HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-29, Page 3a _-__-,_.____ ___ V _ -_ -m- ,.., .. _ ___ -a t _ _ ,__ _ ®��y gy����yygp.f, � pA1](�t A pg�yTy{p � pp � a r .�;...._,....._......�,_._,,, ;.. - _ ry,�°, �, fly5lit"a $q`1:9 S 'S9..J� ��Sy,� ll,F,d' ,.,,1;&,F2 ®t° lL 11l ,�t°Y''T?File.4 1.�1 h """"^'"""" I J t _ d��gt ;. oris of the.,-ar Ir"Is + _ M . , T7aw the l t g Mil 10�` ° 9iJ(ay be i lens i at to Uce t, ._ ISEI � IfID " " , I So Q;ne Theory �olsls;:�elvti� l lz�atglal 1`/iEtersr l�rasu�lxt Life. and rhe carni Goth now aP,pUat � n: � p �"I�t. � �.g Iii h•er fairest •,,anent drasr'a; I' `y, `.y t�Ts� On [Sy �Tpl, ..- -,-.� ._ •- ,,_. .Sweetly srn'eli.ng P1�zut5 grid Ilon'en•s --= -�'^ \ ,2i During til an(}nth of June th•e 171hoit Fmplo meet Department ^"Ic 1 5 � " — � J>O perfume , e gaxienr bowers, , ,- GdVad mora than,:twice'as man -A',a ybgtSfi• "' =' _`t - - _ ! Ila as there were aW . -= ' l `- ''I �71= -Ili], 22¢ vanes, wood and field; the iias,�ti'o;is. gradu[ites to ilhi Y I. - IS" good tOR'� _ , �- lllxed with PleasurS l,rof Ls y(eldi; n,arrd to -da ,is,.for Specialists a _ :.fir P .� The , P nd the number of calls we 1A, - , I../ -' > ••••+ ^dull Gil; troves conclusively. that our graduates measure .,,, lmch is to,nd:whe: , not.hiug� teas, t,i.:7cnt a t r+ vqu71'eviszzts• easuTa. t1p to /'; tlerds on eVOIVY monnf,ain go, Y"cunr . �yp 4 ®• In the meadbwS•flowery grdss F i t7 ii tore interested in a, thorough training for husines73 roll ` Ye'nR ��i �/8 2 i �-- _ t y nr It,t,.,,, profuab:-e 6mPl03'mertt, take your first step i �' Nfal esj eth bill; and• lioireY }low; by {tddre5smg dopaitznerrt "D" for. iPlustratod cntalo tesu r Fi�91:1� '4� Naw sac, orchard• banquets givetl , _ ?, -- �I 3� Every Ir dg'e with Pra•it relle eth; 1'� ki c r °tea{ And oil eV rS, slirub tin3 tree' �' 4. tJ tt g Useful, frim% or berries b.e, , �+ ' emboweaed in taees and looking as if l = ' �� ��� w4 ��1E I y�pg I,tlLey scally belonged to the scene; 1Y ''u»•', " c TTVJallts and way which n•inter mlrr'ci COLONIAL highways where for.stretahes of miles � ypf! — By the winds are nVelit and dried; , t t, �,'wi, , , DSV ENGLAND D re maY drive bo•tween high trees, � � , 0�(1 , :p Mociisb g•roonds are now so Bard YONCxL='.'AND ALEXANDER ST. . �� r , TQRONTO --.1 •-�+ whiell' often;, meet, overlhead; del}clous, �Li ; IUnt on 2heiri tive saps ntaY ride; To,tho-.cglonial Erom th6 Southern lanes Leading off Wheria,e finds prim- ttt,f,,,y+,+ `C Virarnrth en!pugth the .sun dash lend �_ti _- — ,, ,. • � y to hes�ide, the `road and >> f , . � � use; , , - ' '" ,a Seas It. Is an Inexpressible joyto, see roses ppiefil Of Prom•his heat the shades defend nS Nozaij b rs. Three ^ I � a•ses s reads oY bluebells hi..tha woods,.: i t? D o&$ Cornets. g, the unfaming lovellness oP Ell `Eng•; beyond: all these make for him a new I � And thereby we share in these. Since none of us who tives,,normaily Astl`onomers, in .a recent' l i nveiitary °'t' Safety; profit; pleasure; ease, t} dwOl:s in a hermit's seclusion and of'thaj nniverae have written cite their' itsh sltfitg> rXot titer th> seasonal and enchanting )vorli of gisen. �° _� .keeps ilio world at a disttutce; Dna of books three more coxuey BI change is entirely new to him; far, Enjoy` at Leisure.: ' I Ohher blessings, the first and Most intporiant lessons though the native trees of 'Itis own g ,many more,, gin aa$ Tsmgeli w,h3le two Dela, 0 To be a Properly bhti? petit- ^. •i: ' • -- At this time enjoyed may b in bite is to get along with, other pdo- reported miasln country have an evergreen: habit, the 1?PI'eciated pro g, The Yei dict liY, fit@ tike landscape of England `should be And. in this m : , pie In •the habitual daily contacts, And English oak *nnd the chestnut, brought Lord. Z�eivin; f imous British mathasmati s y song tltesefore case . Y! the first -bhrea is aaaidan l by Ilia grandPathera acre's l seen intimately and at,lelsule. The, clan anti ,physicist, �t^as born Sn ptalse•I' va .-0 L Yet it may not be carry, to be amiable . , 1,524 and died Ip: 1907. He advazioecl •the u •estio h aid to Thee, ever, . Remains of BieIaeromot, laov3• a tine world, colonial is fortunate 1Y he may drive s Sg n t at hie might have been Grant the with those whom we see familiarly an bud In breatilrlass bsautY in spring's of contented) along' country o Ilion ht first ! , h t ibis my, PEee obla lien y $ever, continue to haunt the solar ne{gh y a meteor from outer space. May have gracious' acceptation constantly. A mautt foss sha11 be borhoad "in th6 fo September. Yet,. lovely and gracious y those of his b n I form of a'hgwera qQ may explore on .foot the ]ares and g o. t e earth b And'that I may wall -em !o )v bouse'hold, Constant meteors. Ii hs town' are, they stilfvign lin •exotics iii, Secrets ofi• Science. until life bad advanced , to the stage employ r _ othe to comet thea been, .woods. :The beauty of okk; -beech,. EverYthi p oximi'ty;:unless 'there is the spirit of adrvertLserb iu the his'own'Iand; and ev€n 1a an English, . chestnut and elm, clothed In all the +B David Diet : ng w. hl0h I enjoy. v • lost columna of The By z, rs had shells oz skele-Cleorge.W}the!, a and take and ' oY generous for: Oelostfwl Times, and more faformatio modeled settlement like the New 'Lea- I ns as or anise bsaraace may lead n s wonder of the awakening season, will - y to Wetion ,and is. urgently wanted. When [ The ancients thought that llviSg The doctrine that 'some super ur a-'� en Last seen land. Christ churOh, rho peauLy of tug -"be felt to ,the Full when he •stria +ds' in creatures spree f ll -formed ou oP th . Pernat, ai aorimory.:Mea on ex 'ori ea and ! ilsh trees' ln' the "aweet o' the year"'" Pi, .rig if In 1900, it was scantily elo;d and had a their sbatde or n'loves th ough the tau- earth. Aristotle; Lire Greelc Philo o- force entered- into the origin of life is tions, penned' in a,sma11 but or a boat v P • • a kngwn as "vitalism." erY-small tail, It has not kept Ito cannot campers In iluslltY and sweep eel that they make inquiet wt_1Ys, I3o D ®T �� - ior.months'at a time; get Lo kaon one da with that of the Hoene landscape, Be.' gain and again ills 'softness of Ther, thought that lessers and fishes ���� Cee elaoe, WORe s cotne.t of 188 , - sides this, thy colonial who "goes I notes a. arose full -formed otit of maid. Neither the ,theory of Lord F{elvin another too well and' to dltanrelittg. ane of Jupiter's : househo ,• tate landscape. In his own country, That theory !s called " nor the .theory of vitalism can be Itl►� �j One of the obligatiionsoE a uarr,esitt l looked Homen—Ecr tlxls Is the current phrase' e6pontaneous proved or disproved' :by scientists at : �Y �j� T � ��%% p feeble asst year and ia,nat caps eQ hal Itoo, ho;llaa been aecustgma�d to lgolc : BABY ie to preserve the possibilify of aiye. lLve long, -takes with him, koo,; innumerable as- generation" by the scientists. the present time.- ' creel distaneea; here he finds' that Ii survived Eor naaar ly 20 centuries, Eery attd surgFls!e; to a happy marriage ; so0fatlane oY English springs; Ste tttay'visiaa is 'limited.:b a soft Thereate a number of theories to a<, each partner strives to bringInto •5---,--- - have learned from -•a, wistful mother' y graYbiue Tn fact; ft survives to seme extent, to, J>rly-the" Month of.oppressfve heat count for the origin of life upon. lilies t fe OWahlp new and various enlivening Minard's Liniment for bora Fool in think of an English lane as one o1' ene0' traeut to the' not distance, leads da : red-hot days enchantment to the view, The -country boy who puts ii' Siora�i earth which Stave been named after y and' swelteaing nightsi ie experience and incident the loveliestthingsfon earth, and even, . guild 7erusalem in England's green hair the scientists who originated'them: extremely 7hard• on little Deas Dior : "pre seacl 4 enrL� a i • if he left poetry behind when We and I as n Into the watering trough is the ^ ri nd neighbors, to . sohoolda s e1o. P e a. t land -how much more hopes that !t wf41 turn Into an 1' ,ACC to Pflugei'a theory, the '!hose; dysenterq, Oal}c and -cholera in: g self centered Wears 3Q-Yeaf`Old Hat. Y Sed, he eau ptill hear f p n e' , is formation of the compound, fantum parry off thousands o1 precious keep us from becoming I thor,e vrondetful wards of Blake mean testing out the theory aY Pound, c Rnoge P and from having too. many Ingrowing When M. Etehebarrq, a Ganaditttt echoes of the ,English poets- who have to the oversea pilgrim when he has at spoutaueous., was the 'first step in ' its process: little lives evor�summsr.' The mother interests_ Per h trung of April and May: The glories of ' 1 generation, even though he ,,would must be constal l : On Ilei and 't r t e ncrmai' business as tnd•Ilionaire, returned to Stie native Cyanogen compounds from a basic part Y guard o sgciat}pus lift us out of ourselves. and �an'ce the other day bre wee wasting the Fl heritage; season are part of his ' est seen the English green ikeI stare atyou in amazement If you spoke in protein, prevent these troublea, Or It they come transport u from 'Green—was, washers ever a green hike it to him about Khat subject, on suddeul P s om a: dally round we the same hat he wore when h9 fait Ilishm heritage; its go with the BullInthe nor d, so bright, sof tender; so But .all e. eriments Cul d egauog8n compound can only be „ y {e fight them, No -other know too well into a frelib region of that country thirty years ago as a Von. ]ishman to all parts of the iron. �P mtnatiug medicine is of Such aid to.mothers din•• - pure, so all-pervading? He takias baoic in the work of the formed in the presence of Incandescent thinking and feeling. allose -'emigrant. of eighteen.. To such a visitor the actuality is great Frenchman, I heat, rfluger tbarefore thought that Ing the hot summer as is Baby's Own A plain sad homely virtue, but one even beyond his expectations.Ile Linda with bite the discovery that ,what. Pasteur,. have proved #q us that living! these Compounds were formed when Tablets. They regulate the bowels and of h ha! �-- Ybad thought tc'be an iron And smoke cr,.atlaw arlso only from pre existin ' the qualities. most likely to endear _ binisalf. just outalde a great City; and d4sdgured j;ngiaud is really a -garden, forms of life, �l the earth was et111 molten. stomach, and an occastonab lase given us to our own kind, , is that of more • DO far as his eye Can see is an expanse the sights and Seems o4 which will Consequently. we are' I Since they absorbed much •energy to. the well child will prevent summer ne Ighborlina ys, The good neighbor is . ! of meadow and, woodland, clothed In y faced with the l in the form of heat . in forming, he. 001PPlatlit, or Ill troubla does come the one who to not merely teuched bq UsE' �' the most exquisite 'shades of maks music in his heart always, For Problem: Flow did life originate upon thought brat this on suddenly will banish 1t. The Tab- gresn, the l•7ngland that calla most intimately tate earth? 1 would aoeoiini for The the Plight of. a fellow mall but moved , Xe begins to correct at Duce his idea and lovingly to be sons and her sons! .The late Lord Internal energy of living creatures, lets are sold by medieine dealers• or by to relieve it. � a X%elvin, British scien- , mail at. 26 cents a box from The Dr: - 9 �f LhatEngland is m vast industrial work- -sons abroad Is the 1England of wood list, once suggested that life may have Another theory is_known as Atlen's Mall : A woman may have neither surpass slier- 'an impression produced, not Un. land hedgerow and "wet bird-baunted been brought to the earth in ,llo form theory, According to this nitrogen Medicine` Co„ Brockville; 1hg beauty nor extraordinary clever , naturally, by what be has road of Flag• I lawns," the garden of the shires. of some simple organiser upon a me compound which were formed by the Out• mess nor a brilliant and scintillating and r� lash manufacture and the niultip1loa- passage of lightning through the air }vii nor a great deal of money to apond; Machine Knives not only fman streets. He finds that leer which fell to earth, or'' upon a marked the beginning of life, and yet she to beloved• beyond many mataave N caw Co. t To. Hollyhocks. Carnet which collided with it: Friendship. cat These were washed demon into the P• , who have these things because she has ver couve,r, CAL JOHN, nt,o., than town, but that fever in the great I tilts to think that i}ollyhocke That, however; only pushed the gnea• 'sea by the rain. .Carbon dioxide from 11apPy 1s tits house t$at alteltera n a sheer ut TonoNro Elan of the ail friend'! 'It mi genius Lor couset and Oompaa' ctties•oases of green beauty, 0.,e far Aro-flower maids. in ruf4lafd,froCks gin of life: into, some In- the atmoyphore would also be carried might well be built like a aion. Bar insight goes to the heart oY more numerous than he bad expected. , Ofill attire; - accessible corner of the universe, down by the rafu.-Life, Alien thought,. festal bower or arch, to eentortain h1• another's dilemma.. She d v n The majority of modern sciontista started as a mixture of ntt'rogen cam• per, if he know the Crisis what is the best e I es in a l Tu the Heart aE London are noble) In,ochre, tea's and _yJolet a single day, Hap i t thing to do, Sita chanes, like Hyde Park, and the visitor i Most gracefully they pirautte prefer 'to believe that life originated -pounds, carbon "dioxide and water. Solemnity of that relation Arid honor makes list life count for its fail iv _ ' upon this earth shortly r 1 v lull `• again and again finds, tvlth`a catch of I That mortals' may atiintre. y after it lied .Originally he that there were its law. .It is no, Idle bond, n0 haltday in fellowship and oitizenahip, and a1]---•'�` •'• delight, a pateli of trees stud grass, 1 often -Wonder if they keep •passed through the formative period. I no individual or definite organisms engagement. , The :gift of fortune who know -her count themselves, and often flowara nestling among un-' Their silk -frilled .shirts on when they Thtf fossL's in •tile rocks do not help but merelymixtures of these sub may preaeat or absent, bi ll ves for- _ us to solve this g g lunate in being thus befriended: broken !Diva of somber Xtouses.• It is 1 sleep problem.. Because, t s'Cances in which energy changes or depends on Intrinsic nobleness and the � .---•---m-•------- tile country, however, that 11118 bin, f And someday I'll ihquir.l as )ve say, fossils were not deposited "energy traBlo',' went on, contempt of trifles.- There are two ale,, .Minard's Liniment for Burns, with deepest joy, that meadow I -17dua Gray McDade, "" - --- _ .,._�_.__ _: _ _ meets .that go to the oam#wsitibn of , : _c -. 1EPILEPSY - __ r_ M_. lags, so Ell !slid patterned compared I - _ c+• ----.•. Exterior Color of House 11�[ay frlemdahip, cath so soverolgn than I A Surgeon's Mistake. I ant perm=nently rill of thlt arena with his o>vn landscape, diversfded A Poor Suit.' l y dE 1pt� pp�r9ir�s An � j.a dtsesea. for thl, coupon l encu 4Liltlllddd 1C��t:::AAS APPETITE gjTt can detect no superiority in either, no }s photograph of a ptttitint at and and for Lroo hookup} Pullout . r, here and there wit21 the, rich' brown of � Ardent Wooer-_ "I)o you think 3...u, Be Dts Making or Its Ruin. rail why, either should be first_ a Cologne hospital revealed a pair of on 7roneh•n world Femur a.l In g'oing„gb0tlt our Canntr for ephomy-and Flt., Simple hemp a plowed 'field, great areas of woods; -father will object to my autt? Aid. and �ij'�� named, Oue• is truth. A trtend fe a scissors lodged. iu. the wail of his atom-! traatm:nt. Tltpa.andr at terimonh:•. hedges, where in his own country Modern Matd-"L. don't see, why he Dura suburban districts It- is apparent � AND DIZZY Persian 'wltil •who}n T-max be slaoere, soh. The surprised surgeons, after' sa yarn intil w� e' houses• do not: possess Before him I may think aloud., I questioning iths I rated! s sE,daota:s, tyro. thele would be fencer; farmhouses should, he wears Duo almost as Sedum' that as a what p patient, whom they : Dyne. las, 79 Ade1•lda9!• E„ torn may particular distinction -mid charier i may deal with him with the sdmplialty had, first suspected o4 attempting to gond rrar aoax to: - -- �.' -_.._ _. _.�:_. ._ . �._..,_ _ � that for the' renter art they, are un- This New Woman Re- commit enfolds, weir convinced that,.•.'........................1.... g 1 I wed wltaleirass with which one altemI. interaastfng,and give us the feeling that Dal atom meets another. Sincerity is the insyrttment was led, behind by a rich School Boards and ;Boards of .l dlucation Mored by Dr. Williams' eametliiug about them }s wt'rrtig. ! -tile luxury allowed.' like diadems and dairing an oltea•at}en. 1 - �,,.. _ ____ -'! - Ba a Are authorized by law to establish When .we look at ,]rem eritleallI we • Ili Pius. authority, only #o ills htghes•t rank, surgeon D1�iD)iISTRD�AL 'i'BCD- NIC A i �p see that this !s due }n part to arclti-I that being permitted to•,speak truth, a$ TORONTO OFFERS BEST - rPr+ taettuai faults and lapses; bat the .- NIta• rimes Belyea, $t'own's Plst, having none above it to court or,.eon twARKET FOR �D�T SCHOOLS aomprbhendtng eye remixes titer. in the N•B•, says,—"I am writing to tell you form unto. Elvery man alone is spin- Poultry, Butter, Eggs THIS WOMAN With the approval of the Minister of Education, main it is a matter- of color. , the groat good I had through the time- care. - , My friend gives me onto!- We Offer Toronto's Best Prioea. ) 1. We give scant thought to the colors iy use of Dr. Williams, Pink Pilis, Sly taiameir without requiring me r- 1 DAY AND CVENING CLASSES that we paint our houses, -#o the tint health had failed and E was troubled steep, ar .to lisp, or to mask me ED LINES, LIMITED j a may be conducted In accordance with the, regulations Issded b of the' -body Col -oar, .to the contrast of, St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2 , WELL the Department of Education. 9 Y with great vvetrlctlsss, X had no apps- A friend may well be reckoned Her Suffering Relieved and the colors of body, trim: and roof, and tite and frequently had dizzy spells, this malsterpiece of nature; , THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION to'tlia relation of the colorsto the sur, The least exertion itould, make my The other element -of friendship is Is given, in various trades. The schools and classes are under the roundings, natural and artificial:. , heart Palpitate violently and 1 felt teal irikass. We holden to men by Health Restored by Lydia dire of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. VVe'apparentiy tell tits painter that tired at all times; I had doctored a every sort of tie, , , by pride, . . . J > Application for attgndanoa should be made to the Principal of the _, the house is to be white with green gleet deal without getting much ro- by hope, . . by aidmirwtton:byevery '0P16Y,0,8001' E. P'inkham s Vegetable school, shutters, and accept this idea of the Ifef, and was feeling greatly' discour- Circumstance and bailee and trill. but Handsomely 111aattatpt with plane ai Compound ' moderate prieed homeaby Canadian A r- shade Of green Without Considering aged ,when I finally decided to try Dr, svo can scarce lreli6 . 6bat s0 muck chitects. IffacLeon Builders' CO IENCF-C:1Al. ORIC CT8, MANUAL HORTICULTURE HOUSEHOLD d that it may make the difference be.. Williams' Pink rills. The happy re- Character can subsist In as.to Gallwillbel yourodaeldp Toronto, Ontario. •-"I am certainly 3CfENCI ^ANS RgRICULTUC{E AND HORTICULTURE are provided onthety"O{�iome,ezterior for In the Courses of. Study In Public, Separate, Contlnilrition and Ht tween charm and luediocntty. : The sults following the rise, of this meds• drain us, by love, lieu another be so sntah,matorfata,intatiarar• very grateful for thebenefltlhave re - cine can best be summed u b as v blessed and we so pure that we can a ransement sad decor on. Ceived from Lydia E.Pinkham sVeg- Schools, Collegiate. institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. 9h lloussof loveliest design may be idle- p .Y yi g sendascforncopy: stable Compound, also the Sanative Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be ed by inapprgprfate colors;'slid Color that Ism agalrVaUPeetiywell;,able to offer him, tenderness'? When a man no a llBondera,.,dde P Liver Pills. In the ws adetata• sl abet Wash and the Liv 1 obtained front the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. may give distinctlou and charm to a, do my housewark slid enjoy life once beeome8 dear guts I have touched the , i cell ()at early spring:I was suffering so much --- -+---� "� house that in Itself W Commonplace in more, I feel It a duty to recommood goal, of fortune. . The end ofral - from tests oil blood that I thought'I __ —_t - � the extrema, .: Ifr. Williams' Pltik Pills to ,all weak frlendahlp, is a commerce ithe most would neverbeany better asdoctor's -• medicine relieved me only for the When wo decide on a Color soheuta People"' strict and homelythat eau be joined. ,.�.m I time being. I saw the 'Vegetable —�- Nye face a Problem that seems to get If you have any or all, ,of tile Symp- . , , It is -for aid and comfort g CompoundadvI saw awthe 'Veetable larger, #ir0 longer we look at 1t. It has 'toms: above note!], do •not''delay, begin through all 'the• passages• of tire. . Asthma S Star,' and I find the Vegetable Corn- " so many.pbawas and const:leratltrns, !t. treatmeltt at once with Dr. Williams' It is fit for serene (rays and grae'l potmd Tablets the boat for ma, I M ' is dependent on so many things, that rink Pills. You )vitt be wurprised to glfts'e d Country rambles; but also for Spread.:M}nard's on brown raper have bean taking them since Spring it may be that Che .a)vnar ills we.I to your condi• rough mads and hard fare. , ', We d apply -to the throat. Also `•� = t 1 ngte the. Ira, Provemeat in nr pp tend I intend keeping them by me alt � inhale, Qulelc relief assured: ' ? aw a,twtmN°mgttw / make an arbitrary -selactiou _ arld to tion after a, few Iveehs. You can, get are �to d'lgnify to .ach abbe!, the' ilei the time, After rending your Pri- 1 `\,Er tl "ate n?ta / take a cflauoa• ou results. tliexo• pt11s through any dealei in me -dl. needs and of lel of teen's• llifa ant? e , y )rl' Vata Text -Book I saw it was aeces- e�ry to use Lydia E• Pinkham s San- . gtaSt and surest galectdolis will '0116 or by mail at. 60 cents a box from hellish it by courage,; wisdom and ` a alive Wash, and. I can rarely as X .% � The s Y y t"' o he those titer are expected #hc colors the nt. Williams' l2edlclno Co;, Brock• unity.... feel a different women. %y friends '9e# _. that Igstg 6speiienCe grid habit have ylllo, Out: if YOU will send your name. The condition- high friendship , remark how we]) I'look. X am a veryy • i ":ti , • it a associated with certain forms and out- and address, a ]idle booklet, "Building rclenrands is ability to clo with it.1 °a 1 ® °' busy woman, but. I am ready at all B . •m lines and masses. BWng a eouscrva- UP the Blood," )will be sent free. isrlendsitig denian,ds a religious l KING Or. PAIN times to boost your medicines."— tive people; we hate to be startled; we ir+eatutent. We'•ttrust not be wilful, we t Mrs, CHA?I,Les GlrEitz, 9d9 .Lands - e I � O downs Avenue, Toronto; Ontario. do not 1}ler: to do -ti digs that will at. A fall&Slit Wonilan. . must not provide. ' We talk of ohoos- : � , � You may be having an experience ' � f tract attention and adversta criticism; During the Irrench Itel.tlon, In Ing our friendtsy but friends are' self $ . similar to Mrs.. Gifitnler and will be . °��p, v „ unles., we have Rri absolutely sure. 1703, Madame Xiaivbarrd a el. eted. Itovorence' Is a great. part a1 11 interested to know what rhe did. t��ir , celebrated...«.., �,...,..,_.. ap o' color sense, therefore, and ail nnerr-` beauty of her time. """" Every sick women can feel confident a� e � �� �� �� + m noted for having it. Tre•at your friend as. O spectacle. t _ am'sVegetable i ing judgment, lve will be liapplast repeated the iheii:auclent a' Of course, if }i•o be a•ma•n, `he Iles that Lydia E. Pinkh: when we gra canyeytiohah. s yang, "Oh, J Compound will help her, since we are Liltsrty, ttitat ardmes are conunfCted in merits- that ar<eat yours; end that van told that it does heap 98. out of every L lJTJlBER flies ale" more than troublesome. Eby earns," was, ssnt, to,,the scapi ld Cannot honor if YOU must needs ligl.d ' INTERNAL i 100 women Who take it -,Ili— o him close to your Person. Give ttic8,11 Sold by druggists everywhere. a ,. '- 1 was note(L„not'only -. . :They come from fili:li to food. -Get rid of them ;madam. Rowland WI�}S F121, for beauty but wit and I rnlfto-iess. She Ill room, 'Let them dreamt and- a-,- 1 1 �. _ �' parbd. Be not so muell his friend that i -BATHDAILY I . ' w was awaiting her turn at the guillotlna - P Y Y C i when 'echo learned that.; a somwhat n clever lnrow Luis peculiar, ones• I I r.+^'11 .yon ca e2Sie 1Je2.ring lile[3.a d InoOSCi1lltOPS. ]_mis CieclYl,f ale f �;n aF �, I,.blmclratanwa.s-schedule tc.be ]ctl... gips: .' To a great heart Ite.:wtli; : :' -\��� y ll Zed still be a stranger fu au thousand par. I REC0 �1/ . and ea,sy.to use. l last. WiMling to spare ttu6 gentleman ticulais.: , .,LI_ do then with ray b, i • 5 9i ILho stgfit• of her bloc d. slue requested Erionds• as I do with my books. I !rave A, prorlunent Physician made the r i urn, yrt,, : MDS All®lXt3@$fold'�ltiseGts j the executfanen to lttdt hfm'lirst. The 1 rtntark recently that if people: Were L�df v where l can dud them, but I sel- e H: y r esscutfouer nsPhssii to !hence the or lien half as particular in regard to in- iniita raynlsodestroye,betlbug" ,roache5andante. It.search.s r lea oP the deatbsand dem us;. them, . They shall give p ,a ): with a Smiistileternai Cleauliuess as'they are about ff out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed; and madanva said, '"Sere] ou` _ the 'hilar which properly'they cannot external a earance: •hre r desire s insects and their a s, S ra appearance t c 4uaa to s }J)1 F it Y II$ p, Y Flit on your ar(renta. fires iliac last re Y Y can not n e giro uia; 'but wlucli emanates from 01 our Drina ailments would I I lolls moths and their larvae Wmeh 'at'I" ". i xtettsrve I quest of a Lady. This' ry e, s von tl i e tests showed. that FI}t spray ltd -not stain :thetiiost d than,: -But they^sha14 not hold. mis 'by' elrmtnated. This medical man' said , t; 'a , cafe wars fon mualt fol filo bruLnl man and fabs}e , sir lYlad:aune Itaxylandrs head fou i any relations fess sarhtlo aafd pens, )ye) PCgple "did riot stop to think of tTic a eta the will meet as, thou 1,tie ta•rted !not, importance of keeping the system Iia list last. f est i F� + Flit is the result of exhaustive research by ex' ert entotnol- f . as clean -as one is careful to keep ogists and chemists, ,It`is harmiess to -marl d Frit% It has. seemed tq me l,atsly mere !rands f c n „ f• ud A - -Possible than I Iruew C'o carry e fri•eu?t, a e and 1ro13.. lube result is v 'fill replaced the yid matiloila.boeatwa•£t lulls ali'thineacitr-and" �' that the intestinal_ tract becomes dela It quickly. flet a Flit; can alad'eprayefto lay. •0- I Probably tiro ,Phrases, '!I. beg your Ship greatly nn one cfdo,-Fitlhont due ,clogged and waste material which g5 r 5vh c i 11 Iiardon" end "Thank you," do as inuch corresgondoncc ori tiro other. . .. It should Icave the body .daily, stays do lite ciiureo. of i{'': Car to'"add, Co aieve,r GrouUl . th m, h I i ilia pry are ,8�D1� Y the es, e Muir that, Pnr oY its t! ere for' an rndefiniYc erred linin CIDlic 1. STANDARD; ��L CO. , W �I+'` tai ! acral chear.fulatess of. humanity rays , : l ,and, . e a hre for. v i P g :, i h, vanity, as y �ta,l wide and.:vain aug a.teiful P ople realize, So many .psw dn➢ Distributed in CanadA by Fred J. Whitlow& Q9., Toronto. any other phrases orf, the'same len th. spacrl:. 'Ptua•hn'e ca ua l : ills tr•e traceable to these clogging Falx .ill The 'Fam Robert L nd. g n. t quire pors'oitsi An internal Bath sounds Day . y c}uitod.`. . P ess„n.co o]' friend- rar enerations..Cu • ;.' r n "'el, but It is mucin easier to take a neuro Snap ship is eniirenass, aiotal ma&narilnnity than a1y Ofher kind! A s roon'4til of and Orlunent have afiarde I the t 1.r 1 purest; swe`etest'and'niost satisise- \` If • :' and trust.—Ralpl )Valle"l mets�7t, fn -Sal I itltofos 'Gefore-breakfast- (or "" t s. ,: ® �SE Essay on I'riendohip." any' other nice)); dissolved in a. g1a.55 tory Method of promoting .rind ti+ Not to Mention An Arm: N U ! of, tepid water acts as<a gentle deal!• maintaining a healthy condition of �\ 1,-,, pa YiioYa, ._ "`444 -'.-_—' ,� ♦•-._�.._-n "I nrin vett Co{ora fior the i ser of thc. bowl { skin and scalp, Tender -faced men O T I r e "i"!u y when a frl's Gal<G• and k ttlQ, vis. fro _i(ics a sootli- find p f s,, l� Offer her acoat hoW quickly sb ,! . Th, Tli o , HgnHpt for, Inourayler, to ing 1ricn nal 11atlt tliat rids the loci nd Yht ftcely_] tchering Cutiaura ` I Ld iw, i" w q y a w rims alnunuon un spnnwp<ana nnmd fps ua Flea ltli ' oh'I • , ' � , f. y Spavin r , Il With„ ) n a t } :lien, aro usuall} partial bf fNIl;e7oas foalc poisons and gtaas S,Sticl deal necessity. Cooling 11 `, -.. - ~'• ,U: w. - 1Now':York.City, arroli n threo,yearr•'Course - :r e ;c r,g ) 1, r, _ Tal deal "yea?„ " pa Tra7ntnp to venue: wortem nnv7np tnp to (,e1 and yelle.w g.ianrents, whilst and fliTu fce,uig O, fu.shnees, v°lhat ttowder,coolzng til DUT1tO7lS i erred enaoali n, nm7 ansa, n be •,l ,- : 7, 1 <and wcll•1 :u and rcfreshing. "With only o i i. e e u or h pam,nr t Y lis• l.e ta1.a.,1,. l.e,l as nn E,_ce.,t,lt , r tg. A. fin iJtet adiranta a V y r e !leave of it around : aunat. Tldt Hprnual an, odaptod the m nt. , ;1 ;" , mal rash rice bs Mnu, u p of IhC 77111.717. t1 l>a,lh 1,.:.!, 1n the fact ne n�i :^atenu t. anp". ,uh,tn Tii_e 11 Oetlnit0e8 lblOtlas .,, a Cal(,t for ti'�llt:l:l til t'JE4l t'C t'6, a5 if ,af; R 1t Duel, Lia, ManAdd Co,. Sn , hour ,yacm .Thou N,pitq receive mtharnu l.. , -.; T:,c:tlhi „ , • m , r'4'Iw elkto can Loth the he't' Thain bottl ft,bodi enstp es as ,nett t tt.•,'on t, uo. Inicu, bc, l�ti$"a RsCfl' litig9 IiiOaCA.Q. { the 86,f n m Tile ,u lottatf¢o and:t nvof,.1 tl':1,Ct13: _ilhhi.. at `. .... •• t r r "IM?n eta' Slick 2 :. l Gtaokbsrw!' , __ ,� xu ns r+o ,d rr i, Nr ver F r mrn,nt, -. •, _ l act7tc: tu,7tt1 tylilcli melees fv, ,..;.,:_ ._•,,.„.,„.;`,- ti ._,A-^ ` :,. , 1pfpr bo wrifa 1.116. "Su, nroHtndint. ( - I grcafcr o oddly and lla i,i�7t,css 1Yt rttrxs;}VMR*NK&A"m 1, Mlnard's ,6lniment to Rheumatism, „ 141nard's.l-Itilhicni for .111-{ zIns,' i On V, fi;uly work, isa,UC I': o. oC-'23.