HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-08, Page 7lit Rails, 'Talc' Surfaced Lal lis Weight - -35 lbs. COMPETIrriVE QUALITY Mediu rn Weight . = �'S lbs. gas. 'INE QUALITY Heavy Weight ht - 55 lbs. EXTRA FiNE QUALITY L � T-� av to 1 lZt<65 lbs. - SUPER FINE QUALITY Brantlbrd oO • $gIl-CQLi.ami4esl13rantfOYd, Ontario .. Stock Carried, lnfoirnation Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by eke Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co., Clinton,' Ont. HERIALI8T.' HERE Are You Suffering from any Disease Mr Murfin, the Proprietor of the Canadian Herb Gordens, expert in herbs, will be at the atteubnry llotel Clinton ONE DAY ONLY, ALL DAY AND EVENING Tuesday, July 20 CONSULTATION Asthma, Piles, Dropsy, Bedwetting, Skin Disease's, Nervous Diseases, Rheumatism; Bladder Trouble, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, 'Stomach, Liver; Kidney, Neuritis, Blood Pressure Heart Trouble, Constipation, Lung and Bronchial Troubles and all other Diseases: .Gall Srones removed, no operation necessary, ` Goitre removed, no operation. THERE IS A HERB FOR EVERY DISEASE Remember the Date, Tuesday, July 20 Canadian Herb Gardens 133 Garfield Ave., London, Ont. We Sell the Herbs the Juice Comes From - Theinterest is increasing every day in the 'Contest and votes are pouring into the ballot -(box for the any contestants. Look over. the list of ,popular..:boys and girls in Clinton enteredin the -Contest and vote for you favorite; a *1 Every store in the contest is:making special offerings each ,week for you 'to -take advantage of and at the same time will supply You with the Pony Votes. Don't miss this opportunity of helping that; boy orgirl wm the Pony. Mr:. H,' It. Sharpe, Manager of the Bank •of Montreal, and Mr. Fred Jackson', Mayor. of Clinton, have been appointed judges to check up the counting' of the votes and decide on the winner. Many popular girls and boys will enter and work hard in this Contest and everybody in Clinton will be greatly interested in nal- lowing the progress of the Contest and helping their favorite win the pony, y• Ce _ear • ENTER TODAY AND GET AN EARLY START The following merchants will give you : votes on all 'Cash Purr chases and Cash paid on accounts of 25c and up. Ask for them. J. A. Irvirlini, Drygoods and Ladies' Wear Da vfs 4k liernaan, Custom Tailoring,.iiiltmore Hats and,Gent's Furnishings Clinton : akert, (Bartliff' and Crich) • Bakery and Confectionery • O'Nef.t's Grocerg, Groceries Connell & TUndali, Meat Market . Alex 1£t., 111iitciaeil, Tobacco and Billiards Clinton News -Record, N,e vspaher. Su'bscr•iptiorls Clinton Public School ` Promotion Examinatiout Dir-. 2 to Div..1 Honours-- Doi'otlty Watts Ylniy, Andrew Grace 1<itzsimons Joe Candler Grace lfellyai• Laurence Pliirrsfeel �YI.11`i ni Downs ass -- Irene Swinbank Ellwood Campbell Jack „Smith Barrett Taylor *Bi1Iy Draper Isabelle Lawson Kathleen Cameron Rory , Phunsteel Billy Murch Pearl Churchill Noinan''Liven-dor-e Stewart Cook Pearl Crittenden Carl Furniss Ernest Hovey Wilbur 'Cudrore Lloyd Ramba11- .Irene Layton Norma Streets Ebliott .Bartliff .' Madden Glew ' Duncan Cartwright Ruth Casitle Harold'' Glazier Archie Dale —M. 3. Armstrong Div. 3 to Div. 2 Honours— Harriot Candler Jim : Nickle. Mary'.Croolcs ;Eddie Elliott Willzelmine, Ta,ewartha, . Reggie Cook Owen .Cbnibe Josie Garter Harold Gibbs Kenneth Elliott Jrm„'Doherty Minlue Hudson Pass— Stella Deeves Florence McCallum Isabel Cantelon Marian Smith En)ily Scruton Josie Fitzsimons' George Runthall' . - Josephine Harris • 'Clara Ball Lorne Brown Robert •Crawford " Charlie Peckitt Freda Miller Irene Venner . Beatrice McClinehey • Recommended— Harriet Kennedy Toni Twyford —1W. G. MaMath' Div. 4 to. Div. 3 Passed on year's work— Raymond Cantelon (Beatrice Sharp :Tessio Cameron. Clayton Dixon Dorothy Corless Lillian Manning Ruth Galiyer Ruth Pickett Bob Doherty Joe Doherty Honours- Millie 'Copper Kenneth Taylor Murray Cudmore Dorothy Glazier Pass-- Isabel ass—Isabel Holmes Norine Finch' Minnay Dale May. Veneer John McGill-- Morris cGi11Morris Link Harold Coates Bill Inkley Geo,- Gould I Whitney Garter Jack 'Gree -Frances Fitzsimons Mary Levis Ceorge,Larsreson Roeon wended- Ross Fitzsimons • .. 01iftord Kennedy —A, Farnham, Div, 5 to Div. 4 • Honours- Gene Andrews •: Marion Hudson, Peter Cantelon Dorothy Cornish George Elliott Tom Toriier , Marion r West Jack Perdue-- ..Orpha Perdue Sue :Steep Bass-= - Dorothy. Cook Mildred; Fraser ?rank Ileard Cecil helmet, Margaret Tasker Arthur Rozell Gladys; Bezzo hele,t Ittmbaf Gordon arsent Doris Crich , Beatrice Brown Frank Becker Vera. Jones John Crawford Geo. Cardwell Geo, Twyford Recommended- Ledith Steep Jack Murch Beecher Streets —J. M. Farquhar. Div. 6 to Div. 5. .. Senior Class,'.' honours-- Nora Fremlin Jean Neilans George Campbell Elwin NeilansIlarold' Johnston Gertrude. Reid Fred Hovey Mary Turner Murray Draper Sadie Elliott Rena Hovey Doris. johns .Jim E11iott Vic Doherty Nora Liverntere' Ilex Hovbyr: ; .N Alien Taylor Clair Kennedy Norman Fitzsimons George I,avis Junior 'Class Honours-- Dorothy onours—Dorothy Steep Reggie Smith Bruce Bartlitf Kenneth 'Jones Virginia Harris Pats -- Mary Cooper Murray Hanly Bill (Steep Jack Niekle ' Lucy'. Warren +h'rances 'Carter -H. Courtice Div. 7 to Div.'6 Honours -- Norma, Cook Margaret `.Schoenhals Agnes Cameron Verna Bezzo Billie West :Agnes Doherty and , Kenneth` Reid equal; Chester Neilans Bob Biggart Evelyn Heard Jack Mellveen Harold ;Seeley Bob Gandier John 'Cuninghanre Eva Matures .and Helen Lawson, equal Donna Welsh Violet Fremlin- Pass— Willard Aiken Muth Rozell Royce Fremlin ,Tim Crawford. SydneyLawson Recommended--- •Charted Mitch Louis Hoy —M Wiltse. Div, 8 to Div. 7 Honours— Ellen Charlesworth Gordon Aitken Ruth Andrews Benson Sutter. Agnes Agnew �. Gordo Hearn . • George Johns ' Ernest Mittell ,Madelon IV4ureh Edna Pielcett ••• Pass— Ross Finch • Gore :Streets Palma :Ranking Norris .Fitzsimons Ida Howard ` -Reggie Gotham* Isobel Cook ' Clarence Nei/ants Milton Downs„ (Stanley Kennedy Neison,Lovett Ataxy_ Harness Stewart Selioenhals Bobbie'Draper Doris Nickle Joe ,Steepe Ellen Fremlin Percy Brown 'Annie Howard Agnes Johnston Mytitle,'Bezzo Marjorie Nash Winnie Warren E. R. Carter MITCHELL: Dipping hie :hand into a pail of boiling pitch in mistake fora laic, lof water, John Pugh. last Thursday \ morning 'suffered severe burns, which will incapacitate hint for some timeto coiner --The accident,, happened while Mr. Pugh was at work putting on a coating'of roofing material' on the top of the building occupied by F. A. Moses' hardware store Mr. Pugh, who ds a ,man of 70 years of age, had in some manner spattered his hand with drops' of the hot;. mixture. To ease the pain the at -- tempted to put his hand into a pan of water, which was standing beside the pail' of ' dolling tar, but in his hurey mistook the ono for the other. and put his hand into the pitch, Mr. Pugh was able to walk tome,. but' it was"neeesstiy to give hire an anaea-` thetie while his hand was being dressed. Staniar Township 16 The following' is the report of ,the pupils of S. S. No, 4-N Stanley,' showing the classes in veh ch they will be in September: Jr. 4th—Pass—Gladwin •ii entlphe. Sr. ,3rd --- Pass - John Armstrong, Maria Hehner. ' - Jr. 3 i1—I-ionours--Marie McClin- they. Pass --+Pert Dunn. Sr. and•--.f-onours--i23eatrice Hou- ston, Anna Cleave, 'Gordon Scotch user. • Remain—Logan Cleave, Jr. 2nd---I-Iononrs—John liatsomi, Remain—Keith ,Westlake. J'i sty-Honours—Donald Paterson. PrimerA--John'McClinchey, Bert Greer, Stuart Watson. B—Antionett'e Rau, Wilfred Eau, George McClinchey. Vila J. 1Viusselman, teachers �. MN�t{ ::. The 'following: is the result of the promotion examinations, June, 1926, for S. S. No. 1. Naives.are in order of standing: '. - To Sr. 4th -Omerine LeBeau, Marl' joie McEwen, Bessie Corey, Marion Shipley. . To Sr. Srd—T{arl Stanbury, Vera Saundercock, Norma Shipley. Sr. 2nd—Joe 'Corey,: ;Stuart IITa- Ewen, Olarence LeBeau:. Jr, 2nd—Nora 'Stewart, Isabel Saundercock, Gladys ,Saundercock, Sr,' Primer --jack, .i-lieriderson, —W 'B. Gamble, teacher. The following' isthe result *2 tett and promotion examinations for S. 8, Nos Sr r 3 d to Jr 4th—(Pass 480 marks) Grace • Robinson; 613 hon , Margaret Robinson, 566; Edgar,Mc- Olinchey, 436. Jr. 3rd to Jr. 4th—Vera .Smith, 601, hon..- Jr. 3rd to :Sr. 3rd --;(Pass 480 marks)—Bruno McClinchey, 559; Bert McBride, 523;. Elmore ;Stephenson, 418. Sr. and -to Jr. 3rd -(.Passe 450 marks) _ Campbell ,. McKinley,, . 606, hot.; Russel Hayter, 567, hent.; El- more M`bBride, 633; Norene Robinson, 516. Jr. 2nd -=Allan Armstrong,.. Jr. tls-Margaret Lamont, Hazel Harter, Elva 1VSeClinehey. Primer.—Isabel Robinson, Dorothy Armstrong, Clare McBride, Lolus McClinohey. The following have had perfect at- tendance for the year: Grace Robin- son, Russel Hayter, .Norene Robinson, Hazel. Ilayter e —C. E. Reid, teaches'. Tuckersmitti Township The following is the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 4, in the June promotion examinations. 60 per cent. or .over; pass; 75 per cent. or over, honours. Those 'below 60 who have been promoted have passed in all sub- jects but have' failed on the total. These whose names aro marked have passed- on the total but have failed isi one subject':' - Jr: 4th to Sr. 4th --Beta Fear, 72; Margaret Fear, 68. ,Sr. 3rd to Tr. 4th—Gordon Man- ning, 70; - Norman Lloyd, 67; Verna Layton, 63. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd Edna Cook, 77, honours,: promoted to Jr. 4th; Leslie Pepper, 65; Melbourne.'Bail, 61; Wal- ter Pepper, 59; promoted; Eddie Lay ton. 58, promoted, Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—Marion Mathe- son, 79, honatu's; Beatrice Snell, 72; frank Garrett, 65; Wilma Walcliffe"', 60, promoted; Dorothy Walters:,, 60, promoted; Harold Pepper, 26. Tr..2nd to Sr. 2nd—Alden Crich, Bert Garrett. 1st to Jr. '2nd --Norman Pepper. Primer to 1st—Kathleen Falconer, Wanda Rowelitl'e, Eldon O'Brien, Clif- ford Pepper, Glen Layton.'• —B, Lindsay, teacher. ti~ Glean to handle. Sold by -alt pruggistd, Grocers and General Stores EMZSMS ti RuM,inal.!ous fjf A`Column Prepared Especially for Women- 1 Iiut Not Forbidden to fieri No woman -can be 50 insignificant as to be sure :that her example can do o harm; Lord Clarendon, During• the past week, when all eyes were turned to Ottawa and when it was hard to wait for news as to what was coming next, naturally there has been a good dent of political discussion. ' I'm not going to introduce polities into this column, far be it front me,. but 1 .have been scane,what interested by the number of men who have ex- pressed themselves against women having. a part in public affairs and. Miss McPhail-, the only woken mem- ber ,of Parliament, has come ;iri' for considerable criticism, ISomo seem to thiiiilc she was to blame for -the re - rent troub.e. (Did you ever sec a men or a number of men get into trouble without Iooking about for a woman to blame it on?) Certainly her vote de- feated the new-born , Meighan Gov- erninent ,but prob'ably.;had Southeast Grey been represented by a than he would have voted' the same, so there. you are. . ltat struck c c re 'W n however, is '• the oft -recurring 'expression of opinion that -no woman has any bustnesss. in that House of Commons. Now, per- sonally, I'm not keen -on women ent- ering public life: It doesn't appeal to me at, all and I'd be perfectly 'will- ing to allow men to make the laws of the, land, after being Well primed by 4 womenfoilc beforehand, of course, and; 1 have no brief for Miss IVfePhail ae very often I find :myself directly op- posed to her in opinion. But it must be confessed that during the years she has been representing :her riding in the 'rouse of Commons; she has broulrgt to her, work as intelligent at- tention as the majority of the male members. She has made some mis- takes, it is true, which of the male inembers•heve mot? The electors of Southeast Grey have no reason to think they are no represented as well as .almost any riding• in the Dominion, and thatthey are satisfied with her was proved beyond.:,a doubt the other day when 'she was again unanimously chosen as• their repre- sentative. (It is not that I do not believe that '. women are capableof the work of Parliament that I would leave it to . Hien it is because personally it does not appeal to me, But it does appeal to Miss "McPhail and no doubt, as the years go on, it will appeal to' other women and in . time we may have Moly women in Parliament. It may be an improvement; it :'couldn't well maer matters atters worse Whenthat t at time comes those who believe that "home is the place for women," if there are still some who think that way, will have to dray; themselves a little •closer into their: shells and try to become accustomed to it. REBEKAH St. Helens. (Too late for last week) The following from a distance at- tended -the funeral of the late Mrs. John rDarrnint . Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Barbour and Alvin Woods front Fer- gu ; Mr and Mrs. Robt. Webster, Melvin Webster, Mrs. Geo. Coleman,. Jas. Reid .and son Thomas, Miss Elm - ice Reid, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reid, Chas .11. Reid. and Mrs. Wet. Rath - well, from Stanley. And Mr. and Mrs, IT. D. Woods from Hamilton. ltD. and Mrs. Tony Pierce and son Clifford are guests of the hatter's mother, Mre. �'oe Smith. They came by motor from their home in Reston, Klan. " Mr. Earl Gaunt of J3imdloss, Alta., carte home from the West to attend his father's funeral. 111r. Wm. Woods " and son Arnold, &Its. Dan Martin and Mrs. Richard Martin and Mr. Jas. Brandon spent the week-end'vistting friends in Fer- gus. The funeral of the 'late Mrs. John Durnin took plane from her late resi- dence on Wednesday, Tune 23rd, to Greenhill cemetery. The sympathy of the community goes ,out to the family. She leaves to mourn the loss of a faithful'- wife and mother, her husband, one daughter, Miss Annie, and five sons, Wm. Rolbert, Baso, John, Harry and Lorne. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS BARNINGS Earnings reports issued last Week by the Canadian National Railways show an increase of "$2,826,425.56 or 706,71 per cent in net earnings for May as compared with the same month of last year and an increase of $8,740,860.91 or 209.38 per cent. for the five months period since the first of the year as compared- with the same =period of 1925. Gross earninge for the month of May, 1926 were $22,182,304.00 as against $18,245,738.00 for May, 1925, an increase of $3,937,556.00 or 21.58 per 'cent. Working . expetses were $18,95l3f928.67 .in May 1926 against $17,845,798.23 in May, 1925 an in- crease of $1,111,140;44 or 6.23 per cent. ' Net earnings for the month were $3,226,365,33 as against $399,- 939.77 .for May of Mast year, an In- crease 'of $2,826,425.56 or 706.71 per cent. The operating ratio for May 1926 was 85.46 per cent. as compared with 97.81 per cent. in the same month of last .year. For the five months period to the end of May, 1926, gross . earnings: reached a total of $08,685,109,00 against $87,389,081.00 for the same five months in 1925, an inerease of $11,346,028.00 or 12,99 per cent. Working ;expenses for the five months were $85,769,526.14 this year against $83,164,369,05 in 1925, an increase of $2,605,167.09 or 3.13 per tent. Neff earnings for the five months were $12,915,582.86 as against 94,174,- 721.95, an increase for the period of $8,74(4860.91 or 209.38 per cent. The operating ratio for the first five months of 1926 was 86.91 per cent as compared with 95.22 per cent, for the same period of last year. Hullett Townsh6;•, The following is the report of the June promotion examinations .for S. S. No. 10, Tluilett and Goderich: ISr. 4th—Helen 'Yungblutt, Ethel Machan. Jr. 4th Louis Johnston. Jr. 3rd -Donald Sprung, Gordon Johnston.,,. . Jr. 2nd-Oharlie Machan, Leonard Yungbhitt, Dorothy Vodden. Primer ---Stanley Yungbiutt. '---Edith A. Mogridge, teacher. C. N. R.. EARNINGS The gross earnings of the Canad- ian National Railways for the week ended June, 21, 1026, were 5,213,562, as compared with $4,190,930 for the same period of 1925, an increase of $1,022,632, or twenty-four per cent, H TT L L E T T: Mrs. Thomas Mc- Millan died at the family home in Tuckersnrith Townthip, Thursday at midnight after an illness of about three years, She was born 'in Tuck.. ersmith sixty-two years ago, and was married about thirty-five years ago at the home of her parents on River- side farm. Survivors are the husband who is Liberal member for. South Raton; one son William, an_j� one daughter, Margaret Belle, ab hone; oite .brother, John MeLean, and one sister, Miss Margaret McLean,.botn of Tuckeramith township. "Mr. Mc- Millian was at the bedside of his wife when death came, but left .in a few hours for Ottawa, anstivering the call of public service. The funeral wee held on ' Sunday from the family - residence to Maitlandbank cemetery in lSeaforth.. Rev. F. 13 Larkin of.., Filet P$es'byteriari •church, Se'aferth, c8ddriated the services, - INGi Wi;AM i Some'farmers 'of'tile district have started to cut their first crop, of alfalfa, which is of good qual- ity. The :fall wheat is .now in .good shape, :with apparently' Well-filled heads and•straw front 15 to 18 melte:: tall.. Other grains are all looking fiat and a good crop is in prospect. nwcssoOi•.145, s, -.Irk tr: 1' yin Agricultural Park • alder the 'auspices of the General Aid 'Committee for Relief Purposes assed i 9 THE 'GREATEST NICEit' F .TliE SEA Tickets—Adults 50c, Children 25c, Autos 50c, Grand Steel 25c Come Farm and Park ., Ylpur ar