HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-15, Page 5.CI1»tOn' t+�rors lEtec d n 5naw was:'abserued rn tiVinghfrii on' Saturday evening. ',Aivfuliy;eooi•spot tzp'at Win& -learn, altYWO' 'No'k';fi There wets various, estimates a's to the, number .in town :on M"onday, ' One thing,zs sure, if Clinton'suddenly,ihad. that numbrAdd e ` e d to'hei (,copulatroii• there would be the-., biggest house- building "booili ever 'teen in :this sec-. to s Mrfi,• :Iirether Yom,; Smith of !.The Win"- ham Advartco-Times looked Very rifled and nmpartapt •as he, raardieil • Lpast nn the °parade o'n 1Vlon'day,,, and carried bis silk "bat ,well, „We noted 'tea,•that lie;never turned hies eyes out e. This is the : way The Stratford Bea - cosi -Herald describes a girl whose pic• `tore appeared in another paper: "She loclks just like fifty ;:girl who have bone past here in the last hour" We greatly fear the editor_ spends too much time anng out' of the Window. John 11arasford met ' Town Clerk Macpherson' over at the park on Mon- day. 'Why;do you look so "glum?" he, asked the official -"I'm not glum," was the retort. "Oh, yes you are," persisted the Stapleton Squire, "and. I know the reason, too. It makes you feel glum to gaze on these thous- ands and thousands of good Tory voters, and an election conning on." • Eagidellcl Miss Alma Me1Cay, of Toronto came on Saturday to spend her holi- days Yvith her parents. r . Miss Ethel Gemeinhardt returned to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. George. C. Green • and son Campbell of Drayton Spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Green The Presbyterian service will . be held in the town hall at 11 a.m. and Sunday school at 10 a.m., during the 'summer nroiiths. Miss Kate Hastings .of Galt will sing a solo at the service on Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs;" . F. 'I;.. Paull motored to Galt on Saturday to ; visit Mrs. Paull's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon, for a few days. Mr. Paull assisted Canon '•Sailgrove at the Consecration `Service of the Anglican chui'eh in \Galt. Canon 'C, Ginnie conducted tho services in Bay- field pariah on Sunday last.: Mrs, G.;. W. King' and little.; Miss Betty ging' of Detroit are oeciupying their' summer Rome. Mrs. Geo. Erwin of l?e'inhe Albert, •Bask,, came .on Monday to visit her sister, Mrs, M. Bailey, Mr, and Mrs. H. Icing, master 'Har- old Atwood and Wm. Parker of Sar- nia -spent the week -end with Nur. and Mrs. Chas. Parker. '`• Mrs. K, Moorehouse and little Miss Mary Jean` of Landon are visiting Mr. and Mrs: (Capt.) Ferguson. Miss 1V). 3d. Garrett, •accompanied by Miss B. Cooke 'and ]Miss Tippit of Washington, D:C., motored to the village last Wednesday to the for- mer's cottage, Misses 13. Cooke and Tippit left for Washington on Mon- ey.. Mr. and Mr's. fam- ily of Monktoli holidays in the vi a. Junior• in 'the Bayfield When r 'He is now Mana Rel. and Mrs. -.daughter Berniic staying with Mn 'Guests at the and Mrs. Trace, • Clarke, Chatham; Miss J. . J. Bolton, ,Strath • Stratford; 1121. don.. W, D. Lane and aro 'spending' their village, Mr. Lane was Standard Bask at t first 'opened ,here. gei�at-'1Vl;onktoll.' Eric Anderson and Bernice; of Monkton are Mrs. M, Green. Ritz .Hotel arep Mr, London; Mr, 0. H. ; Mrs: E. R. Clark, M. Kipp, London; R. roy; • J. L. Bryant, Victor Walter, Lan - Mrs, Hodgins, Miss' Mable Hodgurs and Messrs. R. and 'L' Loyd Hodgins of Toronto carne last week to the lat- ter's •eottage onthe•,Terrace. Mrs. J. M. D>aly'andfamily of Lou- don are occupying -10 cottage in Jow- • ett's Grove, • • • Mrs.' 11. McLaren and•tWo children of Port Elgin' are visiting her mother, Mrs Wm, Stirling. • MI•S. Stirling celebrated -her 81st' birthday an z4lond'ay, at which .twen- ty-one • members • of the family, child- ren ands^and hit gr c drop; gathered: - Dr and Mrs. G, S. Atkinson and family of Exeter are at their summer, Miss E. Reid of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. F. ilIexner,. ;Quarterly communion . service : will >be+held•tn-St.'Andrew's Ignited.;church ' Sunday morning next a 21 o'clock. • On' Friday evening of this week, a pre eommuirion• service will be held at- Nhioh Mev. Mr,; Duni•sr-it of Varna zitill;,>preaeh„ The service. will conn- meneg at, $ .q'cloak . and; will ;be. an charge of the pastor, 1(ey. H. F.:Ken- •:nedy. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to the general public to attend ,both these services. • A Young People's , Bible Class i3 being'' organized in connection with. the United Church Sunday school, wliidlh'snretts at 10 o'cloek. The class lli>be under' the leadership of Mrs., ..F. "Kennedy, pro tem, A11 young people -Who are not already' members of some class; single or married, aae;;heartily invited to -'al - tend. The Adult Bible Glass /(Sen- ior) WilI'meet:in the auditorium im- mediately after 'the opening exercises of the school. The teacher, Mr. Colin ZCampbeli, will be glad to greet a -umber of 'newpier large n � rubors, A special ,invitation is'•.exte�ided to our Visito s to atten •tui summer x d ese Bible Study 'Classes. l'here•are,;also class- es Tor' the boys And •girls. Mxs,rE. Teatherston and nd little Miss Doris of London are vi itungper lents'Mr, and Mrs. 'C., Parker. pa Pa cox, The'Misses Dwain and Fairburn, tvho have purbhased Miss Rankin's cbttage,' :have "gone on a motor trip to"1Vlriskolca for a.few days, Miss' 'Edith ° Shepherd and little Md i.a Shirley. Perry of Windsor are guests of the -Misses Rankin. Mrs. Jenkins and Miss AIiee Reid of. Toronto and Mrs Erwin of London were guests of Mosses' M. and L. Reicl en Tuesday and Wednesday, I„ 0. 3d. No. 24' and';:a number of itheis; from BayfieT1 bteztded the calebratiorr at Chilton on 3416xldayc r' , Splendid weather; l,rlvoui c l the 1'or�d Bapreoagdram Uy;;commenld cd•."11:4 Picn7e at Bayie BrodhageJwi misxlByhua's7nraotd h p1au4rrrTKa•oeid ileo.p.•sbf'hoiatiand'the day, ww sr.rsu#g6d programf .ee, off ` •1E3r1<Acefielsl`. A merry atheran Of axe'ntsatter g g p,.. :� Brien " ' f a 1 da w s nolo ( at t . he Tiicice u '_ school isn th No: 13,• at, fhe caaso of "the school year and„en the eve of Miss; Yorker's ;tleparttn'e; for her; home/in' Varna. BElse 1'aylar has a -class of forty two .pupils:, and it'has 'been , said. that no -tea-Cher'has -filled the, pod- Mon, oli- •trion.just quite as; .adeeptably as she. has. Her task is not aai,•easY one but .she Inas they 'support of .the paikem'ts and all are glad that she is to return:. in the Airtrmin, Just as -a little mark of appreciation,'the; parents find (pup- ils`' presented 'her with.e .bl'acic•leath— er ehib bag.and. an onyx and pearl little finger ring. Accompanying the- gifts. Was the• foliowin,g address, read by Eva Stack horse: "Dear: Miss Tay- lor-Holiday time. has come again and` with it the inevitalale partings',: Most. of rotor pupils .spend the'holiday sera-. soil at borne; consequently see a good deal of each • other.` However, the elpsing of scli`ool takes you away front our midst for a little while and we hope that you will be able to en- joy' a restful and refreshing holiday. It may. be that. you will be journeying away ,for part of your vaedtion and we cherish the desire that you will re- member us. We therefore have great pleasure in presenting to;You the ac- companying ring: and club bag, which is guaranteed large. enough to carry your kimona, tooth brush, and the few feminine accessories so dear to the woman's heart and so necessary to a -comfortable journey. 7,It is: with genuine pleasure that we askyouu to accept these gifts and we assure you •they genie from a very appeeciat]v school. We realize that your task here is not an easy one and it must' sometimes tax your patience exceed- ingly. We appreciate your painstak- ing spirit, your interest in, our wel- fare and your wholesome influence over our lives. And we sincerely hope to' have you back with us in Septem- ber to continue otir association •as teacher and pupils. Givers'with cere good wishes and our united love.” Little Jean' Watsoir presented •tlie ring in 'a bouquet of lovely flowers, The regular meeting •of the Kelly Circle was held oar Thursday after- noon in the Sunday'School room, Mrs. Tom Campbell took charge of the de- Sotional exercises, and current events' were given by. Mrs. Robert; Watson. Mrs. Jas. Thomson read an' interest: ing paper front the "Prayer and Mis- s -lone study book: Mrs. Arthur Mc- Queen, the presiderrt, presided over the business part of the meeting,. The committee of the Brucefie]d Branch'bf the Bible Society and their: wives met at the home of 1'2r•. and Mrs. McCully last Thursday evening, July 8th, the oca^pion being the pre- sentation of a beautifully fralned'life. membership' certificate of the Bible Society to Miss McCully, as she has been collecting• continuously for over half a century. The Board in Toron- to felt that 'after so many 'years of work they would like to make some recognition of her efforts en behalf o. the'. great cause. The certificate was sent to Mr. T. Baird, secretary, and also a letter of appreciation to Miss McCully, asking • her to accept the certificate of life membership as a token of theiraesteem, and gratitude, and praying that she might be 'spared for many years yet'to help an with this great work. In- replying Mies McCully said the work was' not ,sacrifice but a real pteasui•e. A' plea- sant evening was spent and the ladies provided a dainty lunch.' Mrs, McGinnis of Detroit is visit- ing her (brother, Mr. Hugh McGregor, and other friends this week. ' 1VIrs'•Walters of Goderich' is the guest of her,,cousin, Mrs. 2,,.Moodie. A garden party is '•being held an Mr. Hugh, Aikenhead's lawn this! (Thursday) evening Stanley Township. Report of the promotion examine - ,tions of S: S: No. t. Below to.. per -cent is a failure To Sr. 4th --Mary Chute'', , 80, per To Jr.'4th' Albert., Durrant, • 83; Glare Oolclough, 77; David -,Hodge,. 61; Thos, Clutter, 60,.• .'" To Sr. 8rd h Thompson •Colclough, 68; Alvin Elliott, 63; .Vera Steep, 60;i Elliott Ohuter, • 50. To Jr. 3rd -Harold Durrant, 75; Doris Chatter, , GK;= Gertrude McLin alley, 60',•. - To Sr. 2nd --Bill Austin y 54'; Wal- ter Johnston, 60. ' • To Jr, 2rrd 1Vluxiel L}liiott, 83; 'Ida Chuter, 78; Alice Durrant 70; Lillian Elliott, 66; Lloyd Johnston, 00; Elmer Johnston, 60. • ,Po let Class—Jack McLinchey. To Sr. Printer--TI.a1Vcy 'Curter, Willie MCAsh. • -I£. M, Welsh, teacher. Constance: Mi:.,ancl Mrs. Jas. Tnu ner and Son of Detroit are;'-spendling a couple of Weekswith..the lady's 'mother,: Mos. Jas. Menta,-and,,other frienjs. ' - Mr. and Mrs. C uning ham ofMor- is township spent Sunday. .with Mrs,' Addle Colclough. J Master Jack c l . Me eke I sh of ;Toronto is spending a ;couple of months with his cousins, Arnold and Clifford 'Coln Clough, • i �M s, titiiner L inf coup' itin • he ,.r rs, sacs. nd?e - g, r bothers, 1Vlessrs. Andrea,- and ndrew • acid Ben Snell, / -Nuns, •'Hei•inai • and •son of Detroit spenb a • few days with `" her, mother; Mrs. Jas. Mann. 'eMr. and Mrs. Joe Riley of.OleVe la d Oh10 are visiting i s brothers and sister and other friends. , A,• few from ,here attended the races at Brussels, Inst, week It'irrbur•n football team played.: the return'match,' With. 'Stratford Saturday night and was witneiisedby lait'N°iptt Nom' p cuing that WddiiieT.hotobapil taken, W`e make a speCi nity o$; WGcI ding' P'hatos , Let its deye'lop' act pi lilt your, snap'' shots fox you and oii�laxge youx choice negatitres, Loa us 1^ollr• fihYls °on • Tuesdays or- mail them- to "Mitchell And, we.will+• finish them and mail e re back to yen 4?roniistly Out'Chnto'Staidio, is -omen every uesdiy from 9;30 am. te. i pnn, Burgess,P r tra#} 9VSITQI-IELL °AND C7 IIVT'ON a 1a140 exawd. The gains With fast; from start to fjnish, Kinbung playing all around the.' Stratford team and winningin a score ,of 51. to 1. Kelly of Listowel. a .w was referee, This leaves Milburn winners of the first rotrnd in the scant 'kraus, ,,Births' VANLOON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on July 12th, toIYlr,, and Mrs. George H.: VanEoon,. (foririerly Helen Rockaway) of Wall.ervllle, a son -George William. - Dea,ths BLAOK]DR—In Clinton,. on July 951x,. Elizabeth, Warrener, widow of the late Thomas 'Blacker, in -,her 83rd year. JOHNSTON —'At ,Suminerhil'l, an July 13111, Elizabeth White, widow of the late John Johnston,.ln her 81st' year. Lost Bet)e'idn TIandey's Garage and Heard's Barber shop, a,roll of'bills Finder will be -rewarded by'1 turning to Connell -4 Tyndall's Butcher Shop. 66-2 Purse Lost On July; 2nd, between Mr. P .Me - Gee's and the Sauble Line,3Stanley township, a leather hand bag, con- taining a sum of -money and theown- er's-narrie. Finder kindly leave at The News -Record office or communi- cate . with owner. Reward. 66-1-p- Stunifier Cottage for Sale ,Three bedrooms, living room, "sup room' and garage at Grand Bend. Wirte Box ;374, SeafOrth. • G6 -1-p License No. Lost In Clinton, on July 12th, 1926 li- cense number 328,536; Finder•,kinclly .communicate with ,Hugh. Campbell, Clinton. Phone 237-w, r 66-1-p Homemade Baking 'Sale, The Ladies'.. Aid of the United church, Holmesville, will" have a sale of home ade baking in the Hydro Sinop, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, July 24th,. commencing at 3 o'clock 66-2. Auction Sale 0f household clients, on East St., opposite piano factory, Clinton, Sat- urday, July 24th, at 2 P.m,; Choice 9 -,piece dining -room suite, fumed oak, library table, bed,rogni suite, choice brass bed, white en'iiirielled bed, 8 kitchen chairs, 2 kitchen tables, -Crown Huron range, several pieces of linoleum; lawn mower, high chair,. commode' 'stand doll's house, table and chairs for same and several oth- er articles. Terms: Gash,,•,Mrs. P. Fraser, proprietress, , Geo. Ii Elliott, auationeyr. 66-2 Executors -Sale of House and Lot in Clinton ; Mr. George Elliott, auctioneer, Will offer -for sale at pubic auction on Friday, 30th day of July, at 2 p.ni. at the -premises, lot 212 on Batten - Mary street in the Town of Clinton, 'Containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less. On the premises is erected a zri:ast desirable 5 -room eottage with sun, - mer kitchen and shed attached, The main house is 30x24 wit13. a kitchen 1244 while the attached summer kitchen and .outbuilding are commod- ious. The entire ,building was reno- vated a few years age. There Is a cement cellar under the entire house, dry, airy . and well -lighted. There is waterworks Connection with taps, . sinks •incl good drainage and the house'is i' ighted by electritity, The location :is one of the best .in 0tin- ton, being next door to at.. Paul's;, Church and in the most lesi'able, residential position in the' _town. The executor will gladly show ;intending puirchascrs ?over the. premises, Terris of sale: Ten per, cent' cash, balance in "30 days..: Per other tunas and 'conditions apply to the executor. At the same tri rel and plaee will he offered for sale a ;mall quantity ,of household effects. Tor particulars see snraii" bills e1 Dated at 'Clrnten,'tJuly 14;;x1926 W. Brydone,.Executor'Of:,rule orotate. of BIr"s. Bleaker. G. •H 3iliott; due tioneer. 66«3 NOVICE TO dBEDITORS In= Che' Estate o1, lizaheth '' Blake kI c r, Deceased - t1OTI•G is hcreby, divert •thait all; Persons having cla1nit aghinst the estate of Elizabeth,' T3ladker, date the Town of Clbntas.'nr' tlro<,'Qdditly ,of Huron, -widow, deceased, who died on or About the clth-day,af July,.Af3) 3926, are required to deliver tat the: undersigned executor" bf the said, es- tate o'f tht dacecsed, on sr before the, 21st day of July, , AD. -1926, a fult statement of ` them. 'debris, together, With particulars thereof,'asd'thc na- ture of the securities, -if any, 'held by thorn ell duly vertfied'by affidavit, • AND TAKE NOTICE that after the sand last' mentioned date the said executor will proceed td -distribute the state of - the; said deceased amongst the ,persons "entitled thereto, havi e ng regard only to' such claims as he shall Have releerved due notice arid' m acegrdance-thtvewitii. D;zted-a i • t Clinton, Ontario, this 15th , clay, of July,; A D, 1926, ' W' Brydone, ClnntQn, Ontario; i1C7nveAtion 31 s1\tSAlf.IL T �s�da ..J` W. F rr.. §INeLAIt pb,3,1 leader.of 'Provincial—House „HON_ N4'LSON PARLIAMENT C.IIOMAS; MsMILLAN, M. P. , and ethers will address the Convention A. full repres .tat1on fr•otu every Polling Sub -division is earnestly requested I; W. SHAW, 111.D., _President ,.Soft Ball Tournament .:softball tournament will, be* A held on the, playgrounds, hondoebono, on Wednesday' evening -,'July 21st. Girls teams will play at 6 p.m., Brussels vs; '0lintonnl, and at 7 p.m. ,the boys teams. will play a fast -game, Wingham vs. Londesboeo. • Adults .25c, children, 10a:'. 66-1 Strayed Strayed from the premises of the undersigned -,on Jnly 4th a Yorkshire sow, weighing about 100 lbs.. Infor•- mation as to whereabouts gratefully received.;:, W. W. Broadfoot; 3rd con cession, Tuckersmith. R. R. No: 3, -Seaforth. Phone 11 on 014, Clinton. 66-1 The Eyes After Middle Age Pe6plc who wear glasses for near use only must have their lenses changed every year or so. As the eyes steadily change the glasses must be changed to suit. This ageing of the eyes is perfectly natural and all are subject to it. We can supply you with the proper glasses for the pre- sent condition of your eyes. W. H. Hellyar, Optometrist, Clinton, Ont. 'For Sale 31 quantity of sweet clover, alfalfa, and timothy hay by the acre. Bert Irwin4 R. R. L o,,2, Seafarth, G5 -2-p •'Help Wanted ' • Women or girlsto opertae power - driven machines New machines, pleasasit work looms, Apply Clinton Clothing Mfgrs,, Jackson Block; CIin- ton, , 65-2 Teacher. Wanted Por S. .S. No. 5, Huitett, 1% miles south of Londesboro. Duties to com- nnence Sept, 1st. Apply' stating ex- perience, salary and qualifications be- fore July 20th. Win, kloggart, sec: treesure1, R. R.—No, 1, Londehboro. Razor Blades Sharpened Safety Razor Blades sharpened. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re- funded. Single edge 3c, double edge 4c. J. E, Hovey, Druggist, Clinton, 65-4 Horse Astray Bay mare. strayed to the premises of the unde{isigned on July 1st. Own- er may have .same by proving prop- erty and paying • .expenses. Frank GIew, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 34 on 617. 65-3 Cottage to Rent' ' • A small, convenient house, suitable for two, five minutes walk from the postoffice, Possession given the 'Mt - ter part of August, Apply address- ing Drawer. B, care The News -Re- cord, Clinton. •65-12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANl? 'DEBTORS In the Estate of Charles Helyar, • Deceased ..• - NOTICE is hereby given that all persons ,having ,claims against the Estate of Charles John Helyar, late pf the Town, of Clinton, in the County Of Huron,•Blacksmith, deceased, who died on or about the thirtieth day of April; AD, 1926, ale required to de- liver ' to Barbara _McIver, the Adinin- istiatrix of the said Estate: or her solicitor, on or :before tho second day of August, A.D. 1926, a full state- ment of their - claims together with particulars thereof, and ;the gature of the securitre's; if ally,:held by them. all duly verified by affidavit. • AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Admmistratrix will proceed to distri- :bate '1Jie•;estate "of the said deceased amongst; the persons entitled thereto having :egard iiritY to such claims as she shallha'Ye received due notice and in accordance 'therewith, PERSONS indebted to the ' de- ceased •to the time of his _,death are required to take notice that all, in- debtedness to the Lstate must be paid on or before August'1st,, 1926, and claim": not so paid will be callectesr land .costs added.. ,Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this sixth day; of July,_ 4„D. '1026. W. Brydone, Clinton, Ontario, Sol- icitor for the said Administratr]x. 65-2 - Parpi'•Por Sale\ o L ts 27-92, 'boner knew)), as the Rutledge farm consisting of 137 acres' of clay beam, situated on Goderieh- Kitchener, : highway, 6 miles west or 101i; ,to n n, G miles east of Gedorich, 11/2 Slum school and church, el Well w at er ed an 'd rn d un end cued'` 7 -thorned , omed Houso, bank balm and shed all•in good : rel' pair Fora ,further particular apply to v.. 12 Pard, Ilolmesv]]1e .One. i Bone' 611-r•16,' Clinton, 63-tf Farin For Sale lot 1748, on" the 8th con, of Iiullclt, consisting 'of 81.E/a acres, good'.buz-ldings. , Alto 50 acres on Con: 9. Apply on premises or by' mail to,; Wein.. H, Hesk, Landesboro,:R. R. n'e'.1.; TIr Sri, lr eitivaartha DElA"1"+E$, IN 'MB NgW-LAID' BOG' We SPECIALT " � 'In Milky-F!ed •Patti-'. try 12 itlpnths in the year, Phone as redrly. in the .week,; as possible for Prices. :, , GOOD' DEMAND IvM A2s,D 1FUR ALL:I;;rNlrrs ar, NO k•1?'OTII+TRY We advise you to'have thelairds or Your laying" pen culled while the. price is high. Culling of birds done free of ehar'ge through oui' office. Ph hoe-;= n s 'O,fYice, 214j Residence, 214w or Saie, Cheap. One Six' cylinder McIAUGIILIN Five Passenger Car, 111 goad Condition..`: Onlyran eleven thousand miles and in good shape..' also some 12 inch rail wood -.at _Nediger's ,Garage Ford Coupe for Sale '4925 Model, in good running order. Apply to W. J. Nediger Clinton. 62-11 Local Representative Wanted To sell for -the. -'°Old Reliable Font - hill Nurseries." Stant now, large list of specialties, handsome free out- fit, exclusive territory highest com- missions. Write for tears and cata- logue, Stone 4 Wellington, Toronto. 63-4 Cheese for Sale Cheese for sale in 10 lb. lots or more any time, present ,price 225 Ib. W. H. Lobb, president and salesman. R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 40 tf • Clothes Cleaned and Pressed CIothes cleaned pressed and re• paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over ' Heard's barber shop, W, J. Sago. —83 -ti Plein Suggestions Olive Butter, per jar 20c Plain Olives . 20c and. 400 Stuffed Olives 20c and 40c Pimento Cheese, per pkg. ,,.. 25c Picnic size Pickles - 25c SPECIALS FOR YOUR PANTRY Shredded Cocoanut, per '11. 27c Cocoa, per lb. , 10c Walnuts, halves, per lb, ' 53e Currants, per lb. 14c Raisins, seedless,,per• db. 14e Baby Puffed Raisins, per 11.. , : 14c FOR THE 12th OF JULY • Green Beans, .New Potatoes, New. Carrots and Beets, Lettuce and Watermelon. MEATS Cooked and Sinaked ` • Boneless Picnic Ham, Cottage rolls, Breakfast and Bacic Bacon, ,Cookerl Ham, Variety Loaf, Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, Gunns'brancl Delicacy, KILM AND CREAM t• HANDLED AT TIIE' STORE, L LAWSON & CO, Delivery Service from 7.30 to 12- 1,30 to 6 Phone 111 lititotes VOW a Get the Heat Folks on .the job in .Iuly, and they'll fix it up =With the weather -man, to give you spring and: summer in your house all the year; ground." To be sure of getting the kind of coal you want, at the price yon want to fray, call us naw. And we willtive.votPrices that ;please,'serioe that satisfies and coal. without comebacks. .• ht C Il, e for good,2cieanrjcoal �r•e s nSlar COAL y . l.OlYdtl® PHONE 74. > •• ' CLINTON' • ULT. 5, 1926, IF. 1 o eey J7a e YY ese ev• ., e r leer Hardwipe TELEPHONE 53 Deering and M'eCormick Agency. Rowland's 01d Stand CHT-NAMEL STORE Women's Exchange' 'We have a god stock of fenc.yand practical sewing-. Let us -supply your extra baking for the l2th, Orders taken up to G o'clock Friday night for delivery Sat; larder, Phone 17. ,, - Marcel Waving' 50c , • Hours -10 aan. to 6 p,ni. 65-1 'SEEDS Years of experience have gone in- to the selection of our stock as to quality and -price. We have a com- plete line of Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, Red Clover, White and Yellow Sweet Clovers. All seeds grown in Ontario and specially selected for handiness, Car load of Bran,` Shorts and Pur- ity Flour expected daily. Sliecial prlees. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 FIour and Peed Merchants and Grain Buyers ■ F. R, DARROW l T BARRISTER . will be at -his office' in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6 p.m. 30-tf. /� g C Q A 11..! Having erected,new coal sheds will have ,on hand full`stoek of coal for iwmmediate delivery. Prices reason able. Also' a quantity of dry maple ood. R. J. IV ILLER ,Orders taken at residence, phone 119 COAL Stove and Nut Coal, Coke, Soft Coal and Kennel Coal Also Some Wood E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street, • Ladles' Attention I am prepared to do first class re- pair work for all makes of Sewing Machines. - ata ,Also a frill stock of Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes• •'1 Sole Agent for the Singer W. GI4EN COOK Phone 1712 P.O. Box 201, Clinton 09, Jackson's July. Clearing Sale Speotais:.for this Week. All.. Ladies' -color-ed shoes must go ,g Tam, Blond, , Sauterne Grey and Parchment Regular $7.50 .shoes Clearing at $5.50 Cash and No, Approbation p p . . ED JACKSON The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall C H• « .' V)GNNElleetr' " Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other 0 Appliances Wiring and 'Repairs. p • p _Phone 151w We have a:.tull line .of Flo ural F' - ld.. ,sods, cattle.and dairy,. - r sl t salt Western ' Oats, Rolle. d Oats andChaP a7wa s oil `hand Y. , y � Wo W have got' stock of � t Edge. Twine and will be'•able to sit 1 ' our c ustoni PPY els with what theyrey»ire, Qv, lity Gilt Edge' Twine is of the best, - harlesworth PHONE, 199