HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-29, Page 4• tJZSDAYs JULY 20 x926.';1 114 theft eveq- ei�o$�;; Sin 1E' NE y , die l� of i ses' and int> Hosie U derwear Children's, ,Ms Special Values Hosiery n p Ladies' `Dre'sses; mall Paper and Chinaware f that ins is the ` store, leads with low ail P. T.' '000 ■..ii.a.. CLENTON 1 Clinton ,._ Musical Instrument 'q �p�� IJ L� i�� lJ seri ative •fie re_ See or Call �. c.EIL, Dealer in all Musical, Instruments Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton ' BEAUTIFUL, BREEZY BAYFIELD fernier's` inothori JVIgs S -GleoPer. Misses •.A.deline aifd 'lthel. Dreh mann oG, Wingh?am spent, last week- end "pfd �r r. heap,. end with then ., the , • 1!r ehiiiann Mi ` A. C $upRnrcic of pobroit Piot ored to-tbevilla. lest' week -to spend• ?lis ' holidays with leis mother -in• -law - and two daughters at' Ho11ey Lodge' Rev, W. A. Townshend: and, family' ate. mol ing, M e week ' to Bervie, where :Mr. Townshend' is taking- charge of the Anglican 'parish, . Were the uests`=of, 'The following w g 'the week the • Lalceview'.Iotel over.th end: Mr and•Alrs. Mao1rwan, Goder- ich; 1Vliss Goldthorpe, Goderich; Misses IZ and H. McEtvan, Goderich; M. and Mrs: EI Veikh, :Mr. and Mrs. R,' D. Patton, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. D., Baker,. '..Miss Helen Baker;, -Ralph Bayker• and Roy "Blanchard, London; Mr., A. Mentz, M.ilvertoin; Mr. I3- F. Sangster and- .Nig, J. 31. -Sangster;' London; Mr'. L: B., noyle, Exeter; Mai. and Mrs. C. H. Stephenson,.' St. Floridab Petersburg, Florida; Miss A. S, Cs son. and Mr. F. E. Johnston, Port Huron Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Sherritt, Misses' A, and P.. McDonald and Mi. R. P. 1VIcDougall; Herman; T. C. Bal- lantyne and J. Rodgers; Stratford;. Mr. and'Mrs. J. Phelan, Mrs, Earl J, Phelan' and Miss Hilda' Rieke, Cin- cinnati; Miss Vera M. Turk .and, Nies. E..M.: Sperling, Detroit; Dr. G. W. Duffin, Windsor; Mips A. Nicholl, A•r- Rona, and Mr.' and Mh s. T. C.. Looh e,' Clevelaiiic ' Mr. T. R. Bechey and family of. Leaden are occupying Mr. McDon- agh's cottage in Lakeside Park. Landesb'er►,, " Mi` Je sid:.'Lennox 'ref -'Detroit as. •,l Ss S the ggest of Mrs.Arthur.Jamieion.,l • Mrs; and M'iis.. Georgo:Brogden have -returned atter a vP,eelc,e visit'with, their•,daughter Miss Beetled Brogden of London Janis Woodman, ' 'of Chatham, spent "the week -end in^ the village, • Mi,. and Ml's. J. Radford are en- joving '5 -motor tip to":•Port Co1iborne 'and expeet to do c'oasiderable,driving' throtigh, the Niagara- Peninsula while Friends Of John Fingland' will .be glad -to know. that lie returned. from; the hespita'1'tlt London ori Saturday. evenngP last.; Mrs. Jas. Elsley and`"Mrs. _Tamblyn had a family gathering. last week when the • five sisters were all to- gether. Mrs.: J. D. "Ainsley wee not g h . present on ''aeoount of the sickness of: her husband. 1 Rev. Dr. Medd and Mes. Medd and andMs. • iss Josie,Dutton,nd Mr. r M Hiles, of Clinton visited Mrs. Elsley' and Mrs. Tamblyln this week.. Mr. and Ma's. Caleb Packman of Windsor are visiting Miss Lyon and other relatives, Al,,,'.1litIW :Judi's§ C1.IOSEN :AT 'BIITIIUSGAST.1C GQ VENTION' S. HURON C , SE A.TIVES • ()1` ON RV' !Mr. 'Andrew Hicks of Centralia was .tije choice- of the: South Huron Liber- al -Conservatives at: a convention held: at,: Hensall last:Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance at the.eonvention. Five other- names were before the convention, c but all. Mr. Hicks'choice withdrew, making unanimous. The "following were the naives withdrawn: 'Alex. , Neeb, Stephen; W. 1.:T)iliott,, ,'Gerntralia;; TI,enry'Horton,•Brucefield;,.N.W. Tre-; wartha, M.L A., Clinton; and Henry Didber, ex-1VI,L,A„ Greditoii. 1Vfr. and Mrs. Meadows.are visiting. at the home of Mr. G. Gal:rett. The funeral of John Woodman took place from his father's residence, Londesbofo yesterday afternoon. T1ie• funeral service was conducted by Rev My. Abrey. A; large nuniher of floral tributes were received and many friends attended the service. The Pallbearers were: John Harvey, Willis Mountain, William Govier, Aleae Stewart, Joe. Xuiigblutt, John Adams, "HoIresv'ihle 1 of Braee- Mi•s. McRoberts and sot bridge spent Sunday with friends here. Quite a number from this Commun- ity took in the garden party at last ,Thursday might. v Hpinaesville Sunday . school with: Sharon and Ebenezer Sunday. schools, intend holding a picnic on Aug. 6th in Mr. Lobb's Grove' on the Bayfield Road.. Robt. MVlcCartney', "who has been quite ill for the last month. is slowly improving. Mrs. Alcock _ of 'Brussels has been visiting Miss Acheson.'tie haying is almost ever, and all report .a good crop. ;Mrs. S. Merrill, who has spent the. past couple of weeks visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. T. J. Potter, has returned to her home at'-ISumniel:hill. ,Mn Wiflred Jervis is busy getting 'ready -to -Move into the house he re- cently rented from Mr, Miller. Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick and family have gone on their vacation. The Church services will be supplied dur-' iitg his absence. The, regular meeting of the Ladies' church on Sunday, Aug. 8th. Dr. Aid of the. United church met,at"the glome of Mrs. R. S. Reid on Thursday last with a• large attendance. After :the meeting was closed a social after - ,noon was spent and a dainty luncheon served by the ladies. Mrs. Isaac Wistner• and Miss Beat- rice Holm of Preston are the guests of Mrs. Alvin Holm of this village. Mrs. Mary King, Miss 'Mary Strud- ley, Mrs.. John Stevenson, Margaret, George, Ann and Francis Stevenson, all of Stratford, are summering in Mr. Cullis' cottage near Lakeside Park Mrs. G. D Robertson of Sault Ste,. Marie is visiting her sister, Miss Emily ,Osmond, for •a few days. Miss E. McKibben, Mrs. A. McKib-. bon and Mrs. Davison of Landoll are summering in cottage No. 6, Jowett's Grove. Miss Grace Love and her aunt, Miss 'Charlotte Walker, of Aylmer; are guests at Mrs. Will Weston's. ' Mrs. J. 11. McLeod and Miss Lucy 11. Woods left on Wednesday to visit at Port Stanley, Cleveland and other points: Miss M. Shanks of Windsor is with Mrs.'W. Doug. Mr. Frafl1: Erwin and 11liss Violet Schultz of Kitchener spent'the week- . end with the former's aunt, Mrs. F. Peeve): is a great preacher and very widely known throughout Western Ontario, having preached in London and Hamilton before going to Inger- soll. The services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. There will be a special' program of music in connec- tion with these services. Miss Ida Way of London sang a very :beautiful solo at the morning service dart Sunday'held in the.17nit- ed church.. Miss Alma Mclfay returned to Toronto last Monday after spending a delightful vacation at her home, Miss lzetta Merner is spending a few days with friends at New Dun- dee and Kitchener. Friends of Mr. Walter Westlake of this village will 'be glad to learn that Walter; is improving and that his lit- tle son has had a successful operation end is now too on the way to.•recov- erM•rs..Kendell and her daughter, Betty, of Detroit 'are summering in Mrs. Trebilcock's cottage. ;Miss Julia Dorm of Detroit is vis- iting with Miss Betty Kendall. Mrs. Thos. Barrett and sere Harold, of Waterloo, are spending: several drys with the former's mother, Mrs. Thos. Brandon. The following are the guests, at Miss Norah Ferguson's: :Mrs. 'Steele, Varna The garden party held by the United church on the lawn of Dr, Moffatt on Thursday evening last brought together a large number and a very pleasant, evening was enjoyed by' all who case. The ladies of the congregation saw to it that a good supper was provided and it was much enjoyed. The program by the San - set Quartette was also appreciated very much. "The .preceeds amounted to a substantial stmt. Mr. Hicks Was elected ,'as a IJ.F.O. in 1919 and represented`South Huron ,,linti1,19211.' He_ was whip for his party but :in.1923 he repudiated his leader; .Mr. Drury, an act which probably Hastened on- an, election, o , in which the Drury Government was de- feated. The death of Thoinas Shobbrook of the 13th concession of ILullett, re- moves one of the pioneers of this community Mr, Shobbrook came with hie,'paernts from England to this part of the county when he was et lad about 14 or 15 years of age. The .family settled on a farm fl short dis- tance from the village and Mr. Shob- brook himself spert 'his life in this district. He saw the country cleared and developed and was always one of theenterprising ,farmers, ever ready and willing to give his help' and in- fluence towardsany movement for the good of the community. Itis with deep regret indeed that friend,, of Mr. Shobbrook think 'Pe his pass- ing. but the influence of a strong chaeaeter,'like his will long remain in the memory of those who knew him. The funeral took place Tuesday after- noon .from the residence of his son, Fred Shobbrook, London 1?load The farmers in ibis section have about wound up their haying opera- tions. Hay is a very good crop this year and has been well saved.- Fall_ wheat is just about ready to cut, though at time of writing none has been cut in this immediate vicinity. The farmers have beeli deing.seme building this summer. Mr. Frank Lane has built a'mew driving shed; is ha cin one erected, N. Seller, tv g and Mr. Albert Pepper has added a new bent to his barn. A. Edwards. Toronto; Mr. and .Mrs. C. R. Eber- Ma. and Mrs. Georgi Mitchell and hard, London;` Rudolph and Kenneth three sons, Harry, Stanley and Clif_ Aberhard, London; Mr. and Mrs. H. ford of Ldbo were the guests of Mrs. J. Coons, Lowell, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards on Sunday. e F. G. Weir, London; ,Mr, and ,Mrs. A. Mrs. Laird of Hartford, Conn„ and G. Dipon, London; Mrs. Emma Ed - Mr: R. Nesbitt and daughter Muriel wards, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Haskett, London; Mi. and Mrs. A. Robert Scotchmer of/this'village. Finlayson,, Hamilton; 'Misses J. and Miss Jennie Read of Stratford. is M. Finlayson, Hamilton; Miss Jean the guest a£ ; Mrs, . Lawson at her IVIdllard, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. H. cottage in Lakeside Park. • F. Wetler, London; Mrs. A. G. White Miss 'Edith Green . of Detroit is and Frank White, London; Mrs. Gar - spending a weekis vacation with her don Featherstone and :family, London another, Mrs. MI. Green, on Louisa st, and Miss Norah Backwell and Master The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Bill Backwell of London. ` Andrew's United church met at the. Mrs. (Dr.)' A. G. Elliott' of Toronto home of Mrs. R. S. Reid 'lasb week. is visiting with her $istei in-law,' Mrs: After' the devotional part of the John :Fraser. sheeting the afternoon was spent in Mae Will Reid, with his wife and makinga quilt -for •the missionary two daughters, surprised his brother, • q 1 bale.: awn, Reid acted the" port of a Mr. 'James Reid; by driving into the, splendid hostess and served; a mag- village ' last week. \ Mr. Will Reid's niticent lunch:' There were 25 women home is inWinndpeg. ,' He motored to present. At a pre -communion. service Port' Arthur and came from 'there ,by field on Friday evening last, presided boat. He will spend:' a few weeks over by the pastor, Rev. H. F. Ken- ,amongst .his relatives in the Village. ;'-acedy, 'Rev.' .Mr.', Durranti of Varna Miss, Bessie Elliott of Toronto' is preached a very impressive sermon. spending a week under the" par•.enta. Four young people were received as roof. , members on profession of faith and J?tea it Fortesque Gairdner,'1VIrs. partookof the Sacrament of the Gairdner and daughter Betty of Lord's'.Supper_ on • the Sunday morn; Washington, Pa„ are spending their log following, ,along 'with a Margo vacation with the fornier's brother, number of the congregation. lilt. bIr. Jack. Gairdner.' David Dewar, Jr., was ''sent by` the 31r:;