a view of ths� wrecks�gs Of the main The �Chbluo nlakO a lodging in the Bav%-r4an HighlandsZor 1 mez breeches, and be�ow, a close-uit oftbe��ams acpae. sugar,and.rose petals' y c, Conveyancer. medical ottention was renAere, . It for iler by a but or, In k section of the plane, up little as 60 pfear'190, or -12 Oelitst Har- nancial, Real Estate and Piro In- i0thOught tbat'hevdii recover per bed, and for 24 cents ill modest urance Agent. -RepresgOt Ing 14 gire old Godfrey, a water boy, who P. few 'S MARKETS ---a I- even the pot Popular rt- nsuran",. Companies, moments before the fatal IN DIE f;ortu. Inmunichitselfaroomeaube R 1 AS ' ' j_'CfflLDRE h h explosion Cc- 7 H E W E E IK, Division Court Office, Clinton. curred ran.for.hiss lifes e�iaaped with MOTHER Of FOU hadan.lowes4geentsa ight, Board mirior.inilries.- At Present lie is in Heavy steers, choice, $7,86 to $8.25.; and'lodging can be had in alm04 TORONTO. do., good, -$7A0 to $7.75; hutch- e4l-ery ywort for Is as $1,210 A W. BRYDONE the'llespitAL' 1N TORONTO-AIFTERDRINt YKING UQ�OR 'Albert- Parkes and Edgar. Kollar. Man. 'wheat -No. 1 14Orth., $1,68 , steers, choice, S7.40 to $7.85; * do., day including Munich. . The I -lot -A -pri-t. r, Solicitor, No' tary Public, etc. No. 2 North .68; No. 3 -North" good, $17 to $71.25; do,, common. $5.50 'Eibseel on Lake Eibt one of the t�vo riggens, escaped With nothing an, -more thaii a qevere sf�akillg up. They to $6.50; butcher heifers, choice. $7 Bavarian Xlps� _LOAM BLOCK CLINTON -Toronto.-With the death of Mrs. Maria Street � home Of lArs, Valley Man, oats -No. CW, noininal; No.. -$6,75 to $7, but� 11neat- hate7,s An the did not requiromedical attention. tTged With raaa� . NO to $7.75; do., good, Ira�4 Coleenik, aged 80, of.6 Shipman f9halmam, who is che . 3, tot qlioted; No' I feed, 60%c" . cows, choice, $5.50 to $5.76%&l witll running water, charges. $8.10 a The huge tank had been carefully- I q*.nughtar in correection.with Atkin- cher m aufhor� 2 feed 47Ye - Western grain d lodging. DR. J. C.,,GANDIER pureped, out to reroov.e.any gas that Street, the pollea, suld Orov to the belief tions quotil- fair to good, $4 to .$5;, butcher day -for board an son's death, are inclined � i1i C'U. parts. bul:P, good, $6.50 to $13; boliognas, Nor do these prices exist merely on tfice Hours:=1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30 might remain, iand, folloving thiso Ities are of +,he opinift that. another, ch supposedly kille Am. corn, track, Toronto -NO.- 2 net$ . and cutters, panar. Any hotel or boarding house that the liquor whi d 0 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1;30 Pan, compressed air wig put in to deter- viefirs of alcobal, poisoning has b4n Mrs. Colesnikwas obtained there. No yellow, 942ho; No. 8 yellow, 981/kc. U.-5500 �tcc $$44;; Geonond milch cows, $85 to - ;hurge more thim. its venturing to ( Other hours by appointment only. , mille,whothar_or not the tank !asked. to the already long death"list. alcohol Was found in the Calesnik Millfeed-Dil. Montreal freights, Q95; 8pringers, choice, $95 to $11 listed prices wolrU find itself finma.- fflc'3 and Residence - vir �66ded eluded: Bran, per ton, $27,25; ;Qlum cows, j45 to $60- feedel the l5lack. list of the statO's ,jorlo St. The leak waslocateed, a -ad it -was while iiaggs�in oved to the Morgue, home- h T per ton, '$29.25; middlings, gODd, $6.25 to $6.76; do., iair, $5 t diate7'y On $86;26.; go 12! sem-i-official burist associations, slid an attarapt tO_rapajr thiswas being The body was rem lie Dd feeLl flour, Per ba l -$2P' $6- calves, choice, $10.51D to $- 0a_ -wj;ere an autopsy Was he7d to ascer- The dead woman is survived by r 3% R. H. S. BROWN, L.M.C.C. made that tho ierrible mishap tain the cause of death. Acting Chief husbaiid and four children, raugine in Ont, oats --44 to 46c, f.o.b. a IPPY119 d light, $6 'to that -would xnean its ead- o good $9.to $10; do, office-krours curred. coroner Crai-ford -is -Investigating. Rie from five to twelve years. Points. ,80 to 8.30 P.M, ------- 7,30-to 9.00*p,m, Dr. NO), pathologist, carried the wo- Alter the Inaction ofthe Past three' Ont. good rall-Hig wiles, $I- to Sundays� 1.00 to 2.00 p.m., vs; al:eged'bootle ers began to be $1.80, f.o.b. sbi�ping poffits according Other hours by appolutment. _ CANADIAN CROP TO jyjall,g stomach away for analysis. do. 99 b a to frel Its Phonei; DOMINATE ]MARKET Mrs. Odlesnik works out by the day. again gathoied into the toils Y th 91 pRj" CoUhTCIL DECISION ENTORCES 01 Richard Wiser, Gerrard Barley -Malting, 60 to 62c. Wednesday she returned 'home, feObng local P ice, Bucir.,whent-Nominal. flice afi4l Itesidence, Ontario S treat very sick, and- went to bed. As the Street west, and George Fortress, Ed. 1 Rye -No. 2, 850�.si patent, COWIE Ta" -X ON UQUOR TRADE Phone 218. arrested by Plain- Man, flour -Fir $9, To. HIM IN Wheat Harvest Will Deter- day progkessod, silo became worse. A word Street, WeXO . e Pri,*, Says American, doctor was called, but on his arrival cloebesindil. jackaon and, Baker 0 ronto;-do, second pat., $8.50, '11e, who is P, FRED G."THQMPSON . Mir` (lead. WeA Dundas Station, On charges of Ont. flour-Torloato, 00 per cent. s here who James Cooper of Walk nrl the. Woman was, found to be caMot% Torontot Windsor-LiquOr deaier OMOG U114 Rtaldence: Bank Review. by the Ylo'-%ting tile O.T.A. The 'Officers Utent, per barrel, in From the sYmPt011ls displ eehnics�lly.elc- -!be themselves rated or, worth more than the overage ritarlo Street claim to have found twb small bottles 5.90; seaboard, in bulk, $5.90. t .1 mi.1,1jollaire, and Whose Oijeratlitnls� Clinton, out, Now York "The Word Price Of woreau it is thought. that alcoholie " Cheese -Now, large, 19�fi to 20c' staggered after, they One door west of.Anglican Church. wheat in � ' Ing seasoti Will de- poisoning was the.causo of her death. Oj alcohol in searching the homes Of were the moist extensive Of ally along' the core , e was hidden In twins,21c; tiip:ets, 22c. Stiltons, 24c' Porte"" "re fu.11 trapOrt of Privy the border here, Will be compe-iled to Phone 172. pena to an unusual, ('agree upon the The Colesnik home Is situated the pair. One of theS old, tin-ge, 28c; tivins, 29c; triplets: bad digasted the Eyes examined and glasses fit outturn of the Canuldlar� crop," says, within a short 'distance of the Atkin- a-savdng n I lgabIne. decision in the now fal"I's hand over to the Governinent approxi - goo. council ay 4i600,000 in income, tax, rePrO- In rphyllio home, and Harry Butter -Finest creamery prin�s, Cecil Smith, case, by terms of -which mate DR. P al Bank of CormacraL non. doinicilei 59 McMurray Avenue, Jaines Mu t- east, were. taken 86 to 36c; No. 1 elleilluarY, 34 tO 36c' of thd border's -Oat sua- eenting his profits during the 1920-21 ERCIVAL HEARN ',e­reNvajo'wa the out1o04 for World the-boad of which died In St. JosePhs Reld, King Stree to the period. offic, in into a Iton Of No 2 83 to 84c. Dairy. prints, 26�4 Stiitb, One Pay Cooper I -Ives in a -magnificent ad Residence:. wheat supplies appearing in the Aug- Hospital Tuesday last, Praill ably Of ugtody by P. C. IIlln, oftsful boottleggel-S, lunsi Q, and eontri- urou Street" a Clinton, Oat West Dundas Station on. a. charge Of to iii4c. alkervill ',ust number of ODualueree 'Me alcoholic poigoning� Whuri news Of Eggs -Fresh exLras, in aart6ns, 37 Federal Goy6raluent $28,680 as tax mansion in W (r, Phone 60 the bark sayq- "unless Catiadals crop the. woman's death was received at vagrancy, 'rho officer cla,img tOb'L'v5 to 38c; fresh extras, lease, 35 to 86c; -upon h1i P-rofits ­ from Ii or in' butes genoroilsl-31-U Publ c .9hari ties 0 coupled by the.late Dr. i's a generous one another Season 0 Xee.e Street SUtion, Deteatives Ohio- writties'sed the two men oil Church fresh firsts 81c', fresh seconds, 20c. 1920,21. of oil, sort.. list of exporters who . W. Thollipsoll). to Street drinking rubbing 'alcohol froul EYeG EXaminod and Glasses Fjtjcd. close baldTke between supply and de- holm and IvIcMaster %vere ord-,rod Live jiouk�y�-_Chickens, rIng, lb-, The ruling of the �highest tribunal According to A Mrs. a bott'e, Which they ajilit0d 13Y Means I bs., 24c,;I.., 4 to 6 in the Empire- decided a test case flied are -said -to have made large sums and mand IN In view, at least until the fate investigate They learned that I horse trough. 80c; hens, ever 51 ., 20c; roost,311's, by -the Canadian Government to deter- who will be assessed by the Gcovlern- Colestril, drink Nellie alcohol last of water inibibe4frord a lb_, 24c; do.j 3 to 4 Pas D. H. McINNES of crops in the Southern HemisPher0 . ll�d atakell Another man, charged with being 20r; ducklings, 6 lbs. and up, 80c; mine whetiler it wag 1Pgal,tO tax Pro- mont for a large share of their earn- Chlropractoi,_M�aoseur' Is known. I L a Sunday. Hor-hu5band had P. know larialk Vas-brouglit Into West Dun- turkeys, 80c. fits'made froin liquor sales. Ingsp-the names being Oil flie In the Of Whisham, will be at the Commer. "As the current Gaston drav 'to- of theiliquor 'also. Ile did not Dressa u".,Lry Chickens spring, at Ottawa porlding Monday and ward Its close, Supplies 'Of Old CIOP he stated, the source of t a liquor, das Siation and i�hell halves miclisd isters who Dept. of Finance bldl Inn, Clinton, on flilled hottle Of a'cohol was lb., 40c; criclins storage, 'Ib,, 36c; According tojocal barr so of outcome of the Smith case -the total no ) � - do , 4 to 5 lbs., have followed c-cs -Y the PrOgm Thursday fore Oils each week. wheat appear everywhereto "as low, $0 though -the police, owing to tile PrOx- i R Pa tial'y hens over 5 lbs; ite urts, will be -far in exedki of $1,000,000. Diseases of all kinds suqeessfillly * to the*f(jaud-on him. , I to 4��s-, 26c; roosters, 28c; the cagb , through various co. . list little in, the way of carry-ovo� imity of the Co�'esn,ik bome 27e -'d% handled. can be counted upon to augment t1io Aul.'in s, 5 lbs. and up, 85c; turkeys, crop. ColapgLiatively little addl- gtbobner.on thQ Greeit, Slave 40C. I - la -picked, $2.00 per �tjonaj -wboat'caii be expected to'corne mmdian MoUnted auxiliary . neins—Can, Inn S CUM, GEORGE ELUOTT from the Southern Herais� Royal,C Lakc� ned five Columbia River'llshing bushel; primes, $2,40 ffer bushel. IE IN UMMIA Licensed Auctioneer for the county farwaT4 , CjdI I TaXesLift Firigid N&di boats, iftost or. N*;hl are kept on tile Map'.e produce--SYrulit HURRIUN of Huron. sphere until the next crops are bRr- .7 Ter i5mtpo Coast a.f the.Arctle gall, $2.30 to VAD; per 5-ga , $2 Correspondence promptly answered, vested at_the beginning of 1927� Il* -sugar, lb., 25 to EUPIS AND $8;00%0CP0 DAMN 1,10=0 tax eolleottolis to the anion t $2.30 per gal; rilaple 150 D Immediate arriingemoutis can ,Roport's of damage to iho now --------- V_. - in, pie syrup, new; per gal., $2.40. - Sal# be made AT tis, of $14,688 at lWchel Is,arld, In JUI7 20c xj r tot Z Date dt The Xqw�71tecord, erep have tome, from v Ions Par 01 Roney -504b. tins, 11 �i to 12c P Clinton, or byealling,Phone 2ft � Europe eliminating the hope of an -)a AIlguat*, fur tax collection" Employment. in Canada lb.; 10-1b. tins, 11% to 112c; 5 -lb. tins' Nassau, Babamas-:-More than 150 with Which the majority - of tile 16'0 Charges Moderate and Satjsfsctjon.� and Fort Chipawayn to the I -a; 24-1b, tins, 14 to 141he., w,- I believed drowned " dam- persons are missing. A, I"t year, but unless 1% -rt SInith Now Highest Since 1920 11 to 12'A persons are Guaranteed. oniturn equal + -144ins, med" 84 to;age estimated couRery tiv The iins, of boats filed out of Nos - unfavorable weather persists there is amunint of $7 084.24, aind total license Smelted mentli Z ely , sales of $20'all in northern Albert; s6c, cooked hams. 62 to 64c, S1116ked -a and Taoro tllal� Nall Friday, headinge for the 'fambus 31 to 82c; break- 000,000 was cause , 'I Xevsrtjlc� 'r averalm brop- by the Royal Callad ik or destroyed be - B. R. I41GGINS M -%On to cxr`act's fe" � ibade I -ementlin. the em- d 75 boats WeTe NUT lying do the subinergdd eta some increase in- Imports were I� obtaw _1111pTeN rolls. 215c;� e6ttage, beds, be�s C11 ll�, y-csr ended It,* situ4tion. in Canada is re- fast bacon 85 to 40c, special bran �day banks of tho western rim of Andres ntop, ont, Mounted Police (11110119 t ploymen 'oil Bureau of,breakfast �acon .89 to 42c; back5,, twopli MondaY night 'and TueE r_ rid, the Ba - may be looked for the'porWl by the Domini Isla largest Isis Of the oral Fire and Life Ineuronce.1Ajant ton the expert side, the July I SePtember 30, 1926' According to ' statisiio� boneless, 42 to 4V midnight in th" most destructive he Automobile and Olckneso and AaejdQ estimate gjVa,, the United States a report of 'Superinteltdalit amas, N, On the payrolls of the CaNartfiord Windstorm, UvO Stock J . . oats -Long clear -bacon, CO ricane recorded in Nassall. and the hamas. t of -Go division, with head- 6,898- firms -which reporbed to theL cured rr 9g; jo to 90 lbs,, $29,75, Bahama Islands. When the storm had �hated.sarlY quovrtem at Edmonton L 'tion" -0850,718 P tj",6 dam" Wednesday -morning three RrAeU fish - Insurance. Retail arid Eirle and Came. total crop about. 100,000,000 bushels "o'his in add., Dept. of tabor oil JUIY 1 wer - 'to lbs.' $)4. ;22,34�, lightweight Nassau bore the brunt: Of ki; were left in the harbor ds. Trust B Appointmeew"modo greatej than ijoxt yam This increase '!0 lb I ac at Brit 6fibld, vallia wjI.ljU8t aboutLaftet the Probable de- thsTO were 382 wc�if bounty jNla'r.rants. lie, Or 20,699 more than in June. 42.6-0; heovyw6l.gh' t-� on t (if Ing rin onti4s' er race v ng, U, 1. , L rolls it barK q, t _set Vor arunbered4 D.Yftl I.- A rope, issued, the hant . Ni $30 uTton = .4ditions to staff exceeded these' roils, �39,5fj Paz,, in the storm which owep, pa -ray that SUndsyL t tPbeas $7. Crisco in the crop of Westel-it EIT. tile, eastern end of the Caribbean Ses, from 11�.!jt�ajy sixty craft, ranging lil-15 4LUTTendeV of the wolf Ilide. I reporteaL on tile corresponding date of I Lard -Pure t!ercos, Is to 18%c; C­tbrough '-tl* entire. a1pproxiln'. OSCAR, XLOPP as indicoW, by condition roporta so To agoist. the effoTts of the eighty-, ally pyetj us y. , r of the recard,'and, 1/2 to 190i pails, I wreaking IiELVO from the insignificant off -shore sail - 0 ea 'British group., constables, a fleet Of boats Is ths index of orAPIDY1110fit, at 1-0&7,' 03,� tiercos, With reany legal he boats it tire Wton yacht Isoaes- t4qllie Indian erop,bar%lested in May, Pr -t_�, 11 16c; tubs;�.15 to it,',�-c; 1)ai.s, fami,30s home �(I to be Sir Honor Graduate Carey Jones, National ained" There, ave six motor now stands high4l, than In'any ot6r,3,4�A_ to itteredL'with Ble d The Isocees was believe $6661 of Auctionsering, Chicage, Spa. yjl�ed practically the same t0bal as 116 to 16%c; blocks, 17 t ; 0 17'4c- beautifull drives I Thoulas Uptom'a all - "I - tlrss t8k;n � Pare DP_ed Live. lost so that cup ahilken&r. The Skanarock IV liew R lie ltubst�-FUal con- boats bo. th�D Maekenzie' Ri4el, art mouth since 192-0. debris, pi famous American 0 al co' eal L your glass and maeseli'Of ,,r Stock,', 'tato Rralyzed, Nassau aban nroa Sales Merchandise and to�ibutlon toward the world utilities P lies under 'f6rty :fset Of Water, too in keelilng iatloilLof her Own Pit, _� . k with &u�ba "Pected 111na that Neurce6 efiorts for allev or of Nassau, In satwo,otion as. at 11 to &13�atch all avallal& TWO eastern car,,, 'iling Ua at. lie, Zurich, Ont. With the excePtion Of Problematic ke� tura4, Wr) fill C�onditio Montagu section, WES its or w ii Russia, Canada S of Poloson nis craft , ol 1% 1 the Im lij search of the plecareaque, the ld fort phone 18-913. supplies fron A numborink betwean 1193 inundated with three to.four feet- of, only other important isource of Wboat sponge fta , , whiGg a DIM. race. and all "I '200"glila".1 sloor sthoonert, V"At'.11, Ten, Imports until the crops 0 flw South s Heniis&ere bec 6f 1027,", DA a 'a in th6 cal�7 `f�.w M" Hop 1W al o 6 av I V in I 'Al )i '. Tile fdac W WE � M=1101 Fr'. ebsurmice Uompny`., D�ate of �Irnperial Coilfercnce Hba�TOfficey.Seaf6rth,bnt. Alteeed to Suit Itleciious DIRIECTORY: Pteti-11611t, James . 0011110 1 IlY, Goderich.- I,&ndDn_Tha bc�jdjng of Federal Vice, James Evans, Beechwooill 9ac, elections In Co;llada ill September has Treainirar,.Thos� E, Hays, Seaforth; , , caused the lihp�.-riPl Covarnirlent, to Directors: Gaorre Mccartnoy, S�a­ i�A back� 'by two weexq tile 'do , is oil forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J� P- %Vhjah the Imperial Conference is to Urlave,rWaltoir; Win. RW,,8oaforth;. oollwne., The conference was to havo M, MoNwea, Clinton; 35tobert Verrjes Harlock; 36hu Bguue-woif�Brcdhageii,� openeJ 'On October 5th, but -Premier Jas; Connolly, Ooderlob. - Stani'ley] Baldwin. announced .-'in the liouse of Common., AgenfA: Alex� LeItch-Olinion; J. W; L 5 that Cauada'S re_ 'Yeo, do(jerlch; Rd. Illuchrity, Sea- 6set for aL p6stponelliont,bad been forth, W. CbQS40y,..EMOrdVIIle; R. Weed to by all the GovOrnillents CO G.,jitringL, tb', roaliagen. had haen de-oldod. to L. Y n Dald'ln may be and it - p ld ,,t'L M66�jofi Clothirlg Co,, 0 =,n,,ho e-sal'ons on October 19, It s' o 'Iffiton, To tirne should be .1 at Clutt'e Gxocery, Qodellph. , , I' ' PAYties desiring to affeo,tbasuranoo a�llosvi�efcol"tthLt��Otaiimaodian G*Ver'111104-t to or trarliadt Other businosm wN be rep-msentativdR to the eon- tj L I Se-e't 'tS4 I - Y it 4 ppItration to ference following the outcorni" of tbe ,��,nlp a Rpd to on a of 'ft a W .0 M991*0 I's Clinton 11 to low -p: the. riverg In the t B t.11 art of 'T610 and Goderich Div. (3�lng rvast, depart 25 a.." went oil a ralnpag�'e, Flfty`� Min Irland ph r6i 52 bridges, a] 0 7i down and t�l ' �cgr 2 '52 P.M. is tloln� "Weqt, or. road - and tel"Ph011a Vc i 1. ar".6.68 dp. 6,53 D, in. rupted, W ar. 10.04 p;m. ; The: vi'llagef; CC Tochi� Xho, Ama- L,,nd,,on lu ' rem & Bruoe PlY. il'ig4!�hjdaj, 1j,' ar.L 7.56 7.56 icfioboj�i o'TLd S�an.j 0 are f1'CW'cjl - o'n" Todh 446 p.m. 6.5,9 rij, Ing the O,�brls Tor dead. X IIA5 �.m� and Aizu are s(X;l in danger. ;[ : stoms-1 md t0214 th- w"010""Megave oys— W= t .1 jj,� in tho mooning. At all druRlatI6 26c;g or by nud Mealcma Ca�npaoy, Te7onto 34 -47 =arl', :, 60ca . , kboyo �ar6 21 . lown tv�.o 4) . C tb tbirty-foul. f6opl�', Wbo baVe (DeO sincO j mumuLu - -- - - I U=., .1 �: , �. ­­-, C j: 16 on tbelort aad ix as tlo�zeqnli� of aloollo, rairrilij, dicd �n Friday 111.111t. TO thO right, is Willi= Bacon, �,b,3 'died at mIdnIgiAon Siltl