HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-07-01, Page 8There g eurmad rn 4 iMiSer oiai:'$atr
uid#yr'' the ,silddeu :iiia uriet»CC1`eti
death •of Giyendolyn, only dapglater of
1I� and Misal?ext 'Kora, and .1vi
of J, 2 ergnlson' Ttiyigg
Tlra Iate M2 s L'waig ivas o
01104,: and Joy able dr§iidsitron _..a ,y
made ^;faneards t,'e;`even she'Weart.: She
'will 1,ie •well reiueniber'ed 'by urine 'in
and. around Stiitley ,-bele she spona
,111 the vacations of h i girlhood, a,
'the'hoine of,hor•unele,
Sheleaves :ta Ynonrn., •her,e-
s des < ter hustyaitd, and,!;Iiax;eats,,.'brothe'rane•
n o
a � ,ylso Nlrs. Twai;� sa:., Who
i)r c e„Iter home with hbi• son, n
14fes`sxs , Wilmer :Reidyn
a d �Clharres
athwoll mq#eresl tg, 'Windsor'' on'
Sallurday to a tend• trig funeral Or
them egiusin, 041'ilat Mrs. J. Pero,'
soda t igg. .
line P,' of the ,,pa.!'(In�Led
chary eh hila` an enl�Patulecr.aa au ;
ldi yi:ieldSaturday asse
4.30 Shorts, iutslti hi ' a, softball
ga}ine, werel,.0,deyed 'and 4botr't xty
sat down to; a aua i tnous lthwsiheon
up'lrhed iby the y'4ia#g !adzes , ir4 xea);
good tiinocwas repartedrby a'il,
11Ia Wm4' Rathwell, has •returned
£i°em a visii with"•her sister
i'ss Peaky Taylor is h4nie for the
$u•'mmen venation- %
The ladies.: of theW ,. M,
United. 'eliurair entertain ed -the'
ladies d`,t V1r4 •and, Tilake'n'Priday
xafterneen..„ An inspiring address Was
delivered, by' Mr, CIif ora . `T oys, of
California, eYatlgelist, after .which 'a
dainty lunolieon: was served by the
I,iN O
9 S L lrAG JE,.
ud` $►li!' h�t� .
i.rilold. i1
Beautiful in design ondrsplay.ia f «�
Johnson's • Jewellery Store. Prices
;ranging from $20.90 to 8100.00..
Jloh't miss seeing the new style
'cut glass in,Tea Sets and Water Sets”
in _Amber: and Amber Trim. This is
the best display ;ever shown in Olin -
Graduate :of Toronto College of Optometry
Fane Jewellery, and Repairs -Next Hovey's Drag Store -
pecia Prites
For Clearing
Children's Gingham and Chambray
Dresses, smart styles; well -made.
Smaller sizes with 'bloomers to , match "
Reg. $1.25 and $1.50,
To Clear 98e.
Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons,
Prints, .Ginghams,and Broadclothes at
equally reduced price's•to clear:
Piumsteei Bras,
16/IO t $!, 7'r
FOR PICNICS—"Sandwichfpree" a delightful vreparation for sand-
wiches; Potted Veal, Tongue, Ham, etc., Olive Butter, Peanut Butter.
Best packs of Salmon in 1-1b. and ?ria lb. tins, Olives, plain end'stuffe'•
in assorted sizes, ds.,'
Call us on the telephone:sor let us have yo}ir order and we will
-supply promptly the best quality goods at surprisingly low prices.
Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J.
o yy ����'t r
rthirik r, -if
pR, t1 roa
EaG ed Y III Tnc.
Vii' with Over fifty years experience
in the manufacture of roc f]ngs.
Igo of,carfullyselected,r e t -
w! � tear .'�"'ne.
thoroughly:- saturated with life
# K giving^natural-'asphalts-
Quantity -
output and MstnbUting
economies make possible + thea,
e•production.of this roofing, which
combines moderate Orst costwith;
really gaoc service. •-�
We reconjmend the application
of : Johns - Man'ville Pilot with
Pyramid Kaps,•fasteners:that• in-'
sure all—absolutely Weather tite',
jab. Ask' us about ' this • feature.,
utter perdue'
a Hardware, Plumbing, Electric Wiring
eclrerieneel +a '"dpnrureic, ,•
thrill" aatently Wheaa a 1}itty tVrrd µs
t1naU glia; r reads , our adv,ertioclinerit
every Week We often ,-oilier if tt•
pays us tP lay •the print We'1t
pad him•citoe>+1n11y,now a`l`ter this•tte.�
lsfaei,ron•'and oon•spgtpent pie"ysnie Cr
'eon1Se get:returns,, FL,;.,,
is the results 'thaf•`F niiij, ;bit to llayq"
goo4 values and '3� nei e loi'b them
would cher urtaroYet to You and to Irk;
1reneo oufi, obloet in usangn ,Uhis space-
is 'togive fou an; foranatiientraliont of i
goods raz ^ x nail, 'alatable;; h e
l' . r om P aril;
ic, suga�eoated'do ,. T,
ses,rea'sy,,!to assima�;
late •tLs. a:eheeri;ig thought for- Yeeu:
tit's. add that another ed Will not up •
pear fora whole",nue htindaed.an'd-
six`ty; eight houas.
r . The whole trou>,ile With:a few Iact-V
ies was tliat'.they put the doing of it
,atf/ and alien- again put it Off and still,
a aria
P frorri rosy dawn till dewy ever.
and, carne too late for the set*Of four'''
bowls at "J3c advertised for'•the pass;
four weeks zn th'i`s space,' p(e may'
•a in
g have an equal bargain ".and yvill.
let yeti - ki?dw. g The moral ;ie;ao it
•',You'll enjoy Bystanders topics In
the Gigboand get information from
'the fourth column in' the Mail amend;
Empire every day.' The- ,Stay Week
ly is the best publication,in its class
we know, growing in,,,favor and de-
mand every week. ~y
Wlateh,your Postage 'Stamp buying.
Two cents, for a •Ietter now instead of
three. Cents.'
As long as Clinton Money ;goes
abroad to .purchase goods for CIin
ton siuse it takes jnstIiat much out;
of Clinton's pockets and adds just
that much- to Olinton's depression,
Mere important than how to get
the ink` IN ai Fountain Pen, is hap
you get it OUT. Thats the reason
for Waterinan"'s Spoon Feed.• It is
the most successful' feature ever con-
nected with writing instruments.
-It's . easier' for a man to make
money than it is to spend it to the
satisfaction of. ,his wife, our Wall
Paper being at all times especially
Children have the TIME of their
lives -with their- first watch. We
have the toy variety with chains for
the boys and the bracelet style for
the girls.'
Tim W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest --Always the •Best
. to
G'l "�It s ifilsstauun;aien,shu
-•"moo,•...-.---,..--,�.:..+-��;mms �i1��.
kiss ••Guinn,- Chautauqua superinten-
dentE arrived in town yesterday.
Miss Margaret Davies of Chicago Is
spending a vacation at her home in
towrat l • .
Dr: Cf. L. 'Smith of ,.St. Marys spent
Sunday at the home oil Mr. and
Mrs, O. W. Potter, '
Mrs. (Dr.) Eben Alexander of -Knox.
ville, Tenn,, is visiting her,. sister,
Ml's :N. W. Trewartha, •
yrs, Jpshita Cook and Masters; Elmer
anti Rost of Sarnia are visiting
, with Mr. and Mrs. T. H:"Cook.
Mr. Victor Crich,principal of the
Tamsworth Collegiate, 'visited lust
"`,week with his mother, Mrs: John
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Saville attended
the funeral of the former's sister,,
Mrs. S. H. kfersher of Woodstock
ori Monday.
Mrs, Boggs and children of •Oklahoma
City are spending a ample of weeks
with the lady's cousin, Mrs. W. S.
R. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. A.3. McMurray of Bar-
riston pain' down Sunday to visit
Clinton friends. • Mrs. McMurray is
spending the week intown.
Miss Etta Hardy, of Manilla returned
home yesterday for the summer vi.,
cation. Mise • Hardy has, ,been en"-
n"gaged as principal, of the Manilia
school, where. she has been assist-
ant for the Bast. year-
Mr Chambers, M.L.A. for South Ox-
ford, who cause ujr for the Censer-
vative• pienie' :at Bayfield lastweek,
remained over for a few days, as
the guest.-. of N. . W: Trewartn,
M.L.A., and Mrs. T,cewar•tha.
Miss Anna Cook of Illlount Forest, a
graduate, 'of Stratford. Norniar,
spent the. past week as the guest°of
;al'Il'ss+Esther Trewartha On her re-
turn' she was' eccompaaiied• by, Miss
Trewartha„ryvhowill visit iii Mount
retest and at .other points for a
Mr. ,Murray -McNeil of Ontario; Calif-
alif- • ornia, is visiting,at the home of his
father, Mr, Thos. J. McNeil.
-Mr.' MeNiel, who - left Clinton six
years ago, and who is now In
change of iandscape : architecture
” in : the Armstrong NM :sties, Ont-
ario, Cal., had it most interesting
„ trip 'honie,,comktmmg business with
pleasure, •fie represented the Om -
ark, $'iwwnis' Club at the Internat-
ional' Convention held: in- Moritreat
frolic Juii ,7th to 11th, and repro ; 'ria
tented , the California Nirisery-
men's Association at 'the'nationa, ••ghe •mainht s Of St, John's Angli-
oonventionr of: the Amerldan- Assot,- Can" ohurghin%etd holding a '•Sissy':
,n of NursGr'y_rrren'.at Louisville, berry festival o'si} 7)r. Lloyd^1Vlo;(fatt's
Kentu-eky,"June 22nd-24th,•He tray -lawn on Friday- evening, July, 9th,
idled from Les Angeles to llfontrea, This is one :placii where you are sure
about '5,000 miles .by sse'eial "ts'ainto meet all your, frier ds.,
He .came east by way of Portlano, M'r G B, Woods,'.: accompanied by,
Vancouver; and the Canadian west,- the two Miss Ciaytons.and Mr, CIay-,
Montreal, Boston, New Ydrk, Phil- ton of iLstowel,^ motored to Bayfield
adelphia, Washingtod,t Kentucky, Wednesday to ,attend the Conserv
Detroit -ands Chicago. 'He intends tive :?icnie and _bent the night wit±::
returning ‘by .way' of Louisiana 'anti•• ->Mr and, Mrs.' 1! .. Weekes .bf •tke Parr'
Texas -to study business condition. Ime.;• L
in" the Southern ,States •Ha , As :Misses Emily and Gladys Beatty of
pleased to be' hack, in the gid town„ Lotidon spent. S}tnday;.in tyre village, -
and to meet bid friends, but he'`iias alt and Mrs W.'fd,cAsh of"Loirdori
luade: for himself . a Place in Cali spent -Sunday With Mrs. C. Weeker.
tonna, to which lie will return with Mr; and Mrs tohn Tinner and two'
121easirzrPwhe?t;Iris v0 P.,, a 4'ovei .,Chiidr.eit,and.'lfla•I{. TurnerTurner of Yam
eESE .
ason is at h : -'_rew..:� . .
te .,.. l.Cni,C ,,. ey
ee our _ .. ,or Sl>
,.sor&tE o/
oi• Salads .
dinned Pineapple, 2"tins fol
Tuna Fish,'.per tin
.Canned 'Chicken per nn
-Kraft Cheese
Pimento., and Cream,
Salad Dressing
Suit Stilad, (Apex)
'1'5c •
or Sandwiches
Maple Butter .:..
Deviled Meats, each a ,' 20c and 86e
Olive Butter ' , , anSandwich Spree' t.x z •20e, iiia 1set
Chopped' Olives h; .
Pimento Olives
Plain Olives •r 20c
Shetrif s Jelly Powder z3 -for 25c, with glass.fruit
Bodley's Sppnge and) Marshmallow cakes
25c and 30c -
. Large pkg. F',.Iea o . . . ,••••••
2 foorr 4060cec�.v LPailrcgheartdisn eRaec&h salmon ., ,-
... .. 3
yFtidau and Saturday
L CansPeafiorr ...... 219 Large ern pinkm30cEGdogldIeenBBraarinitadmonCdoernned'Milk ., Grape Juce ,r. .22accMMipPeredSnacks 3fiU-like Summer Drinks �•2oqiaI
20 bars "Our Own" and Sauce Pan $1.45.
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits ---Strawberries are almost at thein• `.
best. _Hot House Tomatoes and Cucumbers.
Marshmallow Topping for cakes and Desserts, bottle 25c•
Fresh` Salmon Trout Tuesdays and Fridays
in the Malin First Delivery 9 a.m. - In the Afternoon First" Delivery 2.30 p,m. Kindly Orde;+;Early
Cash -. andW T •
; -
_ Where' "Sells for less " price prevails,
The monthly meeting of the W
men's Institute will beheld its
community hall on July 2nd. Subje
`thild Welfare," Mrs. J. Tenthly
,Pl ane
Mich., 'were renew,- ng zld, acquaint- ®+-r+r-
arises in -the village on Saturday.
the Vis. T. McAsh, of Exeter spent
et: Sunday at the home of her son; Mr.
sit 3. lIlcAsh,•
piano duet, Misses Brown; reads
Miss L. Garrett; solo, Miss Alber
Moon. The delegates . to • the/Sh
Course at Guelph will also give th
ng, Mr. and Mrs. W. •,geatty of Hills -
ca land and little'ion called on friends
or. in the village Tuesday Iast
err Mr.and Mrs. A. McConnell' Cr.., and
Why Not Take
It Easy?
report Hostesses: Ms's L. Carter Mrs C. Stelek, Mr,- .W., Dawson Bina
Mrs. D. Carter, Mrs, F. Wood, Mrs, Miss Welsh spent Sunday at the lat- Since the Spring Work is over spend more time
W. Lyon,. Mrs. (Rev,) Snell, 'text's home in Ripley.
Mrs, (Rev,) James Albrey is at pre• Miss Irene Johnston is home for
fi9n • visiting hell. daughter, Mrs. J, tthe holidays.
Watt of Tononto.Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Johnston of
The manse committee have added .Flint, spent the week -end' at the home
much ter the appearance of the manse -of Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston of the
by the new veranda which was 'built village,
last week. A most enjoyable time was spent
Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams of `Victoria,, by all who anded linic
D.C.:, arrived last, week and intend held at Jonvetttte's"grove,Ia Bayfield-, on
spending a few • weeks with, the for- , Thursday of last week,
mens parents, Mr. and Mrs.- J. o. Mrs- Jas. McClYniont and lilies
Adams. Violet, accompanied by Miss E.
' The Moon reunion was held at. Logan, spent a few days at Rev, L.
.Grand Bend on •Saturday. Qilite a Diehl's cottage at Southampton,'
number` pf the relatives- from here Mr. G. IL Beatty and; Mrs's Welsh
attended I motored t L d S
A nuip r front here took 'in the. , . - _ — - _ ._ : _- _
•a ort on on 'aturday...
garden party at ;.Hariock ort r'riday
evening. _
Mr. W. •M6untain treated hiniseir•
to a new Ford coupe last week. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill of Clinton
visited at the home of ills. J. Tanm-
biyn recently.
Knox church S. S. held their an -
Mid picnic
n-nttalpicnic to $ayfield last Saturday..
All report having •a very enjoyable
The softball 'di"amoSd .will be the
centre of interest next week as two
snatches will be Staged. On Monday
night the boys' team, from Blyth will
play • a return genie. Froin' all ap-
,pearances the game will be fast. On
Wednesday evening 'the Wesley:Aril-
lis girls of Clinton will play a 1,eturh
game. ,Both fmiktches will begin a.
6:20 p.m.' There, will be, mo charge.
Family Night 'in the,Londesboro•
United church will be withdrawn this
Mr. -and Mrs:: Thos .:Colson and
family spent Sunday! -- with °Mrs. H,
♦ Misses "Mary' Cartwright and Ros-
elle Crawford, who were delegates to
the; Horticultural •Short • Course in
Guelph, returned home on Saturday.
lv1n;. d. P. Greensides and family of
Attwood spent Sunday at the 'par -
kr. and Mrs. G. A, Hadden of Al-
vinston visited Rev. ,B° Snell and fam-
ily 'on';Friday last.
'Mt Ed. Crawford of, Purves,; Man.,.
is visiting at the home of his father;
Mr. Chas. Crawford. 4
Miss 'Luella KTaine. of Attwood vis.
ited Miss Jean Sfgltzhauer on Sunday.
1i,•Iiatold Bit'hards is home Iron
Toronto'Normal-, ',
Miss- AlvettaOBs'igha a is visiting-
her parents, . ,.,and Mrs, Win Brig"
haul. ,:.
ON JULY 12th
- As a special 'inducement for the
merchants to decorate their' pieces of
business, the committee in charge oti
the 12th of 'July celebration will give
two prizes: let, 95; 2nd, ' 3; fol the
best decorated store„ front,
The Merchants are requested to get
in touch with members of the Conn-
mittee. 64-1
Book"your orders• for etre• berries
early this year arid avoid disappoint-
ment, as the demand always exceeds
the supply.
insist on a full qua t box at low-
est market price. Il give both.
ferries delivered in town in any -
quantity, large or small-•"
Phone 88w, Clinton. • , 64-1
C 1
urnaees dead
It Saves One Ton of Coal in Seven '-
Call in and get a price on that
furnace you are thinking of Installing
this, year,' or prepare for cold weather
by. -having your old • one overhauled;
during the summer months., :
Phone 244 and leave your order and
we will look after yottr work for'•you.'.
hone '4
on Your Verandah
We have a wonderful stock of verandah furniture of all kinds.
Chaim and Rockers at all "prices. Don't fail to see our new Cocot
Verandah •Rugs, sizes ranging friers„ 3x9 feet to 71/2.1:91/2 feet. Tlrei'-
will wear for a life tine. and prices are very reasonable. Then' -we
have Haming Couches; Hammocks, Sun -Stop Shades, in fact every-
thing to make the. verandah comfortable and cosy.
When thinking of installing a bathroom, of Eavestroughs or roof-
ing it will pay you to consult us for prises, etc. '
Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardlvare 196
Combining Style, Quality, Material for only
$32.00. •
• r �
Clothes have a lot to do with your self-respect' your credit the
confidence other people feel in' you: ' Deist -for• 'dollar weee
the best i-nsestmgnt you can make is in -one of our:: fine a f P that
long wearing—handsomely tailored suits at i 32. PPeaxlyrg-
Biltinore Felt and Straw .Hats--r-New line of, 'Summer Fit -U Caps
Davis . Herman
PHONE 2g4 -w
sh for Eggs
and Poultry
Quality) Counts
Ve arkin' themarket for Eggs and Poultryall seasons of
\ a -
the `year,'prepared to pay to 'rices• for topquality.
92 per cent of Farmer's 'e s received last week w ee
k graded
Extras"arid Firs,ts,
GUNN,. LANGLOIS • Com, Limited
Clinton Branch open each day from 7:a.tht to 6 p.m,
Write, Phone or Calk for any further information you require
PHONE 190'