HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-29, Page 8Clinton [Acura-. ccord PIIURSDAY, JUI.i CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELER STORE' n the of the Itiloonlight At that aura the soft Tight is kind to you. She is more responsive and is ready to listen to you. Then she would-be willing.to'allowyon.to place, an her finger one of those :Blue White Rose Bud Diamonds shown, at Jolui• - son's Jewellery (Store. R. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Iiovey's Drug Store Clcariiig• Sale Of Men's and Boy's Clothing continued for the Month of August Cut prices on all lines to clear Men's suits .as low as $10 and everyone a bargain. Men's blue and white striped overalls Special $1.39 Close prices of anilines of Oxfords, Shoes, and Work B oats. Special Low, Prices on Clearing Lines Get our. Prices, it will pay you rirt t s Plumsteel Bros: PHONE 25, tett .1'''illiilt+ (mall, (0116 nth ♦i\rI. F. 11tlf 11.11 11 7�+1! aa. The Head Buyer in your Home' Make your Pennies Count., buy at THE C. & S. GROCERS - Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J., What is more •necessars, more convenient and healthful - than a bathroom. Let us give you an estimate of how little it will cost you for these conveniences. Sutter-& Prdue Hardware, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. " Phone 147w. FOREST FIRES BURN 3,000,000 ACRES A YEAR ,(By Dr. a D..,HOwe, Dean, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto.) Our forests _ wtlk continue to be burned at the : rate of three million acres" a year until the people, the owners of the forests, evince some- thing of the same interest in them as they do in smuggling, in the tariff and in who is to be the next Prime Minis- ter. Itfy readers, .the Canadiatii For- estry Association, the 'Canadian So- ciety of Forest . Engineers, the Do- minion and Provincial Forest ,Ser- vices are appealing to you for help -in bringing salvation to - our forests, salvation from: oft -occurring, ,but, we line, of et ornal ire 7t fires, The hope, r interests of this country and this development of morality are well served by the avoidance of fire in this life 1 'ail er from reading the newspapers that protection is an important issue" in politics.,Why spend so much time and energy in discussing tariffs wheil the second .largest foundation of our in- dustries is burning beneath thensf Does it matter much who is the prime` /Moister, to long as we continue to lay waste our forest wealth at the rate of time million acres a year? No one man under such conditions can prevent the paralysis of .industry and the depopulation of lumbering communities that inevitably follow in. the wake of forest devastation. There will he no adequate forest: fire pro- tection in' this country until our pol- itical leaders are actually seised with. its importance in terms of industrial life and act - accordingly. The Mani- festation don 0frthen.se seizure well express itself in better organization of our forest protection and greater appro- priations of 'Money to carry en this work. ■ If you're young and wait to stay young, if -you're old: and Want to feel young' (like the man pictured above) if you're young butdon't feel young read the joltes in Life, Judge, Punch, Humor, or our 10e Joke Books, They'll help., Some folks say that there are no "bargains," -that you never get more than you pay for. 111 the main they are right, but a notable exception is, our Writing Pad containing 65 sheets and fifty envelopes for 25c. Ask for Old Windsor Linen, We have anew roan map issued by the Ontario Department of Highways, In addition to the`'iaforination usual- ly given it has an index to cities, towns, villages and lakes for the first time is' -shown the official road number given to roads carrying tour- ist travel. The loction ..:of camps, fishing grounds and ferries crossing the 'international boundary are mark- ed. ' Price 50e. The object of this.,advertisement is to separate people from their money. If: you want a picture to frame or to copq andcare to expend 10e there are many here from which to select. Some. are copies of old masters, ,nil, are reduced in price. If a friend is getting spliced Send a card; - If you think some one is nice, , Send a card; Send a card to one who's BI-- 'Twill ll—'Twill cure him quicker than .a pill. It's always worth the price To send a card. .-. Tlnagara Falls might be at your back door, but if you do not make use. of their mighty power' you're 'as- well Off' 1,000 miles away. It's the oppor, tunity you make use' of that counts. A few opportunities are our News Stand with Joke and Story Maga- zines, Old Windsor Pad and Envel- opes at 25c. Road maps if you drive a car, Pictures reduced to 10e, Greet- ing and reet-ing:and Sentimental Cards for all occasions.. 1 Tlie W. D. Fair Co. 0/ten the Cheapest--OAlways the Best dlr �i71 l t lelnNunumamistehI3 1 ' •- Miss Helen Anderson of Sarnia I been visiting friends in town. Mrs. West and faintly are making visit ndth some friends at Merl• Misses Dorothy and Florence `tor are visiting at Grand Rapids, M' H, fr, Winter , Ford of Peterboro r' spending a holiday at his home Mown. Mr. and Mrs. George VanHorne turned last week from a please trip west. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg and fami leave Monday for their sump home at .Southampton. Mrs.' Frank Jenkins and children a spending the week -end with th lady's mother at Bayfield. Miss Libbie •Gibbings ,of Toronto n spending a vacation at the home ,her brother, Mr. B. J. Gibbings, Mr. Fred F. Gillies of Kitchener wa a guest at the home of Magistral and Mrs. Andrews .over the wee end. Mr. and •Mrs. Arehibtdd and family o Oakville spent Sunday as th guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. S. It Holmes. ,}ifs. Walter Jackson of Brantford ha been visiting his 'brother; Mayo' Jackson, and sister, Mrs. . ii: Steep of town. Dr. and Mrs.,Kay and Miss E'lain Kay and Masters Buddy and MI White of Lapeer, Mich, are th • guests of. Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Gib Dings. `` ' Mr. Frank Jenkins and his mother Mrs.' W'. Jenkinsi, are this week at tending the convention of the Fier ists' and Gardeners' Association in London Miss Eloise Andrews, Mr, Frederic Andrews and.-.. Mr. Russel Armhol of Coshocton, Ohio, motored over t� spend a while with 'Magistrate and Mrs. S. J: Andrews. Mr. Leo Flynn of the head offices of ,..'th e Canadian National.- Railways, Montreal, is spending a holiday at his home in Mullett and "renewing friendships in Clinton. Mrs, H. •M, Steep left for the west this week with her .a brother, Mr. Sidney Jackson of Lethbridge; who had been • visiting in town. Mrs. Steep will visit. ,her daughter at Watrous, Sask. - Dr. J. W. Sha*, Dr. W. 'Gunn, 13/3. Gibbings, G. A. 51cLennan, Dr. lay, J. W. Trelueaven, R. Smith, .Chas. ,Sinith, A. J. Tyndall, •J, P. McIn- tosh, E. Pickard and. T. I{, Mair of 'Clinton attended the ,South' Huron Liberal Convention at Herman on' Tuesday. Dr. Christian of Toronto, who is oc- 'cupying Dr, Gandier's cottage at Southampton during this month, Vas in townMonday and Master Joe Gandier accompanied him to Southainpton. The Gandier family leave the end -of the week and will spend August at the lake side.. Messrs. C. G. -Middleton, TI'. E. Rorke, D.." "Canteloii; N. W. Trewartha, M,L.A., W. S. R. (Holmes, Ford, W. L. Johnson, J, Tuner, W, E. Perdue, G. H, Elliott, Schoen - hats, J,: i', Sheppard, J. M'c,Kinley, R. Draper raper and Col.' Ii,: $,-Conroe were among those who attended the meeting of the South Ituroiv Con- servatives at Heosall on ,::Thu35day last. las a m. 1.e ich, i3 in re- nt Iy ter re•' e is of s • e week e s M. e e 1.a t 1.6 ICIIIC a IllperS OP CIVIC I{OLIDAit• 2 lbs: Dates 25e Olive Butter . 20e and 35e Peanut Butter, per lb: . .. , , 25e McCormiclt's Assorted'y'ancy Biscuits, per plcg ...,..... °54r, PICNIC 'S,UJPPLIES Rose's• -Limo Juice ,•• • 40c 'Potted Meats u ior25e Large Pottle Olives . . 50e C. & 13. Branston Pickle 35e C. &I3. Chow Chow ,'. , 50e Canned Chicken in Ib, iiins,,and Glass 3, 19 CAMPERS' SUPPLIES Shredded Wheat Biscuits .. 2 for 25c Jelly Powders 150 (With Sugar -Shaker) Jam, 3 lbs. (iii glass) • , :• 60c .Bodley''s Cakes,.,,, 25e and 30c Fruit Salad With Cocoanut FRUIT SALAD WITH COCOANUT 1 FOR THE] SALAD small Takehalf one oz n. eacan ch of Pineapple, ane as Bananas, cut into '' �, Peaches and Pears, per dozen ., , , ,;.. , , or Pears, strain the: juice. take' one-half taxrries, Peaches ofof dissolved Peachessin in Tans •, .. , Pears " ` Gelatine, sweeten to. taste and pour over fruit. When firm Plain Gelatineperk cover with Cocoanut. Serve with Whipped or Ice Cream. I p g 50c ., 20c and 30c 50e Coeaannt, per' It. ! 15e - 29e See Our Vinegar Display In Bottles ---Malt and White Vinegar, -Heinz & Cross & $lacl{yell's, 'also Heinz s,Vinegar in bulk. TEA "Our Own" Ib. 65c, COFFEE—O'Neil's Own Blend, ib. 70c. COCOA --1n bulk, or 10c 1b: All orders entrusted to us for camping, will'receive our careful attention, we will pack them carefully so they •will arrive in good condition; We have sold'" a lot' of sugar and are stili selling it, We do;not wish to alarm you but there is a danger of an advance at present and the preserving season is at hand. ' We are having a very special Soap Deal of our own, 6 bars for 25c, also a limited quantity of P, lit..10 for 55c Only two more weeks for the Pony Votes. Purchases of $LOO and upwill be double d Fridays and.Saturdays in the"Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early W. T. O'Neil Phone less" Cash and Service Where Sells for less price rrevaais. N�woottiopmelfitommallowwite People You Know Mrs. E. H. Wise is visiting in Toron- to. Mrs. E. Cross and children of Wind- sor are 'visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. Pollard, Gunn. Misses Bessie and Leota Staeey, Reg. Nurses, Toronto, are • the guests this week . of Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Brown Mr§. S C McMath and Miss Marjorie left Tuesday to spend a week with the fornier's sister, Mrs. Field of 1Strathroy. at Hespeler. lF4lr, Elisha Townsend of Ottawa has The Ladies' Aid are having their been visiting relatives at Landes- pienie to Bayfield on Thursday after- bore and called on Clintoiif friends noon of this week, last week. • Miss Florence Cuninghame is in Lon- don this week, attending a eonven- + + tion of the Florists' and Gardeners'lino iloliday Miss Mary . McPhail of Goderich spent Friday last as the guest of - bir, and Mrs. W. G. Fulford, before Inaving for Sarnia. In compliance with the request of a ir. aiid 5Ths. Wilfred Tanner of Wal- large minter of citizens I hereby laceburg have been visiting at the/ home of hips. Tanner's parents, Mr. proc]aim and Mrs. W. Walker. ; / Mr, and Mrs. W.J. Nediger,. Mrs. Monday, August 2nd. Merritt Nediger and little son ,and Mies /Annie Nediger motored to Civic' Holiday for the Toren of Clin- Lions Head on Sunday to visit re- latives. ton, a)id call upon all citizens to ob- Mr. Thos. Callander, who operates a fruit farm near Hamilton, spent serve it as such. the week -end in town, having met- • ored up with his uncle, Mr. J. Cun- Fred Jackson, Mayor inghanse, who had been spending a few days with him. Mrs. Louise Greig, who has'been En Toronto for some time, is now with her daughter, • Mi's. T. Jack- son. Mi9s Mary. Chidley aceom- tiained her from Toronto and is at the home of her mother, Mrrss, Jack- son. 2 m + Mr. and Mrs. Robert .A'!.00re• and ■ family of Stratford spent Sunday with the former's grandfather, Mr. Jas. Minn. Mrs. Cole, sr., of Clinton spent Sunday with her slaughter, Mrs. T. Mr•. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson of Brussels spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Riley. The R'espeler boys played football with Milburn boys on Tuesday even- ing of this week and the return snatch \vfli be played on Saturday afternoon Mrs. M, Agnew ands .Miss ,Cgnew motored to Lueknow on Sunday, with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Agnew and :Mrs. 7t&eKenzie, who had been visiting here. They in- tend spending a few weeks with friends at ; .Lucknow and .Owen Sound. Stanlelj Township Miss5Freida Talbot and Miss, Knox of Brimfield, have returned' home, after spending a few weeks with friends in Detroit and Lake Orion. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and far/idyl Mr.. and Mrs. Norman- Turnbull and family, and a number- of young peo-. ,plc` of Grand Bend spent •Sunday at the home of Mr; W.:H.'Talbot. ilIr. ':Clifford Seotehmet oft Detroit is home on his vacation. Mo. and .,Mrs. • Wm. Baird 'ane] Thelma of Toronto spent the week- end at the home of Mr. George Baird; ,Miss. Mary 'E. Cameron, . Miss Christena B„Cameron and Miss 'Inge, - berg Adams, representatives from Berkeley, Cal., to the National Edu- cation Association at Philadelphia, visited the aunt of the two former,. Mrs. Geo. Baird, sr., for a few days, They were highly pleased with their trip through different parts of Can- ada. Coin ttan6 e -' Miss Annie Mee ichael of Toronto spent a couple of-w�eeks•'with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. S. McMiehael and other friends, r Mrs. Henry Ttidor and daughter; Jean, and Mrs. Jolin Williams and son, Albert, of Eugenia and lira Jas. ,Mann and daughter,' Mary, spent Sunday with Mr;, and Mrs. D. Tudor. 68-1 SUMMER .BAZAAR Under auspices` of Trinity Chareh Bayfield, on THURSDAY, AUG. 12th From,--4-to 7 pm;, ON RECTORY LAWIN Sale of Fancy Work, Home-made Baking, Candy, Dairy and Garden Produce. Afternoon Tea Conte and Bring Your Friends 68-2 ecla Furnaces Lead THEREIS A REASON It: Saves One Ton of Coal in Seven Call in and get a price on that furnace you are thinking of installing this year, or prepare for cold weather by having your old one overhauled during the summer months. Rhone 244 and leave your order and we will look after your work for you. mains HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 .Why Not Take It Easy Since the Spring Work is over spend more time ' on Your Verandah We have a wonderful stock of verandah furniture of all kinds. Chairs and Rockers at all prices. Don't fail to see our new Cocotex Verandah Rugs, sizes ranging from 8n9 feet to 71,4x91/a feet. They will wear for a life time. and prices are very reasonable, Then we have klaunno Couches, Hanunoeks, Sun -Stop Shades, in fact every- thing to make the verandah comfortable and cosy, When thinking of installing a bathroom, of Eavestroughs or roof- ing it *51] pay you to consult us for prices, etc. i Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 196 tr Coolness. Comfort, Appearance acrd- Value that is Outstanding These good features are all to he found in our ,Suits. Light Suits just fill the bill for general summer wear, come in and look over our stock, , 10,000 I'oii Vot s with every suit bought during contest .visec H rrnan VETERAN TAILORS PHONE; 224-W Viirriessessesegnimagemastmarammormegimmerimmagistammonemommonewoom SpotC sh Spot - a for Eggs and: Poultry Quallitu courts We are in the market for Eggs and Poultry all seasons of the year, pay toto d pre area top Prices P for . top, quality. Y GUNN , LANGLOIS Co., Limited' HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. Clinton Branch open each day from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m, Write, Phone or Call for any further information you rec)nire -w, GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITED, CLINTON, ONT., BRANCH PHONE 190