HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-22, Page 6)arll
Leh ton
WO streams start from the same
source, but, findtheir outlet a
thousand miles apart:
Your life may flow.into the troubled
ocean of debt, or into theplaeid waters of
Your Bank Book will decide.
The &ar
s'r of Canada -
Clinton Branch . R, I. Manning, Manager
l: Interest to Youas the entire class passeds
and Bye On the closing day Verne Pascoe
presented • Mr. Townshend ;with a.
The strawberry' shortcake season 'beautiful gift. and. Evelyn Barry read
was as short as the cake this year. an address' which was as follows:`
Those who 'are predicting a return To Mr• Wn't. A. ,Townshend:
of the, ice ,age are not being taken. Dear Teacher,—It is with great
• very .seriously this week. regret that we, the pupils ,of your
e, * M * classes, have learnedof your intend-
Not a bit dense Canada trying to ed departure from our' beloved school,
keep up with France an the changing We. have been fearing that you
..of premiers. They have a now -one would be making' this change, for a
iris.. week.
The. heat of the past few days is
being tempered to -day ;by getthe
showers, which are welcome to, every-
one except those who have hay out,
"What," The Kitchener News -Re-
cord is curious to know, "do the
Hawaiians talk about? They have
exactly the sante weather all the
year around."
"Thirty people are waiting to swim
the English -Channel," remarks The
Stratford Beecon-Herald, ''and said
channel is also waiting long and pat-
iently to be swum "
• * a a
Our readers may think we are not
saying anything clever, this week,
but whose brains can work with the
temperature at ninety? That is what
the little old thermometer on the wall
• of our sanctum registers this minute,
c a'an'
There -is one thing we are thankful
for, however. „That is that we do .not
'cave to be a candidate in the coming
election and go about making speech-
es in all the school houses these tor-
rid nights.
e m a
"An able-bodied man with a sharp
scythe," remarks the :Milverton` Sun,
"could in a day work a wonderful
"transformation in the appearance of.
,our streets," The same might be said
of .Clinton. There are a number of
.streets which sadly •need shaving.
Also, there is need of ,some cleaning
up on some; private lots. Weeds
should not be a41owd to go to seed.
A farmer living near Orillia says
that owing to the navy'regulations
regarding traffic in that town the far-
mers are so nervpus when they drive
in that they forget to make the pur-
chases 'which
ur-chases'w'hich they went in to make.
A few regulations are necessary, of
course, and need to be enforced, but
it is a mistake to inake so many as
to render visitors nvervotls.
• # i
Owing to the'inteepretation of some
•writings on the great Pyramid of
Gizeh, backed by warnings from a
number of spiritists, who are sup-
posed to know a Jot of uncanny
things, English people were said last
week to be in a state of almost panic
in view of the prophesy that Tuesday
of this week was to .see an event of
momentous importance, which, is to
Abe followed by a state of general
chaos, into which all nations will be
.'drawn. The climax will be reached,
according to these writings, on May''
"28th, 1928. So we shall have two
years of it. Well, the world has'been
' iii almost a state of chaos fee num
?bei of years. Perhaps one big shake-
r up would assist in tho settling -down
lbusinless. So far, however, this week
has been -like many another.
• .* *,5
Tile -Ontario Safety League has
"issued the following instructions to
fusers of the canoe, which are very
• timely/and it would be well if they
'were heeded:
Stay out of a canoe—,(a), un
less:•you can swim; (b) unless you can'
`keep a cool head.
2. Do not change -seats after start-
3. If you have a passenger who
wants to "rock the .boat," put him,
ashore: •
4, You
al`e a fool's ,chance you
ride the waves of a steamboat The
.chance taker is the accident maker.
5, If upset, lay your hands on the
,canoe or the paddle; ;either will keep
• yon afloat until helle,arrives.
6. , Do not attempt to use a canoe
in rough water,
bright light cannot always be hidden
under a basket, but when the time
has come wesorry to
part with
one who h s always 4 taken such a
9 Y
keen 'interest in each of us personal-
ly. You have been a teacher in every
sense, for young as we are. in the
ways of life we know that a teacher,
td be a"teacher in every sense of the
term, mush be a leader ' to gteide
.and inspire the young—never forc-
ing, never driving.
la the school room your lessons'
have been most ,interesting and in-
structive and also inspiring, for ,al-
ways we wished to do our best•, so
that no disappointment° or sorrow
would cause our beloved teacher's
forehead to furrow or eyes to shadow.
Inthe playground we learned of
another phase of your life and there
again, you were 'a bright and shining
star. , As childrep in our games, it
seemed an everyday oeeurrence that
quarrels should arise. In the years
to come we will see you in our mind's
eye—feet planted firm and band
stroking your wind blown hair, and
we will hear 'Always play the game.'
To take defeat manfully is as great
as winning a victory,. You realized,
as is shown by the words which fell
fr'orit your lips, that which many
teachers do not realize—that great
fact that education is no mere book
learning, but character ,..building as•
Our parents rejoiced to have us
sit' at your feet, .because they knew
that you held in your hands the pos-
sible moulding of many lives, and so
would exercise tehder care, as a iov-
ing'niother• would.
0. avan$ iliac j4'ed Wg'`P1 togr�ph'
taken We inake a s(piec.iaity of Wed
au}P Phatas'.
leg.._ ns', ,,eiep, and: prantourt. Snap';;
shots ;toe ,y€t4 and aola'rg'e your ohorce-
niegati$a. ,;' Leave us youC 'fihlis pn'
•Tuesdays- or mall "bhenl bo Mtbche1l
'and we will' ffccish the mitcl mail,
them back` to u ,promp• tly.
Our Clinton Studio is open every
Tuesday, ,fxonn 9 30 e 1n to 5, v•
m , '
Bur• gess, Portrait Studi• o
You have taught us by your
staunch Christianity, integrity and
loyalty to our fair Dominion, to live
loyal, upriight lives, so that we in our
turn may aptly take our place in the
little community in which our lot
May +be'cast. You have not been as
the shifting sands of the desert
blown ' hither and thither by every
changing breeze, ' but as a rock,
though surrounded by dashing waves,
ever firm and ever true, and so tip -
bolding the ideals, and in this way
you have taught us.
"To rule ourselves always
Controlled and cleanly 'tight and
Many times, no doubt, you have
been discouraged, for we realize that
we were crude materials '• and the
clay seemed too had to mould, but in.
the years yet hidden behindd the vale
of the future vire hope that you may
have cause to thank God• that you'
were the teacher who helped those,
trembling ,feet on the first rungs of
the ladder of true success.
Those of us who have;tbeen pri-
vileged by -being taught by Mrs.
Townshend will always remember
the assuring smile and fro word of
encouragement which helped us
through the periods of sums and
i'eadiugs: -
In your new home and its environ
ments we sincerely hope that you
may find much happiness 'and many
friends. •
As a 'slighttoken of our -high es..
teem and hea+lt-felt appreciation of
the sac><ifices you: have made and;
your untiring., efforts that we might
become stalled in treading -the paths,
of knowledge, we ask you to accept
this gift (a bedroom clock,' aceocir-
panied •by our 'best wishes for Mrs.
Townshend andyourself).
e if 'our ii Its of
e ' on b ha of
Signed y pup g
Union No, a; Brock, Manilla,
Clinton Chopping Mill
We have ordered a ear of No, 1;
Feed Oats, to arrive shortly.'
These oats are better than any
that have come to Clinton this year,
Nice white. oat's, clean and plump,
free from black oats or other dirt. -.
We will sell these oats off the ear
at a moderate price. Get what you
want • now' as this will prolbably be
the last this season.
-The following - from the 1Vlanilla
•correspondent of :the Lindsay Watch=
man -W'ard'er ,:refers to the eeverieg
of his. �ox�teetro
withthe Continua-
tion'school at. Manilla of, W. A. Town-
• spend, well known here, wile hat left
the teaching profession to enter the
sertiice of the Anglican Church; and
who has been appointed by the Bieb-
o"p to -the charge at Becvie:
• '+I-leartiest. teoingvatulations ate rex-
to Mr. ,Townshend and pupils;
Andrews & Howes
Phone 33w • 67-2
M arrtages
1111y 14th, at the fancily residence,
650 King Street, London, Ontario,'
'by the Rev. Dr. D. C. McGregor',.
Carol, daughter of Mrs. Mary -Mc-
Naughton, to Wdlber N. Manning.
BURT—In London, on July 18th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Burt, a sob. •
ich town-
iVI - In
ship, on July 10th, Merles Brimi-
combe, aged 71 ,years.
BEST—In Seaforth, on July 15th,
John Maitland Best, barrister -at-
law. -
EXETER; The canning factory is
running full blast these days. i The
hours extend- from G a.m. until some-
times 2 a:m. Peas are being brought
in by two tractors, each hauling
three loaded wagons, besides a dozen
or more farmers draw with horses.
There are 117 employees. A day's
work varies- in amoupt. One day
86,000 cans were puteap: If such an
industry were carried on throughout
the year it would boom the town.,
For' Sale
Universal bread' maker, large size,
coal oil heater, almost new; ovenette,
electric; gasoline range, Detroit, cab-
inet style, 2 :burners on top and large
overt; "Dandy" coal or wood 'heater.
—Mrs. W. D. Fair. 67-2
Tuesday, July
Liberal Leader o rovincial: house
and others -Will address the
A full representation from every
Polling',S;pb-division is
earnestly requested `
J. W. SHAW,' M.D,,' President
few .
Visit the Optometrist_ as a Patient
t1e is` not a seller of spectacles.
His chief benefit to you will be le
determine precisely what your eyes
require to make them as nearly as
possible mental. This he does with
instruments that are exact' to the
-smallest imaginable *degree. lie has
a service for sale, not merchandise,
Soivisit him as a patient, not as a
•*customer. Glad to number you
among our patients. W. H. Hellyar,
Optomitrist, Clinton, Ontario.
Cottage For Salo
A roomy and comfortable cottage,
in Huron' street, 'large garden, or= -
+chard, stable, garage, Very desirable -
home. Apply on premises or to S. B.
Stothers. 67-3
Mr. '1'owiishend in a few well-'
chosen words, thio lied his Students]
for this' last act' of,kindness;'to him,
He 'Voiced ':hisappreeiation of. 'the'
hearty spirit of CO-opeiation,,tbat had
always existed between teairhei'•' and
students during his'entire Oojouh1i of
five years among -them. In saying
farewell he •bid 'then' to play up and;
"play,bhe game, and wished.'theni con-
tinned' success. .in whatever sphere
clic Lt y
o uta be east.
' EKET B Several local' , young
lateo le are attending' su
rimer. s
this week. Anaon+g then'.
are Marjorie Olarit, Hazel'Sandersy
Violet and,Helen Radcliffs, Evelyn
,Howard and Arthur Ibundle;
Property For Sale
The property known as the Metho-
dist parso•tge;- Auburn, is now for
sale. Parties wishing to look over
property can procure keys from the
undersigned.- 0. E. Erratt, -Aubuna.
'Satisfactory repairs guaranteed on
balloon as wellas high pressure tires
We use the Goodyear Factory Method
of Repaiying. We buy your old
wheels and tires if you buy a new set
of Ballon tires and wheels. E. H.
Epps and Son, Varna. Phone, Clin-
ton, 626-21. 67-8.
' Cottage For Rent
Comfortable 7 -room Cottage in
Huron street Garden' with fruit
trees. Poesessiorr given Aug. lst.
Apply to. W. Brydene, Clinton, 67-tf
"'Between Harnley's '• Garage and
Heard's Barber shop, a roll of billse
Finder will be rewarded by returning
to Connell & Tyndell's Butchery Shop.
1 66-2.
New Collegiate Institute Building
The peblie are hereby notified that
plans and specifications for the above'
are onview, at the office' of the:Sec-
retary-Treasurer, John Ransforll,
during: office hours, 10 a.m. to 4 ism.
The contract for the whole work en-
tailed will be given to one general
contractor, but the specifications call
for local labour to be used'as far a.
possible. Local parties can therefore
tender for any portion • of the whole
Centred, '. which tenders will be
brought to the notice of the General
Contractor. Tenders will 'he taken by
the secretary ' up to • noon on Friday,
drily 30th: John Bansford, Secretary-
'Treasurer of the C. C. 1. Board,
Homemade Baking Sale.
.The Ladies' Aid ' of the United
church, Holmeeville, will have a sale
of home made baking in the Hydro
Shop, Glinton,..on Saturday afternoon,
July 24th, commencing at 3 o'clock.
Auction Sale
Of Household effects, on East St.,
opposite piano factory, Clinton, Sat-
July 24th, h at 2
p.m.:" Choice
9 -piece dining -room suite, fumed oak
library table .l bed room suite, choice
brass bed, white enamelled bed,, 8
kitchen chairs, 2 ' kitchen tables,
Crown Huron range, several pieces
of linoleum, lawnmower, high chair,
commode sta'ifd, doll's house, table
and chairs for sane and several oth-
er articles. Terms: Gash. Mrs. F.
Fraser, proprietress. Geo. II, Elliott,
auctioneer. 66-2
Razor Blades Sharpened --
Safety Razor Blades sharpened.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re-
funded, Single edge 3e, double edge
4c. J. E. Ilovey, Druggist, Clinton.
Horse Astray •
Bay mare strayed to the premises
of the undersigned on July 1st. Own-
er may have same by kuroving prop-.
city and paying expenses. Frank
Glew, 59 R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 34
on 617.' ' 65-3
.04A-IXR 1N
We,. SPECIALIZE in Milk -Fed•
try 12 months in the year, 'Phone as
early lie the week es -; possible ; fez'
We advise you to have the birds oe
your laying keen culled while the
price: is high. - Culling of birds done
free of charge 'tln'ough our office.
Photles—Office,° 214j Residence, 214w
Cottage to Rent
A small, convenient house, suitable
for two, five minutes walk from the
-postoffice. Possession given the lat-"
ter part of August, Apply address
in•g Drawer B, care The News -Re-
cord, Clinton. 65-tf
Stattly J'e ' OVn9
hi Voters'List
� n
The Voters' List 19, 26, or the
Township :of Stanley, County of
.Notice' is' hereby given •,that I have
-transpiitted or delivered :to the per-
sons ntentionocl in Section • 9' of the
Ontario- Voters.? List Act _ the copies
•of the list, madepursuant. to the said
,Act, of%all •persons appearing by .the-
lasp}revised Assessmentr Roll of the
Mtinielpality of the Township of
Stanley, ;;to be entitled to vote in the
AM(' Municipality 'et the elections to
the , Legislative Assembly , and at
Municipal elections, and the said "list
was first pasted.:; up,de pup office at
Varna 'oz'i the 19th day of Jtfly, 1926,
and rein ains he e for
hereby call -Upon all vote* to exam/t-
ide-the .sitid
Xat`ide the+said hOt'and 1
if any c?rror;s' oa
emissions etre, found therein to take
e ings to' have the
d, .
sante eeor•rected;; according to law
Dated. at.yarna this „19th day of July
1926: J E. 1tarnwelly Mupici rat
Olerk. 67.-3
Farm For Sale
Part lot 17-18, on the 8th con. of
Hallett, consisting of 81% acres,
good buildings. Also 50 acres on Con.
9, Apply on premises or by mail to;
Wm. H. Hesk, Londesb'oro, R. R. no.l.
Executors Sale of House and Lot
in Clinton
Mr. George Elliott, auctioneer; -Will
offer for sale at pubic auction on.
Friday, 30th day of July, at 2 pan.
at the premises, lot 212 on Ratten-
bury street in the Town of Clinton,
containing one-quarter of an acre,
more or less. -
On the premises is erected a most
desirable 5 -room cottage with sun. -
mer kitchen and shed attached. The
main house is 30x24 with a kitchen
12x14 while the attached summer
kitchen and outbuilding are contmocl-
ious..'The entire building was reno-
vated a few years ago. There is a
cement cellar under the entire house,
dry, airy and well -lighted. There is
waterworks connection with taps;
sinks .and 'good ' drainage and the
house is lighted by ;electricity. The
location' is one of the best in Clin
ton, being next door:te St.' Paid';s
Church and in the: most .desirable
residential .position in the town. /The
exeeutor will gladly; show intending
purchasers over the preimses.
,,,,Teirnis of sales Ten per emit. cash,
balance in'80 dale..'',For other terms.
and conditiotns.'apply 'to the executor:
Ari the same time -and :place will be
offered for sale a small quantity of
household effects. For particulars
see small bills.
Dated at Clinton, July 14, 1926.
W. Brydone, Executor of the estate
of M'rs. Blacker, G." H. Elliott, auc-
tioneer. , ., .. 66-3
In The Estate of Elizabeth. -Blacker,
Deceased •
NOTICB is- #erehY given that all
persons having claims ' against the
estate of Elits'albeth' `Blacker, Tate of
the Towii of ' Clinton in ,,the County
of Huron, widow, deceased; Who died
'on orabout the'9th day' of July,.,A.D.
1926, •ai'e roc/tired .to deliver to the
undersigned : exeeutor+ of the said es.
tato of the deceased, on or before the
31st day'of Julys A:0.'1926, a fall
statement of .their claims together
With particulars thereof, and the -na-
ture of the securities, if any, held by
thein all duly Verified by affidavit.
AND TAME NOTICE that after
the Said last mentioned: date the said.
xe6nitor will proceed'' to distribute
the estate of the said .deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto,
avnig regard only to suo}t.olaicixs
e shall have; received- due' notice and,
;ii accordance ;therewith.
- "Dated at Clinton% Ontario, this 15th
day of July,, A b 1926.
W. Beydone, Clanton,/ Ontario,.,
Hxeeut5r. 66-3
For - Sale, Chleap
One :Slit cylinder
Five Passenger Car,
In go'odCondition.
Only ran eleven thousand miles
end in good shape.
also some 12 inch rail wood at
Nediger's Garage ; •
Farm For Sale •
Lots 27-92, better known as. the
Rutledge farm consisting of 137 acres'
of clay loam, situated on Goderich-
Kitchener highway, 6 miles west or
Clinton, 6 miles east of Goderich,'110
from school and church. Web watered
and underdrained, 7 -roomed house,
bank barn and shed all in good re.
pair. For further particulars apply
to 'F. G, Fod, Holmesville, Ont.
Phone* 611 -r -1e, Clint 0
Ford Coupe for Sale
' 1925 Model, in good running order.
Apply to W. J. Nediger Clinton. 62-tf
• Cheese for Sale
Cheese for sale in 10 ib, lots, or
more 'any time, present ,price 22d lb.
W. IL Lobb, president and salesman.
R, R. No. 3, Clinton. 40-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned.
-Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. 3, Jago. —8341
Gunn's. Brand Delicacy, per lb. ..40c
Bologna, per lb.: 25c
Minced Ham,'lrsr ib. 40c
Cooked Ilhm, per lb. 650
Picnic Ham, per lb 38e and 40c
Smoked Roll, per lb. 38c
A full stock ,of Cross and Blackwell's
Pickles on hand
DeliveryeService from 7.30 to 12-
1.30 to 6
Phone 1i1
ins WINTER C0A! sir Pia.
TkIITRSTIA , JUL3C g2;'1:020,
ur 'inIJioVV.
Saturday . Si ecisi
t win pay you�to • ateh
tee ever atur `a
ilier llardwae o.
Deering and McCormick Agency
Rowland's Old Stand
1VIrs Elizabeth Whitely' who has
been confined to her rooms for the
Past four years, wishes to extend, to
the friends and neighbors her sincere
thanks for the many ldindnesses
shown her during her long illness.
She appreciates very much the un-'
failing thoughtfulness of her friends.
Nave\ a complete stock of
Toronto Asphalt Roofing. the
best by test. Every customer
we have sold satisfied. Come
and see our stock before fixing
your roof and compare ours
with any others.
A complete line of Flour,
Feed, Grain and, Stock Feeds
always on hand. Prices right
and our aim is to satisfy our
Close,harmpnyl J
futn e
Harmony n between
Harmony between: the wise man
and his family; }because hers ..ail
forethought enough td'put'his,coap in
early. r
With the Heat Folks looking after.
his coal bin he'll never know' when
winter comes,
I. Call the -V
te SAY,
for good, dean' coal
' Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
aprearasmaatoom mop.
will beat kris office
in Clinton.each
From 3 to 6 pan.
Raving erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
able. Also a quantity of dry maple
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
Stove and Nut Cbal, Coke, Soft Coal
.and Kennel Coal
Also Some Wood
Phone 165. a IIuron Street,
Ladies' Attention
I am prepared to do first class re-
pair work for all makes of Sewing
Machines, • -
Also a full sock of
Needles, Belts and Parts
for all makes
Solo Agbnt for the Singer
Pboiie 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
Jackson's July
Clearing. Sale
Specials for this Week
All Ladles' .colored shoes must go
. Tan, Blond, Sauterne
Grey and Parchment
Regular Clearing at $5.50
Cash and No Approbation
The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall
C. H. VENNEL,•a Electrician,
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs; Irons, Fans and other
Wiring ;and Repairs., Phone I51w
We have a full line of Flour and Feeds; cattle -and dairy
salt; WesternOats, Roled'Oais id Chop always' on hand
ehavetof i1a stock of Gilt .c
l e
d wi
be able to supply iur customers with what kqey require.
Quality Gilt Edge Twine is of, the best.