HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-15, Page 8Clinton Cllinton New ,Reccard ^xII17RSDAi, JUL ].5 I. zf CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELLRY STORE o dad Blue :itis Beautiful in 'design on display iu Johnson's Jewellery "Store_ .Prices ranging from $20.00 to $100.00. Don't puss seeing the new style cut glass in Tea Sets and Water Sets:: Amber .and Amber 'Trim. This is ac the best display ,ever shown in Olin ton.. OlciNSC)1‘1 Graduate of :Toronto College of Optometry ellery and Repairs Next i1ovey's Dog Store Special -Prices For Clearing Children's Gingham and Chambray Dresses, smart styles, well made. Sni per sj4es, with 14Inniperi to match deg• $i1.25cand $1.50, To Clear ca. • Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons, Prints, Ginghams and Broadclothes at equally reduced prices to clear. • P1umste1 eBros. The Head Buyer ifly�uP Home Make your Pennies Count, buy at THE Gz & S. GROCERS gain Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. r tb Ashing le that's • ; elrent from all others Heretofore there has been only one Johns -Manville Asbestos Shingle, distinguishable by...itS rock -like hard- tress. ' Now you can gel i'nany of the extraordinary merits of that fatnous Johirs=.Manville rigid shingle at a reduced price—in fact 'within a few cents of the cost of so-called composition shingles—through the introduction of r FLEXST .i.l The Mate Surfaced[ Asbestos Shingle 1Viade' of Asbestos 'felt densely impregnated with asphalt Ia_nd surfaced with crushed red, green or blue -black slate, or with feldspar which is a neutral gray; in'two styles;' Indi- i.vidnal;Shingles or four in one Strip Shingles. 'Flexstone Astestos`Shingles'ate mineral through and throughvand should not be Confused with ordinary coin- position shingles. plexstdbe.Asbestos :,Shingles assure the user �greater :;frre safety and mote, years of service with ]ower 41 'kee cost, ': They are a `roved li " Underwriters' 'kiP P Y PP Y . Laboratories Inc„, and take base , rates;o£, insurance, Write callw dw'..keTe Bone. Vile ll be� lad 'to give you P g,.. ni Slier `particulars and pito 9 11 J rdware, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Phone 147w. Old Windsor Linen—So, good/a writing paper, and by a most profit- able arrangement priced at so low a figure that we are constrained to tell you about it. A 55 sheet' pad and j50 envelopes for 25c. The pad is excep- tional value at say iSe and one pack.. age envelopes equal value -at say 10e and the you get an extra package of envelopes FREE. A popular set at a ;profitable price; 65 sheet pa). and 50 envelopes, 25c. 1 A letter a day while you're away. Waterman's Pen supplies one of the greatest needs of, the vacation season, A reliable writing implement that turns all outdoors into a convenient place to do the letter writing that family ties and social activities de- mand. A QUICK TELLI•NG POR HASTY SELLING -7,50, sheets Waxed Paper fon iQo, Pg3•-,lBi'.Itself in, Vie food i;t sagea. (Y9,4 neve hpep used fo PAY- ing ay_ ing'Se for 15' sheets. Swearing' at w kd%se won't stop his liaulkimg. Grunnbliing at the weather clerk w•o;'t stop€the rain, but a good navel. or magazine will make the time pass pleasantly and profitably.• We want to introduce a new Ever sharp Pencil to you. The introdue- tion will cost you 50e. Made for heavy duty, in ‘two -styles, lug with clip, short wtih ring. The acquaintance will prove desirable. These are`Pien5e Days--Lpnch Bas- kets, Paper Plates, Drinking 'Cups,- Paper Spoons, Paper Napkins, Waxed Paper. ' Monday, Wednesday. and Friday are good days to buy Window Shades. The other good days -are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tile We a, Fair Gov 'Often the G"ireapest=Always the Reg POS9N4 i ti,iimtwairozot, Miss Laura Tucker' of Weston is 'the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Brown. Miss Mary Collyer is spending her vacation in London% Miss Pearl Foster of Windsor is the guest of her .cousin, Mrs. T. J. Watt. Miss Hattie Coertice leaves this week ou a motor trip to St. Thomas and Hamilton. Misses Annie and Pear] Critteinlen visited last week with .TIullett town- ship friends. Miss Hill, who has been spending the past couplo of months in Strathroy, has returned home. IA% Earl Steepe of the post otiice staff,:London, spent the week=.end at his parents' hone in town. Miss Bertha Crittenden returned home Monday after a ;fortnight's visit with Toronto and, , Acton friends.. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Blyth was the guest •of Miss Alineda Critten- den over the weekend and the 12th of July. . Mr, and Mrs. E. •Cook and Miss Beth Cook of London spent Sunday -with Mrs. W. Collyer, Miss ' Beth re- mained here for the . week, Mrs. Henry Routledge of N,ew Lisk-: ;Bard is visiting at present with her sister, Mrs. D. Sfeeps and other friends in town and vicinity. Mir. and Mrs, Dean Courtice and little MissItetty of Hamilton visited last week with the former's- father and sister, Mr. D. G. and Miss, Hattie: Courtice, of town. Mr. George Middleton of Windsor and Misses Helena and Jean Middletoir of Toronto are holidaying at the hone of their parents, Reeve C. G. and Mrs. Middleton: Mrs. Joe .Tarttbley' and ehildren of Buffalo -d NrX,,.-<Mrs. Chas. Copp, Goderich, Miss yl ay Hunter and Mr. Salter of 'Winghdni were grfeats at the home of Mr. andrs. M D. ,Steepe on Monday. • - Mr. S. C. Rathwell canoe down from Lucdknow to spend the week -end and take part in the 12th of July celebration on Monday. On his re- turn home, Tuesday .he was accom- panied by 'Mrs. -Rathwell, who hal spent the past week with relatives here. Mas. James Morgan and Mr. Cecil. Morgan of Clandeboye,, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks of--Lucan, Miss 'Clarke and Mi': WeIIington Whit:- ford hit=ford of - Mooresville and Mr.; and tMrs, R. Y. Cox of Goderich town- ship were guests of Mr.' ".and Mrs. Fulford on Mlonday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scott'and,Mi'is Ethelwyn , Scott of - Clifford were: guests •over the week -enol at the home of ltD. and Mrs W: S. Downs, also' taking in the Orange celebra• tion'( on Monday. ` Miss Muriel Downs returned with thein to Clic-, ford where she will spend this week with her cousin. Mr, Murray McNeil, who has spent -a, fortnight at'the, home ofhis par.. ents, ML incl Mrs T J. "McNeil, Ieft Monday on .his return. trip to On- tario, .Gahf He intended •oing to Chicago an/twill elso • spend some time in Mexico' before returning to California. Murray' is another one of Clinton's -boys who is marking good in the big outside world. 1 AgImmuitistoottoto I o 8 nd Special Stgar Atrt'r�, e aee ofering special price on sugar in one or five' sack lots for•Gash, "This week only" Absolutely Pure Cane Suar, Dominion and Redpaths. ' This week will finish the Stra•Wbei,ries tor the seaeon—Leave your orders for:canning, Sorneihing special for every: day you are working this week 'On Blue IVIondagi Wash day, not a very pleasant suiajeci, , We are introducing Flex() in largekgs. 25c 10 bars P. &. G: and Gold soap 55c.' Sauce Pan Deal, O' Nei! s Soap $1.45. Ttcsdaaj, Ironing and Starching Dag ; Loose Starch, per 1i. '10c. Linit Starch, per pk. l do Parafine Wax, pk. 15c and.then when you have finished your ironing,rhow aUout a cup of" Our Own•" ..Famous Tea,»,per Ib. 65c Monarch Tea, per lb. 80c ( This is where quality counts) and a piece of Bodley's Sponge cake at 25c Ib. 'or Marshmallow cakes at 25c and 30c. If you preferRCoffee_try '` Our Own" per ib. 70c 5 .`/ Wednesday—Is of r halleholiday and.your picnic day, and there we are with you. Itis good for you/and good for us. For Picnic Lunches ---Canned Chicken, each 35c. Pimento in cans 1Oe and 20c Pimento Cheese 15c. Margaret Kelly's Sandwich Spree 35c - Potted Hand.'•1 Veal and Tongue each- lOc Thursday --,Mending Day,`and a cup of Toddy to' refresh you, per tin 35c Friday -2 -We will clean and freshen up the house with floor wax, Per can 50c Q -Cedar Oil at 24c and 48c pk. Brooms at 50e, 75c and 80c. Saturday ---Baking Day---O'Neil's special baking powder, lb.. 18c,. and we recommend "Silver Cake this week. Break one egg into a cup, fill half -full with butter, then fill to the to with sweet milk, turn mixture illrt° a bowl and add one and a half cups of flourwhich has been sifted with two teaspoons of O'Neil's Baking Powder. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In 'the\Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 par. Kindly Order Early Cash and48 ; Phone Where service VV;TA- ere " Sells for less " price prevails. People you Know (Mrs. E. Langford of London and Mr. it and Mrs. Dick Warren of ,Norwich. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fost , 9 .Cruder called on Mrs W. G Fulford oneT "'•± `� MIs were in town on Monday . clay 1 £� i , . Miss Muriel Parke of Toronto is the Mr. and Mrs. P. Holloway of .Sarni guest of Mrs. J. C. Dandier. and Mrs. S. E. McKegney of Lon - Miss Eileen Atkinson is visiting don motored„ -up. -from London ort friends in Ingersoll and Woodstock. Monday and spent'the day 'IA C1in- Mrs.Slack of Godeich has been vis- ton. Rev. Mr. McKegney returned ;ting Mrs. Wm. Jackson. with them to London that evemug. KMW, J. Nediger and Miss.Helen, Mrd Fred Gillies of Kitchenerand Mr. are visiting this week with yr and Mrs. E. G. Andrews and Mas - friends. ter Buddy of Searboro Bluffs spent Miss Agnes Walker Is visiting her the week -end with Magistrate and Sister, Mrs,; Wilfred Tanner of ,Mrs. Andrews. 'Mrs, Andrews and Wallaceburg. little. son are spending the week in, Mr, Harald Lawson of -Ottawa has town. been sepnding a vacation at his home in town,' Come to the Garden Party on ' Dr, P. Hearn, who has been holiday- . ing up in the Lakes district, is ex- I)It.'LLOYD .MQ1 FATT'S • pected home today. BEAUTIFUL LAWN Rev. S. E. McKegney of London was n< on - the guest over the week -end of. Mr. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 22nd and Mrs. E. W.; Morivson. Under the auspices of Mr. George Cordell of Oyer, Alta., V ARN.A UNITED CHURCH has been renewing old friendships The Sunset Quartette, London's about towsis the past week. Premier Entertainers, will give •a pro- Miss Viola Livermore returned Mon- gram of quartettes, solos, instrument - `day after spending a week with als, etc„ which.' promises to be excel - Windsor and Detroit friend's. , lent, Miss. Hattie Livermore has returned - Tea from 6 to 8 o'clock from a visit With her brother, Mr. Admission—Adults, 35e,""C]ildren,' 20c Earl Liverntore of Stratford. 66-1' Rev. A. Macfarlane is in Woodstock this week taking partin the pro- gram of the rPresbyterian% Summer School. Mrs, G. L, Chapman and 1VIaeter Ross of Niagara Falls are spending the ,week with l�n and Ms. A. D. Mc Cartney. -- Mrs. W. Piekardieturried last week after spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Plint and Roches-, ter, Mich ' Mrs. Howlett and daughter, Miss Helen, of Ypsilanti, Mich , have been visitingthe former's• sister, Mrs: 13, Oole. Mr. and Mrs: P, S. Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ' Cairns -of 'Otta- wa have been:; Visiting ,Dr. and Mrs. 13. S. Brgwn,. : Mr. Sidney Jackson of Lethbridge has been visiting his, brother and • sister,•M'ayor Jaekson and Mrs. H. R. Steep.-ef town. Mr. James A. Brownlee and daughter, Miss .Dorothy,':of Toronto spent the week-enas the guest,`i g the, for- rner's srster1.141rs. W. J. Paisley. Mrs. `George TIMM:net _ of Godericli, formerly of Clinton, spent Satur- day in town, _Coming „,down an ac- count of the death of the late Mrs. B1aclten< *errand. Mrs. Chas. A. Coats, of Chi- cago and Ali., W. W: Coats of De- troit have been visiting their sister, Mrs. C. G. Middleton during the past wek- Ilis'. and Mrs.e. ' W. T. Softies, of Bur- ford -spent a' few .days with the Iatter"s mother, Mrs. J. Wiggir'iton, the latter returning( with them to. Burford for a>little, visit. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon' Livermore of London and • Mr. and. Mrs. Howes and Miss Janet of Harriston spent die week -end "as the guests of 'Mr. Box Social and Dance Undew auspices of the •r Clinton Hospital Board At Flayen Barton, the home of Mr. Ephriam siren' on Friday, July 23rd. Admission to grounds, 15e „ Ladies kindly provide box of lunch - for 'Ewe, boxes to be auctioned,: Cars at Town Hall'froni 7:30 to. 8:30 .01 1 way fare, lee GOOD PROGRAb1--GOOD MUSIC AND GOOD TIME ALL COME I66-2 cla. Furnaces Lead THERE IS ,A REASON • It Saves One Ton of C▪ arl in Seven furs this a, ,Call and gets, a "price on that aceyouare thinking of installing year; or propareforcold weather and Mrs. A. D. McCartney. byhaving .our old one overhauled Mr. Karl Wilken left' yesterday for y Windsor afterr spending a ween. in during the summer months. • town. He made the'trip•lby motor. IGar's old friends are ~always glad to see him brit, he says he finds fewer and fewer of -thein each time he returns Misses Jean Hogg -and Mary K. Stew- art are in Toronto ,taking a summer bourse in art' and Misses Betty and Mary E. Stewart and 'Kate Mc- Gregor nee timing a Course in phys- ical culture. Mr. and, i41�t s;, Frank Gibbs, Miss Sadie and'A4asier Harold Gibbs loave,Sat; urday on a trip to Moose' Jaw, Sask They will stop off ,for a visit in Winnipeg and':,Brandbn and will be absent about a month. Phone 244 and leave your orderand rY we will look after yotu• worlt-for you. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone ,244 -- amessaravas_ vemarammioastrareaftemaareastE Why Not Take It Easy Since the Spring Work is over spend more time on Your Verandah We have a wonderuI stock of verandah furniture of all kinds, Chairs and Rockers atall prices. Don't fail Ira see our new Cocotex Verandah Rugs, sizes ranging from 3x9 feet to 71,1;x9*. feet. They will wear for a life time. and prices are very reasonable, . Then yrs:. have Hannno Couches, Hammocks, Sun -Stop Shades, in fact every- thing to make the verandah comfortable and cosy. When thinking of installing a bathroom, of Eavestroughs or roof- ing it ~will pay .you to consult us for prices, etc. Clinton Hardware and Furniture C Tf-IE' STORES WITH A STOCK 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS 'MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Pbone: 104 ' Hardware 196 ire Coolness. Comfort, Appearance and Value that is Outst .1 ding These good features are all -to be found in bur Suits. Light Suits just fill the •bill for general suinlner wear, cop& hi and look over our stock, • SPECIAL TILL JULY 17th we will give 10,000 votes for. the Pony 'with every suit' sold. Twice the reg piar. amount of votes on anything •inthe store. Rempnnber.this offer Asses on July 17th: 'Act now and help your favorite along. Davisr. an, PHONE 224,-W VETERAN TAILORS a•1 " ' ' emornammeramommisogsee Spot Cash for. Eggs and Poi Itry , Quallitg C uants We %.xe in the market for Eggs and Poultry all seasons of the year, prepared,to pay top prices for top quality. Y GUN, LANGL 1S & Coe, Limited HEAD OF,1FICE . MONTREAFL, QUE. Clinton: Branclo open each day from 7 a.rri:"fo• 6 p:m, Write, Phone or Call for any'further infornnation you i,equiro ,GUNN, ;;IUNGLOIS & CO.,LIMITED: CLINTON; ov,r.,,BR-ArctIFf ° 4mb�'+eF PHONE 100