HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-22, Page 8T a Clifton. owao,Ratdar41- CLINTO7,VN'S LEADING JEWELERY:STORE. n TIIURSDAYs JULY 22, 1925.' e Evening of the Moolnlagt At that time the soft •Slight t0 you. ',She is more responsive an is ready to listen,to you. Then she would be ;willing to allow you to place on her fimtger one of those Blue White 'Rose Btid Diamonds shown at Jobn- son's'"Jewellery Store. • ' H® JOHNSON ' :Graduates of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs- . :' -Next' Hovey's Drug' Store 9pectal. Pnoes, For Clewing Children's Gingham and Chambray Dresses, -- sthart styles, . well made. ., Sirlaller sixes with bloomers to match Reg. $i.25 and $1.50, To Clear 98c. Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons, Prints, Ginghams and Froadclothes at equally reduced prices to clear. Plumsteel BPos. PHONE 255 '-1 -he Head Buyer in your Make your Pennies Count, buy at THE C. & S. GROCERS Branch Store, Phone 125 J. Main Store, Phone 125 W. SIMOMMIONS.1000111001.11.• 11.11106) iii 11.111111111111111:1 111■sl11AIIIl1CMONNEIrlr4E W hat is more necessars, more convenient and healthful than a bathroom. Let us:give you an estimate of how little it 'will cost you for these conveniences. Sutter rerene Hardware, Plumbing, • Electric Wiring. Phone 147w. _>Liondesbori ' Mrs.- (Rev.) Snell and Miss Sne11, )notored.to''Londen on "Tuesday. Miss Knox of Toronto is. visiting Miss Blanche Snell, ' The M,'sses`, Warren, ,Of Medicine Hat are visiting- at the. hone of Mr. hex Wells. Mr. and Mr,s: Alex. Wells.•visited at ;Centralia on •Simday. Mr. and Mrs., Bert' Bruns`don of Yorktole, Sask., have returned after spending the past- week' with the former's parents, b4r and Mrs. W. Brunsdon. ,, The, Women's Institute will hold £hen,, annual picnic in" the Orchard at the home of Mr. W. Brigham. They have (been fortnnate. in seourl.mg the services of the Brunswick Trio, who (will give the pr.ogr.am!;from 2 tb 4 p'eloek. Supper will be•served atfive is'cloelr. Everybody welcome.: Races: Old. Windsor Linen—So -• good .e writing paper, and by a mosttpro+fit able" arrangement priced 'at so low a figure that we are co'nustrained'to tell yon about" it. A 65 sheet pad and 50 envelopes for 25e.• The pad is excep- tional value at say 15e and ane pack age envelopes egna klue at say 100 and then you get an, extra package of envelopes FRED. A popular' set at a Profitable price. 65 sheet pad and 50 envelopes; 25e.' A letter a day while you're away Witter nan's Pen -supplies one of the great'e tneeds of the vacation season. A reliable • writing' implement that. turns all outdoors into a convenient place to do the letter writing that family ties and social -activities de-` A QUICK TELLING FOR HASTY SELLING -50 sheets Waxed Paper for lOe. Pays for itself in the food it saves. (Yon have been used to pay- ing 50 for 15 sheets? Swearing at a'horse won't stop his baulking. Grumbling at the weather clerk won't stop the rain, but a good novel or magazine Will make the time pass pleasantly and profitably. We want to introduce a new -Ever - sharp Pencil to you. The introduc- tion will cost you 500. Made for heavy duty, in two styles, long with clip, short "wtih. ring. The acquaintance will prove desirable. These are Picnic Days—lunch Bas- kets, Paper Plates, Drinking Crips, Paper Spoons, Paper Napkins, Waxed Paper. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are good days to buy Window' Shades. The other good days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best r ppt snnnunuunmuimnuiu _.... ySstulI Mr. H. Charlesworth has been in Windsor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langford were in Toronto on Monday. Miss Clete Ford is visiting relatives in Flint and Romeo, Mich. Mr, Jas .R. Walker of Toronto spent the week -end at his home in town. Mrs. How of Toronto has been visit- ing relatives in Clinton and vicin- ity. - Miss, Mabel Cluff returned last week from a visit of some weeks in Lon- don. Miss Helen Fisher of Denver is Vis-•: iting her sister, Mrs, ,alt. E. Man- ning. Miss Griffith, who had spent the week with Mrs. T. J. Watt, left Satur- day for London. Mr. Jack Gibbings is visiting his unole and aunt, Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Kay, Lapeer, Mich. Mrs. McKenzie of Lucknow has. been visiting this) week with Mrs. J. Snyder and Miss Agnew. Rev. J. E. Hogg has been taking part in the program of the Summer 'Scheel to Goderich this week. Mrs. Fred R. Plewes and Miss Velma of Moosomin, Sask., are. in town visiting the lady's father, Mr. Robt. 'Walker. Mi and Mas O1lin Hooper and fam- ily of London visited last week with the former's • mother, Mrs: A. Hooper. (Misses Bessie, Wanda and Connie Olufl' of near :Bayfield are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. John Cluff of town. Misses Parke and Hilbern, who had spent' a fortnight or so with Dr. and Mrs. Gaudier, lorft Saturday for Toronto. Messrs. John and Gordon W. Cuning- frame and John' Junior left last week on a motor trip to Hamilton and Niagara. . Mgrs. D. McInnes and Mr. and Mrs,' Hugh McInnes of Detroit are the guests this week of Mr, and Mrs. B. R. Huggins. Miss Pearl Foster, who bad been vis- iting her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Watt, 'left Monday to visit her sister at Brooklyn, and later goes rip to Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray of Toronto are at present staying with their aunt, WS. W. Graham. Mr. Gra- ham is supplying at the C. N. R. during Mr. VanHorne's absence. Mrs. Earl Campbell of Calgaty is a guest, at the ' 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Ford. Mr. Campbell accompanied her east and is now visiting This home. at London. Mr, and Mrs. Frank E. 'Walker, Mas- ters Robert; Stanley, Frankie and Miss Marjorie, of Ottawa motored upand spent a few days visiting the former's father, Mr. Robert Walker. Inspector J. C., Stothers, Mr's. Stith era and son,' Donald, are leaving later in ,the summer for a motor trip to :Clinton, ,Lucknow, Dungan- non, Toronto, 'Braeebridge and else- -where.-London Free Press. Mrs, R. Roberton of Auburn is, visit- ing her son, Mr. R. A. Roberton of town, She is dight, fouryears old and hadlived fpr dirty years on the 13th con. of Ilullett. 'She attended the picnic at Hayfield Yesterday. and games. A good time is expect - Mr. and Mrs. Elsley have returned after visiting Detroit and Leaming- ton friends. Mr. W. 'Allen has returned to Paekseley ,Bery Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Manning are visiting at the home`' of Mrs. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Yasper and Miss Vesper o#'Toronto spent the week -end as the guests ;of Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton: '• )Mrs. C. Plan* of, Cleveland, Ohio, is spending the week with her uncle and aunt, Mr: and Mrs. John Hgttoh.. -- WISE COURSE i ^, Examining officer (to applicant for a position -in the police force): "What would you do if you were ordered to disperse a: crowd 4" Applicant:.• "Pass round "the"hat}' ` hree Special l.ttra do s Shap , 10 bars P. &` G. and'Go1d soap 55c 6 bars O'Neil's soap 25c Flexo, per pkg, 25c Sugar Pure Cane, special price, bythe` sack and five -sack lots, Tea • 0140 Own " per ib: 65c '"Monarch " per Ib. Y • ;80o . " Windsoo ' per Ib, 48c HOT ? J Can.you kee cool''? Here are -a' few suggestions,for salads: Y P • Canned I'nnentos lOc and 20c:' ',Cream •Cheese 15e • Canned Chicken r .. 35e .Cucumbers, hot house • Tuna Fish • ,.. 2 an15c c ...d 40c New Tomatoes Per lU ti' 5c Pimento Cheese 15o 25c • °:. .,Bermuda Onions ,t1C Friday and Saturday, we will double our Pony Votes with all purchases, of $1:00 and up. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Cash and Service Special Our Own Baking Powder - 18e• Bodley's ,Cakes 25c and 30e 5 lbs: Corn Meal 25e 'grooms, Special . .. 750 - 3 lbs. Rolled, Wheat a-,. ... . 25e , .. Kippered Snacks 2 for 150 2_. Cans Corn for ...... .. .,. 25e -o Loose .Starch, per ib. 10c 2 Cans Peas,. .. , .. • 25e Loose ,Cocoa, per ib. 10c Corn Starch, 2 pkgs .for .. -19c 7 lbs. Rolled ,Oats 28e ( Aylmer Soup, 2 for . ............ ......... . . .... 25e This will be Cherry Week, Leave your order for canning. Cherry Pudding ---Juice of one -lemon, cup sugar, two tablespoons corn starch, yolk of two eggs, butter size of an egg, cools together, put pve stewed cherries, Beat white of eggs and spread on top, brown in oven. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Inthe"Afternoon First -Delivery 2.30 p.ni. Kindly Order Early Cash andO'Neil Service W. ®' . Where " Sells for Less " price prevails. Phone 48" 4 4 a People You Know Mrs. N. A. Sharman. of Toronto is visiting Mrs. A. 0. PattJisour. Miss Nell Holmes, who has been in Toronto for a time, has returned home. Mrs. Earle Steepe and children of London have been visiting relatives in town. Mis W. J. Nediger and Miss Helen have returned from a week's visit with friends at Ayr.. • Mr. and Mrs. Bin* of Seaforth were tate guests on "'Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. James Walkinshaw. Mrs. C. E. Schuck of Toronto is this week spendinga few days at the home of her brother, Mr. T. H. Cook. s Mr. George VanLoon of Walkervflle spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rod - away. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Burgess of Otta- wa are visiting this week with, the rady's sister, Mrs. F. French of town. Mrs. A. Anderson and Miss. Edith Anderson of Stratford are spending a few days with Mr. and Mis. W. Wilson. Miss Harrison of London spent the week -end as a guest at the home of her brother, Rev. L. C. Harrison, at St. Pants rectory. Mr• Robert Atkinson and Miss Atkin- son of Cincinnati: Ohio, are guests at the home of the former's broth- er, Mr. D. J. Atkinson. Mis M. J. Maguire of Pasedena, Cal., and Mrand Mrs. Richard Maguire of Nashua, N.H., are the guests of Mrs. J. J. Maguire of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Paisley and fam- ily of Toronto' are spending a vaca- tion at Gthe home of the formes parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pais- ley. Miss Luella Walkinshaw, who has been spending -part of her vacation at Sturgeon Point, Kawartha Lakes, is now :visiting at .her home in town. • Misses E. R.Carter, Luella Powell, (Catherine Beaton and Mr. R, Car- ter • are anioag those who are attendance at., the Summer School. • at Goderich:r 'Mrs, S. C. Andrews and little son of Toronto, who have been visiting with Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews +of town have how gone to St. Clair` Mich., to visit' friends. Mrs. W. J.. McRoberts -•and son Del- mont and daughter Elsie of Brace - bridge are visiting this week with • Mr. and Mrs. 'D Pickard and with Mrs. W ,Pickard andMiss G. Rum- • 'ball Mrs.. Robert Armstrong, accompanied, by her daughter, Miss Myrtle, left last week to spend their vacation with the for)ner's,.brother, Mr, W. H. Stephenson: 'of Marlette, Mich. They will also visit in Bay City, Mieh., before returning. with her sister, Mrs. L. Beatty. Mrs. R. Cameron of Ilensall called on friends iv the village one day last week. Miss Mossop spent the week -end at her home on the Brunson line. Mr. Eau] McNaughton of I{itchen- er is visiting with friends in the vil- lage. Mrs. Freeland anal little daughter of Toronto are visiting with the former's brother, Mr. T. H. Johns. Mrs. Douglas of Hensali spent the week -end with Mr. W. and Miss E: Logan. The United Church garden party takes place on Dr. iffeffatt's lawn this evening.. Varna Mr. and Mts.'W. McAsh, acocm• parried b Missds Gladys: and Emily Beatty motored':fromn Landon' on Sun- day and .spent the day with fiends in the village. Quite a number took MI the garden party at !ruceilleld Thursday last and all report a good time. Mr. and MTS. :: Ti. Dungan, Mr, and Mrs, J. Reid and Mrs.: Armstrong 'of Flint are spending their holidays with friends and relatives 'in 'the ' comnunuity. Mrs. Evans and daughter Eleanor. of Seaforth are visiting with Mrs. W. Miss Thompson has returned to Clinton after "s lending 'a few days The many friends of bar. A. Foote will be pleased to hear that ,he is able to be around again. Quite a number of the young peo- ple gathered at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman on Monday evening and'presented the young couple with a niscelaneous shower. On Wednes- day, night of last week there was a shower given in honor of M'r. and Mrs. Fred McClymoht. In spite of the hot, dry weather these showers will come, but Fred and Harve say that the beans don't hoe a bit easier, Box Social and Dance Under auspices of the Clinton Hospital Board At Hayen Barton, the home of Mr. Ephriam Snell on; Friday, July 23rd. Admission to grounds, 15c Ladies kindly provide box of lunch for two, boxes to be auctioned. Cars at Town Hall front 7:30 to 8:30 1 way fare, 10c GOOD PROGRAM,—GOOD MUSIC ' AND GOOD TIME ALL COME; 66-2 ecla Furnaces Lead THERE IS A REASON It Saves One Tai of Coal in Seven Gall in and get -'a price on that furnace you are thinking of installing this year, or prepare for -cold weather by having your old one overhauled during the summer .months.. Phone 244 and leave your order and we will look after your work for you. s HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone •244 Why, Not- Take It Easy? Since' the Spring Work is over' spend more time on Your Verandah - We have a wonderful stock of verandah furniture of all kinds. Chairs and Rockers at all prices. Don't fail to see our new 'Cocotex Verandah Rugs, sizes ranging from 3x9 feet to Ty.)x9r/, feet. They will wear for a life time; and prices are very reasonable. Then we have Hanmro Couches, Hammocks, Sun -Stop Shades, in fact every- thing to make the verandah comfortable and cosy. When thinking of installing a bathroom, of Eavestroughs or roof- ing it will pay you to consult us for prices, ate. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STO.C)I{ FUNER*L DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 @f. Coolness. Comfort, Appearance and Value that is Outstanding These good features are all to be found in our •Suits. 'Light Suits just fill the bill for general summer wear, come in and look over our stock. -SPECIAL'TILL JULY 17th we will give 10,000 votes for the Pony with every' suit sold. Twice the reg- ular amount of votes on anything in the store, Remember this offer closes on July 17th. Act now and hel%u your favorite along. da_ DaV Si,-�C Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W mosimmegionmeamaanome Spot Cash for Eggs and Poultry Quality' Counts We are in the market for Eggs and Poultry all , seasons of , the ear.re ared to pay top prices for top quality. Y, P .P GUNN, LANGLOI& & Co., Limited (HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. ;. Clinton Branch open each day from: 7 awn, to 6 p.m. Write, Phone or Call for any further information you require GUNN,' LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITED. cLINTON,.,QNT., BRANCH PHONE 190